SCIENCE FORM 1 Chap 9 Test

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Section B

1. Match the following hazard symbols with its examples.

Symbol Example
Concentrated hydrochloric acid.
Concentrated sodium hydroxide

Ammonia , Chloroform

Mercury, Bromine

Potassium , Sodium

[ 4 marks]

2(a) Match the types of rock to its correct characteristics

Sedimentary Cause by high pressure and temperature

Form from cooling and solidification of magma
or lava that flows out from the mantle

Formed from the compressed of sediment

Igneous materials which are carried by rivers, glaciers
rock and wind
[ 2 marks]

(b) Tick (/) for the correct statements about fossils

(i) Fossils record give information about the species that has disappeared
from Earth
(ii) Thermosphere is the atmosphere layer where living things breathe

(iii) Mantle is the outermost layer of the Earth, the place where all animals
and plants can survive.
(iv) Era are subdivided into units of geological time called period

[ 2 marks]
3. Convert the following quantities in the given units
(a) 340g = ___________ kg

(b) 0.024m = ___________ mm [2 marks]

(c) A student carried out an activity in the laboratory by using the apparatus set up below.
Identify the apparatus by using the word given below.

Tripod stand Conical flask Retort stand Filter funnel


P: ______________________________________

Q: ______________________________________

[ 2 marks]

4. Match the air pollutants below to their effects

Air pollutant Effect

(a) Carbon dioxide Causes thinning of ozone


(b) Sulphur dioxide Causes greenhouse effect

(c) Chlorofluorocarbon Causes haze


(d) Smoke and soot Causes acid rain

[ 4 marks]

5. Process that reshaped the earth’s surface consists of endogenic and exogenic processes.
Determine whether the Earth’s processes below are endogenic process or exogenic

Main processes of Earth Endogenic process/ Exogenic process

(a) Mass depletion

(b) Magma activity

(c) Earth crust movement

(d) Weathering

[ 4 marks]

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