Chapter 5

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Curtin University of Technology Master of Petroleum Well Engineering

Department of Petroleum Engineering Drilling Engineering Fundamentals

Chapter 5

Drillstring Design

The drillstring must be designed to support (with a safety margin) all the static
and dynamic loadings that occur during normal and special operations. It also
must support some extreme situations like pipe sticking problems, curved holes,
harsh environment, etc. In addition, it must be able to provide a suitable conduit
for the drilling fluid flow without causing excessive frictional pressure drop both
inside and outside the pipe. The mechanical aspects of drilling design are
covered in this chapter.

5.1 Length of Drill Collars – Neutral Point Calcu-


One of the purposes of the drillstring is to apply weight on the bit, and as men-
tioned before, this is obtained by slacking part of the drillstring weight on the
bit. When this is done, a portion of the lower end of the drillstring will be put in
compression, and the upper portion will remain in tension. Since drill pipe can
not be compressed, a sufficient length of drill collars and/or heavy weight drill
pipes should be used so that the required weight on bit can be applied without
compressing the drill pipes.
The reason drill pipes can not be put in compression is that the moment
of inertia1 of drill pipes are small compared to its length (a parameter called
slenderness = length/radius of gyration). On the other hand, the slenderness of
the drill collars are relatively low and compression is allowed. The slenderness
is an important parameter to determine the mechanical buckling resistance of
a column.
The cause of buckling is the moment created by compressive forces. There-
fore, a lot of discussion occurred to determine the right way to account the
effects of hydrostatic pressure in the tendency to buckle a column.
One of the considerations was that both the compressive force due to the
weight on bit and the compressive force due to the hydrostatic pressure of the

CHAPTER 5 Page 5–1

Drillstring Design
Curtin University of Technology Master of Petroleum Well Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering Drilling Engineering Fundamentals

Figure 5.1: Assumption 1 – pressure contributes to buckling.

fluid would contribute to buckle the drillstring, since the pressure acting in the
lower area of the drillstring causes a substantial compressive force at the bit,
even with no weight applied against the rock. Based on this assumption, the
position of the neutral point of stress can be determined, and a sufficient length
of drill collars must be used such that the neutral point lays in the drill collars
(neutral point occurs where the axial stress is equal to zero.) Using this point
of view, we can determine the position of the neutral point using the diagram in
Figure 5.1.
Considering the element of length x in the lower end of the column. The
forces acting on this element is shown in the diagram, and the equilibrium of
forces results in the following equation:

FT = W − p A − Fb

where FT is the axial force at acting at the top section of the element, W is the
weight of the element of length x, p is the pressure at depth D, A is the cross
section of the column, and Fb is the reaction of the force applied to at the bit.
The force due to the pressure p acting on the lower area A is given by

p A = ρf g D A ,

and the weight of the element is given by

W = ρs g A x .

CHAPTER 5 Page 5–2

Drillstring Design
Curtin University of Technology Master of Petroleum Well Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering Drilling Engineering Fundamentals

Substituting in the expression above we have forFT :

FT = ρs g A x−ρf Assumption1−−pressurecontributestobuckling.g D A−Fb = g A (ρs x − ρf D)−

The stress at x is calculated dividing FT by the area A:

σ= = g (ρs x − ρf D) − .

The neutral line is the position xn where σ = 0, that is:

0= = g (ρs xn − ρf D) − .
Solving for xn we get:
ρf Fb
xn = D+
ρs ρs g A
ρf Fb
xn = D+ .
ρs wc
where wc = ρs g A is the linear weight of the drill collar. Note that even if the
weight on bit is zero (drillstring hanging off the bottom), this expression tells
us that the neutral point is quite above the bit, and that the lower end of the
drillstring will be under compression.

