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CAS Report - Office of the Univeristy Registrar at Fresno State Pilar Garcia, Mee Her, Angelica Quintero, and Vanesa Sierra Higher Education Administration and Leadership, California State University Fresno HEAL 226: Assessment Dr. Emily Langdon November 22, 2022 Part REGISTRAR SERVICES CAS Self-Assessment Guide : MISSION Suggested Evidence and Documentation for Part 1: 1. Current mission statement, brief description of how it was developed, and date of last review Additional goals, valucs, and statements of purpose Description and copies (if applicable) of where mission statement is disseminated (e.g., included in operating and personnel policies, procedures and/or handbook, hanging in office common space, on website, in strategic plan, and other promotional materials) Institutional/divisional mission statements (e.g., map program mission to broader mission statements) Any additional professional standards aligned with program/service (e.g., standards promoted by functional area organizations) Institutional demographics, description of student population served, and information about community setting 1.1 Program and Services Mission The mission of Registrar Services (RS) is to support student learning, development, and success by managing the stewardship and integrity of student academic records; establishing, managing, and enforcing student and educational policies and practices in titutional standards and policies; and administering the implementation and maintenance of student information systems. accordance with i RS develops and defines its mission The RS mission is consistent with the mission of the department, college, division, institution, and applicable professional standards. The RS mission supports the academic mission of the institution. The RS mission is appropriate for the institution’s students, designated clients, and other constituents, RS advances its mission. DNA IE 0 1 2 Does Not | Insufficient | Does Not | Partly Meets | Meets 2 Apply Evidence/ Meet Unable to Rate Justification for 1.1 Rating: The mission of Fresno State’s Registrar office strives to uphold the policies of the institution in addition to facilitating the graduation process in collaboration with the campus community to support a timely graduation for the students. 1.2 Mission Statement © RS implements, disseminates, regularly reviews, and updates its mission statement, © The mission statement references student learning, development, and success. DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating: Does Not | Insufficient | Does Not | Partly Meets | Meets 2 Apply Evidence/ Meet Unable to Rate Justification for 1.2 Rating: The mission statement is © The Office of the University Registrar is dedicated to providing quality services to students, faculty, and staff. Our services include but are not limited to, registration assistance, maintaining student academic records, and Veteran services. Our office is also responsible for course articulation, coding transfer credit, and providing tools in support of accurate advising and timely graduation. We strive to uphold the policies of the institution and facilitate the graduation process through effective communication with the campus community while preserving the academic integrity of the university and the right of privacy for the student Overview Questions: 1, How does the mission embrace student learning and development? a. The mission statement for the Registrar's office does not provide learning for students but it does allow students to move forward. 2. In what ways does the RS mission complement the mission of the institution? a. Itis almost impossible to find Fresno State’s mission statement. However, as a division of the institution, the Office of Registrar’s mission statement’s outcome should align with the institution’s mission statement, The Office of Registration’s mission statement mentions their responsibility to uphold institution policies and providing tools to support advising for timely graduation. 3. To what extent is the mission used to guide practice? a. The mission statement is used to communicate their purpose to the division/office. Part 5. ACCESS, EQUITY, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION Suggested Evidence and Documentation for Part 5: 1. Vision statements, goals, and objectives related to access, equity, diversity, and inclusion 2. Training plans and agendas for personnel and/or students 3. Lists of programs and curriculums related to access, equity, diversity, and inclusion 4. Policies, procedures, and/or handbooks (specifically statements against harassment or discrimination) Facilities accessibility audit Assessment results such as participation rates, demographics, campus climate, and student needs aw 5.1 Inclusive and Equitable Edueational and Work Environments. © Registrar Services (RS) creates and maintains educational and work environments that are welcoming, accessible, inclusive, equitable, and free from bias or harassment. © RS does not discriminate on the basis of race; color; national origin; sex; disability; age; cultural identity; ethnicity; nationality; citizenship; family educational history; political affiliation; religious a marital, ation; sexual orientation; gender identity and expression; family, social, economic, place