The Resurrection of The Witnesses - Mary Cary - 1648

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S’ -‘ 11111111111111“. 111111111 11111111111111111111117

~.‘ 1811, TH E ~ I
A :gg:1: ‘~ The Witne
11111 ffiss ' 111:

I‘ AND i


Fall from (the myfiical B1zu110n)Ԥ

._ .i
Clearly dcmonfhatcd to be accomplllhed
‘ W111 rcby .L,
Great encouragement 1s adminiflmd to all3'1‘;
Saints‘,but cfpcciully to the Saints 1n England
In the handling of. a pan: 0f the eleventh
Chapter of the R EVEL ATION 1 ‘3&9:

By M. Cm‘), a Minificl 01'SC1vant oflcfis


‘ Chnfi', and ofaill hl/Sbamts 11' . _"



. PS AL. 126 I! 2,18’ 1);. '11..‘r1' .. _ l1‘; x‘

When the LORD tamed again the captivity of Sm: We -'

‘g: wefe likg Ibem that d1 cam 3711111 112180q 111011111 jib‘
*3"- led with laughter, and our tongue ivl'lb [aging than
.31. [did tbgy amang the beat/Jen: The LOKUQMHJ dpnv
111 11111:. -

great thing: for them The LORD bat): dgne 311-4;

f ,

thingifir m’, wlaefeofwe are glad. ‘ - .

L0ndon,Prii111cd by D M for Gilg's, Calvert at the: black-
A“ fprcad-E:1gle gt the‘ wefi end ofPaubf, 1048- j
1:. 1)
' W M
. ‘A *1 1- ; ‘ 'f' '_\,'_;_~'I§"‘;-_,\-'-.-', -.
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T M111111111111~¢ M11%111w
T<3 the Honoiu cd

T/oomm Boo): ETquires, ,1
_~ Mfimbqrsnithc Honouralle HoqeIof
LOMMUm PA 111 111111511‘
@gzfiIlb', _--¢__..W. -_4‘. ... ----q -1._...._.-A__.,-‘___ _ __-___H___ __. . - »__-_-—-

<‘¢j .h/LV i; Hm 0111(115111, ‘ .I _
_ _ -/ I'T béing the grew -
,1‘ defigne ofGod Ilaei},'j'
fly,‘ 1-1: T' Fat/9011 tofet 7411 [1791"
'; Son our. Loidjefus":
Chllflt (1.1 lm King 11PM 11.1111
. holy iiill of $1011," and ,
. ($h0ugh the Heathen mac ,
and th€peoplelmabme 111111111} '
11111101 1'
' .2‘ ‘"755?:'*"'-'3‘I-F'j}’-”j;_I_"f.;f{_'_*j‘fi"fF'- Wm“ “"6117 ram’

The Ep1file Dedicatory. _ 6 The Epiflle Dediufatory

"things, faying, Come let us R evelatlon , where wefinde
'. . i ' break their bonds 1n (under, that God had decreed, that
0 I t and eaft away their cords for an appointed?- terme of
. f frOrn us )' to give him the time, his ChurCh, his Tem-
Heathen for his inheritance, Lple, his Saints [hould he 111
i i * and the uttermofi parts of ‘i an aihifiied, perfecuted de-- ,-
4' “the earth for his poflefhom preiTed. low COndition, i11411d:
Ifay, thirhemo God: defign, that the Beaii,a11al the Baby- ~
he hath for the qyrefiiag of it; ionian enemies otaChurch
" ' given all power and authori-r; jhould ha've pOWer t0 grow
ty 1nheaven and 1n earth 1n- great and to flouiifl1,a11dto§ _ .
tohis hand and 111300111111e _ make war againfi the Saints, i - ~
Jefus Chrifi hath undertaken and to blafpherneGif ‘3118615 >41
f ,5 _ 10 execute allGods Decrees, § f his name, and his Salim, ‘p3:31- ~
- an appointed tlme ., *
whzch are 1111’01111011611 1'11 the

Ptophefie of tLe book off the‘ 4that after that t1me'ii‘: 1" i'
k1‘ ,1‘, " -’

','-, it ,- v‘.

~1‘ 3!
.I' 1, gr’,

A4 ‘ Pzred

Revelar» ,

The Ep19111: Dedicatory.‘ The Epli'tleDethcatm 1e. "

12'1e that then Jefus Chrifi' {3 ‘mu{"t be exalted 1n that 11y;-
fbottiti improve that power- 1 there 11ml“ be one Lord, and
that matjbr that emi given to his name one in all the ehtth
Mm, m giVing a gi61tiofus De-.' i'; ‘ N02v tn i't 111011t clearly appttrt
hverance to 19.121 Church, anti to mefitont the ciiVine Ora;
tuinin t..0tally the Betti": cles ofthe Scripture lam/"11g
'grtttt ehylon tutti tzll hi1; compared the works of God
' enemies, That {0 the King-Y ttnri his Word together I
domes at‘. this Wed may btttve in the eniuing D11
hecomehis Kingdems, and C6ur{'e helti tt fin-ttb (firnthe
att/aty '
' . 11/1211. tttfittt/o tz tittztttttt,at encouragement of (til 11313.1:
were not béftitte 611.8a ataii Waitfitt the appearing of tivét
that tt'tte in authelity) that‘... Imtti Jeius Chrifi for the 0-:5 ‘
wiii nateafi their Crowns tlti . V€fti1fOW1PQOi his enemies
his feet}; flat!!! [2t b1 oken 1n, g anti the deliverance of h1$
t ' peeees,jbr he the Lord 211.110 A people fitom their periteutt-
~ gm..fim...- p. ons)
-_ WW

ThfiE pifilo Ded'iéarmy ' ' g ThoEpifile Dedicat'orie;

Babylon, *Rornc;'*
‘ 011$") ‘tbzit ‘the time is alrea-f ‘ _
dY ‘COm'e. 5 'w/aeréz'mthe ap; ~ -N0w, Honoured Sirsé
t3 , “ pointed time of thegrevail- You having been glorious 7
mg. power." of the 'eaft (1-. Starres , flaming "with a
‘2182" tho Sari-fits ',‘ 13s ‘come’ t0; great deal 0f fplendOur in
4 A ‘poriod 5 and ; Zflordinfly Your Countrey bot/o "in the.
Joins. Chrii't 194th begmme; publikencflt: of Your ipirits;
to brlné clowns the war. and "the holineife'. Of Your
oftbe raft, (ind to rlz'ft ‘up; converfations, wherein You.‘ .‘
- his‘ Saints ‘outwf that 10W; * have been eminent. Exam;-
. A ai&ed, ~ perfefiutcd Com; ~' ples , and fpec-iall'cncotk
Y . ditiOn in-Which thray have? ragements unto ~ f others; . .
b63616, 'and that 1’n ordori. 1 and [glowing that) it is fbte.
10' the ‘ p6rfc&ing' Q0f~flg€f dfifirc 'of Your fouls t0 fee
1/92?)n~ England‘ ‘13y ‘drag; ‘ ‘the Lord _ Jefus alone, rid-r
_ firm from‘ the myflrcall; waged, 19100-01261l thrown; .
¢~ ~ ' Ba-Wlbm .9 . I, I
. down.
. ' ‘ 1‘ "_.;QL__¥L4;:{M 4


, TheEpi'fileDédibafipl-y; ‘I . _ The Epifile D€dicaf0ry.

damp. I have ‘prfifinhedfm f a4 thf: truth appears to them

i; '
J . i

premntvihzk -]it'.-?le\;T’1Yeati{é intruth will own it, and con-

I 5'. ‘

m'n'to You, ‘not, doubting 0f tend for it, and doubtlefléfi.
Your lingenliotgs .' and +1 fa!- Tvill YOUL ‘ 1am ‘I I "
*Vourable acceptance Ofl-ifb.
~F1 1.'3


‘But i/aougblpubliH-rik nude? Sits f “ '


Jon-r name anéfavofifi, lye: i A Pétitioner ta: .. m.)- ’

‘£1061 1m t/oeréby'd%:fi‘r@-YOH f
ioipat-rdnizbe ae/w'thhag in'vit ' ' heaven for Sim”; f .51
fiji'tbereflqvulc/ [9'0 aiy~t.i'l:jg) _ . _ , ."-‘l
t.‘ kip-1"]

I '

‘that-2s non-truth, andfbr-thg ;> . - thisKingdoms and? " * . ‘1:’

'1 I:

tittifh'that 1mm I 7'16)?d j A > - W. I

WWW -50“; F??? gr'@a§"~‘ljs‘
ibfitruth; and it WIMPYGJ ~ ‘
. -. '_ - : .yourpr
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vall. ~-?’Ter notwithflandinlbi- . - . i ‘ ' ~ . M (,-

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' hea'rtheir; frequent iinponumtapmn

.. . ;-‘-
___. . .
. "'

ers, which night and daythey have

,_ -

' ‘I _
' _ _ _ _
I. L -..-

pat up agalnft the man of finne, the“

. - 'i 5,»-r~_
_ ‘.I .

_ . v _

eafl, andthelr Babylonian enemies;



. > >-r . "“v.

_. 5

v ' -

. R . 1-».._ l

- 1 Who have troden the saints__ tinder

_ - I "~I .~ ‘ : ‘I -' ‘ff -M
- I


feet,- and made Wane againft them,




and overcome them,‘ and dealt cruel-


gr With‘ them above this twelve hi]!!!-

_. -

a‘ ‘

"i ‘.1

In E

re'Id years -»: and that heWill ‘at laflz-a?

‘ . ‘A

D E / i I
R‘ .is‘
- w

r . _.

'1 U1 Lord Jelus Chrill‘, in venge them on thefe their -enem‘ies.~


_ " '-‘.‘-_ w if. ,-\ . '1'.‘. _ .r- "a\_ . _i w I -

4-“-.. _,


the eighteenth Chapter But faies our Saviour at the eighth

‘ Y_ .
. ,--
_ _

_ \- I

fl of Luke, fromthe firli: a. Verfe, Neverthelefléa ivhen. the Son'r'zé

. _
‘ .

. 3",
._ _._\


the eighth Verle9 from- of ‘mm vomé'th, [ball he. flndé ‘faith on

. _

' the example of the 1m- eartlaf .é’ 'Whereby' he ‘impliefS'9-That'
- .- .

_ '
l.- .
_ __ __ ___ ,__ _ .UI-

pQrtIunate Widclowa flirting up his when hee cometh-, 'his 1pe0ple~fhall~

I‘;- __ ‘- ,4
. .I

Difeiples to importunate praier, he fearce. .have' faith to‘ beleeve that-bee '
I , I . , .-
> _-,.
... a ,.._ _.__

"there aliures them, That God will will thus“ aVenge them-‘milieuacme-.11- l

. n;

‘ _.

' fittely hear the praiers ofhis own fileei:

r . h ».-‘~.
ML” 4I

mleS. B'titfiwhen hefhalleornetodoe


_. ._ .w

that cry to him day and night, anda-é 1t, 1t willbebeyondIthei-t faith. Ahd -

o’ 0. o‘

i 0 . -~ i
I__ ." .

eventhusls 1t With Salnts now, _ they-


venge them of their. adverfaries 5 and


thishe will doe ferlthem , thoughhe haizej foarce ‘faith -to'beliewe5. {thatigthe ' ' :
'- make them tarry long. And herfih 7. Lemu efue hath nowbegqilia; amt-11'18W!"

.1 k _
2'1‘; - '3' h ' '. .II ~.— I ' .I . 3 IF)‘: - .III‘ I‘ V .~ I. w .v
Saints may be allured, 1'1ta i m - n-to av e 1s own e- 'on t em ~

“ad-P j
.I I‘.
. I‘ I‘ I-
'5'- . - ~, ' ._ ' "I
. I i
,‘ I. ‘ ,
_' I I , _ ‘ A i‘
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\_' f I i.‘ 4 ' " v Q.’

‘ a 4' J ' I ‘, ~ '0- n I ,
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\ '.\“".‘ I \.- , ,7 1 j ‘fin’ ._;, ‘I: Ii-
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‘\1.‘ ‘i i 1 I I I‘ i I i '1' _ .l ‘jifi' " ‘11; ‘Iii-‘V'il~r'u\‘ ‘
’ ">".-g .
. ‘l‘§

To we Reader; T0 the Reader)’ _

A’- .‘h"..

yfl ica“ .. Ba ifi' lw li ure they are,' and were created:-

adverfarie s 9; the . m l! 0th ‘whole Wifdome and knowledge
am. Now For the flrengthenmg o re unfathomable; tels his pe0ple
the faith of Saints Concerning this - of old by the Prophet Ifiu'a/n, as Wee
thing, I doe prefent them with this ave it in the fourty eighth Chapter
_ enfuing Difcourfe, wherein. as the ‘8f his Propheliea at the third and‘
Lord hath d'ifeovered it to me (to a he fifth veri'esa That he declared
the firengthening of my faith _ con; rom the beginning the things hee
eerning the profperity os'on hence-L ,ould bring to pall'e9 and that he
forwardé, and giving me great‘ joy ewed it them before it came to
and Pleafilrc therein.) I- hav'e made 1' afle : and he gives the ‘reafon wh
it to appeare from the Scriptures, _e did f0, in the Fourth and fift
That the Lord hath already lifted- effesa Becaujé (faid hee) - Iknezv
_ -
' .a.
"~71- -'-

a. bat
up his‘ Saints from under the vaflbe_

than art obi/Mate, and flay ‘net/£6



lage of their‘ enemles, and J hath


an iron (Mew, and t/Jy brow bmflé :


gu'nne to put the cup’ of tremblm g5


nd, lea}? than fliouldefi fay, Mine


afllicf ted


' into the hand s of them 'dal hat/J dam: them, ami- my/ gravel;

them. Which I defire that all that 'magc ., and my molten image [hat/J
love, and honourthe Lord Jefnqmgy 1 ‘ommanded thew. , And tlxtzrfiforiglib"?3 -
r‘ I“

diligentlybbferVe. -* 'rophet Ifaiah in the fourty' eighhh ~

haptera and, fourteenth veriej hee '
' i "For the moft high GodJ ‘of whom,’-
m ‘.
‘altes a challenge to the Nation's,
d; to . W ho
md'thmllgh whorn , an nd tothePeople, toafitmblethem- i
are-Edi things , . and' .forr-Whofe iPlegs'f . a (elves,
,- ~ \ ' - ._furc
~ t\t‘ ' a .
_ z, myrglfi ~¢§ -J -
, ‘.nr
To the Reade-r,
1. 'j'W-“T'W'”“f" -

o the Reader.‘ T
{elves9 and to thew which among
them hath decl
But there is noneared
before they me to Page»
to befound among A a ., thereby a ca
thofe things;
an had
greatel: advantilged the
ionnes of men that can declare t‘ hhe Heathen? 0f bemg convinced 0f
‘any thing: for'he maketh the divi~ - h -. 1s .eternall Power and GOd-hefld -‘
"11ers mada 690. And Ifaiahthe "Ii Yet-Were 31¢)’ {9 Vile» as t0 (1116-
fourty third3 and the thirteenth 5 he _ i’ ‘filon It: hag-l-n them an emmtle
faiths Before the day was, 1am: bee, fl ' to the true God, and ehofe' rather
and t/Jere
i4‘ none that can deliver out~ _t0_Wor-fl1ip “0189 and denie the E‘
'afmim? ban ds‘ _. [will work, andwha ~ l ‘ter nall God : As appezrss m' the
flm/l let it. And Ifiziab the fourti'e 1*?‘ ‘fourty fixth ChaPtQ' Oi/ziab, and
fix Chapter, and the ninth and tenth l! - therefore at . the eighth :n'l ninth
Ve'rfes, I am God , and there is none Vedas’ 1101211633 Remember Hm‘: ‘"161
like mac, Declaring the end fi'om' the flie
e .wyP aur fifl'v_ es 'wzm 3 ' and bring it 4..
beginning, and fiow ancient’ time: , \- ' game "t0. mma'e , O yee tranfiqrqfloum,
t/Je thing! that arenat jet done, fay- ' Re/gember the firmer thingy/0f
ing , M] counfiz/l flu]! fiend , and I .. - I am GOD, and. there it non fir
Will (1064/1 my playfure. And yet .I am_-_G *0 D, and there ‘is name elfiz,
nOtWithfianding all this, thatPfio- “ _ _ we, -..Dec-laring the end flow t/Je‘ be~
‘ple' of Ifmcl9 who had feeué"ah'd giifw'ng. , and fi'o'm' a'ncient time: the
- knowne, (or might havej'I-al'l'the ‘ thing-‘that are not yet done 5 fny'ng,
glorious Workes 0F the mofi "high, My t whiz/$21! final! fland , and I
and obferved how he decla'red'thingg all vziy'pleqfilfei Remember"; wi ll do}?
‘be foi'e .4 beehadfaid, ‘and thew your ‘ as if {elves
3 2 men,
\ Mi. A'.-.._L
| . V.’
'-".'Y P 1.7- _,

,1 "‘
'n |

To. the Reader. k 'l , 70 the Reader.

men, {hew your felves' to be ratio-1' to "pafle long 'agoe, and hhow hee"
nail creatures , and be not as the . ' hath brought to Pane what hee lo’.-
horfeand mule that hath no under- 1'declared, Rut they have lofber;
fhmcllng, but feeing 'I have decla- l ll vei1€the principles of reafon whlch__'
red from ancient times, the things.’‘ 1- they; .on'ce had,_ by ~Wh1e'h.they.
I would doe long before they. carne '3. “'7; might have then been eoa'cecl;
to pafle : faying, My counfell {hall i hereof 5 whereby 'they- are - left
fl'and, andI will doe all mylp'leae without excufe, as the Apofile faies,
§ n-

fure : And be l ye thereby, cc'invm- ' P}:- '30a the filfliijmd the twentietl-Iq -
ced, that I am GOD, andithere is l'But they having loft realim, ‘are;
none like me. i But as then, To now, i l , now become vaine in their i1nagina~
are there many that-are becOme 'A- L‘ tions, andtheii" foolifh heart is tint‘- _
theifis, denying the true GO;D.-and \

\ ltened. 5 "and ‘though they pl'OifillQ

JESUS CHRIST, WhomheZhath .- _';l..thenifelves toibe Wife, and are puft;
fent, whofe necke are an ironfinew,- ‘l . -’J up With felFe-conceits Us u-idme,
‘and their brow braflie, who hadthey in their frothy.- and blafphemous
not lofl' the principles of-reafon, .' Difcomfes : yet they; are become
might by‘ the things of the Creati- ._W] '. fooles, changing the'truth of GQ D.
on , be "convinced of his Eternall- ,l- into-3 a lie. -!And- the Apofilefglves
Power and God-head, Romans-the I I ‘I,
' h' the teafon why' G OD: hath thus- '
firfi Chapter,- ancl the twentieth verfe. - ._ given them ‘over; --in,the_ "firft11Chla-i

As allo by 'obfervinq how hee decla- ’ . pier. to thcfiomm the eneand‘ Wen-.1"

red, ‘What it Was his Willytolbring " tieth,anti the eight andtWentieth vest;
a - ' ‘ to (68,. '1
. ' I
-- - I @.~MMML1.L'L JIAQ
_ " To the Reader.‘ .
labs,‘ Beé'gmfi’ ' the]
‘To the Reader.
did not like t0 retaine
G D D in their klzsw . and third vetfes, ‘The ‘UMP/{6f of the
led _
‘thzft wheat-the] keel ' LORD are great, filugbt out ofia/l'
fiified'bim not 4/;- aon.’ The-lislw '
/19053,) 4715} bkfil
61 them that haw pleafizre therein. Hi4
reafon hee giveth ke
, 'Why them th'u: war/(g? is‘ bozourzzbleg and gloriawj and
perith are deceived b his rig/atcmg/‘mfi endured: for wer' :'
t . ‘ ' I-Ie bath Made M 190726.16?n war/<0: to
finnea as 1n the fecond Y
' the .-

.Epiftle to th"0f
‘Tbeflizlmimz; the {e e ‘ be remembrczl, 8(0. The L O R D
cond Chapt .. er‘ ‘ind hath made his wondelfill! work-es
the z et/2e 6 re ' w < -
___ tenth verfe, Beem
the love oft/Je- truth. to be remembrcd among his Saints,
y cezoefl not though others remember them not9 ~

yet his Saints have pleafilre in them,

I .5
s 'But now, Tho

1". iii-R’
i '
Papifts, denie the ug and therefore fearch them out_., and
Eteh ttm
ll lfts
Dd they have a promife made to them,
311d j' :Ohfétve
1,10‘ "his wonderfiallD ; That in the obferving the wonder...
ti/VO'tkes9 how he dec]ems
before‘ the); ' come things long- full things of the LOR D9 they
M y efltln fell fhal-lt0. pafle :‘ 'faying' {hall undetftand his loving k indencfll;
Woe at w my 'pleafiltefiflfid ,?and Iwui
5 :A'ahd'aemrdi' i. _ ‘it runnes thusa W100 f2, i4‘ avifcl and
. IV brln s . 1t‘ . 'to
. ~ xvi” obfisr'ue thcfe things: even.“ they
, ea'nfie'x‘I thneii-r
foul cart-1s
imii ' ' da page
rkne ’ d:‘bi Yetztll ‘his’ [ball zmdeifimzcl
* The Pfalmifi in the
S:1*i‘t1tsld0e,' 3nd'w. il'l' ‘obfer ‘the Jom'ng kifldef' i‘
For-faiththeIPfal'miftp' in th ve this? farmer 'pmft of that
mjfi: oft-he LORD*‘>'

e 7 hundred -' Pfalme, bad been flute-

P ‘I
‘,5“ and eleventh IT king of feveral/ pafj'a- as Pfalme the hun-

/dlflh’ 5. talld the fetiond
‘H I get of tbs providence of dredand third and
' - ' andi
\" 1

t ' .‘1\'

\ a4
0 z '1
,‘l '

o u.».h.._,,______ .7 .
o . . ‘ -mwvivi"a
I’. I
‘ w‘ ‘ I '47-, ‘.Jm-a-
~ ‘---\~ .77..-‘ ‘v 'm',“_':"\sri w

To the Reade??? ‘I -' \ A To the Reader.

the fourty third GOD, which it corz~ creatures. v-Qn' bigb fi-om enfuing Difcourfe

verfe. NOW it came; Saints ta Obfiv'ae, afiififirjn gland to make it W111 appear?
hmiliw like a That as Jesus

being f0 a let amongfitbe rcfltléare r o1‘ flamia

Saints diligently 10mg’ He pourcth - finch,‘ tv'bo not longfime C H R I S T‘. ‘d'ld


contempt upon Pain- Were jiziallin numbmgbat, 0' fince reveale

obierve the’ =niu- ccs, cauiuh them-t0 - -
1:. tr'm number
1‘ new
t0 ‘jobm hthafc
511g Dififourfe , Wander in the W11? ' greatly ‘intreaj'cd.
Wherin it doth ap- demefle where there after the myfllcall
pearfi'lfihat GOD i Babylmziam had perfeeuted 111$:‘Salnt
15 no way 5 ye-t'hee
‘hath brought t0 ietteth the poor 0h a 10tt he would ralie up ht?
' page the th'tngs he- - high Sainté'out of their perfccut'ed cmxdr
from afllifition, ‘ '
and maketh him .Fa- -
did fifteen hun~ milk-‘s like a flocke. ‘:7 - tion9 and bring); dQWn thofe t1]Cil‘_l~
dred yeares agoe The righteous {hall '1' . " bylonim enemies: So hee hath alrea-
predeclare .3 which fee ~it and rejoycei -: ' die begunne to doe this thing;
they Obfer-ving it ‘and all iniquity {hall . .' - t0 l'aife up his Salnts,- and t0‘
may tend much t0- {topl1c-rn-20uth._Now _ downe their enemies 9' and that puni-

._ a. . . the {trengthehing 111111;‘; HM’ Whit” i‘ by 11' ‘finally, accordifla, t0 What heC dldl'f?‘ a
_ - '_~ - -~ SlZU 101w 0/)!(2'0611 a! J . a ' ~ qr. , " ‘ . ' 1f‘j
Oflthfiil‘ ialth ID- . - - ~ .-..1.-~1} veal {Dig/J”, _
11- l . "n t IFS? [9 tlmume aljo, even 120w ‘1 _> a - , ~51
118 I la . j; L '\ I l p ‘ Q h Th ,- I ' . a
Ei _T 3 ._ l GOD 5.3511236?!) '0,n :1!» T k t1 TC hath been 0b- l
'. CHRIST hilt 1 contempt 11pm‘: 134/{1/05- "411.5 _,| -. NO vV I 110W 1? ‘ . ~ \ 1 ' 0'5 LZ
i, , begu'nz, audilsgo-- "ibrincearflii. 1341101151? ferved by manySamtsj‘ tnany t 111t :1
1; uing 0111 to avenge r1131! ‘oi/2m‘- ~:B;jz[gylo;_1m;z§;F"i;§'l‘,j -t}1aft_G OD revealed to john, swam 1

-th€1110f1£h€il‘ 6mg... ‘F“V071”; mid-

‘1.01M H201)? . belt-151111 ‘lwégght to pafle. :H Many 9f
Imies, TFOrPin the
3611i}! tbrlYi-‘fwlzrc - {c0511 _
‘111012 as 11001‘ .' (1,7;i '. 111.
which Ohfdvfatigns are 1 already:int
* : ' pr
a. 1, ; - enhung ‘ '
.. .

Wuhan’- J.
V I. l’ _|' n
V wr-v-
_.‘ U ___ f‘ ‘ .»._-_- »n~

. To‘ the Reader. , To the ‘Reader. .

print _: ‘btlt that which] chiefly aim at i f ' .Firft, It may be fome cannotreceive’
in this_Difcourie, is that which is nor it, beCauie'they look for farther judge-‘i
yet printed by any other, and whether merits to, come upon this Kingdome, .
any other have yet obferved it, I know (wherein ‘outWardly' the Saints may-
110% but they are paflages f0 eminent- flutter alfo j becaufe of the great -pro- ‘
}y worthy to be obfe'rved, in this pre- 'vokin ‘ii-Tris ofthis Kingdoma as drunk;
, ent time9 becaufe they give the Saints ennefiii, and adulteries9 and oaths9 and= \
fuch ‘ground of encouragement and their entering into (o many Covenants
oonfolation , in refpefl' of the happy concerningreligious things) for which
fuceefie that {hall be ofthe very prefent they have no fufficient Warrant9 now
affairs ofthis Kingdome ( how knotty in the times ofthe Gofpei9 and thee}?-
and diflicult (o ever for the prefent, or prefliOns ofthe poor, and meaneri fort-l
for fome time, yet they may appear to ofpeople, ‘and the great negleét ofiiog
be) as that in love to all Saints I coiuld ing juftice generallyflvc. Now to thefe
.notbut communicate them to therh in I fay9 That it is true: that ifGod {fh'ould-
this wa y. ' ' J deal with this Nation9 according to its
But there are two things,’ which it ' demerits 5 then indeed no other ‘could
' may be may caufe fome to retain {ome be eitpected 9 but an utterdefolation of
.unbeleetving and doubtful] thoughts it, - that it might eitherfivim in' bit-‘ind;
concerning the happy fuccefie of pre- or burn with fire untill it Were confu- _
'. fem things, ahhtrugh it be made clear v med. But ‘
in the folloWing Difcourfeal That the Firft, I defire you to confide!"a That I
gtime ofSalnts being-Cloathed in facin- God hathia very great number of his
-.elo'th_ is expired. . ' Firfi dear
l _.a
,. lflgfi

. i; I i V
v 1 ~ V 4
'A I ti.’ \ 0-.‘ t Ln; M
-" . > 1-5- t ~ 2....‘ ‘"2-1'2?
_,'h"!;?: v
,‘ _ 1.1"?’ m
'|. a .

' n the? Réadérf To the Reader.

. dearlSaints in this Kingdom, in whom to ' become eminent ' Saints, and call _
he delights,and for whole lake he may,- thofe his people that were not his peo-
and I had almoll: (aid, will {pare ‘this ple : And why {hould we doubt Whe-
Kingdome, and {pare the Cities and ther heWould do f0, {ince thefe are the
Towns, and Counties where they ar e times wherein he hath promifed to do
for ifGod would: have fpa red Sodoma f0, and hath already begun to doe 1t P
for ten righteous perfons, we have a‘- t
great ground ofhope,that he will (pare: BuThirdly, If it be f0, that forne are
London, yeaall Enghmdfrom a gene-- hzu'dned t0 deftrufiion, and they are,
rall devallatlon- and defolation , Ila- ‘never ‘quiet , but lit-ill are plotting a-
ving thoufands o?righteous perfons in" gainll the jull, to rulne themzyet kno
Londongand in all England a very great; _ i. they fha-ll not prevail over the Saints, l
number. And how many plots ofwic-- ' but in oppofing them {hall ruine them-
- ked inen, wherein they endeavorired' (elves, Ze'cb'. I 2.3. as appears 1n the fol“ ,
theruine ofthis Kingdome, hath God lowing Difcourfe. - ‘ _
{blafied 'P Havingfuch a great number Secondly, Doubtful] thoughts may i
ofhispreciousjewels in it.‘ D be in others, that yet the_Saints may be
. *- 7‘ And fecondly, :‘Wha t thoughh’ ere overcome,becaule they lee they have f0
'be in this Kingdome, many that are many enemies abroad, and at home,
gr'eat enemies to Jefus Chrill', yet God- and they are {peaking great wordsand
can by his Covenantof Grace, bring are fl'ill plotting agamfl them.To fuch,
many of them'in' to the obedienceof I fay, Let them fupp'ofe that there we

Chrift, and make them ofperfecrltors ~. none that diddare to make any .oppofir- ,
\ \.,_

j ; ‘£7’,w

' $9., ' - '. , tton

t :,'.'

J’ . a





. > 41- i g _ ‘4. V V ‘ '\| _ . "‘--~~‘-‘L~'--La;m

. , '1'!

‘X $5792‘ ‘ ~' -

To ._ the R~ea'der.~


To the Reader.‘


.i lition at all in this-Kingdome, but that in gene-tall are 5 ' then ifhe-hea man in

any ‘pubhkelmplmment, let him an‘



all things Went {moothly on 5 in the


cording to his place Oppofe the Beafl;


hands ol'thofe that'a-re carrying it on :



and ifthtziy could then beleeve,‘that in. and aét for the Welfare of all that Wifh

well to Sim, - and doe julliee unto all,


' deed Go would not have his Saints in


from the highefl'. unto the loWefl',' and


this Kingdome to be troden underfoot



by the Beali any more. , Then let them bemore forward to at}: For th'e mean.

have the Tame faith to beleeve it now, ‘ell; then for the highefl. Lethim {up-


‘as knowing it is as eafie with God, to pofe the conditi- * _ .

carry on this work over the mountains ‘on of the meanell b'lfay’ ‘b4’1&8k--”‘fi .
as over the plains, and he will make man
. *that
the great mountain to become a plain him for 1"“ things pvotcfiian in'é'vil ' mm;
before ‘Zembbabel 9 before ‘his people, __ to behisovvn con- or'fn place: a'f profit oi
'f "d-itiOn, and aél For ' honour, when they n'ei-Q

- 22011.47. He can command thofe that


him, as hee would tber deferve them, nor

~. ,-.;\:..,tamJ-_~

are preparing Warre againfi them to fit


be dealt. with him- are fltfor them, or elfc I


Hill, and proceed no farther, and put a


have too man) ahead)’,- L


fear upon them 5 or if they doe goe on, {elfwere hein that


'yethe'canmakeitto come to moshing» ‘ conditiomfor thus '


relieving i of‘ the p001‘ and diflreliEd


and to he the.molt ‘effefiual way to lay


ones,is mofl acceptable to the Lord of


them‘ ‘lower ., and to raife rhis people

Sabbath, land in lbdoing, I am confi-
‘higher.- ‘ .~ , de ntitWi'll- go well with himD ho wever
New ifany particular man'would be
it g0 with others. , -~
_. as rumfafery, as all the WFimefiés'
.' . l in - I Again‘, -

» -


4 To: 14441144444! i’ '4.

W 4W . We're-q‘ <
‘ff’:. _.Y...|:~_
. 4.

- I

Again,"lf' he be a Pl'ivateman5 let

.. _.fl


him .alfoilfl his place, wifh we'll fto 346.11; 3


._ . ‘__._...:,4.,_,

and Oppofethe Bezffi 5' f0 {hall , he alfo

- ‘ *
f ___. ___._\_; __-.. __.---.__ ____________.
~ -. 1~

profper in.the.prol perity 05840”. 4 .


Revel.Chap.I I. from Verfil. t0 I4.


And now Reader9 who ever. thou


art lithou dofh'ecelve an benefituf 44

o a ' n a v
_ 4.
any3 kinda, by reading the enfuing Dif... a1 Verfe I .
' courfea ‘whether of- eneouragemem:a Elf" N D there was given me
' confolatlon, 1nF01'm-at10n, or qulck- ' ' "" oreedlike a rod, and the
nine, I befeech thee t0 return -_a'll the Aeeelfieoda Mine, Rife»
glufy pfit to the mofl High, to Whom 4 , f} andmeafure the Temple of
4 al'onelti's due, who for thatepd mad? h .7 "‘W/WY God, and the Altar, and .
llfe offo weak an infirument: inwhom f4. them thotwoijhip therein.
rd... Jefils
ifthou be a friend t0 the Lo 4 2. But the Court which is‘ without the
=;4Yemp'le,leowe ouhemd weafixre it not (for.
Chr-ifl'a Iam
144¢ id'gi'ven unto the Gentiler, and the holy" h
Thy 41¢nd. fCi¢jflJallthe] tread underfootfourty 4322!‘

. ,4‘-

1¢wo mOnt h e,
4. _3- And Imi”give power unto wytwo

' ferve te
e MR ea .f'r’ mafia‘, and theyfhollprophefie a thou-
'M. C413’ cmd two hundred and threefoore olqy: elo-

hed in fookolot-h.
ff 4. '1'hqfi: are the two Olive.-tree
wo candlefI-iokr,fianding hefbre the God
i=1fthe earth. 4 B \ _ 5.41mi
5. And ifany man Will hurt them, fire. flea/[rejoyee over them, ‘ and malqe merr ,
proceedeth out oftheir month,and de'vonp. i‘. , and aa/lflzndgz'ft: one to another:beeaufe
eth their enemie r:and ifany man wit htt'rt j the e two Prophet: tormented them that
them, he mnfi in thia manner be hgl'ed. I “7 dwelt on the earth.
6. ‘lhefe have power toflint heavenghdt t I I. .And after three daiet and an half, ‘
'it rain not in the daiee. of their prophecy .- the Spirit of life from God entered into
and have power over water; to turn -them_ them : and they ood npon' their eet, and
to blond, and to fmite the earth with all great fearfellupon them which aw them.
they a”. Y

e“. ewhen
A, th7.And theyfloat havefini/hed their j
I 2. And they heard a great voice fiom -
heaven,fayin'g unto them, Come up hither. ,
tejtimony, the beafi that afeendeth out of i find they a/hended up t0 heaven in a cloud ~
the bottomlefle pit, jhallmahe tvar again/t- ,- - and their enemies beheld them. ,
1:187”, and [hall overcome them, and kill ‘ I 3.And thefame hour was there a great
t .vem. -- i earth-quake, and the tenth part ofthe City
8 - AW] their deadbodieefhafltie inthe ‘,1 fill, and in the earth-quake wereflain of
Jim’ Off/MSW“ city, wbiehflfiritnaL-i/yts men[been thoiJandgand the remnant were
ea.'/edSod0mand Egypt, Wherealfb our jg zfirighted, and gave glory to the God of
Lord was crucified. £ ‘I § eaven. = 1'
9- And they "ft/16 Peoplemnd kindred!’ i‘ 7 I 4. Thefeeond woe it‘ pamand behold,
and tongnet, and nations, flJa/lfee theirgz’ 1 the third woe eometh :quiekly.
dead bodies three daie.r and an halfl. and
flta/l notfnfler their dead bodie; to be ‘PW e.
in gra'zter. - e
I o. And they that dwelnponwthe earth, .
_ _, h t
- .._ ‘_
"' ' 'u . ll'ée
‘I 712a Preattblt. 6.
r. ‘The Revelation of fifth Chrtfl, which, Gad

gave unto him, to {hem unto hi: [swarm things

gwhichmuftfbottly come to‘ Pafie; and he fent and

1; -4». in? . .4

1 ni editby hi: Ante!‘ unto hi: fervnntjdhn.

7 _,
. 1-11.

fg 21.9,!!!” ‘bare rccohd ofthc word of 66d, and of
thatttttttttwtrt Mt

_ '-_
. " "
‘the teflimofly ofjej'm Chtifi, and of all things that '

. -

3. t. ~¢
he finv.

_ .-
3. Blelfedi: hi? that readcth, and theythathear

Y he Preamble.

. y
the words of thz}; prophet)’, and keep thojé things

which are written the'rcizz,tbr the time it at'hand. ‘

_ . .1?'§§-'i"ii-‘ 2-2231.
|~. _
, j. Rom that vans, t defitt- as In‘! thefe verfes is contained thefe tive par-t


Pthe Lord'thali ‘enable-me, to , ticnlars‘:

declare that which"‘Go'd Fiffi, The filbjcfii'. matter of this book.

