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1. To clip one’s wings To deprive one of power
2. To play fast and loose To act in an unreliable way
3. Pull a fast one Play a trick
4. A bad hair day A day on which everything seems to go wrong
5. A bad patch A period of difficulty
6. A can of worms A complicate situation or problem
7. A cold fish Someone who seems unfriendly and who does
not share his feelings
8. A damsel in distress A helpless woman
9. A diamond in the rough Someone with potential but lacks polishing or
10. A dime a dozen Very common and of no particular value
11. A dry run Rehearsal of an event
12. A fine state of affairs An unpleasant situation
13. A fire in someone’s belly One who is energetic and enthusiastic about
14. A grey area An unclear situation
15. A hair’s breadth Stating every minute details
16. A hot potato A controversial issue
17. A kick in the teeth A grave setback (bahut badi asafalta)
18. A laughing stock An object of laughter (hansi ka patra)
19. A lean patch A period of poor performance
20. A leopard can’t change its spots It is impossible for one to change one’s
21. A little bird told me To keep the identity of informant secret
22. A lot on your plate Having many responsibilities
23. A moot point Disputed
24. A needle in a haystack Something that is very difficult to locate
25. A nig-nog A fool
26. A pain in the neck Annoying
27. A penny for your thoughts A way of asking what someone is thinking
28. A piece of the pie A share in money or business
29. A red rag to a bull To provoke someone
30. A rotten apple A single bad person or thing in a group

31. A safe pair of hands A reliable person
32. A sea change Complete transformation
33. A sight for sore eyes Something which is pleasing to see.
34. A sore point with Something which hurts
35. A stuffed shirt Arrogant person
36. A stumbling block An obstacle to progress
37. A thorn in the flesh A source of continuous annoyance
38. A walk of life A person’s occupation or position within
39. A wolf in sheep’s clothing Hypocrite / dangerous person pretending to
be harmless
40. After one’s own heart Man ki baat
41. Aid and abet To help someone to commit a crime
42. Alarums and excursions Confused activity and uproar (bhramit
43. Alive and kicking In good health
44. All agog amazed
45. All and sundry All included without discrimination
46. All hands on deck Everyone available to help with a problem
47. All hat and no cattle One who is full of big talk but lacks substance
and action
48. All in exhausted
49. All in a day’s work Part of person’s typical work
50. All over hell’s half acre Everywhere
51. All thumbs Clumsy/physically awkward
52. Alphabet soup A metaphor for an abundance of
abbreviations or acronyms
53. Always a bridesmaid never a bride Someone who is always 2nd important not 1st
54. An account which is in red Account in which Borrowing is more than
55. An arrow in the quiver Strategies that can be followed
56. An uphill task Difficult task
57. Apples and oranges Two unlike things
58. Argus eyed Observant
59. As clear as mud Impossible to understand
60. As high as a kite Intoxicated with alcohol
61. As the crow flies The shortest route

62. As thick as two short planks Extremely stupid
63. Asleep at the wheel Not attentive to one’s duties
64. At each other’s throats Arguing angrily
65. At loose ends In an uncertain situation
66. At short notice With little warning or time for preparation
67. At the drop of a hat Without any hesitation
68. At the top of your lungs Extremely loud
69. At variance with In opposite
70. Baby in the woods A young defenceless person
71. Back in saddle Resume duty
72. Back me Support
73. Back out Withdrawn from a commitment
74. Back up Defend or support
75. Ball is in your court To be responsible for further action
76. Banana oil Nonsensical talk
77. Bang for the buck More value for money
78. Bark is worse than his bite Threat is worse than the action taken
79. dab hand at something Skilled in a particular area
80. dead meat To be in serious trouble
81. all one to Make no difference
82. old hat Be outdated
83. at a loss for words Not know what to say
84. Back to square one To return to the starting point
85. behind the times Be old fashioned
86. glad to see the back of Be happy when a person leaves
87. Left stranded To be the last person on whom the blame falls
88. Be off To go away
89. Bend over backwards Make every effort to achieve something
90. Best of both worlds Dono hanth me ladoo
91. Best thing since sliced bread Most useful innovation in a long time
92. On the air Broadcast over the radio or on tv
93. Out of order Device not working properly
94. Bear down To move quickly towards someone in a
determined and threatening way
95. Big bucks A lot of money
96. Bite someone’s head off Speak angrily without any reason
97. Bite the bullet To force yourself to do something unpleasant

98. Bite your tongue Stop yourself from saying something
99. Black ox misfortune
100. Blow his fuse To react very angrily
101. Boils down Sums up to
102. Break new ground Do or discover something new
103. Breath of fresh air Someone or something new and refreshing
104. Breathing down his neck Watching all his actions closely
105. Breathing the air Useless tasks
106. Bring about Cause to happen
107. Bring home the bacon To be successful
108. Bring to one’s knees To force to submit
109. Broke a lance with To argue against
110. Break down cry
111. Break off Suddenly stopped
112. Break in Force entry
113. Break up Sambandh todna
114. Break priscian’s head To use bad grammar
115. Bugs me Irritates me
116. Bear fruits Produce positive results
117. Bear up with Endure
118. Beat one’s brain out To put forth one’s maximum effort
119. Butter fingers To be clumsy
120. By a whisker By a small margin
121. By and large In general
122. By courtesy of Given or allowed by
123. By the same token In the same way
124. Call down To scold
125. Call off Cancel something
126. Call on Pay a visit
127. Called for asked
128. Calls the shots To be in control/
129. Over the moon Extremely happy
130. Worlds apart Be very different
131. Turn-turtle Complete over-turn of a situation
132. To nip in the bud To stop something in the starting
133. Bear in mind Remember
134. Leave no stone unturned To try every possible way
135. Capital punishment Death sentence