of residence, or veteran status; or any other ba included in codes, laws, and institutional policies. RS treats people courteously and with respect. © RS applies policies and decisions consistently, fairly, and equitably to ensure no student is disadvantaged by unfair application of policies DNA IE 0 1 2 Does Not | Insufficient | Does Not | Partly Meets | Meets 2 Apply Evidence/ Meet Unable to Rate Justification for 5.1 Rating. The staff of the Registrar Office is required to complete Gender Equity and Title IX and Violence training. The training is to ensure the safety and well-being of staff and students. It creates an inclusive and equitable work environment. As staff we have information that is shared with the department in the case we have a student expressing self-harm, then we are mandated to report it through the CARE service provided by the Fresno State Student Health Center, We are to provide our services and help to all of our student populations. If they need to make accommodations to a service they do it as long as they continue following policies. 5.2 Organizational Aspects of Access, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion © RS provides equitable access to facilities and resources for all constituents. ‘© RS responds to the needs of all constituents when establishing hours of operation and developing methods for delivering programs, services, and resources. ‘© RS identifies and addresses actions, policies, and structures within its operation that perpetuate systems of privilege and oppression. DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating: Does Not | Insufficient | Does Not | Partly Meets | Meets Apply Evidence/ Meet Unable to Rate Justification for 5.2 Rating: The services that the registrar's office provides to students are focused on registration, records and graduation, They are there to serve all students from an analytic perspective but when needed they advocate for students. However, other departments in the Division of Student Affairs, such as the Cross Cultural Gender Center do focus on these needs. This information can, be referenced in the 2021-2022 annual report feedback (responses) and the Fresno State Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Strategic Plan. 5.3 Advocating for Access, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion © RS advocates for accessible facilities and resources and addresses issues that impede access, ‘RS establishes protocols in collaboration with appropriate units, for communication and contingency planning to support students, staff, and faculty who need accommodations in classrooms and labs. RS advocates for inclusion, multiculturalism, and social justice within the institution. © RS enacts culturally responsive, inclusive, respectful, and equitable practices in the provision of services. ‘© RS develops plans for ongoing professional development on cultural competence and workplace inclusion. DNA IE 0 1 2 Does Not | Insufficient | Does Not | Partly Meets Meets 2 Apply Evidence/ Meet Unable to Rate Justification for 5.3 Rating The Registrar's Office advocates for social justice through looking at polici barriers are preventing students from registering for classes. Some of the barriers is understanding why students are either withdrawing or not enrolling for classes. Students are and identify what unable to register for class because of financial issues which prevents them from paying for tuition. This creates a barrier for students by putting a dropping their registration for the next ancial aid office, the Registrar’s office work together with the cycle. In collaboration with the financial obligation hold instead of dropping the student. Another example our o increase equity is by following up with students who filed for graduation or candidacy however dropped from the institution, The Registrar's office pulled the financial aid’s office to be involve. 5.4 Implementing Access, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion © RS establishes goals for access, equity, diversity, and inclusion. RS addresses the characteristics and needs of diverse constituents when establishing and implementing culturally relevant and inclusive programs, services, policies, procedures, and practices, © RS is sensitive to students who are historically underrepresented or have distinct needs at the institution to ensure sufficient services and support are being provided. ‘¢ RS ensures that personnel are trained in diversity, equity, access, and inclusion and are held accountable for applying the training to its work. RS has an established protocol for, and fosters expectations of, bias incident reporting RS cultivate understanding of identity, culture, self-expression, and Personnel wit! heritage. © Personnel within RS promote respect for commonalities and differences among people within their historical and cultural contexts. © When educational and/or workplace accommodations are requested, RS provides individuals with an interactive process to determine reasonable accommodations. DNA. IE, 0 1 2 Rating: Does Not | Insufficient | Does Not | Partly Meets Meets 2 Apply Evidence/ Meet Unable to Rate Justification for 5.4 Rating. As an office altogether we make sure that all of our departments provide and alter the services if needed for students. For example, in the Student Services Center