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A Research Paper Presented to Notre Dame University- Senior High School

Faculty in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements in Practical Research



October 2022


This study focuses on learning amenities that are the basic commodities that are

required and is a basic part of a student's school life, especially students of higher

level who need more hands-on experience that might need various environments to

be synthesized by the school. And so, the lack of school amenities is a major

problem that can hinder learnings of students from all around the world. This

problem is a wicked problem - a problem that has many solutions but will ultimately take a

while to be solved (Rittel 1973). This year alone General santos city has experienced this

problem and on one statement they said, “They scrambled and took whatever was left on

the shelves,” this is a statement by a bookstore clerk and this is just the start of the problem

because the deficiency in supplies will lead in students bad performances in schools.

The Philippines is considered as a third world country because of how little it invest

in it`s country's educational system, even though things are already fixed by the

increase of funds allocated to the DEPED but it still does not change the problem of

how to accommodate every student in case of a lacking supplies. And this problem

Effects of Lack of Classroom Amenities in the Learning

Experience of Senior Highschool of Notre Dame University
can lead to lacking knowledge of students and trouble understanding the topic

because of the distraction of whatever pops up uninvited. And this problem

continues to NDU Cotabato where in Senior high school student are forced to

occupy classrooms that are too hot and are lacking with light, cleaning materials,

chalks, tv, and many more.

Review of Related Literature

below are studies that are related to this study and can provide supporting details to

this study.

Learning experience - Learning is the basic purpose of schools and is the main

purpose why students go to school. And we learn we get experience and that is

learning experience. Learning experience refers to any interaction, course,

program, or other experience in which learning takes place, whether it occurs in

traditional academic settings (schools, classrooms) or nontraditional settings

(outside-of-school locations, outdoor environments), or whether it includes

traditional educational interactions (students learning from teachers and professors)

or nontraditional interactions (students learning through games and interactive

software applications) (Edglossary,2013).

Effects of Lack of Classroom Amenities in the Learning

Experience of Senior Highschool of Notre Dame University
Learning experience comes from the learning model of David Kolb which states

that learning from experience is a much better that learning from textbooks and

other non on hand learnings. According to Kolb can be defined as "the process

whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience.

Knowledge results from the combinations of grasping and transforming the

experience."(David Kolb,1984). this model validates that everything we experience

is something that we learn and for our study this means that the better the

environment for learning the better the students learn.

This study corelates with our study because of how it deals with experience and

learning. We all know that the better our learning experience is but is it true that the

classrooms are essential for a better learning? One study state that “When kids have

what they need for school, it makes the experience more positive. Instead of just being a

chore or something they are forced into, school is now a goal or something to look forward

to. This is a motivation for kids. They need their backpacks and tools to succeed.

When kids have the necessities, they are twice as likely to succeed at whatever they

decide to do with their lives.” (Lueck, 2022). it is necessary to have the most basic

of amenities for students to be able to study and learn properly.

Effects of Lack of Classroom Amenities in the Learning

Experience of Senior Highschool of Notre Dame University
Types of learning – different people have different ways of gathering information

to their brains, some people learn more effectively if there are pictures on the

lectures and some learn more effectively by listening. Knowing which learning type

you have would be better for you in order to learn more aggressively and not

passively. There are 4 known types of learning and those are: reading/writing,

visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic learning. Each of this learning is unique and

effective in their own way and the matter of utilizing the ways of learning is up to

the learner himself. The first type of learning is writing and reading learners. learn

primarily by reading and writing. They prefer to learn information by reading notes,

handouts and textbooks. These learners make use of dictionaries and other

reference materials. They also benefit by rewriting notes and rereading notes

silently again and again (Neil fleming, 1987).

Next is the visual learners, refers to a mode of learning where students rely on

graphic aids to remember and learn material. Visual learners can easily visualize

objects, have a great sense of balance and alignment, are very color-oriented and

can effortlessly envision imagery (Neil fleming, 1987). Auditory learners is a style

of learning in which an individual learns most efficiently through hearing and

listening. Auditory learners retain information better when it is delivered through

sound or speech rather than written form. (Neil fleming, 1987). And the last type of

leaner is the kinesthetic leaner they learn effectively through touch, movement and

space. They also learn skills by imitation and practice.

Effects of Lack of Classroom Amenities in the Learning

Experience of Senior Highschool of Notre Dame University
They appreciate instructors who use real-life examples and prefer hands-on

approaches to learning. Predominantly kinesthetic learners can appear slow, in that

information is normally not presented in a style that suits their learning methods

(Neil fleming, 1987). all 4 types of learning is essential in learning of those who

possess them and they still rely on the materials that support them so they are still

related to this study.