=h1athdifcovered tome : ‘Folk- ' Secondly, The reafon of the divulgation
.1) é? I Ih0petthat it may be as ad; ‘ ofthis book. -
-‘ " _ vanta lOllS touthcr-s, as 1t
75’ 1/4, I‘ ' “ . .’ ' , a
Thirdly,The inflruments of the\divulga1+
hath been-to my oWn I oul. . : ‘ tion of this book. ' ‘ ~
‘But though the‘Ptib-l'i'ca'tion of“ what 1ap-'-. ‘ _ . Fourthly', The Frnitfillnefl'e of thole in-
pears to ‘me in the‘ e 1irerfes, bet-hat Which I {tmmtnts in the divulging thisbook.
C_hi'efly1ai‘m at 5 "yettbeing pte'lt in fpii'it, ‘to Fifthly, The pronunciation of a blefling
giVe forth fome meditations from the Prea upon the Perfons that reade or hear the
a'm'bl'e ofthis Book}; which Ptea'mble is con-- words ,ofthls book.
tained' in the three firfi vetfeei' of theffit'tflf ' , The firfi articular containeslin thcfe ver-
Chapter of this 'bo'oik of the R'evélati'hn'l .fes_.', is the ubjefit matter 0Fthis" book 5. [and
cannon: but here infe'rt it, as a Preambléfifé that itexPreli in thefe words, p'flte Revelation
fi . ‘i
the {Ollowing difcourfe alfo; thmifihi'tm ofthing: that mufifhortly come to Palfg'lhe word
OfGodynd the tettimonfilg jefm Chtifl. From " , _j
‘beii'tj'may not feem in the eyes’ 0
pertinent. -‘
“new whence this is the O emation. '
E111 " The three verfes'are as follows; 3' ‘ \ . _ B; _ . - , Obflmm. '
_ ‘t 4
‘ , a.) . I r I .1 . f; 4 _
_ 1 I . -.¢ 1 ,1 ‘. ‘» - .
" l -.| ‘ 3 (7| f ‘ '.- " 4
/ . f
‘Ihe Pt'eflmblt'.
l .

ar ed in hi s W ord; then do theY
16' I The Preamble. hath pie-de cl
e end, for which
God di _
fw er th
Obfer'vJ. That the whole'boolt
of the m ol t an
things, which was that
lara tion or‘ before reveal thefe d and niagnthed bay, his
Revelation, is a Revelation, dec ut he might be admire all things to pa t ac-
manifeliation of the minde of God, palie, eople, in bringing [htwing that he. is God .
the things which were to come to cording to his word, can declare things to
afte r the rev eali ng ofi t : whi ch Re- le
{ho rtly
is the wo rd of Go d, and the teli i- t alone: 'fornone el l G.‘0d doth. ‘Bur. hoW_
velatiOn l come, as the
eterna but by
mony of lefus Chrill. ca n Sa in ts ha ve tXperttnee of this, ther?
This point beingfo evident, and clear
in vorks toge
any furt her co m pa ring his Word ands ints frequently
the Text, ‘l lhall not. produce ty 0i Sa
beca ufe l inte nd bre vity , but Therefore it is the du oi the firlr. . .
proofs ofit, do . So m uc h
immediately proceed to the Deduaions'
fo to e BtUtJldllOfl,
S ec on dl y, ls this book ofth mony of Je-
which flow tron] it, which are theft. tellt
ord of God, and the hereby informed,

or Dec lara ti- ' th e w

IF this hook he a. Revelation are
abo ut the thin gs, l (ns Chrifi? then We ior ns to call that
on of the min de of God nt ah le
n That it is warra of the minde onod, .'
which were lhortly to come to paffez the ‘which is a Revelation e fee 701m cals it lo,an . d
how Go d hat h
it is our dut y to obfe rve W ord 0f God. W

th e is ‘.
' brought to pafie, the things which he to
hy m ay no t W e? I the rather (peak oi th
W That nothing
pre-declare he would bring to page; tha in be ca uF e forne have alfirmetl, httt._lefus
c lled the Word 0F God, Scripture
we may glorifie God in his omnifcien all m ay he ca
' fore-(eeing , and fiare-knon'rledge oiy g- C hrili -,' becanfe it is a
title the
gzmzmg was
in brin ", as john 1.1. In Ibo be

things, and in his omnipotency , him


es to


- d,'and_ we '
ing the'things to paiTe Whith he did fore , and the Word ‘WM wz tb
' Go

doe the I/V ord Wordgwas
appoint to bring to pallet that he can, God. And effort. The

rdw oo

Wo and w: totem bio

all things, and nothing can hinder him from madeflefl), and dwelt among m,

to the ._ ' otten S'on of GoJ,


bringing all things to pafle,accordingints ry, the glory at of the only beg

.3 . glo
Counfel of his own Will. a When Sa doe. truth. And 130i). 5.7. For
full of grace and
i tbete
. m oli diligently obferve the works Wtll B 4
God brin, gs to pafle, according to whathe ,
I ~ 11:’, hath

"‘ . " I‘ "wry-st?!"
is - ‘ =.
- The Preamble.
there are three that bare record in heaven, the Fa-- the word: that I have [hoken unto thee in a book.
ther, the Word, and the holy Gbojl, and theje three. ' ‘ And fever-all like palfages to thefe we have,
are one. .And Revel. 1 9. 1 3.And he wat'cloathed as in Ezekiel 6.1. and 7.1. and 12.1. and
with a veflure dipt in blond, and his name it called, _ 16.1. andHofJJ. and 4.1. And the like
The word ofGod 5 and the armies that were in hea- P we have alfo in joel, Yonah , Micah, Zechary,
ven followed him upon White horfet, 8tc. . But let ‘ and the tell: of the Prophets : where it is
theft: know, that though in thefe places that clear, That that Which was the Revelation,
title, The word of God, is given to . lelils - or- manifcltation 0F the minde 0FGod, con-
Chrlll, he being the ellEnti-al word ofGod: ‘ Cerning the waies in which he would have
which is the reafon why this title is‘. gi- his pe0ple to Walk, or the things which he
ven to him. Yet that the Spirit of God, was about to doe , whether of bringing a
gives this title alfo to the Scripture, to- the dearth upon a eoplc, or any other judge-
Written word, theworclwhich is the Keve- ment'5' or the oing ofthem good : This ti-
lation of the minde of‘ God, as appears here,“ tleis given to it 5 The word of God. So that it
and 1n other places, as 7cm. I. Moreover, tbg. - - is clear thatthis title may be given to the
word of the Lord came unto me, laying, Go and cry A writttn Word, thc Scripture, both by all
in the. eart,8cc. And verfia. Hear )e the word of the fore-cited places (belides many Others
the Lord, O houfe ofjacoh, and all the families of {i that mighthave been cited to the fame ef-
the houje oflfrael. And for. 7. 2. Stand in ‘the fefit) and allfo in the teXt, where this book -
gatetof the Lord: houfo, and proclaim there thia- I; of the Revelation, is called the word ofGod.
tvord, faying, Hear the word of the Lord all ye of ‘Q Butl {till acknowledge, That lefus ChriPt
judah, that enter in at thefe gates to worfbip the - ‘j 1531011‘ eminently the word ofGod, he be-
Lord. That faith the Lord of heft, the God. ofIfra- , ‘ ing the ori inall ofit: ‘for as God doth all Q
el : amendyour waiet, 8tc. And]er._14..1e. ‘The thin selfe yjefils Chrill, f0 he giVes out
Q word of the Lord that tame to jeremiah concerning his 0rd by him, and Jefus Ch'riit gives te7-
the dearth,8tc. * And fer.3o.1,2. ‘The n'ordthatr, .' fiim'ony to it: which isthenext inltrufiion
came to jeremiah fi'om the Lord, faying, Tim 1 ‘- arifin from the point, andtomes now to ' Q
fieaketh the Lord God ofIfrael, frying, Write a”, g befpdlt.en of. - -
' ' ' the Q Thirdl)’: .
‘The Preamble. The Preamble. II
Thirdly, ls it {'o, That this Book of the I cal/yin not fervent; 5 for the fer vaizt know/er!) no
Revelation is the Word ofGod, and the ttili- what his Lord doth 5 hutI cat'ljou friends : for all
mony of .l'elius Chrili? Then this may in- thing: that I have heard of m) I'lathet', I have made
forme us, that as this : {'0 all the Scriptures, known unt030u: and PJal :2. 25'. 14.. ‘lhej'ecret of
doe as truly come from lefns ‘Chriii , as the Lord ie'wt'th them that fear him, mzd he Will
from God the Father : for he gives teiiimo- fhew them of hi4 cot/enam. So that it is a Clear
ny t0 What the Father Faies. What the Fa-‘ (truth, That it is the pitai'ure. of‘ God to
ther declares, he witntfies, and tcltitieth the haVe his fetvants acquainttd with his ‘fe-
fitmegantl therefore he is (aid to be The faith- crets,antl to know his minde, concerning
fullwitnefleliev.1.5. And it is (aid 0F him, things to CulliC’. I
1 (or. 1. 2o. For all the fromt'it of God'in him It being i'o,in the lirii place it teaches
areJea, and it? him amen. So much of the firfi r Saints to atlmite,antl magnifier the love or‘
particular, the filbiefi matter of this Book. the Father, that doth exprt-lie hitniiit (l)
I come now to the litcondflvhich is. ' gracionlly to them, as to Minn! them that
The rtafon of the divulgation of this honourto he as his trientls, in t‘ vealing, his
Book; and that is contained in theft: words: Teerets to them. It is a rt marltahle paliagc,
Which God gave unto'frfejitt Chrifl to fliew time hie Ame; 3. 7. Surely the Loni God will doe nothing,
jervamt. From whtnce arifes this Obfer~ that he 'teveafeth hi4 [berets ttitttihie Servant; the
vation. Prop/en. ()h What a high litvour is this, that
Ohj'erzi. 2. That it is the pieafure ofGotl, the Lord lhoultl engage himiblt'that he Wili
to have his fervants acquainted with his fea doe nothing,butlte will rtveal it unto his
crets, and to know what is his minde con- ' ‘ ' fervants! As a tender Husband unhol'tnnts
cerning things to com". himlelF, ahddilbovers his (‘cert-ts to his be-
This we fee was the reaf'on 0F the divul- loved Wife, anti cannot with-hold them
gation of this Boo k: becaufe it wzs- the
from her. So the Lord God doth extirefie
minde oiGod to have his fervants acqnti'n- his tender love unto his {trvants, in rcvt'ah
ted with it, a futable place to this, is that, ing his feceets to them, antl he will doe no-
john 15. 15. Hetzceforth (faith Jefus (i will?’ thing but he will difcovcr it unto them.
_ ca
' _ What
i t
I2 ' ‘The Preamble, i,-

What caule have Saints now t-o admire, and ThePreamhlc. I 3‘

CXtOll that rich Grace of God, that is ex- I flruments ofthe divulgation of this Book,
tended to them herein ? which is contained in thefe words : Who
Secondly, D0th the Lord reveal his fe- ' jam, and fignificd it by hi: Angel auto hi; fort/om
crets unto his fervants ? Then ought they‘ john. So that the Angel, and john, were em-

to be dilligent oblervers of what he reveals

‘9- _.--w--:-'
ployed as inflruments in that work. From
unto them. Revealed things are laid to be-_ whence the Obfervation is this.
long unto us, and if they ‘belong unto us, ;_ Obfizrv. 3. That though jef'us Chrifl
then it behoves Saints to obferve them, and could reveal immediately to a1 his fervants,
to improve them to thofe ends for WhiCh all thefe things revealed'in this Book ; yet
they are dilcovered to us ; and ii. we lhould it pleafed him to chute rather to doe it by
come lhort of it, we lhould demean our infirtmlen ts.
(elves very unworthily. When a man reveals If it had plcafed him, he might have rc-
his lkret unto his dear Friend, ifhis friend vealed thefe'things to all his people, in all
lhould {light him in it, and take-no n0tice of . ages fince Yohn,immediately by his OWn.
what he difcovers to him , he werea very Spirit; ‘but he chufEs rather to doe it by the‘

unkinde, and a very unworthy friend: But Writings ofvjohn : which he preferves and
how much more may we be faid, to carry keeps up in a high elleem in the hearts of all
our {elves unkindly, and unworthily; il'we lris'Saintsa as his own infallible, and un~
lhould flight the love ofour God, in reveal- quellionable truth, and tellimony : or‘ ell}.
ing his fecrets to us, by not bein diligent Ihe might have fent a john, or fome PrOphet
in obferving ofthem ? Since it pleafes the ofhis, to have revealed thefe things by
Lord, to reveal to his fervants things to mouth unto his people, in every age, age af-
come; it Well becomes them to obferV'e them ter age: but he chulaes rather to doe it by
exafitly. And F0 much of the {econd parti- . revealing'it to john, r0 many hundreds of
cular, The reafon 0F the divulgation of this years agoe; and his writings mull be the
Book. inllruments of revealing thefe things unto
I come now to the third, which is the in- his cople; and he might have revealed
iiru- tho ethings unto john immediately hill‘?
a a le ,
"‘vdi!>nf""c'“‘ ' v' ‘ — 7- ——w—-——-—— _---

14. ‘The Preamble. The Preamble. I 5.

fell, with out any other infirument : but he
chilies tolignilie it by his Angel to his fer- ' his people 3 therefore he (ends them about
vant john. So he ll'llglill teach, and ediiie,and his Work, they being all at his royall com-
build np his people immediately; bat he mand.
Chufes rather to doe it by inlimments, by ' As a Prince hath power over all that are
Apoflles, and'Prophets, and Evangelills,and ' in his dominion, laying to this man go,and
Paliors, and Teacherszwhich he hath a - he goeth, and to another, come , and he
pointed, For tbe perfefiing of tbe Saints, gr commcth, and to anorhcr doe this, and he
the edifiirzg of the body obrijl; till we allrame dOth it: So the great King of Kings, and
in the unit)‘ oftbe Faitl),:17"mlof the knowledge of Lord of Lords, maketh it to appear that he
ibeSon of God unto a perfeélmmz, @“c. Elefl4. . hath all his l'crvants at his beck, by fending
ofthem about feverall employments.
So he might lik cwilr, have revealed hint-i Thirdly, Another reafon why he mak-
{elf imme liately to all his people 0F old 5 ‘ eth ul'e of infiruments, in revealing and dill
but generally it 'pleafed him to make “a ei- ‘ covering his minde to his people,and build-
ther oFAngels, or of his fervants the Pro- ing up of his Saints, may be to maintain a
tphets, to be the inllruments of’ revealing his i communion among Saints: for 1f God
minde unto his people then. Now the rea- {houldreVeal himlelfe to all alike, then
IOns why it pleafeth God, ritually to make I
would not his eople have inch communion
ufe oFinllrnments to efi'efit his deligns by, - "' one with anor er, as they have, to the end
may be thefe. '
they may partake one ofanothers giftsmnd
therefore doth it pleafe the Lord to make
The firil is that which is the reafon of all i tile of infirunicnts,whereas if it pleafed him,
his doingsa his own will. He makes ufc ofl' ' he could have efl'k {ted all things immedi-
lnliruments,becaufe it is his will t0 make
ufe ofinlh“:.1ments: For his Willis the rea-
ately, without means or inflrumems: and
fince it is f0 then,
fon, and the rule ofall his a&ions.
Firll, It reprehends tllofe that have 'a
Si condly, But a fiibordinate reafon to low elleem ofinllrnments, and lleight and’
this, may beto lhew his foveraignty over a1
undervz lue means, upon this ground : kiwi
‘ Ot-
' ' t

akin‘ '-'-
‘7,1 "
I6 ' ' The Preamhle. g The Preamfle, I7

Gpd can worke without infirumen S. Thereforein the {econd place Saints are

yenhout me ts, and
ans: But let fuch know, that _ here exhorted, to have a'high elleem of, in-.
1C_IS the will or God to make ufe firuments, as being of Gods a tpointment,
of infirm-
ments, and 1n {leightmg infiruments, they l Whom he will'reveal .himfe to his peo~
contradiét his will : and as they tha .
ple, and quicken,and comfort, and build

the Kings tcers, doe lleight the t lleight
King; F -- them up upon the. true foundation.’ Since
So they,in lleighting the inliruments an the Lord Will make ufelof infiruments,0
means that God hath appointed to d
work by,\ _ Saints doe not yOu Height them, lea'll you
doolleight God himfelf, and the {lei ht God himfelf: but efieenathem very
as 1n them lies,endeavoi' to breakd0‘ as much
the COm- hig lyin love, For their Works fake. lt is
munion at Saints. And liirely wh the rule 'of the Apolile, I ‘Ihef. q. 12, 13,
pretences offilch perfons are, thatat ever‘ the - I 'faies the Apoiile there,We befeech you brethren,
e€t means, and fleight inliru doe neg- to know them which labour among you, and are 0-
cometh not from the Spirit ofGod nts, this weryou in the Lord,and admonifiyyougand to, efleem
for the Spirit teac'heth not t0 und in them; "=1 Q ‘them very highly in love for their works an, The
ny means, which 'God hath appointe ervalue a—'
Apofile knew ‘very well that God could if
uled. ThouQ'h it is true, The Spirit d to be he had pleaf'ed,have built up his ‘people
es ns not to idblize means, nor to Without employing fome to labour among .
worke only by means, but to acktie God to
nowledge them,in the Word,and Dofirine, and with-1
that God can, and fometimes dot out the admonitions ofmen,but theft: be-
h worke
without means and infirument-s ; Though ~ing_infiruments, and means of ..Gods"apé'r '
he d0th ufilally work by means and i'nl'
iru- pointment 5 He therefore prelfes the Sain ts,
me nts: and therefore it is as great aa-evn téi-‘efleem very highly of t ,ofe infiruments,
0n the one fide, to rejeG: the infirumentspr t" é‘; f0!‘ that works fake that God had appoint-Q
means that God lifts to work by, becaufe he? ed themUnto ~: for though Pahl, ‘and Apph'o,
hath nOt abfolutelytied himFelF to them; 51nd Cephaf can doe- nothing ‘of themfelves,
on the other fide, to idoliZe means or infi
as y'et they are to be highly elieemed, as being
ments, beeaufe God d0th nfually work by - . . InfirnmentsiirGodshand,,gby Which God
them. ' There- Will.
A“ - _ ’ l‘fl ‘ l
..-<A t\»

i‘ '

._ -§.“ .
‘@- --:.
- ‘Ul'\'li'7"


_ 18


‘ \

- 4'.“
Y this
..’ . 4r fa.‘
_:’ '\-'-I~>>' -

-'Ihe Preamble.

~. . k. 19'

' willwor . di?) all

t; ,._.__.

An __ the meatIS which

God hath appom'ted tor his ofthofe i-nlh'uments in the divulgation of
. A _
t t - it-‘i'J-iGL__, ‘Hf’

People to make this book, it is cxprefl inthele words : IVho


ule oilin'which hewill be


and inwhlich he will ha found of them- bare record of the Word ofGod, and of the te imo;-

with fth'em, _le_t them prize ve Communimi

_ i_"_'_;'_.:-,..:
Z-M‘ 7'

n) ofjefuo, and ofall thing: that he law. We fee



, and embrace-,and


nm'ke ufe; of,w_qi'ting upon Go that as the Angel lignilied it to 701m, f0 john
than, who ‘will heiffoul'td 0F d in the u(‘e of did not fail in recording any thing of it,
Iii/Ill ntalte i't appear, that them at lefimld but he bare record ofall things that he l'aw.
longht him in ‘the nfe ‘theyha've not Whence the Ohfervation is this :
of means invain. Ohferv. 4. That when God’ fetteth inllrn-
‘1 jhongh ‘For a time he Feetn t0 be
ards‘ them, yet at‘ lall he tha lil'ent to'W- ments about a worke which he will have
t {hall Come, doneJ they muit, and they lhall effect it.
.Will Come, an- l will not tarry,
Itis unqneiiionably the polic Jefus Chriil will have his fecrets declar-
to takeoffS'aints From nh y of Satan -red to his fervants,and he imploicth john a-
'ng means, that’: bout this wo'rk; and john doth it punétnal-
they{nay bedeprived of that
beneht Whielt'ot'herwife thc emits“ and 1y: he bare record ofthe word ofGod, and
ylm'ight oht'ain ofthe tellcimony of']efns,and what,of fome
in the uli: 0F tne'ans. '

' ' things .P Nay, of all things which he faw.
Th erefore let all Saints ware

del'nfions, whereby they arebe‘dr aW
0F filch And'thisltrnth is further confirmed, by two
hono n
ur God, in iltighting the in' to difé pertinent Scriptures, which we have to this
and nteanfs Which he‘ hath flrnnltnts cifefit. One isAmos 3.8. ‘Ihe Lion hath roared,
letj'th'etnhe appo int edgend Who will not fear .P The Lord God hothflyohen, who
exhorted to em

mill-{Pillllgfi'iit nf'e‘ 0F thembrace meahs and can hut prophefie P The other is, A8; 4.20. For
hldlldftha'tio'doe,‘ as will ; for ‘they, are we eennot hut [peak the i thing: which wee have
handling o'F the fifth partic pear‘ ‘in? the fem and heardJn both thefe places it appears,‘
niurch, For this third particu ular. ‘B'nt To - that it is in'ot- ponible for in'ilruments to-b'e
merits o_t the dzyn
lar, The ittiii'li-J filentynor t0 fit Hill, when God hath-lbw-
lgotion ofthi' ken to chem, and give n them- commi'lfion to
'I 1e lonrth-partiCnlur‘, Is'th'es"fh
‘Boole.’ I‘! ‘QT
. , _
ithlhllfes' do: his-work. ‘ . 1 -
G 2 _ Fir“)
v etiv i ifi__

90 T/Je Preamble. I The Preemile. 21

Firli, ls it Fo that when Go Gods deligns. Therefore fear not, the day
flruments about a Work which d fettt th in- {hall break forth, and the ihaddotwes lhail
he will have
done, that they mull , and {ha
ll effect it’ fly away, and none ot~ the powers of dark-
Then thi s intormes us 0F the reafon
wh. nefle {hall be able to hinderit. Butifhall
Saints tear not perfecution,
nor impriion! fay more to this point in the Foil owing dif-
nleut, nor death, but choofe rat courlqeg Tl'ieretbre (‘0 much {hall luihcc t0
her to mf-
ter them all,theu to conceale be here fpoken oFit, and oi‘ this lourth par-
the truth that
1s dilcovered to them,or to diIE
'rt the work ‘ titular, the faithfuh-telTe,ofthe inltruments
they are called t0 : For God hailin oftlivulging this Book. .
up g flirted
their ipirits, and Fet themtab The fifth particular, Is the,prontmnc1a-
work, they cannot be filent, and fit out this tion otabieiling Upon the perfous that
[hall go on llill but
in defpite of all oppofition l, to read, 01.‘ hear the Words of this Baolt. Anti
acc'omplifh the Worke which Go that we hare in thele words: Blefletl ('1 be
d hatha a -
pomtetl them to do. Thus did
Lut tlmtreadetb, and they tbm hear the nwnh Olflli‘
thus have many other Saints don her alfd propbefie,mzd lawpthojetbings w'ncb are written
e anti ma-
;ny lhall tloe : For it‘the Lord have .fp0 therein; fort/1e timeieatlmntl. Prom whence
‘they cannot but prophelie, {peak ken
the thin s ariles this Obfervation z
.they have teen and heard: for theirlighté Obferv. 5. That it is ablefltd thing, t.0‘
not given them, to hide it under
a btilhell ' reade and hear the Word oi God, and partl-
‘but that love to Ch ri'fl conflraine
's them to cularl y that which is contained in the book
.ho lti 1t forth , and thelirength oFChrili " of the Revelation, f0 as to keep it.
carries them Forth.‘ . l This clean? appears in thele words: and _
Secondly, is Fo,it ferves to the Apgfile amt‘! likewiie Witnelli'mh the
" ‘con rage Saints, conii'dering that the- en- fame, 7am. I. 25. 'Beye deer; of the word (faith
that God; hath to doe‘ {hall furely' be ac- he at the 22. verf.) and mt bearers only deceiv-
.cottitililhetl,no.0pp.olitiou (hall hin ' inf; your own fell/er. Whereas it appears he

der it:
fort-xtongh mlh'unients, feem to ben
ever To fpsakes 0F the written Word, which men
Weak, yet they mult, and fliallaccom plilii may hear With the ear, and doe not. Anti
(1 3 ll OW .
Gods v:
.’._~.-_,)_—."_'.AM_VL a ) .Jt‘ 7H7 >_/1--‘ —‘ t -
I. ~—w— ' _
" .fi b" '* -.__........ ..
Q “'71, w ' .

The Preamble, '23 '
' ' ‘2 2 The Preamble.
now at the 15. verC he faies: Wbo fh'lOdkftb notrpreached', and thatdoe not reade ingot:
into the perfeéi law of liberty, and continue”) tbere~ altogether ‘continue 1n unbeltef. An, o

in; be being not aforgetfuil bearer, but a deer o thOfC that are under the darkncllfeof Pop
1t is
ry, to whom thewo rd 1n the. purity of‘I (aloe
the work, this man {bell be blefled in bi; deed.
What is the man that fame: faith {hall be not preached, and have not liberty to
blelled? It is the man that looketh into the it, they continue alfo 1n a dark and a nu o-
perfeét law of liberty, (that is) heareth or rable condition:> but among [hole people
readeth the word of God in the Scripture, Where the Word is embraced, and read, and
(which is a erfefi’: law of liberty, Spiritual, heard there are many brought into the obe-
- dience offait'h. Nay, in fome places ofpub
liberty) an hearoth or readeth it, not For- -
' dome Where the feldom tn"0y_a
getFully, but is a doer of it .: This is the
blclled man. ' libllgPreacher ,yet by, rZading _t he Word they
Thus it is clear, That it is a blelled thin are madepartalters 0F the lweetblclhng of
to hear and‘ reade the Word of God, and it. They ought therefore to be {harply re...
particularly that which is contained in the roved for their folly, who negltfl the
Book ofthe Revelation, (o as to keep it. ‘ hearing, and reading the Word, and mute.‘
Then firli,This condenms thofe that neg- '- i'qil'f-‘lltly the thing of it, 1n WlllCll they
lefl: the reading, and the hearing of the ' ht be blelltd.
word: finee' it is a blelled thing to reade, mllgh the fecond place , Hence all l'orts of
and hear the Word of God fo as to do it. pe0ple are exhorted to be frequent 1n read-
Now they that doe nOt reade it, nor heat‘ ing the Word,for all delire to he blclltti,
it, Cannot doe it: For faies the Apolile, Rom. and thof'e that have in any mealhre been
Io. I4. How [ball they believe in him, ofwbom made partakers of the blelling of the Go-
they have mt beard ? lmplying, That Without fpel,they cannot but dehre more of 1t; ther-
' hearing the Word of God, they cann0t be_ "fore it would be wildome for all to 1m-
lieve in God: but if the Apoiile had not f0 prove the means "of being made blelTed,
' (aid, yet we fee it to be true, In that the na—' Which is hearing, and reading the Word‘.
tions and people to ‘whom the Gofggl is - lFaman that delires a great outward.
4 cllate,
‘at. f
< \\
V '1 ,t -. -__m_1_1.10.n_‘____4b1“h\.. HM‘
Ww- -‘ wewwwwvefi

24. - the Preamble; flatware.- a, <-

efiate, (houldbe perfwaded that if theft, _ . l Anfwer,
were any way at all for him to attain that . - Anfiv. Firii,“~ thou findeii to thy appre-
efiate, it mull be fuch, or fuch a Way, that henlion,but little benefit from hearing or
man would be filre to take that way. .' reading the Word; yet thou oanfi n0t con-
Why this is the cafe in refpe€t of attain- elude it would be better with thee, if thou
ing Spiritual bleflings; the readieii way that‘ didli not reade or hear the Word, for there
any Soul can take to attain them, is a Frei- is no ground of hope for thee, when thou ._
quent reading, and hearing ofthe Word of . negle&e[i all means ofenliveningcomforv “ i
(rod, waiting for the comming in of- the ‘ing, or oflteightning the Spirit.
Spirit in it. O therefore let not men dto~ But fecondly, Though to thy apprehen-

Ver that they have a {leight elieem of Spiri- fion thou haii no benefit from reading , or
.tuall bleflings, and heaVenly treafures, by - hearing the Word, yet remember, that the
negleéting the_means by which they are at- Word is compared to feed, Mat. 1 3. 19. and
tained: for it men have a high eiieemof ._ f I Pet. 1. 23. Now you know that feed ufirth
Gold, and Pearls, iF they know the means ~ ‘ to lie hid under the clods for a time, and atl-
by which they may be attained , they ‘will terward groweth up : [o may the feed of the
make ufe of thofe means: fo according to . Word (eem to be hid in thee ‘or a time, and
the elleem we hai/e of“ Spirituall bleflings- ‘ yet afterward it may gro_ p , and bring
will be our diligence in improving £11; Forth Fruit. The Difciples while the- Lor
means ofattaining them. ' i Ielits was with them, often heard his word, -
Objetfi. But it may be fotne one will fay, and he plainly Fore-told them ofhis Refine-
. I have been frequent in hearing andreading refition, but when their Lord was crucified,
the Word, and finde it but an empty thing though they had (o often heard it, et they
I hear and am as carnal as beFo re, I read and feemed to be altogether ignorant o the do~-
am as dark, and low as before t and there.- {trine oi‘ the Refurreftion, but afterwalrd it
iore how can it be {aid that hearing, was fweet unto them when the Spirit
and reading the Word , is a means 0f brOilghtit, with Other ' things to their re-
attaining Spirituall bleflings ? membrance. In the 4. of Iolms Gofpel, ‘at
. . lan-‘ "t ¢

26 ‘Tran-moo}
v;=rw;¥‘["“Y 7" _ -

The Preamble. 27
the 36, 37, 8. verfies, our Savio " ' ‘ ' - at the fame time heard it, hath been as no-
Drfciples', hat bot!) be that jbwetbflmllslijillll
+ thing to them. That word which hath rai-~
reapetbjlro” rejoice together, but (fairs he) bercian
u that [dying true, one fowetb, and another reaper!) fed the heart, and {irengthened the faith,andl
I have fent you to reap that wbereonje beflowed inflamed the love of Others, hath feemed to
labour, other men laboured and ye are entrcd
no have no effePt upon them,and thus fome have
into > continuedweeks,months,n ay years together,
their labourr. Oth ers h ad [ow d l
eternal life in the hearts of thee gegplzlidan and ifthey have had any reviving, it hath
and yet at lali
therefore he faid in the 35, verll That crl i been but as a morning dewed; time was come,
field's were already white unto the I‘ arvthe "when the Fathers appoint
eli, ' rein he hath railed them up to joy, and
i ' rea tl * ' y whe
but _ the Difci p l es Were fent to
peace in believing, and given them life, vi-
of that feed, that others had labouIZed1 fnfit
rowing 0F: So that one Minifler may (ow
'hl: our‘ and lirength , then hath the Spirit
the feed ofliFe,and joy in the hearts otTo
a~ Erought to their remembrance, the things
people, and another ma reap it. ‘But the
me which they heard many years before, and
ume lhallcome, that bot 1 he that foweth then have they been wonderfully overcome,
wg he that reapeth [hall rejoice together ' and taken with it, and it hath brought forth
by 11:21tlliJe f'eetfibfowne the fruit doth‘ not fi'uitabundantly in them. Therefore Saints,
Ind _ yappear, and of this Saints have ' you that fay you finde little or no efietit, the
. eXperience, that have lame long under l word hath upon you for the prefisnt, be not
the hearing of the Word, freqnently atten- thereby difcouraged,but goe on to reade and
; mgupon it, and been diligent in readjh . to hear the word flillfor it is a means which


and yet have attained to their own app'ng: l is often blelTed to many.
henfions neither to faith, nor peace,nor But thirdly, Is it (o, that it is a blefl'ed
_ 10y, nor firength, but have (eemed to thing to reade and hear the Word, f0 as to
willofilieving,~as carnal, and as flefhly asaever, keep it? Then it ferves to exhort all, ‘as to
“a ‘(ring heavily'for a longtime: And that hear and reade the Word,'fo to look beyond
,0‘ which hath been fweet to Others that l it, in the freqdent hearing and reading of it
s A e waiting for the coming in of the Spirit;
'' at '
t 16
1,-_-a-u.--. _ wWtv-snn- e

'28 The Preamble. The Preamble. I ' 29

the bielling is nor pronounced upon,_the- hea-é ‘ Cofpelflheminifiration of the Spirit, 2 Cor.
13ers oF'theWord 0nly,but fuch as hear it,and 3.8. Therefore-let all be encouraged in the
keep it,an:i hear it and doe it : and then (halt hearing of the Word t0 wait f0 r the Spirit,
thou hear the Word (o as to keep it, when whereby they may net be forgetfull hearers,
the Spirit comes alongwuh it : Thereiore but doers of the Word, and be blefitd in f0
when thou comeli to hear the Word,doe not; . doing.
mt upon the bare hearing of the Word, but ' ' Uje' a. And in the lali place it ferves t0

eitpefit the coming of the S_ irit 5 and that encourage all Saints, to be frequent in read-

thou maieli thus doe, con tder that there are ing of,and meditating upon the book of the
frequent prefidents in Scripture, Th at in the Revelation; for there is a blefling particular-

hearing of the Word the Spirit hath been gi~ _ "ly pronounced upon them that read, or hear,
ven : as you have it, A61. 10.44. While Peter and keep the things that are written therein:
Jet {flake theft’ worth, the holy Ghojl fell on all them, therefore let none be difcou raged from rea-
which heard the Word. And in the fecond ot- ditlgthofe things that are written in this
the All: at the 4 t .verfe, we finde that there book, becaufe they are to hard to be under-
Were three thoufand Fouls converted, at the fiood,.'and are more darke and mylierioujs
preaching of Peter. And when Philip went, thanmoil places of Scripture; ‘It is true,
down to Samaria, and preached the Word, they are f0, but to encourage us. to be fre-
there were by his preaching many convert- quentin reading of it, notwithilanding the
ed, both men, and Women, as appears A51: myllerioulhelle of it, the holy Ghofi ‘hear
8.1 2.There are feverall Other pallages in the . pronounces a particular blelling to it,w_hich
Ail; to this p'urpofe. And 641.3.2. faith the .is afpeciall encouragement to- incite us to
Apofile, Received you the Spirit h) the workebyr of. it .
the leading of it. And there iS-al'lb anather
ring hf faitl ) ,9 Wh ere encouragement in thefe words, For the time i:
theLaht, or hy the hea
appears, That the Spirit was received by-t'h e at hand‘. ' And u'ow it we be dchrous to be in:-
heari ngot the word oFFai th, and therFo 're it tbrmed, of the things that conée'rn the pre-
is that'the Apoftle cals the Minil iery oi the lEnt time, .athen' Tlet us look diligently into
the book of the Muelation,_ior;this wordflhe
- time
-.:‘ J
~- T 7' m
' 7
In";1i? ~_,._4__,‘,1_-.
_ -
_). 1
Y . r’. I

30 ‘The Preamble. The Preamble. 3I

time is at'lmnd, hath held true, and doth, and r iratbaml : therefore it concernes us to be
{hall hold true, in all ages, and times , even , _: frequently looking into it, and diligent-
until the glorious appearing of Jefus Chrili , ly to obferve the things, that are written
,to judge the quick and the dead, when all therein. /
{hall appear before the judgement feat of .' And now fince the Following Difcourl'e, is
Chrifi: for there hath been no age fince the 0n apart of the book of the Revelation; let
delivery ofit, in which it might n0t be-faid, thefe two motives, which here you have to
The time i4 at band, that is, The time is'come, ' [litre you up to the reading of‘ the whole
. in which fome part or 0thCl‘ ofit, hath been book; as, thatitisablefitd thing, and it
fulfilling : for at the time when this Revela- concerns the prefent time, incite you to the
tion was given to j'olm, then was fulfillin g ‘ reading, and the ferious confidcration of
. that which is (poken concerning the v feve _ ' what is herein delivered, concerning the ex.
Churches 5' and foon after, that which wa‘ ~ aft accomplilhment, of fome of the things
to be done in the Opening ofthe feals, began‘ contained in this book,WhiCll 0011163 now to
to be fulfilled, which is not yet fully accom-h befp oken of.
pliihed, and about four hundr ed year after
john: time, began that to be fulfilled-,which
is fpoken of concerning the rifing of the
heali, and what is revealed concerning the -
a&ions of the beaii 5 and the pouring outo
the viols upon the beat}, hath been .finc
, andofthe
a filltotall ken .g I
is fiJOand
conce w is the
and norning 1}‘
the happy delive rance ofthe Saint s, andlt he ' fr
gloriousliateof the Church after del'iver- .= AN
ance, {hall be hereafter fulfilled; 'Soxhat
fiill inmightyand now, and hereafter it ,may
be faidofthemrophecy.ofthiabooli, The t '
i‘ i? ‘I
P 0 N v ‘ " .‘hufgg
_¢ ~ ‘ _ ‘f , 41;“.

ON '
‘The EXpDfitiOIioft11éfirfiVdf'g. T":
' i - ‘And were My given'umo me a're
‘w-'*|' '
'éd Iikg rimb'ggrodt'] '
/ ‘ ,__ ,N the 2 LChapt'cr ofpllis'bdok
. '_ at thé 15.vclrf'c,wheniflt_zllhého‘- f
" ‘ly'City-Was put inton deli- \
,0 g;
. / 1/4- I.‘ valid, enlarged, mifcd ‘con- '
-’ 'z dition, the'rc, .is mention
made 0P a. ‘golden 11'c
- * Inf-herewith it Was to be
n'ge.afi11'ed. '.,Bllj¢ .115“ 7
. '.IY'ic


- WYW'Y'" " ' " 1" e e ' ' _ "f'm'e?’-""“II e ~* *" " '1 ' . —--n_ m.


. The Exptytition ofthe 1.11842.

“w 34. its jExtefitiM 0f the I-‘Ue-‘fi' did no: care how much they were. given
t5,E‘? 'l is nOt a golden reed, hut a reed like unto'a

t0 the hand of the enemies :-no,but the 'u

. i

rod, importing, that it is a chaliized Iand al- are


mesfiu'ed out to afflifiion, and


fiificd, deptelléd, low condition into which

_ H ~ - dint“.

f0 Far asythe

it was at this time to be put: and that it was are meafueed outIunto itfo far [ha

Under aflliéiion, and no fartherS ll- the be


indeed fo,appears in what Follows.

't '

-_ fared job to atfli&ion, All that heoG od dim-

r; ‘W‘WA=‘¢#° t arr-r?"

t’ -' ‘

And the Angel flood, fraying] hath it in thy


This Angel, chap.'10. 1,. is thus defcribed: I power enb uponI htImfelf put not for


rlob 1.I12.2Imdt agam,Behold,'he is inth thit'ze hand


. .-



And Ifaw a mighty. Angeltcome domttfi-otn heaven,


thin'eihaitd bu;


lie-The wicked lhall not oefa haiars . eve In:



helmet! with a cloud, and a rain- bow; was 'upon'hie _


. eyond the meafilre. , i .ietils Ch -






is. ms; H. s“Pt-t" ' a“ ‘his‘ W" ' ’

head,j._and hie face mnIaeit were the Sunne, and g‘ .



' hiifiéti'ee. illars offire. This deleription re-

{emble's phatwhich is givenot? _]Ieti1s Chem,‘
that). I . 1 §§i6ifbl1icli it appedrs, Tha't'this more then need5 g1 jPett; 13.2.“?ey thallha
- - . t e110
Angel here (poken of is Iefits .Chrilh. . It is 1 Meafure theffhm le i i I ,~
.' The word Temple in the
indeed theLordIIefuteil}, ‘that doth or- P0121 T'eflamehe
der and "difpofe ‘all things in,and c0ncerning . 18 ufedonlygfor tha
' ‘in jerufelem unto thtelHo ufe that Solamen bail: I
his ‘Church, andall' things in the world,‘-and led the. Temp
Lord, ‘which was; cal-s
. . therefore it isgt'ha't all powerhgivenunto' him, . le of the Lord 5' it heifl
place wherein God was in a fye the‘
e - s ‘inheeweu, ‘and earth, Mat.2_8. He is the King - prefent, ' and wherein he wo ciall mgnne'e
x‘ iof the holy hill of 9ion, Pfalme. And he mutt: u dIIin a rpeeialt
t -..'rule the Nations, with a rod of iron,_andIbreak
_ manner be . _worthip ed; Blit- in-thqnew, Q.
'_-'_‘_t'.'3em in peeces like‘: Potter: vejj'el? end hemp fiaImenm 1s uIEd, r115 for the Cliiimh-fffib
SamItsIIofGod, ofwhic

Imigrtumill he have put all hie enemjesmder hie


h that Tam 1e: 5,5; a '

_Ifeet. 55"."?- {for as God Was in a 'f 'ccia-l V I


Rife and meefurei] " Prefie

I, ,6 ntt n that‘ Temple, fo heP‘1s ma
' man nerll "
manner pee-firm (beeia
The Lord Ilefus doth not legvethgsgjqeople 1n his i people. And
;- "in thelhand ofenemies, nor under the rod 233,12} :I (Iior.6.1'6. For Iye are the tem [h we
ple bf‘ the ‘ '
_ of the Wiekfedin a carelefi'e manner; 95.5,,1fdh l- i .0 , esIGQd Path frail; :12willd egg” they), .
I .H _ ,. >I ; - , II , I . - I u I ' "‘ I . i."p1‘i:

‘.\ .

