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MYP 5 Biology Syllabus

1. Cells
● Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
● Plant cell and Animal cell
● Cell organelles
● Stem cells and their applications

2. Organs, tissues and organ system

● Digestive organs, glands and enzymes
● Rumination
● Endocrine system- Major hormones and their roles, disease associated like diabetes
● Plant hormones (Only Auxin in detail)
● Plant tropism
● Nervous system (reflex and synapse)
● Comparison and contrast between endocrine and nervous system

3. Cell division
● Mitosis - significance and stages
● Meiosis - significance only
● Cancer

4. Reproduction
● Mode of asexual reproduction & tissue culture
● Vegetative propagation in plants
● Sexual reproduction in plants- structure of flowers, pollination and types of pollination
● Sexual reproduction in humans
● Male and female reproductive organs, hormones and menstrual cycle stages

5. Interactions between organisms

● Food chains
● Food webs
● 10% law
● Pyramids of number and energy
● Vectors and parasites
● Prey and predator relationship
● Ecological relationships
● Nitrogen, carbon and water cycle
● Natural selection

6. Metabolism
● Role of enzymes & factors affecting it
● Nutrition and deficiency disorders
● Role of hemoglobin
● Arteries and veins
● Role of heart in the circulation of blood

7. Photosynthesis
● Mechanism of photosynthesis
● Role and structure of leaf and stomata
● Factors affecting rate of photosynthesis

8. Respiration
● Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
● Mechanism of breathing
● Mechanism of respiration
● Difference between breathing and respiration

9. Genetic engineering
● Genes and alleles
● Mendel’s experiment and Monohybrid cross
● Cloning and types of cloning
● Application of genetic engineering- GMOs like Bt Crops
● Advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering

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