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The next generation of Information and Communication Technology is characterized by the ubiquity of
smart devices and machines that perform intelligent functions by autonomously sensing, analyzing,
and exchanging information via the Internet. From E-health, smart homes, and intelligent transportation
to industrial manufacturing and supply chain, the Internet of Things (IoT) is intended to provide
humanity with an easier, safer, and more intelligent lifestyle. However, the rapid growth of IoT
applications has increased the number of connected "Things" to unprecedented levels. The number of
connected devices is forecasted to reach about 125 billion (IHS Markit) by 2030, and
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications, which constitute a large proportion of IoT applications,
are expected to occupy almost 45 percent of the entire network traffic by 2022 [1].

This remarkable increase in the number of connected devices needs to be accompanied by an

equivalent increase in resource provisioning to avoid any sort of service disruption. Although the
existing cloud computing paradigm can handle a massive amount of data, it is not suitable for
distributed IoT systems due to the potentially incurred delays [2]. For this reason, providing computing,
storage, and communication functionalities at the network edge helps not only reduces the end-to-end
delay but also can alleviate the burdens on cloud servers and backhaul links. Furthermore, due to the
physical proximity of edge devices with end-users, edge computing can support distributed IoT
applications that require location awareness and higher Quality of Service (QoS) [2, 3].

EC follows a decentralized architecture with data processing at the edge of the frontier network nodes
to make autonomous decisions. Therefore, the applications running on EC will perform actions locally
before connecting to the cloud, thus reducing network overhead issues as well as security and privacy
issues. Furthermore, EC can easily be integrated with other wireless networks like mobile ad-hoc
networks (MANETs), vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETS), intelligent transport systems (ITSS), and the
Internet of Things (IoT) to mitigate network-related and computational problems. When integrated with
EC, these network applications make decisions very quickly, avoiding any delay involved in life-saving

For example, in the healthcare domain, ambulance services enabled with EC are inbuilt with predictive
algorithms that can make decisions autonomously without relying on the cloud. For transportation
applications, end devices such as smartphones and onboard units when upgraded with EC can quickly
predict time-critical events and make decisions that can avoidaccidents and traffic congestion, as
shown in Figure 1. In e-commerce and social networking domains, EC can potentially enhance the user
experience by providing a personalized recommendation system, easy navigation, and advanced
interactive browsing.

Internet of Things (IoT) was first introduced to the community in 1999 for supply chain management,
and then the concept of "making a computer sense information without the aid of human intervention"
was widely adapted to other fields such as healthcare, home, environment, and transports. With IoT, we
will enter the post-cloud age, when there will be a tremendous volume of high-quality data generated by
everyday objects, and many apps will be deployed at the edge to consume this data.


Manage Data

Process query




Social tag

Identify, data. management. Dispatch

Build message

Figure 1: EC in VANET's [8]


With innovative advancements in information and telecommunications technology, the IoT has evolved
to a remarkable degree over the last two decades. The rising demands of users and the high data rate
generated by the IoT nodes have soared to trillions of gigabytes. This could potentially cause high
latency issues and heavy bandwidth utilization. To design an efficient EC system architecture, the
performance of EC and its limitations need to be considered Hence, we highlight some of the potential
challenges facing EC and elucidate solutions to overcome these challenges. [4]

2.1 What is Edge computing and IoT?

The process of linking physical items to the internet is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). Any
physical object or hardware system that receives and transmits data via networks without the need for
human interaction is referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT). In a feedback loop, a typical IoT system
continually sends, receives, and analyses data. Humans or artificial intelligence and machine learning
(AI/ML) can analyze in near real-time or over a longer period. When anything is described as smart, it
almost often refers to the Internet of Things. For example, consider self-driving vehicles, smart houses,
smartwatches, virtual and augmented reality, and industrial IoT.

Edge computing occurs at or near the physical location of either the user or the data source. Users gain
from quicker, more reliable services with better user experiences, while enterprises profit from being
better equipped to handle latency-sensitive applications, recognize trends, and provide better goods
and services by bringing computing services closer to key places. Edge computing is one way for a
company to use and distribute a shared pool of resources across a large number of locations to scale
centralized infrastructure to meet the demands of growing numbers of devices and data.