department we have instances when students have expressed to us that they need to drop their courses for the semester because the; access to any technological devices. In this ease, we work with the student and their social worker where we have them send us a letter of the student’s current situation and we administratively drop the student from their classes. Another organizational example that our office takes yearly is about “Gender, Equity and Title IX” which is a required training when you start working as an employee and continue to do so over the years. Over the years we have also updated a form that we have called the “Student Information Update” form that gives students the opportunity to update their gender and they can choose their pronouns through their Fresno State portal. going through mental health issues and are in a mental health facility so they don’t have su Overview Questions: 1. How does RS ensure constituents experience a welcoming, accessible, and inclusive environment that is equitable and free from harassment? a. The office ensures a safe place for staff, students and faculty 2. How does RS identify barriers to and advocate for access, equity, diversity, and inclusion? a. For this section, we identified that the Registrar’s office has identified barriers, for example, adding on the Student Information Update form an option for the student to update their gender and choose their pronouns through their Fresno State student portal. 3. How does RS address imbalances in participation among selected populations of students? a, The office does address imbalances in participation among selected populations of students by accommodating students if a procedure of a form, for example, doesn’t work for them. 4. How does RS address imbalances in staffing patterns among selected populations of program personnel? a. For this section, the director works with the Human Resources office at Fresno State when hiring staff. The process works by ereating a diverse committee with staff from different offices/departments and that represent the diverse student population at Fresno State as well. 5. How does RS ensure cultural competence of its personnel to foster inclusion in the program? a. We can go back to the training “Gender, Equity and Title IX” and updating the Student Information Update form to give the students the option to change their gender to what they identify best with, Part 6. LEADERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, AND SUPERVISION Suggested Evidence and Documentation for Part 6: 1. Periodic reports, contracts, and personnel memos 2. Annual reports by program leaders ae 5, Program leader resumes, including additional professional involvement Strategic and operating plans ‘Needs assessment of program constituents 6.1 Leadership Registrar Services (RS) leaders model ethical behavior and demonstrate alignment with institutional mission, goals, and ethical practices. RS leaders provide management and supervision as well as lead strategie planning and program advancement. RS leaders create a vision for the functional area. RS leaders communicate goals. RS leaders model and expect commitment. RS leaders build teams, coalitions, and alliances. RS leaders influence others to contribute to the effectiveness and success of the unit. RS leaders advance diversity, equity, access, and inclusion goals in the workplace. RS leaders incorporate data and information in decision making, RS leaders develop a risk management plan for the organization. RS leaders incorporate sustainable practices in the design of programs, facilities RS leaders develop and empower new leaders from within the organization. RS leaders collaborate with colleagues and departments across the institution, RS leaders adhere to organizational constraints. RS leaders provide leadership in institutional compliance with governmental regulations, institutional policies, and other regulatory mandates that impact student records. RS leaders advocate for and actively promote the functional area’s mission and goals. RS leaders communicate with constituents about current issues affecting the profession. RS leaders identify and address individual, organizational, and environmental conditions that foster or inhibit mission achievement. vices, and RS leaders facilitate discussion and decisions regarding program advancement. RS leaders advocate for representation in strategic planning processes at departmental, divisional, and institutional levels. RS provides leadership on the implementation of o technical systems throughout the institution that host student information and support student success © curriculum approved by the faculty © cooperative academic programs © articulation agreements © other programs involving academic credit © RS leaders safeguard and enhance i titutional integrity by acting as data stewards and leading discussions on issues such as 0 protecting the records of contentious data requests protecting the records of contentious data requests © records and information technology decisions © degree clearance © privacy laws and student data protection © raise the standards flag to institutional leadership when activities occur that do not meet the standards and ethics of the institution DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating: Does Not Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 2 Apply ‘vidence/ Meet lable to Rate Justification for 6.1 Rating: The office also offers a variety of professional staff/faculty development opportunities through. Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management (DOSAEM) and University. The staff and faculty recognize the value of their contributions to the division and the university mission. 6.2 Management © RS managers are empowered to demonstrate effective management. ¢ RS managers plan, allocate, and monitor the use of fiscal, physical, human, intellectual, and technological resources © RS managers develop plans for scholarship, leadership, and servi the profession, © RS managers engage diverse perspectives from within and outside the unit to inform decision making. to the institution and DNA IE 0 1 2 Does Not | Insufficient | Does Not | Partly Meets | Meets 2 Apply Evidence/ Meet Unable to Rate Justification for 6.2 Rating: The Registrar's office allows for growth in staff's professional development, The registrar and director of the Veteran’s supervisor have annual one-on-one meetings with the staff to ensure what they need and how she can support them individually and as a team. This we can refer to the leadership and supervision interview and essay with Laura Yager. 6.3 Supervision © RS supervisors incorporate institutional policies and procedures in the development of strategies for recruitment, selection, professional development, supervision, performance planning, succession planning, evaluation, recognition, and reward of personnel. © RS supervisors consult with institutional HR personnel to access and receive education and training that influence successful performance of personnel RS supervisors provide feedback on personnel performance. RS supervisors identify and resolve workplace conflict. RS supervisors follow institutional policies for addressing complaints. RS supervisors provide reports and activity updates to management. RS supervisors work with personnel to develop plans for scholarship, leadership, and service to the profession and institution, ‘© RS supervisors provide supervision and support so that personnel may complete assigned tasks. DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating: Does Not | Insufficient | Does Not | Partly Meets | Meets 2 Apply Evidence Meet Unable to Rate Justification for 6.3 Rating: The supervisor provides a safe space for all staff to voice their concerns during their monthly team check ins, During these meetings they are heard, provided with feedback and the supervisor also acts on the concems that the staff voice. This gives the staff the support they need in order to work efficiently and effectively. This we can see by referring to the one-on-one meeting sheet, with a staff member that works in the office. 6.4 Strategic Planning ‘© Strategic planning processes facilitate continuous development, implementation, assessment, and evaluation of program effectiveness and goal attainment congruent with institutional mission and ongoing planning effort. © Strategie planning processes support ongoing assessment activities that improve student Icarning, development, and success. © Strategic planning processes utilize philosophies, principles, and values that guide the work of RS, ‘© Strategic planning processes promote environments that provide opportunities for student learning, development, and success. © Strategic planning processes develop, adapt, and improve programs and services in response to the needs of changing environments, populations served, and evolving institutional priorities. © Strategic planning processes engage many diverse constituents and perspectives from within and outside the unit to inform the development and implementation of the planning process. © Strategic planning processes result in a vision and mission that drive short- and long-term planning. © Strategic planning processes set goals and objectives based on the needs of the population served, intended student learning and development outcomes, and program outcomes. © RS leaders collaborate with faculty and administrators to create strategies that support. student success. DNA IE 0 1 2 Does Not | Insufficient | Does Not | Partly Meets | Meets 2 Apply Evidence/ Meet Unable to Rate Justification for 6.4 Rating: The Fresno State Registrar's Office ensures to provide all services needed for students specifically with registration, academic records and graduation. This we can see through the annual reports that are done every year within the registrar’s office and the overall Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management report. Overview Questions: 1. To what extent are RS leader(s) viewed as and held responsible for advancing the departmental mission? a. All leaders within the registrar’s office are responsible for advancing the departmental mission to be able to provide the services needed for students. If at any time service needs to change, be removed, or be added as leaders, they are responsible for making those changes in the benefit for the students. 