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Project Completion Report

1.Project Details
Project No.
Project Title Ramadan Food Pack Execution
Project Location Please be as specific as possible and provide Google maps link/coordinates
Khanpur - Google Maps
Project Description This report reflects the detailed activities undertaken in the implementation
of the Ramadan food pack program in Malda district, within the scope of the
partnership between Al-Hasanaat Foundation and KAGUS. The food packet was
distributed and divided into 200 families. The objective of the program was to help
ensure families suffering from poverty, conflict and famine during this period of
Ramadan. The program was able to provide necessities to some vulnerable families.
The Ramadan food distribution project is primarily intended to provide food
to needy fasting families during Ramadan. The main objective of the Ramadan
Food Package Project 2023 (26 March 2023) is to provide Ration (Dry Food)
Packages in the month of Ramadan to needy families struggling with lack of basic
necessities (food). While the month of Ramadan is filled with blessings, Our
brothers and sisters less fortunate are facing challenges due to lack of basic foods
needed to survive. This Ramadan, when you sit down for Suhoor and Iftaar, take a
pause, spare a thought to all those people less fortunate, living in disadvantage
locality, who are not able to socially isolate. These are people who live day to day.
They don't have the money nor have been given the opportunity to stock their food.
Project Lead Contact Details
Start Date 26 March 2023
End Date 26 March 2023
Report Period Covered
Total Project Budget Rs.5,01,000/- GBP-5,056.00
Total Expenditure Rs.5,01,600/- BBP-5,0560.05
Variance/balance in GBP If underspend, how could be utilized to further support beneficiaries
from budget
No. of beneficiaries Male: Female: 200+303=Total=503 Family direct to
reached. Please specify if home
direct or indirect
No. of Staff used 4
No. of volunteers 12
Monitoring Reports Yes
Signatures of the beneficiaries Yes
Reporting Methods Photographs attached Yes
Videos Yes

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2: What Activities & Outputs were completed during the project?
Summarise what outcomes were achieved. Include all key activities conducted during the implementation of the project.
During Ramadan, Khanpur Azad Gram Unnayan Samity (KAGUS) Food disribution Project 2023 is
aiming, to provide ration to needy deserving families in few rural and remote areas. The project that aims to
improve nutrition, particularly among children and women, which improved health and combat hunger
related disease Food Pack Distribution Items. The main objective of the project was to distribute Food
items to needy families so as to meet their emergency food need for a month of Ramadan period. This help
overcome hungerness of the poor and needy people. Due to the difficult living circumstances of the project
area's people and families that suffer from shortage of living in providing the most basic needs throughout
the year, made it necessary to provide the necessary needs during the month of Ramadan.
Activities are includes
★ Identification of widow, Below Poverty line and Poor families.
★ Proper information for the distribution of Food items (location, time etc.)
★ food distribution project reaches people in the most economically disadvantaged areas.

3. End use of funds:

What systems and procedures were in place to ensure the funds were utilized in efficiently and effectively for beneficiaries?
The funds are utilised the for the the beneficiaries are selected with the help of stakeholder and on the basis
of a primary survey which was conducted by KAGUS. The key to achieving operational effectiveness and
efficiency is the proper allocation and utilization of funds. All the functions of financial management are
equally important, special stress is laid on fund utilization.
As per as the pricing of the commodities are concerned it was really hectic task to find the lower pricing of
the commodities for the poor people, an extra precaution were maintained to use the the fund for the right
person. Atlest four to five shops are in touch for the pricing and finally we were chosen the lowest price
shop with best commodity quality.
4: Expenditure: Detailed expenditure reports with receipts attached? Yes
5. What key challenges/difficulties were faced during the project?

The most difficult task of the project is to seleting the actual needy people (beneficiaries) and to ensure that
the food packet reached to the proper person. For the same procedure KAGUS maintain the extra precaution
to ensure that the poor people are come to the distribution places. Food distribution programs can effectively
address hunger and poverty in communities with limited access to food.

6. What key lessons were learned from this project?

Some key lessons that can be learned from Ramadan food distribution projects:
Effective coordination with other stakeholders is essential for the success of food distribution projects.
This can help ensure that the project is well-planned and properly executed. Next Conducting a
comprehensive needs assessment is critical to identify the proper individuals who are most in need of food
assistance. This can help ensure that the food distribution project targets the most vulnerable populations
and that the distribution process is efficient and equitable.

7. What recommendations do you have?

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Some recommendations that could help make food distribution programs more effective:
★ Partner with local organizations: Partnering with local organizations, such as community
groups, religious institutions, or non-governmental organizations, can help ensure that
food distribution programs reach the people who need them the most.
★ Ensure equitable access: It is important to ensure that food distribution programs are
accessible to all who need them, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, or
socioeconomic status.

8. Management of Risks
Risks and challenges Controls put in place Impact on project
Management 1. Huge number of Organization are bound help in future planning.
Effectiveness people are needy and to manage few more
thay are gather to food packets to the
collect the food. neey people.

9. Complaints Feedback
Total Number of Complaints Made Action Taken Lessons Learnt:

There are same people who Ensure them to be incorporate As the area is really poor and full
have not received the food them in next project or in the with weaker section people. next
because they are poor but not project of Eid or Qurbani. time we have to be come with the
listed in the organization. maximum number of quality.

10: Declaration
I confirm on behalf of KHANPUR AZAD GRAM UNIAYAN SAMITY (KAGUS) that to the
best of my knowledge, all information provided in this project report is accurate and that the funding
has been utilised for the purposes of this project as indicated in the narrative report and financial
reporting in the agreed and specified formats.

Position:Secretary Position: Co-Ordinator

Signature: Signature:

Date: 06.04.2023 Date:06.04.2023

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