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The Evolution in Global Power

Balance and Pak-China

Relations 
M. Akram Zaki


[The global power paradigm is witnessing a major shift, from the West to the East, and China
is emerging as a key player at the world scene. While Pak-China relations have always
remained coordinal, new opportunities of enhanced cooperation at bilateral and beyond
bilateral level are opening up with this global power shift. China can help Pakistan attain the
latter’s due role at forums such as SCO, can also play a role in normalizing Pak-India
relations, and may offer substantial cooperation Vis-à-vis regional stability particularly with
reference to Afghanistan. Pakistan, on its part, provides a secure and feasible corridor for
China’s momentous production sector and to meet its growing energy needs. The two time-
tested partners can also cooperate closely at global forums. – Editors.]

Pakistan and China have developed a unique friendship, which is

a model of good relations between neighboring states. The two
countries have different social systems, different ideologies, different
languages and different cultures, yet they have been able to develop,
sustain and strengthen a relationship, which has stood the tests of time
despite dramatic changes in regional and global changes and changes
of governments in both countries.

This multi-dimensional, comprehensive, strategic and unique

partnership was discussed at a three-day high-level seminar at which
many learned scholars and research workers educated the audience
with their wisdom by sharing the efforts of their research, their analysis
and their wisdom.

The only thing constant in life is change. Pakistan-China

relations have been changing in a positive way. The global situation has
always been changing, and today it is a phase in which the world
situation is changing very fast. It is not even possible to keep track of
all the developments. Nevertheless, it can still be identified where one
roughly stands and where it is struggling to go. One very important
change is that the focus of political power and economic power has
shifted from the Euro-Atlantic to Asia-Pacific.

The article is a revised version of the concluding speech made at the last session of
the three day conference “Pakistan China Relations: Bilateral and Beyond Bilateral
Exchanges” organized by the Institute of Policy Studies in collaboration with Chinese
and Pakistani academic institutions, on April 28-30, 2014. The session took place at
the University of Management and Technology, Lahore on April 30.

M. Akram Zaki is former Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistan and
a member of IPS National Academic Council.
Policy Perspectives

Major developments in the last few years have been taking

place in Asia Pacific region, although Europe is again coming up, a little
bit, through Ukraine and Crimea having come into limelight. The two
major Asian powers with large populations, China and India, have made
rapid progress, which is one of the factors that has brought out this
shift in the Asian region. Japan was there already, but China and India
have recently emerged. Besides, since 2008 the United States and
Europe are in a prolonged economic crisis. That has also shifted the
economic balance of power to Asia. The USA having recognized the
power shift has adopted the policy of Asia Pivot and rebalancing.1
Russia has also started taking greater interest in Asian affairs along
with protecting its interests in Europe.

Contemporary International politics has evolved through three

phases which are important to mention here. Until the end of 1980s,
there was a bi-polar world – a
balance between the former Soviet
Major developments in the Union and the United States –
last few years have been maintaining an uneasy peace and
taking place in Asia Pacific clandestine competition. Then
came the claim of uni-polar super
region. power or hyper power, which
allocated to itself the right to
govern the entire global situation
by use of force and pre-emptive intervention. Nevertheless, this uni-
polar policy of arrogant unilateralism failed after the intervention in
Iraq, and collapsed.2 The Chinese, from the very beginning were of the
view that gradually there will be evolution toward multi-polar global
system and that process has been manifesting itself by the emergence
of a number of great powers. This is the reality of today.

Besides, with the development of Weapons of Mass Destruction

(WMD), open warfare between big powers has virtually become
impossible. Although the super powers, started working on
disarmament in the past, they at the same time also used KGB and CIA
for clandestine activities. Other countries, following their examples, also
started using ‘non-state actors’ as instrument of foreign policy. These
non-state actors, which were encouraged by the establishments of
various so-called democratic countries, are now the greatest threat to
civilization everywhere, commonly known as terrorism.