136. A live wire Lively and active
137. Go haywire Become out of control
138. Button one’s lips Stop talking
139. Evening of life Old age
140. To be in a fix In a difficult situation
141. To keep in abeyance In a state of suspension
142. Draw a blank Find no favour
143. A drop in a bucket or ocean A very insignificant amount
144. Kick the bucket To die
145. Put up the shutters Go out of business
146. Make both ends mean Live within means
147. Call in question Challenge
148. Straw in the wind An indication of what might happen
149. In the blues Cheerless and depressed
150. Cap in hand In a respectful manner
151. Catch a tartar Seek out something or someone that turns
out to beunexpectedly unpleasant or
152. Carry the ball Be in charge
153. Couch potato A person who prefers to watch television
154. Butt in Interrupt
155. Null and void Invalid, empty, not binding
156. Dressing-down To give scolding
157. Burn one’s boat Leave no means of return
158. Sailing in the same boat Being in the same difficult situation
159. Hard of hearing To be deaf
160. Old head on young shoulder To be wise beyond one’s age
161. A house of cards An insecure scheme
162. A cuckoo in the nest An unwelcomed intruder
163. On tenterhooks In suspense and anxiety
164. Beside the mark Not to the point
165. Wide off the mark Irrelevant
166. Up to the mark According to the required standard
167. To get cold feet Fear
168. Cold Comfort slight satisfaction
169. Throw cold water Discourage
170. In cold blood A murder done without intention
171. Blood running cold Become very frightened

172. Bad blood Angry feeling, enmity
173. To make one’s blood boil To make somebody angry
174. Cut a sorry figure Make a poor impression
175. A left-hand compliment An ambiguous compliment
176. Drive home Emphasize
177. To end in smoke To come to nothing; no outcome
178. To give oneself airs Behave arrogantly
179. Scot free unpunished
180. Selling like hot cakes To have a very good sale
181. Pull together Work harmoniously (in tune)
182. Be down with Suffering from
183. Every inch a gentleman Entirely
184. Make it light Treat lightly
185. With one voice Unanimously
186. Paled into insignificance Seemed less important
187. For keeps Forever
188. Hope against hope Nurture an impossible hope
189. Stand on own feet To be independent
190. Let the grass grow under the Delay in getting things done
191. Put your feet down Take a firm stand
192. Vote with your feet Showing disapproval
193. Drag one’s feet Be reluctant to act
194. Beggar description Cannot be described
195. Mend your way’s Improve one’s behaviour
196. Make room Make space
197. In the running Has good prospects in competition
198. For all intents and purposes Practically
199. To angle To fish
200. Gate crasher Uninvited guest
201. Fit like a glove Perfectly
202. Throw down a glove To accept defeat
203. Hand in glove In close relationship
204. To pull a long face Look sad
205. Cat-nap Short sleep
206. Shake off Forget
207. Give a wide berth to To stay away from or avoid someone
208. Chapter and verse Providing minutes details

209. Dog in a manger A selfish person
210. Throw up cards To give in / To blow away the plan
211. A chip of the old block An experienced old man
212. Arm-chair critic A person who give advice based on theory not
on practice
213. An arm chair job High salary with comfort
214. A bee hive A busy place
215. Make a beeline Rush / To go straight towards something as
quick as you can
216. Draw the line To set a limit
217. Read between the line To understand the hidden meaning
218. To toe the line To follow the lead/ To follow boss’s orders
219. In the soup To be in trouble
220. At a pinch In trouble
221. Go out of one’s way Do everything possible
222. Fell foul of Got into trouble with
223. Stir up a Hornet’s nest To create a lot of trouble
224. Feel blue In trouble / depressed
225. To get into hot water To get into trouble
226. In Dutch In trouble
227. Go Dutch Divide the cost
228. To win laurels to earn great prestige
229. Rest on laurels To be complacent, self-satisfied
230. Lay it on thick An exaggeration
231. Be taken aback Shocked or surprised
232. To set the Thames on fire Do a heroic deed
233. Finish with something To stop doing something
234. Gut feeling Strong instinct (based on feelings and
emotions rather than thought and reason)
235. Out of sorts Ill or sick
236. Vexed question Controversial issue
237. A golden mean Middle course between two extremes
238. Clean hands innocent
239. Get on nerves Annoying
240. Catch time by the forelock Seize opportunity
241. Shot in the arm Something that gives encouragement
242. Horse sense Basic common sense
243. Follow one’s nose To go straight ahead

