Maths Questions Paper 30-Aug-2022 2-33 PM

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COPYRIGHT RESERVED UG SEMIV MAT-SEC2 (Graph Theory) 2017-2020 Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 100 Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable. Their figures in the margin indicate full marks. Answer from both the groups as directed. Group -A (Compulsory) 1. Answer the following question : 1x10=10 (a) Define Graph. (b) Define Directed Graph. (c) Define Simple Graph. (d) Define Even & odd Vertex. e) Define Length ofa Path. f) Define intersection of Graph. g) Define Simple Path. h) Define Adjacency matrix. (i) | Define Hamiltonian Graph (j) Define Bipartite Graph 2. - Prove that the maximum number of edges in a complete bipartite graph of n vertics is r : 5 A: 23 (Turn over) 3. Let bea simple graph with 6 vertices and 11 edges, Check whether the graph Gisconnectedornot. § Group -B Answer any four questions of the following 4. (a) (b) 5. (a) (b) 6. (a) (b) 7. (a) (b) 8. (a) A: 23 Draw the connected requlargraphof 0,1&2. 10 If the intersection of two paths in a graph Gis dis connected, then their union has atleast one circuit. 10 Draw the bipartite graph K,, & K,,. Assuming any number of edges. 10 Prove that the vertics of odd degree (odd vertices) in a graph is always even. 10 Define Planar Graph. show that K,isplanar. 10 In a Complete graph G with n (odd integer greater than or equal to 3) vertices there are eh) edge disjoint Hamiltorian graph. 10 If every region of a simple planar graph with n vertices and e edges is bounded b prove that e= Kine2) Show that in a connected with 6 vertices and 12 ed is bounded by3 edges, y K edges, 10 planar simple graph 9€S, each of the region 10 graph G with n23 AV, + 3V, + 2V, +V,2 Vi + 2V 4 cece +(K-6)V, 412 For a connected Planar (2) (Contd) 3. Let G be a simple graph with 6 vertices and 11 edges, Check whether the graph G is connected or not. 5 Group -B Answer any four questions of the following 4. (a) (b) 5. (a) (b) 6. (a) (b) 7. (a) (b) 8 (a) A:23 Draw the connected requlargraphof 0,1&2. 10 If the intersection of two paths in a graph G is dis connected, then their union has atleast one circuit. 10 Draw the bipartite graph K,, & K,,. Assuming any number of edges. 10 Prove that the vertics of odd degree (odd vertices) in a graph is always even. 10 Define Planar Graph. show that K, is planar. 10 In a Complete graph G with n (odd integer greater than or equal to 3) vertices there are ey) edge disjoint Hamiltorian graph. 10 If every region of a simple planar graph with n vertices and e edges is bounded by K edges, prove that e= Kin=2) 40 Show that in a connected planar simple graph with 6 vertices and 12 edges, each of the region is bounded by 3 edges. 10 For a connected planar graph G with n23 vertices, Prove that 5V, + AV, + 3V, + 2V,+V,2 V+ QV gt eee +(K-6)V,+12 (2) (Contd) sileiia a Let G be a simple graph with n vertices which is regular of degree r. Prove that the chromatic number of G> ra ; 10 What is the maximum number of vertices in a graph with 35 edges & all vertices are of degree atleast 3. 10 Asimple graph with n vertices & K components can have at most (orl (n-k+1) edges. 10 COPYRIGHT RESERVED UGSEMIV MATH (H) CC-8 2017-2020 Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 75 Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable. Their figures in the margin indicate full marks. Answer from both the groups as directed. Group -A Ques: 1 a) Define Beta function. b) Define improperintegral. c) Define absolute convergence. d) Define Surface integral. yj and c is y"=4x e) Evaluate $, Fd'where F° in the x-y plane from (0,0) to (4,4). f) Evaluate [” dx g) Evaluate fie ' [x h) If Sis any closed surface enclosing a volume V and F=xi + 2y}+3zk, Prove that JI, ids = 6V i) Prove that $. rd?=0 A:18 (Turn over) j) Evaluate fi r(x? +y/)deay Ques :2 a) Define double integral. 2 b) Evaluate [lf e"”’” dx dy dz taken over the positive octant such thatx + y+z<1 3 Group -B Answer any four questions of the following Ques :3 a) Testthe convergence of Ti dx oe b) Test the convergence of the integral 6 °° cosmx ds “(+a Ques :4 a) State and prove Dirichlet's theorem for three variables. 7 b) Evaluate ffx" y""* dx dy forall positive values of xandy such that x’ +)? <¢? 8 Ques :5 a) Prove that fe” y” dy= T(n) a (2) (Contd) Ques :6 a) b) Ques :7 a) Prove that A(m, n) = TOT) Where m> Oand T(m*n) n>0 8 Evaluate fo Seo Soo ( (x+y +z) dxdy dz 7. Change the order of integration. it the ‘double ~ integral,” f° — dx dybidnaiHened Tila Vits value. e we 8 Find the work done whena force F= Oe-y +x)I - (2xy +y) moves apace ig x-y plane from (0, 0) to (1, 1) along the parabglay” v= =x 7 Verify Green’s theorem nih th the “plane for $. (Oxy + y*) dx + x* dy where cis the ‘closed curve of the region bounded by y = xdys ra Vcc If F = (axi + byj + czk), a, b, care constants. Show that [lea ds = tna + b +c), Where s is the surface of a unit sphere. 