2.2 Research view on Edge Computing

Many academics and researchers have successfully employed EC to improve the resilience and
dynamicity of their systems in a variety of applications. Many real-time applications that used CC have
converted to EC because it promises a compelling reduction in latency, effective bandwidth use, and
low energy usage. In this section, we discuss the significance of EC from the perspectives of many
researchers and examine a variety of EC- based applications. Recent improvements in augmented
reality (AR) applications require real-time processing and faster response times. The expanding
demands of AR processing are beyond the capabilities of traditional computing approaches like CC. [8]
Ali and Simeone developed an EC-based approach for AR applications to achieve efficient data
processing and a faster response time to address this issue. To improve AR application reliability, they
deploy an energy-efficient resource allocation approach. IoT-based smart home applications are
another driving trend that is transforming living rooms. Smart home applications are mission- critical,
requiring minimal latency and locality preservation. These requirements of smart home applications
are met by an EC-based system.

Table 1: Summary-computing Characteristics






Latency Bandwidth Utilization



Very High



Very High

Very Low

Response Time







Very High


Server Overhead

Very High



Very Low

Energy Consumption




Network Congestion

Very High









Quality of Service and Quality of Experience




2.3 Computing v/s Storage service of EC/FC/Cloud/MCC

In EC, compute services have a reaction time in milliseconds and support a variety of application as a
service (AaaS) approach. On edge servers, EC can successfully execute data analytics, predictive
analysis, and virtualization. EC provides ubiquitous computing in smart applications, where the user
may engage with the system in real-time and have a superior QoE, because to its decreased latency. EC
provides local storage services and only maintains data on the server for a short period of time. The
data that lives in the edge server is only stored for a transient time because EC employs storage for
caching rather than storing. Large business applications processing massive volumes of data cannot
be managed by EC due to its low storage capacity. The advantages of computing services in FC are
similar to those of EC. While computer capabilities are relocated to the LAN, it also delivers additional
services to end userssuch as cooperation as a service (CaaS) and network as a service (NaaS). The
storage function in FC provides temporary storage space. Because the fog nodes are located at the
LAN's edge, they have greater storage space than the EC storage service. Data can be stored in the FC
server for hours or days, depending on the storage configuration.

IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are three main categories for computing services in both CC and MCC. Due to the
availability of centralized data centres, compute capabilities are quite high. Despite the fact that CC
and MCC provide massive computing capacity, the distance between the server and the end user
exposes the company to excessive latency, which is incompatible with real-time processing and IoT
applications. The storage service in both CC and MCC is large, allowing it to retain data indefinitely; the
main difference is that MCC provides additional data security/protection and a higher error recovery
rate by mirroring data over multiple servers. Table 2 provides a comprehensive comparison of
computing and storage services for a number of architectures.

Table 2: Summary - Computing Services


Computing Response time in milliseconds





storage, doesn't support huge data collection

Fog Computing

Response time in

seconds to

minutes based on the application


Data can be stored Permanent

for hours upto days



Response time in minutes

in minutes

Response time


storage supports huge data collection

storage supports huge data collection and data protection

2.4 Challenges faced by Edge Computing

These are some of the primary challenges that need to be considered when designing an EC
architecture. The selection of an EC device is critical in different network scenarios. For example, in
VANETs, the EC device can be a vehicle or a dedicated edge server. If the vehicles are selected as edge
devices, the computation gets distributed but the implementation cost will be high. On the other hand,
if the network has a dedicated edge server, it may face challenges in handling the growing demands of
the end devices. Thus, to have an effective EC system,the application should incorporate an effective
resource management scheme that should be proficient enough to manage both the edge servers and
the connecting devices. Computation offloading among edge devices is yet another challenging
parameter. In a dynamic network, the computations across several edge nodes need to be offloaded in
a distributed manner. Without a distributed scheme, the workload becomes biased which eventually
increases the load in some systems and drains their battery. Careful policymaking combined with
effective computation orchestration and management is required to have an energy-efficient workload
distribution system. Automated task allocation between the cloud and the edge is challenging.

