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EESA10 Midterm

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1. What is environmental aspects of human health, disease and injury that

health? are determined or influenced by factors in the en-

2. What are the factors? chemical, physical, biological, and social agents.

3. How much has CO2 in- 30%

creased since the in-
dustrial revolution?

4. How much of the land 1/3 to 1/2

surface has been trans-
formed by human ac-

5. Top preventable dis- Diarrhea and respiratory infections.

eases caused by envi-
ronmental factors?

6. What polluted the air Sulfur gases

during the London
Smog of 1952

7. What are the primary air Particulate matter, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen ox-
pollutants? ides, Sulfure oxides, VOC, Lead (PCNSVL)

8. Particulate Matter? particles found in air

9. Carbon Monoxide? incomplete burning of carbon, odourless gas.

Natural Gas
symptoms similar to flu or food poisioning

10. Health effects of Car- higher affinity of CO to hemoglobins

bon Monoxide?

11. Nitrogen oxides? form in any type of combustion process.

Transported over long distances

12. Sulfur oxides? burning of coal and oil.

SO2 dissolves in water vapor to form acids which
EESA10 Midterm
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react with other gases and particles to form sul-
Transported over long distances.

13. Volatile Organic Com- hydrocarbon solvents


14. Ozone VOC +NOx+Heat+Sunlight= ozone

bad on the ground but good in atmosphere
lung damage

15. Indoor air contains 2-5 times higher concentration of pollu-

tants than outdoor air.
airtight ventilation to conserve energy.

16. What are the six com- Asbestos, formaldehyde, mold and moisture, sec-
mon indoor air pollu- ondhand smoke, radon gas, air dust (AFMSSRA)

17. Asbestos? heat resistant, long strong and flexible fibrous min-
Do no evaporate in air or water, doesn't break
Carried through long distances in air.

18. What does asbestos af- the lungs and the membranes that surround the
fect? lungs
Asbestosis- scar- like tissue in the lungs.
Plaques in the pleural membranes.

19. Formaldehyde VOC

becomes a gas at room temperature

20. What is formaldehyde glue or adhesives

used for? preservatives in paint

21. Health affects of watery eyes, burning sensation in eyes, nose and
formaldehyde throat

22. Molds and Moisture

EESA10 Midterm
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Need moisture and high relative air humidity
spores released by molds are the pollutants
Relative humidity from 30-60%

23. Health effects of molds major source of indoor allergens

24. Secondhand smoke contain 4000 compounds (CO and formaldehyde)

40 are carcinogenic.

25. Radon Gas Radioactive decay of uranium

dissolved in groundwater, pumped into wells and
then into homes.

26. Air dust heating and cooling forced air system contains
pollen or other debris.

27. What is withdrawal total amount of water removed from a river, lake, or
aquifer for any purpose.

28. What percentage of wa- 2.6%

ter on earth is fresh wa-

29. Measurement for water <1700 cubic meters/year/person


30. Measurement for water <1000 cubic meters/year/person


31. Contaminants in drink- Microbes, Radionuclides, Inorganic contami-

ing water nants, industrial organic contaminants, disinfection

32. Microbes- Fecal Col- contamination of human and animal waste.

iform and E.coli

33. Microbes- Salmonella typhoid fever


34. Microbes- Shigella sp.

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sever abdominal cramping with blood and mucus in
the stool

35. Microbes- Vibrio life threatening, rice-watering stools.


36. Microbes- norwalk diarrheal illness


37. Microbes- Hepatites A liver inflammation

38. Microbes- Cryp- parasite that enters lakes and rivers through
tosporidium sewage and animal wates

39. Microbes- Giardia lam- enters lakes and rivers through sewage and animal
blia wastes.

40. What is a fecal coliform indicates presence of disease- causing agents in

test water.

41. Radionuclides damage to DNA, increase risk of getting cancer.

42. Radionuclides- Radon produced by the radioactive decay of uranium

Radon decays to polonium which produces alpha
particles, and causes cancer
Can accumulate in basement of homes

43. Inorganic Contami- high concentrations are poisionous and lower conc.
nants- Arsenic can cause cancer and melanosis.
Occurs in more than 200 minerals.
Dissolves readily in ground water and can move
long distances.

