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To whom it may concern:

It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of the highest recommendation for Ms.
Luna Flynn. I have been very fortunate to supervise Ms. Flynn as a School Counseling
Intern during my employment within the Twin Rivers Unified School District. Ms. Flynn
is an exceptional individual and very skilled in how to support staff and students achieve
academic, social and personal success through education and its standards.

My first impression of Ms. Flynn was one of confidence, willingness and the ability to be
a team player. Since Ms. Flynn’s first day as an Intern, she has yet to disappoint. She is
professional, stable, and able to manage her internship while taking classes. One of the
most impressive and noteworthy attributes regarding Ms. Flynn is her desire to see
students succeed. I can count on her at a moment’s notice to aid a student in crisis. She is
so skilled in her ability to make staff, students, and parents feel they are safe. Ms. Flynn
is dedicated in making sure her tasks are completed to perfection and will check in to
make sure she is on the right track.

She is deemed a leader even amongst her fellow interns and I can always count on her to
have the right answer to questions I might have about the students she sees. She is
thorough in knowing her internship responsibilities and considered supportive with
everyone who works with her.

I would strongly encourage you to interview and to give serious consideration Ms. Flynn.
She will be an asset to your program. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have
any further questions.


Stephanie McGrath, B.S.W., M.S.W., M.S. Ed

School Social Worker

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