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During the tennis match event, Noel got hurt. He lost two days of work as a
result, and he is now out of sick and vacation days. Unfortunately, non-related job
accidents are not covered by the company's or ECC's policy.
II. Case Facts
 Noel severely twisted his ankle during a crash.
 Noel's injury worsened, necessitating a 2-day hospital stay after the X-ray
revealed hairline fractures.
 Noel was absent from work for two days.
III. Analysis/Hypothesis
 Analysis - Even if Noel's circumstance is outside the purview of his job tasks
and obligations, the company is involved because the athletic program is
run by the corporation. Meaning, they agreed with it.
 Hypothesis - In order to truly respect their employees, Jonadel Corporation
will choose to express empathy toward Noel. To the extent of this specific
situation, both parties are accountable.
IV. Alternative Course of Action
 All employees of the organization should discuss a solution to this issue.
Since they are all tennis fans, the administration was informed that this
incident would occur from the beginning.
V. Recommendation and Conclusion

 The employer is responsible for ensuring the safe return of injured workers
like Noel.
 While on a short-term or extended sick leave, an employee's employment
cannot be abruptly terminated by the employer.
 Both parties are urged to assess their obligations to one another with
relation to health and safety precautions taken within or outside of the
workplace. Examining the job contract is part of it.
 Worse-case scenarios, such as an injury resulting in a disability during
Noel's working hours, may occur if the firm itself continued to ignore
 A claim for wrongful dismissal may be avoided by doing so. As a result,
there will be less chance of problems against the company developing.
 They will become informed and come up with a decision and solution
that is less controversial and problematic.

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