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Solar Energy 105 (2014) 381–389

Balancing heat transfer fluid flow in solar fields

Mohammad Abutayeh ⇑, Anas Alazzam, Bashar El-Khasawneh
Khalifa University, PO Box 127788, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Received 23 September 2013; received in revised form 5 March 2014; accepted 21 March 2014
Available online 6 May 2014

Communicated by: Associate Editor Yogi Goswami


Proper distribution of heat transfer fluid in solar fields remains an issue for the concentrated solar power industry. Balancing fluid
flow in solar fields is very challenging due to their complex piping networks. It is further exacerbated by the instantaneously and spatially
varying solar radiation necessitating continuous flow adjustments to control heat transfer fluid temperature. Poorly balanced solar fields
entail over and under heating of a fairly costly heat transfer fluid; thus, shortening its life span and the life span of equipment handling it
due to frequent thermal shocks. Proper distribution of heat transfer fluid will eventually minimize equipment malfunction, maximize
solar power generation, and improve operational safety. A flow control strategy aimed at properly distributing heat transfer fluid in solar
fields has been developed along with a model for the proposed strategy. The strategy consists of manipulating solar field valve positions
to control flow distribution and modulating pump speed to control flow rate in response to a continually varying solar radiation in order
to attain a set temperature for heat transfer fluid exiting the solar field.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Concentrated solar power; Parabolic trough collector; Heat transfer fluid; Solar field

1. Introduction to process it in a Rankine cycle power block (PB). The

loops of a SF are structurally identical; therefore, HTF
Parabolic trough collector (PTC) is the most economical needs to be distributed equally among the loops to opti-
and commercially available concentrating solar power mize solar energy collection during normal operating con-
(CSP) technology. PTC systems include numerous para- ditions. So, a manual control valve is typically placed at the
bolic trough mirrors tracking the sun on a single axis. A entrance of each loop to manage the distribution of HTF
heat transfer fluid (HTF) flows in the focal line of the among the loops of the SF.
troughs collecting solar heat that is transferred to high HTF absorbs solar heat by flowing inside blackened
pressure water generating high pressure steam. The solar- pipes placed inside vacuumed envelops running in the focal
generated steam is then used to propel a steam turbine con- line of the sun-tracking collectors. HTF exit temperature is
nected to a generator producing electricity (Schindwoff controlled by manipulating its residence time in SF loops
et al., 1980). by adjusting its flow rate. Consequently, total HTF flow
A streamlined schematic of a generic PTC type CSP is determined by the speed of its circulation pump, whereas
plant is shown in Fig. 1. The Plant includes two segregated HTF loop flow is determined by pressure drop across the
loops: an HTF loop collecting solar heat in a solar field loop that can be adjusted by varying loop inlet valve posi-
(SF) and a water loop receiving that collected solar heat tion. A simplified SF layout of a PTC type CSP plant is
shown in Fig. 2.
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +971 2 501 8470; fax: +971 2 447 2442. A robust heat exchanger train (HXT) made up of an
E-mail address: (M. Abutayeh). economizer, an evaporator, and a super heater is connected
0038-092X/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
382 M. Abutayeh et al. / Solar Energy 105 (2014) 381–389


a azimuth angle, radians P pressure, bar

A area, m2 PB Power block
AT altitude transverse, radians PTC parabolic trough collector
AW PTC aperture width, m q heat flow, W
C PTC mirror cleanliness, percent RD PTC row distance, m
Cv valve flow coefficient Re Reynolds number
CSP concentrating solar power S speed, m/s
D diameter, m SA shadow argument
Day day of year, day SD solar day, day
DCS distributed control system SF solar field
DII direct incident insolation, W/m2 SG specific gravity
DNI direct normal insolation, W/m2 SH solar hour, h
f friction factor SP set point
FC flow controller T temperature, °C
FL PTC focal length, m TC temperature controller
FT flow transmitter TC time correction term, minute
G generator Tilt PTC tilt angle, radians
h enthalpy, kJ/kg TT temperature transmitter
HA hour angle, radians TZ time zone, h
Hour hour of day, h U overall heat transfer coefficient, W/m2-°C
HTF heat transfer fluid v volumetric flow, m3/s
HXT heat exchanger train VFD variable frequency drive
IA incident angle, radians VP valve position
IAM incident angle modifier, percent a altitude angle, radians
‘ longitude angle, degrees d declination angle, radians
L length, m e pipe roughness, m
m mass flow rate, kg/s g efficiency, percent
n counter k latitude angle, radians
N count l viscosity, cP
NPSH net positive suction head, m q density, kg/m3
Orientation PTC orientation angle, radians