244. Pay through nose Pay an extremely high price
245. Turn up one’s nose at To reject, refuse
246. To look down one’s nose To regard with contempt
247. To latch onto To promote
248. Fight shy of To avoid someone
249. Add fuel to the fire Worsen the matter
250. Cock and bull story Absurd an unbelievable story
251. To be down to earth To be realistic
252. In the nick of time Just in time
253. To shun evil company To avoid or give up bad company
254. Seamy side Unpleasant and immoral
255. A sacred cow A person never to be criticized
256. A dog’s breakfast A total mess
257. Cat and dog life Troublesome life
258. Cat’s paw A person used by another as a dupe or tool
259. Take the bull by the horns to face a difficulty courageously
260. To be in a quandary In a confusing situation
261. The genomes of Zurich A slang term for Swiss bankers
262. To make up one’s mind To decide what to do
263. To give a piece of mind To reprimand
264. To speak one’s mind To be frank and honest
265. In two minds To be undecided
266. Put something by To save money for a particular purpose
267. On cloud nine Extremely happy
268. The jury is out No decision has been reached
269. Have a finger in every pie To have an interest in or be involved in
270. Flying visit Very short visit
271. Snake in the grass A hidden enemy
272. Make amends for Compensate the loss
273. Leave high and dry In a difficult situation without help
274. Make believe To pretend that something is true
275. Go for the jugular To attack somebody’s weaker point during a
276. Keep a level head To remain calm and sensible in a difficult
277. Keep your head Remain calm
278. Lose head panic

279. Overhead and ears Completely
280. Turn one’s head To feel proud in a way that other people find
it annoying
281. Heads will roll Transfers will take place
282. Under the weather sick
283. At loggerheads In strong disagreement
284. Alma mater Institution where one got education
285. A closefisted man A miser
286. As draft as a brush Very silly
287. Rise with the lark Get up early
288. A white elephant Costly or troublesome possession
289. Out and out Totally
290. On the cuff On credit
291. Sweeping Statement Thoughtless statement
292. All at sea Puzzled
293. Kith and kin Relatives
294. Take fancy To attract or please somebody
295. Enough rope Enough freedom for action
296. By fits and start Irregularly
297. Token strike Short strike held as warning
298. Face the music to face the consequences
299. Flogging a dead horse Wasting time in useless effort
300. Under a cloud Under suspicion
301. Green thumb To have a natural interest
302. Played havoc Caused destruction
303. No love lost between Not on good terms
304. Fair and square Honest
305. Out and out Totally
306. Does not hold water Cannot be believed
307. Hold water Seem logical
308. Cannot hold a candle to Cannot be compared to
309. Not fit to hold candle Not so good
310. Hold your tongue To be silent
311. Hold one’s horses To keep waiting
312. Stand/ Hold your ground Refuse to yield
313. A wild goose chase Futile search (useless effort)
314. In a tight corner In a difficult situation
315. Going places Talented and successful

316. Off and on Occasionally
317. On and o To continue
318. Hard and fast Strict
319. Took to heels Run away in fear
320. To show a clean pair of heels to escape/run away
321. Kicking heels To be relaxed and enjoy / Waste time
322. To keep up To keep in touch
323. Make a clean breast Confess without reserve
324. Make no bones about Do not have any hesitation in anything
325. Bone to pick Cause of fight
326. Bone of contention Matter of dispute
327. To starve off Postpone
328. Draw on fancy Use imagination
329. Turn an honest living Make a legitimate living
330. Give the game awayl Give out the secret
331. Cheek by jowl Very near
332. Run riot Act without restraint
333. Go through fire and water Undergo any risk
334. Talking through hat Talking nonsense
335. Put up with Tolerate
336. Get the sack dismissed from
337. Pros and cons Considering all the facts
338. By leaps and bounds Very Quickly
339. In the good books In favor with boss
340. In the long run Ultimately
341. Beck and call Ready to obey order instantly
342. Turn a deaf ear Disregard/ignore/refuse
343. At one’s wit’s end Puzzled/confused
344. Out of wits Greatly confused
345. Spilling the beans Revealing the information indiscreetly
346. Know beans about something Well informed and intelligent
347. To get wind Come to know about something secret or
348. Go to the winds Lost or disappear
349. A bolt from the blue Unexpected and unpleasant
350. Cut no ice Had no influence
351. To break the ice To start a conversation
352. A red-letter day Happy and significant day

353. To fight tooth and nail To fight in a determined way for what you
354. The green-eyed monster Used as a way of talking about jealousy
355. Set the record straight Give a correct account
356. Good Samaritan Helpful person
357. To go to the whole hog To do it completely
358. Ins and outs Full details
359. Fed up Annoyed
360. Sharp practices Dishonest means
361. In high spirits Full of hope and enthusiasm
362. Shake in shoes Tremble with fear
363. Close shave Narrow escape from danger
364. Take with a grain of salt listen with doubt
365. Hobson’s choice No real choice at all
366. To eat a humble pie To apologize
367. To give the devil his due to give encouragement to the enemy
368. An open book One that hold no secrets
369. An axe to grind Selfish motive
370. To blow one’s own trumpet Praise one’s own abilities and achievements,
371. Sowing wild oats Irresponsible pleasure seeking in young age
372. Of no avail Useless
373. On the verge of On the brink of
374. A sore point Something which hurts
375. Like a phoenix rebirth
376. To keep under wraps Secret
377. Die in harness To die while in service
378. Fair- weather friend A friend that deserts in difficulties
379. Emerge out of thin air Appear Suddenly
380. Brought up Introduce for discussion
381. Make one’s flesh creep Horrify
382. Pros and cons considering all the facts
383. To take into account To consider
384. Blow over Pass off
385. Blue-eyed boys Favorites
386. Dropping names Hinting at high connections to impress
387. At stone’s throw Very near
388. Struck a chill to the heart Arouse fear/to make somebody afraid

