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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Sum19) Name: Brooke Pruim Grade Level Being Taught: 3rd Subject/Content: Authors claim Group Size: Date of Lesson: 4/16/2023 15 ‘What misconceptions might students have about this, ‘content? (talk to your CT) ‘Confuse the authors purpose with the authors aim ‘Objectives: What students will know or be able todo after the instruction - the learning ‘outcomes Content (WHAT students are learning: lok to the standard) ‘ction (HOW students wil show it there might be cues in the standard) Measure (HOW WELL they need to doit) (Note: Degree of mastery does not need to bea percentage.) (connect back to 4504/07 ‘Support/reinforced in {instructional planning) Some examples Students! be able to accurately (measure- how well) dierent (aetion-how) between potential fan kinetic energy (content: what) “Based on what they read in the fst haf ofa fletion story students will be ale to write faetion- Row) 2 easonable (measure- how well) prodicton (also part ofthe ation) for how the main character wil respond toa challenge in the second half (eotent- what). Students willbe able to accurately identify the claim an author makes in a text. Student will beable to accurately explain how an author uses evidence to support the claim intext ‘Based on what they read, students will understand the ways coral refs can be protected and restored,

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