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First-Generation Student

Retention at Fresno State

By: Vanesa Sierra & Pilar Garcia
Our Team:

The purpose of this research is to build on

ongoing research to strengthen current
programs that support first-generation
students at four year institutions in
California to have higher student retention

● Diversity of students in higher education has increased over the years.

○ Traditional and Nontraditional students
○ Student Profile: minoritized groups, underrepresented groups, first-generation,
non-traditional aged, veterans, etc.
○ For our proposal/research we specifically focus on first-generation students.
● Therefore, many institutions have changed its campus environment (ex:
resources) to address the needs of the students.
● There are many factors that affect student retention, specifically among
first-generation students.
○ Factors: Campus environment, sense of belonging, validation, student support services
Introduction (continuation)

● First-Generation Students (Statistics)

○ 50% of the student population in higher education are first-generation students
○ Student population faces many barriers and challenges: they’re the first in their family to
attend and graduate college, navigate college system, low-income backgrounds, financial aid,
and postsecondary work
○ 42% of college student who graduate in 2015-2016 with a bachelor’s degree were
first-generation college students
○ At the CSU, nearly one-third of undergraduate students are the first in their family to attend
Research Question

There’s many factors that affect

student retention for first-generation
college students but we want to
explore how student support services
programs play a role in higher
retention rates for first-generation
New Terminology

Migrant Farmworkers Student Support First-Generation

Services Students

Campus Retention

Fresno State Students Students

CAMP Participants

● Fresno State First-Generation students in the College Assistance Migrant Program

○ Must be first-time freshmen at Fresno State,
○ Must have been part of the migrant program anytime from K-12, OR
○ You (student) or your parents or guardians must have worked a minimum of 75 days within the past 2
years in agriculture-related work
● Qualitative Study
● Four focus groups and six Interviews
● Focus groups will 30 minutes to 2 hours
● Interviews would las between 20 minutes to 1 hour
● Collect Data through focus groups
○ Interviews would provided more time to ask follow-up questions and get more details
Literature Review

Culturally Engaging
Campus Validation Theory
Environments and
Sense of Belonging

Student Support
Services Programs

1 2 3
Students who take CAMP contributes to the CAMP participants
part in student students success and, often face unique
support services challenges during the
support becomes critical
programs are more transition to college
likely to persevere to their retention during and CAMP can assist
through college crisis. with the transition

There is a lack of data

Migrant students who
for CAMP
Limited Participants are not part of CAMP
participants who are
(CSU Fresno or are ineligible due
taking time off or
students) to their citizenship
those who dropped

Kezar, A., Kitchen, J., Estes, H., Hallett, R., & Perez, R. (2020). Tailoring programs to best support low-income,
first-generation, and racially minoritized college student success. Journal of College Student retention, 87(1), 1–26.

Ramirez, A. D. (2010). The impact of the college assistance migrant program on migrant student achievement in the California
State University System. (Doctoral Dissertation, Michigan State University).
Scaling success for low-income, first-generation in college, and/or racially minoritized students through a culture of
ecological validation. (2022). Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.
Student Affairs and Enrollment Management. (2022). College Assistance Migrant Program. Retrieved May 10, 2022, from
The California State University. (n.d.). Diversity. Retrieved May 10, 2022, from

Yosso, T. J., Smith, W. A., Ceja, M., & Solórzano, D. G. (2009). Critical race theory, racial microaggressions, and campus
racial climate for Latina/o undergraduates. Harvard Educational Review, 79(4), 659–691.

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