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Scene 4: Hilda and Aske gets to know each other.

Aske wakes up behind a house in a small village. Hilda stands over him with a bunch of clothes, he
asks if she stole them and she doesn’t care to reply. They continue and she asks him about his
life. He tells her about it freely, and she looks at him not with disgust but with curiosity. She tells
him of her assignment to become a Valkyrie and about how Valkyries work.

Page 1:
Panel 1: Morning time
Panel 2: In a small viking village.
Panel 3: Aske is sleeping behind a house
Panel 4: Hilda comes up to him

Panel 5: he wakes up.

Panel 6: Hilda: You sleep too much. Here, put these on. (hands Aske the clothes)

Panel 7: Aske: Um… Did you steal these?

Panel 8: Hilda: (turns around) Aren't you hungry? I'm starving! Let's go get some grub!
Aske:(thinking) I think she stole them.

Page 2:

Panel 1: Hilda: What was your name again? (walking) ☺

Aske :Aske.
Hilda: Tell me, Aske… How did you end up as a slave?

Aske: Huh? Um…

Panel 2: My village was raided when I was a child. My family was brought here on a ship.

Panel 3: Hilda: Where are they now?

Aske: Dead. It was a long time ago. I’ve been sold and traded ever since.

Panel 4: Hilda: That explains the energy.
Aske: What do you mean?

Panel 5: Hilda: Well, a first time trael can rarely get that kind of energy. And you are just skin and

bone. It had to be the strength of your spirit energy. Built up during years of hardship.
Panel 6: Aske: How did you learn all this?

Page 3:
Panel 1: Hilda: From my teacher of course, Sigfrid. She’s a Volva with magic knowledge and is

in connection with the gods.
Panel 2: She embraced me when I was tiny and has guided me ever since. Everything I know is

thanks to her teachings.

Panel 3: Aske: But… Where is she now? Did she stop teaching you?
Hilda: No! This is the final trial …

Panel 4: I need to practice rune magic in battle so I can become a valkyrie and join the viking

Page 4:
Panel 1: It is the goal of all valkyries, to journey with viking ships and battle with rune magic in war!
That is the only way to get to feast with Odin, king of the Aesir gods, in his great hall Valhalla. An
honorable life and death will earn you a spot as close to Odin as possible!

Panel 2: Aske:(thinking) But… My village got destroyed by raiding vikings… she doesn’t even
seem to get that? Or maybe she doesn’t care?

Page 5:
Panel 1: Hilda: That’s why a valkyrie needs a strong trael. Each valkyrie has a bond with her trael
that is only broken when the trael expires. The bond is not enough, though. To perform rune magic
together, the two of them need to have a connection and train that bond.

Panel 2: Hilda: Thus, a valkyrie’s most valued asset is her trael. Some valkyries have even kept the
same trael for several years!

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