Terrorism has been generated and created as an instrument of

policy of great powers and to a large extent declining great powers are
patronizing terrorism as an instrument of policy. Therefore, terrorism
cannot be handled in isolation. It has to be managed by working out
some regional arrangements, and then a global arrangement. Just as
there are international regimes for nuclear non-proliferation and a

Mishra, “The US Rebalancing Strategy/ Pivot to Asia,” 149-151.
Harris, “US Imperialism and Globalization after Iraq.”
The Evolution in Global Power Balance and Pak-China Relations

regime control of chemical and biological weapons, international

community will have to work out for a regime for controlling terrorism.
Since some of the big powers are sponsors of terrorism and unless their
policies change, terrorism cannot be controlled.

When America started the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and

termed it as ‘global war on terrorism,’ the author wrote an article and
projected that the war which America and allied forces have started will
not end in days, weeks, months or years, not even in decades. Probably
it may go on for centuries.

Another dangerous development in the world which should be

kept in focus is the neo-liberal economic philosophy, which is promoting
terrorism. Some of the social benefits which were given to European
and American people have been gradually withdrawn. Those were given
under the fear of Soviet Union that communism might not come.
However, now in these Western
countries there is over
concentration of wealth in elites and
Terrorism has been
there is a disconnect between the generated and created as
masses, and elites in almost every an instrument of policy of
country. About 40 percent of the
American wealth, is owned by 1 great powers and to a
percent of its elite and 24 percent large extent declining
wealth of Germany is owned by
1percent of its rich.3 It is difficult to
great powers are
find out any reliable statistics about patronizing terrorism as
Pakistan, but the situation is an instrument of policy.
perhaps worse. Economic, social
and political injustices provoke
people to violence and terrorism. Social conflict can only end if the
leadership revert it to a system based on social justice. Therefore, the
focus of policy should be the need of the masses not the greed of the

As to the question of China-Pakistan relations, one needs to

recall that China was a semi-feudal, backward economy having suffered
occupation by several countries. China went through a prolonged
struggle and a bloody civil war before establishing the People’s Republic
in October 1949. In the first phase after independence, China focused
on providing basic needs of the entire population i.e. food, clothing and
shelter. Having done that, the second generation leadership decided for
a program of economic development and opening to the outside world
and modernization. As a consequence, they adopted a low key foreign
policy of non interference in international affairs. Hence, the foreign
policy of Deng Xiaoping was that of hands-off from world affairs,
settlement or freezing of border disputes with neighbors, creating a
peaceful atmosphere around its borders and focusing on development.

Domhoff, “Wealth, Income, and Power.”
Policy Perspectives

The initial stage of development included building coastal

Special Economic Zones, then eastern coastal cities and states were
developed and gradually development and modernization was extended
to interior of China. It was only in around 2000 that China decided to
extend the development process to its 12 western provinces and
regions. At that time, China developed a new doctrine for dealing with
South Asia. In the early phase, their relations with India were on one
track and relations with Pakistan
Another dangerous were on another. However, since
1996 China has adopted a South
development in the world Asia policy, indicating that Beijing
which should be kept in wants good relations with all
countries of South Asia. China
focus is the neo-liberal desires this region to be peaceful
economic philosophy, as it is its immediate
which is also promoting neighborhood. Besides, China also
wants to extend cooperation
terrorism. between its own less developed
regions and South Asia. Therefore,
China with the approach of peaceful progress started opening of the
corridors, one from Burma, and one from Pakistan.

China was able to make much progress under the second

generation leadership, of Deng Xiaoping’s policy of modernization,
reform and opening to outside. Then the third generation leadership
with Jiang Zemin as Head extended its policies from internal
development to active international economic diplomacy, developing
economic cooperation with vast, far and wide regions, including South-
East Asia, Africa, and Latin America. During the period of fourth
generation leadership under Hu Jintao, China supplemented active
economic diplomacy with active political diplomacy. At the same time
they developed the theory of peaceful rise as opposed to other great
power and its allies, which were giving primary importance to military
power as main instrument of foreign policy.