Example 14: Calculate the position of the neutral point for a column 10,000 ft
long hanging off bottom and submerged in a borehole filled with a 9.3 ppg
(pound per gallon) fluid. What is the length of drill collar with 147 lb/ft is re-
quired to apply 100,000 lbf on the bit, assuming that, for safety, only 85% of
the total length of DC is compressed. Calculate the suspended weight of the
drillstring using nominal 19.5 lb/ft DP (actual 22.28 lb/ft). Use the assumption
that pressure contributes to buckle the drillstring.
Off bottom:
ρf Fb 9.3 0
xn = D+ = × 10000 + = 1420 ft
ρs wc 65.5 147

On bottom:
ρf Fb 9.3 100000
xn = D+ = × 10000 + = 2100 ft
ρs wc 65.5 147

Since this length should be 85% of the total, the minimum length of DC’s is
LDC = = 2471 f t

CHAPTER 5 Page 5–3

Drillstring Design
Curtin University of Technology Master of Petroleum Well Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering Drilling Engineering Fundamentals

Figure 5.2: Assumption 2 – pressure does not contribute to buckling.

The hook load (buoyed weight) of the drillstring is:

Wh = [2471 × 147 + (10000 − 2471) × 22.28] × 1 − = 455592 lbf

The fact, however, is that the neutral point position calculated as above is
calculated assuming that the forces created by hydrostatic pressure will con-
tribute to the buckling of the column. But this is not true.
If we recall the Archimedes’s effect, the resultant force due to hydrostatic
pressures is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the weight of the
displaced fluid. But that is not all. In addition to that, the resulting moment of
the hydrostatic pressure must be ZERO, otherwise, the fluid would rotate about
its center of mass.
This means that the hydrostatic pressure acting on an immersed column
can not contribute to buckle it. The easiest (and correct) way to figure out the
required length to apply a weight on bit is exactly doing this, that is, calculating
the length of a column whose buoyed weight is equal to the required weight on
bit. Considering the diagram in Figure5.2 we have:

W = ρs g A x n
B = ρf g A x n
Fb = W − B = (ρs − ρf ) g A xn = 1− ρs g A x n

CHAPTER 5 Page 5–4

Drillstring Design
Curtin University of Technology Master of Petroleum Well Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering Drilling Engineering Fundamentals

xn =  
1− ρs
where wDC is the linear weight of the drill collar. Note that the denominator
corresponds to the buoyed linear weight of the drill collar.
The length calculated with this expression determines the neutral point of
buckling. Above this point the drillstring will not buckle. Bellow this point, which
depends on the weight on bit, the drillstring might be buckled or not, and this
will depend, among other factors, on the weight on bit and on the polar moment
of inertia of the drill collars.

Example 15: Calculate the position of the neutral point for a column 10,000 ft
long hanging off bottom and submerged in a borehole filled with a 9.3 ppg
(pound per gallon) fluid. What is the length of drill collar with 147 lb/ft is re-
quired to apply 100,000 lbf on the bit, assuming that, for safety, only 85% of
the total length of DC is compressed. Calculate the suspended weight of the
drillstring using nominal 19.5 lb/ft DP (actual 22.28 lb/ft). Use the assumption
that pressure dos not contribute to buckle the drillstring.
Off bottom:
The neutral point position is given by
xn =   .
1− ρs

For the off bottom condition the weight on bit Fb = 0 and the neutral point is at
xn = 0 ft. For a weight on bit of 100,000 lbf we have
xn = 9.3
 = 793 f t
1 − 65.5 × 147

Since this length should be 85% of the total, the minimum length of DC’s is
LDC = = 933 f t
The hook load (buoyed weight) of the drillstring is:
Wh = [933 × 147 + (10000 − 933) × 22.28] × 1 − = 291008 lbf

A more general expression for the neutral point position includes the possi-
bility that the fluids inside and outside the pipe have different densities:
xn = .
wDC − (ρo Ao − ρi Ai )

CHAPTER 5 Page 5–5

Drillstring Design
Curtin University of Technology Master of Petroleum Well Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering Drilling Engineering Fundamentals

5.2 Design for Tensile Force, Torque, Burst, and


Once the length of the drill collars and the total weight of the drillstring had been
determined, we must check if the drillstring will be able to resist the loadings
it will be submitted during normal and special operations. The drill pipe sec-
tion may be composed by one or several types of drill pipes (diameter, linear
weight, and steel grade). We must check for maximum tensile strength, max-
imum torque, maximum burst, and collapse pressure. In addition, since these
loadings very likely occur simultaneously (for example, tension and torque), the
conjoined strength must be determined.

