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(version 1.1, dtd 02-Sep-2006 - Rule ATAI_04 is rephrased)

1.0 Introduction
Most of us know about bilogical inheritance. In biology, 'Inheritance' is defined as "The
process of genetic transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring". It has been
scientifically proven that biological inheritance takes place through DNA. DNA is often
referred to as the molecule of heredity as it is responsible for the genetic propagation of
most inherited traits. In humans, these traits can range from hair colour to disease
susceptibility. During cell division, DNA is replicated and can be transmitted to offspring
during reproduction. Lineage studies can be done based on the fact that the mitochondrial
DNA only comes from mother, and the Y chromosomes only comes from the father[1].
It is well known that everyone inherits some characteristics from their father and some
characteristics from their mother. In astrology, we predict ones characteristics and
character by means of the planetary positions in their chart. If a person has inherited his/
her characteristics from his/her parents biologically, it is logical to say that he/she
inherits the planetary positions also from the parents. There exists a relation between
parent’s DNA and offspring’s DNA. Is there a similar relation between parent’s natal chart
and offspring’s natal chart? This paper tries to address this question.

In my limited knowledge, I have not come across any comprehensive treatise of this
subject in any astrological work whether ancient or contemporary. Yes, there a lot of
information about predicting the influence of parents on children or influence of children
on father or mother based on certain zodiac houses and karakas and their positions. There
are also some hints about predicting inheritance of property. Apart from this, it appears
that, no comprehensive research has taken place to study inheritance of planetary

In my mind, I strongly believed that there has to be a clear correlation between parent’s
chart and offspring’s chart as children inherit everything from parents at least until the
time of birth. With this in mind, I started studying the charts of families starting with that
of my own. After going around a lot in circles, I reached the most simple and the most
obvious conclusions. Most of the things in this world are very complicated until we
understand them. They become simple and obvious once we understand the natural laws
applicable in that context. This is true for any scientific discovery. Hereby, I present the
result of my research on Astrological Inheritance. I would like to call it “Astrokrishna’s
Theory of Astrological Inheritance (ATAI)”. This is based on Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

2.0 Astrokrishna’s Theory of Astrological Inheritance (ATAI)

We have observed that children often exhibit certain physical features and or behavior
that of parents and sometimes even that of grand parents. When children exhibit the traits
of the grand parents, the same trait may or may not be visible with the parents. Hence, it
can be said that some traits could be observed all through the generations whereas some
other traits get hidden in one generation and could reappear in the next generation. I
propose that a similar transformation happens astrologically as well.

It means that all planetary positions of the parents need not reflect directly (in the same
position) in the offspring’s chart. However, when a planet occupies a certain position in
the child’s chart, it will have certain correlation to the position in the parents chart. And
this new position could transform again in the next generation to get to the same/similar
position in the chart of the third generation. To make it simple, let me take an example.
Let us assume that Sun occupies a position X in mother’s chart and a position Y in father’s
chart. And, Sun occupies a position Z in the child’s chart. My theory is that the position Z
has some correlation with either position X or position Y or both. Z being equal to X or Y is
also a possibility (in this case, the traits of a parent represented by Sun could be directly
seen in the child also). If Z is not equal to either X or Y, that particular trait is hidden or
transformed. However, in the grandchild’s chart the Sun could be in position X or Y or Z or
in some other transformed position. If Sun occupies either position X or Y in the
grandchild’s chart, we could see some traits of the grandparent visible in the grandchild. It
is also possible that siblings demonstrate similar traits. It means that both children would
have the same planet transformation from the parent’s chart. For example, I have Simha
lagna in my chart. Both my parents have different lagnas. Hence, my lagna position has
undergone certain transformation from that of my parents. One of my sisters shares Simha
lagna with me. It means that myself and my sister have inherited the same transformation
of lagna position from our parents. My younger daughter also shares Simha lagna. My wife
has a different lagna. Hence, I could conclude that my younger daughter has inherited
Simha Lagna from me.