United States became the most powerful nation in terms of

military and China became the most popular nation. Militarily China was
no match for USA, but Mao Zedong’s theory was that military weakness
can be compensated by economic and political strength. That is what
they did. Theirs is the virtue of good-will rather than bullying other
nations. The doctrine revolves around peaceful co-existence, non-
interference in the internal affairs, cooperation on the basis of equality
and mutual respect, economic cooperation and sharing of the best
benefits of China’s prosperity. During the crisis of 2008, China saved
several nations from collapse, supporting them financially.

The Evolution in Global Power Balance and Pak-China Relations

Now, the new leadership of China has taken three basic

decisions. One, by the year 2021, which is the 100 year anniversary of
the founding of Communist Party, they want China to be a moderately
developed power. The GDP and per capita GDP in urban as well as rural
areas is to be doubled. By the year
2049, that will be 100 year of the
establishment of People’s Republic
With the start of the 21st
of China, they want it to be a really century, Pakistan and
developed country.4 That is the top China decided to enhance
priority of the government.
Therefore, they are against wars economic and commercial
and conflicts and their doctrine is relations, which was very
that China will not go to war for
any reason except if there is
weak till then.
massive invasion on Chinese
mainland. Rest of the disputes, are to be settled through peaceful
negotiations even if it takes long time. This is what they suggest to
their friends like Pakistan, ‘avoid war and focus on development.’

As to the details of China-Pakistan cooperation, there is a long

list of projects. The two countries have built together the heavy
mechanical complex, electrical complex, machine tool factories, tank
factories, aircraft factory, Gwadar port, railway modernization, and
Karakorum Highway. One can keep on counting the monuments of
China Pakistan friendship.

For China-Pakistan relationship, the 1950s was a modest period.

Mutual feelings were good, which were expressed in Bandung. Chinese
and Pakistani leaders visited each other in 1956. But the real depth in
relationship began in the 1960s, especially after Indo-China conflict of
1962. China and Pakistan signed a Trade Agreement, a Border
Settlement Agreement and Air Services Agreement. PIA became the
first airline to fly from Karachi to Shanghai (via Canton) in 1964, which
provided an outlet to China. Then during the 1965 Indo-Pak war, China
gave whole-hearted support to Pakistan, when it needed it. China won
the hearts of the people of Pakistan. Then onwards, this relationship
has been growing and by the end of the 20th century Pakistan and
China had developed comprehensive security, defence and political,
cooperative relationship.

With the start of the 21st century, Pakistan and China decided to
stress upon economic and commercial dimension, which was very weak
till then. Both states signed “Joint Declaration on the Direction of
Bilateral Relations” in 2003 and “Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and
Good Neighborly Relations” in 2005. Then came the Five-Year
Development Program in 2006. Pakistan and China have signed about

Junru, The China Dream.

The Indonesian city where the first summit of African and Asian nations in 1955 was
held, later paving the way for establishment of Non-Aligned Movement.
Policy Perspectives

375 agreements and MoUs with each other. There are 13,000 Chinese
working in Pakistan on various projects. Now, China is coming in
massive new projects.

One of China’s major contributions is provision of nuclear

energy to Pakistan. In September 1986 China and Pakistan signed an
agreement for Peaceful Cooperation in Nuclear Energy. They have
already built two 300 MW nuclear power plants at Chashma and two
more are under construction.
Pakistan and China have Both countries have reached an
agreement to establish two state-
signed about 375 of-the-art nuclear power plants
agreements and MoUs with the capacity of 1100 MW
with each other. There are each. The target is to add more
plants and get about 8900 MW
13,000 Chinese working in electricity under the cooperation.5
Pakistan on various There are countries in the world –
India, America and others in the
projects. Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) –
which are opposing it. But Chinese
maintain that the agreement under which they are cooperating with
Pakistan predates China’s membership in the NSG and the cooperation
is under the safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency.6

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a widely discussed subject.