5.2.1 Maximum Tensile Force

During normal operation, the maximum tensile force occurs at the top of the
drill pipe section during pick–ups. Since this point has (normally) the smallest
section area, it is also the point of maximum stress. In addition to static load
(the buoyed weight of the drillstring), inertial effects (the force to accelerate the
drillstring), friction effects between the drillstring and the borehole wall, and vis-
cous effects must be considered. Also, in the event of stuck pipe1 , the drillstring
must be able to support the overpull applied during pipe freeing operations.
Due to several uncertainties involved in the calculation of the various load-
ings, relative large safety factors must be used. It is practice to use 125% of
the static load as the design parameter (25% of overpull.) In addition, it is im-
portant to note that the API defines yield stress as the stress that will cause
a certain permanent (plastic) deformation. Based on this, the minimum yield
strength of a pipe is defined. The minimum yield strength is the minimum axial
tensile load that will cause the yield of the material. Normally we want to avoid
any plastic deformation of the drill pipes. Therefore, only a fraction (normally
90%) of the minimum yield strength is allowed during drilling operations. This
figure is called tensile strength of the pipe.
The margin of overpull (MOP) is defined as the excess of the tensile load ca-
pacity of the drillstring to the normal tensile load for normal operations. Knowing
the MOP is important in case of stuck pipe. In practice, the determined MOP
must not be exceeded since the drillpipe would fail. Typical values of MOP re-
quirements for drillpipe selections are in the range from 50,000 to 100,000 lbf.

Example 16: Calculate the minimum yield strength required for the drill pipe
of the previous example.
A stuck pipe is the situation in which the force required to move, or the torque required to
rotate the drillstring is larger that its strength.

CHAPTER 5 Page 5–6

Drillstring Design
Curtin University of Technology Master of Petroleum Well Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering Drilling Engineering Fundamentals

Solution: The drillstring buoyed weight is 291000 lbf, and 125% of this value
(25% of overpull) is 1.25 x 291000 lbf = 363750 lbf. The minimum tensile
strength required is
Fy = = 404167 lbf
If a new 5 in, 19.5 lb/ft (nominal) is used, the minimum yield stress is:
Fy 404167
Ymin = = π = 76625 psi
As 4
(52− 4.2762 )

Therefore, a X–95 grade pipe is required (Fy = 501087 lbf).

The minimum yield strength in the example is obtained from drill pipe tables,
or calculated from the pipe parameters:
OD2 − ID2 Ys

Fy =
where Ys is the yield strength of the material. For the example above we have:
× 52 − 4.2762 × 95000 = 501087 psi

Fy =

This figure is for new pipe dimensions. For premium pipes (every new pipe
is re–classified to premium in the first time it goes to operation), it should be
considered that the wall thickness is reduced to 80% of the original wall thick-
ness. Normally, the worst scenario is used and, in this case, we assume that the
thickness reduction occurred in the outside diameter (external wear). There-
fore, the new dimensions are:

ID = 4.276 in

OD = ID + 80% (OD − ID) = 4.276 + 80% × (5 − 4.276) = 4.8552 in

Therefore, for premium DP, the minimum yield strength is:
4.85522 − 4.2762 × 95000 = 394611 lbf .

