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 While some newly hired staff received salary increases of ten to fifteen percent, Miss Joan, a
former employee of Mannadel Corporation, did not receive any during her previous salary
appraisal, which upset and dissatisfied her.
 Miss Joan will not receive an increase at this time until the salary range catches up to her
level in the salary plan because Mr. Santiago explained that her salary was already
significantly above the salary grade for the position evaluative.
 Program wasn't succinctly described. Miss Joan is dissatisfied with Mr. Santiago's
explanation of the program. She so plotted all night to get a leave of absence despite having
many rush programs assigned to her.

II. Case Facts

 Must come up with a pay package that would please Miss Joan Santos
 To prevent miss Joan santos from filling absence of leave

III. Analysis/Hypothesis
 Even though Miss Joan Santos has been employed by the firm for about 6 years and
has already delivered extremely excellent results, she hasn't received a pay raise.
She felt unfairly treated because her coworkers had already gotten 10% to 15% of
their pay even though they had just joined the firm a year earlier. This made her
sad, dissatisfied, and angry.

IV. Alternative Course of Action

- In order for Miss Joan to comprehend why she did not obtain a pay raise, the specific findings of
her prior review must be given to her.
 She can comprehend the scenario if the results of the earlier examination are clearly
 With this knowledge, she will stop griping about other employees' pay raises.

 Miss Joan could not be completely happy with the outcome since she might feel
that because of all the things she has done for the business, her compensation
should have increased.
 She can feel aggrieved by the outcome and decide to leave the firm because she
thinks it is unfair to her.
V. Recommendation and Conclusion

- All three of the suggested solutions would benefit Mannadel Corporation, Miss Joan, and the
aforementioned issue. The first initial step is providing a detailed explanation of how the results
of the prior review and wage changes turned out. Miss Joana would have a better grasp of the
predicament she is in if she knew how her work appraisal influenced her pay when she did not
earn a pay raise. The second execution of the orientation regarding the assessment procedures
and how it would impact the employees' wage adjustments is the second course of action. If the
staff members are aware of these procedures, they won't complain since they will be aware of
how their performance affects the company and the outcome of their appraisal grade.
The third course of action advises Miss Joan not to make a decision right now because doing so
may harm her standing with the firm and jeopardize her career. Due to what transpired,
deciding to take a leave of absence right away would not assist to solve the issue at hand;
rather, it would make things worse.


Right now, Miss Joan's best line of action is to voice her concerns to higher-ups, who may then
inform her of the facts surrounding the review process and the reason she was not given a pay
rise. Higher management might provide a detailed explanation of the causes behind the
outcomes of the prior review procedure. She doesn't need to decide to take a leave of absence
right once; instead, she has to show the organization that she is capable and willing to give a
better performance. Additionally, despite the fact that she did not receive any compensation
changes, she is still given an incentive bonus, but it is not as large as that of her department's
newly hired coworkers.

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