Karakoram highway widening was agreed some years back, and so was
the building of Gwadar port. Linking of the two was discussed between
the two countries and now it is coming into operation. Along the
corridor, there will be Special Economic Development Zones. One of
the things that has been discussed is that just as Japan phased-out
their intermediate industries to countries like Taiwan and Korea, China
– now going for high-tech – can phase-out its intermediate industry and
setup their joint ventures in the special economic development zones
along the corridor. This will provide new opportunities for jobs and
cooperation and it will also help to increase trade as with a free trade
agreement in place, they can have a buy-back arrangement. Pakistan’s
exports to China will also increase. Therefore, the relationship is now
having a jump-start in economic, commercial, industrial and investment
fields. The purpose of corridor is very clear. China depends on oil from
the Middle East. The distance from the Middle East to Shanghai is about
9500 miles and from Middle East to Xinjiang via Pakistan it is only 2500
miles, hence this will be a more feasible route in terms of mileage, time
and more importantly security.

Let us now come to the Indian Ocean. In India there are some
thinkers including Panikkar, the first Indian Ambassador to China, who

The Economic Times, “Pakistan Plans to Produce 8,900 MW Nuclear Power by 2030,”
January 2, 2014.
Ahmed, “Sino-Pakistan Civil Nuclear Cooperation.”
The Evolution in Global Power Balance and Pak-China Relations

advocate that Indian Ocean should be made an Indian Lake and India
should have complete control over it. But the British presence in Diego
Garcia did not let Delhi have a complete domination over the India
Ocean. Then the Americans established a base in Diego Garcia. As
Pakistan, at that time, was closely allied to the USA, Pakistan thought it
was a good idea to ensure that at least the total Indian domination of
the Indian Ocean will not be possible. In the 1990s, it was proposed
that there should be a conference of the littoral states of the Indian
Ocean and there should be fixed Naval ratio so that no single Navy
should be able to dominate.

In the 15 th century, China had a great Navy as had the Ottoman

Empire in 16 th century. During the Ming Dynasty’s rule a Chinese Naval
fleet lead by a Chinese Muslim Admiral, Zheng He made several
exploratory visits to Indian Ocean (from 1405 to 1433). It was a very
large fleet with more than 300 ships and twenty eight thousand men.
They paid peaceful friendly visits to various ports in East Asia, Arabia
and eastern coast of Africa. They did not come with imperialist motives.
Rather the objective was to develop friendship and to establish trade
links and they went back. Few years later in 1498 came the Portuguese
led by Vasco de Gama, followed by the Dutch, the British and the
French. They came with a few boats, much smaller forces and they
occupied strategic points and gradually established imperialism. It also
shows that China’s approach has been peaceful, non-aggressive even at
that time.

In fact, the peaceful approach is in the genesis of China. When

China was unified under its first Emperor in 221 BC, instead of making
advances to crush the barbarian on their frontiers, they decided to build
the Great Wall to keep them out. Therefore, even then when it was a
great empire, the policy was defensive.7 Historically, China has never
committed aggression, except when the Mongols were the rulers of
China. Mongol rulers attacked other countries to expand their Empire
but no genuine Chinese dynasty ever committed aggression and this is
still reflected, in the case of border war with India in 1962 when India
provoked the conflict. The Chinese occupied the whole disputed
territory and then voluntarily withdrew. They also cleaned Indian guns,
which they had seized and returned these to India. Then they proposed
to settle the dispute by negotiations. The dispute is still there, it has
not been settled as yet.