Fy =

Note that if a premium DP is considered in the previous example, the X-95,

a premium pipe can not be used in that operation.
Situations like this suggest the use of tapered drill pipe section. In tapered
drill pipe sections, the segment with the lowest capacity is placed right above
the drill collar section (or HWDP when used), and the maximum length for that
pipe is calculated. Then a higher capacity drill pipe is used and the maximum
length for this drill pipe is calculated. The process is repeated until the expected
total length (the maximum depth for that drillstring) is reached. For a multi di-
ameter, multi weight, or multi grade drillstring, the topmost joint of each section
must be checked for tension.

CHAPTER 5 Page 5–7

Drillstring Design
Curtin University of Technology Master of Petroleum Well Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering Drilling Engineering Fundamentals

Example 17: Calculate the drillstring for the previous example data using pre-
mium drill pipes of 5 in–19.5 lb/ft and grades E-75, X-95, and G-105.
This problem is simplified by the fact that the total weight of the drillstring
is the same, no matter the grade and length of the drillpipe. Using 25% of the
buoyed weight, the MOP is

M OP = 25% × 291000 = 72750 lbf .

It is important to realize that any overpull applied to the top of the drillstring
will manifest in every element of the drillstring (assuming that the stuck point is
in the bit).
The minimum yield strength and maximum tensile load for 5 in–19.5 lbf/ft
(actual 22.28 lbf/ft) drill pipes for the various grades, and using a maximum of
90% as operational limits are:
E–75: Fy = (4.85522 − 4.2762 ) × 75000 × 90% = 280382 lbf
X–95: Fy = (4.85522 − 4.2762 ) × 95000 × 90% = 355150 lbf
G–105: Fy = (4.85522 − 4.2762 ) × 105000 × 90% = 392535 lbf
Starting with E–75 (on top of the drill collars), the maximum length for this
grade is
(933 × 147 + LE–75 × 22.28) × 1 − = 280382 − 72750

LE–75 = 4705 ft
The maximum length is 933 + 4705 = 5638 ft, and the partial weight is

933 × 147 + 4705 × 22.28 = 241978 lbf .

Continuing with the next grade (X–95):

(241978 + LX–95 × 22.28) × 1 − = 355150 − 72750

LX–95 = 3912 ft
The maximum length is 5638 + 3912 = 9550 ft, and the partial weight is

241978 + 3912 × 22.28 = 329137 lbf .

Continuing with the next grade (G–105):

(329137 + LG–105 × 22.28) × 1 − = 392535 − 72750

CHAPTER 5 Page 5–8

Drillstring Design
Curtin University of Technology Master of Petroleum Well Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering Drilling Engineering Fundamentals

LG–105 = 1956 ft
The maximum length is 9550 + 1956 = 11506 ft, enough to reach the depth of
10000 ft.

Note that if different DP diameters or different linear weights are used, the
final weight of the drillstring is not known before it has been designed, and
the MOP cannot be imposed directly (and an iterative process will be needed).
In this case, we can set the MOP absolutely, based, for example in the worst
scenario (heaviest DP) or using field experience.

5.2.2 Maximum Torque

The torque applied to the drillstring is the reaction due to the bit action on
the bottom of the borehole, and due to friction forces between the drillstring
elements and the borehole wall. In vertical wells, most of the torque comes
from the bottom hole assembly (bit, stabilizers, etc.). For directional wells, the
torque is distributed along the borehole trajectory below the kick-off point (the
point of the trajectory where the borehole leaves the vertical). In any case,
the torque accumulates and the point of higher torque is always at the top of
the drillstring. The torsional yield strength of a pipe is given by the following
Ty = 0.577 Ys ,
where Ty is the torsional yield strength, J is the polar moment of inertia of the
circular section, and r is the outside diameter of the section. The coefficient
0.577 ≈ √13 comes from the von Mises–Hencky distortion energy theory of fail-
ure of ductile materials, which determines the shear yield strength based on
the tensile yield strength. The polar moment of inertia for circular pipes is given
OD4 − ID4 .

