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I. Answer to the questions

1. Can people change their attitude?
2. Is it OK to judge people without knowing them?
3. If you were Zarena, would you help Vantura?

II. Go to Laser B1 and pick out phrases with similar meaning to the ones below

Meanings modals
1. She didn’t have the ability to make friends. She couldn’t make friends

2. It is not a good idea to be like Vantura.

3. She didn’t have the ability to get it off.

4. One possibility I have is to leave quietly.

5. I promise not to leave you
6. I suppose there is a way to help you.
7. What is the right thing to do?
8. It is my obligation to help her.

III. Explain the meaning as in the box above.


1. We should look at the root cause of why some

children become cruel.

2. She can break your nose with his bare fists.

3. I must be very careful with him.

4. Parents have to be attentive to their kids’ behaviour.

5. She must be hurting.

6. She can’t run as fast as Vantura.

1. What can Zarena do? 2. What can Vantura do?

About you

1. I can ...

2. When I was 5 I could....

3. After five attempts I was able to .........

Permission: What is Zarena allowed to do in the cave?

1. She can’t sit in Vantura’s place

a. What are you allowed to do during online b. What are you allowed to do during in-

lessons? person lessons?

Which one do you prefer? Why?

Obligation: Your teachers / you

Giving advice

2. Imagine that a friend of your is being bullied

Give her a piece of advice

1. Why don’t you…?

2. My advice is to....
3. I think you should....
4. If I wereyou, I would....
5. It might be a good idea....

1. Write the correct number

2. There are ................ modals and ................ semi modals.

3. Modals:

1. m………..…....… 3. m………………… 5. m……………...... 7. s……………...

2. c...………..……… 4. w………………… 6. w………....…….. 8. s......................

4. Semi - modals

1. n………..….. 2. d…………… 3. u……………..…. 4. o…………….....….

5. They are followed by a b. . . . i............ except ……

6. They do not form all t...
7. They don’t take …… or …… …in the 3 person singular.
8. In the sentences below circle the modals and underline the infinitives. Write the sentences in the past and future.
a. You must do the homework every day.
b. …..
c. ..…
d. I can use a computer.
e. ……
f. ……
9. What idea does the verb must express in a?
10. What idea does the verb can express in b?

1. You must join the meeting on time next class.

= It expresses .................. Who speaks?
2. Miss Jane said, “Marian has to complete the tasks.”
= It expresses ............................... Who speaks?
3. I don’t have to get up so early to take the bus.
= It expresses ......
Present Past Future

1. I must work hard. …… ……

2. I have had to work hard. …… ……
3. She has to work hard. …… ……
4. She doesn’t have to work hard. ….. …..

4. Write the verb forms of MUST

Present:___________ Past ____________ Future___________

Necessity and lack of necessity: (Choose the right idea)

1. I don’t have to wear formal clothes. … necessity / lack of necessity

2. I needn’t have to wear a uniform. … necessity / lack of necessity

Necessity questions : (Complete the questions)

1. ........................................... worry about the test? (need)

2. .......................................... worry about the test? (need)
3. ........................................... worry about the test? (have)
4. There ……………… to be a mistake. (have to/ have got)
5. There ……………… to be some mistakes. (have got to)
6. To be healthy a plant …………………….……………receive sunshine and moisture. (have to)

ABILITY -- INABILITY: Complete the chart with the tense and the correct modal:

been able to be able to3 able to3 can’t can3 could2 was able to couldn’t

1. I ...can... speak English

2. I ............... speak Japanese. (negative)
3. How many languages ...... you speak?
4. I’d like to ………………………..…… speak fluently.
5. We haven’t ……………………………… read the whole book.
6. ……………………….you start work in June?
7. I won’t ………………………………………. start until July.
8. I ‘ll …………………………………..start by July.
9. Most of them ……………………………………….speak English when they were six years old.
10. Sara worked all night so she ……………………………………to finish the report before 6am.
11. Unfortunately, she ……………………………..….send it because her notebook broke down.
12. They …………………………. see the camera but couldn’t reach it.

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