2. What opportunities and barriers are present for RS leader(s) as they seek to fulfill the functional area mission? a. Barriers: When the office wanted to implement a new way to provide the drop/withdrawal process, we thought to remove faculty from needing to approve or deny. But it was necessary to meet with the faculty association, and they said to not remove them. So, when we add new services, sometimes it is not only our office’s choice but any other offices we collaborate with. b. Opportunities: As leaders, they have the opportunity to enhance many of the current services/programs that we have based on the new technology we have now that wasn’t available years back. 3. How do RS leaders advance the organization? a. RS leaders advance the organization by encouraging their team to participate in some professional development sessions. 4. How do RS leaders encourage collaboration across the institution? a. The registrar's office collaborates with financial aid and the admissions department. Anytime there is a change within these offices they notify each other because it essentially affects them all 5. How are RS leaders accountable for their performance? a. They have one-on-one meetings to ensure accountability for their performance as leaders. This is important because we have the registrar, associate registrar and assistant registrar for each of the departments 6. How have RS leaders empowered personnel and engaged stakeholders? a, The supervisors believe in the capability of their staff and trust that they will work towards their department and the university's mission. The registar department does not engage stakeholders. Part 8. COLLABORATION AND COMMUNICATION Suggested Evidence and Documentation for Part 8: 1. Promotional material (brochures/sources of information about the program, catalogs, brochures, staff and student handbooks) 2. Media procedures and guidelines 3. List and description of relationships with internal and external partners 4, Minutes from meetings/interactions with key constituents 8.1 Collaboration © Registrar Services (RS) personnel collaborate and consult with institutional leaders, faculty, individuals, and departments essential to the success of the program. RS collaborat. RS collaborates to gamer support and resources, RS collaborates to meet the needs of students, designated clients, and other constituents. RS collaborates to achieve program and student outcomes. RS collaborates to engage diverse populations to enrich the educational environment. s with individuals, groups, communities, and organizations RS collaborates to disseminate information about programs and services. RS collaborates to solve problems pertinent to the student population, designated clients, or the organization. © RS refers students, designated clients, and other constituents to appropriate resources when assistance is needed beyond the functional area’s scope. DNA IE 0 1 2 Does Not Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 2 Apply Evidence/ Meet Unable to Rate Justification for 8.1 Rating: The registrar's office collaborates with financial aid and the admissions department. There is, continuous communication and collaboration within these departments to help support students. Anytime there is a change within these offices they notify each other because it essentially affects them all. This evidence can be referenced under the monthly team meeting document. 8.2 Communication © RS provides relevant information, services, and resources that explain its mission and goals RS develops and implements strategies for outreach and promotion. RS promotional and descriptive information is accurate and free of deception and misrepresentation DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating: Does Not | Insufficient | Does Not | Partly Meets Meets 1 Apply Evidence/ Meet Unable to Rate Justification for 8.2 Rating: The Registrar's Office does an excellent job of communicating with their students. Registrar’s Services sends mass email consistently throughout the academic year to ensure students are aware of the important deadlines for class registrations. Additionally, the website offers student services tools, such as the Degree Progress Report, to provide an overview of the degree equi irement students need to complete to graduate based on their catalog year. The office may do better at connecting with students through social media since right now that’s a very popular form of communication. 8.3 Procedures and Guidelines RS has and follows procedures and guidelines consistent with institutional policy for communicating with the media. RS has and follows procedures and guidelines consistent with institutional policy for distributing information through print, broadcast, and online sources RS has and follows procedures and guidelines consistent with institutional policy for the use of social media, ‘© RS has and follows procedures and guidelines consistent with institutional policy for contracting with external organizations for delivery of programs and services. © RS has and follows procedures and guidelines consistent with institutional policy for developing relationships with donors. © RS has and follows procedures and guidelines consistent with institutional policy for dissemination of relevant information in a timely manner to all constituents. DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating: Does Not sufficient | Does Not | Partly Meets Meets 2 Apply Evidence! Meet Unable to Rate Justification for 8.3 Rating: The Registrar's Office must follow the policies and guidelines, specifically with FERPA because they work with student records