Liability For Flawed Shop Drawings

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13 – INDEX 1169 JUNE 25, 2007 ESTABLISHED 1878

Liability for Flawed Shop Drawings

Contractor, architect and engineer each play a crucial role in evaluation of work plans
By Robert C. Epstein Architects and Engineers found that the process resulted in one of the most dev-
failure was caused by insufficient load astating building failures in United
here is perhaps no aspect of con- capacity of the connections that held the States history.

T struction more misunderstood than

the shop drawing submittal and
approval process. The term “shop draw-
skywalks in place. The investigation
revealed that, during the shop drawing
process, the fabricator proposed a mod-
In another well-known case, iron-
workers were waiting for guy lines to
secure a portion of steel framework on
ings” refers to drawings, diagrams, ification to the design that doubled the which they were standing, when a gust
illustrations, schedules and other infor- load on the connections at the fourth of wind hit the structure, causing it to
mation prepared by or for the contractor floor walkway. The fabricator assumed collapse. Two workers were killed and a
to illustrate some portion of the work. that the engineer would redesign the third was injured. The ensuing lawsuit
Shop drawings are usually prepared by connections to carry the increased load. alleged that the architect was negligent
specialty subcontractors or fabricators The engineer incorrectly assumed that in approving the shop drawings, which
and then submitted by the contractor to the fabricator would redesign the con- failed to show temporary connections
the architect or engineer for approval. nections to carry the increased load, and on certain expansion joints. The court
When the process breaks down, the eventually approved the modifications ultimately held, however, that the con-
most common result is economic loss without determining what the connec- tractor, not the architect, was liable
caused by project delays or the need to tions looked like in detail. The investi- because the accident occurred during
correct deficient work. However, in gation by the engineering board found construction and the contractor had a
some instances, effective shop-drawing that the modified skywalk design barely duty to review the shop drawings as
review can literally be a matter of life had enough strength to resist its own they affected construction means and
and death. weight, and had virtually no capacity to methods, and site safety. Waggoner v.
The most dramatic example of this carry the additional loads that resulted W&W Steel, 657 P.2d 147 (Okla. 1982),
was the Kansas City Hyatt Regency as people actually used the walkways. reh’g denied (1983).
Hotel skywalk collapse of 1981 that The Missouri licensing authorities These two cases seem contradicto-
claimed 114 lives. The skywalks, which revoked the engineer’s license, a deci- ry. Each involved beam-support connec-
were suspended walkways in the hotel’s sion upheld by the courts. Duncan v. tion details. However, in the Hyatt case,
atrium, collapsed during normal use. An Missouri Bd. of Architects, Professional the engineer was held liable for omis-
investigation by the Missouri Board of Eng’rs & Land Surveyors, 744 S.W. 2d sions in the shop drawings, while in the
524 (1988). This failure of communica- ironworker case, the contractor was
Epstein is with Greenberg Traurig of tion between an engineer and a fabrica- held liable for omissions in the shop
Florham Park. tor during the shop drawing approval drawings. To understand why these

This article is reprinted with permission from the JUNE 25, 2007 issue of the New Jersey Law Journal. ©2007 ALM Properties, Inc. Further duplication without permission is prohibited. All rights reserved.
2 NEW JERSEY LAW JOURNAL, JUNE 25, 2007 188 N.J.L.J.1169

