#4b - Horary Course - Answer

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Should I sell my stock and put the money under my mattress also

should I take the money out of the bank account and put that under
the mattress?
I made up the question for April 13, 2020 at 8: 09:50 1 PM in West
Hartford Connecticut.

My answer;
The questions are not about hiding cash, it is about getting cash out in
the 1st place.
_the person wants to get all his available money back, cash in hand
(then store it under His mattress, hidden, for later on), before hiding the
money he should get it first, so that is the question; selling the stocks
and getting money out…

# 1_stocks/ trade selling is 7th, not 5th (gambling), and cash in hands is
we are concerned only if it good to sell ……
so , in this example, Venus the 7th ruler in 8th house (gemini, the
transaction sign). it definitely indicates that the person wants to hide his
shares/stock, & venus is in close sextile aspect to mercury also the ruler
of 8th and 11th (a good coincidence); a good opportunity to be done
quickly as this quick decision making planet is in a movable sign, so
the querent should proceed to sale before it’s too late
_secondarily Now the 2nd ruler (the querent cash), jupiter is in 3rd
house, besieged between 2 very slow malefics, pluto and saturn,
interestingly, jupiter represents also money and is in 3rd house = present
cash is stuck in Scorpio? hidden. Jupiter is also aspected by Sun in
square…challenge to cash due to the authorities/ government as Sun
represents government and also is the ruler of 10th in this

# 2_is about taking savings out of bank account (11th ) into cash in
hands (2nd)..
apart from selling the shares, the querent also is concerned if He should
also take the cash money out of the banks?
His savings are in 11th (virgo/mercury rules) moon slightly squares
mercury with a 9º orb = some challenge to take quickly money out,
and saturn and mars sextile mercury from aquarius, the opportunity to
withdraw money is compromised, face delays and problems, furthermore
jupiter (the querent cash)) and mercury (savings) are still in separating
sextile aspect (68º44’ apart) ….looks like the opportunity to cash all out
is gone,, so better leave the savings in the bank.

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