Lack of Classrooms – Classrooms are the home of learning is the place where

students spend majority of their times. Although there is saying that a student can

learn even if they are under a bridge, one cannot deny that proper facility for

learning such as a proper classroom, the classroom is the start of learning for others,

and the things that they have learnt on a classroom is manifested on their actions on

their everyday life, according to an English teacher on America “That’s the beauty

of education, kids taking lessons out of the classroom and back into their own

world where they can positively affect their family, their friends, and their greater

community.” (Erin Gruwell, 2005) it is necessary to have a proper classroom or to

just have a classroom in the first place. in 2022 alone and 91,000 are lacking

according to Deped which is an alarming number considering that the number of

students at the Philippines is 28,035,042 as of 2022.

Effects of Lack of Classroom Amenities in the Learning

Experience of Senior Highschool of Notre Dame University
The problem of lacking classroom is so severe that out of the 2.8 million unenrolled

children in the Philippines a large percentage of it is because of lacking facilities to

cater the overflowing students that enroll each year. The problem became more

severe because of the pandemic where students are now overflowing in number as

supposed to the number prior to the pandemic. Schools are addressing this problem

but the only solution they have come up is to pack students into one classroom

according to CNN "Overcrowded classrooms seem to be back, as students

physically reported to school after two years of distance learning. Most schools saw

an orderly return to face-to-face classes on Monday, said ACT Teachers Party-list

Rep. France Castro(2022). but she pointed out that some classrooms still packed up

to 60 students each.” (CNN Philippines, 2022) this is a health hazard and the

teacher cannot pay attention to every student if the classroom is noisy and

overcrowded. Like the problem of lacking classroom amenities this problem is also

going to factor in the learning experience of students therefore this study is related

to this study.

Philippine educational crisis - It is quite apparent that the Philippine national

government is struggling to comply the needed support of the educational needs of

the country due to our failing economy in the past years. This in turn has caused a

crisis that the Philippines is now facing and that is the educational crisis of the

Philippines. The crisis has been going on for many years affecting the development

of the country and hindering the potential of future Filipino citizens. A table done

Effects of Lack of Classroom Amenities in the Learning

Experience of Senior Highschool of Notre Dame University
by (2020) has shown that the learning deprivation rate of the

Philippines is now up to a staggering 90 percent as of 2021 and is still rising higher

and higher every year due to the governments pitiful help in the citizens.

Also, now a big contributing factor for the crisis is the pandemic that can be said to

be the most devastating blow on our economy and the education of our country.

Because of school being forced to close and the poor families could not afford the

necessary digital equipment for their children, they are forced to stop studying with

no other choice. Although there were government issued tablet and laptop for both

teachers and student, it was only given for limited places and limited people, and

this also was taken from government funds.  According to an article, the impact of

the pandemic on education, nothing that most countries were in the process of

reopening schools back to the traditional classroom setup (UNESCO, 2022). And

now that the face-to-face classes are about to start again the government are still

struggling to control and keep the children safe from the covid that the school

equipment’s and amenities are being neglected by the government instead.

All in all the state of the Philippine education is still in jeopardy and only relies at

the government stepping up and provide better support in order to sprout the seed of

the future generations to come. The government are now reopening scholar ship for

students that are not financially stable in order to help them achieve their dreams

even they are from poverty, and government are now taking action to one day
Effects of Lack of Classroom Amenities in the Learning
Experience of Senior Highschool of Notre Dame University
hopefully make education a necessity for everyone and not just for those who has

the money.

Many things easier for the teachers. “In History, ‘Research on the Internet has

yielded a vast potential source of improved resources, both text and visual,

including unprecedented access to archive material’”(Ruthven, K., Hennessy, S., &

Deaney, R. 2005) By integrating technology into classrooms, the teachers will no

longer have to worry about a lack of resources. Everything they need will be online,

and this will help with decreasing their stress. With one less thing to worry about,

the moods of the teachers will increase, and this will create a better atmosphere for

the students to learn in. Technology in the classroom will also help the students

tremendously. They can learn new tricks and new ways of researching online.

