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Form 4 Cloned SPM 2011


Cloned SPM 2011 – Form 4 Chapter 1 Answer: B

Diagram above shows the scale on a pair of vernier calipers that is in use to
measure the diameter of a tube.
What is the value of P?
Rajah di atas menunjukkan skala pada sebuah angkup vernier yang digunakan
untuk mengukur diameter sebuah tiub.
Apakah nilai P?
A 0.25 cm
B 0.55 cm
C 3.25 cm
D 3.80 cm

Cloned SPM 2011 – Form 4 Chapter 1 Answer: B

Which of the following is not a proper technique to increase the sensitivity of
a mercury-in-glass thermometer?
Yang manakah berikut bukan teknik yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan
kepekaan sebuah termometer merkuri?
A Decreases the thickness of the glass wall of the bulb
Mengurangkan ketebalan dinding kaca bebuli
B Increases the diameter of the mercury column
Menambahkan diameter bebenang merkuri
C Decreases the diameter of the mercury column
Mengurangkan diameter bebenang merkuri

Cloned SPM 2011 – Form 4 Chapter 1 Answer: C

Which of the following is a physical quantity that can be defined in terms of
other base quantities via equations?
Yang manakah berikut merupakan sebuah kuantiti fizik yang boleh ditakrifkan
daripada kuantiti-kuantiti asas yang lain melalui persamaan?
A Time
B Mass
C Force
D Temperature
Form 5 Cloned SPM 2011

Cloned SPM 2011 – Form 5 Chapter 1

Answer: B

Which of the following is one of the applications of ultra violet ray?

Yang mana berikut merupakah salah satu kegunaan sinar ultraungu?
A destroy cancer cells
membunuh sel-sel kanser
B detect counterfeit notes
mengesan wang kertas palsu
C determine ocean depth
menentukan kedalaman lautan
D check baggage at the airport
memeriksa bagasi di lapangan terbang

Cloned SPM 2011 – Form 5 Chapter 1

Answer: E

Diagram above shows sound waves produce by an audio generator. The

travelling speed of the sound wave in the air is 350 ms-1.
What is the frequency of the sound wave produced?
Rajah di atas menunjukkan gelombang bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh penaja
bunyi. Laju rambatan gelombang bunyi itu dalam udara ialah 350 ms-1.
Apakah nilai frekuensi gelombang bunyi yang dihasilkan itu?

A 204.0 Hz
B 283.3 Hz
C 341.2 Hz
D 408.0 Hz
E 437.5 Hz

Cloned SPM 2011 – Form 5 Chapter 1

Answer: C
Diagram above shows two water waves travelling in opposite direction. The
waves meet at point X a second later.
Which of the following form of wave can be observed at point X?
Rajah di atas menunjukkan dua gelombang air yang sedang merambat dalam
arah yang berlawanan. Gelombang-gelombang itu bertemu pada titik X sesaat
Bentuk gelombang yang manakah berikut boleh diperhatikan pada titik X?

Cloned SPM 2011 – Form 5 Chapter 1 Answer: A

Diagram below shows an interference pattern produced in a ripple tank.
Which of the following combination is correct?
Rajah berikut menunjukkan corak interferens yang dihasilkan dalam sebuah
tangki riak.
Gabungan yang manakah berikut adalah yang betul?
Constructive interference Destructive interference
Interferens membina Interferens memusnah


Cloned SPM 2011 – Form 5 Chapter 1

Answer: A

Diagram above shows a wave phenomenon that occurs as a wave is

approaching an obstacle and then bounced back from the obstacle.
Which of the following statement is correct in describing the phenomenon?
Rajah di atas menunjukkan sebuah fenomena gelombang yang wujud ketika
gelombang menuju ke subuah penghalang dan kemudian dipantulkan
penghalang tersebut.
Penyataan yang manakah berikut adalah benar dalam menerangkan fenomena
A The wavelength of water waves before and after the phenomenon are the same
Panjang gelombang air sebelum dan selepas fenomena itu adalah sama
B The wavelength of water waves becomes longer after the phenomenon
Panjang gelombang air menjadi lebih panjang selepas fenomena itu
C The amplitude of water waves becomes smaller after the phenomenon
Amplitud gelombang air menjadi lebih kecil selepas fenomena itu

Cloned SPM 2011 – Form 5 Chapter 1

Answer: A
[The following SPM Question is exactly the same as Question 28 in the
existing workbook. Just label the Question 28 with “SPM 2011”]
33) Diagram 23 shows the fringes obtained when red light is used in a Young's
double slit experiment.
Rajah 23 menunjukkan pinggir-pingir yang diperoleh apabila cahaya merah
digunakan dalam eksperimen dwicelah Young.
Which of the following fringes are observed when the red light is replaced by
blue light?
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah merupakan pingir-pingir yang
diperhatikan jika cahaya merah digantikan dengan cahaya biru?

Cloned SPM 2011 – Form 5 Chapter 1

Answer: C

Diagram above shows an inertia balance. The rack is oscillating sideways.