in series where water and HTF flow in a counter-current auxiliary equipment as well as the Rankine cycle
pattern. High pressure water enters the economizer to be components such as the turbine, condenser, feedwater
heated to near saturation then evaporated to steam in the pump, deaerator, and others. A typical H-shaped SF
evaporator then turned into superheated steam in the super layout of a PTC type CSP plant is shown in Fig. 3.
heater before it is forwarded to a steam turbine to generate
power. Hot HTF coming from the SF flows through the 2. Background
HXT giving up its heat to the water loop to produce the
desired high pressure steam before it is pumped back to A few researchers investigated the issue of HTF flow
the SF. An expansion vessel is placed before the HTF balance in solar fields for the purpose of controlling its out-
pump to accommodate extra HTF volume produced by let temperature. A computer simulation of HTF tempera-
its thermal expansion in the SF and to provide the neces- ture control has been carried out by Schindwoff
sary elevation head for the HTF pump to overcome its (Schindwoff et al., 1980) where strict control requirements
net positive suction head (NPSH). were included in the control logic. A feedback control
Typically, SF header pipes resemble an H shape with scheme was developed where a flow control valve was
loops branching out in opposite directions forming a geo- manipulated based on HTF temperature in each row of
metrically symmetrical layout. The PB is usually placed collectors. Another computer simulation of HTF tempera-
in the middle of the SF to simplify HTF distribution, min- ture control via flow manipulation was set up by Zunft
imize pump load, and minimize the amount of HTF needed (Zunft, 1995) where the dynamics of a collector loop were
to fill the piping network. The PB zone includes the HTF modeled by a set of nonlinear first order hyperbolic partial
expansion vessel, HTF circulation pump, HXT, and other differential equations. A feedforward controller was
M. Abutayeh et al. / Solar Energy 105 (2014) 381–389 383

Fig. 1. Schematic of a PTC type CSP plant.

Fig. 2. SF layout of a PTC type CSP plant.


Fig. 3. H-shaped SF layout of a PTC type CSP plant.

