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4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs


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Sheetal Deshmukh
May 12, 2008 | 5 minute read

SAP Project System – A ready

Reference ( Part 2 )
 16  55  44,203

In my previous blog SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 1 ) , I had
explained Basic PS terminologies with the help of a simple example.

Now let me go to some technicalities of the same.

If some body asks me to develop report in PS module what basic information do I


Mainly I need to find out three things :

Master tables and there relationship with each other.

Standard transactions in PS module and
BAPIs used to deal with PS data.

Let’s start with the master table

PS Master Tables and their relationship:

Object Master Table

Project Definition PROJ 1/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

WBS element PRPS

Network AFKO ,AUFK

Activity AFVV , AFVC

Activity Element AFVV , AFVC

Activity Type CEPC

Milestone MLST

Budget BPGE , BPJA

Following diagram depicts the linkage between various master tables in PS

module. 2/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

Frequently used PS Transactions

Object Transaction Description 3/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

Project Definition CJ06 Create Project Defin

CJ07 Change Project Defin

CJ08 Display Project Defi

CJ20N Project Builder

WSB Element CJ01 Create Work Breakdow

CJ02 Change Work Breakdow

CJ03 Display Work Breakdo

CJ11 Create WBS Element

CJ12 Change WBS Element

Cj13 Delete WBS Element 4/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

Network CN21 Create Network

CN22 Change Network

CN23 Display Network

CN24 Overall Network Sche

CN24N Overall Network Sche

CJ20N Project Builder

Activity CJ20n  Project Builder

Milestone CN53N  Overview: Milestones

CJ20N Project Builder

Relationship CN49    Overview: Relationsh 5/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

CN49N Overview: Relationsh

CNS49 Overview: Relationsh

Confirmations CN25 Confirm Completions

CN27 Collective confirmat

CN28 Display Network Conf

CN29 Cancel Network Confi

CN2X Confirm Completions

Settlement CJ02 Create Settlement Ru

CJ88  Settle Projects and

CJ8A Act.-setlmt: Proj. r 6/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

CJ8G Actual Settlement: P

Budget CJ30 Change Project Origi

CJ31    Display Project Orig

CJ35    Budget Return from P

CJ36  Budget Supplement to

CJ37 Budget Supplement in

CJ38 Budget Return in Pro

CJ3A   Change Budget Docume

CJ3B Display Budget Docum

BAPIs used in PS Transactions

Project Definition: 7/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

BAPI to extract details of Project Definition: 

BAPI Name BAPI Description

BAPI_PROJECTDEF_EXISTENCECHECK To check whether a project d

BAPI_BUS2001_GETDATA         To get detailed information

BAPI_PROJECT_GETINFO To read detailed information

BAPI_PROJECTDEF_GETDETAIL      To read detail information a

BAPI_BUS2001_GET_STATUS   To get both the active syste

BAPI_PROJECTDEF_GETLIST Provides a list of project d

BAPI_GET_PROJECT_STATISTICS    Display project statistics 8/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

BAPI to create/update Project Definition data: 

BAPI Name BAPI Description

BAPI_BUS2001_CREATE Create a project definition

BAPI_PROJECTDEF_CREATE         Create a project definition

BAPI_BUS2001_CHANGE           Change Project Definition

BAPI_PROJECTDEF_UPDATE         Change Project Definition

BAPI_BUS2001_DELETE Delete Project Definition

BAPI_BUS2001_SET_STATUS        one system status and one us

WBS – Work Breakdown Structure: 9/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

BAPI to extract details of WBS element: 

BAPI Name BAPI Description

BAPI_BUS2054_GETDATA           To get detailed information

BAPI_BUS2054_GET_GUID_FROM_KEY Read the GUID (Global Unique

external object key.

BAPI_BUS2054_GET_STATUS        To read the active system st

a list of PSP elements

BAPI_BUS2054_GET_KEY_FROM_GUID Read the externalobject key

using the GUID (Global Uniqu

BAPI create/update WBS element data: 10/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

BAPI Name BAPI Description

BAPI_BUS2054_CREATE_MULTI      Create  WBS Element

BAPI_BUS2054_CHANGE_MULTI      Change  WBS Element

BAPI_BUS2054_DELETE_MULTI      Delete WBS Element


BAPI to extract details of Network: 

BAPI Name BAPI Description

BAPI_NETWORK_EXISTENCECHECK Check whether network exists

BAPI_NETWORK_GETDETAIL Read detailed information abo 11/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

BAPI_NETWORK_GETINFO Read detailed information abo

BAPI_NETWORK_GETLIST Produces a list of networks w

BAPI_BUS2002_GETDATA Returns Detail Data for Netwo

BAPI_BUS2002_GET_GUID_FROM_KEY Read GUIDS Using the Network

BAPI_BUS2002_GET_KEY_FROM_GUID Read Network Key Using the GU

BAPI_BUS2002_GET_STATUS Get network Status

 BAPI create/update Network data: 

BAPI Name BAPI Description

BAPI_NETWORK_MAINTAIN To edit network headers, activities 12/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

BAPI_BUS2002_CREATE Create Network Header. Only one netw

BAPI_BUS2002_CHANGE Change Network Header. Only one netw

BAPI_BUS2002_DELETE Delete Network Header. Only one netw

BAPI_BUS2002_SET_STATUS Set/Reset Network Status. At the sam


BAPI to extract details of Activity: 

