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“Time Office management”







ADDRESS: 22 mile Stone, Roorkee-247667(UTTARAKHAND,INDIA)


I hereby declare that this project entitled “EVEREST INDUSTRIES LTD.” was prepared
by me during the year 2022 and was submitted in partial fulfillment of the “TIME
OFFICE MANAGEMENT” for Masters of Business Administration 3rd semester, from
Quantum University Roorkee.

I also declare that this project report is original and genuine and has not been submitted
to any other university of the award of any degree, diploma or other similar titles or

Q.ID - 21100023


I am here by submitting my Internship Report, which is a part of the MBA Program

curriculum. It is a great honor to work under your active support and supervision.

This report is based on, “TIME OFFICE MANAGEMENT Process of “EVEREST


I have got the opportunity to work in ( Multiple shifts And Rosters , Automated

overtime calculation, Automated Holiday Work/OFF day work calculation ,mobile

punch details , time sheets , ESS data from attendance readers , ESS leave

applications , ESS leave approve , ESS reports ) in “Human Resource Department”

under the supervision of Mrs. KAILASH CHAUDHARY, head of (Human Resource

Department). To prepare this report I have collected most relevant information to make

this report more logical and reliable. My primary sources of information regarding this

report are my superiors and colleagues. I have tried my best to achieve the objectives of

the report and hope that my effort will serve the purpose. I shall be grateful if you are

kind enough to enlighten me by providing your valuable judgment regarding this report. It

would be my huge pleasure if you find this report useful and informative to have an

apparent perspective on the issue. Thank you for your concentration and patience.


Vipin kumar

Q- ID: 21100023
Quantum University Roorkee

I wish to acknowledge my gratitude to Dr. Vinay Pal Singh, Asst.Professor Faculty of

“Quantum University, Roorkee” my teacher andguide for the valuable and advice it is
her illuminating comments and suggestions, which have enabled me to successfully
complete my work.

I also express my profound sense of gratitude and sincere thanks toward shim and the
Principal of this college for his committed involvement and for his different out look of
the subject and its properdirection.

It would have been difficult to go through this synopsis report without their help. They

not only helped me in collecting data but also supported me with their valuable

knowledge and experience in the successful completion of this synopsis report. I would

also thankful to almighty god for his grace and mercy to successfully complete this

synopsis report.


This report is prepared based on my 7 Weeks practical experience at “EVEREST

INDUSTRIES LIMITED”. This internship program helped me to learn about the practical
scenario of a consultancy. In our purest essence, this is what TIME OFFICE
MANAGEMENT is about. We work collaboratively with our clients to transform strategy
into practical actions that drive results. Our deep expertise, powerful insights, and real-
world solutions help the people and organizations we serve take steps today to secure a
better tomorrow.


LIMITED. The purpose of this report is to understand how the time office management
process are being determined.

After knowing the scenario of everest industries ltd in terms of their time office
management Process a lot of recommendation came up. The report also consists
recommendations and conclusion, according to my point of view, which I think would
improve the environment of the organization if implemented.

From beyond decade the enterprise institutions are all the greater focusing on the human

capital given that they are the most esteemed and most loved sources. While selecting the

candidates the institution desires to delineate the reachable HR in view that they make the

upper hand for the institutions. The word time office management has improved closer to

turning into as a calculated of human asset capital for the numerous associations. Business

institutions are propelling time office management and determination strategies because

of the passage firm organizations. The point of the paper is to consider thetime office

management manner took after at Organization. The best human capital accessibility in

associations makes them top hand and that they grow to be the genuine blood of the

associations. This exploration examines the survey of writing for management and

determination technique took after at institutions. The exam became completed making

use of each crucial and auxiliary information. Essential records were gathered from forty

representatives utilizing ballot method. The outcomes were gotten from fee method. The

exploration discoveries discover that everest industries ltd. takes after best time office

management process and they may be satisfied with the authoritative atmosphere and the

association takes after ethical time office management method.

S. No. Particulars Page No.

1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………….
1.1. COMPANY PROFILE……………………………………………

2. OBJECTIVE………………………………………………………….
2.1. OBJECTIVE OF STUDY………………………………………
2.2. SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY………………………………….....

3. ABOUT TOPIC………………………………………………………
3.1. TIME OFFICE MANAGEMENT ……..…………………………

4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY…………………………………….
4.1. DATA COLLECTION…………………………………………

5. DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS…….……………...................

5.1. QUESTIONNAIRE…… …………………………………………


6. RECOMMENDATIONS ……………………………………………
7. SUGGESTIONS…………………………………………………….
8. CONCLUSION………………………………………………………
9. ANNEXURE…………………………………………………………

You have to be very careful with our strategy in this business world. Every company in
each and every industry takes different strategies to survive in this dynamic world. Most
of the companies are now using different HRIS in their operation to make their business
more effective and efficient. Even some companies start a business transforming program
to get a competitive advantage over their competitors. This report is actually made to
present the work life condition of EVEREST INDUSTRIES LTD. This report is a study
of the time office management process, supportive management, and working
environment in the context everest industries. I have focused on the current HR practices
that STL is performing in their recruiting process to make their employee enforce more
Origin of the report
Internship Program of Quantum University is a requirement for the MBA students. This
study is a requirement of the Internship program. The main purpose of the internship
program is to get the student exposed to the job world. Being an intern, the main
challenge was to translate the theoretical concepts into real life experience. An internship
is like a glimpse of the real job.