included in the simulation to mitigate the effect of irregular 3. Objective

solar radiation.
A linear model of a predictive controller has been devel- The amount of power generated in a concentrated solar
oped to regulate HTF outlet temperature in SEGS VI, power plant is directly proportional to the amount and
which is a 30 MWe PTC type CSP plant (Stuetzle et al., energy of steam expanding through the turbine. The
2004). The performance of the controller and its influence amount and energy of solar steam generated depends on
on power output have also been examined. In addition, a the magnitude of heat transfer from the HTF loop into
detailed list of different automatic control schemes applied the water loop. The temperature gradient between the
to regulate HTF outlet temperature from solar fields was HTF and water is the driving force for that heat transfer;
compiled in a two part comprehensive review (Camacho therefore, maximizing the outlet HTF temperature from
et al., 2007a,b). the solar field entails maximizing solar power generation.
384 M. Abutayeh et al. / Solar Energy 105 (2014) 381–389
Poor distribution of HTF among loops causes tube rup- >
> Day; 0  Hour þ TC=60  24
tures due to over-heating, underperformance due to under- >
< Day  1; Hour þ TC=60 < 0 AND Day > 1
heating, and equipment malfunction due to thermal shocks
SD ¼ Day þ 364; Hour þ TC=60 < 0 AND Day  1
brought by oscillating fluid temperatures. Better control of >
> Day þ 1; Hour þ TC=60 > 24 AND Day < 365
HTF flow and distribution would result in safer operation, >
increased electric generation, and decreased equipment 1; Hour þ TC=60 > 24 AND Day  365
breakdown. ð2Þ
The purpose of this endeavor is to develop a flow bal-
ance strategy to regulate HTF flow so as to maximize its SH is the solar hour used to calculate the annual solar
SF outlet temperature by using solar radiation as a feedfor- hour and is given by
ward signal and outlet temperature as a feedback signal to
< Hour þ TC=60; 0  Hour þ TC=60  24
a closed loop controller. HTF has a large residence time in SH ¼ 24 þ Hour þ TC=60; Hour þ TC=60 < 0 ð3Þ
SF loops due to their outsized structure making sole feed- >
back control inadequate; therefore, feedforward control Hour þ TC=60  24; Hour þ TC=60 > 24
has to be incorporated into the sought after HTF flow bal- Declination, hour, altitude, azimuth, and altitude trans-
ance strategy. verse solar angles are given by
d ¼ sin1 ½0:39795  cos ð0:98563ðp=180ÞðSD  173ÞÞ ð4Þ
4. Calculation
HA ¼ ðp=180Þ  15  ðSH  12Þ ð5Þ
Initially, solar heat input into each loop is calculated a ¼ sin ½sinðdÞ  sinðkÞ þ cosðdÞ  cosðHAÞ  cosðkÞ ð6Þ
based on weather data and loop characteristics. HTF 8 1
> p  sin ð cosðdÞ  sinðHAÞ= cosðaÞÞ; cosðHAÞ
flow rate in each loop is then calculated based on solar >
<  tanðdÞ= tanðTCÞ
heat input and desired exit temperature. Total HTF a¼ ð7Þ
flow rate in the SF is subsequently calculated by sum- >
> 2p þ sin1 ð cosðdÞ  sinðHAÞ= cosðaÞÞ; cosðHAÞ
ming up all of the loop flow rates. Pressure at each < tanðdÞ= tanðTCÞ
node of the SF is calculated next based on HTF prop- (
a; ja  pj < 1
erties and pipe characteristics. Finally, the valve position  
AT ¼ ðaÞ ð8Þ
of each loop inlet valve can be determined based on tan1 jcostan
; ja  pj  1
loop inlet and outlet pressures to produce the pressure
drop necessary to attain the calculated HTF flow rate SA is the shadow argument needed to evaluate shadow
in each loop. effects on incident solar radiation. SA is a function of PTC
The following solar calculations were presented in ear- row distance and aperture width plus the altitude trans-
lier work concerning solar thermal power plant simulation verse solar angle
(Abutayeh et al., 2012) and are taken from research find- RD
ings done at Sandia National Laboratories (Lippke, 1995; SA ¼  cosðp=2  ATÞ ð9Þ
Cohen et al., 1999).
Shadow efficiency is a multiplier used to adjust incident
TC is a time correction term needed to adjust regular
solar radiation to account for PTC shadow eclipsing the SF
time to solar time. TC is a function of time zone, longitude
around sunrise and sunset
angle, and day of year and is estimated by
  > 1; SA  1
4p <
TC ¼ 4ð15TZ  ‘Þ þ 9:87 sin  ðDay  81Þ  7:53 gShadow ¼ 0; SA < 0 ð10Þ
365 >
2p SA; 0  SA < 1
 cos  ðDay  81Þ  1:5
365 IA is the incident angle defined as the angle between
2p solar beams and the line normal to the PTC aperture. It
sin  ðDay  81Þ ð1Þ
365 is constantly changing and can be calculated by

IA ¼ cos ð 1  ðcosð  TiltÞ  cosðTiltÞ  cosðÞ  ð1  cosða  OrientationÞÞÞ2 Þ

SD is the solar day which is also needed to adjust regular IAM is the incident angle modifier multiplier used to
time to solar time and is given by adjust incident solar radiation to account for direct and
M. Abutayeh et al. / Solar Energy 105 (2014) 381–389 385

Pipe Loss
indirect losses due to incident angle. IAM can be estimated qDII
Loop  qLoop  qPTC