1 l

.. 1 ‘ ’ ‘ -_ "\iK» v Q .- ,1, v . .
‘4- ._,\ M ' ‘I - _ _ - V l ‘eh
7- |' e
J w
‘ _ I' v V
. ‘
‘. _ I
'-'-_.__._ s ' M’, ‘ " - t l . . Q)
\ 34, The QEoepofl'tjon of the {mar/Z‘. The Expofition of the Imerfi. 33
‘H ’ olden reed, but a reed ‘like unto a .t did not care how much they were.
1803:) tlingorting, that it is a eltalllted antll ‘ag- to the hand of the enemies :-no,bu'tgiven up
fiifitcd, deprefiéd, low COlldltn mto 13v 11c 1 menfined-ont to alllifition, and f0 Farthey are
a_s the
it was at this tim'e t0 be put: and that 1t was to are nieafutjed out nnto itfo far lhall they be
indeed f0,appears in What Follows. Under afilifitjon, and no farth'erS
And the Angel flood? fayzizg] ‘ d. w fured job toalllitition; Q41! that!)e'o God mea-
This Angel, cbap.10. 1‘. IS thus defcrlbe . power‘ only upon bimfelf put not fort but]: i1 in tb]
l 1.12.and, again,Bcbold,'be is in/Jtbintlnjhe. \ band,
~ ~ "hire? _
And I[aw a mighty. Angel come domafiom heaven,
elo'grbed wztb a cloud, and a 1 an: bow war upon fave bi: ligiiThe e [anthem
wicked lhall not oeja hairs.-
breadth 1 yond the meal'nre.
bead 71nd bi; face was mit were the sne, and _- file-(us Chrilt
j. ‘- »
‘ biffizéfi'e; filial‘: offire; This defeription re- hath fuch attendee refpefi unto
' t ‘atwhtch 1s gwenqt Jefus Ohm‘, , in ‘their fullerings, that _' theyall ' his people
_ more then need, 1 Pet.._1.6. ~ . . {hall _ haveno
fllltlflble1: 5:1‘6by Which itappears, :That thts ~ e . .
Angel here fpdken 0F is. lefns -Chrlll,.. It 1s .' Meafure tbeYEmple] ‘ ' .4
_ The Word Temple in the old ,~
" I‘ I’ ' lfiLQI'kl.
‘ - "" ' that
eq-Gblgll, I ' doth._. __o'r- . is ul'ed only-for that Houfe tha Te lla n-leh r, ;
110;;n‘dil'pofe all thingsrmflnd c0nce1nmg _ . t So lom on bu ilt t
his (Church, andoall‘ things in the world,-;nd ‘in ferufalem unto the Lord, which
led the Temple of the Lord; _-wa;s; C31‘!
the1‘ef01'eitisJ‘-t'llat all Poweru given ugtoxgztz it being the‘
place wherein God was in a
212 begwen, 'and eon/J, Mat.2,8. Elle as a: muff-
zoftbebohbillof Sion, Pfalm.2. _ n d beak ffeciall lmanneb,
'pref' ent, an
d wherein he Wo
.[rule {be Nations? Witl) a rod of zron,_an _ r’ _manner be worlhip ed. _ Bunt-in din a "fpeiiiall_
l ""13em in Peeves like,“ PM?” vefllrl, and fiament it is ultd, rllg, for the Ch nlfeht'th'c;
be mu]
until} be have put all bio encmie; unde
reign Sa ints; of God, 0F which ‘that Temp
_ r as God was in a ‘fpeciall ma.wh's a
_ pe :fo
‘A eel."
.l Rife and me. afure]
i ‘ , ‘ga
,1 prefint m that Temple, f0 he
l The Lord lefns doth not legveihpgfigegp e ' ma nner prefent-in inAn
an (peeiall '
d [h we
hate-‘it,’ e QDT.6.I'6. For ye
' in thelhand dfenemies, nor under-the;e are the temple of._tlie
I~ of the Wiekfedin a_ carelell'e nlitnnclfg;_§§gf he kv ingGod, qod boll) fang 1 will dw
egiz: them, _
d1 . ~ ‘h
‘v '.¢ V
. _-_r.f,'_'u ‘it’; a-H ‘HA ‘A "' ‘
' VALA... thee“. .;-_-l_'
. . t
,-" n A!
' g6 etaexpayann ‘bffhe'heiefjfé:

“attire/{£5112Fliéii'z,‘=}znh“'1‘hiill I)e‘fbe11t@‘vd,hnfhthej
Meeeprfitiaé Off-6'6 1- wfi. ~37
q Almighty, sand tlteLqr-gb are jbe Ten: 1e of
{lid/flit‘ ' y"'1jeb‘plei‘§z“i‘Cb‘t¥6.réifdt lifioivfe'not if. . This is. rqeh ofthe new. _]¢mf¢1-¢£1£'Fb?
' tbdt ' fight‘ 1502116 h‘?eflh'é°1’c'mple of" the’ bnly ‘qfl; that glorious Rate the‘ Qh'nrch. ,t 1'] helijn;

' -’~' "en-rm

thbiéfi it‘: iii] oth'éicrzfiatnd thu's'ehe 'wotd Tem- when they '[hall be all'thfight 056065‘ fi'om'
' warmth: “tweeter-lame i§ ‘taediifor the . thzqgreatefi t0 [he lea'flc‘; :
Shiites,‘ ‘is ‘the Tem'ivlehhtiis it figtiiie'ofthem5 - ow the word Temple ‘hee'r in the'TI'e-Xt '-
(a3'1 Ehef'h'hye " "a ‘T6L'Ciall pfefen'ce' ‘0F ‘God in doth ‘fignify .thefe. ‘5
'th'eyfifWhithis ike'vifif€_ '.f159k£11"¢g;.1ff% 66. ‘ I‘ I‘ ' ‘h p.
. Eirfifiit fignifies the Saint's 0FG0d5as their
"i555TlfilifQitb-"fbé $°Tu2¥,’3'1719'4vm.i§m) 5 “b76775. are they in whom God in a fp'eciall meme-15'
'21 ' 'dztbe ittfli) is via)'.fboi--fioo'l ': ‘ti/gen’: "zl'jhebozgfe dwels. And .5 " '
‘t 56'3"; (fittdlqgm' a,‘ i 21111 W? '52:‘ 13¢111m; my‘ I 5' .
‘féflifb? alhbefiéltlgfi it lfdt'b unifbhht! Ynedqurd (til
Secondly5'lt fighifies the Ordinances,,-ahcf
tnezms “whereby knowledge is difpenfeeti-ia
tbefe thing; bqfue ‘beéhfhifb the 'Eat'd,‘ ‘but'to tbzr mltrufition is received : t ,for it is the Saints 5
man will I, ‘Look; éhhh'wizib ‘b'im' that is poor, and of that are as lights ,in the World 5 and they ‘
vi WWI‘ th'flviritghil 'tbiafI tremblétbtat *mymrdq So~ b0th infhlfl: the ignorant 5 and ediFy one a- h
t. hie¥thafi§fi' a, poor, and 69.9: contrite-
I t1i§ft 110th'er, ‘effae'cially when they are congt'ez'gw
wi'tit‘; 'Jhna'trehlbleth at the wohdfOFGOd5
*nhllasethehmirc; ill-eTempleeiQQ- 13$? . ' ted, affembled together to worfhip Godhe-

' I ' i cotding to his ownwill 5 _ and to prophefy

'ftvéha'afc-i't'alfd'ljhy. 57.11;’. ' j to edify one'another.
j But'lec ohdlyg ‘ f-The; Word Te hple 1n the , . .
‘new-Tefiqmehtlffls it 'iseu fetl'fir thofe in" ‘Ibc Twpple ofGod and 'tbe Alter, and tb'ein'
¥~Whoin there 1s'a fpeemll'prefence 6f ‘God; ~ Mat worflnpntbmm] f It .Clearly appears; inf
thefe words, that the wordTemple heer,ih+ i
Toit'l'tsln'fedto fignify “that 'mean'siby which - eludes th e Saints, both as they are 'anf . h'gbf-
'kiitihmedge, and ihfit't'ifli'oh is given“ out: as tittionof'GOd through the fpiritgand. (‘o itrc
-'*th‘eTt_,nig‘le 6f old was the placekwherepeo- 111s Temple, gmd as they arebeing afi'embled
pleste'ré ‘to receive inflt'ufiion and know-9:
‘ together, the means 'of'finfitufiion and in-
'ledgel-Attd ijn'thi-sfenfe it i's ufed, Ref); 2-1-4- Creafing knotvledge ,5 and doe Worfhip Got!
225" And Ifaw Ito-Temple thereing, fart/rely: grilght-J :5‘ f For leafl' theWotd Temple fhould
1 ' 5-4 5 5 , 9
1‘ 'L'fitlali-L-M
.r'. ’ D3 - "not
Ir-‘fi-r'r-‘_I_ ' i

l ,v-
' \ a

TheExpoljition 0fthe 2. octffe 39


38 The Eqfitiotz ofthe 2. werfh. be near to Saints ; as the Court wa

s near
not be Full enough to exPrelTe this, it is ad- to the Temple, yet they are not‘ of that ho-
ded, And the Altar (which m the Temple ly place, they are but an outfide, they are
was the place where they worflupped God) without the Temple. y > .,
and them that worfhip therein. Not only the But the Court that it without the Templeleaae
place ofworlhi , but the worlluppers. So out‘, or rafl out, and meafiire it 2 or] Though Ifi'“.
that this takes 1n all Saints , as they are a e fits Chrill have a tender care of his Saints
Temple , as their afl'embhes are the place under afiliétion, and they are meafitred out
wherein God ‘is worthippcd,and mllrufitlon to the challifement appointed to them; yet
is given, and‘ received; and as they are wor- hath he no (itch ref'peet unto finch as are not -
lhip ers as Saints worlhippmg God _, and his. Though they are proféflbrs. Though
polFefling God. they feem to be near the Templelyet iF they
be not the Temple, though they do prolefie
Verfe g, him , yet ifthey do not. polTelTe him as the
Temple d0th, they muttbe left ont,'ca&/out
D But the Court that is without the Temple] 0fthe care ofjelhs Chrill.
But the Court that it without the Temple raft
The Court is faid to bewithout the out and moafitre it not ( jelils Chrifi will not
Temple e as ofold the Court was without owu that as his , and therefore it mull not
the Temple,and was a more common place, be meafhred) For it] .
not fo holy as any art of the Tem 1e was; -_ It was the Temple and the Altar 2 and
To that the Court heer being wit ‘out the them that worlhipped therin,that was mea-
I.’ .

Temple, it is fome outfide thing, 1t IS no t'j-L _ fured out to challllhment : So then it-was it
part of the Temple. Now 1t being apparent that was to be given unto the Gentiles by
that Saints Onely are the Temple offiod , meafure; fo that this word (for it ) may be '
this Court heer mentioned, though 1t leem read thus (For the Temple,l It given #1110
.to'lhe neer the Temple, yet is not the Tem- the Gentiles ] The word Gentiles in the old
ple, is none of the Saints, but fotne outfide Tetlament s when the ‘Temple was in itS'
profefl'ors, thatpt'eetnto the outward eye to a ¢ 1- - glory
\ -
‘t L". I’ L7 A


4o ‘Ihe Expqfition ofthe 2. oer/e. -

‘Ihe Eqfi'tion ofthe 2.2%t 4.!

t - e
l glory, was ufed to eXprelTe fuch as Were not;

gel-b: axe -.-t'.é&”-‘fi$;m

went into the holy City, and appeared unto many.
ofthe Church ofGod, for the lli'aelites on -

Which City itris evident was‘ the City of

ly Were accounted the Church: 8c all others jerujalem. And indeed ferul'alem was then act-

Were looked upon as flrangers to it, fuch as


counteda City more holy-then Others 5 be-

Were‘ a far off : as fuch- as were ‘enemies to caufe it- Was the place wherein men ought in?
the Temple , and would have the Temple a’, more efpeciall manner to worlhip God.
ruined and laid wall. But note, though the

And therefore l'aies the woman of Samaria,
difference between \Iewes and Gentiles fince' Te fay in feraj'alem it the place where men ought to _
the daies of the Gofpel be taken away, and worfhip 5 And our Saviour doth not contra-
the Gentiles, as well as the Tewes may now di€t this, (For indeed it is out ollall contra-
be of the Church of'God , if they be built dittion) that jerufalem h ad been the place
upon the Lord ‘Iefits; yet the word Gentiles Where men ought toworlhi p, f0 r God had
is heer tiled to exprelTe thofe that were not placed his name there, and there he would
of the Church, nor of the Temple 5 but be worlhiped; becaufe the Temple was there
would have the Temple ruined. And as the- wherein was his fpeciall prefimce. So that in
Babylonians of old-had the Temple fora this 1'efpe&,_7erujalem was once a more hol
while given unto them : So now ‘Iefits ; :-'~ City then others.
Chrill gives his lpirituall Temple, into the ' -
But when the caul'e
hands ofthefe Gentiles the myllicall Baby- 1;. efieét ceal'ed, when ferawas taken awa the
falem ceafed to lie the
Ionians for a while. _ f5;- place where men were enjoined to wo
And the holy City] This title, the holy City, God, and God had removed his [pecial pr p
we finde in Scripture, is lirll given unto the fencefrom the Temple; then jerufale -
City of Ierufalem , the City wherein the no more holy then another place. m was
niateriallTemple was feituate, as appears ' And becaule that jerufalem was to ceafe
Matt/1.37.3. where it is {aid at the death of be the place 0FW01‘!hip, and the holy placeto
our Saviour, That the graves were opened, and lj' therefore it is that our 5 _
Saviour, Iohrz 4. 2 I,
many hodz'er of the Saints whichflept arofe , and. pg. faith, The hour eommethwhezz ye [ha
came out of the grave; after his rejhrreftion, ‘and ll neit her
tn the momztamofSamaria, not. yet
at j'erufalemj
went‘ . " ' ' ,_ .
L; x4
“‘_ - '3- \m 1 WP!“
A worfh'ip .
,7 "F-T- -7~V-i -ifli,’ H for


42 ‘The Expo/[time ofthe 2. even/I’


'1’he Eqfition ofthe 2. very:


A. .3
- -._.'

worfhip the Father; hut the ‘true worlhippert 3nd 0 the houfhold of God. ‘And that

wotjfhip the Father in Spirit, and in truth: for the 3| f0 d was a figure of this Holy Cit)’,Yerufalem
_ L; '4 .-:..
3 ,

Father feelgeth furh to wot/hip him. As 1F he had - ehr. 1 2.22. andGal. 4.26.wl1e1‘e theappears
fell-U .


{aid , Yerttfalem [hall not be the place'ofwor- re called by the name of jerufalem, only
_ ,- 3 3
hip, men [hall n0t worlhip God'there, for hey are differenced from the material e-
,1. .-__.

it‘ men doe perform 37erufalent worlhip, that

I.» -.__.3. _>.. u.

ufalem, in that they are called, The heavenly

is, worlhip with that worflnp that hath re-
3 _

'Terufalem, and jerufalem which

liieét to an outward place, it lhal be accoun- _ 3? ‘h-at' this Heavenly fernlalem, is ahove. Now
'- 3' -'\

which is com-

ted as no worfhip, no, men [hall not wor- ‘afted of Saints, and‘ Sanétified ones
.‘h .
1 _
a; 4 3 '

{hip in rferul'alem, but fitch as worllnp the Fa- f;- herefore mull needs , and

be aHol)’ Cit)“ I fay‘


ther mnh worlhip him with an ltiward,Sp1-, hat this Spirituall jerufale

m hath this title,

ritual worlhip, and in truth, that. is, in the 3t he holy City, given to it
doth appear, Revel.
Son, in the Spirit, and in the Son,_and fuch the 1. 2. And I j'ohnfaw the holy City, new fem-
Father l'eeks to worthip him, tuch he is now ‘ alem ramming down fiom
God out of Heaven, pro-
a [licking out, both ohrylews andGentiles; and 3 ared no" a bride adorned for her husband. Who
finch worlhip is moll” pleahng untohim. is
f he f'poufie, the bride that
So that jernfalem had 3 once the title of 3 usband Jefus Chrifi, but ishisadOrne
d for her
the place wherein ? They
the holy City. 1t was once hen are the new and heavenly jerujalem,
.3 God was worlhipped, but it is now ceafed to 3;:53 hey are the holy
3 Cit)’. . '
i ‘be f0. _ ' l 1 ; _ And the holy City jhall
City, 1s . they ( that is the Gen»
But fecondly, This title, The holy 3;; ales Fore-fpoken of) tread underjbot] "
unto that City, of which i
333 3 given in Scriptu
that 33.333333333333 ofreold was a figmc 3 and 3333333 333331;? be troden under foot by an enemy, is 3
hi is the Qaintq, and people of Godjwho are e ngheltkmde oflnfiiltatlon of an ene-
3333 . lqll
31333333333335 of 3,33, holy City. And 311mm“,
\ i ‘d ‘ - fl‘
goverapeoplethat poflibly can be. foi
, o - a

t Paul3W\.~iti'ng t0 the Saints at Ephefm, faith at greater contempt, and ['corn, anden-
iii; _ he, EPhel'. 2. 19.1% are no more firangett, and ca? “mimy exprefle, then‘ bytreading,
\ 3 _ forreignetn
_, - ~ but -fellow- citizen's
. . and . {Fer-
- with. the'_ 545"“! condition, Under
381$on feet? And
the Church yet '
was put
1, t". . ,. , - '. ' l: . "-
i\ 3 _
“H,_,. ____ 3
--3. _' \
-- _
i.,. - i
,3__ 3 ~ .l 3 3 3 _ ~
,_ '
3, e ,
.I . _
_ _
3 3 l,3 s _ _\ ~ - . 3 . —
‘ ‘ . \ 3 -
h into,
454:. The Expo/ition ‘ofthe'z. ‘verf: g ~‘Ihe Expofitzon-ofthe Q. werfl 4'5
5_ _ _ , 5 . 3“ but Only‘ this , ‘the Gentile‘: : yet
We have a
into, Whldl 15 fpoken Of- te prophefie 05-3 large defcription
of them, in three feverzill
Ijniah, Chap. 5 1- 23- where 1t wasfald “W
thofe enemies, that aflhfied the Samts, Said Jg Chéipters' of this prophetic: which
tions as they lie, I {hall here incert. 'deferip-
to their. Souls bow down, that we may goeovemnd . The'filli i8, Rev‘. 12. 3. 4.‘ And there ap-
their bodieswae laid M thfl' ground: find}! ‘I’? Feared another wonder in Heaven, and behold a
fireets to them that wentover. Afld this ls the i great red Dragon having feavetz heads‘, and tetz
condition WhiCh the hOIY Cny,the Temple 5L; home, arzdfeverz Crown: upotz' hi4 heads, and hi:
ofGod, his_precious Saints are here alfo ap- 5-1; ‘mil drewa third part oftheStare of Heaven, and
pointed unto, even to be trod under footy; did cafl'th'e-m to lb‘? earth; , _ _ _
to be depreffed, and greatlyperfecuted, to ,3; The fecond pl aeel in Which the-enemies
be bowed down under the feet of their ene-- of the Saints, (t0.5 wh 0m they are given for
mics, to be made as the ground, and as the a while) are defitribedis, 111w. 1.3. I, 2, 33.4.’
fireet t0 them to g0‘: 0W1} ' " '5 , 6,575 8. ‘verles,
@etie. But now, before] proceed any Iflood upon the fond which' is as follo'Wes. And
of the Sen, ("Id-fawn Benji
further, the @erie will be, What tho e ‘rife up out of‘;b¢Sm,/m‘v
ing {been heed! and ten-
Gentiles are i“ particular, 1'0 whom the horns, and upon hie horn; tetz Crowns, and upon'bi;
Temple, and the holy City was to be g1ven,; head the-name of ‘MW/ML And the Benfl which
and by- Whom they Wereto be trodden un~5vfmwm 151,‘? mm a Leopard, and hie feet were
der foot? For as jerujhlem, andthe TemPICj-f-ae the feetofa Bear,
and hie}
ofold were given to the Babylonian: in par- aL-ion, and 1/)‘,- Dragon‘ gavemouth o; the mouth of
him, 1,5,. Power, and
ticular: f0 the quefhon 1s now,WhO the '- em, and great authority. _ And I fan? one of hif
particular enemies are to whom the‘ Tent-he
ad; or it ‘were wounded to death, and hie‘ deadly
ple, and the holy City now are delivered 1:‘ Maui“ wee/bodied, and a” 1b? world wondered af_
For though the holy City hath many, er thefBeeflflnd they worfhip
petl the Dragon which
enemies, . yet {he is. ‘not given- to’ them _ ; ave power ‘unto the Beaft,aml theyW
- ‘ ' ' - - A " Pdfl 151)’n , W'hoz'o like unto the Beafl'!" toio'
Anfiv. 1 AllfiVCl‘, Though ‘111 this Chap"- 4616 lg "Mk? W41‘ Wit’) pi"; 5" ‘And {berg 11745‘ given
ter there be no Other defcription of them, ‘ " '3 .
“but ' " ' y m“
"46 ‘The Expo/ition ofthe 2-. var/Z’; .
\-_, "- ' _ n

The'Eiepojition ofthe 2. ve'rf: 47

unto him a mouth fpealtint'; great things , and; blaf- F Martyr: ofj'efue: and when Ifaw her I wondred
phemiee, and power was given unto hint to Continue‘ "With great admiration.
ourty, and two monthnflnd he opened hit mouth in tQ
t§ . Thus now the enemies of thefChut'ch,
hlaflthemy. againjt God, to hlafltheme hie lining, and the Temple or holy City, Which in the text:
;, .hi: tabernacle, and them that dwelt in heavenAnd ‘F in hand are only
l :. it was given unto him to make war with the Saints, t1 (ihe Gentile: ) in thcfedefcribed by this word
l and to overcome them: and power war given him paflhges are more
largely charafiterized. ' .
over all kindred: andtongues, and nations, and all 5 But theft: expreflions 'ufed in thefe delimi-
that dwell upon the earth {hall worjhip hmt, whofe 3-; 'pt/ions of thefe
name: tire not written in the hook of life of the ‘,5 ~pén't very myfierion ies, being for the mOll:
Lamb [lain/flom the foundation of the world. .
s : we have thefe m ylle-
ries Opened, and unveiled in the 17. Chap.
The third place where the enemies of the ‘F from the 7, vetf. to the end of the Chapter,
‘Temple, and the holy City, viz. TheSaints y as it followes. _

'l are defcribed, is Rev. 17. 3, 4,5, 6. as it fol-


11nd the Angel [aid unto me wherefore did/l thou
3'5‘ t IOWetll. - i. marvel .P I will tell thee the myflcry of the woman,
II - . And I faw a woman fit upon a flarlet _ and of the Beaft that earrieth her which hath the
coloured Beafl, full of name: of hlafhhemy, having fiven heads, and ten horns. The Beafl' that thou
feven headt, and ten horns, and the woman was fawefl wae, and it not, and[hall ajeend out of the ,
arraied in purple, and [carlet colour, and decked -' bottomelefle pit, and gee into perdition; and they
with gold, and precioue flone, and pearls, having a fl - that dwell on the earth [hall ‘wonder, whoje name:
. . golden cup in her hand, full of abomination: and "1-2,-
were not written in the hook oflife, fl'om the foun-
filthinef]e of her fornication : and upon her forehead elation of the lVorld, when they hehold the Beafl that
l war a name , written, ‘M Y S T E B. Y, -B A- ii“ win‘, and i4 not, andyet it. And here i4 the ntinde
BYLON THE GREATaMTHEg which hath wifdonte: ‘The feven head: are [even


m'ountaint, on which the woman fitteth, and there


. . \Lnfi-wq-q'l ‘out’;

are [even Kinggfive are fallen, and one it, and the
_ .I-r-d'b

l E A R T ‘H. And I[aw the woman drunkenfwith f other it net jet come: and when he commeth, he

the blond of the Saintt, and with .lllt'hletttl ,ofi; the mujleontinue afhort [have And the Beaft that we;

. ‘ -' {377
., u‘:- 1;‘ e. . ‘
H '- F if‘ 'qp-vlv qu-
w-w are‘ l‘

> l 48 'Th'e-Eocpcyition ofthe 2. .‘tit'f. .I ‘The Expofition ofthe 2. wife. 49

‘and i4 noteven he it the eighth, and itof the fizoen, 5%., Until] the interpretation
and goeth into perilition. And the ten horns which
was iven' t "
el at. the I 6, verfe and f0 on) bgut thc
thou j'awefi, are ten Kings which have received no .- having 1n this 17, Chap. opened ofrighi
'Kindotneas)'et; hutreceivepower as Kings one ig fierres, now the mea thefe my-
ning of them is more
“hour with the Beafl. Theje have one minde, and. apparent: So that,

~='.r_-§'S:¢.q~_ l‘ -'
'_ jhall give their power and firength unto the Bea/i. Firli, If it be queried, What it the
{Theje (hallmake warre with the Lamb, and. thle Beafi ?
Lamhfhall overcome them : for he i4 Lord of Lord's, wered, We have. it anf
and King of Kings, and they that are with hitn, are words,‘Ihe Beafl that thou fawverie 8. in thefe
.called, and chofen, and faithful]. 4nd he faith ‘1m;- ,1 and [hall afcend out o the bottom!eft was and ' '
i t ‘a n no
to me. the waters which thou fawefi, where the i to perdition. No w fby compaamp”, a

ring this amigo wit1n-

. "'“"““"

‘Whorefitt'eth, are peoples, and multitudes, andna- 1.1 fome palihges in the
t 12, and _13 . Ch apt ers
ten horns which thou :ve {hall plainly fee what the Beafi is. In ,

litions, and tongues. And the

‘faweft upon the Beafl,_thefc [hall hate the Whore , the '
1. Chap. at the 9, verfe, the Dragon
,and {hall make her clejolat_ e and naked, and{hall eat mentioned, is faid to be ‘Th there
.-. .-._

.iterflellt, and burn her withfifeo for God hath t 1d ' ~

put ' th'e Deni/l, and Satan which deaceivetjhfi

in their hearts to'fulfill hie will, and to agree , and“ world. An'd in the 13. Ch ap. at the I , and
tyhgttchhlh el‘: X’
give their Kingdom unto the Beafi, unti ll the words VerHes, it is {aid That a Bea did r’
ofGoclfballhe fulfilled. And the woman which thou _ fl the. “P eut of
over the the Sea, having [2.26" heady, and ten horns, and
jaweji it that great City‘ which rcign eth upon hi: horn: ten Crowns
. - . , " '
.Kings ofthe Earth aand u
¢ ames ofhlaltphemy: and the BeaP on l)” heads t e
_ In thefe words, we have the myfier ie 0.‘ ‘. 1 fi wa s ‘like untob‘a
- P d; and/m feet were III the feet ofa Bear,and

.ofwhat isi delivered 1n the 12,13iiand


' . I ' - " '80 4r

. he 1 :vmouttlas the mouth ofa Lion 5 and the Dragon

- t7. rs, concer ning the Beafi, an . . .121‘. e "m ' .
.Woman, and the Heads, and thc Horns,and 1.5-- m power, and [mfimht and great autho-
the many waters : which are all-my'iterio(as ns . So the
_u_n derfi 09d g 31.»: n n; The Beafl that hath Raven head
\‘txpreflions, and hard to be_ te? s,
hotns, and istlike unto a Leapard,.
tthofe were, Dang. from the t , to the. 9,v,e r. . 1 ,
1111-‘ . 1.8 Ome WlCd onIe:in whom the devil‘
s C.

raigns t;
l. The Expofition ofohe Qwetje. 512
raigns 5 who hath power, and a feat, and This is he ofwhom it isfaid, All the world
great anthority in the earth : which power, wondered after the Benji; and worjhipped the Dra-
and feat, and great authority,was given un- gon that gave. power unto the Beafi; and worfhip~
to him ofthe devil. And though that Wic- peel the Beajifaying, Who is like unto the B-eafi .P

~ '
ked one, that hath that devililh power, and Who it able to make warre with him .P And of

authority, be diflinét from the devil; (as whom it was faid, That there n'ao given unto
he that receives is diflinfit from him that hetn amonth fltealeing great things, and blajfihe-
gives:) Yet they are f0 one, as the devill is mics; and power was‘ given unto him to continue
{aid to be in the Beafl : for what the Beait is fourty and two montht,e'9'e.As you have it pages
{aid to doe, the devill' is {aid to doe: for in 46, and 47.
the 1 3. Chapter, at the 7, verf. it is the But (econdly, Iiiit be queried, What that
Beaft that-‘is faid to males war with Saints : but Woman is, that is {aid Chapter 17. a. to fit
' in the‘ 1 2. Chapter, at the 17,'veri'e, the de- Upon this Beaii? ~ 9
vill is {aid to doe 'it. And again, they are f0 We have an Anfwer to this,in the 18,
One, as the Beait is faid to bethe devill; and ' ' verfe of this 17. Chapter, in the-Te words:
therefore when, tlj e Angel comes to declare And the Woman which than faweji, ia that great
what theBeafi is, in the fore-mentioned‘ ' City which raigneth over the King; of the earth.
place,iaies he,‘fhe Beafi {hall afcend out of the Now What that great City Was,~that
hottomlefipit. It is not {aid he {hall receive then ralgn over the Kings of the eartdid h;
his authority from him that afcends out of though it were not f0 apparent in feverall
the bottomleiTe pit, (though that be the ether hiliories as it is‘ 5 yet the Scriptures
meaning of it, as before appears :) but He could fuificiently inform us : for it informs
fha'll afcend out of the hottomlefle pit 5 to iheWthe us,that Tribute was paid to CnfamMatthaz. 17.
onenei-fe of the devil, and the Beafi. Thus And that becaufe Cefar was he that raigned
the mylierie of the Beait is unfolded; and" over thekings of the earth, the few: (aid to

it appears, that the Bet-tit is a'vvicked' one, P1.late,If thou let thi: man go, thou art not Cnfa


rs '
v -.

friend. And that Paul appealed to Ctejhrats be-


that hat-h a deviiilh power, and authority,


. to

Jng the higheii authority that then was ': as


andiis one withrthe'devil.



._ s 2 _


*' -

,. .
l _ | M ‘ .L AA- d-I__La_~‘l ll JM
suds”, .

5'2 The Eqfi'tion of the 2'. wife. . The Expojitz'on oft/ave 2. wee/‘e. .5;
appears, Aft: 2'5. 10;, t 1-. Now the place City ofRome hath been, and to this day is
where (Lefms royall teat was then, was the {itch a fountain of filthinefle, and whore- '
City of Home, as appears in that Paul was doms, rand all surfed abominations : as
fent thither. So that Rome was the City that this name appears {o perlpicuonlly in her
then reigned over the Kings of the earth. A And forehead, as he that runs may reade it,
therefore it was that it was accounted fuch MYSTERI E, BA BYLON THE
a priviledge to be a Komatz,Aéis 22.25,26. GREAT, THE MOTHE R OE‘
Now fince it is clear in Scripture 5(and HARLOTS, AND ABOMINA-
all hiiiories do acknowledge it,) that Rome TIONS OF THE EARTH. And
.was the great City that raigned over the it is apparent, that She i4 drunken with the
Kings 0Fthe earth; Then it appears, That blood of Saints, and the blood of the Martyr: offs-
‘Rome is that Woman that is [aid to fit u on m- . » -
the Beafi. Now this being apparent, it oth But thirdly, It'the Qpeliion be, What the
appear the more clearlyewhat the Beait is. f feven heads ofthe Beali are ? '
It was clear before, That the Bealt was a The Angel gives an attfwer to that, at the
wicked one in whom the Devill ra'igned, 9', verl'e of the I]. Chapter. The fepen heads~
that ha'd received poWer, and a feat, and are [even mountains upon which the Woman fit,-
great Authority from the Devil : but it did tefth. The Woman being the City ofRome .-,
not f0 clearly appear who that Mcked'gpif'e t éfthe fevenheads ofthe Beali, ‘are (aid to be
in particular is. But here it appearaet ‘as:g‘- If] -_§:' 7e; emven mountains upon which that-City
wrxa ,. flwtl._tilt.' And with this Hiiiorians agree, _

1s particular] y he upon whom the

H; A‘, =$-.-' r

spay} ~ .111; *pthat the City oi Rome ,was founded .

Rome htteth : he that tupports 1t.

, Now it is ap arent that 1t 1s that , hi? ‘3.1’l'liifI-fjif even mountains. Now thefe may
A 0116 the Pope,-t atis the-{upport of t
. meaty be raid t0 be the feven heads of ‘
ted City. H6 it is that bears hertl'p§ fl“?._"5.{'.'\'5"
r .
ll 1;
.B'epllf 5 as the ten Kings may be [aid to
nabjc; "I is ten horns: as will appearjby and by.
'- ‘l if" 1'.’

pompe,andpr1de, and filth ‘abonu

n H 1- . ;
t .

liii-i'phg Hf; “o'nrthlyfli' it fhould be e__nqniired, What:

Sodomiticall-praéiilEs. He is theBeand gm. _. .‘the
which that great What‘ fitttth. afl ten horns are, mentioned ‘Chaptg. '3.
-' " . . git-21!?
. . ‘_| '.-
’ -.-._ I _.
Ct“? ‘ .
- v. ': "§alll
IA'EYJ' ' ,JTRA~.. 4 _ . . ' - i
”‘_‘V ‘t '- _‘ _ -.__ - -.__,--___ __. .

I 54 ‘The Expofitioiz ofthe 2. werfla.

The Expo/{flan ofthe 2. vetfi 5';
But fifthly, If it fhould be queried, What
The Angel atlfwers that in the 12, verf'e the many waters are upon which the Wo-
ofthe feventeen Chapter, in thefe Words: man fitteth, mentioned Chap. .‘17. I. 801 3.1?
And the ten horns which thou faweji are ten Kings, The Angel anfwe'rs that alfo, in the I 5 .
which have received no Kingdoms as yet, but re- verfe 0F the 17. Chapter, in theft: words:
ceive power as kings one hour with the Beafiflhefo The water: which thou forvofi whore tho Whore fir-
have one minds, and jhal] give their power, and teth, are peoples, ond multitudes, and nations, and
flrength unto the Beofl; thefe [hall make war with tongues. . So that this is not left in the myfi'c-
the Lamb, the. In thefe words the Angel un- rie neither 5 but the Angel plainly declares,
veils this alfo, and tels us, that thofe which That by the ‘waters is’ meant the peoples,
are mylierioufly eXpreit by the tent horns of and nations, and multitudes, and tongues.
the Beafl, arethe ten Kings, which did give And the Whore is {aid to ht upon them; be-
up-their power, and lirength unto the Beall - ‘caufe they have willingly fubfefited them-
with one confent, 8t one mind, and thus it felves unto her, t0 be as it were vatTals to
came to pafle: for when the devil gave the her. ' 5
P0pe that power, and authority, whereby Now by this time it appears from thefe
the Emperor ofliome was (ubietted to him, 1 2, 13,'and 17. Chapters, What thofe Gen-
then the ten Kin‘ domes that were under tiles (mentioned in the text, to whom the
Rome, did likewile willingly give up their Temple, and the holy City waslgiven,) are
vver to him alto; and were fubjeé'ted to 1n particular: for it appears that as though
the Beafi, and as he, f0 they alfo made warre ' the Church ofold had many enemies, yet
with the Lamb the Lord JCfilS in his Saints : ‘ ' they were particularly given to the Babylo-
and To became the ten horns of the ‘Beait, by


ninans,.the Chaldeans : So now, the Church


which he became the more dreadfull, and I


is particularly given to be trodden ‘under

terrible : for he had n0t been fo dreadful, if foot of myiiical] Babylon, Rome, and, of that
he had but onlyyhad the {irength of ‘his fe-

wicked one the Pope, that hath received


ven heads,- 0Fthat gr eat City that is feated



from the devil , his poWer, and his feat,and

o|_-qr-4\, -.

upon feven hils : but having thefe ten horns great authority,
‘alto, thefe ten Kingdoms he was laecome v?- ~
- 299+:

_ry-t_errible. ' ‘ ~ ' "But Now

56 .‘Ihe Expo/Mon ofthe “2. tier/e. The Expofition 0fthe 2. eterfl 57 ~
Now that thefe particular enemies did as *1 defolate wilderneffe condition, he was nor
the text declares, Tread the holy Cit} under foot, t "- therewith fatistied, but cafi out water as a
appears alfo in thet'e following palTages : flood after her, that he might caufe her to
Rev. 12. 13, 14, 15. ‘The Dragon perfecuted be carried away with the Hood. And hath '
the Woman, which brought forth a man-childe: and it not been even thus .P Did not that fcarlet
to the Woman were given two wings of a great coloured Beafi f0 perfecute the holy City,
Eagle, that {he might flee into the wildernefle, into ‘all-the Saints ofGod ever fince his firli rifle,
her place, where [he i; nourifhed for a time, and as that they have been in a defolate, fad,
timer, and half a time from the.face of the ferpent 5 Wildernelfe condititm ever fince ? And yet is
and the ferpent raft out ofhi: mouth water at a flood ' he not f0 fatisfied, but is (ending out of his
after the Woman, that he might raufe her to he ear- floods of malice, and fury after the Saints;
tied away of the flood. That by the Dragon ' and would {wallow them all up if it Were
. here mentioned, is meant the P0pe who is potlible. -
one with him, a ears a e 49. 50. Again, Chapter I 2. I7. he is‘ faid, ‘To he
Now he is hefgfaid IZogperfecute theWo- vroth with the Woman, and to make tear with the
man,(th'e Church)rhat is cloathed with the - remnant of her feed, which keep the Commandment:
Sun, and the Moon under her feet. And this of Gotham! have theteftimony of feline Chrifl.A11d
wicked one perfeeutes the Church, as {he is Chap. 13. 6,7. And‘ the Beaft opened hi4 mouth
thereby driven into the wildernefle : that is, tn hlaflihemy againft God, to hlafpheme .hia name,
into a defolate, bewildred, barren, and fad and hi4 tahetnaele, and them that dope!t in heaven ;
condition 5 and that, f0 long as the Beatt and it wae given unto him to make war with the
remains: (for that’s the meanin of a time, Saints, and to overcome them. And hath not
times, and half a time, as wil afipear in that Beaft, the, Pore puntiually done as is
what follows,-) as ifit Were not p0 , 1ble for- here {poken ‘ofhim, in Opening his mouth
the Church to be in any other then a wil- _ 1n blafphemy againli God, to blafpheme his
demefie condition,‘ untill the ruine of the name and his Saints? Hath he n0t {aid him-q
Beafi,and the fall of Babylon were come.And felfw'as the head ofthe Church, and that he
when he had driven the Church into tiglat could forgive fins, with many other blot}-
. . . ' ' e- ' ' . - phemies
. 58 ‘The Expojitz'on'ofthe 2.2":t

. The'Expofitz'on ofthe athetfl _ 59

. :5; foullrpirit, and a cage ofevery unclean and
. _ hath not he made war with
phemies? And
the Saints, Wth hQPt the Commandments ii hurttull Bird. Thus by this time it appears
0F God, fihd the teihmony 0f Jelus Ch-rtli? by whoni,and how the holy City hath been
Have not they been, the only ones wlth - troden underfoot.
h‘ whom he hath made war? The molt vilelt, " And the holy City [hall they tread under foot,fourty
5'}? . and molt abominable perfons were “10h and two monethh l
‘ nourilhed by that curfed Beali; and the molt It being apparenta what the ene mICS
I ' . ' Of
1;‘ 'ptTClOllS Saints have been molt hated, and the Church are, and that they have troden
h; hath he not alfo overcome them? For, For I the Temple, and holy City under F00t.The
this twelve‘ hundred years he hath fo over- - next thing t0 be cleared, is the time how
601116 them, as they “we” had POW?" to nfe h long thofe enemies of the Church were to
Up againll him unrill 0f 131“?- {\galn, Chap. , tread her under Foot. And that is heer {hid
17. 6. the gr?‘1t.\’Vhore 1$_ {31d i0 he drunkg to be fourty and tWo moneths. Now what
with the 510 0F‘ 0]L 54111i!» and 1W” the 510°‘! of ‘h’ the meaning of this is 9 will more clearly‘
Marti" 0fjefut. Ahd Chap. 18' 2.4"1'5 15 a- ‘appear , by comparing it with four other
gain {aid ofBabJIfmq the Clti' 0t Home, tlte palrages in the prophecy 0F this Book. One
great WhOP€3TI)"_1t I" I)” Wt" found the 510°‘! "f' ‘ is Chap. 12.6. And the woman fled into the wil-
Prophets, and of 541"": and of?” that were {lama dertzeffit, where (he had a place prepared of God,
upon the earth. And moli "ldfiht 1t 19’ That! that theyjheuld feed her there a theufand two hun-
Rome hath not only made others drunken-I Y dred and threefcore dates. A Fecond, Chap. 12.
With the c"P te" abommatlous, and fil'i- 1'; 14.. And to the woman were given tree wing! bf a
thinefle of herfornicatlon? bug 1's her he] ; great Eagle, that {he mightflee into the wildernefl;

mite???‘theStatiszsttiiiat “ Lemme-bat “It; a» 5;ce

drunken With the blood o the aunts, an into herplaee; where (he it nourifhed, fora time,

‘11:1‘itwillbefeimd,wheuwithbviolencelh f” giggflrhther ""2017; 91:; $356,
{hallbe throwatd0W1isa11d' become-the
h ld' f__ har ..‘T proph efie a theuftmd
y two' hundreda and threeleore
bitatlon 0F (161118, and the 0 O CE“ '1 _ daiet‘, cleathed in fachghth. AFollrth, is Chap.
. , ' _ | . '
L‘ 7-7.. 77,...L _,..\VJ-.'4_'.Lh_,___a_n.4__.__A n15‘; l \
o . ..__ , . .
or ‘YT'

60 ‘The Expofitionofthe 2. werf. ‘The Expofifion ofthe Q. 'verf. 6'1

13.5. And there mu given unto the Beafl,a mouth . A time and times ’ '
jpealq'ng great things, and blafiwhemietg and power In the fecond of{halfa taime. ‘a and
was given unto him to continue fourty and mJo A A thoufand tWQ hundred

menthol? it was given unto him to make wagthtr. In the third of {and threefcore daies.
.Now the text (‘peaks 0Fthe afiiified con- . Fourtie and two
dition of the Church , under the CXpl'efliOD' In the fourth of {mon'eths
ofbeing trod under ‘foot: and the firfi of . Now that thefe agree ‘in one,appears thus.
thefe pafiages {peaks of the afliifited condi- ' In Fourt'y and two moneths, accounting
tion of the Church, under the exp'reflion'of thirty daies to a moneth , there is iufi a
flying into the wilderneiie 5 becaufe of the thoufand two hundred and threefeore
perfecntion of her, enemies. 'Thefecond of , _daies : f0 that fourty and two moneths,and
thefe paliitges, Fpeaks likewife 0F the amid:- a thoufand two hundred and threefcorc ’
ed condition ofthe Church,nnder the fame dates, agree in one.Again in three years and
eXpreflionas the former, of fleeing into the a halfiwe have jufl: fourty and two months,
wildernefle. The third of theft: eXpreflions, accounting twelye moneths to a year : So
(peakes of the afilifited condition of the that a time, times, and halt-‘a time, that is,
Church, under the expreflion ofbeing cloa~ one year, two years, and halFa year, which
thed in fack-cloath.and the 4. {peaks 0F the 1s three years and a half, agrees with fourty
affliti'ted condition of the Chuch, under the and two moneths. And with a thoufand
exprefiion 0F the Beafts making war With two hundredand threefcore daies. So that
the Saints and overcoming them, and they the time the Church was to continue under
all Fpeaking the fame thing: the afllifiion of, 'afiiiition, to he troden under foot, was a
the Church, do alfo {peak ofthe fame {time thoufand two hundred 8c three (core'daies.
of the continuance of that a'i&ion,_- with Now asithe Prophet Ezekiel was to ac-
this in th c TextN ow in the Text,that time coimt a day for a year (Eze.4,5,6. ) fo this
is exPrefiEd under the exPreflion of fourty one thoufa'nd two hundred and threefcoee
y and two moneths. And - _‘ " ' date-s, is to be accounted a thoufand' who
. ' , A thoui'and two hundred undredand threefcore years. a ‘ I' '
.. i -- = In the firit of{'and threefcore daiesj; In so ‘
- }!_ 1'.’ ..-. V. n. m4,‘ LV'J-‘ZrLl-L-liflnr-
.“-\l-‘.':q'-l‘ .