389. Take for granted To pre-suppose as certainly true
390. Mince matters To confuse issues
391. Currying favor with please somebody
392. Set one’s face against Oppose strongly
393. Storm in a tea cup Worry over a trivial matter
394. Putting one’s foot down take a firm stand
395. The man in the street An ordinary man
396. To catch up with To compete with
397. Fight to the bitter end To fight a losing battle
398. Let the cat out of the bag Carelessly give out the secret
399. To have Too many irons in the Engaged in too many activities
400. Cut one off without a shilling To expel from fraternal property
401. To smell a rat To suspect a trick
402. Have the last laugh Victory at the end of an argument
403. To have something up one’s Having a secret plan
404. Wears heart on sleeves Express feelings openly
405. Roll up one’s sleeves To be prepared for hard work
406. Take to task Punished / Reprimanded
407. To take to hearts To be very upset by something
408. Heart to heart talk Frank talk
409. From the bottom of one’s heart To speak frankly
410. To feather one’s nest To make oneself rich
411. Birds of same feather Persons of same character
412. Bird of passage One who comes occasionally
413. Feather in one’s cap An achievement
414. To blaze a trail To lead the way as a pioneer
415. To beat a retreat To run away in fear
416. To steer clear of Avoid
417. To get one’s own back To get one’s revenge
418. A dark horse An unforeseen competitor
419. Herculean task A work requiring very great effort
420. Hard nut to crack Difficult task
421. Helter-Skelter In disorderly haste
422. Make ducks and drakes of Squander (extravagant)
423. On the level Honest and sincere
424. Done for Ruined

425. At snail’s pace To do things very slowly
426. At stake In danger
427. To play to the gallery To behave in an exaggerated way to attract
attention, befooling the people
428. Sitting on the fence Hesitating which side to take
429. To have not a leg to stand on To be in a situation in which you cannot
430. Come out of one’s shell To appear suddenly
431. Lay down arms To surrender
432. Making hay while the sun shines Take advantage of favorable opportunity
433. Give vent to To emphasize
434. To call it a day To conclude the work or proceeding
435. Yeoman’s service Social work
436. To move heaven and earth to try everything possible
437. To take someone for a ride to deceive (cheat)
438. A damp squib A disappointing result
439. To bite the dust To be defeated (parajit hona)
440. To strain every nerve To make utmost efforts
441. Gift of the gab Ability to speak well
442. Soft option Easy and agreeable option
443. A little gush of gratitude Excessive enthusiasm
444. To lose ground To become less popular
445. Wear and tear- Damage
446. To make a mountain of a To give great importance to little things
molehill/much cry and little
wool/much ado about nothing
447. Maiden speech First speech
448. At the eleventh hour At the very last moment
449. Cope with compromise
450. Go a long way help considerably
451. Cross swords To quarrel or fit
452. Pore over Go through
453. Make both ends meet To live a lavish life
454. Leave in the lurch Abandon in the midway/difficult situation
455. Caught red handed At the time of committing crime
456. On the brink of On the point of

457. Go down the drain Lose forever
458. Cool as cucumber Not nervous or emotional
459. Scapegoats A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings
460. To pay off old scores to refund old dues
461. Man of letters Proficient in literary arts
462. On good terms Agree with someone
463. Fish out of water Uncomfortable situation
464. Fish in troubled water To make a profit out of troubled situation
465. Other fish to fry Some important work to attend to
466. Stole the show Win everyone’s praise
467. Measure up Reach the level
468. Doctor the accounts To manipulate the accounts
469. In the red Losing money/to owe money
470. Beat about the bush Speak in a roundabout manner
471. At sixes and seven In disorder
472. Sit in judgement to pass judgement
473. Cry over spilt milk Cry over irreparable loss
474. Grease palms/oil someone’s To bribe someone
475. Itching palm Craving for bribe
476. Palmy days Prosperous days
477. Carrot and stick Reward and punishment policy
478. To cut teeth To gain experience of something for the first
479. Teething problems Difficulties at the start
480. By the skin of teeth By the narrowest margin
481. Close the book Stop working on something
482. Bird’s eye view An overview
483. Run in the same groove Clash with each other
484. Pull strings Use personal influence
485. Pot luck dinner Dinner where somebody brings something to
486. To hit below the belt To attack unfairly
487. Build castle in the air Daydreaming
488. On the spur of the moment To act suddenly, without planning
489. To explore every avenue To try every opportunity

