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WW3 Money Trail

Hong Kong Protests, Benny Tai, Hong Kong Bankers

Ian D. Hosford, Matthew Hosford
Texas Bank of Wal-Mart, Woodforest National Bank, Brand C. Hosford
North Carolina Bank, Bank of America, Ian D. Hosford
Fast Summation of The Money Trail
Hong Kong – Texas – North Carolina
Benny Tai – Tom Cotton – Dan Crenshaw

1. Hong Kong end. Banker Matthew Hosford, wife Stacilee Hosford is at HKU
and supports Benny Tai, both professors. Charity CEO Jeff Rotmeyer’s wife
Juliana Rotmeyer is at HKU and supports Benny Tai, a post-graduate
student in architecture. Before 2014 and supporting 2014 Occupy Central.
2. Benny Tai receives much mysterious funding as early as 2013 – 2014.
3. Hong Kong end. Banker Matthew Hosford is with many banks, World Bank,
IFC, and his brother Banker Brand C. Hosford is active in America.
3 Hong Kong end. Ian D. Hosford, son of Matthew Hosford, Vice President,
Syndicated & Corporate Lending, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch.
3 United States end. Banker Ian D. Hosford, son of Banker Matthew Hosford,
Bank of America HQ is in Charlotte, NC.
4 United States end. Banker Brand C. Hosford is Vice President of a national
bank HQ in Texas. His home in Charlotte, NC, more than 20 years.
5 United States end. Juliana Rotmeyer has a home Charlotte NC there since
1998. And live 12 minutes away from friend Banker Brand C. Hosford.
6 Benny Tai receives from the charity ImpactHK at least 2021 – 2023 from the
hotel and hostel business of the Tai family, Sincere House, Mongkok. ThJeff
Rotmeyer passes money for rooms, and we are told there are sales. Top
7 The two charities formed together are interacting to mislead.
8 Banker Matthew Hosford is a lead director of Love21 for autistic children.
His family is full of military, even a CIA director. (Director of intelligence.)
9 Banker Carmel Armstrong HSBS is his partner in leading this charity Love21.
10 United States end. Dan Crenshaw has his territory changed to govern The
Woodlands, and he and Banker Brand Hosford have offices close together.
Dan Crenshaw is an ally of Tom Cotton in wanting sanctions against China.
11 United States. Banker Brand Hosford, VP, Woodforest National Bank, HQ, The
Woodlands, Houston, Texas. WalMart is the business behind this bank.
12 United States. Ted Cruz also is involved with this bank.
Benny Tai, Protests Leader, Millions Foreign Funding, Wants City Standstill
Apple Daily article by Benny Tai, April 2020, “Ten steps to real mutual destruction – the inevitable fate
of Hong Kong.” He wants these events to happen. He is not criticizing them. He has been briefly jailed.

“Step 9 (after December 2021): Street rebellion would exacerbate within the Hong Kong community, thus
triggering a very bloody crackdown. Hong Kong people would launch a general city-wide strike, which
would bring the Hong Kong society to a standstill.

Step 10 (after January 2022): Western countries would impose political and economic sanctions on the
[Chinese Communist Party].

Benny Tai was raised in Mongkok. Tai family own a huge hotel complex, Sincere House, 83
Argyle/Tung Choi St. They fall at the center of the most violent area in 2014 and 2019 protests. A small
rectangle bounded by 4 streets: Tung Choi, Shan Tung, Mongkok, and Shanghai. Less than 15 minutes to
walk the perimeter.

This building has 4 stairwells, 2 main elevators, 1 service elevator. Access to 13 MTR entries. Tai group
owns on F/5, F/7, F/8, F/10, F/13, F/14, F/15, F/16. F/5 mentioned on many receipts, never on the
Internet. F/7 and F/809 for charity partner staff, F/13 for transitional housing scheme. In Aug/Sept. 2019
as riots peaked, all bookings at Ah Shan/Dragon Inn stopped. (Master Inn/Easy Inn also used by
ImpactHK.) They never began. A charity ImpactHK by early 2021 began moving trade to the Tai group. A
social worker told us, the Tais have 80% of money now paid by ImpactHK. The next change was buying of
rooms. Renovations on F/16. Hotels were used in the Russia/Ukraine crisis of 2014.