62 The Expojitz'on ofthe 3. ‘oer/I The Expo/him ofthe g. 'verfi 63

. So then whereas in the Texr it is faid, fince the two Witllelles are faid to continue

that the Church fhould be troden under - twelve hundred and liXty yearsgthey cannot
. t

foot fourty and two moneths by the Gen- be confined onely unto two men, but do in-

tiles; that is particularly , by that wicked r‘ _ elude all the Saints, that have been Witnef-

one the Pepe,and his adherents, the mylli- fes of the truths of .IfilllS Chrilt, ever fince

call Babylonians : the meaning of that the Beafl began to perf'ecute the Church: for
fourty two moneths is , A thoufand two bun-<4 Jefus Chrili during all that time, did never
dred and threefcore years. And it mull of nec --‘ leave hinlfelfwithout witllelles, though for
r-eii Kiri}: f7

fity be acknowledged to be fo; for t . eafl: the molt part of that time, the number of
hath tiroden the holy City under foot, for , them were very fmall, in comparifon 0F the

above twelve hundred years already. falfe prophets'of the Beali : which may be
- .Mw-I-
455-" :0-37-

the realbn, why' they are here exPrell by the

‘Ii-f", -' Fer: are," 5'5"}:

Verfe. 3. lmallell of numbers, the number two. But I

fay , .Iefus Chrili hath never leFt himfeIf
And I will give power unto my two Witnefleo, and 5 without WitneHEs5 but hath had fome at all
times,that have been witnelies of his truths,

they {hall prophefie a thoufimd two hundred, and ‘
threefcore daie! rloathed in jaehelothl in oppofition to the Beall. And thofe are

they, that are here in the text' {aid to pro-
That this word(My two Witrzejfey) can not phelie, a thoufand two hundred, and fixty
be confined onely to two men, that [hould' daies. Now as this text holds forth, That

be the WitnellEs of Chrifi Jefus; is moli ap- Jefus Ch rili hath had WitnefiEs, during all
parent : becaufe they are faid to continue fo the raign of the Beali, and the perl'ecuted
. long, as the holy City was to be troden un- - condition ofth'e Church: (‘0 other palla-
der foot 0Fthe Beali 5 which is athou'fand ges in this prophefie confirm it, as Chap.
two hundred and threefcore years. Now I‘ 8. 9. I[ow under the Altar, thej'bu-lt of them that
twelve hundred years , is ate me of time _ were {lain for the word of God, (12e for the tefiit'no-
which no man ever lived when men-lived lfi ny which they held. Thole were fome that had .
longeli : much‘ leITe fince the fi'oodaherefore j witnelied, and tellified the truths of Chrilt
, fiucc t againli
‘- a H‘
.u-IUQ. ‘

i l‘ 64. ‘The Expofition ofthe Qwerff ‘ The Expofition ofthe 3. etetfi. 65


againli the Beafi , and feale'd their teliimo- many ofthe truth, and thereby they were 0-
ny with their blond; forthey were {lain for vercomers of the Beall. And chap. 1 8.24.


the Word ofGod , and for theteliimony Babylon

came to be throwne dowue, it is Pai

which they held. And to lhew that thefe hat in her was Found the blou'd of Prod,

Werecnot all that witnelled the truths of‘ - phets, and of all that were flain upo
earth: whereby it appears, That during n the
Chrill,but that ‘lefusChriti had continual-
~ly fome that were his WitneflEs , which the all
the raign ofthe Beafl', he hath been {laying
beafi {hould continually be l-layingait. is (aid the Prophets, Witneflies, and Saints ofje
in the 1 I. verle 0Fthat Chatat they [hon/d 'Chrili. '
refl yet for a little feafon, until! their fellow'fi'r-e I
Thus by thefe feeerall pallages it is evi-
t want; alfo, and their brethren that, {hould he killed dent, That Chrili hath had his Witti'el
at they were, fhould he fulfilled.‘ S0 that Chrill: fis
uring alltheraign of the Beafi;
had a further number of Witnefles, which apparent that this Word, My two lVitand it is
neJes in-
l were alfo to honour him-,- y laying down cludes all thofe Witttelles of Chriii,
I have been during all the raign of the that
their lives for his truth. And Chap. I 2. 1 1.
f The WitneflEs of Chrili, are again mend- for they
Bea Pt :
have been faid to prophetic
l oned, for it is faid, That the Dragon did make {and two hundred-and threefcore yeaars.tl10u~
f tear, with them whteh kept the commandments of Ohjeft. But how could all the Witneflizs
y. God, and hwe the tefl'imony of jejnt Chrifl'. And Chrili, be faid to prophetic? of
1‘ ' verfe 1 2. they are faidfl'o overcome the devi1,h)' IanFWer, Every Saint in a Fence, may be
the hloud of the Lamb, (by Which all Saints d0. {aid to be a Prophet. For they are Pro
Overcome him ) and h) the word of their tejli- to whom God difcovers his fecrets phets
many: for they loved not their lives unto the death. therc is no true Saints,but the fecrets : and
are of'GQd
Here it appears that the Saints did f0 wit- dilbovered t0 them, Pfltl. 15.14
nefle the truths. ofChrilt; as they counted tret of the Lord it with them that fear him,The fe-
not their lives dear unto them , but laid Willjbew them hi: Covenant. The trut and he
them dowu to feale the truth which they the difcoveries 0F God, and ofjefi h is, it is
held, which was a means of iconvineing ‘ and of hidden truths that maketh ts Chrilt,
Saints. "IF- ‘
many, ' ' '_ ' '
. = o.\"'1
F the
1 l- Mai '>
Tbe'Ep/itim of th

66 The Forpofi'tion of the Qwerfe. e garetfe. I 67 i

t ._.__u

the Lord did, nOt reVeal his fecrets unto poor , neHe, doth as truly rophefie as he that hath

i fouls, it wouldnoc be poflible for them to


greatefi abilities. Knother Scripture is A5? .


he Saints. Now then as 1,00“ as the foul is

15.32. Andjudnr and Silos being prophrtr'nlfi
-'-‘_-_-~ v

made a Saint,it is made a Pro het: for when themfil'oer, exhorted the brethren with many word:


the Lord hath revealed himfe F unto the {bill


and confirmed them. Here it is evident, That?

anddifcov'ered his (‘ecrets to it, made it to to (peak the word of exhortation, and‘ in-
fee the wonderfilll things of his law, and formation, to the confirming of Saints in
,cauFed it to reioyce in the fweet difcoveries the truth, is to prophefie : for judo; and Si-
' 0t‘ his grace, the foul cannot choofe butde- tar are {aid t0 exhort and confirm the Saint S,
clare them to others. Yea the word‘ is as a as they were Prophets. Another pallage to
fire in it'sb'olome, and it cannot hold it in, ' thlS For the teftimon'y
according to that rule, TVhen thou art convert- ofyefmir the fpirit of prophefie. This pailage
ed [trengthen thy brethren. This is ever the gives a moit clear anfwer to the quellion,

fweet temper of a real Saint, he cannot but What is it to prophefie ? The Angel had (aid,

~. q-
give vent to the bublings ofCht'iIi_t1p0n his

-.,-r:s..-._,'.. _
Chap.18.24. ‘Ihat in Bntgtlon was found the blond
heart : and that in oppofing gain-iaiers,con- of Prophets, and ofSaintr. Now here he makes.
tending earneiily for the Faith, and in the e-

1t to appear, what the Prophets were that

. ‘-.4
difying, exhorting, and comforting 0F other y Rome had {lain 5 namely,they were they

Saints. had the teflimonyofjefuo 5 for ( faith he )

Now that this is prophecying, is molt e- The teflmwny of 7e]us 1'; thefpir'it ofprophefie. So
videntin thefe Scriptures, 1 Cor. 14. 3. He that all Saints that have the teltimony of €_,

tlmtyrophofioth, flanker/J unto men to edification, fits, have the fpirit ofprophefie : andfo ‘all
and cxhortotton, and, comfort. Now this all phat Were gain hfor dthe teflimony hf
Saints in fome meafilre or other can do, ‘and clot
us, h.
were t ey t at 1d
' propheti"c ‘1n
' Tack-
fonietimes doth; though {ome Saints can
doe it far're more excellentlythen othe'rs,yet :_ I mil/give power unto'my two Wime c: and the
he that fpeaketh to edification', exhortation {hallprophefien thoufand two hundrgl rind threef-
and contblation, though with much weak- ftore daft’: clothed in farkrlothj ‘
“ I t nefié’
F 2 Iefils
68. The Expafl'tion bfithe g. Wife.‘
The Expofz'tiozz oft/he 4. verfé. ' 69.‘
‘Tefus Chriiihaving in the former verfe,
‘ declared that the holy City ihould be troden , Cloathed in flrchcloth 1
under Foot, which is the afliitied condition While the Church was in the ‘materiall
of the Church, he doth here declare, what Bahjlon, they were in a (ad and mourning po-
.fupplies they (hould have in that condition: liure 5 for they wept and h ung their harps on
in that he faies that he would give unto willows, and could notiing the longs 058i-
them this gift, that they lhould'propheiie. 0:11: So the Church now being in myliicall
_ Though they are to be defiitute oi outward Babylon, andinfultetl over by their enemies,
comforts and outward liberties by the ene- God having for a time given them ‘to be tro1- ~
mies perfecuting of them, yet they are to '. i den‘ under foot by them, they are in mourn-.-
have inWa rd com Forts : th'e Lord will reveal ing, fad anti fable garments; clothed in flick;-
his fecrets to them, which {hall exceed all o’oth: though they inwardly enioy [ll€'\di[~CO'.-
outWard co mtbrts; they/{hall have the tefii- veries oFthe boiome Fecrets oi'the Father,thc
' mony of ;]efi1s,'whiei. is the {pirit 0F pro- comFo rts of the Spirit, though the have the
, phefie. Spirit oflproph eiiezye t they prophe 1e in {ack-
Iwill give untomy two Withefler, and the) [hall I ‘ a clorh, ‘theireout-fidenheir cloathing is lack-
prophe/iea thoujbnd two hundred and threcj'core cloth, to the outward eye they are in a Fad
daieIJ ' _ pofiure : and they cannot be otherwile,while
. ' they
That this one thonfhnd two hundred and are under the power and tyrany 05345)"
threefcore daies, is‘ a thoui'and two hundred- Ion.
and threefcore years, appears in pag. 39, 60,
the. Whereit is evident, that it is the fame 'Verfe 4. I
term oftime with that in the -' former 'verfe,
and with that in‘ former pail'ag'es of this“ p . "Ihefi: are the two Olive-erect J
book; and that the meaning oi them all,is-a ' ~
thoufand two hundred and threel'core years, '~ ~ Thie, that is, thefi: two WitnefiEs, are
' there appears. I' ‘the two Olive-trees. ln that they are faid t0 a
be ( the ) two Olive-trees,it implies it hath
i Cloathed i. reference unto fome paflage of Scri tare,
‘ 3 ‘ w terein

7'0 The Expofition ofthe 4. werfia. ‘The Expofltionofthe 4. my; . " " 7-11
Wherein there is a former mention 0F them. great mountain is become a plain; again»
Now the place where they are mentioned, is ' become a'glorious Temple, and when it lhal
.Zecha. fo that Zechariah doth .prophelie of * be thus,there [hall be lhoutings,crying,Grace,
there two Witnelles, under the eXprellion of Grace unto it. And this appears t0 be fpo-
‘two Olive-trees; and therefore the holy ken of the two Witnefles in the TIiXt 5 for
Ghoft mentioning the Witnellis here, de- they have Feemed to be tin-all and little, and
clares, that thefe are they that are elfewhere their enemy a great mountain : but uridonbt—
called the two Olive-'trees.- Now in that edly this mountain {hall become a'plain be-
place, Zeeh.4.4. we finde that the Prophet fore them, and they thall again become a glo-
doth ask the Angel,What theft: be.? And then rious Temple, a mountain of holinefii-r, ‘the
the Angel makes this anFWer, ‘This it the word . praife 0Fthe whole earth. But the Prophet

of the Lord unto Zeruhhahel, jaying 5 not by migh', at the 1 2 verfe,|is (aid again to ask the Ange],

nor by power, but ht my flint, faith the Lord of hofls: What the Olive-branches are? and receives

i Who art thou, hareat mountain? ‘Be ore Zeruhhahel this further anfixver : ‘Ihet'e he the? "trim anointed
thou [halt hetome attain, and he [hall bring forth ones, that [land hy the Lord of the whole eairth: here

theheadflone thereof with-flioutingt, crying, Grace, A is another deltription of them,—-*in4 which it is


Grace unto it. Now this is fo'mewhat a my- moll evident, that by the two Olive-trees is
..--' "-
m _'»_-_.t

‘ilerious anfwer 5‘ but thus much appears in it: ‘ meant the Saints, Servants and ‘Witneflies of

Jefits Chrili ; for this is a plain charafier of


That though the Saints teem to be little in

""q"‘- .i“~

the eyes of men, and their enemy ( whether Saints 5 for firll, Saints are anointed ones,
-§-:> rape.

it be the material'l Babylon, or the myliieal Ba- ~ and are (aid t-o be anointed , 2 Cot‘. 1.2 1. and

- are {aid to have received an mzétion fi-om the ‘holy


bylon ) feem to be a great mountain, as it“ it

*~§¢"\a ¥-

Were impoflible for the Saints to remove One, 1 foh.2.2o. Again feeonilly, as Saints
their mountainous enemy; yet they {hall be . are anointed ones, f0 it is they, only that can
removed rout of their way, the great mount- come into the preltnee oiiGod 5 it is they 0n-
Tain ihallbecome a plain before them; and .ly that can enter into the Holy of Holies, "by
_ Tthofe Saints that feem to belittle, but as an‘ I the new and living. way,'which iefiist Chtili
‘\ handfull to a mountain, they [hall when the hath-made for them. p F 4‘ _ - - -
‘great ' NOW .
h »--.._‘ .4: l 1; ‘L4
-__.-L_‘._J . k
7i. W -7 - .r‘v4rr'l""fi-v.k ‘"1! -r-vr ? -w-

i *72 The Eqfi'tion ofthe 4. 'verfi'. The Eqfltion ofthe 5. 'uetf:~ 73

Now by ‘this time'it is clear, That by the . thel'e do {tand in the prefence of the Lord of


the Whole earth. '


two Olive-trees, is meant all Saints : for


t they are anointed ones, and they Rand in the


_ frei'cnce ofGod 5 they then are the two O- Verfe 5.

‘ “31-1 5,“;1-1' 4+5‘

1ve-trees, which have rophefied, ‘cloathed \ .

in fackcloth, and thong they have been but Amt if any man will hurt them, fire prooeedeth out
as a handtitll, compared with that great of their mouth,atttl devoureth their enemieL]
mountain the Beali, f0 that they could not
. ..-".-.-

.prevail by might, nor by power, yet by that _ ‘The Saints in a fence, are the Judges and
unttion, by that anointing,that~ Spirit that is Executioners oftheir enemies. Behohl a King,
upon them they {hall prevail. faith the Prophet (Hag-2. 1. ) [hall reign in
Theft’ are the two Olive-trees, and the two Candle.- righteoufizeflre, and Primer [he]! rule i tz judgment;
. flichg] - ' {peaking ofthe raign ofthe Lord Jelils, 5nd
f Thefe Witnell'ers are alfo faid to be candler- ' his Saints ruling with him, f0 that as he
flicks, becauf'e all Saints as they are anoint- judgethfo doe they 5 and they palle fentenec
ed ones, ['0 they are the light 0F the world, with him upon their enemies, and therelore
Mat.5.14.-they are light in the Lord, and they isit here faid, Ifmzy M472 will hurt them, fire
fhine as lights amidlla crooked and pervert}: pro'eeedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their
generation. t ' enemies: That is, that breath 0F the fpirit
Wide are" the two Olive-treet, and the two Can,- that proceedeth out of their mouth,-in their
dlefiickt,fl'anding before the God of the earth] praiers doth bath pronounce the fentence
The wicked ( faith the Pfalmill) [hall not and bring down the fire ofwrath upon their
fiend in thy prefettee, neither (hall et/il dwell with enemies. And this is clear, Revel. 8.3. for
thee. It is indeed onely the prerogative 0F there it appears, That when thepraiers of
athof'e holy ones, that are walhed in the blond all Saints were ofiered upon the golden Al-
ofthe Lamb, that are unblameable and unre- tar, that then the Angel took, the Cert/'or, and fil~
'pr0vable in his fight : and to thefe doth hee led it with fire of the Altar, and eafi it into the
hold out the golden fcepter ofhis $35655“? earth, and there were voices, and thmzderingt,and
5 ~ , ' - t ~ th e 45'
l ‘A, ‘w; ‘
_,_ em- i a.’ ,___.A___A.:__lJ-A_e_,.. ti. ah“ H ..,
.... .- --_—-->----.-»-__-_.__-7?_-~;_--1



‘The Expo/Prion ofthe goof ‘


The Expofitionvof the 6. vetj: ‘75

a or ‘I’
The???‘ ‘*-""

lightningo, andan earth-quake. So‘ that this praiers proceedeth a fire of wrath, and de-
is the power that Saints have to devour voureth- their enemies.
their enemies, and though their enemies be

And if afljttmtt will hurt them, he mufi in this

- <- v

never (o high and p0tent, yet they are not manner’ he killed. ]

f0 high, nor {o potent, but they can reach


As a fire proceedeth out of their mouth,


them, either to kill or deliroy them, 0r to that devoured their enemies in general : f0
binde and impril'on them. ‘Ani this is Fur- if‘ any man will hurt them, he mull: in the

ther Witneifed unto by the Pialmillz, Ptnlnte fame manner be killed, that is, by the fire

149.6,7,8,9. where (peaking otthe Saints, that proceedethout oi'their mouth.


, -
faies he, Let the high praijes of God he in, their
. .. _ __..__i;.1.-g._n_.- 4;" ~

mouths, and ntwo-edged jivonl in their hamlo, to


V'erfe 6.

execute vengeance upon the Gentilet, and ' yunt-


ents upon the people, to hinde their Kings with ‘Thefe have power tojhnt heaven, that it rain not in

chains, and their Nohlet with fetter; of iron, to the daies of their prophefie. ]
execute upon'them the judgement written : 'Ihzio loo-
near have all hi1 Saintr. Here the [Talmill - As the fire mentioned in the former verfe,
ipeaks ofexecuting vengeance upon the Gen- was not material fire, but it was myiiically
tiles, and punilhments upon the people, of fpoken: f0 the rain here mentioned, is to
‘binding Kings in chains, and Nobles in fet- be myliically underflood, as it is in leverall
ters oFiron. ' Why ? Who muii doe thus? placesof Scripture. I Will cite but only two
Mull it not be fome great and mighty Po- places, For they will be filfficient : and in
tentate?No,bnt this is to be done by Saints, both of them, Whatis to be underflood by
. and that not only by fome Saints, but as water or rain', is declared. As 11a. 4.4. 3.
Wellby the weaktfi of Saints , as by tie I will Pour water uprm him that it thirfiyflndfloutl;
lirougeii 5 For thia honour have all hit Sai;ztt.All upon the dry ground. Now would we know,
Saints doe execute vengeance upon their Ic- what is here meant by water and'flouds ? it
nemies 5 It“ any manwillhurtthem, fire follows in the next words, I will pour myfhi-
proceedeth out of their‘ month 5 from their - tit upon thy feed, nndnty blefling upon thine off-
’ praiers v _ ' " .n .
I - '. .
M . _ V. '1 . 1'... __ \‘J‘Jl.4 . -1 a J‘ \ ' I ‘ I’
“2 Ink.- 'L' l
' icM-l.‘ ¢. - i » .\ L V.‘
-- V.i‘.-__.-__'.-o

76 ‘Ilse Eqfitionoftbe 5. 've'rf; 'Ihe Eqfition 0fthc verf. 77 Ia

flying. So that here the Spirit, and the blef- fruit, and muff be hewen down'and call: in—-
hugs of heaven are eitprelieti by water, and .to the fire.
by floutisu The other place,is 70!).3.38,39. ‘Ibat 1't min not in the daft’! of their prophefie]
He tbatbeleevetb on me, as the Scripture ball) [Ia d, We flee what the daies of their prophetic
out ‘of 1m belly flmlfiow river: of living wamQThe is, at the third verfe, where they are (aid W
nem verle exPlains this, Tbir be jfml-e oft/1e to pr0phelie, cloath ed in fackcIOth,a thou- '
Spirit, which they that beleew on him {bould re- {and two hundred and threefcore daies:
ceive. So that we fee what the Scripture which hath been fheWed to be f0 many
means-by water, Whenit (‘peaks myhically years, which is the tearm 0F time which the
oi 1tzlo that it is in this fence,that the Saints Gentiler, the Beali is to prevail, and the ho-
are fiaid here during the prevalency of the ly City, the Saints are t0 be troden under
beafl, tolhutheaven thatitrain not : for‘ feet; thefe we fee are (aid to be the daies
1_t. cannot be underliood 0F materiall rain, 0t‘ their pr0phefying,c10athed in rack cloth 5
for that hath been extended to the uniuii, as . nor but that they might pr0phefie after that
to the iufiz and itimateriall rain (hould be time is eXpired: bUt thole were the 'daies of
with-held,the Saints and WitneflEs might their prophefying in {ackclutlnbecaule they
haye as well fufiered by the With-holding ‘ . are troden underfoot, and they are given
of 1t, as others: no, it is not the with-hol- to the Beaii, the Babflmiam, and during

ding of matcriall rain, but a greater iudae- thefe daies of‘ their prophelying in iack- Jy

" ‘wwqae-flww

ment then that : For as the Saints had pow- cloth, they have power t0 [hut heaven, that‘, -~' 5;‘ '
er to bring a fire 0F Wrath upon their ene- it rain net l'piritnallblefiings upon their e- , ‘

‘mies: f0 to [hut Up the rain of {pirituall nemies. And hath it not been even thus ?

blcflings, that the Houdspf the (pirit do noe Hath not the Beafi, and all his adherents

defcend upon them. But Whereas the Saints been as dry trees, and have they not conti-
are like the tree, that is planted by the ri- nued to be fo,withou1: ever obtaining a drop
_vers ofwater,that is alwaies green and flou- ofrpirituallgraee? ‘Have they not been as
_ riihing; their enemies are for want ofthefe the dry ground, obdurate and hardened in-
,_ waters, asadry tree that brings forth no theirhellifh waits? infomuch as itis to be
V_, .'t- t ~1s~\‘ L
A m
x . . ‘78 "'q~/,¢Eq/1'rie
e"f"'e 6werf: The Expo/Ition oftbewerf. r 79 . I’
lent unto the very diitates of the Spirit it

admirpdahat they fhould f0 continue with- -

out any relenting or returning for (o many felt : and they ‘declared them to be oi as
hundred years, although they have had the great authority, and of'thefe waters they
Scriptures, and many 0F‘ them great out-. made all that did adhere to them to drinke: -'
ward parts and abilities, and the writings . and with thefe waters they contented them-'
oi many precious Saints 5 which are mea'ns' felves, never caring for the waters of the
by which God tires to worke, but none of Spirita Now the Saints had power over
thefe means cOuld work any thing, becaufe thefe waters, to turn them to blond 5 which
they had the Heaven r0 (hut, that none of they did by the Spirit of propheiie which
the waters 0F the Spirit did deihend upon they had; whereby they did {o hold forth
them. Therefore it was that the letter of the Teliimony ot'J'efus Chriii, in the puri-
ty oilit, as all the Romilh Doctrines, and

the Word, and all other advantawes could


doe nothing, For they are all nothihg With- Po ilh Canons were turned to blond, ren-
out the Spirit. deredufelelle unto others, and diQovered
~ And have power ever water: , to turn them to to be corrupt. And this is that which was
blazed ] ' , done by tholi: Angels or Saints, that pour-
x This is another pl ague diiiinfi: From the ed out the fecond and third viols. Revel.
former ( but it is alf'o myliically exprellcd) 16.3,4. ‘ _
th errore thcle waters, are not th'ofe that are And to [mite the earth with til/plagues, as often
‘fai l to be [hut up From them : for it is nota as the)‘ trill. :I
pollible tor them to be turned into blond t‘. r How Saints may he (aid to finite the
that 1s, to be made ufelefie, as waters are, earth,or earthly men with all plagues, dot-h
when they are turned into bloud : but they in part appear page 72. where it appears,
' l

are thofe waters which their enemies the That they doe it. by their praiers : fo r when

Babylonian: made ufe of, in {lead of .the Was- the praiers 0F the Saints al'cended up before
I‘. " I‘

;ters ofthe Spirit: And what were they‘ ? It» God,‘ thenit is (aid, Revel. 8. 3. That fire


..Were their Canons,and Decrees, andCon- was call upon the earth,or earthly men, and


flitutions which they gave forth,» as equiVa-. produced-dreadfilll effects 5 as voices and-
.. -“wn—.-o~jrw

- lent ' _ thunder-



8o ‘Ihe Exptjition ofthe 6. WW}: ,
thundering, and lightnings, and an earth. The Eqfition of‘the 7. verfé. 8t
quake. Thus Saints doe finite the Earth: j Sa'intsdoe fmitethedevilintheBeafi, fo as _
with all plagues by their praiers. But they to overcome him. . And thus by their prai~
doe not only finite the Earth by their prai~ ers, and by-the word of their Teiti'mony,
ers,but ali'o by their prophefyiug,and hold- Saints doe finite the earth, that is, their
ing forth the Teliimony ofjefus Chrifbfor Babylenieal enemies with all plagues as of~
by the earth here (poken of, is peculiarly. ‘ ten as they will.
eXprefied thofh earthly men, that'in a mo
efpecial manner trod the Saints under fooret; Verfe 7.
Now they ( as before appears ) were the
Beall, the Pope, and his Complices, the Ami when the) [hall have finijhad their tefli-
~ hylom'arz ii omam,and all that Were of tha many.
t Fa-
‘ (Prion. Now thefe the Saints do {mite with
all plagues, by their holding Forth the Te- lt is but a prefixed terme of time, as ap-
lliniony of jel‘us Chrili againli them ( as pears in the third verfe, That Jefus Chrilt
we'll as by praying againfi themz) for there- will have his people pro hel'ie in a defpiea-
by is their Doctrine difcove-red, to be a pack ble, fad, and 10W con ition, clcathed in
ot'abominable lies5and this proves a plague fackcloth: and that is fo long as the Beai’:
A unto them, and this pains them at the very is to‘ continue, as appears by comparing
heart: For by this plague, they are like to the third verfe of this Chapter,with the fifth
die, it is like to prove a mortall difeale un- a verfe 0F the thirteenth Chapter : and that
to them, and therefore is very grievous,Rc- ~ tearm of time which the Beait was to conti-
vel.12.1 I. ‘The Saintrare [aid to overcome the - nae, and the Saints to be troden under toot,
Dragon by the blond o the Lamb, and by the word and tojprophefie in fackclotli, is a thouiand
of their Teflimony t or they loved not their lives . twohundred and threéfeore years, as ap-
unto the death: Whereby it is evident, That ' gears, page '62; Now; this 1260. years,
by holding forth the Teiiimony 0f Jefus eingadded to the year wherein the Beall: '
Chrifi, and fealingit with their blond, the - received his devillilh power, and feat, and
' Saints great authority, in the raign oi Phone the
_ lum))c—.4\ .1.“ . .7 t . . ‘
~ M'W‘ ,_\. “h” . M ,.

l 83 The Expo/titan of the f7‘."v'etfe. The Eq/itionof the 7.21etj'e, 83
Emperour : which Was, as fay Hiliorians, in Am! when they {hall have fimfhed their Tefl-
the year 4'04. Ilay adding to this, 1260(- mony, the Bea]! that afcendeth out of the but-
it makes up , 1 6 6 4. And this year, , ttmtlefle pit]
1_ 664 fhould be the year wherein the Wit- i That the Pope is the Beali that afcendedi
nelles lhould finilh their giving Telii-mony, ' out of the bottomlefiePir, is made evident,
Cloathed in jitchglothzlf this I 260years fhould. ' in p.49,@"c.And therefore it is the Pope,that
be computed according to the rule 0F Aiiro- is expreil-ed here alfo, by the name of the
nomers, allowing 365'. daies to a year, and , Bea“ that afcendeth eut of the hattctm'efleyit.
t0 We? fourth year adding a day more. B'ut ‘The Beafl that ajhendeth oat of the hottemlet pit,
we fin e that the holy Ghoii- in this prophe- {hall make war againfi them. :] _
fie, not. obferving that rule, doth allow but . This warre which is here-mentioned,that
360 daies to a year, and accordingto that the Beali was t0 make againfi the Witnefi'es,
rule, 1260 daies to three yeares and an ' the Saints of'JeFus Chrili, is the late warre
half. _, that hath been b' hint made in Ireland and
- And therefore in computing the time 0F England, as wil perlpicuonfly appear,_by'
the Witnefl'es, prophefying in fackcloth,wc comparing it with that defcription of it,
- are to obferve the rule which the holy whichis' given in this and the following
Ghoii here laies dOWn, t'o allow 360 daies veifes. f -
to ayear, and fethe time of the WitnefitS p \Andfirfi that this warre was made by the
prephef'ying in fackcloth, is to expire eigh - I'Beafl that afccnded out of the bottomlefle.
teen years, and almoli an half, [boner then * pit, that is, by the Pope, ismofi evidentz"
as by the other account: and f0 the begin- F'or, . ' a
ning ot'thiiyear 1 645. was the time- when Firfi, What is done by any of the ten
the Witne esprophefying in fackclOth,and‘ x Kingdomes, that are of his hornes is his
ofbeing troden under Foot of the Beali, and’ 18:. And; . ‘-
his adherents did expire. ' Secondly, Whatever is done by his in-
‘iiigatiomyis done by him z‘ Now in both
thefearefpeits, tl1_c_Wfllfrc_lat¢.i.!1England: ' - 3" f.
(3' =2 and .~..4 -
:y'f _

. , ‘
‘ -' n ' a ,
A-tlA-L-z Q'.-..>-‘ 1.7.2. it‘.
“- w,‘ r WY

84" The Expofl't'ion 0f the 7. wifi, The Expgfi'tiwz oft/0e 7. oer/e. '95‘ ,
and in Ireland is the Bealls warre. For
Rome did'theu. become thel'Bcali, when he
Firlh All that have acknowledged any . did receive from the devil (for 'Iel'us Chrilt
Kingdoms to be the horns of the Beélidmre never gaveit him j a power to_exercil'e au~
acknOWledged Englbnd'to be .f'oue of-"theul. .th0rity,over_the conlcitnces oi all that did
Therefore this 'Warre being made by the all- profelle Chrilliauity g and by this power he
thority of one 0F the ten horns 0f the Beall, .Zdid opprefl'e-Q and trouble5dufd afllifi: the pre~
was made by the Beali. ' cio'us Saints of jel'us Chrifl', by thisumeaus
But it maybe obieflred : But England was alf'o did Rome become tl1e"1nyliicallBaby-
fallen Fro m Rome before the Warre, which Ion; For heerby did. it eullave, and vallalize
was begun in I641. for Queen Elizabeth -thc Saints , as Babylon 0F old did the
long fiu'ee call of?the Popes Supremacy, and _ " Church th;gt then waszand then confeqrieuu
it was never fince acknowledged by the - .l.y all the ten Kingdomes, that did eiitercife
Kings of England; and together with the - _ this authority over the coulcieuce , did
Popes Stlpremacy, was the Popilh Canons thereby become a part ofBabjlon , ‘arid the
.- and Decrees reicfiecl, and for matter of Do- hornsof thebeali; by which he dtd pulh,
étrine, theDot'Ttri'ne embraced in England, andgore , and defiroy the Saints 0F .lClllS
_wa-s p'urely refined From the dregs 0t ineiis ~\ _Clitill. : And he'rebynwas the holy. City
Inventlons, And how could England then‘ 'ttjoden ‘under foot.
be lhid', ( thel'e things 'b'eing done ) to be t _. Now them. \ though Qlt'eefn Elizabeth call:
'ope of the horns ot'the Beall, and a part 0i‘ .Of the Popeslhprema cy.,:1ud a great part of
the Babylohicall'City oFRomc .9 his devililh doCtrine; yet Euglémd did 1109-‘
Anfiqv. Although England had done thel'c ‘withflendiug remainoue of the horns of
thingsget England was lli-ll one of the bogus the Bea“, anda part ot“Ptomi[h IB-dbylou:
and a part oi that City. And this will 3p- l jbecanfe theretwas a partyiretaiued', ‘Which
. l ' ‘dilltXetcifedtnthority over' the coul'cieuces
~my" u

pear, ‘if we confiderpvh'at it was that-made

the BilhOp of 'K ome to become the Beall , ""i *"30fSaints; which hath proved a. great bon- fl

jdtge to the'rnf',‘ and haith perfecufed the

1 I

. v

and what ‘made the (33w ofRome,t‘o'become-

e the ntyliicallBabylon.! ‘Now the Billloplof Saints, as the Beall was wont to do: for e;- .;,


._ . (j 3 *vcn

.- (lime o '
-1: ' n..-
. fl
. __-
_ t.
MBA’.- l

Lino-M‘? ‘
.uf 7;:
r. '
>1, .L l it ,‘JZJQJJL.
87' ‘
a‘. 1 \

£ x P 0fi”' ”” "f f/ J e z eafl

86 , The Expofition ofthe'ywerjé. The

Secondly, This war. was made by the


"ven in Queen Eliéiabetbs daies,“ there were


‘ Bealt : becaufe it was by his inlligation; for

fome Saints perleeuted, that did fernple in it was evident that this war was,‘ Bellum Epij- '
fome things to conforme to the Bilhopsi copale, the Bilhops war 5, and that they to-
though the Bilh0ps then, were not f0 bad

getherwith the Queen, tufted for the Beall,


as they have been'fince : but linee the Bi-


- and were thereunto infligated by him : and


llmps grew worfe, and worfe , and be-


tothat end the Popes Nuncg'oes, and ‘jelhites


came more prophane, and filthy, and Wick-‘ ,

,_.._.-‘_ 5“

werefo long relident in England,and Ireland;

‘ ed ( as all that'ufurp authority over the and all the Papilts in England and Ireland, '

eonfeienees do, and as the Bilhop of Rome were violent in the prolEcutionof it. So

did)I fay fince QUeen Elizabeth: time, that g

that this is clear, that the lat'e'war in Eng-

they grew worf'e and worfe , they have


land and Ireland was made by the Beal't.

gro'Wne' higher, and higher in the perfectl- But (eeondly, ‘as the war in England'and

tidn-of Saints,‘ (o that a reall godly Mini- Ireland was made ~by the Beall: 5 .fo. it was
fier could fcarcc be fullered to abide in the made by him againll the Witnelles, the
.._~.s.._-.l .-_¢..___._,._ A _-___--.
‘LL-£13?‘ 1-H?’ .