in all the departments. With FERPA, they ensure the privacy of the students. The office is required to stay up to date with policies and how that may affect students and the services that are being provided to the student community and faculty. This is something we may refer to in the department annual report and mission statement where it shows that the office works a lot with student's records. Overview Questions: 1. With which relevant individuals, campus offices, and external agencies must RS maintain effective relationships? Why are these relationships important, and how are they mutually beneficial? a, The Financial Aid and Scholarships, Admissions and Recruitment, Scheduling, Faculty Association, Continuing and Global Education are important offices to maintain relationships with because we all work with students in some form or another whether that’s to help them get into the university or throughout their time asa student with, for example, registration questions/problems. 2. How does RS maintain effective relationships with program constituents? a, They share continuous communication with student centered off to be maintained in order to maintain success within the department, 3. How does RS assess the effectiveness of its relations with individuals, campus offices, and external agencies? a. One of the ways the registrar’s office communicates with the students is through chat, Once the student is done communicating with the office, there’s a survey at the end to assess how helpful they were. This needs Fresno State Registrar’s Office Mission Statement © Mission Statement © The Office of the University Registrar is dedicated to providing quality services to students, faculty, and staff. Our services include, but are not limited to, registration assistance, maintaining student academic records, and Veteran services. Our office is also responsible for course articulation, coding transfer credit, and providing tools in support of accurate advising and timely graduation. We strive to uphold the policies of the institution and facilitate the graduation, process through effective communication with the campus community while preserving the academic integrity of the university and the right of privacy for the student. Commendations - Good Practices Misson The Office of the Registrar includes registration services for current students, student records, undergraduate Degree Evaluations, Veterans Services Office, as well as Transfer Credit & Articulation, Our friendly staff is available virtually during regular business hours to assist you with any questions or concems you may have. Access, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion The Office of Registrar looks at policy to address barriers that prevent students from enrolling in classes. They collaborate with the Dean of Students and Financial Aid’s Office to change policy to reflect the needs of the students. AB 1460 is a policy the Office of Register implements in ethnic studies, Students of color and white students benefit academically and socially from taking ethnic studies courses. Ethnic study courses are essential in building an inclusive multicultural environment. Leadership, Management, and Supervision The program director facilitates monthly staff meetings where the team has the opportunity to update each other on each department's accomplishments. This is the opportunity to ask questions as well. The director and associate director have individual staff meetings where staff can express how they’re doing with daily work tasks. If something is not working with the staff, or if the staff is doing well, they may also talk about that. The director and associate’s director also encourage growth in professional development Collaboration and Communication The Office of the Registrar has accommodated students’ needs while going through a transition period due to the pandemic. They added a live chat service on the organization's website during regular business hours. This allows students to receive assistance instantly. The Registrars! office now has a direct email that did not exist before the pandemic. Both of these contact points have been a great asset to accommodate students and have shown continuous improvement. The Office of the Registrar receives award-winning recognition for its excellent customer service to students, staff, and faculty. Areas for Improvement and Recommended Action Collaboration and Communication Areas for Improvement: ‘There is a lack of social media interaction and communic ‘out emails to students, for example, about upcoming deadlines. However, they still get students, calling about having no prior knowledge about the deadlines or what the deadlines are, With a new generation of students now, they use social media a lot as an outlet to get information. For that reason, having the office be active through Facebook, Instagram and even Twitter will be a good way to stay in contact with students and grasp their attention to deadlines, Recommendations for Functional Area Action Create an assessment plan where the office designates a person ot small team within the office to work on creating social media posts with information about upcoming deadlines, and create interactive activities with students, so they gain knowledge about the office.

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