490. By fair or foul means In honest or dishonest way
491. Status quo As it is/ unchanged position
492. To burn candle at both ends extravagant
493. To hit the jackpot To make money quickly
494. To bring to light to reveal
495. To shed crocodile tears To pretend grief
496. To miss the bus/miss the beat miss opportunity
497. To call spade a spade To be frank
498. Take exception To object over something
499. High handed using authority in an unreasonable way
500. Too fond of one’s own voice like talking without listening
501. Take cue from To copy what someone already did in past in
to be successful
502. Out of the question Undesirable/ Not worth discussing
503. End up in something Come to nothing
504. Spread like fire Spread rapidly
505. Dropping like flies Collapsing in large numbers
506. Rat race Fierce competition for power
507. See eye to eye To think in same way
508. To have second thoughts To reconsider
509. Not my cup of tea Not interested in
510. To burn one’s fingers To get physically hurt
511. To foam at one’s mouth To be very angry
512. Send packing Terminate service
513. Kick up a row To complain loudly about something
514. Wet behind the ears Young and without experience
515. Batten down the hatches Prepare for a difficult situation
516. Bury the hatchet To make peace
517. Iron will Strong determination
518. Iron fist strictly
519. Rides the high horse Feel superior
520. Putting the cart before the horse Doing things in the wrong way
521. Not to look a gift horse in the Not to find fault with the gift received
522. Eat like a horse Eat a lot
523. See through Detect the true nature of someone
524. To talk someone over To convince over

525. Once in a blue moon Rarely
526. Through thick and thin Under all circumstances
527. Come to grief To suffer
528. Eat anyone’s salt To be anyone’s guest
529. Give a hand with To help with
530. Strike a bargain To negotiate a deal
531. Point blank Very definite and direct
532. On the horns of dilemma both choice unpleasant (while selecting one)
533. From hand to mouth Miserably(providing only bare essentials)
534. Take exception To object
535. To hail from To come from
536. To put an end to Stop
537. Die hard unwilling to change
538. Carry weight important
539. Under the thumb of Under the control of
540. Part and parcel An essential part of something
541. In black and white In writing
542. At a loss Unable to decide
543. Lame excuse Unsatisfactory explanation
544. For better or worse Always
545. In a nutshell Brief
546. A shot in the dark An attempt to guess something
547. Water under the bridge something happened in the past and is no
548. Stick to guns Hold on to original decisions
549. Big gun An influential person
550. Out of hand Out of control
551. Get on well Have a friendly relationship
552. In a pickle In an awkward situation
553. As hard as nail Emotionless
554. Allow a free hand Complete liberty
555. Cut coat according to one’s live within your means
556. Weal and woe Ups and downs
557. Rack and ruin Ransacked
558. Has a bee in one’s bonnet To be preoccupied or obsessed
559. Bull in a China shop One who is out of place (jagah ke anukul na

560. Change colors To turn pale
561. Spick and span Neat and clean
562. Out of the world Extraordinary
563. Sweep under the carpet Keep hidden
564. Take hat off Encourage
565. Apple of discord Cause of animosity
566. Apple pie order In perfect order
567. Apple of one’s eye Very lovable
568. Jumping down one’s throat To react very angrily to somebody
569. Call spade a spade To speak in a straightforward manner(frankly)
570. To play second fiddle Take a subordinate role
571. Casting pearl before swine Offering good things to undeserving people
572. For good Permanently
573. Achilles’s heel Weak spot
574. Take a leap in the dark To take risk
575. Cut the gordian knot Remove difficulty / To solve problem
576. A cakewalk An easy achievement
577. Man of straw A man of no substance
578. Born with a silver spoon Born in a rich family
579. Let sleeping dogs lie Not to bring up an old
580. A month of Sundays A long time
581. A closed book A mystery
582. Wet one’s whistle To have a drink / Moistens one’s throat
583. Cool one’s heel To keep waiting
584. Live-wire A person who is lively or energetic
585. Above board Legal and honest
586. Pour cats and dogs Rain heavily
587. Time and again Always
588. Rule the roost Exercise authority
589. Feel one’s pulse To find what one is thinking on some point
590. Donkey’s year A long time
591. To make things done To manage
592. Chicken out Withdraw
593. Bad hats People of bad character
594. Give and take mutual concessions and compromises
595. Get down to To begin work seriously
596. Picking up holes in Finding out faults with something

597. To cast a die To take a decision
598. Cordon off Isolate
599. Keep an open house Welcome all members
600. Plain sailing Very easy
601. To cut one short To criticize one
602. Show the white flag To surrender
603. A cut above Better than other people or things
604. To throw dust in one’s eye To deceive
605. Husband one’s resource Save / Economical
606. Keep wolf away from the door Escape starvation
607. Pin money Additional money
608. The Alpha and Omega Beginning and end
609. Salt of the earth Good, honest and ideal
610. Bring the house down Make the audience applaud enthusiastically
611. Gerrymandering way In a manipulative and unfair way
612. Down in the dumps Sad and depressed
613. Dot one’s I’s and cross one T’s Be detailed and exact
614. All moonshine Superficial
615. Swansong Last prayer (at funeral or farewell)
616. Flies off at a tangent Start discussing something irrelevant
617. Nail one’s colors to the mast Refuse to climb down
618. All might and main With full force
619. Red herrings Clues intended to distract or mislead
620. Big draw Huge attraction
621. To put a spoke in someone’s Hindrance created in plan of others
622. At a stretch Continuously
623. Know the ropes Learn the procedures
624. Barking up the wrong tree trying to find someone at wrong place
625. In the swim Well informed and up-to-date
626. Rub up the wrong way To irk or irritate someone
627. In the loop Informed regularly
628. Blackout Lost consciousness
629. Cut and dry method Honest
630. Back to the drawing board Plan it all over again
631. In the air Certain
632. On the same page Thinks in a similar way
633. Pull no punch Speaks frankly