Students can now find up to date research in seconds, which means that their

schoolwork will be done faster and more efficiently. Overall, integrating

technology into classrooms will benefit everyone. Students and teachers will have

an easier time communicating when it comes to their assignments, and the parents

won’t have to worry about buying as many books for their children. That’s one

thing less to worry about, and everyone wins. Another major solution to this wicked

problem is money. Money plays a key part when it comes to schools getting their

resources. A lack of funding is correlated directly with the resources in schools.

“Schooling resources that cost money are positively associated with student

outcomes. These include smaller class sizes, additional instructional supports, early

Effects of Lack of Classroom Amenities in the Learning

Experience of Senior Highschool of Notre Dame University
childhood programs,(02) and more competitive teacher compensation (permitting

schools and districts to recruit and retain a higher quality teacher

workforce).”(Baker, B. 2018) This means that the ways schools spend money needs

to change. Rather than giving the students a brand new turf field when the one

Theoretical Framework


This theory states that the best way of learning is through hands on experience. The

experience that is done hands on tends to stick to the minds of students more

efficiently and last longer in memory. This theory is proposed by an American

educational theorist David Kolb(1984). he called this study as the Reflective Model,

this theory deals about the personal experience of learners and how hands on

experience can open more doors into learning. This theory is relevant to our study

because of how it deals with hands on experience, hands on experience can be

achieved through the use of various learning facilities such as computer laboratory,

science laboratory, and classrooms which are the basic of learning facilities out of

all the learning facilities.

Effects of Lack of Classroom Amenities in the Learning

Experience of Senior Highschool of Notre Dame University
Conceptual Framework

Independent variable Dependent variable

Lack of classroom That affects the learning

amenities of senior high school

This figure shows the cause-and-effect relationship between variable A and variable


Variable A is the independent variable because the lack of facilities can affect the

learning of senior high school students. And the variable B is the dependent

variable because it is affected by the variable A, in short, the learnings of the senior

high senior high school students are easily affected by lack of facilities such as

classroom and other learning facilities.

Effects of Lack of Classroom Amenities in the Learning

Experience of Senior Highschool of Notre Dame University
Statement of the Problem

The main goal of this study is to find the answer to the following questions and


1.What are the effects of the lack of classroom amenities in the learning experience

of students from:

A. Cariño

B. Burke

C. De Jesus

2.Is there a significant difference in the effects of classroom amenities in the

learning experience of students from:

A. Cariño

B. Burke

C. De Jesus

Effects of Lack of Classroom Amenities in the Learning

Experience of Senior Highschool of Notre Dame University
Significance of the Study

This research determines the factors affecting the lack of classroom amenities to

cater SHS students of NDU. This contributes in the learning paradigm in school as

a whole to develop and enhance, their capabilities in addressing or dealing with the

current issues in terms of lack of classroom amenities to cater SHS students. In

many ways, whether in a tiny scale or in a wide range scale the findings of this

research would benefit the following individuals in their own respective fields.

Administration. The administration of NDU-SHS will consider the results of this

study in putting classroom amenities for senior high school students.

Teachers. Teachers will adopt new learning strategies to supplement the learning

needs of students.

Parents. To demand the school to provide conducive learning facilities for


Students. Students will adapt to the challenges posted by lack of amenities.

Effects of Lack of Classroom Amenities in the Learning

Experience of Senior Highschool of Notre Dame University
Future researchers. Future researchers can look at the recommendations of this

study for their future research.

Scope and Delimitation

The coverage of this study is strictly limited to the problem of lacking amenities of

senior high school students Notre dame university for the school year 2022-2023

and how the lack of amenities can affect the academic performance and learning

experience of students at ndu senior high school department. The target of our study

will be the students of Burke, Carino, and De jesus building because of the different

variation of the available amenities to the student of the three buildings and through

the data gathered by survey this study can determine if the different of availability

on amenities can really affect the learnings of senior high school students that study

at Burke, Carino, and De jesus.

Effects of Lack of Classroom Amenities in the Learning

Experience of Senior Highschool of Notre Dame University
Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined in the

context of this research.

Academic Performance - is the knowledge gained by a learner to be

achieved over a specific period of time.

Classroom Amenities – is the materials and supplies that assists in the learning of the


Impact- is a result of an action or cause and effects of lack of school facilities and

equipment to the student academic performance.

Deficiency – Is the lack of material supplies of classrooms to support learning of


Learning experience – refers to any interaction, course, program, or other experience

which learning takes place, whether it occurs in traditional academic setting (schools,

classrooms) or nontraditional settings (outside-of-school location, outdoor environment).

Effects of Lack of Classroom Amenities in the Learning

Experience of Senior Highschool of Notre Dame University

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