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C-41 Stop Bath and Blix

C-41 Stop bath - use after developer


800 ml - Distilled water (room temp/storage temp)

10 ml - 28% Glacial Acetic Acid

Water to complete 1 liter

**Note: Acetic acid at that concentration is some dangerous stuff. Wear protective gloves and
goggles. If indoors a higher quality respirator too, otherwise make this stuff outside like the
garage or backyard. Also ALWAYS add the acid to water and NOT the other way around.

C-41 Blix (Bleach and Fixer combo)

500 ml - Distilled Water (room temp, whatever that may be for you)

200 ml - Ammonium Thiosulfite 60% concentration

25 g - Ferric Ammonium EDTA (or 54 ml of 47% Iron EDTA)

15 g - Sodium Sulfite

1 g - Potassium Iodide

10 ml - 28% Glacial Acetic Acid

Water to complete 1 liter.

**Note: To repeat Acetic Acid at that concentration is some dangerous stuff. Wear protective
gloves and goggles. If indoors a higher quality respirator too, otherwise make this stuff outside
like the garage or backyard. Also ALWAYS add the acid to water and NOT the other way

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