I have studied the transformations of the lagna, the seven planets and the two nodes
(Rahu and Ketu). I have not looked at Uranus Neptune and Pluto as these are not used in
Vedic astrology. However, I assume that if the theory is applicable to these ten entities, it
should be applicable in case of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as well.

I have used the term ‘transformation’ without stating what I mean so far. Now, the time
has come to see what transformation means in the context of Astrological Inheritance.

2.1 Transformation of planetary positions

The simplest or the basic transformation is based on graha drishti of a planet. We all know
that all planets have graha drishti on the 7th ‘house’ from their own house. I would like to
explain the term ‘house’ in the context of this paper as it takes a slightly different
meaning than the traditional one. Let us take an example of Sun being at Simha 21° or at
141° in the chart of a father. With respect to Sun, the ‘house of the Sun’ will extend 15°
on either side of its position and 30° in size. Hence, Sun’s house is from 126° to 156°. In
the child’s chart, the Sun could occupy a position at 7th house from the Sun’s house, based
on graha dristi; that is from 306° to 336°. That is if the Sun’s position for the child is
getting transformed from the father’s chart. Alternately, Sun’s position in the child’s chart
could get transformed by the mother’s chart as well.

All the seven planets and the two nodes could undergo this basic transformation. Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn would undergo special transformations in addition. These additional
transformations are in line with the additional graha drishti of these planets. Mars
undergoes additional transformation to either 4th house or to 8th house. Jupiter undergoes
additional transformation either to 5th house or to 9th house. Saturn undergoes additional
transformation to either to 3rd house or to 10th house. Rahu undergoes special
transformation to 2nd house or to 5th house or to 9th house. Ketu follows Rahu. Lagna
behaves like its dispositor. By default, the position of planet in the child chart could be in
the same house as that of one of the parents.

Let us call the rule for this transformation based on graha drishti as Rule ATAI_01 or Graha
Drishti Rule. This reference is used while describing transformation in the case studies

2.2 Other Transformations

Some special situations arise due to either special status of the planet in one or more
charts or due to relative positions in the parent charts. Following rules cover the
transformations under these special situations.

2.2.1 Rule ATAI_02 or Kendra_Trikona Rule

This rule applies when a planet occupies a Kendra or a Trikona from its own house in one
of the parent charts. In such cases, that planet tries to keep the same relationship in the
child chart as well.
• When a planet is at trines from its own house in one of the parent charts, the child
position will also be at trines to the parent position.
• When a planet is at a Kendra from its own house in one of the parent charts, the
child position will also be at a Kendra to parent position.
One default case of this rule is that the child position could be in the same house as that
of the parent position.
2.2.2 Rule ATAI_03 or Vargottama Rule
When a planet is vargottama, it indicates the special status of a planet and that planet will
become much stronger. This strength forces the child position to inherit the same tatwa
from one of the parents. Hence, the rule looks as follows:
• When a planet is Vargottama (less than 30° apart in D1 and D9 charts) in one of the
three (father, mother or child) charts, the child position of the planet could be at a
Trine to one of the parent positions. As trines are natural aspect directions in case
of Guru and Rahu, the special positions they take would be Kendras instead of
Trines. This is an additional possibility. Kendras are special positions in chart
analogous to the pillars or a building. One type of strength gets transformed into
another type of strength.
• When a planet is Vargottama in more than one of the three charts, the child position
of the planet could be at a Kendra to one of the parent positions. This is an
additional possibility.
<>2.2.3 Rule ATAI_04 or Dispositor/Parivartana Yoga Rule