Two charities were said by CEO Jeff Rotmeyer to be formed on the same day, 2017. That is not
accurate, as both began functioning in 2014 – 2015. The true start date was March 2014, the same month
as Sunflower Protests in Taiwan. (Jeff is connected to ASML protection, Taiwan independence, through his
Dutch American cousin, Fred Rothmeijer, CEO MRP Realty, Washington DC, and partner of Raytheon in
major office construction. These two charities interact, and all directors support protests 2014, riots 2019,
Hong Kong and Taiwan independence from federal authority. And American intervention.

Charity 1: Board of Directors, ImpactHK, Friends of HK Protests

Board of Directors to Jason Ng/Justice Centre, Covert Links to Washington D.C.
2021 ImpactHK announces relationship with a group mostly connected to USA, UK, Australia, defining
who remains in HK. Legal rights group, biased.
Elizabeth Seymour-Jones, Director to Mario
Rubio/Letter Requesting USA Intervention
She asks for America to intervene in Hong
Kong law. Twitter @elizabethsj. Quotes
@HillaryClinton. “Every American has the
right to voice their support for democracy and
human rights for Hong Kong.”
@SenRubioPress. Letter to Trump, August 1
2019. “U.S. interests are at stake if Hong
Kong's autonomy is further eroded.”

Trevor Seymour-Jones, Father of Elizabeth

Seymour-Jones, to World Bank/Washington
Father Trevor’s early career an expert in HK
real estate with HSBC. Also, the Washington D.C. World Bank, now supportive of Ukraine. "We are a
long-standing partner of Ukraine and stand with its people at this critical moment."

Jeff Rotmeyer/CEO Board of Directors, to Joshua Wong/HK Separatist In his blog he writes of support for
Joshua Wong. My HK: Woke Up Feeling Guilty. He missed a protest, and vows to attend all of them. He
quotes poster Brielle, “China is just the worst form of government…”

Grenham Family/Board of Directors, to Taiwan/Ukraine “The Chinese military has accused Britain of a
“mentality of opportunism to undermine the stability of Taiwan Strait”, with the passage on Monday of a
warship… through the Taiwan Strait.” Sept. 27, SCMP, Minnie Chan.

Terri Appel/Board of Directors to Nick Appel/Westford Trade/Gupta Bros. Crimes 2021

“Greensill-funded Westford hid Liberty involvement in commodity trades, documents show…” Nick Appel, former Westford Trade, metals trader, a trade that will make
billions from WW3. His 2019 Facebook justified all protests, now cleaned. The outbreak of WW3 February
– March 2022 caused large profits in metals. Aluminum is connected to the Indiana, Indianapolis branch
of Global Trades Solution, CEO Fred Johnson, with Japan a business partner.