In order to get better understanding, let us compare the

attitude of India and China on issues of war and peace. In case of small
enclaves called Goa, Daman and Diu controlled by Portugal, India
committed aggression and occupied these enclaves in 1961. Portugal
also had a colony called Macao in China. What did China do? Negotiated
till 1990s, gave them the model of one-country-two-systems like Hong
Kong and peacefully took it back. So the American and Japanese

UNESCO, “The Great Wall.”
Policy Perspectives

projections and the narrative of ‘Chinese threat’ have no historical basis

and no foundation.

If someone comes with a gun to your house and stand outside

your door and say he is threatened by you, who should be considered
right. Americans came all the way across the Pacific with their Navy.
They have decided recently that
they are drawing down from
One thing has changed in Afghanistan. They have already
the world politics: the old pulled out from Iraq and are
era when countries were shifting 60 percent of their Navy
around Chinese waters. They are
either friends or enemies, encouraging Japan to create
has gone. problems for China. They have
brought the Indian Navy into the
South China Sea. They are
reducing their Naval presence in the Middle East and shifting their
Naval power to Asia pacific under the policy of Pivot Asia and
rebalancing and they still talk of China threat. China is still acting with
restrain and responsibility.

One thing that has changed in the world politics is that old era
when countries were either friends or enemies has gone. All countries
have to interact now with each other. Any two countries may have
some common interests in which they can cooperate – i.e. the mutual
interest – despite having other issues in which they may have
difference or even divergence of views or conflict. So the function of
diplomacy today is not to insist on difference and promote war, but to
enlarge the areas of cooperation and to reduce the areas of friction.
This, in spite of American provocations in the Far East, has been the
Chinese approach.

Today, the China-USA relations are the most important

relationship which will determine the future of the 21st century. China is
the second largest trading partner of USA after Canada. China is also
the second largest economy after USA and is likely to over-take them in
a few years as number ONE economy. Yet in military terms, while the
United States defence budget is $630 billion, the Chinese defence
budget is only recently has been raised to $130 billion. Few years back,
it was only $50 billion and yet they talk of threat from China. China’s
defence policy is merely to protect their mainland and their national
interests. Thus, the USA and China may be rivals but they are not
enemies. They are cooperating in many fields and they are also
competing in many other fields. Chinese effort is not to yield to
pressure and coercive diplomacy, they do not want to be trapped,
tempted or provoked into conflict. There is a reasonably stable
relationship between USA and China, with occasional ups and downs.

There are three phases of India-China relationship. The first

phase was, when both China and India were close to the Soviet Union.
The Evolution in Global Power Balance and Pak-China Relations

This was called Hindi Cheeni Bhai Bhai (India and China are brothers).
Then, after some time when Dalai Lama took refuge in India in 1959
which led to border conflict in 1962, it became “Hindi Cheeni Bye Bye”
i.e. a total cut-off in relationship. In 1988, Rajive under Gorbachev’s
influence went to China and some improvement started. From that
time, the two countries gradually reduced tension on their borders and
now it is “buy buy” situation. They are trading with each other and their
trade volume is now about $66 billion.8

Some people in Pakistan show an unnecessarily panic, because

Pakistan’s current trade with China is only $12 billion, which is much
less as compared to India-China trade. They forget that India is much
bigger in size, therefore, proportionally their trade should be $120
billion. Proportionately, Pakistan and China are still doing better.

Pakistan-China relationship is very stable and based on mutual

trust. But India-China relationship, in the words of one Chinese scholar
is based on four Ts; Tibet, Territorial disputes, Trust Deficit, and Trade.
The two are doing trade, but they don’t trust each other. They have
territorial disputes, which have not been resolved. Tibet and Dalai Lama
continue to cause irritation. The two are also potential rivals for
influence in Asia and the Indian Ocean. USA is encouraging India and
Japan to join in its efforts to encircle China. China wants to prevent this
new alliance. Therefore, China is making special efforts, bilaterally and
through BRICS, to improve relations with India. China which had a
powerful Navy during Ming period, unfortunately, under the Qing
dynasty, especially in the 19th century, faltered in the development of
its Navy. Now Chinese are developing a modest Navy, but still do not
have a blue water Navy. They have, what may be called as a yellow
water Navy for coastal protection probably, not for high seas. They are
building a number of ports in Burma, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and
people say Gwadar is also part of that ‘string of pearls’. But this is very
clear in the Chinese mind that Gwadar and other ports are for
commercial purposes and not for establishing any military bases there.
They do not yet have military capability.