The Real Purposes of the Internship Program are:

— Practical knowledge about the job responsibility.
— To experience the real corporate world.
— To compare the real situation with the lessons learned in the Academy
— To fulfill the requirement of MBA Program. This report is the result of three months
long internship program conducted in everest industries and is prepared as a time office
management for the completion of the MBA program of Quantum Business School. As a
result, I need to submit this report based on the “Recruitment & Selection Process of FX
Consultancy”. This report also includes information on the products and services of
everest industries ltd. the overview of the organization and also facilities they offer to
satisfy their employees.
Company Introduction

Everest is one of India’s leading and fastest growing complete building solutions providers.
Incorporated in 1934, Everest has a rich history in manufacturing of building materials and
Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings. With the brand promise of delivering Strength, Speed and
Safety to construction, Everest today offers a complete range of new age building products
for roofing, ceiling, wall, flooring & cladding solutions and also manufactures Pre-
Engineered Steel Buildings for industrial, commercial and residential applications. Its
building products and solutions are available in more than 1,00,000 villages and 600 cities
in India and also in over 35 countries globally. Everest has designed, manufactured and
erected more than 2,000 Pre-Engineered Steel buildings across 275 cities in India. Backed
by innovation, the Company has continuously introduced modern products & solutions
over last eight decades to meet the contemporary requirements of the construction industry.
Company Overview
• Everest Industries Limited (Everest) has over 8 decades of experience in building
products and is the pioneer of fibre cement products in India.

• The company’s business is built on three key pillars: Safety, Speed, and Strength.

• The vision of the company is to be the deepest penetrated housing and building
solutions provider in India.

• The company has an impressive product range of value added products like cement
boards and panels for faster and modern construction of ceilings and walls.

• It is among the largest Pre-Engineered Buildings (PEBs) companies in India, and

has erected and designed more than 2,500 PEBs.
Working Product
Everest is one of India’s leading and fastest growing complete building solutions
providers. Incorporated in 1934, Everest has a rich history in manufacturing of building
materials and Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings

Most trusted company for roofing solutions since 1934

Boards And Panels

Providing Boards and Panels with complete quality assurance

Steel Building
Offering Pre-Engineered Steel Building solutions for fast and strong
About this Knowledge Area
Project Time Management include processes required to manage the time completion of the
project. It involves determining the delivery dates and milestones whilst taking all of the known
constraints into account.

The PMBOK ‘ Project Time Management’ knowledge includes 7 of the 47 process group
recognized by the

Process Project Group Key Deliverables

6.1PlanScheduleManagement Schedule Management Plan
6.2DefineActivities Activity List Activity
6.3SequenceActivities Planning Project Schedule Network
6.4EstimateActivityResource Activity Resource
s Requirements Resource
Breakdown Structure
6.5EstimateActivityDuration Activity Duration Estimates
6.6DevelopSchedule Schedule Baseline Project
6.7ControlSchedule Monitoring Work Performanc Information
and Schedule Forecasts

The first six processes take place iteratively because it is most effective when all six have been
determined at a high level and then refined until the point where sufficient detail to execute the

Generally speaking the level of detail needed is proportional to the level of risk and un-certainty
associatedwith the activity.For this reason time management planning should becarried out with
the input of the project team that is going toactually dot
This ensures that the sequencing and activity duration estimates are as realistic as possible as just as
importantly, that the team feel as though have some ownership of the the than seeing the mass some
thing that has been impose done them.


Project time management is sometimes seen as the core discipline of project manage-ment and
some software tools focus almost exclusively on this aspect.This process group is a
logical way of taking the project planand creating asequence and schedule for producing the
project deliverables.

It is required through all phases of the project lifecycle. It is normally derived a high level
during the initiation phase in order to provide a framework in which the project plan can
evolveas the project iterates between planning ,execution and monitoring.

Meetings are where

Collective most decision
Decision Making soccurs

Iskey for Project Effective

success Chair

Clear Time
Project Meeting Retains Everyone
&Singl ddefine
smust have control contributes
eAim ditems

Collective decision-making isvery important area of project management that the PM-BOK
does not go into any detail about but which can make or break this part of the project. Almost all
of the processes that form part of project time management will involve meetings between the
project manager, the team and other stakeholders in order to make decisions about the
activity definitions and associated estimates. How well these
These meetings need to have a clear agenda and a chairman who can keep them running on
schedule. If you do not take steps to make this happen then these meetings can easily become
bogged down and fail to produce the required outputs when the yare needed.

When estimating work it is inevitable that there will be disagreements about the time required
and the resources needed. People will have different opinions of how much effort is involved to
complete an activity based on similar work they have undertaken in the past. This type of
disagreement is to be expected and only becomes a problem when discus-

For example,

A good chairman working to a properly timed agenda can ensure that ‘good enough
’decisions are made in a timely manner and that project team members are not left idlebecause
the planning process is overrunning.

If you feel as though your project meetings could be improved then you can download the
‘Meeting Skills’ eBooks from. These free eBooks cover all aspects of meetings including how
to set an agenda that will ensure that the meeting achieves it’s aims and how to chair a meeting
so that it is as productive possible.

The project time management processes are described in detail in the remainder of this Book.

6.1Schedule Management Plan

‘Working the
‘Planning the
Th e Project Time Management Processes
The seven Project Time Management Process esarei terative outputs may be
refinedas the project prgresses.