by the following correlation mLoop ¼ ð17Þ

1000  ðhOut In
IAM ¼ cosðIAÞ  0:0300802842443682  IA HTF enthalpy is a function of its temperature, hHTF =
 0:0938882616103359  IA 2
ð12Þ f(THTF), and that function is usually provided by the
HTF manufacture. Outlet HTF enthalpy is evaluated at
End loss efficiency is a multiplier used to adjust incident its desired set exit temperature, while inlet HTF enthalpy
solar radiation to account for radiation incident on and is evaluated at its SF inlet temperature which is a known
reflected off PTC periphery that does not land on the design parameter. Pipe heat loss applies to the insulated
absorber pipe portion of the loop and can be easily calculated using:
FLPTC qPipe Loss = UPipeAPipeDT. PTC heat loss applies to the
gEnd Loss ¼ 1   tanðIAÞ ð13Þ exposed portion of the loop, aka the absorber, and can
be estimated using functions usually provided by the
Absolute efficiency is the overall multiplier used to absorber manufacture. PTC heat loss is a function of
adjust incident solar radiation given by absorber surface area, wind speed, and temperature gradi-
ent, qPTC Loss = f (APTC, SWind, DT). The aforementioned
gAbsolute ¼ gOptical  gShadow  gEnd Loss  C Mirror  IAM ð14Þ
temperature gradient, DT, refers to the difference between
Solar radiation sensors measure direct normal irradi- the average HTF temperature and ambient temperature.
ance (DNI) and forward its value to the distributed control Total HTF mass flow rate provided by the HTF pump is
system (DCS) to be used for control purposes. Direct calculated by summing up all loop flows
incident irradiance (DII) represents the solar radiation X
available for exploitation. It is a ration of DNI and can mPump ¼ mLoop ð18Þ
be determined by
Loop HTF volumetric flow is needed to calculate inlet
DII ¼ gAbsolute  DNI ð15Þ valve flow coefficient and is calculated by

If spatial variation of solar radiation is not an issue, vLoop ¼ mLoop =qIn

HTF ð19Þ
DNI and DII given above pertain to all of the SF loops.
CSP plants usually have a few weather stations measuring Total HTF volumetric flow is needed to calculate HTF
DNI and their output is averaged to yield a DNI value inlet pressure and is calculated by
intended for the entire SF. This will result in an even
vPump ¼ mPump =qIn
HTF ð20Þ
distribution of HTF among all of the loops since they are
structurally identical and are exposed to equal amounts HTF density is a function of its temperature, qHTF =
of solar radiation. f(THTF), and that function is usually provided by the
If spatial variation of solar radiation is significant due to HTF manufacture. Inlet HTF density is evaluated at its
frequent cloud covers, DNI and DII given above pertain to SF inlet temperature which is a known design parameter.
individual loops. If that is the case, CSP plants need to Next, the piping network of the SF will be divided into
install DNI sensors on all the loops to give individualized nodes where calculations will be performed at each node to
DNI readings. This will result in an uneven distribution determine loop inlet and outlet conditions. A node is a
of HTF among the loops since they are structurally point in the piping network where HTF flow either splits
identical but are exposed to different amounts of solar or merges. A node can also represent a point where pipe
radiation. diameter changes; however, that usually happens at points
The above DII equation reflects the first scenario where where HTF flow either splits or merges anyway. HTF flow
DNI applies to all of the SF loops. If the second scenario is splits from a supply header to feed SF loops and merges
desired, then the above DII equation needs to be written with a return header to bring solar heat to the PB as illus-
for each loop. Explicitly: DIILoop 1 = gAbsoluteDNILoop 1, trated in Fig. 2. To flow the right amount of HTF through
DIILoop 2 = gAbsoluteDNILoop 2, . . ., DIILoop n = gAbsolute- each loop, pressure should be calculated at all the nodes of
DNILoop n. This will depict the spatial variation of solar the piping network. The resultant pressure drop across
radiation within the SF and will result in different HTF each loop is subsequently used to find all loop inlet valve
flow rates in SF loops, as will be evident later, to attain a positions.
set temperature for HTF exiting the solar field. The diameter and total length of all the different parts of
Solar heat absorbed in one loop can be calculated by the SF need to be obtained beforehand. Diameter refers to
pipe internal diameter, while total length refers to actual
Loop ¼ N PTC per Loop  LPTC  AW PTC  DII ð16Þ plus equivalent lengths. Equivalent lengths for elbows, U-
turns, T-intersections, and others are widely available in lit-
HTF flow required to attain that set HTF exit tempera- erature. Pipe fittings and geometry should also be obtained
ture in each loop is calculated by beforehand from detailed SF drawings and their equivalent
386 M. Abutayeh et al. / Solar Energy 105 (2014) 381–389