Kingdome : but-many Were fain to Hie to ' Saints, and precious-ones of lefus Chrill:

Holland, and New England, and Other places; for that which is done ,againll the molt
and ‘thofe that did ‘abide in the Kingdome,
a.._._.Q_-.- “_.___\§q__~_l ' '

' conllderable number-of Saints, is done a;-

Were exceedingly peefecuted._ And thus gainfi the whole ; as being the way to pre-

England did remain a horn oftheBeall, and vail overs all. Now in England there are a

a part of Bab,‘ longbeeaul'e there w'as'a pow-

' -

_ ‘ more confiderable number of. the faithf'ull

er retained, t at did exereife authority Over
Eqm4- _ P

fervants,and Witnelles ofjefits Ch rillathen


the confcienee. ’

is in any Kingdome in the World. As one

“'1;- ..__-—n

And hterby it is evident, That the late -


,. .

truly (aid ,_ England a‘: the richeflip int/2e


war in England and Ireland was made by the g ‘


World; for God bath-more of tllofe preciamjewele


' Beall. For‘ ‘ '


in it, ‘than be barb in an) other Kin (dome in the


Fi rl'l, That war was made by one of his

1‘! l

World,‘ It is true that in other K ngdomes',


'sl . ' ‘

hot'ns , England being tlien'ah'otn of the


a; as in France, and Germany, and Scotland, en'e

1- -
‘Beall. And 4 theré
">~ Seed!»

.\ ..‘
l <.

_ o
. ‘,___..._~_L-u.l
_ 88 ‘1''bé Expo/Rim‘ofthe]. e/uerfe. i ‘The Eqfition oftbe 7. very’: i~ 89
,1" Ill this war that was made by the Beall u ‘
there are a vaIiLnut'nber of fuch as .1 are tialled
. Protefiant-s5but ‘they are exeeeding forniall, againli the Saints, and Witnelles of jelhs
Chrifl,he did f0 prevail as he did overcome

tnd lttke-warme generally; they are pro-

‘ _<_m‘<u¢ . - .t .1.‘J-IL~
them 5 for at the very firll breaking out in

e H'o'rs, but fewlpoflellots of Chrili: but. n
Ireland, _ there was (uch terrible blow give

for fineere , rea Saints that’ walke elofe
unto the Saihts,and they were fo overcome,

with God, in a pious Styholy cOnverl'atiOIls as the Bead,‘ and his adherents thought

'Engylandexeeeds all Other Kingdomes in the
World. Now the war being made againli themfelves (‘are ‘of overcomming all the
theft, it‘was made ‘againli all the Witnefles, refl in Ireland, and England; {'0 that all the
reli did then feem to be as dead men; and as
'againli all Saints. r Now that it tvas'mad'e .
againfl the Saints'in England. is alfo evident at the beginning they overcame, f0 they
continued overeoming,& keeping the
for it was the rooting out of fueh as were nefles underfor they did both prevail in the ~
Lcalle'cl ‘Puritans, and Independents, and field, and exceedingly overcame them that
Br-owniiis, that-was chiefly aimed at in that oppofed them, and alfo took Cities, - and
Wart and=therefore it was given out, that Totvns, and Caliles, and got polieflion of
they Would leave‘ no more Puritans in County after County; lb that the Witnef-_
~Engla'1'1_'d,-then there We're protellants inRome.- fes ~Whom they _ chiefly oppofed , were
And this was made evident in all their pros brought to'fuch a low ebhe , as For three . ,
eeedings, For'the Puritans ‘were they, a- years anda halt, they fee med to be as dead’,
gainli whom - they ex reflEd their greatefi as loll, and had little hope, and lelle confi-
malice: ‘Andfitchas'i 1ey called ‘Puritents', dence of'overeomm'i'ng the enemy, but'on'
were the moli precious Saints to? jeliw the Other fide, the enemy had great‘ confia,
re. .IA
‘Chrill.- Thus it is evident, that this war dence, that the Puritants and R0ufld~heads
was made by the beafi againli the Saints,the ( as theytermed them) {honld not rifeas
. ‘ .-
Witnefi'es ot'Jelits Clitill. gain; for they looked-uponthem as dead;
And tbeBeaji tbatafcendetb out-oftbe bomm~
lefli; pit, "[ballmake war againil them, andflmll i.
ot'e'reon'ze them, and lg'lltbem. ‘ '' - "
. I '90 '1“be Expo/Priors ofthe 3- ‘1184: TheExpojitioa ofthe9.eerjl 91;. I: _
Verje. 8. ‘ is mofl fitly iven
- _ Egypt : and this name aliptbofo
to that City; for as Egy ld,was a cufe
Add their dead bodies ] ofbondage to the people of God -, foSaints,
e been a houfe ofbondage,t_0 the

' for above twelve hundred years. ;
The Witnell'es being overcome, and
brought to fuch a low ebbe, and feeming to A '
u'tfhed by this cha
Thirdly, 1t is diliiugLor be-
ratter, Where alfo our d was crucified:
be (0 unable to recover lirength again to ' that our
overcome the Beali, they-were look’t upon caufe it was by the power of Rome, it was '
Lord was crucified; fo that tho t jerufa-
as dead bodies-,as no more able to overcome ye
the beali, than (o many dead carcafes. ‘ . not in Rome, but near jerufalem, Rome, it
And their dead bodies {ball lie in tbeflreet of tbe lem being then under the powere.ofThefe are
great City, which firiritually i4 called Sodom and was actounted as a part of Rom to .Bome -,
Egypt, where alfo our'Lord was crucified] , . Revel. . a the charaCters that are givent this great
whereby it is made evident, Wk
. There is a mention made ofRome t the nclTes being
17. 18. And there this title is; given to it, City is Rome. Now tha did lie in
"Ibo great City. And here again the. fame title overcome, that their dead bodies rent a; for
is given to it, 'Ibtrtlgroat City. But leafi this the-'{ireet of this great City is ap of the
England being one of the ten hoty.
{hould n0t expre e it clearly enough 5 here at Ci And (o
are fome other diliinguilhing charaflers gi- Beall, isa art of that gre s bei ng in
ven to it : and they are there‘: - _ the dead odies of the Witnellt that great
1 Eirlt, That it is Spiritually called Sodom; England, did lie in'the fireet of
for the abominable filthinefl'es, and Soda- . City.
_he Vcrf. 9.
miti'eall p'raétil'es, that are in it; f0r.t
ny). .an'd
b'omihationsof that City are f0 ma nd tongues,
f0 apparent; as there is no City in the l And they of the people, and kindreddm
. dent-1d, thatmay f0 fitly be called by.
the and nation:fballfee their dea
name ofSpiritnall Sodom, as it. ttprefi by thol'e titles ; '
And (econdly, It is fpi ritually called Q Thefe tha
A. g . g
t are heree
t. __ o ,
‘ E2)?" l

m ‘aw *"'“""V a
T.-n_,. "m 7-H" 11"‘ 1r 1-" ~-“"'~r"l - 1 Vr'r'j‘ \ ' I!

' .9 g The Expo/litiani'ofthe8 . ‘veg/j: .

'Ihe Expofition efihe 8. werfl . 93
oftbe people, and kind/01h, and r'ongueI, and mt:- -
t10fl‘r,are (omc that are diliinftii'Qm-the l. . l 4' farthem to‘ be brought fo low; but kept
~ Wi..t;.nefl‘es ; For they are [aid to fee their dead . them from being totally removed out Qt
bodies : f0 that they are another fort of ' . ‘ . _fi ht; from being put into a condition,
people, that 1s, they are not Saints, are not ' W erein they lhould noebe ‘in iueh a tapa- -
ofthe'holy City, but of the people, and . city'of'rifing, as when they were unbnfied.
kindreds? and nations of the World. Sat-able to this, is that pailage, Rev. 1 2. 16‘.
b 2;;a jee their dead bodies tbree daiet anda wht re it ‘is laid, when the Dragon, poured
a . out waters as a llond after the WOman, that
Thole daies as thefe mentioned in the 3. he might caufe her to be carried away of the
:firlfe, Bare cIIJrophetélcall daies; f0 that by floud; that then the earth helped the Wo-
. eet ree ales-an ahalf‘ is tnau, and opened her mouth, and fwallow-
' ed up the floud. _
_ years and a half. a meal"; lbw‘:
-< Am! _ they of-
. the
_ _ people
I , an d kgndr
' ed: and Here it isevident, that the Church being
:zfguep? anddnagalm flmlz' fee their dead Z'odiet followe d by thelBeafl, with a floud of per-
: ;bepu 1ingra
ee'taz ve5]'
es an a a f, and.flm '1.‘eat jufllr
' ‘ wem ' fecution, that the people of the earth doe
l" toi
keep of} the fury ofthe Beall, Fro m deliroy-
‘Theft people, and kindred, and nations, ing the Church utterly; f0 that the people
1. Wt! tongues, though they, be not of the of the earth are made inllruments 0t help-
Al ltnellesmntlSaints; yet they are not for ing the Saint'sfigainil the pen-Fee'utlon of the ~
. ‘Fae Beafi, b_ut doe help the Saints Beait. And f0 it was in‘ the late warre' in
againlt England, the Lord made lome 'fiiehgtes were"
It) ebeallé; for they are rind to keep thedead
odtes 01 the Saints, From being put in but carnal], and propllanqto be‘ inlh'uments
graves: when the Beali had overcome the ot'helpiug'th'e Saints ., from being totally
fanzrtfo as they feemed to be quit'e-lofi,they -‘- ovethbme'ofthe Beali; for thofi: of the
etme/d to bedead:‘then they would n'ot' g; Saintsth'at Were inthe Parliamentsrflrmy;
(‘hag-Foughtagainl'l 'the Beat}, ‘were but a
. 0“

(infer-them to be interred; though they

"Wflfihwhght low, yet they would notfiif-i ' (mall‘numbergompared with the Others in
that Army, that were not Saints. “And int-1
its’ 1 deed
I .
‘ l '. . -- v w‘ t
v , ‘.4 -.
‘Harlow-lam $q “mu-MW“ - ~~ t..- l‘ \ .1.‘ ~ ‘up-W hm‘ tvl-u- ’ l.“ "
w-1'wr "FWW" www-w

94 ' The Expo/Friar: ofthe IO. verfi‘ , ‘Ihe Expojftion ofthe lower]: 95. ,
. ' deed it is very wonderfull to confider, how Chap. 1 6. 1. where the [Even Angels, are bid
by an over-ruling providence, the hearts of to pour out their Viols upon the earth,
carnall men were commanded to Rand up in which was upon the Beall and his adhe-
the defence of "the Witnefles, againli the_ .h rents, as appears throughout the Cha ter,
'Beall: for there were many thoufands, that . and (o again in the 6, verf'e ofthis 1 1 .C ap.‘ '
did engage themfelves with the Parliament,‘ . it is faid, The Witnefler had power to finite the
in their defenfive war're,_ that were not the earth, with allplagues as gten as‘ they will. Which
Witnefies. Thus God made them of the peop- . _ is peculiarly fpoken o the members of the
.ple, and kindreds, and tongues, and natl-i Beali: for it is they that the Witnell'es doe
one, to be inliruments of keeping the bodies more efpeciall plague; and fo ‘it is they,( I '
of the Witnelles, from being put .lll graves, fay) that are here thus exprelled, They that -
From being put totally under the earth, un- dwellupon the earth. -
der the Beafi, although they were brought f . The] that dwell upon the earth,fha!1 rejeyce over
fo low,”as they were as dead in their OWn, them, and make merry, and[hall fend gift: one to
and the account of the Bealt. another] '
The Witnellles being overcome, and lying
Verf. IO. for dead 5 they that are ofthe Beafi do ther-
‘in rejoyce, and expretTe a great deal of de-
‘I And they that dwell upon the earth, fhal! rejoyce light, thatthey have in it, and make them-
over them, and make merry, and[hallfend gtfts one felves as merry with it as pollibly they may,
’ to another] _, and a mad mirth it is. -
And thus they did here in England,'fore
‘The that were the adherents ‘of the ' ' - '. that three years and a half‘, that the Witnell
Beat}, Zre here exprefi'ed ,by this. charaéter, fes feemed tobe dead. For in Oxford, and o-
~. ‘They that dwell upon the earth. For this {is a ther places where they that were for the- '
‘ charaiter molt pr0per to them, and; ts .moll Beafi were refident t, they had Feafiing, drin-
(j all, ufed toe-xPreffi: the Bcfifisfil-‘d his
a .
king healths, and ringing bels, and ‘making
/ a R’ a

l'lahltiog, in the prophefie of this Books; as bonfires, and roaring, and caroufin'g, and
- "Cltar- ' (Wear-e
LA. - ll
nqrtwwvrfiqj. W W n

96 ‘The Expofltz'on oft/Je 10.111321: Q ‘- - The-Eqfltion ofthe I I . wife. 97

fwearing, and curling, and béuming, and and .prophanenelle ofthe people which they
damning; and all, the hellilh mirth they nourilh up, and admit to partake of fealing
could invent. And why? Becauie the Puri-i- Ordinances: this proves a torment to them,
tans, and Round-heads, and Anabaptilis, as doth allb the holdin forth of other
t Brownills, and Tub-preachers (as they ter- ' truths OFChriPr, which 0e oppofe them in
med the Witnelies) were overcome. . their lults. and in their crooked waie
The) that dwell upon the earlhflmll rejoyce over s r and
becaufe the Saints doe f0 torment the Bea {is
ihem,aml make merry, and fiend gift; one to ano- ' crew , therefore doe they rejoyce F0 muc
that; hecauje theje two Prophet: tormented them . when they have any hope 0F rooting themh
that dwelt on the earth] out.
The Witllefies, Prophets, Saints, 0F jeq
Ch rifl', doe kill, plague, and torment thofe
that dwell upon the earth : that is, thofe Vcrf. 1 I.
that were members of the Beali, and how
they doe (0, hath been lhewed in the open- And after three daier, and a half, the Spirit of
ing ofthe 5, and 6. verles : and becaule they life fi'um God emred into them]
doe f0, is the real'on why they are fo' hated
of them, andwhy they doe f0 much rejoyce ' As the late war made by the Beall againft
in the calling down of them 5 for they can- A the Witnefles, doth Fully agree with all the
not endure thofe torments, that the Pro- circumfiances ot'it,laid dovvn in the form
phets ofjefhs, doe intiifit upon them, when verles; to it agrees exaatly with er
they hold Forth the truth oFChrill, (o as to what i8
a laid doWn in this verf'e alf'o: for after
overth row their deviliih doétrinesflnd turn WitneflEs had been-in (o low acondi
the '
their-waters into bloud; when they doe f0 tion,
.as they were (as Paul was when he was
hold forth the truth, as to throw down the ned)fiippoled to'be dead, For thre
pomp, and pride, of their Clergy: they’ e years
and a half‘: they did not'lie as dead ada
_ cannot endure this, and when they doe de- longer, but at the very day, when the y
clare againll the ibttillinel-le,aiid bl .tudnelfe, three
i' ‘ years-and a half were expired 5 then the Spi--
, ' ' and ' H . rii. I
I'Y'r'r - \n wvrv 'I-rw- -\;\- '-'1vwnn

98 The Eq/i'tz'on of the I I .tlerf: The Expofition of the I 1:s 99

rit 0F lite from God entred into them, and the Saints, Witnelies, and SerVan ts of Jefns

they began to [land UPOII their feet. ‘C'h'rllt,’werc ratfed up, and that then aSpi-
For on the 23. day ot-Oéiober, 1 641. did r1-t of ltFe fiiom God entred into them, ap-

pears thus z

' "
the Beall' begin the war ill] Baum! ifand he
itne es , the . .- , .0
continued overcomming t e

Saints of._]efus Ch rifl, in Ireland,and in Eng- merit)? £12315)’,(xgoélfifigigoldfilo'il: 3;: 5251111-
md’ untlll the 5' day 0f Aprzl, 1645' and the Beafi ' and hadehl'cc 0f the Saints againll
from the 23. ofOiioller,.1641. unto the 5. of ' ' ' before that time exceed
April, 1645. there lS _ Juli a thoufand two were brought into veryingly
a ‘lowdver 'ome_ :an
eonld' - 13
hundred, and fixty dates; whteh accordtng , that time, being new modelled dllucn at
Q1}; to the Scripture account, (though not ac- a great many precious Saints in it,tavmg
9 an
cording to the Heathen account) is three emment Commanders, inFeriour Officers‘
years and a half compleat: and when this and common Soldiers ; and being then pm:
‘t three years, and a halfwere expired a which under the condutPt of Sir Thomas Fairfax l
‘a was, l fay,one the .ot'April,1645. then was they then began to march againli the ener
' I
the refurreétion o the Witnelles z For they -
r my, and then had a Spirit of Llit'e from God
having lain dead for three years and_ a half

that entred into them, as did appear in
before; then the Spirit of life from God en- all -
their attings afterward; for rh

.__’- - _.,-.

tred into them. And the year 1645. as it is _

i With fitch vigour, Cont'age lit-5,3753? ,0.“
the year wherein the W1tnelTes Were ralfed r tnde, as they Eiltéttd ¢V¢1‘VVl’o|‘k, th ' 01n-
irom the dead; lo 1t 1s the year, Wherem . in hands defeated all the muggy toolk}
the Sign
. the term 0t tune 1n whlch they were to -; whom they did encounter. had
pro hehe 1n tack-cloth, and to be troden in every _ battle the — ’
. y ton v1 01y
Oh y,

t' nev er fate

nn er foot was to exPire, and the year alfo dowu before any Ctt_y,Towh, 0r Cat
tle, but
wherein the prevailing power of the Beait they took 1t 1n , before they railtd
over the Saints was to expire, as is made e- liege : Thus they a&ed like men railE'd their
. vident in the opening from
. .> ' of the 2, verf. '.pag.6o.
. - that
‘ dead a low a mildlflon
' ' they were
the. Now that one the .da ' oprzl,-164.5. fore‘ An t .- , . . in b‘e- '
_. p y 5 3‘ - th C a dWhY i Bfifdllrc nowa Sptrn: ofhfe
\_, V‘ HZ \ from
l_ - t . \\
10:) The Expo/ftion 0f the I Lttetfi’. The Expoft'tion oft/1e I I ,. elerfe. I oI
from God was entred into them : and unto feet, {'0 long as they doe {iand upon their
God did they give all the praife, and f0 let feet, are not in a capacity of beingr trod un-
them doe hill: for they had as furely fled der foot of men: So the Witnefles, and
before their enemies, and been beat down as Saints of Tefus Chrili, finee they {lood up-
the myre in the lireets then, as ever they had on their feet,.,could not be troden under
been before, if the Spirit of life from God foot ofmen. Though they have been tro-
had not been put upon them. den under feet a thoufand two hundred,and
Thus the 5. day of April, 164$. did the threefcore years, and the Beali hath had
Witmtfesflhe Saints, (of whom the Beat}, power fo IOng t0 trample them under feet ;
thought to make an utter end,) ftand upon yet fince the Spirit of life from God entred
their feet having a fpirit of life from God into them, and they {iood upon their feet,
put upon them; when the Army that fought it was not potlible for the Beafi, nor any of
their battles, and defended their righteo us his adherents, fo to trample them under
cauf'e, began to march againlt the Army of toot any more. t
the Beat}, to the overthrowing of it.' Ami the)‘ flood upon their feet, and greet fear
Am! they flood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon them which-111w them] V
f3” upon them that jow them] The WitneflEs fiand-ing upon their feet,as
The Saints being raifed from the dead, men rifen from the dead, did cafi a great.
from that dejected, low condition in which .' . tear, and terrournpon their enemies: for
they Were, for three years and a half; a Spi- now they begin to fear what will become of
rit of life from God being put upon them : themfelves, and their great Idoll, The Beaft;
they then liood upon their feet, to the tear, they feeing the WitnellES of Tefus to Hand
and amaZement of their enemies. Befpre ' ieir feet, fearfitlnefie Idoth furprize
' indeed the Saints did lie dead in the ~ft'r'Eet, 4 thallfe now they conceive that their
and were as the tireet to them that went‘ o- ‘the is going down; as indeed it/is
ver them: but finee the Spirit of life from gOIIltgtiown Wonderfully, as they did re--'* '
God entred into them,they have flood Upon 1<ce,a11d1nake merry, when they faw the
their feet y; and as men that hand upon their Saints, orPuritans, as theytermed them,
' - t‘ feet, H3 broilght:
r- M-

102 ‘The Expofition fthemmerf. ‘The Expofitian ofthe I 2. vetf Io; I

brought into a low condition, when they the Beali, and over his image, and over hiS
lay dead; fo now on the c0ntrary,they mark, that they lhng the Song of Mole: the
feeing thel'e Puritans, the precious Sonnzs Servant ol'God, and the Song ofthe Lamb;
faith john, After thia I looked, and behold, the
of Sion to [land upon their feet, now a fear,
a great tear is fallen upon them. Temple of the ‘Tabernacle of the teftzmony in Hea-
ven, was opened. And Chap. 1 I. 19. And the
Verl: l 2. Temple of God was opened in Heaven ; and there
was‘ feen in hit Temple, the Ark of his Tefiament,
ore. It is evident, that in both their. places
And they heerd a great voice from Heaven, the Saints, the Church of God, is called
laying, unto them, come up hither. And they
Heaven; for it cannot be under li'tood of Hea-
afcended up to Heaven in a Cloud, and their ven it (elf ; for there is no Temple. So in
enemies beheld them] this verfe, whereas it is (aid the WitnelTes
heard a voice from Heaven : by Heaven,h ere
As the Bealt, and they that joyn with ' alfo, is meant, the Church, the Saints 0F
him,are in ferverall places of theipmphefie God. So that, the meaning of this verte, is
of this book , called ; The earth : So the this,oThe WitnellEs of Jefus, being raif'ed
Saints, and Witnelle$ of Jefits Chrili, are in from the dead, and having a Spirit of life
oppofition to the Beali, called, Heaven. As . from God put upon them; and {landing
Rev. 13. 6. it is i'aid of the Beali, That he o- upon their feet like living men; that part of
'pened hi: mouth in blafphemy againfl God, to blaf-
the Saints that in a more el'peciall manner,
pheme hi4 name, and hi4 tabernacle, and them that
afied in Oppofing the Beali, and had a molt
dwelt in Heaven. By them that dwelt in eminent Spirit oi'life, and courage put into
Heaven, is meant, the Saints 0F God, who them, did hear a voice from the Churches
are called, ‘Them that dwell in Heaven. As the
0F Chrill ; from molt of the Saints, where-
members oi~ the Beall are called, Them that
- in they exprefled their great aflefillion to
drrell upon the earth, Rev. I t . to. ‘And fo Rev. them; and owued them, and embraced them
l, -. .IFF

i5. g. It being (aid (in the former verl'es)oi' 1n theirfocieties. They {aid unto thfimo

. p. the aints,'that had gotten the vitiory over


‘t ‘. :1; (5.21" jib"- , . V the. -

Ha. .' < We
l 104. The Eqfition ofthe I g. werfe. ‘The _Eqfition ofthe t 3. ever/I I 05
Come up hither, and they again mutually em~ i Wittteffes being rifen from the dead, did
braced them 5 they went into the Heavenly afcend into the lbcieties of the Saints; and
' {ocieties of the Saints, they afcended up to were by them received, and embraced: in
that Heaven : but it was in a cloud , it was that fame hour, there was a great earth-
not clearly feen of men, but though not quake. The {iate of the Beat’: hath been {ha-
clearly, yet it was feen by them 5 for their e- ken before. The Witnelles have made a
nemier beheld them 5 their enemies beheld former earth-quake in the Kingdom of the
them though in a cloud,in an obfcure man- Beall,which was tnentioned,Chap. 7. 5. but
ner. ' . that is not faid to be a great earth-quakegbut
And thus it was with thofe Saints that this is faid to be a great earth-quakeAnd in-
Were in the Army on the Parliament fide, deed this was a greater earth-quake; a
as before they flood upon their feet, and greater [baking to the Kingdome of the
prevailed againfi their enemies, they had ‘ Beali, then any that hath been before it, as
the praiers ofall other Saints: fo afterward, doth appear by the effefis of it, mentioned‘
Were they with great affefition, received in- in this verfe. Though it is true, this is not
to the focieties of Saints, and embraced by the greatell earth- uake that [hall come on
them, and this did appear to their enemies"; the Kingdonte of t e Beali 5 for there [hall
though not very clearly. ' be a farre greater ‘earthquake that [hall
come upon it : as appears, Chap. 1 6.1 8‘. yet
Verf. 13. this was a very great earth-quake, a very
great [halting to the Kingdome of the Beafi :
And' the fame hour was there a great earth-i For in this earth-quake,
quake. The tenth part of the City fell 1
This word, The City, hath reference un-
The Kingdome of the Beafl being called to a City, formerly mentioned in this Cha-
the earth, it is that earth of Whom'this pter, and that is verf.8. and it is there f0
earth-quake is fpoken. Now this earth- plainly defcribed, as it doth evidently ap-g
quake, is'faid to'be the fame hour when the pear to be the myliical Babylon. -‘ - .
- - s.
Wit~ 'Ah'd 1
I V“-. '
n___-47, _ t t t t
"no __"_'-'~ ---‘-'_'-'~'-- phi-‘v:-

l ti i - I 06 ‘fbeExpofition ofthe I 3. nenf. ‘Ilse Expofition oftbe 13.71871: 107 '

And tbe tentb part] the Saints in this Kingdome ( though they
The ten Kingdomes that were the ten 'i' did with all their firength, and greatefi in-
horns of the Beall, were ten feverall parts duliry endeavour it afterwards) for the
ofmyfiieall Babylon, which did raign over l Witnefits then {landing u on their Feet;
them. So that En land being one of them, ; there was fuch an earth-quake, great Baby-
was a tenth pare o myliieal Babylon. lon was f0 lhaken, as England fell from it;
And a tentb part 0f tbe Cityrfell] the yoke of bondage which was upon the
This was one of the effeé'ts o the earth- confciences ofSaintsiu England, was then
quake, which was occafiOned by the refur- caii off: And this was one etFeét of the great
reflion of the WitneiTes, the Saints in Eng- earth-quake, which there was in myfticall
land t it did f0 lhake the great Babylon ofthe. Babylon, at the_refi1rre&ion of the Witnef-
Beaii, as atenth part of it fell. And this - fes : that England fell frOm it.- '
molt exafily came to pafle, in the year ofthe Thus England is fallen from the great
Refurreétion of the Witnefies, 1 6 5. for Whore, myllical Babylon; and is become a
then did the Kingdome of England at which l. prefident to the other Kingdoms; who mull
was atenth art of great Babylon) fall from all in time, cali ofi7 the yoke 0F bondage un-
Rome; fort en wa'é that removed from it, der which they are; and hate the Whore,
whereby it had continued to be a part 0F and make her defolate, and naked, (To.
Babylon (the place ofSaints llavery) namc- a Revel.17.16.
1y, the power of men over the confciences ‘ And in the earth-quake were flain ofmen [even
of Saints : For after the Army, which was i tbouflmd] '
for the Witneffes, flood upon their feet, in _ This was another effeit of the earth-
16 5. they i'o call of that power that men quake, that'asa tenth part ofthe City fell,
had had over their confciences, and over T f0 there were {lain of men {even thou-
their perfons and eliates for their confci- fand. _
ence Fake 5 as it Was not pollible for the ' What is meant by the fall of the tenth
Beafi, nor anylof his Adherents to reco,r part of the City, is already a parent, and it
that power again, over the confciences of i8 not the material falling o. a tenth part,of
. - the any
A‘. Vite-tn,
"3'58 The Eq/ition off/96
13- veaf: ‘Ilse Expoffz'orz oftbe I g. werf. 109
'any material City, but the myfiical fal- y him, that he hadleft {cven thoul'and in I]?-
ling 0F the tenth part of a myllicall. ' rael, whohad not bowed the knee to Baal,
City. And filtable to this, is the mean- nor had killed him with the month 5 it was
i'ng of this {laying 0F [even thouland men, . I fufficient to perfwade Elijah to believe it:
not by the material Falling 0F any part of although not one of thole- (even thoufand
amaterial City. But the earth-quake be-' did vilibly appearto him. Therefore much
ing a myllicall lhaking of myfiieal Babylon 5' ‘more ought Saints now,not to qneliion the
this is a myliical {laying of leven thouland truth oi'thisnhat {even thouland are 1n thls
men 5 whereby they die myllieally, that is,
: ._

myllicall earth-quake, myliiealrly llaine,

ceale to live any longer to myliical Babylon,

though it be not alto ether fo vihble ‘to us


being by beholding the great via'ory, which


( as other things are beeaufe this Scripture


the Saints had over the Beali converted, and laies it. And belides, what the Scripture

fallen off From the Beall, which (‘even thon- laies. in it, there is a probability ofit, for it
fand men were before , either fecretl y, is very probable, that many are ‘convinced,
i or openly lovers and worlhippers of the
5|- that the Witnelles,the Saints,are Gods peo-
1.l= Beall-‘ ple, and thofe that light againfi them, are -
.li But it may be obieciied, How doth it ap- enemies ofGod, and doe fight againit God.
’ pear that {even thouland men, or perfons I fay'it is probable, that many are convin-

l, were f0 eonverted,by the refurrec'tion of the ced of this, becaole God hath f0 owned his
\Vitnellts ? . people, and given them finch victory over
Anfw. Though it doe not vifibly appear thofe vile wretches that did oppofo them,
to the outward eyes of any 5 yet it is fufl'lci- and Formerly reproach them,and fay,Where
ent to perfwade me, and lhould be to per- is your God? And now God appearing to
{wade all Saints to believe it: in that this be for them, when the enemy Were come to
Scripture, this oracle of Heaven , faith filth a height of impiety and in {olencymhere
it. When there was no true worlhippers of is no quell-ion, but that many were convin-
God in Ifrael, that were vifible to Elijah the ced by it, and Fell from the Beall, and that
Prophet, and that‘ then the Lord telling i the number of thefe lb fallen from the
hnn, Beall
L44--‘-.. l
A ‘a

I'IO The Expofztion ofthe 1 3. emf ‘The Expofition ofthe I4. verfl I I I'
Beali is, no leifi: then‘ feven
thoufand.‘ . either affrighted, and amazed at it, or elfe
this was the efieé'i: of the gre 'd lorifie God 1n working f0. wondeifm
at earth-
0 I a ~ l_

quake. l1; a?he did: for when God did worke to

‘And in the earth-quake were/
Iain of menfizvetz _ wonderfully
. , and beyond
thoufand, and the remnant we . eXpe&at10n, at in
and gave glo re afrighted, ivin VlCtor u on v1€tory, and fucce
ry to the God of he fipon§1cceffedntg his people 5 f0 asltpay
his remnant here fpoken of,aven. ~
from the Witnts, whether are dillin'c'i: feemed to be, as them that dreamed :_ ay,_
as were For the Beafi, or oth
they be finch WheilGod did thus, then the generality 0t
ers; they are not people did admire, and acknowledge God
of the Witnefit's, but Were fome that were
affrigh ted at the Wittt'elfisdta in it, and give him the glory of it, ‘Iheyfglol;
life from God put upon thevin g a {pirit of rifled the God of heaven, that had done uc
m; and their‘ great things,in fueh an unexPeEted manner,
flanding Upon their feet : and and in folhorta time. And thus the rem-
0F them, but fome Others, therefore not
and they were not nanttvere aflrighted, andgave glory to the God of
of the Fe ven thou Fand neither
are laid t0 be the remnant, , becaufe they heaven.
or Verfe 14,.
then,the meaning 0F this cla the refidue. So
ulefis this; that
the railing Up 0F the W itnelTes in ‘The fecotzd woe it pafl, and hehold the third Woe
minent manner, to the [ha [itch an e-
lting of great Bre- cometh quickly.
hylotz, did a) work upon the rel
ple,as were no idue 0F peo~- In the 8. Chapter at the 13. verfe,‘1t 18
t oi'the WitneflEs, nor ofthe (aid, ‘Ihatan Angeldidflie thoro'w the mtdft of
{even thouFand, as that eit
her they wi're at‘- heaven, jay'ng, with a loud voice; woe, woe,-
frighted at it, or had their mo
uths Opened W06’ to the inhabitert of the earth; by reafon of the
to glorifie God in it, or both.
And thus it was in the year other voices, of the trumpet g the three Angels,
nerality ofpeople, both in thi 1645. the ge- _ which areyet to found. An at the 9. Chapter
and in Others, that either faW s Kingdomc, in ther'i'ormer part of that Chapter, there
the great thing or heard 0F beingadefcription ofagreat itidgement of
s God did for the Saints,Werc God,,upon Wicked men, fuch as had not{its
_, #7,. “i i-u W In Y "I \'\ . ,_

71 I 2 " "The Expofi'tibn ofthe 14

f'eal of God in their Fore~he
verfe it is laid, One woe if pafl, s, at the 12.‘
come two woe: more hereafter. and behold tbcre
the refin'reétion of the Witn d now upon
brings in filth a great earth-qu elfis, which
fame hour with it 5 whichfgive ake at the
rible blow to Babylon, and the s fuch a ter-
{aid in this verle, ‘I/mt the fecomBeali; it is
and rbe :bz'rd woe comet/J quickly. l woe 12¢ pafl, The Application.
So that there
4c Tl , remaineth one great wo -
mijlzlat u aby-
callB “p0” mo _ re to, (tome _ u‘P on thc*inha-e , 3' Hefe verl'es being thus opened,
lenient; iters oi the earth. And wh . "many profitable Dedu€t10ns
' . this woe is wh at ' » doe arife there-From. ButI ‘
ich is to come,
now quickly upon the inhab // {halipilTe by fome of them,
- earth Wil be,appears in the iters .of the
fo M71 and be as briei'aslmay 1n o-
ofthis Chapas the taking llowing VerIEs thers , that are points fully
0F this world,fi~om the Beali f the Kingdoms “and fweetly held forth by others in other
thers5 to be fitbjeétecl only to,and From all o- Treatifes, becaufe I {hall take liberty to be
our Lord, and
hisChriflgfor him to raign more large in fome things that are not as
0V er them Fore-
ver and tvei'Jt/yc . and now, tha yet clearly held Forth in print by any Other,
{es are rilenJ this is to be exPe&t the Witneil- that l have heard of.
quickly; and that to the gre ed, and that
Dedufiion I. .
‘aints, and to the caliing do at joy of‘ all That Deduétion that firfi: in order aril'es
enemies that arc implaca wn of all their from the firli verIE, is a word of Comfort
mu ble. ._ And thus
ch For the Explication of that for all afllifited Saints 5 and the Word of
Chapterwhich at this time part of the
I int ended-to i Comfort for fuch is this, That all their afl-
treat of. l now come to dr fliélcions, whatever they be, are meafilred
ctions Fromit , wherewith aw -io nic Dedu-
l lha ll conclude out unto them by their God, who hath-a
.t.'-..'- ~ T/Je tender
'1 1 4, ‘The Application, T/Je Application; II§
tender love nntothem, and careover them flafire they comfort me. And therefore let Saints
in their aflliition. The Saints oFGod who in an afilifited condition, be comforted in
are his Temple, and the holy and beloved - this confideration , That their afilifiion,
City, we fee here are meaf'ured out unto an What ever it be, is that Which comes not by
13?‘? afllié'ted, fad condition : and their aflhét», chance, as men ufe to fay; nor according
l ons come not at randome, nor according to the wils ofmen 5 but their God hath di-
to the will of their enemies :‘ no, but they fpenced it. out unto them, who doth itin
are meafilrcd unto afllifltion'," and their ene-I great wifdome, and great love, and gives
mics could have no power over them, but them out afllifition , as their priviledge, as
that they Were by their God given unto the their food,and for their comfort. O there-1

fore, let poor fouls in afllie'tion be no more‘


Gentiles, to be troden tmder toot, other-

wife it could not have been pofhble, for the call dOWn, and walk no more heavily, nor‘
Gentiles to have troden them under foot. goe mourning all the day long no more,
5| Now fince it is Gods act towards his eople, ecaufe of their afflictions, but ‘Walk com-
it muli needs be for their good, an there-o fortably under affliction s,becaufe they come
fore Paul {peaking ofthe afflictions, and ‘the from a loving God, who hath appointed
1,1 futierings that Saints nndergoe, {peaks 0t it them thereunto, 1 TI)ef.3.g.
‘ill as their priviledge, sl. 1.29. ‘Unto you n n . Deduéiion 2.
gioen, in the behalfobrifl, not only to believe 7 'In the fecond place , it ferves to enformc
iii onbim, but alfino'firflbrfor In‘: flake. And the us, That it is ofGod, that enemiesdo rife
fill} " holy Ghoil in the Prophelie ol' Micah, (peaks up againli the Saints; For we fee here, that
ofthe rod ofai&i0n, as of'the food ofthe the Gentiles, the myfiical Babyloniam, Were
people of God, Micah 7. t4. Fcod tby people i*y God appointed to afilia: the people of
“with tby rod 5 the flock of thine heritage, which 0d; to tread the holy City under foot‘,
dwell folitarily in the wood. And as i1} Micab,‘ 1 eFore ever they had a being. Now as God
‘God is (aid to Feed his people with lllS rod 5 d oth in love fufFer his people to be afflicted:
f0 he is‘ faid to comfort them with hisrod-zl O'in wrath he ul'ually gives u wicked men
for f'aith David, Pfa1. 23.4. Tb} rod and I? to be the infiruments of afili ing-his peo-
.hmgcuamflw .-
c i4 I? p ' k, l
q -- \V-{W- wwvwr, ~t

II6 7he Application. The Application, II7

ple. For as the filtferiltgs ofSaints Work: ' fels, as Paul was : but ordinarily , it is f0,
out for them a greater Weight 0F glory, l - and l0 it {hall be with the Beall : for both
(a Cor.4.17.) So the wrongs and violentes ' Babylon 0F old, and this mytlical Babylon, af-
1 that Wicked men doe offer unto the Saints, ter they had afllilled, and opprelled'the peo-
doth'procure for them a greater weight 0F ’ - ple of-God, f0 much as was before ordain-.-
. vengeance. And therefore the Apofile, Phil; ed, were appointed to take oh‘ the dregs of
1 .28._1bids the Saints, To be in nothing terri 1- thatcup otltrembli'ng, which they putin-
ed by their adoerfarier; whichu t0 them ( faith to the hands of the people of God, Ifa.51.
he) an evident taken ofperdition, but to you of - 2 1,22,23. Hear now thou afliiéted, and drunken,
falvation, and that of God. And 2‘The]].t.6. . but not with wine: that faith thy Lotd, the Lord
It in, ( faith he ) a righteom thing with God, to‘ and thy Gad, that pleadeth the caufe of hie people;
recompente tribulation unto them which trouble hit " behold] have taken out of thy hand, the cup of
Saints. - So that God raifes up wick ed men' trembling, even the dregs of the cup of my fury 5
to afiliéthis people that he ma our out - thou [halt no more drinkit again, but I will put it
the fuller viols ofvlrrath Upon tgetlh. And ' > into the hand of them that afllié? thee, which have
therefore, when God told Pharaoh, That ' {aid to thy foul, Bowe down, that we may gee over,
he would at that time fend all his plagues .' ,i and thou baft laid thy body ao the ground, and a;
upon his heart, and Upon his {'ervants and '- '. the [tweet to them that'ooent over. Andhowth'is
people, £ocod.9. t . faith he at the 16.verfe. ' was done, and {hall be done, both to the
And in very deed , or the‘; eaufe have I raifed thee ._ l ' materiall and the my fiicall Babylon, appears
up, for to fbetv in thee my power, and that my name . ‘ at large in the 4.7.Chapter oi'aiah, “and the
maybe declared thorowout all the earth. So that - ‘ 5 Lofjeremiah, and the 1 8.0f the Revelation:
no enemy can rife up again“ the peeple of befides in feVerall other Scriptures. Now
God5' but it is of God, and God ufually. 5t _ then, we may ceafi: to wonder, why wicked
dOt-hlto that hema pour out the fuller vi- _ ._ . men doe prevail f0 much, and
continue [o
Ols ofWrathupon-t 1cm. l fay u-Fually, it long in doing violence unto Saints 5e
is f0, but it-is not alwaies f0: for fome e- - I. - 'we fee it is ofGod 5 for ordinarily he {hf-.-
nenuemfSaints are fometimes chofen vet; f t ers it, that vengeance may. fell the heavier '7

The Application. II9

‘l is
1 l8 ‘The Application.-
pll; __upon them at lali. Ba bylon hath multiplied years,but yet deliverance came not in three)

nor five, nor twenty moneths of

her abominations ' for a lemg time, and . nor four,

they hadbeen hve hun-

l made her felfc drunk with the bloud of ' _ years; but when perfecution , there came
dred years under

Saints; but at lafl {he {hall be rewarded dous-


,. ble for all the cruelties [he hath done to theno deliverance From the tyranny or the
.....-.._.._.._,-_ ...._‘._._‘_.j_-'_.,,,,.-._ .