The child position of a planet would be at 2nd of 12th house of the parent house, when
the dispositor of the parent planet has some relationship with the planet. Some examples
are listed below:
• When the dispositor of a planet occupies its own house (PDO)
• When the dispositor of a planet is in Parivartana yoga in one of the parent charts
• When a planet is aspected by its dispositor in the parent chart(PDA)
• When a planet is in Parivartana yoga in the parent chart (PP)
• When a planet is connected to its dispostor either by direct conjunction (within 15°
from each other) or by a chain of conjunctions (PDC). Examples: a) Ravi is at Taurus
10° and his dispositor Sukra is at Aries 27°. Though they are in different houses,
they are said to be conjunct as they are within 15° from each other. b) Ravi is at
Gemini 5°, Kuja is at Taurus 22° and Budha is at Taurus 12°. Here, Ravi and its
dispostor Budha are connected via conjunctions with Kuja (even though they are
separated by more than 15°).
When any of the above situations is observed in a child chart (and not necessarily in the
parent chart), the child position of that planet will be at either 3rd or 11th house from
either of the parent positions. The corresponding notations could be CDO, CDP, CDA, CP,
2.2.4 Rule ATAI_05 or Proximity Rule
This situation occurs when the positions of a planet are very close to each other in the
parent charts (less than 30°). For example say the position of Sun in fathers chart is at 58°
and the position of the Sun in mother’s chart at 75°. They are less than 30° apart. Under
such a situation, if none of the other 4 four rules are applicable, no well defined pattern
for the child position is observed.
• In many cases, the child position of the planet will be at 3rd or 6th or 8th or 11th
house from the parent position. Other positions can not be ruled out. This needs
further investigation.
When multiple rules are applicable in case of a planet, it is not necessary that the actual
transformation satisfies all the applicable rules. Transformation happens based on one of
the applicable rules.
3.0 Case Studies
Some case studies have been presented here to demonstrate the theory that has been
proposed. And, it would become easier for the reader to try out their own cases by looking
at these examples. Cases of some famous individuals have been presented though it is
often very difficult to get authentic birth data for both the parents and the child. In the
tables, positions of the planets have been rounded off to the nearest degree to keep things
Each table in the case studies presented gives the Rasi (D-1) positions of the planets for
father, mother and the child. Next to the 'Child' column, the 'Transformation' column gives
the arithmetic for the transformation, and difference between the actual and expected
exact target positions. A difference up to 15° is fine for the planet to be anywhere in the
target house of 30° in size. This column also gives what is the target house in brackets.
The last column 'Rule Applicable' gives the rule name for the transformation applied.
3.1 Case Study 1: Rahul Gandhi

- Inherited from father - Inherited from mother

V- Vargottama
In this case all the 5 rules defined are applicable. Only two positions are inherited from
the father and the rest all from the mother. None of the child positions are in the same
house that or the parents. All planetary positions have got transformed.
3.2 Case Study 2: Shiloh Nouvel Jolie Pitt

In this case, it is interesting to see that the child has directly inherited (same or trine)
Lagna, Ravi and Budha positions from the mother and has directly inherited Chandra’s
position from the father. Hence, it is highly likely that the physical appearance and
communication abilities of the child would be closer to that of the mother and the
emotional make up will be closer to that of the father. The physical resemblance with the
mother would be striking as both Lagna and Lagnakaraka Ravi’s positions are inherited
from the mother directly. The transformations in case of other planets indicate that the
child has inherited other aspects from grandparents or from other ancestors.
3.3 Case Study 3: Jenna Bush (Daughter of George W Bush)

In case of Sukra, the difference is 18°, which is more than the acceptable limit of 15°.
This could happen in rare cases.
The results for Jenna’s elder twin sister Barbara Bush would also be very similar. They
were born about 15 minutes apart. The only difference in Barbara’s case is that her Lagna
is at 255°. It appears their intelligence and wisdom would be similar to their mother and
their logical reasoning would be similar to their father. The rest of the traits have been
inherited from grandparents and other ancestors.
3.4 Case Study 4: Suri Cruise (Daughter of Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes)