Due to certain technological constraints in the computation and storage aspect, EC does not entirely
exclude cloud computing services, as some computations are still carried out in cloud servers to
increase system reliability. A reliable task scheduling scheme needs to be incorporated in the EC which
should appropriately allocate tasks to the edge and cloud servers without affecting system
performance. Reducing communication overhead to achieve QoS in EC is challenging. EC systems may
suffer from network-related problems, like network traffic congestion and denial of service, without any
network standardization and protocols. An efficient network protocol and standards need to be
designed for EC systems to ensure smooth operation without any network lag. Mobility management in
EC is challenging. The devices utilized in high mobility networks like MANETS and VANETs will face
frequent communication disconnection. As a result, data processing and decision-making could be
significantly affected and delayed. A reliable cooperation scheme should be incorporated into EC
devices to effectively handle such mobility issues. Ensuring security and privacy in an EC system is
also quite challenging. With computations pushed to the edge of the network, information becomes
vulnerable to various security threats and attacks. Efficient pseudonym schemes and trust
management systems need to be incorporated into the system to handle security issues and all
possible malicious intrusions/attacks. As a result, when designing an EC system for a network,
researchers and vendor practitioners should consider these aforementioned challenges to achieve the
enduring scalability and robustness of the system As the requirements and challenges are different for
every network, such as MANETS, VANETs, and the IoT, the design of EC needs to be tailored to
individual requirements. We analyse EC services and highlighted some of the important topographies
that need to be considered while designing/implementing a new edge architecture as shown in Figure

2.5 Role of Edge Computing in IoT-Based Manufacturing

Given the dimensions of the manufacturing system, edge computing can be located either at the
equipment level, the control level, or the workshop level. It may support individual stages such as
system integration, interconnection, information fusion, or the entire life cycle of the manufacturing
process. The deployment of edge computing transforms the system to allow flexibility in adapting to
changes in the resources of the production line, which can, in turn, promote the development of
IoT-based manufacturing.

The whole IoT-based manufacturing architecture is like a pyramid that can be simply divided into the
device layer, the control layer, and the network layer. There is a strong interaction between the
underlying manufacturing equipment and the affiliated services. Due to the lack of flexibly configurable
middleware, it is challenging to implement flexible adjustments to the equipment to cope with the
changing manufacturing status. However, the popularity of IoT requires a more open model in the
industrial field, especially for safe remote access, periodic maintenance, and industrial big data
analysis. The emergence of edge computing attempts to deal with this challenge by transforming the
computing model of intelligent manufacturing from a centralized control model to a distributed
processing model. Additionally, the edge computing nodes support the plug and play of new
equipment and rapid

replacement in case of failure. One challenge in the IIoT framework is the ubiquitous compatibility
problem due to the existence of a diverse number of protocols. Therefore, to deal with this diversity,
edge computing nodes provide multiple access modes within their modular network interfaces.
Furthermore, the format of the transmission payload is modified to adapt to different communication
protocols and to facilitate easy information exchange between the equipment. It also allows the
flexible adjustment of production plans and supports rapid deployments of new processes. Edge
computing improves the terminal intelligence of manufacturing equipment. The goal is to not only
allow the IoT devices to perform business logic analysis and autonomous computing but also to give
them the capability to optimize and adjust their execution strategies in real-time. Edge computing
nodes also make it possible to implement active maintenance at the edge of IoT. It enables the
acquisition of the real-time and accurate state of the equipment. In the same way, some of the
diagnostic tasks run on the manufacturing cloud can be offloaded to the edge computing nodes, which
decreases the time delay needed in performing these diagnoses, and enables proactive maintenance.
This decreases the maintenance time and reduces the application monitoring pressure of the
manufacturing cloud. In general, edge computing nodes are integrated into IoT, making the embedded
control more powerful and improving the scalability of the network.

Cloud computing
STORM MUSC Big data analysis

Knowledge mining

Cooperation framework

Edge computing

Low jitter

Edge cloud services

High bandwidth



Edge gateway

Low latency

Network edge device

og Apache


Smart meter


Figure 3: Co-Operation mechanism in IoT based Manufacturing [8]

The fusion of different types and sources of data is an important step for data acquisition and
intelligent control in the management of complex industrial processes. Edge computing can enhance
the capability of data fusion at the network edge. Figure 3 shows the architecture of an edge-enhanced
data fusion framework.

