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Grammar (pages 19-20)

Exercise 2
1. If the Italian research team had not stumbled on the reason why humans
can empathize with someone who is in pain, they would not have
discovered mirror neurons.
2. If the Italian researchers had not studied monkeys’ brains, they would not
have located mirror neurons in humans.
3. If Mike McIntyre had not taken a leap of faith to travel penniless across
America, his belief in the inherent goodness of strangers would not have
been confirmed.
4. If Carol had not told Mike about the school, he would not have had such a
wonderful time sharing with the children.
5. If Baxter had not told Mike that they opened their home only to other
family members, Mike would not have understood how special their
hospitality towards him was.
6. If Mike had not given up the money he earned at his job to travel across
America, he would not have had the richest experience of his life.

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