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Naoh Melanson April 16th, 2023

Communication Skills

1. How would you rate your communication skills? (Extending, Proficient, Developing,

I would rate my communication skills as extending. This is because in the back-to-back

drawing when I was explaining what the image was both of my partners drew the picture almost
perfectly. The onlthing was different was the sizing on some of the elements of the picture. With
the escape the boom I got us through the final level with describing all the charictoritics of the
bomb fast and acurety with lots of detal that we had two minutes leftover when we defused it.
Those are the only examples I have as I was absent for the speed dating and the mock interviews.

2. How can you improve your communication skills?

I can improve my communication skills by making sure I go into detail all the time such
as when describing an image like in the back-to-back drawing, make sure I describe the size of
the object evertime instead of just sometimes and assuming that when I say “it is slightly bigger
than the last part you just drew” they knoe how big that means. Instead give a anwer with a
number on it such as “on the right it is a inch past the edge of the block you just drew.

3. Do you feel confident to market yourself in an Interview?

Yes I feel confident to market myself in an interview as I have had lots of practice with
hockey coaches, interviews and school assignments such as mockinterviews and “get to know
me” letters as well as my biography on my capstone website.

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