While making efforts to protect their sea lanes, the Chinese are
looking for alternative land routes for bypassing the sea lane. China
Pakistan Economic Corridor is to ensure that they do not have to take
the risk of going through the ocean, where India and the Unites States
are dominant powers.

The Times of India, “India's Trade Deficit with China Balloons to $12 billion,” July 1,

Deriving from author’s discussion with the said Chinese scholar.

It is said that one Chinese empress of the Qing Dynasty made a silly mistake. The
money allotted to the navy was reserved by the empress and she built the summer
palace. To pay tribute to the navy and to acknowledge that were the navel founds
that she used, she built a marble ship and put it in the lake of the summer palace.
That is why soon thereafter British andies American navy came and established post
in both Japan and China because they did not have navy.
Policy Perspectives

One of the major issues and a major global development is the

drawdown of troops from Afghanistan and what will happen thereafter.
It can be expected that whosoever wins the presidential elections in
Afghanistan, will sign the security agreement with the Unites States.
Americans will leave some troops
in Afghanistan and the limited
China, considering its objective of the American troops
overall defence policy, will would be, not to allow Kabul to
not send troops to fall to any adverse forces.
Therefore, America will make
Afghanistan. But there is efforts to retain its influence in
tremendous scope for Kabul, as the purpose of their
entry to Afghanistan was not just
helping each other. to get rid of Taliban, which was
the pretext. The real purpose
was to sit near China, near Central Asia’s oil and gas reserves, near
Iran, and near Pakistan’s nuclear capability. Those objectives are still
there, thence, they will stay. Yet even if they stay, the projection is that
bulk of the territory will fall to the local forces – call them the Taliban,
the nationalists, the revolutionaries or whatever.

Pakistan and China being neighbors have great stakes in the

stability of Afghanistan. Pakistan more so, because if it does not
establish control in its tribal areas before America withdraws bulk of its
forces, this territory will be an extension of the areas controlled by
Taliban in Afghanistan. It will not be effectively a Pakistani territory. If
Pakistan wants to retain its sovereignty there, it must make determined
efforts during this short period.

China has made very heavy investments in economic

development of Afghanistan. It has put in $4 billion in developing the
copper fields and has a massive program of telecommunication as well
as building roads. Pakistan faces hostility from certain groups, but there
is also goodwill for Pakistan on a broader level. Pakistan is under
tremendous international pressure and also local rethinking that
Pakistan should not try to seek a major role in Afghanistan. It cannot
remain indifferent to what happens in Afghanistan. Therefore,
Islamabad, having better knowledge of the area, can cooperate with
China in pursuing a program on stabilization of Afghanistan after
American drawdown.

The Americans have put lot of pressure on China to send troops

along with other nations in the current phase under the UN umbrella.
China’s position is that ISAF is not a UN force, because the UN force
works generally for peace, whereas these forces are fighting against the
local people. If they withdraw and if there will be a genuinely neutral
UN force, China might consider joining; till then, it will not.

China, considering its overall defence policy, will not send troops
to Afghanistan. But there is tremendous scope for helping each other.
The Evolution in Global Power Balance and Pak-China Relations

In November 2011, when American President Obama visited China, the

Chinese leadership in the joint Sino-American communiqué put a clause
that United States would cooperate with China in stabilizing Afghanistan
and South Asia.