Beali, but the Saints were t0 remain Gwen



hundred years longer , and why? beeaufc


Dedufiion 3 . the time appointed tor deliverance was not


Thirdly, Saints are here infirntied to be. .

ware how they be too hafly to get out of an come till-then. The decree was pafi, that

the holy City lhonld be trod under foot

aflliCted condition 5 and efpecially to be.
33*.’ '1-

ware how they ul'e any indireéi means, that fourty and two moneths, and the decree be-
ing pail, {b long it muli, and lo long 1t did
,4. Z‘

f0 they may come the (ooner out ofafilifith- '


remain to betroden under foot. It is Wif-

i- P.

on: for it is vain and finfull for them fo to

dome therefore for Saints, quietly to (ub-

doe: forthe time how long they {hall re.-

mainin an afilified condition , is fitted by‘ mit to thewill of their God, in afilic'tion,
the Father, and fo long they {hall remain and not to be too haiiy to get out, before
under afiliétion , though they {irive and the appointed time of their God be CQme;
firuggle never f0 much, to come fooner out but if he tarry they mull: wait. -
Dedutfiion 4. y
ofit. For we fee here the holy City, was
to be troden under F001: ofthe Gentiles, to Fourthly, In the next here is a further
be in an aiiiieted condition fourty and two word ofConfolation to _ Saints in afliié'ti-
months, and f0, long they did abide in that a ‘ ; 0n: and that is, That'when the time ofafi-
>5 condition‘ 5 it may be they might carpet-‘t de-s ' - 'fiifiiion, in which they are to abide under
afllietion, is eitpired, then they lhallbe Ck‘.-
liverance the firli moneth of yeafi'ijl but if _
.~t ‘F
. . lnotthén, yet the {Econ'd monethgiit'tljen fix- livered'o'nt of afili&ion, and nothing lhall
' longer prolong their afliiEtiOn: for We fee
f?" ' eyyearsmvere eXpired, they might tliéitihope _
deliverance was near. For the mam“? ‘all - "thatthoughthe holy City mulibe trod un-
. _ ,- " Babylon, held the pc0ple ofGod but minty der feet, {any and two nlonyths -: yet:
14,-" ' tightly
l .MF outwit.
. -
._l a i V .. -
.II .L
‘ .
‘.A“:.l;m-h.'r-Lh...b A
.7 4:4; '
I too The Application. The Application. I I2I
when that time isex ired, they muli be de - flicall Babylon, then this may ferve to con-
livered. ‘Ihe rod of th)e wicked, muji not alway- vince thofe oftheir errour, who Will not
rejl upon the lot of the righteom .- No, the Father hear ( fuch as they acknowledge to be real)
hath appointed a time, wherein deliverance Saints, to hold forth the word of truth,the
mull come. The Saints mull not alwaies ' ' Tellimony ofJefus, to the edifieation, cit-
be laid low,and therefore faith the Church, ' hortation, and comfort ofothers; and the
Micah 7.8. Rejoyee noragainflme, 6 mine ene- reafon why they will n0t hear them: _ts,
. m)’; when Ifall, Ifhall rife again.
So,though becaufe they conceive, that {ince the rillng
the Witnellts be cloathed in fack-clothga 11p ofthe Beall, and the Bahytomfh darknelle,
longtime, yet it {hall not be alwaies f0, there hath been no true Paliors, nor Teaeb..
The} {hall at lafthave beauty for afher, ‘the oil of- ers, nor Prophets. Now for the convm-
joyfor mourning, the garment of praife, for the cing of thofe of their errour herein ; l [hall
flirit of heavimfle, Ifa.61.3. And though the) be the more large in this ue, endeavour-
have fora time lien among the pots; yet [hall the) ing to make it clearly to appear to be their
be, as‘ the wing: of a Dove, covered with filver, great weaknes. . . _
and her fethers-with yellow gold, Pfal.68.13. . And now, you thatlle under this fcru-
And of this we are to be confident under a»- ple, in the fpirit of love and meeknelh,’ I
ny aflli&ion, that we {hall l1ave"deliverance, ; defire you to confider, howtewdent 1t 1s,
and nothing {hall be able to hinder it, when . thatjefus Chrili hath had fome true Pro-
the appointed time for our deliverance is phets, during all this twelve hundred years,
come,th_ough not before. that the Beafi hath troden the Saints under

Deduftion .5. _ foot: ForJefus Chrililaith exprefly, I will



Fifthly, In thefnex't place, Is it To, that


give Powerunto my two Witneflet, and they {hall


Jefus Chrill hath had fome that have pro-



prophejie athoufand two hundred and floaty dam,

" i


Phdied, during all the twelveihundred and

--_"- “1'. -‘


cloathed in ackcloth. And this hath been


oddeyears that the Beafi ‘hath tyrannized made go , for it appearo, tha: in all tlmes
“WM '


over the, Saints, during all the time the


fincc, Chrilthath had fome that have pro-'-




._5.1i§tts have been ‘under the bondage ofmy~ phefied, that it, have held forth the Tell!‘-


- t

_ a


fiieal ' , mony

., .vfi-



M‘_bu;_h§_‘__ am.“ ~ t ,Hdah. rte-tantngi; _-_-_Q_a A‘, ‘A . 1
122 ‘The Application. The Application. I 23
mony of Ielits Chrill 5 For the Tetlt'mony of fen in the place of fudao, Aft: I. 21, 22.
jejm is theflittit of prophefie. And indeed e-
very true Saint is ‘a Prophet, becaufe the Wherefore of thefe men which haveaeeompanied
Lord revealing his fecrets to a foul, asit, with m, at! the time that the Lord jejut went in,
makethit aSaint, f0 it maketh it a Pro- and out amongm. Beginning fiom the haptifme of
john, unto that fame day he wet tnkenfrom tor, muff
phet, and Fo the Lord looks upon his Saints’ ‘ h
ashis Witnefies ‘and Prophets. Now this 'one be ordazned to be a Witnefle with m of hi4 Re-
being evident, That Chrill hath had true furrettion, lfay, they being eie-witttelfis of
Prophets; this maketh it clear, that as it ‘the Lord Jefus, their witnefie which they
is (aid , pef. 4. to, I I, 12, 13. Thnte/lto‘ gave of him is left [till upon record, in
Chrifi', when he o'eended up forte above all hen- which Apoilles {till continue nfefull to the
‘vent, gavefome Afofl'let, antlfbme Prophett, and Church, for pertefiing of Saints for the
fome Evangeh/lr, antlfome Paftourt and ‘Teach- work of the Minillery, and For the edifying
ers, for the perfeéting ofSaints, for the worlee of . of the hotly of Chrill, till We all come, e're.
the Mt'niftetjt, for the edifling of the hotly 0]‘t riff, and in this fenfe Apoltles have continued :'
till We all tome into the unity of the faith, and of but Prophets, Evangelills , Paflours , and
the knowledge of the Sonne of God, unto a Pet'feht Teachers have aetnally continued in the
man, unto the menfitre of the flature of the fulnefle Church 5 and that doth appear by this, be-
ofChriff. So this Word hath been fulfilled, ' i caufe we here fee it is evident that Prophets
1 have been continued. Now a man that is a
gefits Chrill hath alwaies continued thefe.
o1.) . true Prophet of ‘lefus Chrili may be, and in
Firll, Apoflles have been continued for ~forne degree truly is an Evangelili, and Pa-
the edifying of' the body of Chrifi,asitis flour, and a Teacher alfo. . For
here faid: for the Apoilles being the eie- i Firfi, Tobe an,.Evangeli[i, isto be able
t'titnefltrs of the Lordjefils Chrill, iniall .to hold forth the Gofpel, in the grace and
that he did and (uttered, and of'his Refur- fweetnelle of it, and he that is fo is an Evan-
gelifi. And .
fe&ion,-as it is eVident in that exprellitlfi 5f
Peter, when another Apolile Was to ‘be ‘chit-)- _ . Secondly, TobeaPaiionr, 18!;0' be able
A fill _
{to feed the flock of Chrill, both the {ht-es
J- 4_\ __~ “~-‘; M‘QL‘L1“‘ L
1 24 l The Applicatian. ‘The Application.‘ t I 25
in them, and ,
and tender lambs, with the wholfome, fa- fotththtGmeébf the Gofpel
ving truths oFChriii, to the nourilhing,and as Paul was f0 : f0 it might be allo {aid of
_ firengthning of their Souls. And Apol/b , and Peter, and Barnabas, and Timothy,“
Thirdly, To bea Teacher, is to be‘ able nd others.
to unfold the mylieriesofthe Gof' e], and a But here it may be ob]e&ed, If one man
clearly to hold forth the'truths 0 Chrilt, may be both a PrOphet, and EvangeAp lill, a
ei', ‘W hy doth the o-
' to the infirufiion 0F the ignorant, and en- Paliour, and Teach .
erealing o {knowledge ; and he that is f0 is a file {peak ofthem particularly, as given tof!
Teacher. V particular perfons; For faith he, jejm Cbrz
Now he that is aProPhet, may be all when be aftended gave fame Apofl'ler, andfome
thefe: ' Prophets, and fame Evangelifls, and fame Paflors,
Fix-ll, He maybe a man that publilheth and Teachers. And again , 1 Cor. 12. 29. he
phelglad tydings, of the Grace of the Go- faith , Are all Apoflles .P Are aU'Pfopbetr? Are
e. ‘allTeaclJcrs? Implying that the Spirit had
P And (econdly, A man that teacheth, and difpeneed out the gilt of propheiymg to
infiruEteth people, wi th knowledge and un- one, ofteachiug to another, 0t Apofllellnp
derllanding. t0 a third, and not all theie gifts to one. ,"
And thirdly, A man that feeds the flock ' Anj'ww Though it be true, That a P1P
ofChrifi,with Wholfome faving troths. I phet may be allb an Apohle, an hvaugeltlt,
fay a PrOphet may be, an Evangelill, a Pa- a Paliour, and Teacher, as Paul was ; yet the
liour, and Teacher, and {.0 vias Paul: that Scripture [peaks particularly 0t them,be-
.he was aProphet, appears, A51 13. I. and caufe they are fever-all gitts,and_fometunes _ é.
.thathe wasa Pafiour,appears, in that he they are ibverally difpenfed; lo that one. "
was f0 Frequent in feeding the Church of man‘ may be more properly (aid to be an
God: and that he was a Teacher‘, appears, Evangelili, becaufe he may be more able to '
A67: 1 3. 1. and 2 Tim. 1. t 1. and A61: 2o.27. hold forth the fweet word 0Fthe Go (pel,andi
aud that he was an Evangelifi, appears in all to be a [on ofconfolation, and to be more ."
Evangelital then othermnd as may be ‘mo re ~ .
'1'},f._i_.___. hispifiles, by his full, and- fweet holidinfg pro-K
F." E .T Qrt ~o ._ " .
it‘. 6 The VApplication. _ The Application. ' 127
properly {aid to be an Evangelifl. And

of the ('0 feverall gifts, and faith that one is given- to

refi, one-man may be more eminent
in one ofthefe gifts, then in the reli one, and another to another, and a third t0
; and ('0 a third,’érc. And his meaning is, That one
‘may be more properly (aid to be, eith
Paiiour, or a Teacher, and yet no er a Saint is more eminent for one git't,and ano-
fi'anding, he that is“ an Evangeliit, maith- ther for another, and not that he that had
fome fort be able to ad, as a Paiiou y in the word ofwiidome, had no knowledge,
a Teacher: fo he that is a Paliour, r, or not no faith,e’9~c. Nor that he that h ad faith,
fome fort, be able to a& as an Evan y in had not wiidome, nor knowledge, the. N or
a Teacher, though in an efpeciall
ge lilipr that he that had knowledge, had no faith,
he may be fitted to doe the work of manner nor wiidome, norprophelie, the. Nor that
a Pa-- he that had difcerning of Spirits, had no
and (o of the reli : So that the
why they are particularly fpoken of, rea fon knowledge, nor prophefie , nor wifdome,
caufe that fome Saints may be more em is, be- nor faith,@“c. But this is the Apoiiles mean-
nently fitted For one of them, then for the i- ing,Thathe that had the word of know-
refi; and no't that they, that have ledge,might.not have f0 much Faith, ntr
thefe gifts, have only one ofthof'e gifts, 0F wiidome, nor difccrnin of fpirits, tire. as
and he that hadlefie knowle ge, f0 he that Was
is utterly void of the refit, and this wil
the more confirmed, and cleared by l be full oFF-aith, might have leiTe wifdome, and
compa- difcernin of thirits, and knowledge, 6w.
rin gthis, With that paflage, 1 Cor. 12. 8, 9,
to. For to otzlrgiven h} the Spirit the word
then thoft: that were more weak in Faith.
wifdome, to another the wortloflqzowledge, byof But now as fome might be eminentin one
fame Spirit, the ofthefe gifts only 5 {o (ome might be emi-
to another faith, by thojitme Spi nent for two, or three: and others might
another the gift: ofhealing , h} the fame Spirrit, to
'it, to
fl another the working of miracles, to another prop
beeminent for them all. And thofe that
he- were eminent for one only, could not be
" fie, to another difrerning ofSpirito, to another ‘di-
faid to have none ofthe refl.
Ui'n hinder ofit01”?io fb another the ihtelzreta-é , Now by this-time the reafon is evident,
tron of tongues. Here the Apoiiie {pea 3.. of ,why the Apofiie {peaks 0F Prophets, Evan-
- _._‘
' fetc- I _. ‘_ gelifls,
128 The Application.
I r.

-'.'Ihe Application. t 't 2-9.

gelilis,Pafiours, and Teachers difiinfitly,and f ' 'bht'Ollly of~Bifhops, "and-Deaco
.withall it is evident, that he that is a Pro- ns'iatid they
phet is an Evangelill, a ‘Pallour, and a only had the laying on ‘of hands hecanle
Teacher. For as it cannot be faid of him they were ordained, to doe fome particular
that hath faitl1,'that he hath no knowledge, things, which were to be done by them,and
nor wifdome, nor difcerning of fpirits, the. was proper to them only, and none» in the
So it cannotbe faid ofa Prophet, that he is _ Church ell'e, were to aél:,in them, but only
_ no Evangelili, nor Paftour, nor Teacher. they; ButProphel-ying =and Evangeliizing,
And now, it is evident, That Prophet-s and feeding,'aud teaching, and building 11p
have been continued all the while,the Saints ‘ - one anather, was common‘ to all in the
Church, asevery one had received the gift,

have been in Babylon; and in the continu-


‘ f0 to minilier, as good fiewards of'the

-A.-li ‘.‘FI'_"“-"‘

ance ofProphets, there hath been a conti-

nuance of Evangelilis , and Paliours, and Grace they had received ! For their
Teachers,whereby that Scripture hath been gifts ' are not given to be. laid up I Petal‘

made good, Ephej. 4.. 10, 1 1, 1 2, 1 3. which 1n a napkm,_Bnt .the mamfeflanonef 'iCIor.
I - O u I O


fities, they mull all continue, ‘Till we all came ' - the Sphinx? given to every‘ meta profit 12 ,
in the 10i of the Faith, and of the knowledge of . wit/mil. So that, thefe I fay Were n01: _ - ' 7'
the Son ofGod, eh'c. And this being f0 evident, relirained only to be done by Bilhops,_a_nd
itappears to be from weaknelle, and dark- Deacons, w'ho only were perlbns ordained,
- nefle that any have 'quefiioned, whether any by the layihg on ol'hands 5 but were c0m~
of thele have been during the time, that mon to be done by all. r
the Saints have been captivated to Babylon. ' i Nowfa Bilhop, (which the Scripture .in~
But here this query may be made; May differently cals, either a Bilhop,or an Elder, -'
there be Prophets, Evangelifls,Apoliles,and or aPresbyter,) is ordained by the laying ~
Teachers, that were never ordained by’. the on ofhan-tls 5' becaufe he is appointed to the
layin on ofhands? _‘ ' work,?which is proper to that Office, and
An w. Yes they may; for theScripture not'toan ' Other in the Church.
- {peaks not of laying on'of hands uponany, a : Noiltr't e works that are proper to a Bi-
' hut ' lh'op, Elder,'Or-Pre'sbyter.j Are, '
P‘. ‘a a ~1'l
u .‘ ,8" . '_»'='-';:
$.30 a . The Appbjicafiote.
‘The/Ipplication. let
Firlt, To"ruie,-'and guide, and govern-oh: .
Church : and this is clear by- that 0t the A~
a, _ of 'Presbyters, ITz'moth) 4. 1f4.__and zTint.
pofile', 1 ‘11mg 17; Let the-‘Bifltop; that rule . '6. . .
well be counted worthy-of double honour.- And ' Now thefe things were proper to the OF-
1- Tim-3&4. the Apoflle faies, That a Bilhop ‘ ' fice oFa Bilhop, and others that are not or-
muli'b'e one that rules well his oWn houfe 5 dained t0 he Bifhops, have no warrant to

- ' take upon them tot'aft in theft things.

implying‘, that; he is not fit to- rule the

- But. there are other things that Biihops

Church 'ofGod, if he doe not rule his 0WD.
houf'e well. And oft-hofe it is that the A~ are alfo enjoined to dog-that may be and
poiile fpmks, Hebrew. 13-. 7. Remember them _ ought tobe doneby other brethren, but Bi‘-
which ruleovcr you, who havefiwken'unh youthe. "i i 'fhops are enjoined to d0e them, in anefpe-s
word of God. And verf. 17. Obey them which have 1 'ciall manner, and they are thelfe: ~
' ‘

Firft, To feed the flock ovet'Which'théy a

the rule ooeryou and'fubmit,-for they watch foryou


are made ‘over-fliers,and-this is that Paul en!-

‘-' -"

Soult. ‘And 0F thei'e-he alfo fpeaits, I ‘Ihef. 5-...

joins the Elders 0F the Church of Ephefite to

12. Know them which labour among,r you, and are. .

- .JJnn-fimflv-fi

doe,Adts 20. 29. Take heed unto )our jeloet,aad ‘


oocryou in the Lord, and admotzi/byou.


unto all the fiock'ioocr which the holy Ghofl hath

- Moreover, (econdly, It is the work 0F a:

Bifhbp, or Presbyter, to ordain Elders, or made you over-jeer-t, and feed the Church of God,‘

which he hath pttt'chajed~ with hit own blond. And

Bifhopsfin the Churches Where'they are~
m h 4-;

wanting, as appears,l_‘17itm 1'. 5. The Apolile this is that which Timothy, who was an El-_

der, or BilhoP, was enjoined to, in thefe


there {peaking to Titus, who was a Bifhop or


paflages, I ‘It'm. er. 3. Preach the word, be inflant


Presbyter', faith, For tht}: caujeleft I'- thee-*inr


itzfeajotz, and ottt offeafotz, teprooe, rebuke, cochort


' Crete 5' that thou flooulde/t 'fet in order thethingt-~


with all [bag-jitffi'ring, and Defirine. And vertig;

v.’ ‘Wm

that are-wanting ; and Ordain Elders inaeveny. '

Doe tbe' work rofarz Evangeli-flonahg ful] proof of

_ City. And! ('0 Timothy being a Bifhopy it Was-r


. thy Mitziflery. And’: ‘Tim. 2. 15. Study to [hem

- his work, as appears by that rule given-him,

thy Jelfapproocdtmto God, atwcrh-man that need-



t;Tim.§.22. Lay handfuddenbr on no mamAgain


eth not‘ to be afhamcd, rightly deviating the word of.


‘ it-jflikewifiis made evident,‘ to bethe work

trath. Thus ought Bithops in a more efpeci-

K 2‘. all @ f

132 ' ‘The Application. I ‘Ihe Application. - I 33

all manner to Feed the HOCk of God, and to which‘ the holy Ghofl'hath made you over- eerr: for
inflruht and admonilh them. But this is'hot 1 know (faies he) that after my departure, there
their duties only, but the ‘duty of all the ‘ ‘ jhallgrievous wolves ‘enter in among you : So that
brethren, according to their feverall abilis th'e Elders ofthe Church ought to look to
ties. But the flock, to keep them from the pernicious -
Secondly, It is the duty of Bilhops, or Dofirines ofwolvilh men, and Heh. 13. 17.
Presbyters, to be good‘ examples to belie- faith the Apollle, Obey them that have the rule
vers :this alfo Timothy was enjoined unto, ever you, and fuhmit your felves a for ‘they watch
1 Tim. 4.. 1 2. Be thou an example to believers, in for your joulr,ac they that mull give account, that‘
word, in converfation, in love, in fltit'it, in faith, they may cloe it with joy. So that it; is evident, '
and purity. And this Tittu, who was a Bilhop, a that it is the duty of the Elders of the’
was alfo enjoined unto, Tit‘. 2. 7. In all things Church, to watch over the fouls of the peo-L
[hew thy felfa pattern of good wotlg: in Docirine - plea But this is not their duty only; but the
[herring uncorruptneffe, gravity, fincerity. And duty ofall believers, to watch over One a~
. 2 Tun. 2. 2. Thethings which thou hafl' heard of ' n0ther. ' . -
me. among many witneffes, the fame commit thou to ' Thus the Scripture declaring that Bilhops
aithfullmen, who [hall he ahle to teach other: alfb. are ordained, bythe laying on of hands,de~
hus it is the duty of Elders, or Presbyters, clares what things are to be done by Bi,‘
to be a good example to believers : but it is [ho s, as Bilhops, and not by Other Saints;
not their duty only, but the duty of all o- anchwhat things are to be done by them,
ther Saints alfo. ' which is to be done by others ‘alto. Now
Thirdlym-It is the duty 0F Bilhops , to the Scri ture fpeaksbut of oneOHice more,
Watch over the fouls of the Hock which are ' .to whic perfons'ar'e ordained by'the lay- '
committed to them 5 for they mull give ac- ing onofhands, and that is of Deacons. a '
count ofthem to God, and this the Elders, Now the OH'ice of a Deacon the Scripture
or Billmps ofthe Church 0FE hefua, ate'tn- expreHEs diliintftly alfo, namely,‘ that they
joined unto, All: 26.28. Take‘ eed (faith the are to‘ receive the collections for the poor,
Apofile) untoyour fol-vet, and unto the flock over and t0 difiributeit to the poor, to widows,
w MM 'J__-.__“c 4
F‘ e '1 A


The Applit'gttimz.

. . '' The ‘Application.


and to finch QSRJFQ in Want, and to all ac- 125


cor ding to their neceflities. ' And this

i/augelifls ,- PaflOurs' iih'd Teacher's‘,- that

pears,Aé?.6_.1.2,3.and everres com

' were-neVer Ordained fby'i the ‘laying- 'on'of

gether 5' this was the work which pa redto-I .
~ ‘, hands. ‘And f0 much for antwer to that

were ord ained-t0 doe, and which ‘- query t


is to be ‘ And fince it is made {'0 evident,‘ that-Pro-

done bythem only, and "Qt by ‘Oth
t'heChurch. . But we finde that StepI ers in?
' ‘i. \

131113t Apofiles, *EVangelifis,‘ Panama and


/Jen and .' Teachers have continued all the wh'ile'th'e

Philip being DeaconsJ Were finch as
the flock, preach the Word, ,oppol‘edid feed'
d\ 0.1i
Beafi hath continued, ' Ihope, hereby‘ ‘they
faie rs, ,wereTeachers, and did the WO i that thorow darknefle have been 0F the con-
ts 0P t .q traryminde, will be hereby convinced of
APOMCS and-Evangelifis, and Wrough

racles, and wonders among the peo t mi+ '

nheirerroufl herein. "And now be ye ex-



appears in .thehxth , 'fi'venth and eig as horted to fiequentthe AITel-nblies of Saints;

, i

Chapter QFthe 41671-5 but theie are hth i

and come to thofe meeting placesyivhere
the duty ‘ fuchas dreipr'ecious Saints, doc ‘hold forth
of Deacons ,- butnor: their duties only,
O h I I

the dutiesoF all the brethren,

but _ th'e'WQrd of truth siand by the‘ Spirit of
in .Which -. Prophefie doe-(prank unto li-l'fl], 'to eti'ificati-'
they are to afieccordingto the meafiute e'

of on, exhortation' and "c'omf'ortw -() came

grace received. . _- - ». . ‘i
_ And now, {fillCCJthC Scripture [peaks i; you5 end par-take oF-thofe 'giFts ofitlhe' S'pi-f
only QF Biihtqpsland izigonsotbpat were'onbugx' I?‘
‘rit',j' whereby fome are i'nabled to holdforth

rt- "I
dainsd [PM the hiring q"..- 9f ,lnndé', .1 .- the glad-tidings oFthe-Gofpei, toi'pubiifh'

I . - ‘ . _ anddc-I
C .alcS-lc5§1=d1¢-dll"y Grille-‘1.11116 0t the-fibrem
'JQ Iv“ “ p'eace,‘and'-grace, and mercy thorow' Iefus
J, '-Gh'r ifi,5"and’t0 doe the worke of an Evan-
J -.-.

thren1n_, theiCiiurchmtg- prophefiej, as

:t Cong; 4.‘ 5;. V Te may .a/l prapbefiye one geliii, and partake you '0F thofe-“gifts,
one; and thetit is thelduty ofOthers 'i'n ‘the by wherebyothers are ‘insbled-to unfiild the I
Church to doe the work of 'Ev'an myfleries ofthe-Gofpei, and to Itee'chy ~vand -
Baiiors .ahdllTeazchers, It is hereb ,. gle I lifisi , ‘it ‘iniirué t the fimple , ‘and to-doe the-work of
‘that they'mey be Apofi y-3 19 $, ' " a'TeacheIr. wln a word; ‘Come andi'pidrtdk-ei ‘t
les ,l Prbph._ft\8,n.-.-; '
yangelifis; ' emporium“ J Prophets“ and Paw“ '
c fi .. ‘I K 4 gifts,
e. .1. , '- "1 “I \
r' 1-1 t t w vq-f nY'W'. _ t '“i._-rl?"~ .- a

136 TheApplz'catioiz, _ The Application; ‘. 137. ‘

gifts, ofall the articular Operations
manife and - fiery, for the edifying of the body obriji. Now
llations o the Spirit ofChrili in his doe you delire to be edified ? Doe you defire
Saints; whieharegiven to profit.
wit '_ to prefle forward toward perfet'tiOn, that.
Conlider that jefns Chrifi‘faith, I willhall.
unto my twq Witnefler, " and tbeyfball prop you may not be as- children, carried- about
/Jefie. It with every winde of doth ine? Then fre-t
‘isthe gift of Jefus Chrifl unto his peo
which he gives not onlyfor the good ple, qucnt the Affeniblies of the Saints, that you
perfons. in whom it is ,, but for the gooofd the may‘ partake of their gifts. jelhs Chrifl»
others alfo. of hath' given them to effeft thefe things i111
Saints have an interell-
anothers gifts 5 and therefore Paul‘fpeinakin
one ' you,‘ and all his people: and for the keep-v
of filth as were Prophets, as himfelf ang ing a fpirit oflove among Saints, that they
Peter, and Apollo, faith he to the Saints receiving benefit one from another,may'not\
( I Cong. 21,22.) all are yours, whether fay one to another, l have no need of you,
Paul or 44110110, brCepjzar,8cc._ Thus the gifts '. as thofe fieem to doe, that forfake- the Af-4
femblies 'ofSaints: but that all being'ioyn- ,

thatgaretgiven to__others, are given to

them for me, and the gifts that-,are given .ed and'knit together, may encreafe with the ~
enereafe-ofGod. And fo much [hall fufliee
t0 me, how Weak foeVer, are‘ n0ti altoge- to be fpoken to this.
- ther formy felf, but for other-s alfo : for ,
' Iefns'Chrill hath f'o difpofed of it, to give Y Dedmfiion 6 .
" . ‘ Sixthly, ThenexcinfhnflzionthatI lhaI-l “
feveral gifts to feveral Saints, to this end to-
- ' tome to (though it be not the‘ neXt in or-
maintain Communion among Saints. O.
therefore you that are Saints, have Com- der, *yetl fhall place it here, becaufe‘ o'f- the
affinity it hath with this) is this, That '

mun'i'on one with another, that Iyou may finc'e the Witnefies, the Saints‘ of jefu's;
receive benefit fizoniTon'e anothen, .as\Chri_fl'
Chrifl-,-have hadafpirit of praier, all the
‘hath appointed: > For he.‘ gave fo'me‘~ Ape/Her, ‘While-the Bealihath continued 5- ='whereby»
and fimefi-hdpbets, and fame Evang-el/flr, and.
- famelPrzfiqartnnd Teachers-5 What ‘tozdo? For» their enemies have been devoured, as by a:
. fpiritiuallfire :qthen hereby‘ they may be‘
Illa, Refitaiflg .QfSainlI, ft?‘ we Wptk.ofijbe.~ Mini- ~ M
I, (‘fr 3-,, ;-M" h’

_' convinced?oftheir'errou r, that fayth' ey ‘are-1f

A,» . fiery, y. ‘ . .

~in g
48:3‘ 1 .
‘- I


W flu,“

5138 ‘The Application. .., ‘The Application-L ‘l 1-39-

in.Baf2)'lvn,_,antl therefore dogmt ioyn With‘ _. ._‘ ,1
fiians, tlleill'filre they will?both breathe'gnd
I any, in'P-Olliing Ollt'theiifouls to God in“ l l. ' {peak asffion asythe brezithof fpiritual ‘life.-
praler, nonyct doe it themfel-ves. is in-a man, he is a manthat breaths toward’
i ‘Nowlet fuch conlider,.;t.hat in the dark- Godin pmier continually: and when he is
ell mid-'nightof Popery, Saints have had a grownup a little, heisable-to (peak,
'fpirit oraiers and indeed it is not poll]: ‘to e-
dification,exhortation and eoml'ortgthough
ble to be a Saint, and not to have a l'pitit 0i fome are‘ more fluent in fpeakiyg, and have
praier. ltis the very nature and conftituti~ _‘ better nt'teijance then l _ - -
on of the ibirit 0F a Saint, to afcend np- f - i u - ‘ ’

others, Yet * all in Eli/jjffigftomczgil?"


warclto God in rpraier, at all times, and up~ whom tbs-‘PC IS “"6; fill-{l1eyrg'asalieror'dZiilidt:

on all occafions. 1 fpiri tual liie,in fome


flb'e Biflm p:
.- The truth is, that though the Saints may - ._-. tort or other, doc f0 j,-4 .primipleof deriv
Presbytery, is‘

bewithont-iother Ordinances, as baptifm, ed‘- fiom

fpcak as £0 Cdlfifi‘, (3X. ,BdQ)‘/011idn (Ial'kfl€

and breaking ofbread ( though I know no hort, ands Comfort.- ball’ "f3 1"‘"?’le‘ifllc<’°"."g’"
rule they have willingly. to negleetthem one. another; -~ Let -tITTFSF}-lpluuf' .-
wit-hem) yet they cannot be Without the fileh therelore as a re in this 'erronr, beware
ufe ofpraier and pmphefying; and there- how they entertain principles, f0 conti'airy-
f0 re we fee that Saints have alwaies enjoyed v t_0 the very-lite ofChlrifiianity. Andi) do
theni,"fduring all the-time‘ they haye been " '“ you llOCf {lop yonr'br'eath 5 what though‘
trodenfnnder Foot : the; fpirit' 0t‘ prai- you be in Babylon 5.? yet you mull breathe
er, A and prophefie lmt'h been .fiill npon 5 ther e , otherwile “you. are flifled. 'Beware
them.‘ Ainfd herein they have appear-M therefore ofiheingllifiedl, breathe freely
to- ~'
eel to behothaliving Ch-rillians , and‘ “'37' Ward thy‘.GOd, YWllQl‘CC-V€_|‘.tl10llal‘t. , fiThon
king Clniillians : a Mdea'd‘ man- ciin'ntit'i‘ maifi lmggfihqmmnnion with him {in any

breathe‘, not ean a lleeping. man- Fpeakl; {mt ‘fl’ ' place. J ‘Ibonghthon sift with Daniel fin Bn~=
whens-man breathes andIl'peak s, he» ais dill.“ by!ozi,an§l,inyalions ‘den 5 yet the'brea things
(38%‘e to-be', both aliving, andsawa'lti'ng and the, tamings 05thy foul after God, ~are-
.' ' man. NomifChriliiansbenotdeadGh'ri- acceptqb ‘@W -l_llm.- ‘
L-k l
. M~Mm
_* __,_ _ ‘,_ 0".“ q»
' .' __ _

I I40 The Applieationi- ~- _ The Application. 141

Objeii. Butperhaps fome mayfay, Wh
en ~ , ' .lyperformances, efpecially in praie'r
w' Igoe about to pray, I finde much deadneffe, ,‘that
, _ f0 theymight overcome the flelh that f0 0p.‘-
flelhlinelle, carnality and coldnelle in my '
firlf, both when I‘ am to pray publikely with ' poitth. '
tl‘ p other Saints, and whenlam privately reti-
- Again fecondly, When the Apofile- pref‘-
3 7 -' firs Saints to fpirituall duties, he {peaks to
retl-;;_;and I look u on this as an effefit of
‘ Babylonifh ebrkneflg.‘ Iquefiion therefore . them as knowin , that thou'gh they carr
j Whether I may pray,until it be wholly done i ,. flelh fiill about t em, yet that they have‘ a
away; '
- ‘ fpirit in them, in which they are to a& to~
' ‘ ' Ward God: and that though fielh be afii
‘1i mafia, The Apoflle, when he bids us, ng
In ‘ ' T in them; yet at the fitme ‘time, that'fp
‘i allthiugs to'make known our requelis irit
to may a8: in them. And therefOre when Sain
"- Go.d,2 and to pray without ceafing, and to ts
; continue in praier, ‘and to pray'c'ontinual-
1 ' come to pray, though the flelh doe endea-
_ vour, to put out the life of the Spirit, ‘yet
1y, P195146, 1 T/,eg;5,117, 0014.2. did very
well know, That‘ Saints did- carry flelh ‘the Spirit firives to mortifie the Helh : and
bout-them, which WOuld be oppofin a- - though both at} at the fame time, yetGo
g‘ the . - g is able to dillinguilh, between what com d
Spiritu, and therefore he himfeltTaith,Wben et-h"-
- from his own Spirit,‘which is alwaies in
Irvould doe good, evil if prefent nn'tb'me 5 and
Tbeflefb luflgylyagainfl-‘fbe Spirit, and the Spirit, ~ _ * his Saints , and what comes from flelh in
. agai'njitbeflefii, and tbefe are contrarytbe one to‘ them. And though the fielh doe at} its
the-other: h rbar' _ part, yet jefus Chrifi having by one offer-v
ye cannotdae' the things that ye" ' T mg, "done away all the corruptions of
e would, Gal.5..17. ~I fay the Apoflle kne the
',‘ .Th at the flefh would op w in his fpleople: God can notwithfiand-q
pofe,‘-.bllt ‘he
. wouldhot have Saints,- upon thatgroundfl ' ing the fie in the
m, fmella fweet favour
k. _ toneglefi{pirituallduties z for, in thofe performanc es, in which there is.‘
‘that wet-c’ ' much weaknelle and flelh, and
tofufl'er the fiefh to'gét but
the vitto'ry's' but‘
e 1 rather. tobethe-move frequ the Spirit appearing s there bei ‘little of _ -.
ent in‘ 'fpirituall‘ can at.‘
1 tenement already madeflorth
"‘1 duties, and to be the moreinceflnflntili' ho" > elins oftheit
* I hob’ things. 30 that Saints, you having
I ~42 ' ‘The ‘APPIICJH'OIL i j he Application.
~ 143'
Spirit-in you, ‘as Wellasloeihyyou are not f . . converfing withfublunary things : but
pro im- -
to negleét topetfbxme fpii'ltuallduties, b;.- . . ve all opportunities, to retire you
caulk‘ you doe not feelfleflilwholfily fulgdued fe'v
"' es’9 from converfing with thefe thin
(for that was‘ never-yetdone m any. 31;)“, for the en-liveniug and enflaming of you
fpirits 51 and doe nor perfwade your r
Whiiéh'e remained in this tabernacle)‘ ut felves,
in that-(pirit t'o afi, elpecially; 1n piaiefi {e} that while you are difcourfing ofyour
yen-wheny'oufindeofielhalfo attmg; or‘ 1 gains, and tradings, and lands, and livings,
you havebut a fpiritualdeln'e,.-to‘11ave t lat. and cloathing, andlknow not What; tha
fielh filbdued, that'defire tomerh frorp t e you pray as Well, as when you retire you t
Spirit; and that (‘park belng negleéiet inlay} e into a private place, to lift up you r
.uls in (‘ecret to God in- praier: For r
feem to die =, but it according to the Ill fe p
' (r ‘\_
~ \ l‘)!