634. To the letter exactly or precisely
635. To carve out a niche to create a position in the market
636. Come to light Been revealed
637. Around the clock Day and night
638. Balloon goes up The situation turns unpleasant or serious
639. Watching grass grow Very boring
640. Nine day’s wonder something or someone that creates a short-
641. Beyond the pale Outside commonly accepted standards
642. Cool about working Not tense about working
643. Salad days Adolescence
644. All ears Attentive
645. To gather roses only To seek all enjoyments of life
646. Bed of roses Pleasant situation of comfort
647. Under the rose Secretly
648. Bed of thorns A situation of extreme difficulty
649. A black sheep A person with bad reputation
650. An about turn Complete change of opinion or situation
651. Make a mockery to make something seem ridiculous or
652. Pay on the nail Payment without delay
653. Penelope’s web An endless job
654. At draggers drawn Enmity
655. Average out Balance
656. Go to the dogs to go to in very bad situation
657. Floored To surprise or confuse
658. Tall tales Boasting
659. Backseat driver A person who gives unwanted advice
660. At random Without any aim or target
661. Go haywire Become out of control
662. An old flame Romantic relationship in past
663. An olive branch Peace request
664. At arm’s length Avoid becoming too friendly
665. At one’s finger’s end To have complete knowledge
666. Back stairs gossip Talk among servants
667. Bag and baggage With all belongings
668. Baker’s dozen Thirteen in number

669. Be in the driving seat Bearing all responsibilities
670. Bear the burnt of To bear the main part of something
671. Beat black and blue Beating mercilessly
672. Beat hollow To defeat thoroughly and convincingly
673. Bell the cat Taking first step at personal risk, do the
impossible task
674. Between the devil and the Between two difficult situations
deep sea
675. Blind alley A situation in which no further progress can
be made
676. Blind date A meeting between a girl and a boy, who
have not
met before.
677. Blue blood Royal and aristocratic descent.
678. Blue book Government report
679. Body and soul entirely
680. Boon/blessing in disguise Hidden blessing
681. Bosom friend Fast friend
682. Breathe one’s last To pass away
683. Broad day light In day light
684. Broken reed Unreliable person
685. Brown study A state of deep thought
686. Burn a hole in the pocket Spent money quickly
687. Burn the midnight oil Laboring/studying till late night
688. Burning question Hot issue
689. By hook and crook By any means, right or wrong
690. Carry the coal to the new Useless effort
691. Chew the curd To ponder over/ meditate
692. Chicken hearted coward
693. Cry for the moon To desire the unattainable
694. Cut both ways Argue in favour of both sides
695. Dance to one’s tunes Obeying one’s order
696. Dead letter A law or ordinance that is no longer enforced
697. Damocles’ sword Constant threat
698. Double edge swords Something that has both good and bad

699. Put to the sword To kill
700. Duck in thunderstorm In a painful condition
701. Eagle eyed With keen eyesight
702. Eat one’s word Take a statement back
703. Elbow room Sufficient scope to move or function
704. Escape one’s lips Speak unintentionally or unexpectedly
705. Fabian policy Policy of delaying decisions
706. Fair sex Women
707. Fancy price At any cost
708. Fly in the ointment A slight unpleasant thing that obstructs the
enjoyment of something
709. Fool’s paradise A state of being happy for foolish or
710. Forty winks A nap
711. French leave A leave without information or permission
712. Fringe benefits An additional benefit apart
713. Gala day Celebration day
714. Get away with To escape
715. Gibble-gabble Foolish talk
716. Grass widow A woman who is separated
717. Green room A lounge in a theatre or studio for the
performers to
get ready
718. Grist to one’s mill Something that can be used for one’s
719. Halcyon days Peaceful days
720. Hammer and tongs With great effort or energy
721. Hand and glove with In close co-operation
722. Hang by a thread Be in a risky situation
723. Haul over the coals To reprimand
724. Hole and corner policy Secret policy
725. Hue and cry Any loud public outcry
726. Hush money Money given to someone to keep something
727. In vogue In current fashions
728. Itsy bitsy Very small and tiny
729. Jack of all trades and master A person who knows many different kinds of