● 6.1Plan Schedule Management

● 6.2Define Activities
● 6.3Sequence Activities
● 6.4Estimate Activity Resources
● 6.5Estimate Activity Durations
● 6.6 Develop Schedule
● 6.7 Control Schedule

These are dealt with in detailin the following chapters of this Book.

Plan Schedule Management

The this process is to establish the policies, procedures ,and documentation for planning,
developing ,managing, executing ,and con trolling the project schedule.

Before Guide ,there was no time management process which knowledge area under the
Develop Project Management Plan process.

The inputs, tool and techniques ,and output this process are summarizedin the able
Inputs Tools &Techniques Outputs
Project Management Plan Expert Judgment Schedule Management
Project Charter Analytical Techniques
Enterprise Environmental Meetings
Organizational Process

Plan Schedule Management: Inputs
This process requires the following inputs:

Project Management Plan

The main component used is the scope baseline developed in the Project Scope Management
Process. This includes the project scope statement and the work breakdown structure (WBS)
details used for defining activities, duration estimation, and schedule management.

In addition, other scheduling related cost, risk, and communications decisions from the project
management plan will also be needed to develop the schedule.

Project Charter
This will give the high level time constraint sand the list of critical milestones to
beachieved on the project, some of which may actually be tied to project approval requirements.
For example, the final delivery date may be fixed.

Enterprise Environmental Factors

The main consideration is probably be the project management softwar used to create the
schedule but other factors include, the organizational culture and structure, resource availability
and skills that may influence schedule planning, and any productivity information that is

Organizational Process Assets

The main consideration will be the historical information on prior similar projects that can
be used to help estimate the schedule, but other factors include the monitoring and reporting
tools, schedule control tools, and any existing formal and informal sched ulecontrol related
policies, procedures, templates and guide lines.


Plan Schedule Management: Tools and Techniques

There are three interrelated techniques that can be used.


Expert Analytical
Judge Techniques

Expert Judgment
This can involve any member of the project management team with expertise in schedul ing,
particular in the domain the project.

Analytical Techniques
This may involve choosing strategic options to estimate and schedule the project such
scheduling methodology, scheduling tools and techniques, estimating approaches, formats,and
project management software.


1. Schedule compression
2. Rolling wave planning
3. Leads and lags
4. Alternatives analysis
5. Reviewing schedule per for
These techniques are not actually use din this process, because the schedule itself has not been
developed at this point. This is simply a list of tools and techniques that can be the scheduling
These involve people who are responsible for scope management including the project manager,
the project sponsor, selected project team members ,selected stakeholders, any-one with
responsibility for any of the time management processes ,and other needed.

Schedule Management Plan

This is a component of the project management plan that establishes the criteria and the
activities for developing, monitoring, and controlling the schedule.

Element of Plan Description of Element Process

Project Model Specifies scheduling methodology 6.3SequenceActivitie
Schedule and s
Scheduling too l to be used.
Development 6.6DevelopSchedule
Level of accuracy Accept able f accuracy of activity Estimate Activity
duration estimates. Durations
Units of measure For eac hre source, units are de fined. Estimate Activity
Organizational WBS das work in order to provide Define Activities
procedures links consistency with estimates.
Project schedule Process used to update status and Control Schedule
model maintenance record progress.
Control the holds Amountofvarianceinscheduleperfor Control Schedule
Rule of peformance Earned value measurement (EVM) Control Schedule
measurement reset.
Reporting formats Formats, frequency of schedule Control Schedule
progress reports.
Process descriptions Descriptions of each schedule ALL
management process.

It sets up the framework for all of the other time management processes as follows. It may
be formal or informal, with a level of detail based up on the needs of the project.

Define Activities

The purpose of this process is to identify the specific tasks needed to be done in order to produce the
project’s deliverables. This needs to be done in sufficient detail to
baseline consisting of the approved project scope statement, the work break down structure,
and the dictionary.

This process uses decomposition to take the work packages identified in the WBS, which are
nouns, and to identify the activities (which are verbs) required in order to complete them. It is
essentially the bridge between the planning involved in scope management ,and the planning
involved in time or schedule management.

The inputs , tools and techniques ,and outputs of this process are summarized in the
table below.

Inputs Tools& Techniques Outputs

Schedule Management Plan Decomposition Activity List
Scope Baseline Rolling Wave Planning Activity Attributes
Enterprise Environmental Expert Judgment Milestone List
Organizational Process Assets

Define Activities: Inputs
This process requires the following inputs:

Schedule Management Plan

A key input from the schedule management plan is the pre scribed level of detail necessary to
manage the work.

Scope Baseline
The scope base line is of the project management plan .It is made .

● The scope statement , which includes the products scope description of the project
deliverable sand define product user acceptance criteria.
● The work break down structure, which define deliver the decomposition of the deliverable
into work packages.
● The dictionary, which contains detailed description of work and technical documentation
for each element.