lengths added to actual lengths to get total lengths. Loops its desired set exit temperature, while inlet HTF viscosity
consist of varying pipe segments; however, it is reasonable is evaluated at its SF inlet temperature which is a known
to assume an average loop diameter since all loops are design parameter.
identical. HTF pressure decreases along its header pipes and in SF
Total length of each pipe segment between nodes along loops due to wall friction. The magnitude of this pressure
the supply and return headers is given by drop, also known as head loss, depends on average HTF
X velocity and can be estimated using the Darcy–Weisbach
LTotal ¼ LActual þ LEquivalent ð21Þ
phenomenological equation. Furthermore, the Darcy–
HTF mass flow rate of each pipe segment between nodes Weisbach equation includes a dimensionless friction factor
along the supply header is calculated by that denotes pipe resistance to flow. That friction factor
can be estimated by various empirical and theoretical rela-
mnSupply Header ¼ mPump  mLoop ð22Þ tions available in literature or it may be obtained from pub-
1 lished charts. The Moody approximation of the
Colebrook–White equation is chosen to find the friction
For example, HTF mass flow rate at the node feeding factor along HTF header pipes for its simplicity.
Loop 48 is equal to the total HTF mass flow rate provided Friction factor of each pipe segment between nodes
by the HTF pump minus the sum of HTF mass flow rates along the supply header pipe is calculated at turbulent con-
in Loop 1 though Loop 47. ditions by
HTF mass flow rate of each pipe segment between nodes
along the return header is calculated by fSupply Header ¼ 0:0055 þ 0:0055

Last " #13
mnReturn Header ¼ mLoop ð23Þ Pipe 1; 000; 000
 20; 000  n þ
n DSupply Header RenSupply Header
For example, HTF mass flow rate at the node reclaiming ð27Þ
Loop 48 is equal to the sum of HTF mass flow rates in
Loop 48 though the last loop. Friction factor of each pipe segment between nodes
It is worth mentioning that HTF mass flow rate at cor- along the return header pipe is calculated at turbulent con-
responding nodes on the supply and return header pipes ditions by
are equal. For example, HTF mass flow rate at the node
feeding Loop 48 equals HTF mass flow rate at the node fReturn Header ¼ 0:0055 þ 0:0055
reclaiming Loop 48. Therefore, it is sufficient to compute " #13
HTF mass flow rate along just one of the header pipes then Pipe 1; 000; 000
 20; 000  n þ
equate the results to the corresponding nodes of the other DSupply Header RenReturn Header
header pipe. Explicitly ð28Þ
mnSupply Header ¼ mnReturn Header ð24Þ
e is pipe absolute roughness, while e/D is pipe relative
HTF flow in the SF has to always remain turbulent in roughness. Pipe roughness can be thought of as a flow
order to have a uniform HTF temperature in the axial resistance and its value is widely available in literature
direction. Uniform axial mixing will bring about the for different pipe materials. The piping network of the SF
accurate temperature measurement needed for optimum is made up of the same material; therefore, the same pipe
control. Absorber manufactures specify a minimum HTF roughness would be used for all of the different pipe
flow rate to protect against tube ruptures due to overheat- segments.
ing, which is caused by the low flow arising from erroneous Pressure drop of each pipe segment between nodes along
underestimated temperature measurement. the supply header pipe is calculated by the Darcy–Weis-
Reynolds number of each pipe segment between nodes bach equation
along the supply header pipe is calculated by
n n n 2
4  1000  mnSupply Header fSupply Header  LSupply Header  mSupply Header
RenSupply Header ¼ ð25Þ DP nSupply Header ¼ 5 5
p  DSupply Header  lIn
HTF qIn n
HTF  DSupply Header  10

Reynolds number of each pipe segment between nodes ð29Þ

along the return header pipe is calculated by
4  1000  mnReturn Header where LSupply Header refers to the total length, actual plus
RenReturn Header ¼ ð26Þ equivalent, of pipe segments between nodes along the sup-
p  DReturn Header  lOut
HTF ply header pipe.
HTF viscosity is a function of its temperature, lHTF = Pressure drop of each pipe segment between nodes along
f(THTF), and that function is usually provided by the the return header pipe is calculated by the Darcy–Weisbach
HTF manufacture. Outlet HTF viscosity is evaluated at equation
M. Abutayeh et al. / Solar Energy 105 (2014) 381–389 387