If the experiment is repeated on the Moon surface that has a lower
gravitational field strength compared to the Earth, the frequency of vibration
of the system will
Rajah di atas menunjukkan sebuah neraca inersia. Rak itu sedang berayun
secara melintang.
Jika eksperimen itu diulangi pada permukaan bulan yang mempunyai medan
gravity yang lebih lemah berbanding dengan bumi, frekuensi ayunan sistem
itu akan
A increase
B decrease
C remain unchanged
tidak berubah
Form 5 Cloned SPM 2011
Paper 2 Section A
Cloned SPM 2011: PAPER 2 SECTION A
Form 5 Chaper 1

(a)(i) Pendulum R
(ii) R and P have the same natural frequency due to their length.
(iii) Resonance
(b) (i) T = 1s/ 2 oscillation = 0.5s
(ii) f = 2 oscillaiton/ 1s = 2Hz

4. Diagram above shows four pendulums, P, Q, R and S being suspended from a

thread tied to two retort stand.
Rajah di atas menungukkan empat bandul, P, Q, R dan S digantung pada
seutas benang yang diikat pada dua kaki retort.

Pendulum P is swung into oscillation. The other pendulums start to oscillate

due to the oscillation of the pendulum P.
Bandul P disesarkan dan dibiarkan. Bandul-bandul lain turut berayun kerana
ayunan bandul P.

(a)(i) Determine the pendulum with the maximum amplitude of oscillation

instead of P.
Tentukan bandul yang berayun dengan amplitud maksimum selain
daripada P.
[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Explain you answer in (a)(i).
Terangkan jawapan anda di (a)(i).
[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(iii) Give the name of the phenomenon which occurs based on your answer
in (a)(i).
Berikan nama fenomenon yang berlaku berdasarkan jawapan anda di
4(a)(i). [1 mark]
[1 markah]
(b) Pendulum P make 2 complete oscillation in 1 second. Calculate
Bandul P melakukan 2 ayunan yang lengkap dalam 1 saat.
(i) the period of oscillation of pendulum P.
tempoh ayunan bandul P. [2 marks]
[2 markah]
(ii) frequency of the oscillation of pendulum P.
frekuensi ayunan bandul P. [2 marks]
[2 markah]

Form 5 Cloned SPM 2011

Paper 3 Section B
(Experimental Report)
Form 5 Chapter 1

(a) The distance between two consecutive loud sounds is affected by the distance
between the two speakers.
(b) The greater the distance between two coherent sources, the greater the distance
between two consecutive antinodes.
(i) To investigate the relationship between the distance between two coherent
sources, a and the distance between two consecutive antinodes, x.
(ii) Manipulated variable: the distance between two coherent sources, a
Responding variable: the distance between two consecutive antinodes, x
Fixed variable: Wavelength, Frequency
(iii) metre rule, stroboscope, water, glass block, ripple tank with two dippers,
vibration motor connected to power supply
- Set the the distance between two coherent sources (dippers), at 2.0 cm. Switch
on the lamp and the vibration motor.
- Measure the distance between two consecutive antinodes at a fixed distance of
15cm away from the two dippers by using a stroboscope and a metre rule.
- Repeat the experiment with the distance between the two coherent
sources(dippers) set at 3.0cm, 4.0cm, 5.0cm and 6.0cm.
Distance Distance between
between two two consecutive
coherent antinodes, x/cm
a /cm



Diagram (a) Diagram (b)

4. Diagram (a) shows the audio system set in a concert hall. Some of the
audiences are able to hear the loud and clear voice generated by speaker A and
speaker B while some of the audiences cannot.
The event organizer makes an adjustment to the speaker as shown in Diagram
When speaker A and speaker B are placed closed to each other, all the
audiences are able to get a loud and clear voice.
Based on information and observation:
(a) State one suitable inference
(b) State one suitable hypothesis
(c) With the use of apparatus such as ripple tank with two dippers and other
suitable apparatus, describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis
stated in 4(b)
In your description, state clearly the following:
(i) The aim of the experiment
(ii) The variables in the experiment
(iii) The list of apparatus and materials
(iv) The arrangement of the apparatus
(v) The procedure of the experiment which should include one method of
controlling the manipulated variable and one method of measuring the
responding variable.
(vi) The way to tabulate the data
(vii) The way to analyse the data

4. Rajah (a) menunjukkan sistem siaran yang dipasang pada sebuah dewan
konsert. Sebahagian daripada penonton dapat mendengar suara yang kuat dan
jelas yang dihasilkan daripada pembesar suara A dan pembesar suara B tetapi
sebahagian daripada penonton tidak dapat.

Penganjur kemudiannya membuat penyelarasan terhadap pembesar suara

seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah (b). Ketika pembesar suara A dan
pembesar suara B diletakkan saling berdekatan, semua penonton mendapat
bunyi yang kuat dan jelas.
Berdasarkan maklumat dan pemerhatian:
(a) Nyatakan satu infeens yang sesuai
(b) Nyatakan satu hipotesis yang sesuai
(c) Dengan menggunakan radas seperti tangki riak dengan dua pencelup dan lain-
lain radas yang sesuai, terangkan satu eksperimen untuk menyiasat hipotesis
yang dinyatakan di 4(b)
(i) Tujuan eksperimen
(ii) Pembolehubah dalam eksperimen
(iii) Senarai radas dan bahan
(iv) Susunan radas
(v) Prosedur eksperimen yang mesti termasuk satu kaedah mengawal
pembolehubah dimanipulasikan dan satu kaedah mengukur pembolehubah
bergerak balas.
(vi) Cara untuk menjadualkan data
(vii) Cara untuk menganalisis data

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