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NITW/ . et0/ee30s Oo : ets tob \Vaxperiment No: 4 Verification of KCL and KVL and Tellegen’s The: (AKL & KCL: i Aim: To verify Kirchhoff's voltage Inw, Kirchhoff current;lavs fora given DC network. Apparatus 'S.NO. Equipment Name Type Range | Quantit 1 Voltmeter: MC -30v__ [4 1 2 = _Ammete “MC (0-250) ma. 1 3 RPS (Regulated De (0-30) V 1 Power Supply) u 5 4 Connecting wires. | + =) | - “| Required No. Circuit dingram: (0-250) mA 3470 250) MA Seo" gg ONWEONWA I h h Na (0250) mA 6-39 4 v2 Vy 469.0 +. 8610. ’ 2293.0 [o-30) v Figure =i Procedure 1. Conneét the circuit as shown in figure- 1 2. Set the supply voltage to 25 V with help of RPS. 3, Measure the voltage drop across each resistor in loop ~ 1 and verify, KVL theoretically ' and practically. 4, Mensure'inward and outward curteits at junetion ‘A’ sind verify KCL theoretically and practically pee : P . 5. Tabilate the values by éoniprin : Department. Of Electrics! Engineering Nirwyeso/ees0s : See Observations: S.NO. | Name of the Measured Parameter | Theoretical Value | Practical Value Po h@., a) . - “aA 7 , : 700) VV) 5 : ~VaX¥) ° Precautions 1, Connection should be tight. 2. Throughout the experiment the sipply shouldbe ribintained constant 3. While-connecting the: voltmeter and ammeter, connetions should be given properly end suitable range ist) be selected. Discussion and Conclusions a Department. OfElectical Engineering | « D NITWI/EED/EE205 Grovts tes (8) Tellegen’s Theorem: Aim: Vi" and I using Tellegen's Theorem Apparatus + S.NO. | Equipment Name Type | e_| | | Voltmeter mc | @-30Vv_ | 1 2 Ammeter MC_| (0-250) mA 1! 3 __| RPS Regulated Power Supply) | _DC_[ (0-30) ¥ 1 4 Connecting wires Circuit dingram: Nenwork = 7 M=20vSR, = 229.30 Network - 2 iso=28.32ma___| y RY rn Vs" = 20 4C Nirw/se0/e6305 Procedure in Network 1, By applying Tellegen’s Theorem and using the data given In Nel determine Vi" and Iy*as shown in figiire- 2 2. Cotinget the network — the help of RPS, 3. Measure the voltage drop (V"') across 870 2 resistor using voltmeter it theoretically and pracically, 38 show i figure. 2 and set the supply voltage 4, Measure I," using ammeter in series with 870 Q iesstor, 6, Tabulate the theoretical and practical values Observations: 5 cirevits Lob 1&2, to 20 V with and then verify Precautions 1. Coinection should be tight cb Taroughout the experiment the supply should be maintained constant. , While jeonnedting the voltmeter and ammeter, connections should be given * operly and suitable range is to be selected. Discussion and Conclusions Depertment, Of Electrical Engineering S.NO. | Name of the Medsured Parameter | Theoretical Value | Practical Value 1 WV) 2 WAY : snes wwpeauyeesos acre i, To determine Thevenin’s equivalent circuit To determine ABCD parameters of a given two port Tand x — network, Aim A) Thevenin’s Theorem: © . im: To determine Thevenin’s equivalent circuit par ® *- Experiment Nor2, +: evenin’s Theorem and ABCD ¢ Parameters ing circuit unalysis and Z ~Parameters. fp ameters and load current (IL) Apparaius required: ; L SNO. [' BquipmentName. [Type Range Quantity "a Voltmeter MC (0 -80).V 1 2 ‘Ammeter Mc_.- |- @~250) mA. 1 3 “RPS (Regulated De: (0230).V 1 “_ Power Supply) : 4 Connecting wires : - Cireuit Diagram: 393.3 0 224.02 oc 25V" ctreure = 4 333.30 | 224.00 215.5.0 oc . : 26V 4800 ; He Clroun 2 Figure-t° 7 UB a i circuits Lob NITW/EED/EE30S Provedurer, -f.