Edge computing can make full use of the sensor resources at the peripheral network devices. The
complementary and redundant information obtained from the sensors in space and time is combined
according to pre-defined optimization criteria and algorithms. This improves the consistency of the
interpretation and the analysis of the detected event.

Based on a knowledge base, a self-learning mechanism can perform dynamic reasoning and generate
responses. Edge computing nodes can be deployed to extract features from the sensor signals by
applying time series analysis, frequency analysis, and wavelet analysis techniques. An artificial
intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML) model can be run on the edge computing nodes to utilize the
characteristic data to make predictions and subsequently update the knowledge base.

Dynamic reasoning at the edge can be performed according to the updated knowledge and received
data. This allows intelligent decision-making at the network edge. The implementation of fine-grained
data acquisition is easy to realize with the peripheral equipment, and the different streams of the
original data can be directly fused.

2.6 Integration of IoT with Edge

More than 20 billion IoT devices are now connected to the Internet, and this figure is likely to grow in
the next five to ten years [5], [6]. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a collection of billions of
Internet-connected objects or things that can perceive, communicate, compute, and possibly actuate,
as well as having intelligence, multimodal interfaces, physical/virtual identities, and characteristics [5].
Edge datacentres are mostly used to bring computing resources from IoT infrastructure. Current IoT
devices create a massive quantity of data, referred to as big data [7], which necessitates the creation of
a specialized computer infrastructure to process it in near real-time.

IoT devices have recently been installed to detect and/or operate as data sources, then communicate
the data to the cloud for processing and storage. Edge computing enters the picture as a result of the
increased need for real-time data processing. In the current research, edge devices are put in the
network's base station, allowing data streams to be sent to the cloud via the edge devices. As a result,
in a developing circumstance, edge devices can execute lightweight computing and submit data
streams to the cloud for batch processing. Fog computing is a term that refers to the confluence of IoT,
edges, and the cloud.

Chapter 3


Artificial intelligence-embedded chip technologies can unload network data-carrying burdens in a

variety of domains, including fleet tracking, asset tracking, autonomous cars, factory automation, and
warehousing. They may do so while sending real-time information to the front lines. The activation of
many of these on-the-go activities necessitates a large amount of data. At the same time, they require
this data to be available in real-time and in transit. These procedures don't benefit from cloud
computing as much as other data-intensive activities, such as machine learning training data. Instead,
edge computing, which puts computation, networking, and other resources directly to the devices and
data that require them, benefits these operations the most. IT can extend artificial intelligence (AIO
processing loads at the level of a system-on-a-chip (SOC) by activating artificial intelligence (AIO
processing loads at the system-on-a-chip (SOC) level.

Edge computing's characteristics and functions are what provide the many benefits linked with it and
make it appealing to businesses. The placement of an IoT camera on a shop floor provides a good
example for explaining the automation and security benefits it provides.

Data concerning an employee's mobility patterns, shop floor traffic, and areas of delay will be captured
via an IoT camera put within a warehouse to record employees' behavioral patterns. The processor in
the IoT camera may then assess movement patterns and shop floor activity to save just coordinate
data derived from employees while deleting sensitive employee data and physical appearance data.
The studied coordinates may then be communicated to a centralized system, which can subsequently
be used to implement new material handling regulations that reduce shop floor traffic and boost

Edge computing for Industrial IoT occurs at the moment, and recorded data may be analyzed to make
real-time choices or forwarded to centralized platforms to drive policies, as seen in this example. It also
emphasizes the added layer of protection it provides for the Industrial Internet of Things and the
deployment of robots on factory floors.

Internet of Things (IoT) was first introduced to the community in 1999 for supply chain management,
and then the concept of "making a computer sense information without the aid of human intervention"
was widely adapted to other fields such as healthcare, home, environment, and transports. With IoT, we
will enter the post-cloud age, when there will be a tremendous volume of high-quality data generated by
everyday objects, and many apps will be deployed at the edge to consume this data.


Industry impact of Edge IoT

The phrase "Manufacturing 4.0" first surfaced in 2011. It sprang from the German government's desire
to computerize industry, and it presented a future vision for industrial production that included
digitalization, automation, and artificial intelligence. Edge technology, in this design, might help with
choices at the source of an issue or scenario, where AI-enabled SOCS play a key role.
This real-time edge decision-making is now a reality. At the edge, Al-enabled choices fuel
manufacturing processes. In the future, an AI-enabled edge chip may provide timely notice to buying
about a raw material scarcity, or warn sales about the likelihood of a product shortage if a defective
component is discovered.

