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Holding up the Universe by Jennifer Niven is a young adult novel

that explores various themes related to identity, relationships, and

mental health. Here are three prominent themes from the book:

Body image and self-acceptance: One of the central themes of the

novel is body image and self-acceptance. The two main
characters, Libby and Jack, struggle with their physical
appearance and the societal pressure to conform to certain beauty
standards. Libby, who is overweight, has been bullied for her size
and struggles to find acceptance in a world that values thinness.
Jack, on the other hand, has a condition called prosopagnosia or
"face blindness," which makes it difficult for him to recognize faces.
As a result, he feels disconnected from the people around him and
struggles to form meaningful relationships. Throughout the novel,
both characters learn to accept and love themselves for who they
are, despite their perceived flaws.
Mental health and trauma: Another important theme in the book is
mental health and trauma. Both Libby and Jack have experienced
significant traumas in their lives, which have impacted their mental
health. Libby's mother died when she was young, and she has
struggled with depression and anxiety ever since. Jack's face
blindness has caused him to feel isolated and disconnected from
others, which has also contributed to his struggles with anxiety and
depression. The book explores how these characters cope with
their mental health issues and the importance of seeking help and
support when needed.

Family relationships: A third theme in the novel is family

relationships. Both Libby and Jack have complicated relationships
with their families, and these relationships play a significant role in
their personal growth and development. Libby's father has
struggled to cope with the loss of his wife and has become
overprotective of Libby as a result. Jack's mother is an overbearing
stage mom who is more concerned with her son's popularity than
his well-being. Throughout the novel, both characters navigate
their relationships with their families and learn to assert their
independence and boundaries.

Sure, here are three specific morals that can be found in the book
Holding up the Universe by Jennifer Niven:
Self-Acceptance: The book highlights the importance of accepting
oneself for who they are, rather than trying to conform to the
expectations of others. Both Libby and Jack struggle with body
image issues and feelings of inadequacy, but they eventually learn
to embrace their unique qualities and accept themselves for who
they are.

Empathy: The novel emphasizes the importance of empathy and

understanding towards others. Libby and Jack come from very
different backgrounds and have their own struggles, but they learn
to empathize with each other's experiences and support each
other through difficult times. This promotes the idea that we should
try to understand and appreciate other people's perspectives, even
if they are different from our own.

Authenticity: Holding Up the Universe highlights the importance of

being true to oneself and not putting up a false front to impress
others. Jack initially presents himself as a charming and confident
person, but his disorder forces him to confront his true self and
deal with his insecurities. The novel shows that embracing one's
true self can lead to greater happiness and a more fulfilling life.

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