on none work
but is a master of none.
730. Jail bird A person who is confined to jail
731. Jaundiced eye To look at something with a prejudiced view
732. Judas kiss False love
733. Kangaroo court An illegal court
734. Keep one’s card close to one’s Hiding something
735. Keep one’s finger crosses To wait expectantly
736. Keep the ball rolling To maintain the progress of project or plan
737. Knit one’s brow Angry
738. Lion’s share Large part
739. Live in ivory tower Living in comfort and being unaware of
realities of
others miseries
740. Loaves and fishes Material benefit
741. Lump in the throat A tight or uncomfortable feeling in throat due
742. Mad as a march hare Crazy and insane
743. Make or mar To make and destroy
744. Man of means A wealthy man
745. Man of iron Man with strong will power
746. Man of parts A man of qualities
747. Man of world An experienced person
748. Mare’s nest Rumor
749. Midas touch A man with extraordinary power
750. To mind one’s P’s and Q’s Taking care of behavior properly
751. Mother wit Common sense
752. Nig-nag A noun used to address someone(with joke
753. Nurse a grudge Bear enmity for long period
754. Oily tongue Flattering words
755. On one’s guard Vigilant (sachet rahna )
756. On one’s last legs Close to collapsing
757. Open question A question which may have more than one

758. Past master An expert
759. Pay the piper To bear the cost of something
760. Penny wise pound foolish Miser in small things and extravagant in large
761. Pick up the gauntlet To accept the challenge (gauntlet- lohe ka
762. Throw down the gauntlet To challenge
763. Run the gauntlet To go through an unpleasant experience
764. Poison someone’s ear To speak against one to another
765. Poke one’s nose To interfere
766. Pour oil on troubled waters To pacify the matter (shant karna)
767. Pull the wool over somebody’s To mislead
768. Put in cold storage To keep a work pending
769. Put one’s shoulders to the To work or exert oneself heavily
770. Put the cat among pigeons To say/do something that causes trouble or
very angry
771. Quarrel with one’s bread and To fight with executive or employer, who is
butter providing one’s means of living
772. Queer fish Strange person
773. Rainy day Future time of need, especially financial need
774. Rhyme or reason Sense, logic or meaning
775. Right hand man One’s most valuable assistant or supporter
776. Rock the boat To disturb a situation which was otherwise
777. Rolling stone A restless person
778. Royal road An easy or direct way of achieving a desired
779. Run amuck Mad with murderous frenzy
780. Run of the mill Average/ common
781. See pink elephants Any visual hallucination arising due to
782. See red Be very angry
783. Set at naught To disregard or treat as of no importance
784. Set one’s heart on To have as one’s ambition to obtain

785. Set one’s teeth on edge To irritate or annoy something
786. Show white feather To show cowardice
787. Sine die Indefinitely
788. Slow coach Lazy person
789. Small fry Insignificant person
790. Smooth sailing Easy progress
791. Sow the dragon’s teeth To create future troubles for yourself or
792. Stand somebody in good stead To be of great use and benefit to someone
793. Steal a march To obtain an advantage by secret means
794. Step into another’s shoes To take over a job/responsibility of some
795. Stiff-necked person Stubborn or arrogant
796. Stir a finger Making effort
797. Street Arabs A homeless person
798. Sum and substance Main idea or gist(saransh)
799. Sweat of one’s bow Hard labor
800. Swelled head Conceited (ghamandi)
801. Take away one’s breath To overwhelm with surprise
802. Take by storm To surprise unexpectedly
803. Take one at one’s word Kisi ke kahne pe vishwas karna
804. The printer’s devil Error in printing
805. Tooth and nail Violently
806. Turn over a new leaf To be entirely changed
807. Turn the corner To pass through a critical point in a process
808. Up and doing Active in work
809. Up one’s sleeves An item kept hidden and used whenever
810. Uphill task Difficult task
811. Utopian scheme A visionary scheme though impractical
812. Weather the storm Survive by coming out of difficulties
813. Well to do Affluent
814. Wet blanket One who spoils the enjoyment
815. Wheels within wheels A series of intricately connected
816. White lie A minor lie
817. Will o’ the wisp Elusive/unreal
818. Wolf in ship’s clothing A malicious person in harmless or benevolent

819. Word of mouth Informal oral communication
820. Adam’s ale Pure water
821. An eye wash Dikhawa
822. Add insult to injury To harm as well as humiliate
823. Pocket an insult To bear insult
824. Hair- breadth escape Very narrow escape
825. A lost ball in the weeds Completely lost or confused
826. As fit as fiddle Strong and healthy
827. Assume airs To pretend superiority
828. At large Kanun ke girift se dur
829. Gentleman at large Wealthy man with time on his hands
830. Bad egg Worthless person
831. Egg on To urge someone to do wrong things
832. Bandy words To argue
833. Bank upon Depend on
834. Bated breath Holding your breath, in anxiety
835. Be in the good odor of To be in good favour
836. Beside oneself To feel extremely nervous or worried
837. Between Scylla and Charybdis Between two great dangers
838. Bid defiance To defy (disobey)
839. Blue stocking An educated intellectual lady
840. Bring home To explain
841. Bring to book To punish
842. Brow beat To intimidate(darana)
843. By and by Gradually
844. By and large On the whole
845. By dint of By means of (ke bal par)
846. By the rule of thumb According to practical experience
847. Call names To abuse
848. Carry matters with high hand To deal with a person strictly
849. Cast a slur To bring disgrace
850. Cave in Yield (jhukna )
851. Clinch the issue To clear the controversy
852. Cloven hoof Symbol of disgrace or evil intention
853. Cock an snook To show impudent contempt
854. Cock sure Very sure and certain
855. Cold reception Not a hearty welcome