For Ty in ft · lbf, the expression for the torsional yield strength is given by:
Ys OD4 − ID4
Ty = .
105.92 OD

Example 18: Calculate the torsional yield strength for a new and for a pre-
mium 5 in–19.5 lbf/ft, grade E–75 drill pipe.
75000 54 − 4.2764
a) new: Ty = = 41166 ft · lbf
105.92 5
75000 4.85524 − 4.2764
b) premium: Ty = = 32285 ft · lbf
105.92 5

CHAPTER 5 Page 5–9

Drillstring Design
Curtin University of Technology Master of Petroleum Well Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering Drilling Engineering Fundamentals

The figures in the example above can be found in Tables A.2 and A.4 (API
RP7G). Note that the calculation of the torsional yield strength for a premium
DP uses the worst scenario for the wall thickness reduction. Although these
values represent the maximum torque allowed in the body of the drill pipe, the
maximum should not exceed the actual make–up torque of the connection.

5.2.3 Internal (Burst) and External (Collapse) Pressures

The API criteria for internal pressure strength (burst resistance) assumes that
drill pipes are thin–walled pipes. Since API accepts pipes with a minimum of
87.5% of the nominal wall thickness, the formula for the internal pressure for
new pipes (and also for casing) is:
2 (OD − ID)
pint = 0.875 Ys .

If thick–wall and von Misses–Hencky theories are used, the formula is:

OD2 − ID4
pint = √ Ys .
3 OD4 − ID4

Note that in this formula, the allowed wall reduction to 87.5% has not been
considered. Data for internal pressure strength for new and premium drill pipes
are shown in Tables A.3 and A.5 (API RP7G) respectively.
In operations like drill stem testing, the drill pipe may be subjected to ex-
ternal pressure higher than the internal pressure. The most critical point is the
lower end of the drill pipe section. The net collapse pressure is determined by
the depth of the fluid inside the pipe, the depth of the lower end of the drillstring
section, and the density of the fluids in the annular and inside the drill pipe. The
expression for the net external pressure is:

pext = 0.0519 [ρ0 D − ρi (D − d)] ,

where pext is the external net pressure, D is the depth of the lower end of the
drill pipe section, d is the depth of the fluid surface inside the pipe (make d = D
if d > D), ρo and ρi are the densities of the fluid in the annular and inside the
drill pipe. A safety factor of 1.125 is normally used for collapse pressure.
The minimum collapse pressure is also in Tables A.3 and A.5. The collapse
strength is calculated using API Bulletin 5C3. The discussion of the formulation
is beyond the scope of this work, and will be covered in the Casing Design
chapter in Advanced Drilling.
Collapse pressure is detrimentally affected by tensile force in the drill pipe
(the beneficial effect in burst resistance is neglected). the combined effect of

CHAPTER 5 Page 5–10

Drillstring Design
Curtin University of Technology Master of Petroleum Well Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering Drilling Engineering Fundamentals

tensile load to collapse resistance is obtained using the biaxial (σr = 0) expres-
sion of the von Misses failure theory:

σz2 − σz σt + σt2 ≤ Ys2

The equality holds when for a given axial stress σz , an effective tangential yield
stress Ys0 occurs. Then we have:
σz2 − Ys0 σt + Y 0 s = Ys2 .

Solving for the appropriate Ys0 (tangential stress is compressive for collapse)
results in: s 2

σz σz
= 1−3 − .
Ys 2 Ys 2 Ys

API define 4 types of collapse: yield, plastic, transition, and elastic. All col-
lapse types but the elastic depends on the yield strength (elastic collapse de-
pends on the modulus of elasticity E). API indicates that the collapse pressure
of drill pipes are reduced due to tensile load by the fraction Ys above.