Saviour'gives you this direttion; When our

‘ .1 !
~ o

Paul to Timothy, we ‘.liirre up that giftfo t 1e you

Spirit we have. recelved, how Weak _ O€VLP pray enter into your clofotr, and [honou
r doors,
‘it-may {item to be,‘ that (parlt-inay.‘growr1pr ‘and pray to your Father whirl) fr. inferret , 8m.
into a-flame,and getlirength 1n agiealt me? Matt/).6.6. And our Saviour llimfelFObIEr
furey'to burn up that corruptionftrat It; ved the fame rule : for it is often {aid -
him,‘ That he Wen-t apartjnto a mo of
. troubles and burthens us. _ Thereow t': untain
Apoli'le gives this rule, To continue {inbgmlrirg to pray 5 and continued whole nights
praier unto God :- tl 1e night bein in
Saints doe you defireto have flelh u pet '. g the
then continue {'0 dehrrng, andbe cogggu- 1n which he was free From. other imptime
mentsf. And to A67. 10.9. it is l'aid, Th
ally lilting: up your (pints, toyouid y £1 at
praier againlt it: and that you may 96f l"? Peter Went'upon the h'oufe 'to pray.
truly ifbaints did-improve mere opp And
takeall Opportunities to retire your l'i',
frOm other imploiments, that you may d1 t mtles, and take more advantages thuortu-
s to
up yourifouls unto God. inpravrzl ail] oi ret irethe
m fel ves to con verfewith God 5
not co "'“Cnt your {elves wuh-bai e y lavmt, much coldn effe andlukewarnmelTe, wo (0 _
thefe de lres, and Kobe. continually plung- “ ‘Emeline, cofvetoulileffe, pride, and
. a ~ r’ ves '1n W orldl y .im loiments,in _ . tion w ould'not appear in them
uric P . .\ . But it
_ ‘ converhng ._ hath
' "‘ ‘e' ' t --'---—_
. r _'


wing‘? ' The Application.
I44. The Application.- i I4
. .queflion, whether it be no

'hath been the deligne of the common - en e- t finfilll for me f0

'- my, ‘to take offSaints from thefe warrant- to continue prayin , tintil I am fully come

able, profitable and advantagious retire- out of Babylon : an then I conceive that I

‘ ments,wherein they might enjoy Commu- . ‘ {hall have fuch a fpirit of praier,as the Saints
nion with God, to the end they may'conti- had in the Primitive times, and have con-
'nue in a more loofe and carnal frame, to the fidence, that whatfoever I ask ofGod, I [hall
- fading of their fpirits, and to the fcandal of receive ofhim.
their‘ molt 'holy profellion. An iv. Firli, That the Saints while they
But-another may fay, lfinde that our Sa- have en under the bondage of Babylwzdmvc
' viour faith unto his Difciples, Whatfoeverye ' had afpirit of praier; and have had their
jha” askin my Name, that will I doe, Joh. 14.13. petitions heard, is evident. For their praie-
'And john faith, 'We have confidence toward God, ers have broughtjudgements upon their e-
and whatjoever we 441;, we receive of him,1 Ioh. . nemies, being prefented upon the golden
3.21,22. And again, Th5»; i: the confidence Altar. And if it have been no fin, for thefe
thatwe have in him, thatifweaskany thmg ac- to continuepraying, though they were in
'cording to hi4 will, he hea'rethws; and iftve know _ ' Qabylon: then doubdeffe it wouldbe no fin
thathéheat us, whatfbcver mask, we knowthat tor thee to pray, though thou fhouldeii be
‘we have the Petitions that we defired- of him, in Bahjlon. But
'1 _70!J11§'.I¢1,.,15'. And by thefe pafiages it Secondly, -Whereas thou faifi, That in
appears, That Saints in the Primitive times, fome things thou hafi no confidence that
before the great falling away, and the r1- thou'ihal-t be heard 5 and fometimes it is
fing of the-Beaii 5 when they praied, had long before fome'Petitions are granted, and
aiTurance that they lhould} have the Petiti- Other Petitions are plainly denied. Let me
ons they delired. :But whenl pray, I have tell the-e, That it'in thofe things, in which
no fhch confidence in many things: and thouvhait no confidence , ‘thou doe pray For
many times itis a long time before my Pe- them .yv-ith the fubmiflion of thy will, unto
titions are anl'wered; and in fome Petiti- theatttll ofthe-Father, it may be no fin for
ons i have aplain denial; and‘ therefore I ill" {61° pray, f0!‘ the tiilingsithat tlgéQ:
“j; - l
' .

i 7-146 -‘Ibe plication. The Application, 147


delir'es, though thou hall no confidence of Saints may pray, for thole things Which-

them 5 if they be filch thing's, as be not fin- th y doe not infallibly know, to be accord-L
~ a“

-fii1l_lin theml'e'lve-s, as fuch as thefe are 110t, ing to theminde ofGocl : and yet it may
r. -..-_ ‘Mp-wW-Iwfll'“

‘viz.- to be delivered from bodily diltempers, be no finne fo to pray, it they doe pray with
to be kept from dangers in travelling, Whe- lithniillion to the Fathers will. And in l'o
‘ther by fea or land‘; to be delivered From the ' ‘praying they may be acceptable to the Fa-
tyranny ofunrealbnable men, that feek to ther, who many times doth grant lbme of

‘doe thee hur't': or to have parents, or chil- thole Petitions, as foon as they are put up 5
r t__.

dren, or wile, ‘or husband, or brethren, or and at 0thcr times, aFtcr he hath made his
‘fillers, or any other friend delivered from people to wait long, and to pray importa-
bodily diliempers, or dangers in travelling, nately for them. And itTome of them be
‘(web orto haVe them brought to the know- denied, yet their perfons and praiers may be
ledge oft-he truth, from darkncfl'e t0 light, accepted, and may be, and fometimes are

an from the power of Satan to God: or. granted another way, God giving them in
. U-‘

to have them» “kept from errours and fidu- that, which is better then the thing delired.

jcing“ fpirits. I fay thefe, and fuch like But _ -.

'>.___..._.LA_;_~‘-,_ '_,

‘things, which are not finfull in themfelvcs, Thirdly,!\ll Saints may havc,and doubt.-
it‘ thy foul dcl'ire them, it will be no finne lelle many Saints have as much confidence
for thee to pray'for them, though thou hall: now in praier, as the Saints had in the Pri-I
no confidence that they {hall be granted 5 f0 mitive times 5 for what was the confidence

thoup'ray for thefe, with the fubmitting of that Saints then had ? Saith 310522, its Eat/in;
-"PP-‘"71 ,p___l-\-_~r

' ‘thy'will, to thewill of the‘ Father’. And confidence ilmtwc have in him, that ifwcmkaiy _
this is clear, in that the'Lord jefns himlElF, thing according to his will, be bearer/Jim. This

in whom was no finne, did pray {0, with was the primitive Saints confidence; and

fubmiilion to the Fathers will, for deli-ver- What-Saint hath not this co'nfideit'ce'hOW,
anccirom that bitter cup, which he was to rlhiltitlive- ask any thing accordi'rig' to his
drink 0F, though hchad no confidence that- will, he heareth us? Saints are now conliQ-
l Petition lhou'ld be granted. a So that. den t, That the things they pray for which
~ - ' ,Saints . . " _L '2 God-
1'48‘ ‘Ibe Applica'tibn. 16 {Ike Applicatiou. I49
Gad wils, andintends to give unto them, Spirit in them 5 although they _ have
lhall be gialted, Only they have not an ih- magy weakneifes and intirmities in "[hflll.
fallible fpirit, f0 as to know in all things, An
‘what it is the will of God t0 befiow u'pon Fifthly, If they finde their faith is not f0
them. But‘ many things they doe know, high, not their confidence fo firong,as ftime
and others they have fitting perfw-afiOns or; Primitive Saints were, then ought they to
When God i'u a more "then ordinary man- pray for the increafe of faith. If they be
ner, moiies their fpi'rits "to pray fOr weak in faith, let them have recourle to
them. ' him, who is the authour and finilher of
Thus Saints have a holy boldnes andCon- faith, for the fttengthening of it 5 Who Will
fide'nce, in approaching to the throne of give liberally,and will not uphraid his peo-
Grace, by the mediation of jefus Chriii, ple, though they be weak. Though a man
c0ming to God in the fpirit of Adoption, that is altogether faithlefl'i', hath no pro-
being confident of having every good thing, mife fure to him; yet the man weak in faith,
that a gracious and loiring Father fees good hath as many promifes made to him, as he
- for th’em,all their Petitions are heard. They thatis {irong in faith. So that though it
'are confident, ‘that if they ask any thing ac- be weak, yet ifit be a true faith in him that
cording to his will, he heareth them. And praits for the increafe offaith, he (hall finde
no Saints in thePrlmitiv'e times had other . acceffe to the throne of grace. And f0 much
comidence'. . ~50 that Saints , it is no'finnc for the clearing of this. -
for you to continue praying, making - Deduéiioll 7
kn ownyou r requefis ‘to God, ‘but it is your Seventhly,The next DeduEtion is to tiifco~
duty fotodo. ‘But \ i ver the excellency and precioufnes ofSaints,
' Fourthly, Thou h flefh doc ‘break out, from the 4. 8t 5 verfes, they are difcovered to
and in fome things aints doe not pray a- be excellent,in that theyare faid to be Olive
right, yet they are not therefore wholly to trees,tlrey are not as the dry tree,Who is mg!)
neglect praying : knowing that God fi'ill ' umo .curfingavboje end it tobeburried,He.6.8.Bt1_t
delights ‘in the breathings of his oWne ble'fftd and happy is the condition of Saints;
" ' ‘ Spirit L3 t For
15o ' p ‘The Application.
For they have an unfiion from the holy Ones, 0i this natu rall light 5 but ill-anymore, are
they {iand in the prelence oi'the Lord ol'th'e ' the precious effetts of (pirituall light. And
whole earth. - They are precious in the eies' this is that that Saints have 5 though others
olGod, and profitable to men : For they. are in the darknelle of hell, yet they . enjoy
empty the golden oil, they have received the light 0f heaven : The Lord God almighty,
fi'omthe holy one into Others 5 the Spirit and the Lamb are a light unto them, -" Reva 1.2"’.
as it floweth From‘them, fometimes peni-' And in this refpefl: alto Saintsare excellent
trates into thofe that are Mangers, aliens and precious ones : But I tyoulclbe brieF in
to lefits Chrillc, Wherehy they are brought this particular, ~and thereioreihall not flit-
home to the imbracss olijelaus Chrili: and ther enlarge it. - '
then Saints are excellent in their eyes all'o. Dedufliorz 8. -
And FoDaoid cals tihtm,Pl~al.16.2,3. lily Eighthly, The next Deduiltion, in which
geodiz'effeieaetendethnotto thee 5 hallo the Saint: I [hall be brief alf'o, is to difcover from the
that-are'in the earth, and to the excellent in whsm fifth verl'e, the dangerous condition of thole
i4 ‘all my delight.‘ And excellent they are. wicked men , that are enemies to Saints.
Se'c0n'dly, ecaufe they are not only a's‘ Though Saints feem to be poor, weak, de-
‘Olive-trees, butas (landlollicks. For as
ipieable creatures,and their enemiesin out-
1t is raid oF-jelits Chrili, f0 it‘ is laid of Ward appearance feemto be firong and po-
them,'_ The) ‘are the light of the world, M at.q. 1 4; tent, and'to be overcotners 0F them : yet:
They are as lightfliining in a dark Place. Now ' thei'e feeming weak Saints, arefirong, and
ow precious is light, to them that are con- ' migh ty: for they can but lend up a mellage
tinually in a l'enlible darknelie ? Light is to heaven,and bring fecret and invthble ar-
one of the molt precious things in the row s from thence, Which (hall deflrQy-their
world: it putsabeauty Upon other things, enemies. The breath 0F their mouth kindles
it chears' and‘ comforts the heart ; it cattles coals of'fire, that dellroies their enemies g
men to fee the dangers that are in their" Agul ifan) man will hurt them, he mull with. this
Way, that lo they_may aroid- them : and fire he killed. Little doe wicked men think,
many others, are the excellent properties that when they deal cruelly with Saints,
s , .‘
l i' L a t M thty
t.‘ ‘ 0
'15:‘, > ~ ‘ . _ F

-' V f‘ , .

i ' l ‘ l n I 4,,’ J-llL‘,V-“‘l ,,,~\ I

MII" to?’

t The‘ Applieattou. ‘ The Applicatiom ' ' '

. ‘--<_.




they bring coals of fire‘ upon their OWne

J \
I r

5 - Dedufiion 9. t a '
heads 5 yet f0‘ they doe, ifthey cominue ir- Ninth]y, :In the next place from the fixth
reconcilable enemies unto them. There is l\terl'e, might be difcovered the t'eafon, why
a n0table place, to lhew the danger men run there hathbeen fuch a hardnelle ot'heart
upon, when they offer to wrong the Saints and impenitency upon the Bealt 5 and the
of'God, it is Zeeh. 1 2.3. In that day, faith the Babylonilh crew; namely, becaufe that as
Lord, will Imake jerufalem a burdenfome _ flone a judgement upon them, for perfectlting the
' for allpeople : all that burden themfelt/es with it Saints of God 5 the heavens have been f0
{hall he tut't'n piece: 5 though all the people of the lhut up againft them, as that none ofthe
earth [hall be gathered together againft z't. Though Waters of the fpirit have delhended upon
the lapirituall j'erufalem, the Saints of God, ' them. Butl palle this by, with fome o~
had all] the pe0ple of the earth gathered to- ther particulars that might be obferved in
gether againft them 5 yet fo potent and that verfe,
firong are they, through the Lord of holt
Deduétian to.
their God, as they lhould overcome them The tenth Dedufiion is from the {Eventh
all; they lhbuld be asa burdenfome llone, vcrf'c, where it is (aid, The Beaft that afcendé-
and lbould crufh in pieces, all that burden eth out ofthe bottomlqlfe pit, fhaU make wart-£38m.
themfelves with them. Therefore it would It doth enform us, that this title, The Beafl,
he wifdomein men, to beware how they" is the molt proper title ofthe Pope 5 as is e-
offer any violence toany one of the Saints v'dent in the comparing ofthe feveral pal-l‘
0F God, either to their lives-or liberties, ages in this prophefie, Where the Bealt is
how colourable f0 ever the pretenees be,up- mentionedtogethtr; which is donein the
0n which they doe it 5 fleeing it is fuch a explicatory part of this Difcourfe 5 where
dangerous thing to abul'e- Saints : ' as that i it appears evidently , that by the Beafl is
wron in'g them, men be devoured 01' de meant the P0pe: N0W in all the other pal--
firoie by them. And To lhave done with rages, ofthe prophefie ofthis boolt, Where
this particular alfo. .- a ' the Po e is mentioned 5t ' and in this fev'enth
a Definition eerie, he being called the Benji‘, it is evident,
' l a IIJC ~
_.:' .‘
‘ - , in
.AA_._“_ a


I . n Y

I 54.

Tbe'Applicat-ionl ¥
a- - I

. ‘The Application." -




that this is his moli .pr0per title. Though


the abominablenefle ofthe Pope; 'vvho for'_ l


it istrue, the Pope is-Antichriflian, y'et' we



his'oppofition to God, and his-aenmity to

doe no where, in the prophelie of this book,"
the Saints, is estpreli by a peculiar title, that“

nor in any Other Scripture .Where he is. ex-


is pr0per only to that Wicked one : to {he-w

preilL-ly {pokenofi linde the title of Antil- _
'- -
that he is above al others hateful and curfed. A _

chrili given to him. wBut generally, in the


- ~ And fecondly, I'doe the rather fpeak of '

Pl'Opl'lelie OFthiS book, and in' the pl‘0phe


this, becaule fome doe confilledly {beak of‘



ll lie ofeDcmz'el, where there are fome things

the Bcafl and Antichrill, confounding the

pken of him, heis called the'Beafl. And

Beafl with Antichrili, Whereas there be ma


for the ebefliz. Wherehe ismlfo exprelly l ny that are, and may he called Antichrills,
(poker: of, and plainly deferibed, ‘he is not efp'ecially Tome that are rilen' up lately,That'
called there Anticlu-ifl- neither, :but is there deny that Jefus is the Chrill, making thein~
called, ‘I'brzt man offiiz, tbeflm ofperdition, and {elves equal with-‘the Lord lelus Chrili: and
til/‘(ll Wifked.
Who do alfo deny, Thatlefils Chrili is come
Now it is faid,there are many Antichrifl s, in the fiefh 5 orat lcali haw ' a- light elleem‘
1-"o)!2 2.1 9. But it'is no where (aid, There
oi'Chrifls coming in the Heih ‘2 by looking-
are many Bcafls, and therefore he is called, upon that flelh, which W218 To nnited unto
TbeBeqfl, and that nian of finne, the fonne the God-head, as'wh'en the lite oFitWas-laid'
oerdition, and that wicked- g As we ufe down : it was laid t0 be' the life of
to fay, The King offnclfa Kin gdome 5 and God, I 701m 3.1‘6. as
The Governour oFfilch a place 5 and, The no * more to be e- *T/Jougb thatfle/b-M it was
Maior offuch'a City or-Town 5, importing effl'retl, up through-the eter-
lleemed then the flefh nal! [fairinwas
there. is bUt one: So the Pepeis called, The a propiriarion__
of'a common man. I far our find‘, and that blond
Beali. For though there be niany~-Anti~ lay th eTe, and filth as jb {bud did cleanfe m fiom
chrilis, yet there isbut one Beali 5 but one thefe are Antichrifis, allfin :J'e. tbatflefl: [b afar-i‘
Pope ,_ who‘ is, The Beali._ Idoethera- as is clear, I'jlolm 2. ed, did at once fanflifie and
ther oblerve this: ,firli to difcover, the ex? perfefi all Hm are
and 17%,“? 3. 4.10. and 17011.1bimya.
. ceediug greatnefle. of the wickedntfle‘, and " ,22' 7.‘ and
But though there be Heb-10.10.‘ and 14.‘ " '5 a
. the
many _


l ‘$6 ‘ Tige__Applimtia;z.,- _ ’

‘ [*Ibc Application. "157

,v ._,--__-j—\ ---,-.~_wmw-Ip:=

tMany Antiehrills, yet there is but one that



maybecalled the Beafl : but by confound; ' JCfilS Chrill, and all his Saints, that tmired

ing the Beall with Antichriit, fome look up~ this warre, it was a molt ‘righteous all" in

the Parliament, and all that did adhere to


on the Beaft onely as Antichrill, whereas


there be many Antichrifls, which are to be them, to oppofe him, and his party

reieéted and avoided, befldes the Beall; 1n 1t. .


But here by the Way Idefire to declare,


though they have more (pet-ions pretences

than the Bealls pretences now are, and are > That though I doe aFfirme, that that warre-
thereby the more like to prevail upon the was raifed by the Beafl, that curfed enemy
more knowing protefibrs ot'the time. So ofjefus Chi-ill: yet doe I not hereby con-
much for this particular. demn every-particula r man that did engage
' Deduéiion I I.
‘in this warre ; nor any particular mamhigh
Eleventhly, In the eleventh place,it fewest or low: forlknow not, but that it might
to juflifie the Parliament, and all that ioyn- be pollible, for fome by colourable preten-
ed with them in the late defenfive war.Now ces to-be drawn to engage in this warre,that
although they have been branded with the never intended to fight for the Beall, but on
odious titles ofRebels and Traitours, and the contrary-hatedhim. But this l aflirm,

that the generality of thofe (' elbecially of

what not : yet here theirjulliee and righte-


oufhes in that att, appears as' clear as the the chiefell) that engaged in this. warre,
Sunne. were fuch as were th'ereunto incited by

‘the BeaPt, and intended the advancement of

FOr firfi, we f'ee here, that the enemies
which they did oppofe was the Beall, that 'the-Beall.
did afcend out 0F the bottomlefl'e pit. And And now Ifay, feeing the warre,that was
railed againfi the Protellants in Ireland, and
'Who the Beall is, and how the Beall did ape-
pear tobe he, that did wage the late warre againfl'the‘Parliamtnt,and fueh as were ili~
led Puritan's and round- heads in England,
in England and Ireland ,is made evident in the
estplicatory part of this Dittour'fe. ‘Wasa'warre madeby the Beall, that afcend-
fince it was the Beafi, that curfed enemy of- Ed out ofthe hOt'tomlefl'e'piTt, and contrived
4. . * in Rome and ‘hell: (it was a mofl righteoub
Jelhs '
+ shins
_‘ / -.
I\ an." r*-'¢ T 1 _ , . 1 . . r ‘ \ ,_ r‘

I!” ‘ - - "1'58 ‘The Applicatim. ‘like Application. 159

7 thing fortheParliament,and tliofe that ad- for the Parliament, and thofé that ‘adhered
hered to them, to defend tlietiiie1ves againll to them, to oppofe the Beali, for. the ref-
~ it : God having put a power into their cning 0F, and preferving of the Saints of
E vhand s to do-it: and yet Were they no Rebels, ‘jefns Chrill , from the tyranny of the
1 unlelle it were rebellion to Oppofe th'c Pope Beali. " . ' . '
ll ‘and the devil. ' 1' ‘ ' lt being a righteous -a& ‘in Abraham to rel‘-
1f,‘ ' I And fecondly, The righteoufiiefie of the cue and deliverwone iufi Lot, From thofe that,
i ‘Parliament,and thole that adhered to them, Would have captivated hini, and his family:
l ' -is made further evident, by 'conlidering the It is much more a‘ righteohs a6}: in the Parli~
"ends Forwhich the Beali did raife this war; amentary party, to reltne and deliver, ‘all
l and ‘they were, . ; A the precious Saints ofjefns Chrill : (for al .
1 - 1 Firli, To deliroy the WitnellEs, to make, Saints had a [hare in this-deliverance) from
l‘;- --an utter end ofall the Saints and (ervants the cruelty and tyranny of the Beall, that
1 tot‘ Iefins Chrill, and to leave none that fought their mine. ‘But - '
i ~ {bould'oppole or {peaklagainll the Beafi, the Secondly, Their righteoufnefle in that
1'; ‘Pope, that lb he might bring all men into a a8‘, will appear, iF We confider the other
l: ~ :prof'efi'ed filbitiétlon to hinil'elf. And know- end of the Beali in the late warre, and that
i‘ .ing that the Puritans were the only obliru- *Wasto thrull out Jefus Chrifi, from raign-
' fliers hcreol'Ci'or others would callly enough ing as King, and to (‘ct 11p his owne King-
2* ‘have been perfwaded unto a uniformity,an‘d dome, by fubieé'ting the confciences of all
would fay, that there was little or nothing ‘that profelTe Jefus Chrill,b0th in this Kings-
-in=~the Romifl; doétrines , but might have ~-d0me, and all others, unto his laws. N ow
1 been imbrac'ed, rather then to make any di- this being his other great delign in that war;
l _ vilion, iF the Puritans were removed out of ‘it was a mofl righteous thing to oppofe him
theway) therefore one main end the, Beaii in it._ And it had been a great finne Forthe
had in'this warre,was t0 overcome the'Wiv Parliament to floop themielves, and to full
nelTes." Now this being one‘ end of the fer all therefi in the Kingdome, ‘thus to be
Seal} in‘ that warre,it was a righteous thing fabjcéted to the Beafi 5 and lay afide the Refi-
,i'f'i - 1 t 10L‘ - 1 ga 1
1 '56 ' The Application. ‘The Applicatiofi. I6 I
gall power icfilSCllFillI-Z God having put ' Now the Parliament, and thol'e that ad‘
power into their hands, to Oppofe the Beall hered to them, having in the late deft-n"
erem. five warre, in part fulfilled that righte-
Thus, the ri, hteoul'nefli: of thol'e that did ous fentence ofGod upon Babylon; it'doth
o ofe the Heal}, appears, if welook upon therein 'moll clearly appear to be a righteous
5:11:a ends of the Beaft in that warre. act.
n Dedutflion 1 2 .
Tliirdly, Their righteoufiiefl'e in that ail: - TWcthly, In the next place here is a dif-
of}! pofing the Beafi, is made the farther covery of the realbn why the Parliamentary
c 1 ent, becaufi: it is in part a fulfilling of .Army, did not more prevail for the firli
that righteous fentence, which God hath three years and an hall", and Why after that
pali upon the Beamkwel. 1 8.6,7. where God period oftime it was Po filccefiefilll and vi--s
faies to his people thus, Reward ‘bar even as ttorions : Thoreafon ol'ithere plainly ap-
[be rewardedjau, and-double unto ber, double ac;- pears t-o be, becaufe it was ( according to
cording to ber work; 5 in the-rap which [be bath fil- lore-appointment) the minde 0F God, to
led, ll toberllouble : bow mucbfbe bath glorified have his people brought to a low ebb, for’
ber elf, and lived delicioufly, jb mud: torment aml fuch aperiod oftime; f0 that they {houltl
[arrow give ber. Now ' this fentence is in this be lookt upon as dead men, and the enemy
warrc (wherein the Beali hath been oven- fllould rejoyce over them, as if they were all
come, and his deli ns frnlirated, and a tenth totally overcome for three years and an
part ofBaby/o'n is. allen ) in part fulfilled: half: Andfince itwas f0, it was not polli-
‘for in this Wardc Babylon hath in part had of ble For the inllruments that were then ime-
the lame cup, wh n11 {he filled to the Saints, ploied, if they had been never {0 faithFull,
as {he overcame them, f0 they have in part f0 a'ii'ive and diligent, to do any more,then
overcome her ; and this is thefbeginning of that which God had railed them up For;
her tormems, which are coming ‘on a ate, which was only to keep the dead bodies of
and ere long the en that lhehath filled,lhall his people from being buried: and f0 much
' be'fill'ed to her dot‘ le. they did : they llill deFended-thecaufe of the
Now’- M
Witnel; -
"TYw- T, w _.
.-' 17"
_ _ 1.... . J .- ._.
a ‘

162 ‘The Applicatihn. ..- The‘ Application.“ I 63‘

Witnel'fcs' againll the enemy, f0 as it was ees Werenpon which they were drawne to
only kept, as it were above-ground,thou,gh engage in it: and therefore ifthey deflre t0
it feemed to be as dead. And fo God would be enemies to the Beall, let them be enemies
have it to be, fer the firll three yeares- and to thisafit oftheirs : for in it they went a-
an half : bnt when the firli three years and bout to fupport the Beafl, though it was in

an half'were compleatly<according to Scri- vain, the. time of his ruine being come: and
pture aeco!1nt)e>tpii'ed5 then it was not pof- therefore it behoves them to repent of what
lible, for the adverfe party to prevall over

they have done in ‘it-,for it is not good pre-

J.‘ .‘H

them 5 for then the time was come , 1n tences can inflitie an evil ailion. It would

Whieh the W itnelles were to be ralfed, and be their wifdome therefore, now at la-il to

then theSpirit of life from God entee 1n- renounce it,as they renounce the Beafi him-
to them-z and that was the reafon why they ielf. And '
went on like attive, living men, f0 coura~ Secondly, It concerns them to repent: of
gioully and vi&orioufly : for God had ap- this deed of theirs , confidering againlt

pointed them to carry on lllS worke,for the whom they fought

) , nOt againft ordinary

fall- of this Kingdom from Rome. men, but againft the

‘-‘ '


Deduttipn 13. . - choifeli of * men,the *Though Ifny that it .


e, this ferve s ' Witnefi ts and fer- wttt agaitzjt the chotfejt


Thirteenth, In the next


to exhort all thole that were drawne to en- * vants of lelhs Chrifl:

ofmetz 5 yet I doe'tzot


gage in the late war againll the Parliament,- nay they fought not

here/1y afiirme, That [a]!


and thofe godly people that adhered to againll them onely,

J‘? “"h

that were engaged on

.- -._—_- an" 1' -l~ w ‘_';_‘: I‘ .i

them, to relinquil htha t aft of their s. And but 'again ll Iefus that/Ede, itzan outward
_ _ .

that, . Chrifi: for as ‘lefus oppofition , were the

' Fi-rll, Becaufe it is f0 apparent,tha t 1n f0 Chri ll faith to his choifeft ofmen: forfitme
v -. -

doing, they were inflruntems of upholding Dit'ciples, That the that were otz that fide,

the Kingdome of the Beat-i, and that they.-

world ‘hated them, might he tn had at 'jbme
‘ 'did in it endeavour to fu port thE-Beall, as I
hecattfe 1t hated him; on the other fide afar
‘y ' and
much as in them lay, w atever the pretc; \ he that hatetb fame 0f the nations, and
.,; t . M 2 bin,’
'16-4. The ‘Application. "e ‘The Application. i'6 5
lejlzdredr, 22ml tongues, bitn, hater/J the Fatl'er plate, ‘and disburliug money ? And have '
am! people t/mt were di- al/o, }0I1.15.18.& 23. youlimt horfes, and arms, and provifions
fiirzéffi'omtbe IVimefl'er So it may be faid, to the Army .P And have your fervants or
did help the IVimefler, - that they that fought children, oryourl'eNesin perfon, been a~
{tribe eartl) we; [aid ‘to againll the Saints of finally-in that warre ? You have cattle to
kelp tbe woman, Revel. Ielits Chrift, fought reioyce in all that you have done therein:
12.16. againit lefus Chriil for you (ee it was a moll jufil and righteous
himfelf', and againlt ' aft, and God hath by it brought a moil glo-
the Father ali'o. Now therefore, you that rious worke to palTe, in the bringing this
were active in that quarrel of the Beafi,how Kingdomefrom that valiallage to Rome, in
doth it con :ern you to renounce What you which it hath been this twelve hundred
have done therein? leafl you be Found to be years, and putting the cup oftrembling in~
fighters againli God : and let no longer a i to the hands oFthe enemies of Iefits Ch rill,
Ibirit of‘ enmity and difference remain be-- the dregs Whereot'they [hall at Jail take oli‘.
tween you, and thofe that you oppofed m And therefore you have no cattle to repent,
‘that particular, but be of one minde with. but to relioyce in what you have done ther
them, in a mutuall oppofing of the Beall e-
in; torejoyce that you had the honour tq
' ‘With them. And this doe, leailt perfilling' be in any meafu re inflruments 0F promoting
in that way of‘defending the Beali, you be fuch a caule rand iFyou (uttered any lolie
'deilroied With the Beall. s,
- by being oppofers of the adverie party, yet
Deduéiion 14.. ' a it was fl'trrebetter to be lufers
Fourteen thly, In the neXt place it (‘n- in Oppoliflg.
them, then in any meafilre to comply with
formes all thol'e that did engage in the late " "7 them. And you that have received Wounds,
defenfive warre, that they have caule to re- or loli limbs, for promoting that cattle may

joyce in what they have done, in_that partl- glory in them : For what foever you have

eular, and'no caufe to repent oi it. Have herein done, or filliered, it hath. been in, A
3,; ‘
you contributed to the maintenance of the, and for oppofing that grand enemy of Iefils
Warre in England and Ireland, by lending 3 Chrtll, The Benji, and in being inflruments
/\ ‘
3 __ ‘ _ Ms
iv --
t '7‘ '7 .



The plimtian. j

The Application. 1-6;} -'




the orderers oftheir own worfhip, t-


of bringing Gods defigne to pafie, for the f

ruining of great Babylon, and the fitting up O that thefe men therefore might be

the Kingdome oielefus Chrili. And there- convinced 0F their errour, in impoiing their
w-—'- 7—~ . .

fore, how ever you feem to be rewarded of lawes upon the confciences 0F Saints, and
men for itgyet never repent ofit,but rejoyce ' conliraining them to worihip'Gotl,accord-

, in what you have done in itI ing to the rules that they have hannnered
Deduflion 1'5. \ outfrom them; though they dare nor af-

Fifteenthly, ln the neXt place this may hrme that they themfelves are infallible:
convince thole oiqtheir errour, that take to for finely, if they perfili in it, God who is

themfelves a power over the confcienees of ‘jealous ot'his glory, and will not give it to

Saints,t0 rule over them,and make laws For another, will break out in the fire 0F his
them, and to force them to obedience to jealoulie againii them, as well as againli the
thofe laws. ~ Beafi, that great man oFlin, whojlitteth in
Letfuch ferioufly confider this, that this the Temple of God, and takes upon him
is apparently that curlecl power that the to make lawes as God. "It concerns them
Beaii hath ulhrpt to himlelf, or at leali it therefore , to beware how they goe on in
had no other Donor then the Dragon, the thefe Waies, leali they be deliroyed With
old Serpent, the Devil; who gave the Beafl: that {on ot'perdition. '
his Power and Seat, and great authority. Again, Let filch conlider , that all tho'ft:
And by this Power the Bilhop of Rome, firli that (‘Yer exercifed this power, for the ge-
became, and Hill continues to be the Beafl. neralll'ty 0F them were alwaies enemies 0i:
' And this is a Power that is abhorred of the moli precious, and molt {pirituall
God 5 for thoie men that exercife this Pow -: . Saints; and were Followed with a curfe. Let‘
_ er, doe take away the legiflative power of them but look upon the Bifhops, and gene-
God, whois the King, the Judge, and the rally they Were enemies of‘ Saints, and a
LAW-(RIVER of his Saints; and doe give eurliirefled on them, even a blindenefle of
Ielhs Chrifl lefie honour, then the Heathens' minde, and hardnefle of heart; and at lalt' .
w them to gel
,doe their idols, who doe allo it e
‘ they were brought dowu, and [haule and
' M 4 ,_ 'con-
‘I i ‘l-Ji-L‘..Lt .._ i -,.
_ iii q, i flaw, ‘ .77... .- .7 t iv

a ‘ y

' ‘1'68’ {The Applieation. ‘

1 ‘_.

l. The Application. . I 69- -

_ contempt 'call upon them. England being thus fallen, is become a pre-_-
' And it may be fome ofyou, that have en- fident to the other Kingdomes fo to doe, e
deavoured to take the fame power, ‘have and lhall not return to liome again, for
oppoled the Bilhops for the fame thing : O ngland and all the other Kingdomes mull
therefore, that in the conlideration _ heerof hate the whore, and make her defolate.
you might at lali lay dowu that impoling And thus much I tannOt but (peake, to
pOWer, although thereby yonmay feem you "that endeavour to take fuch a power
tolofe, that honour that you feek from upon you, whethe fyou will hear, or whe- -
men, and to lofe much of thefe outward ther you will forbear.
things, the things 0F the world, which at Dcduéiion 1 6.
bell are but vanity :for it is far better to be I 6. The next particular arifing From
Without thefe,'aud have a' good confciencc, thefe verfes thus Opened, is an exhortation
than to enjoy much of theFe, either with a to all the Saints in England, to dwell toge-
troubled, or feared confcience, and ahar-. ther in unity. O you precious [onnes and
dened heart. Itis better to be at enmity daughters of the Almighty, the Saints, and
with the Beall heerin, and lofe much of Witneffes of the Lord ilelhs Ch rill, that are
the world, then to enjoy abundance ofthe in this Kingdome of England, Confider you
world, and foon after to perilhwith the what your condition was about (even or
Beafl. eight year a go 5 at what time you were
Again, This let me tell you with all, trampled upon by the Bilhops ( which was '
that itlyou {hall perlili‘, ‘in endeavouring a trt ading under foot ofthe Beaft) Call to
to get lilch an impoling power (it being minde how (ome of you were pillored, and
that by which the Beafl raigns in any had_your eares cropt and many of you im-
place wheresit is)it is'in vain for you to en- ~ priloned, and fined, and by feverall Other
deavour it in England, for England is fallen Waies were perfecuted, and troubled by the
from Home, and is no more a rpart ofRome; members of the Beafi your adverlaries : and
and therefore it is in'vain to eeke to exer- that‘ onely for aeting that‘ which in your _
cife a Romilh power any longer in it. And coulcienee, you were parfwaded was ‘accor-
‘ England ding ‘ I '_
The Application: . I7!
'diugtO the minde ‘ofGodgaud which iFyOh was a grief, and burden to all your fpirits,
had for fear of men, or for any other rea- to fee the enemies oflefils Chrill to prevail
fon left undone, your confcience told you, ' f0 much, and you all, both Presbyterians,
‘that you lhould in lo doing be dii'obedienc - Independents andAnabaptilis ‘did pour out
to your heavenly Father. I fay, call thefe many effectual, fetvent praiers- againfi the
‘things to minde, and what a great premire Beaii, and the Bilh0ps his adherents in Eng-
it was to your {pirit, tha t you ‘ could not lanai. ‘
with liberty , and ficgdome follow the Again, Conlider, as the Beali was thus
Lamb; but men did what in them ‘lay- an enemy to you all alike, f0 it was a mercy
to enforce you to worlhip the Beali, and to to you all alike, when in the year 1645.
embrace For doetrine, the commandments God gave you all, a full victory over the
l 0Fmen. O how grievious was this Oppref- adherents ofthe Beall in this Kingdom : For
fiOn to you l And what a burden was it? then the Bilh0ps, and them that fought for
And how did you groan in your fpirirs t0 them (and in them the Be-ali) was over-
' be delivered? What a grief was it to you come. And this, l fay, was amercy to
to lee precious Saints cruelly, and ridgedly you all alike, and it was alike anfwer to all
dealt With , by the enemies 0F Ielils Ch rili? your praiers, and alikeioy to all your fpiq
And how many frequent prayers did your ,rits, to fee your enemies, and the enemies
fouls breath out, and lift up to heaven a- ofjefils Chriii overeome. And now lince
’ ainll: your enemies, and For deliverance, you are all children of the lame Father, and
gom their yoake of bondage? I fay, call have all one Lord ICfilS Chrill, and have all
'thefe things to minde, and remember that one Spirit, and have all drank of one cup
this was the condition of you all, whether ofafiiietion, and had all one common ene-'
V on are fuch as are fonimonly called Prelé my thathated you all, and perfecuted you
rgy'terianspr lndepe ndents,orAnabaptilis,iF all, becaufe you had all the one holy Spirit
‘you ‘Were Saints, il you loved the Lord lo- of the Father, and oFthe Son in you: and l
‘q Chrill in fincerity, you Were all a like fince your Father in love to you all, and in-
hated of}, and oppofed by the Beall: and it
anfwer to the praiers of you all, gave YOl;
was j a1 -
\"--..:_4~ a V. mirajaag. “Hui ' . --_.--__ . II‘? .V-... i V l - _ v- ‘i'._A___a4L‘L.J.
’" P1";~'.'rvvwx"ry_. .

.172‘ ‘Ibe- Application. ' The Application. I73

all alike deliverance from that enemy of And What though (ome are Presbyterians'
you all. Ouuite, unite, unite! liuce'your ' and fome Independents, as they are com-

God hath made you one in his love, O be

monly dillinguiflied P Though l could wifh,

you one in your love one to anorher! and that thefe diltinéiions ofdi ilerence might be
let it'appear that you dwell in God,by dwel- all laid alide, and that'all that belong'to
ling in love.What a low,unworthy thing is Jclus Chrill might only be called Saints,
it, for You that dwell in God,to grow cold and the Fervants oflefus Chrill,and byfuch
in love towards your brethren, the children generall exPreflions as include them all,
0Fyour Father, for differing from you in ' though they [till differin circumllances: {be
judgement, in lbme circumfiantiall things‘ there were no filch dillinfiions ultd among
only .P What iFfome be weak, and doe not Saints in the primitive times, though there
know f0 much of the minde ofGod,in fome were differences in fonle circumflances. But
circunlllantial things as you ( whether you‘ I Fay, What though {ome are Presbyterians
be Presbyteriaus, Independents or Anaba- and (blue Anabaptillsfiw? Yet if they are
ptilis) conceive you doe? Will you there- fuch as you judge to be in Chrill lefus, and
fore not love your weak brother, For whom to be beloved of the Father: refolve you in
Chrifl died, and Who is beloved ofyour Fa- the ll'r'ength-of Ghrill , to filller none of
ther, becaufe yourFatlier in his Wifdome, their di'rlercnces from you in judgement, to
hath yet with-held that light From him, with-draw your affeil'ions From them : but
which he hath given to you ? What ayweak- lince you love your God and Father, love
nec is this in you thus to doe ? Doe ydu you his beloved children, and your bre-
' not lmOW, that it is’ nOt For your merits thren : and lince you fincerely love the
that you have more then him, but it was l Lord _]'efus Chrill, let it appear in loving
from grace, From Free fimurthat you have ' _ ofthofe upon whom "hisitnage is {lampt :
it? And d0th what you have received from For there is, no reafon, why you fhould not
grace, workefuch an effect in you, as to love Presbyteriaus ,- as well as Independ-
' make you grow cold in love toward your ents, and Anabaptills. as well as Presbyte-
' brethren ? O let it be far Frem youl rians, (M. unlcfle you look upon them as
\ .
, And no _
~ ‘1.;_rilxa_xlu»iaeuumdtn..'.Ik_-.._r' . “Mi ‘ 1 '
_ ‘ht'lqm' :7 7
" "r “"“Y'I' .