Logistics are also being transformed by edge AI chip automation. To save fuel and improve routes, a
truck convoy can interact with each other via low-latency edge communications. Only one of these
vehicles will be able to have a human driver in the future, with the rest of the convoy relying on
SOC-driven automation.

3.2 IoT Edge Devices

IoT edge computing relies on devices to accept, analyze, and output IoT data. This entails a connection
system that is reliant on devices and sensors. The data is transferred over a communications system,
then processed and stored by a computer. Because IoT devices create, analyze, and execute massive
volumes of data, computing at the edge reduces latency and operational difficulties.

An IoT edge device is a sensor-based internet-connected gadget. These sensors gather information
and send it to the processing unit. Instead of going through the time-consuming process of
transmitting it to the cloud and back, it is processed locally. IoT devices can save network resources by
collecting and processing data in a distributed fashion. In this way, workloads are spread among
available devices, ensuring that none gets overworked or underutilized.

3.3 Examples for Edge IoT Devices

Some common IoT edge devices include an IoT server, which processes data at the edge, and an IoT
router, which works as an IoT hub, transmitting data to the necessary recipients. Self-driving cars are
also IoT devices in that they produce, process, and use data without needing the cloud for at least
some of their processes.

Role of Machine Learning in IoT

Machine learning (ML) is a vital component of IoT edge runtime and IoT applications, and many
DevOps teams include it in their application designs. Certain IoT edge devices can benefit from
machine learning to better comprehend and anticipate data they store and process.

An ML application programming interface (API) may collect data from an IoT edge device and detect
patterns in inputs, user behavior, weather conditions, and other factors. It can then anticipate the next
input and allocate the necessary resources to handle it, minimizing the time it takes to process and
return the data.

When a person reaches a specific threshold, machine learning can assist forecast what will happen
next. Consider the case when a machine's danger zone has a three-foot radius around it. While humans
pass by sensors within eight feet of a machine but do not enter the danger zone, machine learning can
detect the pattern and keep the machinery running normally when certain criteria are satisfied.

However, if sensors are installed at four feet and the algorithm learns that someone passing within four
feet crosses the three-foot barrier 80% of the time, it may utilize this information to prepare the
machines for going offline. The same inputs may be used to trigger warnings or even a sequence of
safety alerts that are triggered by various distances.

3.5 Benefits of edge computing

Edge computing entails bringing servers closer to end-users in order to serve as connecting points to
backend data center activities. Here are some of the advantages of Edge computing. i. Latency

Edge computing improves network performance by cutting latency. Because devices process data
locally or at a local edge centre, the information does not travel nearly as far as it would in a traditional
cloud architecture. All moving data must pass through local network connections before reaching the
destination. Depending on the infrastructure quality, this step can cause delays ranging from 10 to 65
ii. Secure Data Processing

Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks and power outages are common in traditional cloud installations.
Edge computing distributes processing and storage, reducing the likelihood of failures and downtime.
Hackers cannot intercept data in transit since most procedures are performed locally. Even if an
attacker gains access to a single computer, the data on that computer is limited.

iii. Cost Effectiveness

Edge computing platforms combine IoT devices with edge servers to allow enterprises to scale up
capacity. It is not necessary to build, maintain, or expand a private data center to add additional
resources. Instead, a company may set up regional edge servers to quickly and cost-effectively expand
its network. Edge computing also saves money on expansion because each new device does not add
to the total network bandwidth requirements.

iv. Market Expansion

A company might work with a local edge data centre to quickly create and test new markets. The
growth would not necessitate the development of new or expensive infrastructure because enterprises
may deploy edge devices immediately and begin serving clients. If the market becomes undesirable,
uninstalling is just as simple and inexpensive.

v. Consistent User Experience

Because edge servers are close to end-users, a network problem in a faraway site is less likely to affect
customers. Edge devices can perform key activities natively and, as a result, can continue to operate
even if the local center fails. To ensure access to services, the system may divert data through several
vi. Reduced Internet Traffic Congestion

Despite the fact that the internet has evolved to provide appropriate data exchanges for many common
computing operations, such as file transfers and basic streaming, the sheer volume of data generated
by tens of billions of devices can overload the internet. This volume can cause severe congestion,
resulting in lengthy data retransmissions. Edge computing decreases internet congestion and keeps an
organization from experiencing the hassles that come with it.