One more important development is the reemerging role of

Russia in the global affairs. After the collapse of the Soviet Union,
Russia almost opted to join NATO Council. There was an agreement
between Gorbachev and Bush that NATO will not expand to the East to
threaten Russian security. Russians were disillusioned with NATO’s
eastwards expansion. In 1996 they started looking east and signed a
strategic agreement with China. Along
with four other Central Asian countries, The criteria for Pakistan
they developed Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO) in 2001. At the to become a full
time of its inception in 1996 it was member of SCO has
called Shanghai Five. The main
purpose was, to combat terrorism,
almost been fulfilled.
extremism, and separatism and they
successfully established a model. Five years later in 2001 Uzbekistan
also joined and it became SCO. Presently, SCO has grown and extended
into various areas including even the economic development.
Europeans call it Eastern NATO, whereas it is not NATO, because NATO
is an expanding military organization and SCO is a peace keeping
organization. Pakistan, India, Iran and Mongolia have become
observers. The criteria for Pakistan to become a full member has
almost been fulfilled and decided.9

Through the SCO, Pakistan’s contact with Russians has

improved and Russia-Pakistan relations are adding a new dimension to
the multiplicity of Pakistan’s foreign contacts. The Russians have also
taken great interests in developing the energy resources of Pakistan
and they have several proposals under consideration. Just as Pakistan
in 1971 facilitated contacts between United States and China through
Kissinger’s secret visit, China has helped to ease the relationship
between Russia and Pakistan through the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization. And now they have given Pakistan an observer status. On
the other hand Pakistan helped China to get the observer status in
SAARC, as SAARC was the most unbalanced organization with one
member, alone, was bigger than the all of the other put together. The
two very important documents have already come in SAARC, which are
the Free Trade Agreement and the human rights/social sector
cooperation for the welfare of member states. If SAARC could start
some active projects on that, some tension in the region can be

China, Pakistan and India establishing an agreement ‘respecting

sovereignty’ may be a very good idea. But as long as territorial disputes

Dawn, “Pakistan’s Case Strong for SCO Membership,” August 29, 2013.
Policy Perspectives

are unresolved, an ideal mechanism of formal or informal consultations

for resolution of disputes is needed. Some improvement between India
and Pakistan has taken place and China has already played a
constructive role in reducing tension between the two countries. China
can do it even further as especially during some of the crisis such as
the Kargil conflict, China’s role was very constructive. Since the election
of Mr. Modi as Prime Minister of India the improvement of India China
cooperation has been put on fast track. If Pakistan act wisely this could
be to its advantage China might be able to soften Indian policies
towards Pakistan.

China’s international posture is basically positive and

constructive. If there are two poles in the world today; one believes in
use of force and other believes on peaceful economic rise and sharing
of benefits, it represents the second pole. The Chinese have also
proclaimed their doctrine that they want harmonious international
society and while the new leadership has slightly strengthened the
defence capability, it is not with the idea to project its military power
beyond its borders. One thing Pakistan and China have been doing and
can do, is cooperation in all international conferences of United Nations
and on the other for a such as the Human Rights Commission, in
UNCTAD on issues the trade and development. China an emerging
global power and Pakistan a reasonable regional power, who have
almost identical views about international situation, by working
together, can make positive contribution to the peaceful development.

The Evolution in Global Power Balance and Pak-China Relations


Ahmed, Mansoor. “Sino-Pakistan Civil Nuclear Cooperation: Putting in

Perspective.” PIQUE (November 2013).
nuclear-cooperation (accessed May 12, 2013).

Domhoff, G. William. “Wealth, Income, and Power.” Who Rules

America. (February 2013).
(accessed May 22, 2014).

Harris, Jerry. “US Imperialism and Globalization after Iraq.” Race &
Class 50, no. 1 (2008).

Junru, Li. The China Dream. Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 2006.

Mishra, Rahul. “The US Rebalancing Strategy/ Pivot to Asia: Responses

from Southeast Asia.” Edited by S D Muni and Vivek Chadha.
Asian Strategic Review (2014).

UNESCO. “The Great Wall.” UNSCO, About World Heritage. (accessed May 12, 2014).


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