cases really are consistent, it is important logue between the designer and the work has to be re-done with resulting
to understand the functions of shop builders concerning the details of con- delay to the project.
drawings and the shop drawing review struction. Shop drawings are prepared Does the erroneous approval of shop
process. and submitted by a host of subcontrac- drawings mean that the owner accepted
Shop drawings are defined as tors and fabricators, and are reviewed everything on that shop drawing and so
“drawings, diagrams, schedules and and approved by both the general con- waived its right to require the contractor
other data specially prepared for the tractor and the architect or engineer. to properly carry out the design plans?
Work by the Contractor or a The purpose of the contractor’s Generally speaking, the answer is no, but
Subcontractor, Sub-subcontractor, man- review is to coordinate the trades and the cases are mixed. However, it is fairly
ufacturer, supplier or distributor to illus- verify that the project can be built. The clear that, if the changes or deviations
trate some portion of the Work.” contractor is responsible for the means are prominently called out by the con-
American Institute of Architects (AIA) and methods of construction and for ver- tractor on the submittals and then
form A201, section 3.12.1. The term is ification of field dimensions. The con- approved, the designer and owner proba-
also generally understood to refer to cat- tractor’s review and approval of shop bly will be deemed to have approved the
alog cutouts (known as cut sheets), prod- drawings requires the contractor to changes.
uct performance or specification sched- check shop drawings against each other. The shop drawing review process
ules, manufacturer’s installation instruc- In this way, the builder coordinates the also frequently gives rise to claims for
tions, or any other material that the con- work before the brick and mortar go up construction delays. The general condi-
tractor or subcontractor must submit for — because it is the builder’s responsibil- tions normally require the contractor to
approval by either the owner, architect or ity to ensure that the construction present a shop drawing submittal sched-
engineer. process is feasible and safe. ule to the architect and engineer prompt-
Shop drawings are used on construc- The architect or engineer, on the ly after the contract is signed. The sub-
tion projects for two primary reasons. other hand, reviews the shop drawings to mittal schedule is needed to verify that
First, with any project of significant size ensure that the proposed construction the proper shop drawings will be timely
and complexity, it is simply impossible scheme meets the design intent for the submitted, and also to allow the design-
for the designer to prepare graphic or completed structure. ers to plan for shop drawing review.
written descriptions of every detail. It This division of responsibility There is nothing more disruptive to a
also is not economically feasible to explains the seeming contradiction design professional’s office than to plan
engage the designer to depict the thou- between the Hyatt skywalk collapse case the manpower for shop drawing review,
sands of standard construction details. and the ironworkers case. Generally, the have the shop drawings come in late, and
Also, many details on construction architect or engineer is responsible for then be told that a 140-page submittal for
drawings are at such a small scale that the design — that is, the architect or steel erection drawings must be reviewed
they cannot be used easily during con- engineer has the final and total responsi- within four days or the construction
struction. Also, many drawings are bility for the adequacy and safety of the schedule will be delayed.
largely diagrammatic, such as mechani- completed structure, as in the Hyatt case. How long should the designer take
cal or electrical drawings, requiring shop Construction safety is the contractor’s to turn around shop drawings?
drawings for purposes of coordination responsibility, as in the ironworkers Commonly used contracts only require
between the trades and to depict neces- case. that the architect’s action on shop draw-
sary construction, which is inferable Shop drawings are supposed to ings “will be taken with such reasonable
from, but not actually shown on the show how the contractor intends to carry promptness as to cause no delay in the
plans. out the architect’s plans, and are not sup- Work.” AIA A201, section 4.2.7. Vague
Second, the drawings and specifica- posed to be a vehicle for proposing sub- provisions like this should be modified
tions may only establish performance stitutions, changes or deviations from in the contract between the owner and
requirements, granting the contractor those plans. If the contractor wishes a designer to require the designer to turn
wide discretion as to the details and substitution or change, the proper vehi- around the shop drawing submittals
methods of construction so long as the cle is a separate request for a change within a fixed time frame, usually a max-
performance objective is attained. Where order. imum of 10 days to two weeks.
performance specifications are used, A recurring problem in the shop If the architect’s or engineer’s turn-
shop drawings play an important role in drawing review process arises where the around time for the review of shop draw-
depicting the actual design, the coordi- contractor prepares shop drawings, the ings is excessive, then the contractor
nation of subtrades, or simply providing architect or engineer approves the sub- may legitimately claim that its work has
larger scale direction to the contractor’s mittals, returns them to the contractor been delayed.
own forces. who then completes the work, and later What can the project parties do to
The process of shop drawing sub- discovers that there was an error in the minimize delays in the shop drawing
mittal and review is intended to be a dia- approved shop drawings, so that the review process? First, the owner and
3 NEW JERSEY LAW JOURNAL, JUNE 25, 2007 188 N.J.L.J. 1169

designers should require that the con- process. As noted, contractors have Scheduling of shop drawing review
tractor promptly submit the contractor’s successfully argued that a design pro- is also critical to assure proper review
submittal schedule. Then, the contractor fessional’s approval of a shop drawing and timely turnaround. With poor
must be held to the submittal schedule. constitutes acceptance of whatever is advance planning, the designer may find
Where submittals are late, those delays contained in that shop drawing. Where himself suddenly inundated with shop
should be documented promptly and in the system or design details contained drawings to review, all of which require
writing. in the approved shop drawings do not quick turnaround time. Faced with a sud-
From the contractor’s point of view, work as they should, contractors have den surge of work under deadlines, the
the submittal schedule should be fol- argued that they are excused from designer is forced to spend less time on
lowed and any errors in the plans and responsibility because the design pro- each drawing or to put less experienced
specifications discovered during the fessional “approved” the shop draw- personnel on the job. Mistakes are there-
shop drawing submittal process should ings and therefore the designer is fore more likely to occur.
be called to the attention of the owner responsible for any failure. Some con- Finally, architects and engineers
and designer. If minor deviations from tractors have even argued that they must also recognize their critical
the plans are needed to accommodate the relied on the designer’s expertise in responsibilities in the shop drawing
means and methods of construction, approving the details contained in the review process and the potential for
those changes should be prominently shop drawing. disaster. It is common for shop draw-
called out on the submittals both graphi- One key to limiting liability is to ing review to be left to the least
cally, by highlighting the affected area, have clear contract language describing experienced member of the design
and in writing, with a written narrative exactly the purpose of and limitations on professional’s firm, and some firms
on a separate form attached to the sub- the designer’s review of shop drawings. consider shop drawing review as a
mittal describing the change or devia- But it is just as important for the design- cost reduction item when project
tion. er to act and communicate in ways that overruns begin cutting into the
The cases addressing responsibility are consistent with that contract lan- designer’s anticipated profit. The
for shop drawing review reflect a con- guage; if not, the courts could find that Hyatt case illustrates that spot check-
stant struggle between designers and the contract limitations have been modi- ing and other cost-saving shortcuts
contractors over who is responsible for fied or waived by the parties’ course of can be short-sighted and even disas-
what in the shop drawing review conduct. trous. ■

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