-7. 7) a . 1. Connect thé circuit as'per'the given circuit -'diagrams |. m _2. Switeh-ON RPS and set the source voltagé to 25V, ‘and measure the load voltage (V2) across load resistance (Ru=4802), lahat : 3. Switch-OFF RPS, and remove Ri. . . the 4, Switch:ON RPS again and measure {hie. potential difference (VT 7Voe) across the open circuited port in place of Ru- . seen by output 5. Switch-OFF RPS and compute the equivalent resistance (Row) as port at Ru. this ean be done in following two ways. (@ Measure the resistance Rru by using a multi open circuited RL port. (&) Apply the test voltage source of 25V (say) by connecting RPS at open circuited node pair, and measure the current delivered by the test source and ‘eter across the node pair at find the value of Rr (=Vies/hies)- (©) Verify the two methods in step-5 give the same value of Rem Determine theoretical values of Thevenin's equivalent circuit parameters across load resistance (Ri) and verify with the practically obtained values. 7. Then determine load current. 8. Now treat the circuit-1 as ‘circwit-2 and. using that get the equivalent Z — parameters of the highlighted two port network, 9. By using two port network parameters again determine the Thevenin’s equivalent 6. circuit parameters and load current. 10, Now compare theoretical and practical values in both ¢ases. Observation Tab Practical Values Name ofthe | Theoretical Value [Using Thevenin's | Using Z, Y Parameters Theorem |; : Parameter Ve 7 al — Ree = L a fi i Precautions 1. Connection should be tigi 2. Throughout the’experiment the supply should be maintained constant, 3, While contecting the voltmetérend.ammeter,connestoné should be given proper and-suitable range isto bé selected, ~ : u Discussion and Conélusions NiTW/eeb/ee305 B) ABCD = Parameters: ireults Lob Apparatus: S.NO. Equipment Name Type / Range Quantity, 1 Voltmeter MC (G-30)V 1 2 ‘Ammeter MC (G= 250) ma, 1 3. | RPS (Regulated Power Dc 40-30) V 1 Supply) 4 Resistors Carbon : 2 : composition : 5 Connecting wiress | + : Required No. T Cireuit Dingram: : ” Caneaded connection oc 2oV 939,90 Saeo.a Circuits Lob NInW/eE0/Ee305 ; Procedure: aos 1. The connections are male as shown in the circuit diagram and the RPS is kep! zero volts position. . i . Sf With the port-2 open, st iput voltage to 25V at port-l using the RPS and then note down'the values'ofy Vand V2. : 3. Using medsured results'it step-2, the values of A and Care ‘determined. 4, With the port-2 short, the RPS is donnected to the potte! and set to 25V, and the n note down values SfVa,Vi dnd I,” ed 5. -Usitig measured results i step-4, the values of B and D are calculate 6. The above procedure cain be followed for T, m and cascaded conrie networks, Precautions } af . 1. While using the RPS the current knob shoult!be-kept at max position and the voltage knob should be kept at min Position before jt is switelied on, _ 2 Connections should be given properly'without any loose contact: Observations: * . Port2 open fame ee Pcie cee ec ear . o sno] vi [“y 1 | 25 . . Port 2 short er ace aaie 7 SNo | Vi [bh | t [B=Wik [D=Wh fo 25 Caleulations: Verify the following : : 1JAD-BO]=1 2A=D y Discussion and Conclusions Nrwyeeoveea0s “crits a Txperiment No: 3 Borermination of Z, Y - Parameters of TWO-PORT Networks etwork and parallel Aim: Determine Z, Y parameters of a given two port T ~ network, x connection of T & x networks, Apparatus: S.NO. Equipment Nome Type Range 1 Voltmeter MC (0-30) V 1 2 Ammeter MC | (0-250) mA 1 3 RPS (Regulated Power pe (0-30) V 1 Supply) 4 Resistors Carbon oe 5 composition ; 5 Conhecting wires © Tyee | : Required No. 2s '- parninetere 3260 ‘Parsitot eanneciion reset i goa bt . "a0 8 va , ~ vs azs'n : Figure-1 cireuits tab wITW/eEoyeez0s Procedure: Open cirguit test: i : edute dt is kept at the ‘The connections are made as shown tn the ciréuit diagram and the RPS is kep \d the zero volts position. ' an With the port 2 open. the RPS is set to the required output voltage of 15 values otk, Vs and V3 are ngted ‘down.’ 3. The Values of Zi and Za are determined. ath e 4. With the port 1 open the RPS is connectéd lo tie seband port and set to 15V an vallues of Y2, V1 and [2 are noted down. 5. The values of Z22 and Zi are calculated. 7 4 ‘The circuit is connéciedwith the port 1 short circuited and the RPS is conneeted to the second port, ee RPS is set fo, 15V.andithe values of Vaya and 1; are noted down. In this case the values of ly should be talgen negative.. : 3. The values of Yn and Yzhare caloulated, Now the ciicuit'is connected with the port 2 short circuited and RPS is connected to the port 1'forl $Viand thé values of Vi; hand’ it are noted down. From these Feadings the yalues of Yisahd'Ya, are’caloulated, The results are then checked theoretially and practically to verify whether the given system i relprécal or not ot . ; oi Precautions 1. While using thé RPS the-current knob should be kept at inax position’ and the voltage knob should be kept at min position before itis switched on. 2. Connections should be given properly without any loase contact, 10 cirquts tob"* NITW/ee0/e6308. Observations: Port 2 open sno | vi | | ve | Zuev/t, Zag=Vally 1. sv Port 1 open SNOT Vi [oh || aVih | ZaWh T 15V Port 1 short SNo_[ Vs h 1 15Vv ' Port 2 short . S.No Vi Lh T i5V Calculations: Verify the following (2itv}-1 Discussion and Conclusions + NITW/EEO/eE30s a ® Experiment No:4 circuits Lob ime Response Analysis of First-Order RC Circuit and Second-Order RLC Circuit fe 8) To study the response of 1". order RC circuit and 2"-order RLC, circuit. function. 8) For 2"Aorder RLC circuit find damping factor, Q-factor, bandwidth, Transfer Apparatus:= ‘ S.NO, “Name of the Type Range Quantity Equipment : 1 CRO. + n. 1. 2. Funetion» | (0-10) MHz 1 . Generator 3 Resistor Carbon (0-1)kKa 1 Composition : Inductor, Coil s 01H 1 Capacitor Ceratnic OL EF 2d Connecting; } - - Required No. : wires Cireuit Dingram: . Series RC cireuit R= 1009 : ‘ Function Generntor’ ' : (0-10MH2) «|. C=0.4uR To’ cRo 42 ' cirevits to NINW/EE0/Ee305 a R= 8000 A ri 1 i ' 1 ' n ' t t Coil Function : Generator F oe cao (O~ 10MHz) Procedure: First order RC response 1) Connect as per circuit diagram, 2) Keep the signal generatot on with.a, square, waveform (in the, 306 Hz rings). 3) Before you switch on the supply fo the signal generator ap the CRov, “The opetating switch of the CRO is kept af grounst post .b) Probe is'connected to V and the mono mode is selested ¢) The horizontal extension button is presges. . 2) Now the supply is given to the CRO and X-shift and Y-shift both are adjusted to * get the electron beam spot on the screen, 4) Now the probe terminals are connected to the output terminals of the signal generator and the supply i is switched on, Then the operational switch is put in the AC mode andthe square waveform i is formed on the screen, Necessary adjustments are done toget a stable square waveform, 5) Now the CRQ. probe terminal are connected across capacitor and the signal genérator output terminals are connected at the input of the RC network. 