44. Inorganic Contami- conc. greater than 1.5mg is harmful.

nants- Fluoride high conc. can lead to dental fluorosis and skeletal
found near volcanic activity
found near source because its highly reactive.

EESA10 Midterm
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Inorganic Contami- Most serious for young children- mental develop-
nants- Lead ment and IQ.

46. Inorganic Contami- Inhibit the red blood cell's ability to transfer O2
nants- Nitrates In our bodies they turn into nitrites which is more

47. Methemoglobinemia oxygen starvation

48. Industrial Contami- Fuel additive

nants- MTBE Used to reduce carbon monoxide and ozone levels
caused by cars

49. Disinfection byprod- Form when disinfectants react with naturally occur-
ucts ring organic and inorganic matter in water.

50. Problems from drinking Visible, Tastes, and Smell

water from household

51. How is drinking water Settling tank, coagulants, filtering, chemical treat-
from rivers, lakes and ment
resevoirs treated?

52. How is drinking water naturally filtered, less organic matter, often needs
from groundwater treat- no treatment.

53. Endocrine disrupter- Di- Bind directly to hormone receptor

rect effect Alter genes
Changes in protein concentration.

54. Endocrine disrupter- In- alters hormone production, transport, and metabo-
direct effect lism

55. DES (diethylstilbesteol) synthetic estrogen used by physicians to prevent

spontaneous abortion.
Administered until 35 weeks

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What happens to peo- Reproductive organ dysfunction
ple who took DES abnormal pregnancies
Reduction in fertility
immune system disorder

57. Health implications of changes hormone levels.

endocrine disupters

58. Neurobehavioural ef- prenatal and early exposures

fects of endocrine dis-

59. Organochlorine sub- Dioxins and DDT


60. Dioxins formed by combustion of incinerating garbage, for-

est fires
formed by manufacturing processes such as herbi-

61. 2,3,7,8- similar structure to dioxins

tetrachlorodiben- the amount of chlorines determine how toxic the
zo-p-dioxin (TCDD) compound is.

62. How does dioxins react Affect cells in similar ways as estrogen.
in our body very slowly removed from the body because they
accumulate in the fat tissue.

63. Low levels of dioxin not known

64. high levels of dioxin very toxic, immune suppression, age orange

65. DDT control diseases such as malaria and typhus

agricultural pesticide

66. Characteristics of DDT travel long distances

very persistent.
mimics estrogen.

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67. What is the grasshop- DDT evaporates and travels northward and re con-
per effect? denses and gets stuck there, usually accumulate
at the poles.

68. Heavy metals naturally occurring, extracted from the earth in ore.
toxic in low conc.

69. Class A K, Na, Mg, Ca

ionic bonds
low toxicity

70. Class B Hg, Ti, Pb, Ag, Au

covalent bonds
very toxic

71. Borderline Cr, Cu, As, Co, Ni, Zn Mn, Fe


72. Mechanism of toxicity inhibit enzyme

73. Mechanism of toxicity - Displace cofactors (and borderline)

Class B Modify conformation of enzymes

74. Coping Mechanisms- species develop mechanism not to uptake metal


75. Coping mechanisms- can metabolize metals into less toxic forms

76. Where do heavy metals liver, bones, and kidney


77. Mercury (Hg) when they volatize they are very toxic

78. Minamata disease methyl mercury accumulated in shellfish and fish

79. CCA Chromium, Copper, Arsenic

47.5 18.5 34

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80. Retort of CCA fixation reacts with the wood to create salts.

81. benefit of CCA reduces needs for cutting forests

82. toxicity of CCA the more anionic the species, the more toxic the

83. Toxicity of arsenic in in low levels can change hormone function


84. Toxicity of Chromium in carcinogenic


85. Toxicity of copper in hu- very toxic for aquatic environment



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