‘Enterprise environmental factors refer to both internal and external factors that surround or
influence a project’s success. These factors may come from any or all of the enterprises
involved in the project. Enterprise environmental factors may enhance or constrain project
management options and may have a positive or negative influence on the outcome. They are
considered to most planning processes.’
The PMBOK Project Scope Management Processes
These factors include things like:

● Organizational Processes—For example: personnel administration policies are

considered because your company may have a limit on how many permanent staff
can be assigned to a particular project or policies regarding the use of contract staff.
● Industr Standards –For example : industry standards ,legal
requirement sand product standards.
● Organizational Culture and Structure—For example: guide lines for hiring, firing,
And performance reviews.
● Infrastructure and resources—For example: project management information systems,
software tools, available skills and expertise, standardized cost estimating data and risk
● Internal and external conditions—For example: the risk tolerances of the

Organizational Process A ssets

These are the process assets that can be used to help this project They can be group categories:

1. Processes and procedures for conducting work, and

2. A corporate knowledge base for storing and retrieving information.


The organization might have its own guidelines, policies, and procedures, who effec the
project must be considered.
The knowledge and experience gained from previous projects—this would typically
include: documents, templates, policies, procedures, plans, guide-lines, lesson learned,
historical data and information, earned value, estimating, risk etc.

onlearned,historical data and information, earned value, estimating ,risk etc.

Documents Plans Guidelines

Templates Policies Procedures

Lessons Historic Earned

Learned Data Value

Estimating Risk etc.

Define Activities: Tools and Techniques

The Scope Baseline is used as a starting point to breakdown the documented deliverables, as
well as a guide to assure that the entire scope of the project is covered, but that the no text end
beyond the agreed boundaries.

It is described in the Book ‘Project Scope Management’ which can be downloaded free from
this website and comprises three things—the dictionary and the Project Scope State-
ment. There are three interrelated techniques that can be use din this process.

In order to produce the activity list it is necessary to examine each work package and
break it down into individual work schedule activities. As then gests the Activ-
ityList,isalistofalltheactivitiesthatmustbeperformedwithintheprojectandeachone should
tied back to just one work package (although each work package may have several activities
with init).


Subdivides the deliverables

To Work Package

Where able to reliably


Cost & Time

The work package is the lowest level of the WBS is achieved when the work can be
accurately estimated (both cost and duration) and can be managed by one individual.
The key word here is ‘managed’, although the work package can be managed by one
person, the actual several people.

For example,
One individual could manage work package ‘ Select and Appoint Contractor’.
However, the work package could be to the following activities each of which could be
under taken by different person:
1. Specify Task Requirements
2 Identify Potential Contractors
3. Send Invitation to Tender
4. Review Tenders
5. Interview Contractors
6. Choose Contractor
7. Check References
8. Agree Contract Terms
9. Appoint Contractor

Each activity must be complete and accurate, because it will be used to develop the project
schedule. An activity is typically described using a noun and verbs such as ‘Specify Task

Work Packages— Activities—

work that needs to
deliverable product done to complete
based on Scope
Work package

As you can see, when the work packages are decomposed into activities in this way the result is
to create an activity list, which can then be used to develop the project schedule. Remember that
work packages are product or deliverable based to deliver the scope of the project, whereas
activities’ focus on the work that needs to be carried out in order to execute such work

An activity has an expected duration and consumes resources in terms of manpower and/or
budget. If duration cannot be meaningfully assigned to it then it should be considered a

Any Activity

That you are unable toassign

A meaning ration to

Must be considered

A Milestone
In the example above:

‘Step3—Send Invitations to Ten derand

‘Step9—Appoint Contractor
Would be consider than an activity.

The technique of decomposition, as applied to defining activities, involves subdividing the

project work packages into smaller, more manageable components called activities. Activities
represent the effort needed to complete a work package. The Define Activities process defines the
final outputs as activities rather than deliverables, as done in the Create process.


• Activities which • This list

• Work is used
Package createan to

Decomposes Project
into Schedule

The activity list, WBS, and WBS dictionary can be developed either sequentially or con-
currently, with the WBS and WBS dictionary as the basis for development of the final activity list
.Each work package within the WBS is decomposed into the activities required to produce the
work package deliverables. Involving team members in the decompose to better and more
accurate results.

This decomposition part of a planning work shop involving as much necessary to that the
activities are accurately identified and it should be of sufficient detail to create a realistic and feasible
schedule. This list would also have extra information about each activity such as constraints,
assumptions, logical relationships, etc.

Rolling Wave Planning
As well as decomposing the WBS work packages, there is another technique that can help
with defining the activities. Rolling Wave Planning (RWP) is the process of project planning in
waves as the project proceeds and later details become clearer. It involves progressive
elaboration and is based on the fact that activities required in the immediate future will be
known in greater detail than those further into the future. This means that components will exist
in different level of detail in the structure.

Progressive Elaboration means that the work packages are refined in greater detail overtime. RWP is
particularly use ful in project so certainty like software development or R&D projects, where
the project goal is known, but the final deliverable may change some what as the project

Rolling The closer they are tobeing

Work currentactivity
Wave Means package
Plannin that gains more
g detail

Expert Judgment
Expert judgment is most likely to come in the shape of individuals who have been responsible
for decomposing the work packages down in to a se to on previous projects.

A standard activity list or a portion of an activity list from a previous project is often us-able as
a template for a new project. The related activity attributes information in the templates can
also contain other descriptive information use ful in defining activities. Templates canal so be
use to identify typical schedule milestones.

The lists expert judgment under the tools and techniques that can be used in this process
but many of these could just as easily be seen as part of the organizations process related

For example,

If your organization has a project office, then they may keep templates from similar previous
projects or they may be structural templates available with in particular organization orindustry.

The value hereisthattemplatescanbeusedtofasttracktheidentificationofallactivi-

ties’ in thede fine activities process, normally required for this type of project.

