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[method] Periscope Prerecorded Video Broadcasting ( 0 investment )

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Jan 1, 2018

Junior Member

Periscope Prerecorded Video Broadcasting

( 0 investment method )

Create Fake Twitter Account (something like JaneeAzudjs94, NattPasd844)

Something what is hard to remember you will see why soon.

Download OBS Studio

Open OBS Studio > File > Settings > Stream > Custom Streaming Server

Open Periscope App > Settings > Periscope Producer > Create New Source

Now you have Server URL and Stream Key so put it into OBS Studio and press Apply

Go to Output > Simple after that Advanced and set it like this
Make sure you put mobile resolution in Advanced to 540x960
(you can test your own bitrate etc.. depends on your upload)
Go to Video and set it to mobile resolutions aswell
Hit Apply and Ok

It should look like this

Finding Clickbait Mobile Resolution Video

Theres a lot of places where u can find mobile resolution videos with hot girls
example (youtube)
If you have girlfriend you can ask her to record video for this tutorial specially.. she will be happy am sure haha


- Make sure video is HQ

- Make sure video is long
- Make sure girl is not talking much (best is just dancing)
- If she talks in language that nobody understand its ok
- make sure there is no watermark in video
- make sure shes just teasing (not showing her va.gina or you will get banned)
Or you can go yolo with porn (still must look like its live) hit 10k get banned and create new account
They are very rarely IP banning

After you Find your Video

Download it and go to OBS Studio > Right Click on Source Tab > Add > Media Source > Ok
Browse and upload your video (you can choose loop for repeat or you can make that video longer in sony vegas or
something..) Click Ok
Stretch Video on Full Screen
Make sure you stretch it littlebit more its little debug (sometimes it gives weird green lines on the sides and it looks like fake so
stretch it like this + lower volume so its not that loud and annoying.
Setting Up Periscope Bio

Now just edit your Periscope profile Bio (up right corner)
Put your CPA or other offers here you can experiment with this (people here are so horny and retarded)
Upload profile pic (just create img from that video or something.

You are ready to go

Click Start Streaming in OBS > go to Periscope App > Settings > Periscope Producer > Preview Broadcast

Clickbait Title
(app is in my language sorry.. but red button means start broadcast ofc)
You can experiment with this clickbait (if you have HQ video with really hot girl it will get views anyways)
Start Broadcast

Sometimes you will get 500 views sometimes 5 000. Depends how good are you in clickbaiting and quality of your video. Remember
you are growing your account like crazy with this method. Next day you can try diferent video they will not remember your name (if you
pick long name)

My record is 7 000 online views and 34 000 total in 55minutes

I did not make money from this yet because i´m still finding network that will let me withdraw money without tax documentation
(i´m not registered entrepreneur). But i´m sure if you know what are you doing you can make some cash from it.

Few people will spam "it´s fake" just ignore it theres more perv ppl spamming "open baby plzz"
or you can test broadcast with chat disabled if you want


Best type of video for hitting a lot of views:

Make sure to find really hot girl.
Girl with big b00bs, niples over the shirt, or if she flash like every 2 mins,
or if you can almost see her b00bs

Am sure you can also message some cam girl and tell her hey record video for me where u have wet shirt no bra etc.. for best
results and pay her something for that (after u have some experience with this method ofc)

If you like it send me Like please i´m new here

Your Ideas how to improve this?

Is is possible to create software that will broadcast multiple accounts? Or it already exists?

Thanks x 51

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Jan 1, 2018

Elite Member

LOL. No investment but I need to have a hot girl-friend who willing to do the e-whore stuff. A gf like that is no cheap man

Thanks x 1

Jan 1, 2018

Junior Member

thetoothfairy said: ↑

LOL. No investment but I need to have a hot girl-friend who willing to do the e-whore stuff. A gf like that is no cheap man

Hi, you are on blackhatworld. If you donť want to use videos from the internet just ignore this method lol.

Jan 1, 2018

Regular Member

This might have some good use beyond just porn or the likes. I can imagine a few good uses for this method. Thanks for the

Jan 1, 2018

Elite Member

discoxelik said: ↑

Hi, you are on blackhatworld. If you donť want to use videos from the internet just ignore this method lol.

this is really a good method though. It would easily scale up with alot of RDP

Thanks x 1

Jan 1, 2018
Junior Member

bmanfacts said: ↑

This might have some good use beyond just porn or the likes. I can imagine a few good uses for this method. Thanks for the share!


Jan 1, 2018


Nice share, there is certainly no shortage of periscope videos on youtube, good luck getting this method earning for yourself.

Thanks x 1

Jan 1, 2018


great bro

Jan 1, 2018

Junior Member

madmax said: ↑

great bro


Jan 1, 2018

Junior Member

Also dont forget to delete your broadcast history after u end your broadcast.

Jan 1, 2018

bmanfacts said: ↑

This might have some good use beyond just porn or the likes. I can imagine a few good uses for this method. Thanks for the share!

Can you please share other ways of using it (the ones that yiu are thinking)? Please!

Jan 1, 2018

Junior Member

Seem good to grow a snapchat account (just a possible way to use it). Nice share,

Jan 1, 2018

Elite Member

this will work for the adult method easly

what happends everyone wants the girls snap chat .

so you can give them your snap chat but also on the snap chat give them a afflicate url like crak

or try a diffrent method but periscope users love going private

sell the traffic

Thanks x 2

Jan 1, 2018


Great share OP and welcome to BlackHatWorld,

Jan 1, 2018

Junior Member

Vandyke said: ↑

Seem good to grow a snapchat account (just a possible way to use it). Nice share,

Thanks. Yea a lot of people is doin that.

sekund said: ↑

Great share OP and welcome to BlackHatWorld,

Thank you!
Jan 1, 2018

Regular Member

Nice method good luck op

Jan 1, 2018

Power Member

Method seems solid. Few questions:

Is the bio link clickable?

How long is a long video?
Do you just loop the same video all day or stream once?

Jan 1, 2018

Regular Member

Just tried it and it definitely works to getting a lot of views - but in less than 6 minutes, I had 110 viewers and my account got
disabled. So I think they're on to this, but it's still a damn good method.

Jan 1, 2018

Junior Member

CyHead said: ↑

Just tried it and it definitely works to getting a lot of views - but in less than 6 minutes, I had 110 viewers and my account got disabled. So I think they're on to this, but
it's still a damn good method.

I´ve never got banned lol. Depends on how many ppl report you.

Jan 1, 2018

Junior Member

back2basics said: ↑

Method seems solid. Few questions:

Is the bio link clickable?

How long is a long video?
Do you just loop the same video all day or stream once?

It is clickable.
I dont loop videos. After 20 mins turnin off and restarting this process.

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