n n n 2
fReturn Header  LReturn Header  mReturn Header Pressure drop across each SF loop is calculated by the
DP nReturn Header ¼
qIn n 5 5 Darcy–Weisbach equation
HTF  DReturn Header  10
ð30Þ fLoop  LLoop  mLoop2
DP nLoop ¼ ð37Þ
q b 5Loop  105
where LReturn Header refers to the total length, actual plus
equivalent, of pipe segments between nodes along the Average values for diameter, density, and viscosity are
return header pipe. used in the above loop calculations; however, that is con-
HTF pressure at each node of the supply header pipe sidered sufficient since all SF loops are structurally identi-
equals HTF pressure at the previous node minus the pres- cal. Diameter may slightly change within a loop due to
sure drop of the pipe segment upstream of the current node pipe connections between absorbers; therefore, an average
P nSupply Header ¼ P Supply
n1 n value is used to simplify calculations. HTF temperature,
Header  DP Supply Header ð31Þ
and subsequently its density and viscosity, will be varying
HTF pressure at each node of the return header pipe within a SF loop as the HTF picks up solar heat while flow-
equals HTF pressure at the previous node minus the pres- ing in the focal line of the collectors. Consequently, HTF
sure drop of the pipe segment upstream of the current node density and viscosity averaged between loop inlet and out-
let temperatures are used in the above loop calculations.
P nReturn Header ¼ P n1 n
Return Header  DP Return Header ð32Þ
Desired pressure drop across each loop inlet valve is cal-
The previous two equations show that a starting point is culated by
needed to initiate the calculation of HTF pressure at all SF DP nValve ¼ P nSupply Header  P nReturn Header  DP nLoop ð38Þ
nodes. HTF pressure at the first node of the supply header
pipe equals HTF pump outlet pressure which is a function The flow coefficient of each loop inlet valve can be cal-
of its volumetric flow as given by its system curve, culated by definition
PPump = f(vPump). sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
The system curve function is usually provided by the SGIn
CvnValve ¼ 4162  vnLoop  HTF
pump manufacture. On the other hand, HTF pressure at DP nValve
the first node of the return header pipe equals HTF pres-
Finally, the valve position of each loop inlet valve can be
sure at the last node of the supply header pipe minus the
obtained from the value of its flow coefficient via a so-
pressure drop across the last SF loop. The inlet valve of
called Cv curve function supplied by the valve manufacture
the last loop is fully open because no HTF is needed
beyond that point; therefore, its pressure drop contribution VPnValve ¼ f ðCvnValve Þ ð40Þ
can be ignored. Thus, the initial HTF pressure at the first Note that the valve position of the last loop is set as fully
node of both header pipes can be found by open because no HTF is needed beyond the last loop;
P 1Supply Header ¼ P Pump ¼ f ðvPump Þ ð33Þ therefore, CvValve and VPValve of last loop valve need not
to be calculated. Based on the equation expressing the ini-
P 1Return Header ¼ P Last Last
Supply Header  DP Loop ð34Þ tial HTF pressure at the first node of the return header pipe
given above, DPValve of the last loop valve will be zero
HTF pressure at each SF node has been expressed; thus, resulting in infinity CvValve and fully open VPValve.
loop inlet and outlet HTF pressures are now known. Sub-
sequently, the pressure drop across SF loops should be
5. Procedure
computed then used to find the desired pressure drop
across their inlet valves, PSupply Header  PReturn Header =
One of the most important measures in optimizing the
DPLoop + DPValve. The proper valve position of each loop
performance of PTC type CSP plants is proper distribution
inlet valve can then be determined via its Cv curve.
of HTF within their SF. Poor HTF distribution results in
Average Reynolds number of each SF loop is calculated
frequent thermal shocks of HTF equipment due to oscillat-
ing HTF temperatures caused by poor control of its flow in
4  1000  mnLoop response to changing DNI. In addition, poor HTF distri-
RenLoop ¼ ð35Þ bution among SF loops will force the DCS to defocus some
pD b Loop  l
PTC collectors to mitigate solar heat input so as to avoid
Friction factor of each SF loop is calculated at turbulent HTF overheating. Unnecessary defocusing amounts to fuel
conditions by the Moody approximation of the Cole- dumping; therefore, proper HTF distribution among SF
brook–White equation loops is top priority for CSP plant operators in order to
n get the most out of available solar radiation.
fLoop ¼ 0:0055 þ 0:0055
The DCS seeks to maximize outlet HTF temperature
" #13
Pipe 1; 000; 000 from the SF to maximize power generation as was men-
 20; 000  þ ð36Þ tioned earlier. This is very difficult to accomplish via a sim-
b Loop
D RenLoop
ple feedback control loop due to the large HTF residence
388 M. Abutayeh et al. / Solar Energy 105 (2014) 381–389

