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Worksheet 6: Think Win-Win

Practice Scenarios

1. At recess four kids usually play tag. One day three of them decide to play football.
The fourth child refuses to play and says they should play tag with him.
a. Describe the problem:
the problem is that more than half of the kids want to play football and only one
wants to play tag, so the majority of the kids have already decided what they’ll
play and only one is in disagreement.

b. Write a win-win solution. If you think there is no win-win solution, explain why not
and what is one solution you could try.

I’m not sure if there could be a win-win solution here, if half the kids wanted to play football and
the other half tag, then it would be easier. (it would still be win-lose though, because they would
have to play one of those) or also a lose-lose situation if they decide it’s more fair to play
something no one wants to play. So it’s not win-lose. I think there is no win-win solution here.
Either they play football (because the majority want to and it wouldn’t be fair to play something
that only one child wants to play) or they play something no one wants to play so it’s fair. And
also, taking into consideration that they always play tag, it would also be fair to play football this

2. Four kids are working in groups on a science project. Each child is sharing his/her ideas
about what to do for the experiment. One of the boys in the group feels that the others
are not listening to his suggestions. He starts crying and yelling at the other kids in the
a. Describe the problem:

The problem is that one of the four kids feels un-seen and rejected from the others, he doesn’t
think that his ideas are being taken to consideration, which is unfair.
b. Write a win-win solution. If you think there is no win-win solution, explain why not
and what is one solution you could try.

I think that a win-win solution could be to just listen to the kid, take his ideas for inspiration to do
something fun, including him into the group’s ideas and being kind to him. Even if some of his
ideas aren’t as good or possible, just by getting him to express his thinking (because his ideas
are valid just like everyone else’s) and feeling good in the class project is what matters. Maybe
even one of his ideas could be used and actually make them have the best lab.

3. At indoor recess two kids always want to play games together. Each recess they
always spend several minutes arguing over who is going to have which piece.
a. Describe the problem:

The kids are maybe being rude to each other by not coming to an agreement,
which I think is the first thing that they should do, they both want to play with all
the pieces but they can’t use the same at the same time.

b. Write a win-win solution. If you think there is no win-win solution, explain why
not and what is one solution you could try.

I think a win-win solution could be to take turns to each toy piece, that’s so they can both play
with the same toys. One takes it for 10 minutes and then the other, etc.

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