Define Activities: Outputs

The following out puts generated by this process:

Activity List
The activity list is a comprehensive list including all schedule activities required by the
project. The activity list includes the activity identifier and a scope of work description for each
activity in sufficient detail to ensure the project team members understand what work is required
to be completed.
Activity Attributes
Activity attributes extend the description of the activity by identifying the components
associated with each one. The components for each activity evolve over time. Activity attributes
can be used to identify the person responsible for executing the work, where the work will be
performed and the activity type. They are used for schedule development and for selecting,
ordering and sorting the planned scheduled activities in various ways within reports.

Milestone List
A milestone is a significant point or event in the project. A milestone list identifies all mile stone sand
indicate such as those required by contractor optional.

Sequence Activities
Once the activities have been identified the next stage is to sequence the macc ording to their
dependencies. In other words, any relationships between activities need to be identified so that
dependent activities can be scheduled to follow those that they are dependent upon.

s Identify Recognizedependent
relationship activities

It is important to classify any dependencies properly be cause they in dicate the sequence in
which activities must occur. There are four types of dependency relationships.

startrelationshipexistsifoneactivitycannotstartuntilanotheractivitystarts.A finish-to-finish
relationship exists if the one activity cannot finish until another activity finishes.
Finally ,a start to finish relationship other can finish.

Company Overview

Dependencies may be external or internal .For example, an organization may subcontract the
production of some deliverable from a supplier organization and the delivery of this would
represent an external dependency, one that involves some relationship outside of the project
and its control.

Finish to Start to
Start Start

Finish to Start to
Finish Finish

Some dependencies may exist within the project. For example, an engineer may only be
able to contribute half of his time to a project, although his skills could potentially be used full

The in puts ,tools and techniques ,and outputs of this process are summarized in the
table below.

Sequence Activities: Inputs
This process requires the following inputs:

Schedule Management Plan

This identifies the method and tool to be used.

Activity List
This is an output of process Define Activities and includes all scheduled activities on
The project.

Activity Attributes
This is an output of process Define Activities and describes the predecessor and successor
activities , as well as possible lead sand lags ,associated with each activity.

Milestone List
This is an output process Define Activities and give specific dates for any milestones.

Project Scope Statement

The project scop estatement contains the products cope description, which in es product
characteristics that may affectactivity sequencing such as the software project.

While these are often apparent in the activity list, the product scope description is gener -ally
viewed to ensure accuracy. This is described in detail in the project scope manage-ment eBook
(download free from online library.

Enterprise Environmental Factors

The se include government and industry standards ,and the project manage mentin formation
system and scheduling tools being used.

Organizational Process Assets

Organizational process assets are described earlier in this eBook in the Define Activities process.
These include project files as well as policies, procedures and guidelines, tem –plate with the
scheduling methodology.

Sequence Activities: Tools and Techniques
The principal output from this process is a network diagram showing the sequence of
activities and their relationships. Always bear in mind that the purpose of this process is
simply to find and illustrate dependencies, there are assumed to be no resource con -straints.

There are three interrelated techniques that can be used in this process.

Sequencing Activity Tools

Precedence Diagram Method

Dependency Determination

Applying Leads& Lags

Precedence Diagram Method

This is a graphical tool for scheduling activities in a project plan. The precedence diagram
method used in critical path methodology constructs a project schedule network diagram. This
uses boxes or rectangles, referred to as nodes to represent activities and connects them with
arrows to show the logical relationships that exist between them. This technique is also called
activity on node AON and is the method used by most software project management



In this example,

‘Begin’ and ‘End’ are both milestones.

Activities A and Bare not de pendent on each other.
Activity Cis dependent on both A and B(shown a circle).

Many of the project planning software packages available use this method, which simply plots
the tasks to be completed and connects them with arrows that show the dependencies. Note that
each activity has an input .

The only two elements that do not are the ‘Begin’ and ‘End’ milestones (which are not really
activities). If an activity within a diagram has only one arrow then this is represent saner or and
needs to be corrected.

Dependency Determination
Three types of dependencies are used to define the sequence among the activities:

● Mandatory
● Discretionary
● External

The table below shows the dependency and give san explanation for this.

Category Dependency Explanation

Mandatory(hard logic) Involves physical limitations Contractual
Mandatory or legal obligations
vs. Discretionary(soft Based on knowledge of best practices
Discretionary logic)
External Outside of project team’s control. Based
External vs. on relationship of project activities and
Internal activities out side project
Internal Within project team’ s control. Based on
relationship between project activities

Discretionary dependencies are those defined by the project manager and their team. They
should be defined based on best practice or previous experience within the particular area.
Discretionary dependencies are sometimes referred to as preferred logic and based on
knowledge of best practices within a particular application area or some unusual aspect of the
project where a specific sequence is desired even though the remay be of the accept able

Discretionary dependencies should be fully document edsince the

Total float value s and can limit laters haredea ling options.

Types of
Mandatory Discretionary External

External dependencies involve a relationship between project activities and non-project

activities .The sedependenciesare usually out side the project teams control. For example the
testing activity in a software project can be dependent on the delivery of hard-warefroma next
ernal source.

Once the dependencies are agreed they can be mapped into a Precedence Diagram (on PC, on
paper, or using post-it notes). When drawing the precedence diagram the project team needs
to decide:

● Which tasks can only be completed after another task

● Which tasks can be done at the same time
● Which tasks don’t depend on other tasks a tall

It can be useful to work backwards when compiling the Precedence Diagram and ask
yourself what dowe need to have done immediately before this task?