DNI Model mPump TT



Fig. 4. HTF distribution control adapted for SF with no spatial variation.

time in the SF caused by its enormous size; therefore, feed- HTF pump can be used to modulate HTF total flow in
forward control needs to be integrated into the outlet HTF order to attain a set temperature for HTF exiting the SF.
temperature control logic. Solar radiation level is the vari- Fig. 4 illustrates the HTF distribution control adapted
able that determines how much heat is going to be for a SF with no special DNI variation. Measured DNI
absorbed by the HTF; hence, it will be input into the feed- is used to generate the set point for the HTF flow feedfor-
forward controller. Moreover, maximizing outlet HTF ward controller using the above calculations, while a
temperature from the SF will be sought after by maximiz- desired HTF exit temperature is used as a set point for a
ing outlet HTF temperature from each SF loop. The outlet temperature feedback controller. The output of both con-
HTF temperature control logic depends on the spatial var- trollers are added and used to adjust the speed of the
iation of solar radiation within the SF. HTF pump.
If spatial variation of solar radiation within the SF is If spatial variation of solar radiation within the SF is an
not an issue, a single DNI value is obtained for the entire issue, a unique DNI value is obtained for each loop within
SF. HTF flow rate per loop is then obtained using the the SF. HTF flow rate per loop is then obtained using the
above calculations. HTF flow rate in the entire SF is above calculations. HTF flow rate in the entire SF is
obtained by multiplying its flow rate per loop with the obtained by summing up all of the loop flow rates. HTF
number of SF loops since HTF flow rate is identical in flow rate, Reynolds number, friction factor, and pressure
every loop. HTF flow rate, Reynolds number, friction fac- drop along both header pipes are calculated using relations
tor, and pressure drop along both header pipes are calcu- given above. Pressure at each node along both header pipes
lated using relations given above. Pressure at each node is calculated progressively starting with the initial HTF
along both header pipes is calculated progressively starting pressure at the first node of both header pipes as detailed
with the initial HTF pressure at the first node of both above. Finally, the valve position of each loop inlet valve
header pipes as detailed above. Finally, the valve position is obtained using its Cv value that was obtained via the
of each loop inlet valve is obtained using its Cv value that desired pressure differential across each loop inlet valve.
was obtained via the desired pressure differential across These valve positions are constantly varying due to the spa-
each loop inlet valve. These valve positions remain the tially varying solar radiation; therefore, automatic balanc-
same irrespective of solar radiation levels; therefore, man- ing valves need to be used to regulate HTF flow among
ual balancing valves can be used to regulate HTF flow loops since their valve position need constant adjustment.
among loops since their valve position need to be set only A VFD connected to the HTF pump can be used to mod-
once. A variable frequency drive (VFD) connected to the ulate HTF total flow in order to provide the necessary total

DNI Model




Fig. 5. HTF distribution control adapted for SF with spatial variation.

M. Abutayeh et al. / Solar Energy 105 (2014) 381–389 389

flow. Fig. 5 illustrates the HTF distribution control Hence, a process control loop is independently applied
adapted for a SF with spatial DNI variation. Locally mea- around each SF loop to manipulate its inlet loop valve
sured DNI is used to generate the set point for the HTF position. Furthermore, the HTF flow signals generated
loop flow feedforward controller using the above calcula- by all the loops are totalized to generate a set point for
tions, while a desired HTF loop exit temperature is used the flow feedforward controller of the HTF pump control
as a set point for a temperature feedback controller. The logic. This proposed HTF pump control logic does not
output of both controllers are added and used to adjust require a feedback controller since temperature is locally
the loop inlet valve position. The generated set points for controlled in SF loops.
all HTF loops are totalized to generate a set point for HTF pump control logic will obviously include upper
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of the HTF pump. absorber limitations. Reaching the upper flow limit will
involve PTC defocusing to limit solar heat input, while
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