856. Come home to To understand
857. Come in handy To be useful
858. Come to pass A difficult situation
859. Corporal punishment Bodily punishment
860. Count chickens before they are To anticipate the profit before hand
861. Cross one’s mind To occur to oneself
862. Curtain lecture A private scolding by wife to her husband
863. Cut throat Tough
864. Dance attendance upon To be in servile attitude all the time
865. Days of reckoning A time when the effects of one’s past
mistakes or
misdeeds catch up with one
866. Dead broke /Go break Bankrupt
867. Double dealing Deceitful actions
868. Down and out Lacking funds
869. Down in the mouth Filled with sorrow
870. Draconian law Extremely severe law
871. Draw the long bow To exaggerate
872. Dutch courage Bravery under alcoholic influence
873. Eke out To support with difficulty
874. Elixir of life Jeevan ka amrit
875. Enough and to spare Plentiful
876. Ever and anon Now and then
877. Fan the flame To aggravate (or battar banana)
878. Few and far between Very rare
879. Flash in the pan Success by chance
880. Fly in the face of To defy(disobey)/to brave/ to withstand
881. Fly into a passion Angry
882. Fool’s errand Fruitless mission
883. Foot the bill Bear expenses
884. Get down to brass tacks Discuss the basic facts or realities
885. Get into a scrape Find oneself in a difficult or awkward
886. Get the better of To overcome
887. Grid up the loin Well prepared for difficult task
888. Give up the ghost To die
889. Wool-gathering Daydreaming

890. Green horn Immature person
891. Hang in balance Have two equally possible results/ be
892. Hang over one’s head To have something bothering or worrying
893. Harp on the same string To keep on talking on the same topic
894. Himalayan blunder A serious mistake
895. Hold one’s jaw To stop taking
896. Hold the fort Take a firm stand
897. Hold the scales even To be impartial
898. In doldrums To be depressed
899. In embryo Immature/ in the making
900. In the family way Pregnant
901. In the jaws of In the grip of
902. Melting pot A place where immigrants of different
cultures or
races form an integrated society
903. In the teeth of Facing danger
904. Keep abreast of Not to fall behind
905. Keep an open table To entertain all
906. Keep at bay To keep someone at distance
907. Keep the pot boiling To keep going on actively
908. Keep up appearance To keep one’s prestige
909. Kill the fat calf for To arrange a lavish reception for someone
910. Kiss the dust To be humiliated
911. Lapped in luxury Brought up in luxury
912. Laugh in one’s sleeves To laugh secretly
913. Lead by the nose To guide someone very carefully
914. Lead to the altar To marry
915. Let by-gone be by-gone To forget old things
916. Lie in wait Wait in hiding to attack
917. Long and short Saransh
918. Look down upon Hate
919. Lose the day To be defeated
920. Make a fortune To grow rich
921. Make after Chase
922. Make amends To compensate
923. Make head or tail of To understand

924. Make one’s mark To achieve distinction
925. Make out To understand
926. Make up the leeway Struggle out of a bad position
927. Meet half-way To be prepared for compromise
928. Milk of human kindness Human compassion
929. Narrow circumstances Hard days/ poverty
930. Neither chick nor child No child
931. Nook and corner At every place
932. Beauty is only skin deep Physically beauty is not important
933. On the wrong side of One’s age being more than
934. Order of the day Some common things of time
935. Out of the woods Out of difficulties
936. Pay one back in one’s own coin Tit for tat
937. Pell mell Very fast and disorganized
938. Petticoat government Undue influence of women
939. Pin prick Troubles that are for short time
940. Play a double game To act dubiously
941. Play one’s card well To do the correct things to achieve a desired
942. Play the fool To act foolishly
943. Put pen to paper To start writing
944. Put the saddle on the right To blame the really guilty person
945. Rank and file Lower middle class people
946. Red rag to a bull Something that will surely produce a violent
947. Rise to the occasion To show that you can deal with a difficult
948. Rub shoulders with To meet and spend time with
949. Run down To reduce in health/ to criticize
950. Hard up Not proving sufficient
951. Scratch one’s head To be perplexed (pareshan ho jana)
952. Screw up one’s courage To gather courage
953. Seal of love Kiss
954. See the light To be born
955. Sink fast To deteriorate in quality or condition
956. Slip of the pen A small unintentional mistake in writing
957. Square meal Full meal

958. Take a leaf out of another To imitate another person
man’s book
959. Take into one’s head To suddenly decide to do something ,often
silly or
960. Take pains To work hard
961. Tall talk Boasting
962. The fourth estate The press
963. The knock down price Very low price
964. Sheet anchor A person or thing to be relied upon in an
965. Thick-skinned person Not easily offended
966. Tool in the hands of Under the authority of another
967. Turn one’s coat To change one’s party
968. Turn the tables To change the situation completely
969. Wash dirty linen in public To expose private affairs in public


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