174- Tbe Application. ‘Ihe, 1Applicatim. I 7'5 h

no Saints, as" fuch as are no lovers of’the pf them, being the Witnefies 0F lefus
Lord lefus :_ but if you look upon them as Chrili) they Were the primary or firft in-
Saints, then if you love the Lord lefus,you flruments, that God mademife ofto defend
cannot but love them , what A, ever their the caufe of his people, and t0 prelErve
judgements be. And if yot1‘.ble*'tleficie11t them _ from the tyranny and fury of the
herein, you are to condemn your felves in Bealt.
it, ‘and to be humbled for it. And hence- Now you being the firft inflruments that
forth, confidering the onenefle that is be- _ A God made ufe 0F, to plead the caufe of his
tween you all, what ever your judgements pe0ple, God having into your hand firli
are, and that you have been as one in your put the power of Oppoling the Beafi: and
fufitrings, and as one in deliverances from that Wonderfull hath been the fpirit ofcou-
fufierings, doe-you {till be one in love, and rage and coullancy, thathath been put up-
then upon you a!!! tbe Lord command the hie/ling, on you in that high Court of Parliament,
even life for evermore. Pfal.133.3. that make it your delign t0 advance the ho-
. Deduéiion I7. nour ofjefus Chriil, and the good of the
' 117; The neXt, and the main Dedufiion Saints, and ofall the Subjca's ofthis King-
that flows from thefe verf'es, being thus ex- do me in generall: (o that though you have
plained , is a lpeciall encouragement, in been oppolEd by great and potent enemies,
particular t0 the high and honourable yet your courage hath not failed, but you
Court ofParliament, and to hisExcellen- have perfilled tonilant, in prolecuting the ~
eye the Lord FAIRFAX , and the ho- fame delignes, fince you firll began to 0
nou red his Councell of Warre, and all in- pOlE SIM/ford and Canter/Jury, in 164.1. unto
feriour Oliicers and Souldiers, and in gene-z the year 16451,. llill oppoling the adverle
rall to all the Witnefliés of jefils Chrill in party; and you havel not battly complied
thi$.K__i_ngdon1 of England. with them (though fome corrupt. mem-
45114“, ‘It is offpeciall encouragement un- bers diferted you, and did f0) but you fiill,
tothehlgh and honourable Court of Pan- l iiuck to your firli- principles 5 and God ha- '
l-iament-g for as muchas ( a great number ' _ Ving put power into your hands, hath ina-
of bled . \
. h. “Meet-‘an V x.‘ . :. .q\r‘4_ Ll...‘-
'176 {The Application. . The Application. , 177
bled you to carry on his defigne in the thought they had been‘ f0 {lain ,' as they
"Worli of times, and after all,‘ having gra- ihould never recover life again; your Ar- '
'cioully given you good fuccefit, to your un- mies being overconie , and your Gariibns
wearied pains and labours thorow which . being polTe-HEd by the enemy, and after three
iyouhad gOne, by giving you-a happy con- years and an ‘half, the Spirit 0F life being
queli over your enemies. put upon yourArmy, and they, a; it i; writ-
And in all this, the word 0F God being ten, lianding upon their feet, and therein at
fillfilled , thefe things being according t0 the fame time, England being fallen from
whatis written, even your being firli laid the Beafl, From being a part-of great Baby-
low, and alfo your railing again, it being lon, and thisin the year 1645. and that
Written, predeclared, that the Beali lhould yearbeing the year, wherein it is written,
make Warre with the Witnelits(of Whom The prevailinv power of the Beali [hould
‘you are a part , and whole caufe you de- come toap'eri'od. Ifay, theft: things be~
fend ) and lhould overcome them, and kill ing to, here is fpecial incouragemeut to you
them, and that they fhould lie dead three WitnelTes, in the high Court of Parlia-
years and an half, and after three years and ment, to goe on in defending that cattle,
an half, lhould be railed to the terrour of that God hath given you the honour hither-r
theirenemies, and that in their rifing, a to, to be inliruments of defending : I Fay,eo
tenth part 0F Babylon fhould fall, @“c. There go on to deFend it. And that,
‘things being written and Fulfilled, the Beafl , Firfi, By doing juliice upon your, and
y. having made warre againii the Witnelies' the enemies of Jefus Chrili. _ Hath God de-
( Whole caufe you have been principle in- liyere'd any 0F the ‘chieFafiours of this {ill-.-
firuments ofdetending againfi him, and his naturall, bloudy warre into your hands?
adherents,) and having overcome them then you bein' -a-Civi‘l POWer, ordained of
and killed them, both in England and Ire- God, are tOI'dUe inflice upon evil doers : for
". - . land, ‘and they being dead for threeyears the Apollle raitihol'la Ruler, Rom.13.4.-. He
I‘ ‘and an‘ 'halF, the enemy reioycing Over §/ htbe minifierlof- 80d, and be bearetb not the fivord
them , and making merry, beeaufe they inpain : ‘fqribf-‘imbc minifier'af God, . a rey'eriger
‘ - . . thought 1: l . N [g
h_-- 7
a » . l I .1" $- 7.1)‘ l t . 7L‘
.‘Ilae ‘Application. ' i f'
The-'flppliqarim ' ' 15.79

' 64.5
to execute wrath “Pen lim that" doth evil; ' A 11d‘ ‘ .iurifdiélion a.’ lntheritheyibe fileh'as are"
they are evil~doers in a high degree, that commonly called ‘Presbytenians or‘ lucid-t
are theeves and murderers: and lueh are the pendents , 401';'A-n-abaptil'lsag ‘the. evenotot
chiefaflzours of an uniull warre. "Now if‘ deal- well With then15 andlall .the Subjeiisrof
God have delivered any lueh into your tl1¢.JKinnllle ,' .and.'to§.undoe the heavy“;
hands, you are to exeeuce wrath upon them: burdens, and to let-the opprefled-Tgoe flee,’
tor it is an obfervable allage, I n.2o.42. ' and .to brealnery; yokei, l and toeiiabl'iflfi

The Prophet of the ford there tels Ahab “ jull-and rigllt-eousilawsq .efay, here-‘Elbert’: ‘
King of Ifrael, afterhe had let Benlmd'ad King ' '- -c_iall encouragement for you .to ‘doe thu'sg
oiiria, Whom the Lord had delivered in- _ {Orin doing:t_l'1us,.3io,u,lhall.profper.and
to his hand, to go awaywith his like, that '. ~. become a _ glory t0 thejliigilgddule 5 and-no‘;
Ahab: lifelhould goe for his life. There= enemy {hall ever henceforth-heame to pee--
fore it is no: faFe, to negl'efi' doing jullice ml. againilwouzhfor though-formerly you.
Upon filth perfons, although they ._ eoulent were brought into alow. coilditionb..'-_and. -
tofueh Articles ofagreement :('a bein eon-'- ‘the enemypreyailed oven you with alvlery, ,
ih'aiued to doe it, for their own en s) as highhandg; yethezicefortl1-;Cl1¢ enemy lhall!’
Ben/Mtlad did, I King.2'o.34. Now you in no more prevail againfl you; alth'oughitheyq.
the high Court of Parliament, ,Wh'om ‘God - Were in number- a hundred thouland more
hath honoured to be the chief in'flrunlents t»!mnj;he§iaret 5, ' i .- ','~. ‘a .- l ~.
of defending the righteous caule o?’ the U~ And fecondly, Fromlthefe-verfes- thus ‘oi-s i
\VitnellZ's , have fpeciall encouragement Pfimd f, hereigis fpceiall j encouragement, rin‘
to goe on to execute lull wrath upon fuehf particular‘, - for his Excellency“ the Lord.-
grolle evil doers, without fear. . - , ' FA IR F A X,_-a|1d_ theihoneed, Counsel-
And alfo feeondly, "You have encourage-__ qf-‘warre :afin'ge as the .P-l!‘li;i,ment~ anesthe-
ment to goe on, to deal well‘ With tall, the i prtmary, lo they are the fetbndary infirm.
'Wimefles and fervants ofjel'us, Cheili, that; men-ts,- ofdetending the-eaufe ohthc {Saint-s,
walk foberly and iul'lly toward men, and 0.56.04 againfi {11¢ Beafl, -~No,w,: lime-you,
‘ holily towards God, that are ‘under your ind- the Armyundfir' you gran efpe'cial man-z
' jurifdiétion 5 2 ner
, '3'" “i
._ _'.V\"_;.44~ -__.L-‘J._‘ ._._"
L86 The Apylieatiénl . _ . .1135?‘plicatiofl. ‘ 5181 ' "
ner. (Paecordingrtoiwhat is Written, and de-ri' ' " your encouragement, that-in fo' doing; 1s '
eladred long ago'e)? Were they that had a (pi-- you have alwaies been fince 1645. Soyou.
nit oflife from Gdd'iput up'omyou, inlthe ; - .fliall ever be conqueroursin allthe battles:
year'iétps. Whereby life wds “put into all _ , you fight, and overcomers'of all ~theene-
the Witneffes; and whereby you were -ina-¢‘- .mies-with whom you encounter, no wea~
bled tone’: like living men,~i m'ein that had 'a 0 ponfthatis formed againll you [hall prdil
l'ifelfrom God,‘ "in ‘the oVercomi-‘ng the Beafl: ' per, nor no enemy [hall be able to itandbe-
and‘ hiis adhetent-s in fthisi Kingdom :@ and fore you; yea though all the people of ‘the
feeinglyou hav'e been infhnmtnts ofdefendé- Earth lhould be gathered together againfl:
Fingthat caulk 'eve'hfince : I‘ Fayyrfeéing‘ God; '_ you, yet you fllOllld be but as‘ a burthent
had“ hOHOllW-‘d you, To as to make you fuché -- ' fomefione unto them, and all that but-
eminent inflruiiiefits ' Of this great ' workcy den th-emfel-ves With you, {bould-be broken
andvthe hearts-oftill ‘the Saints in- England,-' - in pieces.
dre'ge-n'erally knit!‘ unto you, ‘and the eyes And thirdly, Here is fpeciall encoumg'e-
. ofiz'allfithe Saint's! in England ‘ate-uponyotif .ment, for all the Saints in England in gene?-
dioilf Noble General, and'Worthy Com‘: ml], to be ofgood courage, not to fear the
mat-riders '5 here is,-'<I Fay, fpeeial encourage-r menaces 0r threatnings of'any enemy z.‘ for
.me'nt' forlyou/t'o gee on ilill to improve the‘ no enemy {hall ever any more » prevail; over
power that Go'd hath given-you, for the, them. - ' ' - -, , y
timeendii'or-whiichiti- Was given you, viz. . e Now what Ifay, for the encouragement
The fuppreifinlg’ ‘ofthe Beaflf, "and defending; .oF the Parliament , and of ‘the Genera“,
dilmhe Saint's nhd'fervants ‘of! jeihsi Chrrifi, and chief Commanders‘ ofthe Army in par-
iii-this Kingdom'ey ~and to'goe on (‘having- . - ticulztr," and ofalltthe-Saints. in Eiiglflfldv-ifl
t41.le'ltonour of- {Iefiis Cfirifi," and . hot.- your,‘ general], is clearly grounded in the Sfifip'f
W"; and P'ubh'lk-e good more“. ‘thin ‘prim-e
ends} in ' your' eye; and in‘ ‘your heart )Y ' to,
‘tune, alnd therefore is itun ueliionable,;and
to be repeived and obferved of the Parlia-
endeavour- mama iu-lfiice'and 'Jtigbte'oufizefi? nlent, Army and Saints in England. lndttd
toxaboun'd in this’ Kingdonie .and this- ‘iv’ 1f I mould-declare any thing to you, and
your v N .3 '
r, '
\1¢‘~£ s
.‘,_.‘.,:-l, " "_"\

' . The Application.

' ‘)-

1-7 l/zgilgfi I ~ TbeApplic/ztion; - 183

11, > -.- tell-you that I'had'itb vi'fion or revelati-' an Angel from heaven, fhould bring any
.1011,- andit-were not apparent tin Scripture, mefiage which is not confonant unto the
.l'knowno' Warrant you had to receive it, ' Word, which you have already received in
or to have ‘anylconfidence. 0f it 1 For a?) the Scripture, you are not to be lhalren in
---Pa'ul {peaking of the day 01': Chrili, faithto minds, nor to be troubled by it, .nor to im-
the ‘Ibeflaloniam , New we/befeerb you by the brace it. But now the Scripture grounds,
ramming oft/1e Lord ffefm Cbriflp and by"? upon which I doe for their encouragement;
gathering unto him, that you be not foo): ‘[54- declare and allirme, Thacrhe Parliament, _
*keiz-in minde, nor be troubled, neither by'jji-_ and the Army in profecuting the righteous
tit‘,- izor by word, nor by lette'r,"rn fi'om m’, 4r caule oft he Saints ( and that all the Saints
1],t the day of Cbrijli; at band 5 Let no man oftEngland in generall) {hall all overcome
fdeeeive you- [91 an} mean! 5ft)?‘- tba' d4)’, I'M” their enemies, and go on victorioully hence
not come’, except tbere cqme a. falling away forward are thefe. ' '
firfl, ‘Ste. So may I lay, you have real'on Firli,.Becaul'e theWitnelTes are railE'd
tofbcware that: you be not foon lhaken in from the dead, The Spirit oflife from God
I-‘rn'inde, ortrbubled, neither by lpirit, 'nor . ' is entered into them, and they doliandup-
byword, nor by letterirom any, concern- 'on their Feet.
ing" any thing f‘or which‘ theydoe not bring -- Secondly, Becatlle England is Fallen From
aword (mm the Scripture ; and let no man Rome, and is no morea tenth part of that
idec'eiv'e you ,f for you may be deluded and great niyliical Babylon. '
- 'de-C'eit'red, it‘you receive any thing From any, Tnirdly, Beca'ule the one thoufitnd two
"Which is not according to what is revealed hundred and threefcore years, in which the

‘in the Scripture, as the young Prophet was. r . Beafi was to tread theholyCity under foot,


"delud'ed'by the old Prophet , when he recei- did CXPlfl’. in 1 645.



‘iv'edtthat Doctrine which was contrary to Now the firfl oFtliefe grounds, is evident-
-_~1:,‘f‘_‘-l"fa' --p-'-*-"~‘-‘

. 1y drawn from Scripture, as appears in the

"the-Word o'F-the- Lord, which before he had ,'


5': ‘received: So may you,“ ifyou lhould l'o doc.

eXplie-atory part of this Dilbeurlh; where


ftereforeifa ‘Prophet, oran. Apoiile, or 1t 1s evident, Tnat thatiqgreat and confiden-

' , an able. _ .
_ _‘ Y,

' i - _ _ t
.q_ >

.l 1' JJ

t - 'L;w ‘RA Ls.’ .krai. ‘A.-

“vi-.7 _t
"1,84 rite-‘Application; ‘The'Appl'z'eationl ,- 5'18;
able number of Saints in " England, and all Saints in England,- and tho-{e 'Wortltiesfiu
reall Saintsofjefits Chriii, of Whom it is theParliament: of England, and .thei-rAr?
fitid, That the Bea/t‘ [hen/d make matte 4-‘ my, who have been infiruments of bring,’
gttitzfl them, and overcome them, and ‘that they i-ng dowu the. power of the Beall, in Eng
{bettltl lie dead thre'e )eart and an half, the Jami, be encohraged to continue Oppofing
Spirit of life fiom God ‘(hould enter into them
and they '[houldflaud upon their feet, t0 the fear
the Beali, and ailing iultly and righte-i-w”
sou-fly toward all, and be afhtred (God
of‘ their enemies, and to 'the glory of their
having put a Spirit of life ‘upon them,
_ God. And it is evident, that this whic and made them, to Rand upon their feet)
this Scriptrre hath Faid of them, is pun- they lhall overcome every enemy, that
(finally come to palle 5 ' The Beali did {hall rife Up agaihll them , and the ene-'
make Waste againli all Saints, in ma- mie in no battle, {hall be'able to {land
king warre againfi that great number of . betbre'them, gino'r give'them' one defeat,
the Saints in England in the late warre, but {hall fall before them, and bee cur
the Bead did overcome them, and kill .dovvnejas moWne grafie, and the men
them, and they. were myllically dead for of warre {hall not findc their hands, bat
three years and an halfe, and as foon as turne their backs , and flee before them ':
the three yeares and an halfewere com- for they {hallnow finde them living men,

pleatly- €Xpll‘€d , the Spirit of life from. fuch as have aSpirit of life from God pm:
God entered into them, a Spirit of lite,

upon them. -
"-l- _ _,_t__

vigour and courage was put upon them, I a .


and they did. no longer lie as dead men,

‘.1; \ ‘-;;

The fecond ground, Upon which‘I ail-

but like living men , they flood upon firme , That no enemy [hall be ever able

their feet, to the fear and amazement of to prevail over them, is clear in Scri-
their enemies, and to ‘the glory ‘of their pture. For it is‘ allb-Cvident' iii (the EX»
_ God, who had put fiioh a Spirit plicato-ry part ‘of this Difcourf'e, That
‘Of ‘(i5
gout, and courage up'on them. England isl that ‘tenth part
now upon this ground, may all their of the Citiqs‘
. - which
‘ - ‘.d-a .-._
L_ hit-l). ~.t.“- ' -grm .,_..___.¢ I n
i 8‘ E86 The‘ plicatiok.‘ ‘The Applications‘ -‘ ' i197...»
Whichthe holtholt in 1 this Scripture overcome all the enemies Ithat *lhall- rit'e
‘fpeaksof, where it is (aid, That upon ‘i up againfl them, is evident alfo in Scri-t
the ‘railing of the‘ Witnel , and ‘their- .pture': for it appears alto in the ExPli-
having a Spirit of life from God put in- catory part of this Difcourfe, That the
to them, and their Handing upon their one thoufand two hundred and three-j
feet, A temb part of the City fell. And it ~ ,fcore daies, in'Which it. ~is {aid in this
alfo appears, That England being that, _ Scripture, That the holy Citie {hould be
tenth part 0f the, City, is fallen from .troden under foot , and that the Wit-
myliicall Babylon, and is no longer a A-nefl'es lhould be in lack-cloth , by reafon
part of it, but is overcome ‘by the Lord ‘of the ‘Gentiles, the fpirituall Babylonié
Ielhs, hee is now King of 1t , who is ans tyrannizing oil/er them , i6 one thou-
King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, who fand two hundred and threefcore yeares,
will keep it for himfelfe, and will not and ‘did .eXpire, ‘Anna Domini 1645., as zip-'-
filfi.“ it to be {ubjefited to the Beali any _ peares by Computing the time of the
more: The Saints in England. are brought Beafi’s continuance ( as it ought to bee
outof the bondage of myitieall Baby~ computed) by the Scripture account :
l-on, and [hall return no more to it, and find alfo, this one thoufind two hun-
therefore they may be conhdent, That‘ dred and threelcore yeares of ~the Beali’s
none of the Ptomilh. power, of any of . eontinuance, appeares to be then expi-
the other nine Kingdomet, neither thole .-red ,lhecaufe it is laid , That when the
that are more remote,‘ or thofe that are Witnelles had finilhed their pr0phelic in
nearer neighbours to it, [hall ever be able fuck-cloth, that then the Beali lhould‘
‘to prevail overEngland. make warre with them, and overcome
them. Now the Beat} havmg made
-.Thipdly, The third ground of my ail. .‘warre-againfi them, and Overcometh'em,
,firnlingl.that-"1't$he Parliament, Armi'e and and they being raifed again ,‘ andfet np-_
-- 'imeflts in England, {hall hence-forth g on their feet, to the feare of their cue-'-
i OVCP- mics,
aj! ' 1-88 ‘ Yhedpplieatioii.” p TheflpplicatiioitL-T ‘ 19% .
_ nemies, in the ,ycare, onett'houfandfix of it in this' book'e of"t'he QRevelation,‘-;
hundred fourty and five. It is by this Which Revelation God ‘gave unt'ohis
evident, that that year, the one fthou. Scum: JefiivC/hrifi, t-o-{hew ‘unto his '
thud two hundred‘ and threefcore yeares, fervants. Let‘ all the Saints in England
wherein the holy City, the Saints lhould be fii'ollg, and'of a good courage‘, and
be troden under Feet by the Beafl, did feare noc whatim'ain' ca-n'cdoe ’ll11t_0 them.-
eXpire. And now you Witnefl'es in the Let not the _'llCal‘t of"a11y*"onc' Saint’, he‘
Parliament, and Parliamentary Armie, trembled , ' feariflg . that‘ either‘ Poperie,
and Kingdome of England, may‘ be confli- Peelacis, oriPresbyteryl'flaall recover a-
dent, that all the combined povhrer, both ny ow'ei“ in England, to Lord it over
of men and devils , which {hall confpi-rc Go s heritage, "to tyrannize over the
againit you , (hall. never be able to pre- Witnelfes of ‘It-fits Chrill: , 0r to relira'in'
vail againli you 5 for you, (hall be trod- them from walking in that Way , which
-.en under foot-no more,” ‘the Beafl lhall ‘ - appears. to theni- to be
' according to the
prev-ail over you no more; for the time minde of God. 3 But‘ Saints, beyou' alliw
of, this prevailing- oVer on is expired, red, it {hall novel‘ be, fince you have a'
and he mutt hence-fol't beetroden un- Spirit of life-from God put upon you 5i
der foot himf'elfe, and you mull hence- and finc'c'lifiglkihd is fallen from Babylon,
forth revail over him , and you mull and'fincethe time of the‘ Beah's tyran-
rewardpgreat Babylon, as {he hath reward- nical pOWer over you ,‘-i$‘eXpired, there-
(d you a the cup which {lice hath fil- fi'niev cafi-off all- unbeleeving thoughts-5
leid, you muft goe on to fill to her dou- {mil a'l'l' dill'rulll'ull feares of thefe things;
e. . 2116 bepcohfideht, That Jelhs Chrifl: Will
by you, (goo-‘0n conquering, and to eon-
.Now in thefe confiderations, and From .5 a q nee. And what thought: great-Armie
theft: ,grlounds a, ‘held fort-h. in the Word‘ lhouldhe a'ipr'eparing'to" overcome'you, , _
of Truth, the Scripture, and that par? , oathere waSinRjuh' I, - one ‘thoufand i'ix.
' . . o hundred
Tige- Appliimtvionli . - . be .‘4PPlimtie.w-. If9J- '
__hundre'_dand fqllrty feven? Yiet as then, the firength of l10rfi:s,or thexlegs of men,b_ut
they. were ‘foon blalied, fo,étbey [hall ,be ' . from the Lord ofhoiis.
for the future : For you have a Spirit‘
. ofilile and courage from .God» put; intoi - ' ‘find therefore upon thefe. grounds ,lliec
you5 ,therefore men jhall noeprevaile. o-i . . ,all the Witnefles of England‘, be confi-
veryou. And you, are nomore a part‘? dent of overcomming all ,that [hall erife
ofi Babylou, therelbrc you cannot be kept‘, . .llp .iagainll them, by the lircngth of' ‘the
in'bondage, and the time of your being Lotjd ofhoalls their. God. And haying
troden under foot/is eXpired: and thenel-g experience-that God hath done thus for
fore though all the Malignants in this .-th'em evei~ hitherto, fince- one thoufan'difix
Kingdome, and in Scotland, and all thofe hundred andlfourty five, let them noc be of
formign ‘Forces, -. that thofe fafiours of finch unworthy fpirits, as to be dillrullfull'
Rome, that-are gone from England into, - for thefilturc.__; , _
‘France50r elfe-Where, can pollibly pro-
cure,’ ‘were con'joyned together in one. - '. iDeduéfion 18 i1
body, and marching againfi you 5 yet,-
fhould not your hearts be troubled, nolf. .l The lall psrtilEula-t that l [hall hence
be affi'aid 5 but be afihred they lhould' be; oblerve,‘is5 To llirre up the hearts of
overcome by" you : Anél what though‘, . . Saints to joyfulqelle and praifes. O Saints
o .'..-

you- (eenl to be {mall ill-"number 2 You. oonfidel'ingwhztt God hath done foryou,

know that Godhath formerly commenq


feei-nghee' hath put a Spirit of life upon

_. I"-;.'“-_-'1-\,_"'=--'j "\r - h
. ,- .- \ '_.\

deal others to {land for you5and can doe, you, and hath'made you that lay dead to

fo liill, il' it be confonant tohis Wiltlome, lland upon'your feet 5 And feeing that; '
110W iflff); but if it.Were not f0, it ‘6"l Engla'ndTis fallen from myflicall Babylon .5

‘ an ~evil £111 you ‘to’ diliruli his power 5-; .to and that now“ your enemy the ,Beali [hall
sw- -

whomgt 1s all oneto fave by few,- or


0 o

have no more poyver over you, ‘he that hath


5 . i;
_ T_ o

by many; For'yi&o_t'y eonlnleth not from ' trodcn you under. ft eta‘ thou-(and two hon;
".‘v _‘\ .1

...x... ‘ 'tlIQ_ I dred


-.- —




I . P‘ - . ‘
-. . ‘ 5:‘???
._ ' “2" "l;
.'l r ._ . _.3‘ . ' . i
.5 .
, \ 5 Hf _ . -

. 1'9".
The Appliedtion.
. The Applicatiort. 1.198
I \“.

T'd'red‘ and th reefe'ore yeares, {hall tread you would have been beyond expreffion. '0
under Foot no more 5- and'that no'w your i " . let yoarjoy be-now no lelfe, lince this is a,-
timeof proPhefying infiackkloth is f'expi- y &ually done 5 and eipeciallyhaving-hfl'u-
‘rédwz Pilr. you now on, in Read 0t your. fiance that you (hall be brought under bom-
fack-icIOth, the garments ofjoy and praif'eg', dage no more: but lot your hearts leap and
and‘walk no longer fadly, Ebeing delivered fing fbrjoy! And iii-your joy let the high
out of the bondage of fpiritual Egypt, and ‘prail'es OFGod be in your mouths, and let
fibmthe oppreflio'n- of your enemies 5 ‘let himbe exaltedin your ,-Ibirits. ~ ()<bejfi~;- -
Your hearts be afiieéiediherewith, and your quent in ofTering up the Stierifiees OF prai~
{0111s rejoycc in the apprehenfion 0Tit. Fm‘ IQS, mthefecrets oEyouij liairits unto your.
- (‘uppofe that 'When you ‘were under that God, that-hath done fiich things For you!
bondage, f0 that youwerc driT en into cor- ' I Will;extoll thee, O Lord ( faith David);;__for
ners, and your enemies hunte after you to than. hafl' lifted me up , and ‘ hafi not made. in):
make a. prey offyou, and having taken foe:__.:o reyqyce fever me. Y'Fh'is isnow the
fome ofyou, didimprifon lfonie, and fine cafe-ofall the Shims in England; The Loud
Others, andbanifliothersy and pillory o- hath lifted‘ tii'em up,‘ and ‘d0th niotfiifler
thers‘: ifone [hOuId then"l'|ave come into their foes-to. reioycc; over-éthem. h O that
' our meetings, and told you. as an‘inFalli- with that [Weet finger of Ij'rael, they might
hie truth, That within one moneth your. exroll the-Lord their Godiih it, . and for‘it-5
enemicsihouidbe brought dovvn, and ty- for Praije iaicomely, faith that holy man5
rannize' no longer over you, butyou [holild For the upright Q Pfal. 335i.) And in‘; a
be Rt at-liber'ty'ito worlhip the Lord Jefus; good thing (faith he) ! to give. thanke: unto
iniithat way‘ Which he {hould dtover to. the L9td,.'and ,m flng praife: um rhe- .nmhi? inf
‘ you, to be nioii' agreeableto his owne -. the mofl- ‘High; and--10 lfhe'ni forth . hi: :low'r'zg'
blindfi. HOW-‘wouldyou r {pirits at the ape hmdmefle in the Morning 5 "and hi: faithfuhnefli
ytehenfion ‘hereof, have been filled with m the nights, Pfal.92.1;,2.1 Let Saint'sthere-
oyi? Yourjoy'woul'd havebeen filth 5 as; fore befimlich in this comely; gOOd and
would i pleafant worke ofpraife5 ‘and improve all

nu.1” _. ~1“.
\_, -' O .OP"

4" I
' p‘. ‘
.‘_. , \ ‘L. ' .
L“ t "t. - U |>MM‘|*-_lln_“-rl‘\mj
7,.“1-1 Alli-‘lu'qF-F
{17" ire-1'11"‘! ww'grw'" a‘: ‘Mr; . - .~ ‘(h-‘3"’? l'" 7- .7 ‘_-;-“ "I e v V‘-'T"1‘.IVZI'O'"‘<_-r ,l 't'iwynpimw' *8‘,
‘ .- - _ _ _ _ - ,
l " 4 ‘g -.'-_‘!"frm
\i-“i A
I,‘ I _‘

it: 194. - ‘Ibeflppliedtiohti " Tbe. Application.


'1 “_ r’

‘opportunities to e-xercife themfelves' in this Upon Godinjthedajr of trouble,

and Wet)“
. ‘worke. Let them ling praifes unto the eard: be you muchip that heavenly and an“
molt High in the morning; and thew forth i. _I 'gelical work oFgloriFying God! Let all that
ill-slaving kindenel'ie and. faidmfulneflt-in _ love the Lord in England,rel_nen1ber that it
"the -'nights.: Though, Others forget God, - .9 the‘ duty, as well as the'priviledge ofth is
and he is not in alltheir thoughts, and that have got the Vititory‘ over the Beaft; to
the'y doe not remember the great things he fingFOng ofpraifes, unto him that fits 11p-
doth for his people, "yet let him be much m 'Ol'll' te throne‘, and unto the Lamb
for ever
the'thought's ofihis"Saints,' yea much ‘in _, . and ever, Revel. 15.3. And fince they are the
their thoughtsto praife him'tor his bene-é perfons,that havenow got the vié'tory over
fitsw, And let themtfay Within ‘themfel'ves g" - ' the Bea'ft: Let them with enlarged hearts,
Blefle'.,ibe. L 0 It D5 *5‘- my foul’ 'ami' forget eiqi fing that-‘new fong of praife, and let not
2111i birthenefin. O let. them not forgetto doubtful! ', nor ,diflrufifull thoughts of the
prail'e ‘him for; What 1 he did ‘for them,“ in power and Faithfulnes ofGod For the fix ture
the year, 1 6 4.75.1 but let'th'enl legiuer‘ in in the leafi meafure fad their fpirits, or kee
thbir hearts; the particulat'ufils of the get-‘qt back their-praif'es : but let the voice ofioy
things he then'did for them ‘z and let them I; 9 and praife be heard in the tabernacles of the
nOt'torget,: what hee did doe'for thentin righteous ‘in England : for the right
gal]; 164.7t .Let thdm not fufihfith'efe thing's ~ - ' the Lord is exaltedl, the right handhand
to {lip out ofth'eir. hiindes but let them can Lord hath‘ dOHe Va iantl'y for them,and they
to miude hovv frequent a1id1“importunnté -; {hall not die but live, and declare '
‘they were with God inpraiet, t£01‘ to obtain ' the works of‘ the LORD,
thefeimereies fonthemlelvesg, and For 1. the .
Kingdom : and having now attained them“, -.= ‘ ‘- PM 118-15,!6517-‘ Y
let them be as frequent _~, and“; as ready ‘w 'é ‘.l _
prailhhim, Callltpon-me, faith Cock in tbs-‘deg!
a'ftmuhle, and Twill- beatftbee, and thou [ban glori- . y
fie-'2ne§Bfal.5'o.-x$. r Onom you thatcalled
. "5
.' :17
. . '
x "1!"? w’ — I
17.1"’ ' J 'i"

' i The-Pbflfcriftfi I. I ‘ I
1‘ ‘

t'Now that thie feetning ground offearimayhe tea


moved, Ilhall lay down thefle three eonfideratiottt. "


h - The Pofifcript.. _ . , ‘FirftJI/tat though the Beaft {hall nontore- prevail ‘

over the Witnejfi-t to i ring them down, yet he may
IYlheittg,ft, tea (finee'myhfinifhing if ma Dif. . and muff endeavourto oppofe the Witnejfer, and- a-
courfgthere arejbme further mutation: t' in there gain to"make war againft them that they may'hring
Kingdomer, which may jeettt to giveto font- ome . ' him downe : for new that the time of hit prehalencie .
ground to queflt'on that which I have here a erted, over the Saints it expired,he muft'no't long, continue

viz. r{hat the Witnefles arejla in h} the Beafl, and in hi-r prefentfiation 5 hut a; he {hall not gee higher,
.that( according to thia Prophefie)after they had lain

. ('0 hejhaligo lower, )ea hefhali come down wonder-

dead threeyeart and an half, they are rifetz and doe fully, and how jhail that he but by hi t oppofing the

fiand upontheir feet z If thia he fit,may fame one fa)‘, Sait'tttmhofhal! he‘ at a burden fon'oe Hone, and

- -~
then how eatneth it to page}, that-there i4 fuch a pre- all that burden theclvcs with 'it {hall be
liahiiity that the enemies of the~ ‘Saint: [bah again cut-in peeces? Andrtherefote the more we fee that
,get ground of them,and bring them again into a low that the aeeomplicee of the Bsaflt do'endeavour to op- ‘
condition .3 For lnchiguin in Ireland,and Po v.- . ' ' p01e the Saints, thenearer we may'conelude that hee
ertin Wales, and a great party in Scotlond oe and thej are to theirruitte 5 and therefore their ri-'-

:[qem to ad? afiefh forthe Benji, and doe exprefly. de-
.s .
jingt andflirting:fltould he ratherencouragement:
feiareagainfi if)? Wifnefiet under the titlerof Inde- ~' -- _. then difi'ouragemen'tt unto the Saintt; .But . '
pendent: and Seiiariet,&c.hutif theWitneflet were. ,._ 'Set'ondly, ‘That the W'itnefler are indeedflain and
371486411 A?" and rallied,thenundouhteilly.theyflwld-; - -_ rifen, and do fland upon their-feet, ‘it altogether uni-
' indee go on conqueringand overcoming the Bea/i, ,j- '._-é ' queflionahle, hecattfe (at appearesfhy the fore-going
and the‘ Beafl .{houlii no more recover power overt-5*.‘ Dili-‘ourm 'thir prophefie ofthejlajittg'ofthe1V2??-
them, to tut them into a diflrefled condition; for 1 neflet,and of their rifitig,8ce. l'ileiittiehery pattieular '
tgen the Jaiet ef their propheiting in jack-cloth, in ‘V ' y iota and tittle oft-témqtt't>uattbt"tieeomplifltetl,1 will
d andjahle garment: irexpired : But how can it not here recapitulate any of the particulars, i-et re-'-
hefaid to hejb, {5m the ‘Beafl feemt in arprohahle . ‘ . ‘fer the Reader to the fore-ghittg Difi-ourfe, hut {bail e
away of recovering power over them again t’ here only defire the Reader to eonfider'of this otzeitt
‘£1 ‘

New .1‘) . j, a
""“a'li' "-iht't',
_ "9)?‘
t_' J ' " . '- I e . -.' e a . . ..
‘ ' 777,-’; u‘: , .71 at . s-n-A. ‘. .. , - 7.. ,. . . .- . ‘ os\|n
, .v' ._, .".
in‘. ‘ _‘ ,» .,-V' “- -. c -‘.' \_ g ‘firm-“- ‘ _
. I,»
e ' " ' t‘ '\ ' 00-14
‘, ' ' V .
" a cm ‘t .
‘o ‘ 1“

a more efieet'ell. mhneewizfl'hat the-holy Ghofl1w- Wheel ~'

,é 1 c
Saints they he attain!'ittflrutne'n'ttj'tthft',, l

‘of . _
ning'to mine the-Betafl‘, hutof thyrifgflmmmg

prefly- 'deehtrecithntthe falling ofta tenth part ef' the


Cit) Wettld-imntediotely fol/ow the Witneflhjlmd. the ‘Beajt : t't it 'tt'h ‘httnderthat he endhhho'tth Fem
ingitpentheir feegand he in the'fatne hour ihith 'it to-veeeoer fitength'legnt'nfl themgend fitetrefotélj ,t he” _ -
dean. ehi'ét 0fit. Notethat a tenth Part ofthe Ci- the Dragon é'r'i'd'h'i's Angels (the Beafl bnh'hp} K
t) (particularly the Kingdom ofEngland) ‘it fab ‘tmp't_)do fight againtt Micha'él and hiSAn' elh
Let; flan! the myfiieal'Babln, that it tofay, ‘\fi'om
being a place ofbondage to the Saint: is moft evi-
‘ (fife ceepeen'ee Seinttfitf is end that t egt
peehhited not: ( that is after'the Witnejfirt there
dent, and therefore it if undeniahle, That the Wit» . ' ttjen'topygp'fitthe Seton) but; were-cell but,‘ 4nd

neflet ate-[lain and rifen. ~ ‘thht'l the)‘ t ejhettefl we) they 'eo'uld the to he ovate.-
-_ Thirdl}, It t'eno wender that-theWimetfet be- tame,- ond to he colt out, ‘even their oppojt'ng jefue
itlg raifed, attdhaw'ng afpieit oflifefiem Go'd' put 'Chttflflnd his Saints,‘ which have-n"]pirit of life
upon them, ‘ that the Beafl doth endeavourto oppoje fiom God put upon them, ‘Ihm mttehfor the remai-
them; * for that. flirit ofnigou-r and courage that e wing of that doubt. ., ‘ _-
put upon them, i4 to he exert-"fled and afluated, ‘and Now that I may not he mifiaken, I{hall here adde
they muff go'e on in it to give that frat-let Whore a caution, andfit conclude : It it the},
hiaud to dtt'nle-J and to reward'her, at {he hath re- I defite it may he ohferved, ‘That though I have
Welded them, and of the cup which [he hath filled to, h particularljfin this Dileourfe) mentioned the Par...
them tgfih to her, double : for the Saint: are thoje Iz'ament and the Army (having good ground fo to do
genie: in heaven, which are [aid-to follow him 'fi'om what they have done, and have heene infh'tt'
them is faithful] and true, and in righteouf; c . mentt ofalready) encouraging them to go on in o -
n68 doth indggand make war,wh_o is c-loache ' pofing the Beafl, and hie/adherents, ‘and defending
'cd with a veltiir ‘dipt in blond, 'and tfi: the-Witnefjet ofjdhe Chrifl, qflnct'ng them effec-
name iS'Cflll§d§€ a Word 0f God , when'iihe cefl'e in their undertaking, yeti??? upon no other
cometh t'o make a final ‘end bf the Bea“, and grounds, then no they [hallfo-go on 5 hut if theyflaall
‘hefalfc'PFQPtaan d themeha e Worlhi'p: hisi-fl = i * ' "turttefid e, it'n'd eitn't'n'ote dt'eotruptandfelfends
image‘, and to cafi them a live intq a ‘lake-of then at the promoting of juflice and rightwufnefle,
& i;c
tit-‘e burning With-brimltone. New that the , -:- ‘then'o't the publike good of the Kingdom, then eng‘ _
Saints - .: largh
Ira-l. ‘
,t") I I‘ "
. '. himdfor.112189560,and
' "gtbéfdgff rbeyking
0f illeifigaflm [ballbegpréfib

f1”) fimperflgm-gnay
l ' . ben ,ana by £1’??? <s.-;§;;.;

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‘ -..&loriali5infi¢€‘mfints iubirbafld, 0f Twain??? 1'51”? 5-251"


ill of Sibihandjqefling tpgzjg

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