Money Trail: Bankers & Matt Hosford, Love21 Director, Partner Jeff

Brand Hosford /C. Brand Hosford/ Christopher Brand Hosford

Vice-President of Woodforest National Bank, The Woodlands, Texas. This is called the WAL-MART
Bank. He gets this Texas job just as the electoral boundaries change, allowing Dan Crenshaw, partner of
Tom Cotton, to be a few minutes away. Tom Cotton is funded by Trammell Crow Jr. who was the first
employer of Fred Rothmeijer, cousin of Hong Kong’s Jeff Rotmeyer, who will pass millions to Benny Tai.
“Woodforest National Bank's headquarters are located at 1330 Lake Robbins Dr, The Woodlands, Texas
77380, United States” › Woodforest... Congressman Dan Crenshaw/ally of
Tom Cotton has his office at 1849 Kingwood Dr. Suite #100. Kingwood, TX 77339. Phone: (713) 860-1330.
The Woodlands Office. 2829 Technology Forest Suite #280 Texas 77381
Prior Jobs: Senior Credit Portfolio Manager at Regions Bank. Based Huntersville/Charlotte North
Carolina, United States. HIGHLAND GLEN LLC, USBANK Trust Investor. Also, U.S. Financial Services and
Banking, Edward Jones Ltd., U S Bank National Association, Wachovia Bank, First Union National Bank,
PNC Bank Corp.
Matthew Sander Hosford/Matt Hosford
Matt is a top contact at the Hong Kong charity Love21, with friend Carmel Marie Armstrong, and CEO
Jeff Rotmeyer, he is new to the World Bank, and lists IFC and Santander, a Bilderberg company. His
family group connects with NASA, RAYTHEON, Department of Defence, Washington D.C., the war in
Ukraine, the Wal-Mart bank in Dallas, Texas, and has at least 2 relatives with Secret Security Clearance.
Matt Hosford based in Hong Kong does business in Dhaka, Bangladesh. News from The Business
Standard, Dhaka: “2022 年 3 月 13 日 — IFC's Country Manager Martin Holtmann, Chief Credit Officer
Zahid Yousaf, Principal Banking Specialist Matthew Sander Hosford…” IFC, Prime Bank – Awards
ceremony celebrating business between financial agencies in Asia.
This Hosford family should be famous. One small family is at banks, Dhaka, Hong Kong, Texas,
Charlotte. Its politics, for Hong Kong riots 2014, 2019, Ukraine. Matt turns up in 2008 as a “friend of
North Korea” at the Choson Institute website. A friend?

Ian D. Hosford
Vice President Bank of America, APAC Risk and Control Lead, Syndicated & Corporate Lending. He was a
basketball star in California, quickly rose in Hong Kong to be bank Vice President, father Matt Hosford. His
Bank of America links back to HQ in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Carmel Marie Armstrong

A CEO of HSBC. She has no education after age 18. Internet: Love 21 Foundation Limited 2023 年 1 月 5
日 — Mr. HOSFORD Matthew Sander. Name of Agency Head. Ms. ARMSTRONG Carmel Marie… › NGO.

Jeff’s Charity 2: HK Board of Directors, Love21, American Military Links,

Hosford Family NASA, Dept. of Defense, Anti-Ballistic Missiles
Gregory Foster Hosford WW2. A combat infantryman. Later Mormon, Salt Lake City, Utah. Wife
June Sandor. 1924 – 2008. (Obituary, July 2008, Deseret News.) The 5 adult children are of
interest with banking, military and intelligence agency links.

Gregory Hosford, Jr. wife Marsha (Columbia, SC); Jane Hosford, husband Rune Haugsoen (Salt
Lake City, UT); Matthew Hosford, wife Stacilee Ford (Hong Kong); Brand Hosford, wife Patti
(Huntersville, Charlotte NC); Mary Hosford, husband Matthew Powell (Cedar Hills, UT).

All of the Hosford family are Mormons, most were educated in Utah, and still keep homes in
Salt Lake City, Utah. Mitt Romney/Tom Cotton is shaping up as a 2024 election team, and this is
certainly not good for China or Russia or world peace activists. Tom Cotton repeats in much
research about Hong Kong.

Matthew Hosford, World Bank, IFC

He is with World Bank which is an American creation, its HQ is in Washington DC. Hong Kong
Permanent Resident. His brother-in-law is intelligence agency director Christopher Quayle
Stevenson. His wife Stacilee credits Christopher and his wife in her 2011 book credits, as close
friends. Troubling American Women: Narratives of Gender and Nation In Hong Kong

Brand Hosford, Texas Bank VP, Woodforest National Bank, HQ, The Woodlands, Houston.
Father of full-time soldier Mitchell Hosford, home in Charlotte, N. Carolina.

