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Academic year 2079


Name of arrangement – chemistry project

Date of assignment -2079/ /

Submitted by Submitted to

Bandana Saru Amrit Khanal

11-F Teacher`s signature

Roll no- 9

This is to certify that this chemistry project on the topic "Adverse

effects of pesticides on human health" has been successfully
completed by Bandana Saru under the guidance of Mr. Amrit
Khanal during the year 2079 in the partial fulfilment of the
chemistry practical examination.

I have taken efforts in this project. However it wouldn’t have been
possible without the kind supports and help of individuals.

I would like to express my gratitude and special thanks to our

chemistry teacher Mr. Amrit Khanal for the valuable guidance,
advice and for giving useful suggestion and relevant ideas that
facilitate an easy and early completion of this project.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my fellow classmate in

developing the project and to the people who have willingly helped
me out of their abilities.

1. Certificate
2. Acknowledgement
3. Introduction
4. Objective
5. Benefits
6. Effects
7. Conclusion
8. Bibliography

Pesticides are chemical substances used to kill animals,
plants, insects and pests in agricultural, domestic and
institutional settings. The main groups of commonly used
pesticides include herbicides, insecticides, fungicides,
fumigants and rodenticides. Organochlorine,
organophosphate and carbamate insecticides are of major
concern because of their toxicity and persistence in the
environment. Organochlorine insecticides are banned for
agricultural and domestic use in most of the developed
countries, but they are still use in developing countries like
Nepal. Most of the pesticides are broad spectrum and kill
both the target and non-target organisms.
Example of specific synthetic chemical pesticides are
glyphosate, Acephate , Deet , propoxur , Metaldehyde,
boric acid, etc.



Benefits of pesticides
The major advantage of pesticides is that they can save
farmers. By protecting crops from insects and other pests.
However, below are some other primary benefits of it.

1. Controlling pests and plant disease vectors.

2. Controlling human/livestock disease vectors and nuisance

3. Controlling organisms that harm other human activities

and structures.
4. Control weeds, insect infestation and diseases.

5. Help farmers to grow more food on less land by protecting

crops from pests.
Effects of pesticides

 The toxic chemicals in these are designed to deliberately

release into the environment. Though each pesticide is
meant to kill a certain pest, a very large percentage of
pesticides reach a destination other than their target.
Instead, they enter the air, water, sediments, and even end
up in our food.
 Pesticides have been linked with human health hazards,
from short-term impacts such as headaches and nausea to
chronic impacts like cancer, reproductive harm.
 The use of these also decreases the general biodiversity in
the soil. If there are no chemicals in the soil there is higher
soil quality, and this allows for higher water retention,
which is necessary for plants to grow.

Pesticides will continue to be part of human life and the
environment in order to increase crop production. It is
imperative for public health authorities to educate the public,
farmers, and farm workers on the use of and risks from
pesticides. Improvement of human quality of life by means of
more efficient and environmentally friendly food production
will clearly be a challenge for years to come. Reduction in the
annoyance produced by pests is also part of the equation and
poses major challenges to balance the well-being of the
ecosystem. Rigorous testing and more stringent rules need to
be adopted to address the harms posed by pesticides.
Scientists, legislators, public health officials, and other
stakeholders should familiarize themselves with the different
pesticides that are used in their environment and invest in
research and development for safer alternatives.
A Book of Integrated Chemistry Practical Publication


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