The share from both the parents is equal in this case. However, none of the child positions
are in the same house as that of the parent.
4.0 Conclusion
From the case studies presented, it is evident that the planetary positions of the children
are derived from the planetary positions of the parents based on a set of rules. This
observation is in parallel to the well known fact that the biological and behavioural traits
of the children are derived from the biological traits of the parents.
It is interesting to note that this theory has been developed using widely accepted basic
Jyotish principles.
In addition to the cases presented here, I have studied other cases of friends and relatives
including my own family and some more international personalities. All of them fit the
rules defined here.
5.0 Known Issues
• This is the first cut of the theory presented based on a limited number of cases
studied. When a much bigger sample is considered, it may be necessary to introduce
a couple of more rules in addition to the ones already presented. I expect this
theory to evolve further.
• It may rarely happen that only one of the ten entities may not follow any of the
rules presented. This needs further investigation
• Rule ATAI_05 is very broad based. It might have to be broken into higher granular
• Why only a particular rule gets triggered when multiple rules are applicable to a
planet needs further investigation
• There could be errors because of errors in birth time. Hence, it is essential to make
sure that correct birth time is used. Though this is not a problem with the theory as
such, people might encounter problems while applying the rules for other cases.
Small birth time errors usually affect the position of lagna only in the Rasi Chart.
However, if the date itself is under question, even other planetary positions will get
6.0 Disclaimer
This paper does not suggest that this theory will prove the parenthood of a child when the
suggested mapping is found between the charts of a couple and a child. This is not a
replacement for DNA test to ascertain parenthood of a child. This is very obvious as two
babies born at the same time and same place will have same planet longitudes. It does not
necessarily mean that they are born to same parents.
7.0 Further Research
It would be interesting to study why in some cases father’s planet position wins over
mother’s planet position and in some cases why mother’s planet position wins over the
father’s planet position during the formation of child’s chart. Is it due to the relative
inherent strength of a planet or is it due to the relative strength of a planet with respect
to transits at the time of conceiving is something yet to be established.
Another possibility is to predict the possible time periods of child-birth for a couple.
Though it might take lot of work, it is still a possibility.
It would also be interesting to study astrological inheritance in parallel with biological
inheritance. I believe that it is possible to draw parallels between the transformation of
planetary positions in the chart and the mutation of the genes.

Information is stored in DNA in the sequence of bases just as information can be stored in a
book in the sequence of letters. The total amount of DNA in one cell is known as the
genome. Each human cell contains approximately 3 billion base pairs of DNA organized in
23 pairs of chromosomes [2]. In Jyotish, we have 10 entities, the relative placement of
these 10 entities, 30° in each house, 12 houses in each chart, and 60 possible divisional
charts. A combination of these parameters can produce a number of the order of the
number that would require for DNA fingerprinting. It might be possible to establish a
relationship with genes and planetary state in a chart. Also, one could draw parallels
between transmission of genes from parent to child and transformation of planetary
positions from parent to child. Once such a relationship is established, it will help to
understand some of the defects in the genes by studying charts alone without having to do
extensive or expensive tests in the lab. That will clearly demonstrate that Astrology can
provide help to Medicinal Biology.
8.0 References
Most of the concepts used here are basic Jyotish principles like Graha Drishti, Vargottama,
Trikona, Kendra, Parivartana Yoga etc. Hence, there is no need to indicate any references
for these concepts used. Some references have been used for details about DNA and genes.
They are:
The references for the birth data of individuals are given below:
Rajiv Gandhi:
• Book – “Crux of Vedic Astrology (page no. 339)” by Sanjay Rath
Sonia Gandhi:
Rahul Gandhi:
Angelina Jolie:
Brad Pitt:
Shiloh Jolie Pitt:
• There are conflicting reports about her birth date and time. What has been assumed
here is May 27, 1:40 am Namibia time
George W Bush:
Laura Bush:
Jenna Bush:
Tom Cruise:
Katie Holmes:
Suri Cruise:

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