Bank. 1330 Lake Robbins Dr, The Woodlands, Texas, 77380. This bank is supportive of Texas
politicians. It falls within the area governed by Dan Crenshaw, ally of Tom Cotton, a leader in
mandates against China. “Following redistricting, the region will now primarily fall under the
2nd District, held by Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Houston, with the 8th District being redrawn west
and north of the area.” Brand is the UNCLE of the
basketball star Ian Hosford who just became VP of a Hong Kong bank. He is the brother of
Matthew Hosford, member of World Bank. Other banking links.

Gregory Hosford, Jr., Secret Security Clearance, Anti-Ballistic Missile Effort › greg-hosford-b26b171a

Senior Research Engineer, part of two independent teams that devised conceptual systems as
part of the United States Strategic Defence Initiative anti-ballistic missile effort…. Many
patents…Limited working proficiency in Japanese…

Mitchell Hosford, Afghanistan War.

Son of Brand & Patti Hosford. CPA, Budget Analyst, US Army, LinkedIn › mitchell-hosford-cpa-84662b76. Childhood home, Charlotte, N.

From 2022 wedding website: “Mitchell accepted an assignment and picked up a tour with the
military, and moved to Vicenza, Italy…Because they will be living in Italy for some time...” From
mother’s website 22 May 2019 — My
son is currently serving in Afghanistan…

Christopher Quayle Stevenson, Intelligence Agencies, DNI NGA, Falls Church, Virginia.

Director at MARKON, Inc. Sister-in-law is wife of HK banker Matthew Hosford.

Director, DNI and NGA. Director of National Intelligence is DNI.

NGA is a Department of Defence Combat Support Agency. Springfield, Va.

Jun 2012 - Jan 2020 7 years 8 months. “I am responsible for all business and business
development at the DNI and NGA for MARKON.”

Sep 2010 - Jan 2020 9 years 5 months.” I am a project manager for a financial tool for the US
Government in the Intelligence Community…”

Feb 2010 - Sep 2010 8 months, “Facilities project manager for the US Government within the
Intelligence Community.”

Ian D. Hosford, Basketball Star & Hong Kong Banking VP › ian-hosford-931a9247
Hong Kong, Vice President, APAC Risk and Control Lead, Syndicated & Corporate Lending, Bank
of America, Merrill Lynch, also Charlotte, NC.

Tyler Hosford, Ukraine, NASA, Dept. of Defense

He is first to report for a news show from Ukraine war. Tom Cotton’s regiment 101st Airborne
sends 130,000 soldiers to Ukraine, so he is in touch with that group. He also is a full Hong Kong
citizen, through banker father Matt Hosford. Present and previous jobs;

International SOS Regional Security Manager. His home base, Washington D.C. International
SOS, founded 1985, Singapore/London. “International SOS is the world's leading medical and
travel security risk services company.” History in Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Chad, Cameroon, Mali,
Algeria. “International SOS has providers ready to assist on the other side of
the Ukrainian border in Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Moldova.”

Teneo Holdings. “With very senior expertise in both defense and aerospace and in
the EU and NATO, it is the premier consultancy… of the new EU defense and security

NASA, international programs specialist, one deal made by NASA involves Pratt &
Whitney/Raytheon in Charlotte, North Carolina

Gartner, senior advisor. Gartner Research, How Defense Companies Can Win Future MBSE
Contracts. The Department of Defense, Contracts for March 25,
2019 - Department of Defense. https: //

Rune Haugsoen, Hosford Brother-in-law, Unites Norwegians With USA/Ukraine

Rune Haugsoen, LinkedIn. Salt Lake City, Utah. Founder and CEO ·Ubix, Inc. President of Ubix
Builder! ... Active member of Norwegian Student Community, participated in reception of the
Queen of Norway. He married Jane Hosford.

He is in a huge network. “Sons of Norway is the largest Norwegian organization outside of

Norway with more than 40,000 members in over 400 lodges in the United States, Canada, and
Norway.” He supports the Royal Family of Norway, and this is the second royalty link in the
group, with Prince Bernhard already mentioned. “ › 28 May
2014 — Royalty are also on the guest list including: Princess Beatrix of the ... the Infanta
Christina of Spain; and Crown Prince Haakon of Norway.” This is Bilderberg Group again.

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