6) Observe and draw the response curve'of RC nétwork by varying the resistance R, Second order response 1) The CRO is set to the initial settings, 2B CO] lr . 2 So , cirewits to’ NITW/E€0/E€305 " a a 2) Probe tem inals are connected across the capacitor and the sigridl generator output terminals at the input of the RLC network. 3) By Vary the resistance (R) froni minimum to maximum value and note down the corresponding resistance (R), % peak méasured value and calculated. Observation Table: - - P AMP SNO-] Rear maT Capacitanee [Damping | %MP "|, %MP aR iar iad Ratio © | Caleulated | Measures. Calculations for RLC series cirewit: 1. Ovérshioot.0.= Béak Vaiuectolp = vp peak value Peak, vale 2. Compute § amping:eatig) from ~ m8) fae : gee : : . Damping ’frequency wy o,VI = SF ‘ oh 3. 4. Qefactor =.1/(286) 5. Bandwidth =a,/Q,° 6. Time constant 7. Transfer function = oh a5 A Graph: . : . c Plot graph for step response foi various values of resistances, ; Precautions: © . to, wht i 1+ While chenging the resistance from minimum fo critical itstiould be changed by observing the waveform on’CRO else sve will enter the over damped response, 2, CRO and function generator should be handled caréfi ry. iy Discussion and Conclusions; cirévits LOD, , NiTW/ego/eez0s'* . Experiment No: 5 BFeqiiency Response ‘Analysis of RLC Series Circuit , resonant i Aim: To study the, frequency response-of the RLC series dirciit and determine the frequency, half power frequencies, band width, and quality fyetor. i Apparatus required: a cn I. Resistor (R)= 100 ohm F } : i 3. Inductance coll L=100mHy, ternal resistance Ri=§00 2. 4, Capacitor- 100 nF. . 5, Patch chords, ° Cirewit diagram: © iS TocRo, — : . = 5000 R=1000 Fonction . 7 Generator 7 . an: = toMittz) oo : . Procedure: : 1, Connect the circuit as per the'circuit diagram. 2. Select a sitte ayave of 2V amplitude at SOHz on -the signal generator and connect the input ervinns of function generator to the RLC circuit, 3, The input voltage V; of2V across mae series Clements is is maintained are throughout the experiment, lo Slowly vary the sine wave frequency from 1 KHz to 2.4 KHz and obsétve the resonance condition using input and voltage across resistance, At resonance these two are. in phage and identify the: Corresponding resonance frequency. 6, Calculate and tabulate the vss. NINW/€e0/Ee305 ; Precautions: "2. The input voltage across RLC elements is t0:be iii . circuits Lob ‘switetiing on the supply. ned constant “throughout the 1. Signal generator is kept at zero volt position before stating ° experiment, Tabular column: : caeaed | Measured S.No. [rc%) [rom | xr | xe [ReReo+R+r, | z=rptix | current | Current : 1000] 103, est) iz 1100 | 100 650 a 1200 [| 97 650 a 1300 | 95 ese) 2 1400" | 93:-y 650 e 1s00 | gry! 650 z 1600 90 50 e 1680 90 , 650 9 1700 | 88 630 10 T1800 87 $50" . Mt 1900 86 650 I 12 | 2000 | a5 650, ; 13 2100 |, 84° 650 | 14 | 2200 83 gD 15 T2300 | 824 650 16 | 2400 [81 _ 90 Calculations: : ' = M ” 1, Resonant frequency f= ‘4 2, Bandwidth = f-fi, where fy, fi are frequencies at current Inad/2 3. Quality Factor Q ‘ 6 4, Selectivity = 1/Q Graphs Graphs are