7 Apply divergence theorem to evaluate 8 Sc +2) dydz + (y +2) dz de + (x+y) dedy Where sis the surface of the sphere x" + y*+ z* =4. (3) COPYRIGHT RESERVED UG SEMIV MATH (H) CC-9 (Mechnics-l) 2017-2020 Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 75 Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable. Their figures in the margin indicate full marks. Answer from both the groups as directed. Group -A Q.1. Answer all questions of the following - 1x10=10 (a) State general conditions of equilibrium of a system of coplaner forces. (b) Explain whatis the angle of friction. (c) State the Law offriction. (d) Write the equation of the line of action of the resultant of a coplaner forces system when the system reduces to a single force. (e) Distinguish between statical and limiting functions. (f) State Hooke’s Law. (g) State the principle of conservation of energy. (h) Write expressions for radial and transverse acceleration. A:19 (Turn over) Define a simple pendulum. Define a simple harmonic motion. Prove that the co-efficient of friction is equal to the tangent of the angle of friction. 3 State and prove principle of angular momentum. 23 Group -B Find the equation of the line of action of the resultant of a system of coplanar forces acting upon a rigid body. 8 Three forces P, Q, R act along the sides of the triangle formed by the lines x + y=1, y-x =1 and y=2. Find the equation to the line of action of the resultant. 7 Find the condition of equilibrium of a particle constrained to rest on a rough curve under any given coplanar forces, 8 A weight can just be Supported on a rough Of friction, 7 P "ove that any system of Coplanar forces acting (2) (b) Q6 (a) Q7 (b) (b) 719 upon a rigid body can be reduced to a single force acting at an arbitrarily chosen post together with a couple. 8 A body of weight W can just be sustained on a tough inclined plane by.a force P and just dragged up the plane by a force Q, Pand Q both acting up the line of the greatest slope. Show thatthe co-efficientoffrictionis tee 7 Obtain tangential and normalacceleration. 8 A particle, whose mass is m, is acted upon by a force mu (xed) towards the origin; if it starts from rest at a distance a, show that it will arrive at the origin in time a 7 Prove that the work done against the tension in stretching a light elastic string is equal to the product of its extension and the mean of the initial and final tensions. 8 An elastic string without weight of which the unstretched length is / and the modulus of elasticity is the weight of n 025. is suspended by one end, and a mass of m 025 is attached to the other. show that the vertical oscillation is anf (3) Show how two simple harmonic motions of the same period and in the same straight line can be compounded. 8 At time t, a moving point (x, y) has its co- ordinates given by the equations x = a(t+sin t), y =a(1- cos t). show that it moves with constant acceleration and find the direction in which it is moving attimet. 7 COPYRIGHT RESERVED UGSEMIV MATH -CC-10 2017-2020 Time : 3.hours Full Marks : 75 Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable. Their figures in the margin indicate full marks. Answer from both the groups as directed. Group -A (Compulsory) 1. Answer each question 1x10=10 (a) Define Commutative ring. (b) Show that on Booleam ring R, every prime ideal (c) (d) (e) (f) different from R is a maximal ideal. If R is a ring with unity element 1. Prove that (-1) a=-a=a(-1)VaeR Mention cancellation law of integral domain Define division ring. Does that set of natural numbers form an integral domain ? Mention when aringis said to be simple ring. Define Prime ideal. Prove that homo-morphism ring of a (Turn over) 0) commutative ring is commutative. Prove that an integral domain with unity every prime elementis irreducible. For alla, beR show that 2 (i) a0=0.a=0 (ii) a(-b)=(-a)b=-ab (ili) (-a)(-b)=ab (b) Define ring with one example. 3 Group -B Answer any four question (a) of each carries 7 marks and (b) carries 8 marks. 3. (a) Ifinaring Rwith unity - 7 (b) 4. (a) (b) 5. (a) A:20 (xy'=x’y’ forall x, ye R then Show that Ris commutative ting. Prove that the tight congruence module a subring s is an equivalence relation on the elementof R. 8 Define a simple ring and Prove that a division tingis asimple ting. 7 Let R be a ring with unity. If R has no right ideal except and {0}. Show that Ris a division ting.8 LetR,= {(36)/ a€r} where, R iS ating Define f: R,, OR, and verify thatfis an isomorphism, 7 (2) (Contd) (b) :20 State and prove the fundamental theorem of homomorphism for rings. 8 Show that kernal ofa homomorphism from a ring RtoaringR, is an ideal ofR. 7 State and prove the second theorem of isomorphism. 8 Prove that in an integral domain D with unity every prime element is irreducible. 7 Prove that if (i) | Ris commutative then R [x]is commutative. (ii) R has no proper zero divisons then R [x] has no proper zero divisons. Show that the polynomial x’-3 is irreducible over the field of rational number. 7 let R be a commutative ring with unity then show that the following hold. 8 (i) The relation of being associate is an equivalence relation on R. (ii) If R is adomain and a, b are two non-zero elements of R then a ‘v b if and only if a/b and b/a. (3)

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