Applying Leadsand Lags

A lag directs a delay in the successor activity. For example, an IT project requires two different
but similar user interfaces to be designed, interfaces A and B. Each task is scheduled totake5

time, but it makes sense to design A first and obtain useragreement before s tarting work
oninter face B which can then be largely based on A.


Task A

Task B

Therefore, the time between the start dates of the two tasks can be defined as a lag (The project
manager has specified two days in this case). It is important to note that task B does not need to
be completed before task A can begin but because some of the lessons learned in the design
stage of task A can be directly applied to task B it will reduce the overall amount of work
requiredif this lag is specified.

Lead refers to a relationship where by the successor activity begins before the predecessor
activity has completed. Lead is only found activities with finish-to-start relationships: A must finish
before B can start. In order to leverage a lead, which will compress the total combined duration of
both activities, the dependency must be discretionary, meaning that there is no physical
limitation on completing A before B begins.

Standardized schedule network diagram templates can be used to expedite the preparation of net
works of project activities. They can include eanentire project or only apportion of it. Portions
of a project schedule network diagram are often referred to as a sub-net-work or afragmentnet

Sub-network templates are especially useful when a project includes several identical or nearly,
such as floors on highr is office building, clini caltri also na pharmaceutical research project,
coding program modules on a software project, or the start phase of development project.

Sequence Activities: Outputs
The following outputs generated by this process:

Project Schedule Network Diagrams

Project schedule network diagrams are schematic displays of the project’s schedule activities
and the logical relationship s among them ,also referred to as dependencies.

Activity1 Activity4

Activity2 END


A project schedule network diagram can be produced manually or by using project man-
agement software. It can include full project details, or have one or more summary activities. A
summary narrative can accompany the diagram and describe the basic approach used to
sequence the activities .Any unusual activity sequences with in the network should be
fully described with in the narrative.

Project Document Updates

The se include activity lists ,activity at tributes, milestone register and risk register.

This step involves making an estimate of the resources required to complete each activity. The
previous processes described what is to be done and in what order. This process describes who
will do the work.
Don’t spend too much time worrying about factors that you simply don’t know. Remember, the
key word here is ‘estimate’, whilst you should try to be as accurate as you can, remember that
any figures you come up with can and will be revised during later processes.

The inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs of this process are below.

Inputs Tools & Techniques Outputs

Schedule Management Expert Judgment Activity Resource
Plan Requirements
Activity List Alternatives Analysis Resource Break down
Activity Attributes Published Estimating Data Project Document
Resource Calendars Bottom-up Estimating
Risk Register Project Management
Activity Cost Estimates
Enterprise Environmental
Organizational Process

Estimate Activity Resources: Inputs

There are eight inputs that are to be used in the process of activity resources timating:

Schedule Management Plan

This identifies the level of accuracy and the units of measure for the resources to beused.

Activity List
This is documented tabulation of schedule activities that shows the activity description, activity
identifier, and a sufficiently detailed scope of work description so project team members under
stand what work is to be performed.

Activity Attributes
These are the various at tributes associated with each activity .The attributes can be
codes, predecessor and successor activities, logical and other relationships, leads and lags,
resource requirements, target dates, constraint sand assumptions.

Resource Calendars
These provide information on the type of resource, its location and its availability. The accuracy
of this information depends on the length of the project. You will need to exercise a healthy
degree of skepticism about its accuracy if your project is expected to exceed months in
duration because so much can change in that sort of time span.

Risk Register
Risk events may impact resource selection and availability .Updates to the risk register are
included with project documents updates from Plan Risk Responses.

Activity Cost Estimates

The cost of resources may impact resource selection.

Enterprise Environmental Factors

The se include resource location, availability ,and skills.

Organizational Process Assets

These include policies and procedures regarding staffing, policies and procedures relating to rental
and purchase of supplies and equipment, and historical information regarding types of resources
used for similar work on previous projects.

Our values drives us to do the best.

Every member of the Everest team is motivated, skilled and adds to the strength of
the company. Their generosity allows them to willingly share their time and talent with
others to build a better, stronger, and safer community.

Everest Foundation creates employee engagement opportunities for the workforce of

EVEREST Industries Limited, its primary funding partner. We have created a system
under which each employee contributes 1 man-hour in each quarter and 4 man hours in a
year for community-driven initiatives. Around 4291 employees, contributed 7643 man
hours in the last 5 years under ISR for community projects including sensitization drives,
skill-center visits, sports activities, education projects and a lot more.

 FIDELITY - We believe in quality of faithfulness or loyalty towards our


 EMPOWERMENT - We serve to Empower enterprises and resources

towards growth and success.

 CONFIDENTIALITY - We respect and believe in keeping privacy or

confidentiality in our work.

 AGIILITY - We believe in ability to think and understand at a brisk pace.

 INNOVATION - We always work hard to adapt to new technologies and

innovative ideas to satisfy client requirements.

 TEAMWORK - We trust our team's collaborative efforts in delivering

projects on time and in a efficient manner.

Time-Office Management

With our revolutionary attendance management system with flexible attendance

facilities made life easy for organizations to keep a track of their employee attendance in

real time.