Example 19: Determine the the collapse resistance corrected for tension
loading for a premium 5 in–19.5 lbf/ft, grade E–75 drill pipe subjected to a
tensile load of 50,000 lbf.
The outside and inside diameters of the DP are 4.8552 in and 4.276 in
respectively (premium DP). Therefore the cross section area is:
4.85522 − 4.2762 = 4.1538 in2 ,

and the axial stress is:
σz = = 12037 psi .
The ratio of the equivalent yield stress to the nominal yield stress is:
s 2

Ys 12037 12037
= 1−3 − = 0.9100 .
Ys 2 × 75000 2 × 75000

The minimum collapse resistance for the premium pipe is 7041 psi (see Ta-
ble A.5), and the corrected collapse pressure is

7041 × 0.9100 = 6407 psi .

CHAPTER 5 Page 5–11

Drillstring Design
Curtin University of Technology Master of Petroleum Well Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering Drilling Engineering Fundamentals

5.2.4 Drillstring Elongation

Due to the weight of the drillstring and the elastic characteristic of the steel
(and many other metals and alloys), an elongation occurs when the drillstring
is suspended inside the borehole. In addition, if an additional force acts at the
bottom end (be it tensile or compressive) additional elongation (or shortening)
occurs. The expression for the total elongation of a drillstring of length L is:

ρs g L2 F L
∆L = + ,
where ρs is the density of the drillstring metal, E is the longi-
tudinal modulus of rigidity (or modulus of elasticity or Young
modulus), F is the force acting on the bottom, and A is the
area of the right section of the drillstring. Note that this
expression is valid only for a homogeneous drillstring sus-
pended in the air. If the drillstring is submerged in a fluid
with density ρf , a hydrostatic pressure will act at the lower
end (upward) such that the total elongation becomes:

ρs g L2 F L ρf g L2
∆L = + − ,
(ρs − 2ρf ) g L2 F L
∆L = + .
For ρ in lbm/gal, E in psi, L and ∆L in ft, and A in in2 we
(ρs − 2ρf ) L2 F L
∆L = 0.0519 + .
This formulation is not considering the effect of the Pois-
son’s ratio due to the (varying) pressure acting along the drill-

Example 20: Calculate the elongation of 10,000 ft of drill pipe hanging off-
bottom inside a borehole filled with 10 ppg drilling fluid. The modulus of elas-
ticity of the steel is 30 × 106 psi.
(65.5 − 2 × 10.0) × 100002
∆L = 0.0519 = 3.94 ft
2 × 30 × 106

For a tapered drillstring we calculate the elongation of each section, con-

sidering force acting at the bottom of each section (including pressure effects),
and add all contributions.

CHAPTER 5 Page 5–12

Drillstring Design
Curtin University of Technology Master of Petroleum Well Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering Drilling Engineering Fundamentals

Example 21: Calculate the elongation of a drillstring made up off 10,000ft of

5 in–19.5 lb/ft drill pipe and 600 ft of 8 in OD, 3 in ID drill collar (147lb/ft), inside
a borehole filled with 10 ppg drilling fluid and 20,000 lbf of WOB (weight on bit).
a) elongation of the drill collars:
π 2
8 − 32 = 43.197 in2

F = −20000 lbf − 0.0519 × 10 ppg × 10600 ft × 43.197 in = −257644 lbf

65.5 × 6002 −257644 × 600

∆LDC = 0.0519 + = −0.099 ft
2 × 30 × 106 43.197 × 30 × 106
b) elongation of the drill pipes:
π 2
5 − 4.3762 = 5.2746 in2

F = −257644 lbf + 147 lbf/ft × 600 ft + 0, 0519 × 10 ppg × 10000 ft × (43.197 − 5.2746) in2
F = 27373 lbf

65.5 × 100002 27373 × 10000

∆LDP = 0.0519 6
+ = 7.40 ft
2 × 30 × 10 5.2746 × 30 × 106
∆L = ∆DC + ∆DP = −0.099 + 7.40 = 7.30 ft

Note that in this case (and in most cases), the elongation of the drill collars can
be neglected, compared with elongation of the drill pipes.

CHAPTER 5 Page 5–13

Drillstring Design

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