How Edge computing Companies can boost Innovation

Edge computing architecture is a distributed computing model that encompasses all edge computing
components-devices, sensors, servers, clouds, and so on that process or consume data at the
network's far reaches. Distributed computing is enabled by edge computing firms based on four

⚫ Data Security
⚫ Innovation
• Portability with use of open source technology


Here are some ways edge computing companies can benefit business

More secure connections: It's vital to plan an edge computing deployment that prioritizes proper device
management, including security and policy-driven configuration enforcement in computing and storage
resources, software patching and upgrades, and data encryption at rest and in flight.
II. Better data management: The problem with today's data deluge is that there is so much of it that is
unnecessary. The majority of data used in real-time analytics is short- term data that isn't kept for long
periods. Following the completion of analyses, a business must decide which data to keep and which
to discard. Edge computing technology aids in the secure storage of data by rules.

Edge computing can also aid in the management of Internet of Things devices such as cable set-top
boxes, weather sensors, and other devices that draw or send large amounts of data to and from the
data centre. An edge computing arrangement can be used to aggregate data or distribute a single data
feed to several consumers.

Chapter 4


In Industry 4.0, edge computing can provide considerable benefits in terms of efficiency and cost
savings. In fact, tasks like active maintenance are being moved to the network edge to generate new
industrial applications, which are changing the service mode. To further highlight our concept of Edge
Computing, various case scenarios where edge computing could shine are as follows.


Smart Home

The Internet of Things would be extremely beneficial to the home environment. Some goods, such as
smart lights, smart TVs, and robot vacuums, have been developed and are available on the market.
However, for a smart home, simply attaching a Wi-Fi module to an existing electrical appliance and
linking it to the cloud is insufficient. Aside from the linked device, cheap wireless sensors and
controllers should be deployed to rooms, pipes, and even the floor and wall in a smart home setting.
These devices would generate a large amount of data, which, for reasons of data transportation
pressure and privacy protection, should be used primarily at home because of this, the cloud
computing paradigm is unsuited for smart homes.
Nonetheless, edge computing is ideal for creating a smart home: with an edge gateway running a
specialized edge operating system (edgeOS) in the home, things can be easily connected and
managed, data can be processed locally to relieve Internet bandwidth constraints, and services can be
deployed on the edgeOS for better management and delivery. Fig. 4 depicts the construction of an
edgeOS variation in a smart home context. EdgeOS must acquire data from mobile devices and other
devices via a variety of communication techniques, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, and cellular
networks. In the data abstraction layer, data from many sources must be fused and massaged. The
service management layer sits on top of the data abstraction layer. This layer will handle requirements
such as differentiation, extension, isolation, and reliability.

Figure 4: Structure of edgeOS in the smart home environment [10]

Smart City

Edge computing can be scaled up from a single home to a neighborhood or even a metropolis. Edge
computing asserts that computation should take place as near to the data source as possible. A
request could be generated from the top of the computing paradigm and processed at the edge with
this approach. Given the following qualities, edge computing could be an appropriate platform for
smart cities.

i. Large Data Quantity - By 2019 [9], a city of one million people will generate 180 PB of data every day,
with contributions from public safety, health, utilities, and transportation, among other things. Because
the traffic workload would be too enormous, building centralized cloud data centres to manage all of
the data is unfeasible. Edge computing, which processes data at the network's edge, could be an
efficient option in this scenario.

ii. Low latency - Edge computing is also an excellent paradigm for applications that

demand predictable and low latency, such as health emergencies or public safety because it can
reduce data transmission time and simplify network topology. Decisions and diagnoses could be made
and delivered from the network's edge, which is more efficient than gathering data and making
decisions in a central cloud. Location awareness - Because of geographical awareness, edge
computing outperforms cloud computing for geographic-based applications like transportation
and utility management. Edge computing allows data to be collected and processed

locally rather than being transmitted to the cloud.