Flexible attendance system

With our flexible attendance facilities like Biometric, RFID cards, Mobile Attendance it

becomes convenient to record attendance in real time. Track employee attendance like

early go, late coming, overtime etc.

Shift and Roster

A smart shift management system with facility to allocate shifts to employees in advance

and an automated system will have a smooth shift allocation process.


A systematic and customizable leave management system is what makes managing leaves

at ease. Instant access to employee leave anytime, anywhere at your convenience and on

to go.

Time office management is a very tedious job when you manage it by excel sheet,
Dontworry if you have my pay book payroll software with time office management.

Time office Includes.

Excel upload of attendance to handle locations without any attendance devices

Biometric/Swipe card device integration to help seamlessly capture data on real time


Web based attendance to allow your on field/sales staff to mark online attendance

Configure Shifts/Duty Rosters to keep track of 24x7 presence

Configure your Attendance Rules as per your company policies

Attendance Regularization to handle all exceptions related to attendance

On Duty Requisitions for handling official travel


ESS is a very essential part now a days to automate HR Works, grab a easy to
use Empolyee self service Dashboard with us.

ESS Includes.
All module included and can be assigned by company admin

Easy to use interface


100% self service


Generate goverment approved ESIC report, rules report & MIS Reports in One

ESIC Report Management Includes

 E.S.I Register (Form 7)

 E.S.I Challan
 Form 3
 E.S.I Form 5 (RCC With CA Certificate)
 E.S.I Inspection Report
 E.S.I Summary Company wise
 E.S.I Summary Employee wise
 E.S.I RCC Report
 E.S.I. Inspection Report
 E.S.I. Cover / Exmpt. Report
 Export Data in Excel Sheet As per ESI online Excel Format


You can manage core Human resource management activity if you have our
sytem with core HRIS Module.

Core HRIS Includes.
Keep all employee related information centrally
Control the data access using our enhanced data security
Keep track of all changes to the employee database
Keep record of various transactions related to an employee at one place
360 degree view of an employee
Generate On-Demand reports for easy analysis
Single interface to allow easy configuration of your business rules

Training & Development / Learning & Development

Lets your Traning & Development system goes a level up with our automatic

Training & Development / Learning & Development Includes.
Define training needs - internal or external trainings

Set up trainers, faculty, trainings, participants and schedule training

Manage and create courses and topics and assign course material if applicable

Tight integration with Email to track and handle nominations and approvals

Capture training attendance and generate training hour reports as per the attendance

Manage training needs and employee feedback.


Talent Acquisition plays a vital role in the organization, each organization will have
different Time office management policies, these policies will help to know about how
the employees are recruited and selected to the organization. If any flaws in both the
process would affect the overall performance and directly has an impact on productivity.
Hence this particular function of human resources is very important. There for this study
is conducted to study in detail the time office management process EVEREST
Human resource management (HRM or HR) is the strategic approach to the effective and
efficient management of people in a company or organization such that they help their
business gain a competitive advantage. It is designed to maximize employee performance
in service of an employer’s strategic objectives.

 During the 1960’s the personnel function began to expand beyond the welfare
 aspect, with labor welfare, industrial relations & personnel administration
integrating into the emerging profession called personnel management or human
resource management. Recently the trend is changing. The term used is human
resource management.
 The importance has been shifted from welfare to efficiency. Professional have
begun to talk about new technologies like human resource management challenges
& human resource development. Emphasis has shifted from human values to
productivity through people. Larg
  companies today value employees as their assets & hence managing the people
becomes very important, which is one of the key functions of human resource


Research project work is based on certain methodology, which is a way to systematically

solve the problem or attain its objectives. It’s a very important guideline and lead to
completion of any project work through observation, data collection and data analysis.
According to Clifford Woody, “Research Methodology comprises of defining and
redefining problems, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, making deductions and
researching to conclusions.”
According, the methodology used in this project are as follows:
 Defining the objectives of the study
 Framing of questionnaire keeping objectives in mind (considering the objectives)
 Feedback from the employers
 Analysis of feedback
 Conclusion, findings and suggestions.


The Research design adopted is descriptive design. It involves fact- findings, inquiries of
different units etc. The researcher has a wide variety of methods to consider, either singly
or in combination.
Primary sources of data

Sample Area:

Research was conducted at Everest industriesLimited, Bhagwanpur in COT (Central

operation Team).

Sample size:

Sample size refers to the number of respondents or the size of the sample, which is to be
surveyed. Here the sample size was 30 of the employers at the age between 25 to 45.

Sampling Procedure:

It refers to the definite plan adopted by the research for obtaining the data from the
respondents. The technique adopted here is to gather data from sampling unit,
questionnaire method.

Statistical Tools Used

The main statistical tools used for the collection and analyses of data in this project are:
 Chart
 Tables
 Pi- chart


1. How do feel about organization holiday list?
 excellent
 average

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Excellent 25 85%
Average 5 15%
Total 30 100%

From above table and chart, we got 85% Employers was excellent with this question and
15% was average.

2. How do you check the absence of worker?

 Regulation
 Punching

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Regulations 25 85%
Punching 5 15%
Total 30 100%

From the above table, it is analyzed that 85% employers agreed for Regulation factor and
15 % agreed for punching.

3. How do you handle the situation at the time of worker salary?

 Exactly
 Team Support
 Clarity

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Team support 6 20%
Clarity 6 20%
Exactly Data 18 60%
Total 30 100%

From the above table and chart, it is analyzed that 60% Employers agreed to exactly
data of employee and 20% agreed to Team support and 20 % agreed to clarity.

