IGCSE Biology Chapter 2-Cells

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1. Cell membrane:
-a thin layer of protein and fat
-partially permeable

-clear jelly nearly all water
-contains many proteins dissolved in it
-metabolic reactions take place in the cytoplasm

-genetic information stored in cell
-information kept in the form of chromosomes
-chromosomes made of DNA

-organelle in which aerobic respiration takes place,releasing energy to be used by the cell
-found in all cells but prokaryotes
-powerhouse of the cell
-muscle cells have more of mitochondria,so do sperm and neuron cells

-organelles in which protein synthesis takes place
-attached to endoplasmic reticulum
-also scattered freely through cytoplasm
-place where proteins are made,by joining amino acids together in a long chain
-this is done according to the instructions carried on the DNA in the cells nucleus,which
specify the sequence of amino acids that should be strung together to make a particular

5.cell wall:
-made of cellulose
-fully permeable as network of criss cross fibers have large gaps
-helps protect and support the cell
-helps cell be turgid
6. vacuoles:
-contains a solution of dissolved sugars called cell sap
-full vacuole presses outwards on the rest of the cell, helping the cell keep in shape
-animal cells have membrane bound spaces called vesicles, containing food or water

7. chloroplasts:
-contain chlorophyll, which gives the plant its green color and trap sunlight energy to be used
for photosynthesis
-chloroplasts store starch grains which have been made by photosynthesis
-animal cells store small granules of glycogen in the cytoplasm

Micrometers to meters:
1 m=10^6 micrometer

1. Organelle-a structure within a cell
2. Cell-the smallest living unit of an organism
3. Tissue-a group of cells with similar structures, working together to perform a shared
4. Organs-a group of tissues working together to perform specific functions
5. Organ system-a group of organs with related functions working together to perform
body functions

cell location function

Ciliated cell Lining of trachea and bronchi Move bacteria trapped mucus upwards

Root hair cell Near the end of plant roots Uptake of water and mineral ions

Xylem vessels Stems, roots, and leaves Transport water through plant

Palisade cells Near leaf epidermis Trap sunlight energy for


Nerve cells Throughout body Transmit information in the form of

electric impulses

RBC’s Blood of mammals Transport oxygen

Human gametes Testes and ovaries Nucleuses fuse together to form a


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