BAPI Name BAPI Description

BAPI_BUS2002_ACT_GETDATA Detail Data for Activities

BAPI_BUS2002_GET_ACTGUID_4_KEY Read the GUIDs Using the Net 13/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

BAPI_BUS2002_GET_ACTKEY_4_GUID Read the Network Activity Ke

BAPI_BUS2002_GET_STATUS        Read active system statuses

BAPI create/update Activity data: 

BAPI Name BAPI Description

BAPI_BUS2002_ACT_CHANGE_MULTI  Change one or more activitie

BAPI_BUS2002_ACT_CREATE_MULTI  Create one or more activitie

BAPI_BUS2002_ACT_DELETE_MULTI  Delete one or more activitie

Activity Element: 

BAPI to extract details of Activity Element: 14/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

BAPI Name BAPI Description

BAPI_BUS2002_ACTELEM_GETDATA   Get detailed information abo

BAPI_BUS2002_GET_ELEGUID_4_KEY Read the GUIDs Using the Act

BAPI create/update Activity Element data: 

BAPI Name BAPI Description

BAPI_BUS2002_ACTELEM_CHANGE_M  Change one or more activity

BAPI_BUS2002_ACTELEM_CREATE_M  Create one or more activity

BAPI_BUS2002_ACTELEM_DELETE_M  Delete one or more activity

Activity Type: 15/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

BAPI to extract details of Activity Type: 

BAPI Name BAPI Description

BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPE_GETDETAIL Detailed information on a se

BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPE_GETLIST      List of Activity Types Using

BAPI_ACTIVITYTYPE_GETPRICES    Determines, for a given day,

BAPI create/update Activity Type data: 

BAPI Name BAPI Description

BAPI_ACTTYPE_CHANGEMULTIPLE    Change One or More Activity

BAPI_ACTTYPE_CREATEMULTIPLE    Create One or More Activity 16/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs


BAPI to extract details of Confirmations 

BAPI Name BAPI Description

BAPI_NETWORK_CONF_GETDETAIL Using this method you can m

BAPI_NETWORK_CONF_GETLIST All confirmations are deter

BAPI_NETWORK_CONF_GETPROP       To make default data availa

BAPI create/update Confirmation data: 

BAPI Name BAPI Description

BAPI_NETWORK_CONF_ADD To enter confirmations for network 17/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

Assigned Tags

BAPI_NETWORK_CONF_CANCEL To cancel a network confirmation th

Retagging required

sheetal deshmukh

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Former Member
May 13, 2008 at 3:56 am

Why can I not print this post?  I printed part 1 without a problem. 18/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

Excellent resource, by the way.  Thank you for this.

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Sheetal Deshmukh | Blog Post Author

May 13, 2008 at 6:12 pm

thanks for appreciating my work.
Give me some time , even i am not aware about this problem ..let me ask sdn team regarding the


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Sheetal Deshmukh | Blog Post Author

May 13, 2008 at 6:39 pm

Hey You can print this blog . Just Scroll the blog to right most corner and u will see PRINT

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Former Member
May 23, 2008 at 12:39 am

Hey, thanks for the blog on Project System. I think you might be interested to know about the Project
System ES bundle.

This ES bundle offers enterprise service-based integration with SAP Project System. One simple use would
be to have a contractor with a handheld update project status via an enterprise service (telling you, for
example, that the wiring on the third floor of the building is 50% complete, for example).



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4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

Former Member
October 28, 2009 at 12:07 am

How can we find the link between Project strucutre & Network

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Former Member
June 21, 2010 at 10:49 pm

Really thanks for posting such a super weblog for PS, It works as a dashboard.

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Claudio Ciardelli
July 2, 2010 at 5:32 am

Are there BAPIs to enter Costs and Budgets related to BAPIS?

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Former Member
July 2, 2010 at 5:38 am

Hi there -

This is good stuff.

Worth posting this on the wiki as well as it is a good reference point.

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haran hari
August 12, 2010 at 7:22 pm

really great stuff. 20/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs


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Former Member
October 15, 2010 at 1:20 pm

I am trying to user BAPI_NETWORK_MAINTAIN function module to create create a nework. However I
cannot get past these errors.

The statuses could not be created while creating network "MS41-T000002" (Message ID CN #194)
WBS elem. cntrl. area "FP00" is not same as network cntrl. area (Message ID CN #068)

I can create the Network and activities through CN21 transaction using the same data that I am passing to
BAPI_NETWORK_MAINTAIN function module.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Tushar Shelar

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Former Member
May 27, 2011 at 5:49 am

Hi! Excellent article! Are you able to do the same with other SAP modules?

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Former Member
December 13, 2013 at 10:38 am

Excellent article

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Sheetal Deshmukh | Blog Post Author

December 24, 2013 at 7:26 am 21/23
4/4/23, 4:01 PM SAP Project System – A ready Reference ( Part 2 ) | SAP Blogs

Thanks Jitendra

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January 9, 2014 at 12:03 pm

Helpful for all  Beginners Thanks For Sharing & Nicely Presented.

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Manuel Robalinho
May 20, 2016 at 1:23 pm

Very good this post.


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Former Member
January 23, 2017 at 7:32 am

Dear Sheetal,

Thank you. Very interesting post.

Do you also have some kind of user manual with respect to Project Progress? I am stuck with studying
multiple methodologies and trying to understand them.

Thank you

Sagar Sonawane

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