4. Are all Worker/Employee are satisfied with the Punching system?

 Yes
 No

Particulars No.of Respondents Percentage

Yes 18 60%
No 12 40%
Total 30 100%

From the above table and graph, it is analyzed that 60% Employers said yes employee/
worker are satisfied with punching system and 40% said No.

5. Is it indeed that employee feel stress during end of month?

 Satisfied
 Dissatisfied
 Mostly Satisfied

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Satisfied 2 5%
Dissatisfied 25 85%
Mostly Satisfied 3 10%
Total 30 100

From the above table and chart, it is analyzed that 85% employers felt dissatisfied, 10 %
felt mostly satisfied and 5% satisfied.


 The human workforce is considered one of the most important organizational assets
in this era of technological advancements and the continued successful evolution of
technologies. Although technology, along with automation, is replacing many
labor-force-intensive activities, I believe human resources is not only the building
block of progress but also responsible for technology and its implications in the
business world.

1. Align business strategies with external and internal factors.

For example, consider how your current strategy aligns with economic changes (i.e.,
external factors) and the expectation of a high return on investment in the case of
training and development costs (i.e., internal factors).

2. Ensure your talent strategy also aligns with the company's overall plan.

The main and essential key to managing a provocative workforce is to streamline the
strategies of the talent management process alongside the overall company
strategy. Ultimately, the aptitude of training, developing and then retaining the
employees depends upon the success of the business operations.

3. Get ahead of your competitors by being proactive.

In my experience, leaders who use the best talent management practices find
themselves more equipped and can make effective use of available opportunities to
help operate their businesses. But this is only obtainable when management does more
than just adopt new trends; they must quickly anticipate and adapt to new and
emerging opportunities regarding talent management before the rest of the market. In
this manner, executing a proactive approach, rather than a reactive app

4. roach, indicates the implications of the strategic talent management in the business
processes to support the capability development in the organization.
5. Evaluate what training is essential, and execute it well.

Evaluating key areas and the need for training is mandatory. It's also helpful for
saving on abundant training costs involved with the workforce. The execution of the
training and development is a necessity because of its impact on the involvement of
change management in the business processes.

6. Use various tools to assess the capabilities of your workforce.

Annual appraisals and reviews can be highly effective tools to analyze the capacity
and capabilities of the workforce if conducted consistently and correctly. Therefore, I
recommend organizations adopt a pay-for-performance culture in their organizations
to boost the productivity of employees. From my perspective, this might encourage
employees to work harder and thus improve their capacity to adapt to changes and

All companies that surpass their everest industrial competition know that well-planned
talent management practices are essential criteria for success. A well-planned HRM
strategy plays an important role in managing the accurate workforce, which is necessary
for successful technology implementation and integration. Make use of analytics and
investigative tools to understand trends and identify extraordinary change, which is
beyond the generalities or intuitive predictions. And finally, the aptitude of training,
developing and then retaining the employees ultimately depends upon the success of the
business operations.

Targeting the employees in their 30s whose relatively lower satisfaction level was
confirmed in the AR FY2022 a new survey was conducted concerning career
development and challenges at workplace; workplace environment such as streamlining
of duties and personnel allocation; and management by superiors as well as
communication at workplace. Based on the survey results, this report explored the
concrete reasons for dissatisfaction or concerns and examined issues and measures.
One of the reasons for relatively lower satisfaction level of the employees in their 30s
may be that the employees in this age group should instruct less experienced employees in
their 20s and be responsible for coordination with managerial personnel in their 40s or
above; and at the same time, they are supposed to directly deal with difficult problems as
the personnel playing a central role in practical business. It, however, is presumed as an
issue related to organizational structure, which exists in private companies as well. The
results of the 2018 Survey showed that many employees in their 30s are suffering from
busy work and long working hours while considering if there is room for further
streamlining of duties; and that there is a perception gap between the employees in their
30s and those at Division Director level concerning reaction to instructions provided by
superiors and changes in communication at workplace. As a result, the survey identified
organizational issues, including rectification of long working hours and promotion of
flexible working styles; improvement in consciousness about management; and
improvement in communication. Additionally, the employees in their 30s were concerned
about their future career development and considered that they were making new
proposals and performing challenges. On the other hand, the employees at Division
Director level wanted those in their 30s to demonstrate more autonomy and challenging
spirit, signifying a perception gap between them and the employees in their 30s.
Accordingly, the surveys also identified the issues related to development of employees
including how to maintain/raise awareness as servants of all citizens and further boost
their challenging spirit while eliminating concerns held by the employees in their


This study has been prepared to access the employee internal recruitment in the Everest
Industries Ltd. Your judgment will be used only for academic purpose.

Name: ……………

Age: ……………...

Qualification: …………….

Experience: ……………

Several questions are given below discussing the employee time office management
process of an organization. Please give your assessment by ranking each statement by
using following legalities.

1. How do feel about organization holiday list?
 excellent
 average

2. How do you check the absence of worker?

 Regulation
 Punching

3. How do you handle the situation at the time of worker salary?

 Exactly
 Team Support
 Clarity

4. Are all Worker/Employee are satisfied with the Punching system?

 Yes
 NO

5. Is it indeed that employee feel stress during end of month?

 Satisfied
 Dissatisfied
 Mostly Satisfied


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