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[Insert introductory paragraph here.]

Project Context

[Current state of technology. Focus on your tech. one paragraph.]

[What are the advantages of your technology in your chosen field? One-two


[State an example. Minimum of two examples. One paragraph. Make sure that the

example targets your proposal.]

[Background of the client. State the problem/s.]


Project Objectives

[Insert introductory sentence here.]

General Objective

The main objective of the study is to design and develop a [type of]

system/portal/application/game for [client] that will [the main purpose].

Specific Objectives

[Objectives must be doable. It should be answerable by describing the solution

and be provided with Figures or Tables. Make sure that there are no conflicting or

redundant objectives. Minimum of 3 objectives.]

[Objective must be SMART. A SMART objective is one that is SPECIFIC,



Specifically, the researchers aim to consider the following objectives:

1. To design and develop a ______ that will integrate the following features:

1.1. [Feature No. 1];

1.2. [Feature No. 2]; and

1.3. [Feature No. 3];

2. To integrate [special feature] to the system/application; and

3. To determine the acceptability of the system using the ISO/IEC 25010:2011

software quality evaluation criteria as perceived by the respondents on the


3.1. Functional Sustainability;

3.2. Performance Efficiency;

3.3. Compatibility;

3.4. Usability;

3.5. Security;

3.6. Reliability;

3.7. Maintainability; and

3.8. Portability.

Purpose and Description

[State the purpose of the study as an Introductory paragraph]

[Introductory paragraph]. The following beneficiaries are:

Beneficiary 1. The study will [content here].

Beneficiary 2. The study will [content here].

Beneficiary n. The study will [content here].


Researchers in the Field of Information Technology. The study may serve as a

reference to researchers wanting to develop the same system/portal/application/game.

[Why is it beneficial to them?]

Scope and Limitations

[Scope. Describe all features and functionalities of the system. What the system

can do?]

[Limitations. What the system cannot do?]

[Note: State in paragraph form. Avoid using bullets]

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