Collaborative Edge


Cloud computing has arguably become the unofficial platform for academia and industry to process
large amounts of data. Cloud computing makes the promise that data will be stored or sent to the
cloud and processed there. However, due to privacy concerns and the prohibitive cost of data transfer,
data owned by stakeholders is rarely exchanged among parties.

As a result, the likelihood of multi-stakeholder collaboration is low. The logical idea can also include
the edge, which is a physical small data center that connects cloud and end- user with data processing
capacity. The collaborative edge, which connects the edges of multiple stakeholders that are
geographically distributed despite their physical location and network structure is proposed [10]. Those
ad hoc-like connected edges allow stakeholders to share and collaborate data.

As indicated in Fig. 5, one of the interesting applications in the near future is connected health. Data
sharing and collaboration across many domains are required by the demand for globally scattered data
processing applications, such as healthcare. To address this issue, the collaborative edge can leverage
virtual shared data views to join geographically dispersed data. End users can access the virtual
shared data through a predefined service interface. This public interface will be used by an application
to compose complicated services for end users. These public services are supplied by collaborative
edge participants, and computing takes place solely in the participant's data centre, ensuring data
privacy and integrity.

We utilise linked healthcare as a case study to demonstrate the potential benefits of collaborative edge.
The beginning of our case study is a flu outbreak. Patients will be transported to hospitals, and their
electronic medical records (EMRS) will be updated. The hospital compiles and distributes information
about the flu outbreak, such as the average cost, symptoms, and population, among other things.
Theoretically, a patient will follow the prescription to the pharmacy and obtain the medications. One
possibility is that the patient did not adhere to the treatment plan. Because the hospital cannot obtain
confirmation that the patient did not take the medications, the hospital must assume responsibility for
rehospitalization. The pharmacy can now give the hospital with a patient's purchase record via
collaborative edge, greatly facilitating healthcare accountability.

Figure 5: Collaborative Edge example - Connected health

At the same time, pharmacies use hospital collaborative edge services to retrieve the population
affected by the flu outbreak. One obvious advantage is that pharmacies have enough inventory to
make considerably more money. The pharmacy can use data provided by pharmaceutical companies
to access the locations, pricing, and inventories of all drug warehouses behind the scenes of medicine
purchasing. It also sends a request for transportation price quotes to the logistics businesses. The
pharmacy can then create an order plan based on the retrieved data by solving the overall cost
optimization problem. Pharmacies also place a lot of flu medicine orders with pharmaceutical
companies. A pharmaceutical corporation can now alter its production schedule and adjust its storage

Following the flu outbreak, insurance companies must pay the bills for the patients in accordance with
their policies. During an outbreak, insurance companies can examine the proportion of people who
have the flu. This proportion, as well as the cost of flu treatment, are important variables in determining
the policy price for the next year. Furthermore, if the patient wishes to disclose their EMR, insurance
firms can give a customised healthcare policy based on it. Most participants can benefit from the
collaborative edge in terms of lowering operational costs and increasing profitability by using this
basic example. However, some of them, such as hospitals in our situation, may be pinely beneficial to
the healthcare community because they are the primary data collectors.

Chapter 5


Different computer technologies have created new standards and norms for a variety of IoT
applications, all with the goal of delivering better service to the IoT paradigm. CC is one of the most
often used computing strategies, giving computing resources and other services to IoT applications via
the Internet. As a result, FC and EC have lately evolved to provide an efficient and enhanced service to
IoT smart applications by efficiently pushing cloud capabilities to the network's edge. EC and FC
technology can provide scalable resources for distributed data processing while also protecting data
from the limitations of traditional centralised design.

To summarise, when compared to CC standards, the current EC and FC standards provide more
reliable and improved quality of service to IoT applications. A comparison of edge, fog, and cloud
standards in depth is given in Table 3. However, based on the expanding demands of IoT applications,
an appropriate computing technology must be implemented to deliver an improved and efficient
service. Because of the high cost of implementation, computing technology should be carefully chosen
and thoroughly evaluated before developing and executing real-time applications in the future.

Table 3: Edge, Fog, Cloud Standards


Dedicated application host at the edge server Embedded OS at the edge


Device management at the edge of the network


Real time control at the LAN point Reliable data communication

Faster data analytics


Resource pooling at data


Efficient scalability access

Centralized big data analytics


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