plottéd between 1. I(mA) vis frequericy Discussions and conclusions: » 16 NiTw/eeoyeesos Circus toP Experiment Nor 6 Analysis of Series and Parallel Coufte Circuits Aim: To determine the self-induetance (L), mutual inductance (M) snd‘coctficient coupling &) of inductive coi Apparatus: . S.NO. | Equipment Name Type : ‘Range Quantity 1 Voltmeter MI (0-150) V 1 2 Ammeter ML @=5)A 1 3__| Auto Transformer |. vuirinc (0-270) V L 4 Resistors —_| Wire Woundt| @-40)0,3.5A 1 5 Inductive Coil Core Im, 29mH, 48mH, 50mH, 172mH_ - 6 Capacitor Cylinder |: 165uF . - [ L7_| Connecting wires | a - . im Circuit Dingram: A) selfsinduetance, mutual inductance and coefficient of couplin Self-Inductance: MI, (0-5) Auto ; Q Coil - Transformer . ME (0-270)V (0 — 150)V| : Cireui ‘ MI. (0= 5)A Auto Transtormer (O—270)V Mt 20 a7 sreults NITW/eED/Ee305 ere Inductive Coils i ppt 2 . MI, (0 - 5)A ; ae -4 A . “pve: te . Transformer Mi ES < ; (8.—270)v (0 = 15097] a : 3 coll-2 ° ae Coil-2 ., Tratisiormer A “(0+ 270)/v Circuit - 4 Inductive coils in parallel opposiig: Ml, (0- 5)A Y : eto Ml Coil- 1 Coll -2 Transformer (0-60)V' (0-270)v ° Cireuit- 5 NITWy/eED/e€305 ea Procedure: oy 1. Connect the circuit as per circuit — 1, to deter 2. Initially keep auto transformer in zero volt posi 3. Step by step vary the auto transformer and tabulate the all meter readingsup to the ammeter indicates a value of 2A, Determine average value of self - inductanée of coil ~ I. Reconnect the cireuit as per circuit ~ 2 and repent the steps 2 & 3. Determine average value of inductance in series aiding of coil — 1 & 2. Reconnect the circuit as pier circuit - 3 and repeat the steps 2 & 3. Determine average value of inductance in series opposing of coil—1 &2. * Determine mutual inductance and coeffitient of coupling (K). inductance. 330 resi Ry schist Paras Observation: Inductance (L)=Xw Inductive ; Reactance(X) = V/, Ammeter Reading (1) Voltmeter S.NO. | Reading (V) Caleulations; Discussion and Conelusions } 19 nimwpeeopeéios * " Bxperiment No: 7 Harmonie Poiver Analysis and 1-0 AC Circuits Analysis Aim: ad ‘ A) Harmonic Power analysis using Bridge Rectifier B) i) Analysis of Series RL — Circuit ii) Analysis of series RLC = Circuit i ii) Analysis of parallel combination of RL aid C efreuit iv) Power factor correction Apparatus: { S.NO. |_Equipment Name Type Range Quantity i 1 +_ CRO : Bae 1 ! 2__| Function Generator ws "| @-10 ME | ‘ 3. Resistor Wire Wound | (0-40) 1 4 Induetor__-_| Iron Core_| (0~48)mH 1 5 “_Ammeter MC. Or SAY | 1 6 - Voltmeter MC @ = 300) Vv. 1 7 Multimeter : - 1 8 Dynamo O-54, @- 1 ‘ 150) V & LPF 9 Auto transformer Variac (O270)V- [2.1 10]. Connecting wires - wt -| Required No. A) Harmonic Power analysis using Bridge Rectifier: 4 . : (6-5)A, (0~ 180)), (0-5) ene : wiV : [i t aR ow a tA AT 9. P i! cl: Auto : a ican Transform : HP vite Say ok (0-270) af freak Pee “Te . _ ie : al] 8 a L 1 Dlode Bridge Rectifier . : Digit Cireit Diagiam NITW/EE0/¢6305 circuits Lob Proéedure: Bn se 1) Connect as per circuit diagram as shown in, Fig,1..'! : oo ¥ 2)-Initially keep auto transformer at zero positioi; variible-resistance at'30.Q, inductance 3) 4) 5) 9. 0) 8) 9 Observation Table: (Vrass= 100V) + Tectifier to give constant DC voltage. nd connéet-a large capacitor across bridge , Coils in series aiding to give 48mH* ‘Switch ON the AC supply using SPST switch By varying auto transformer apply RMS AC voltage of 100V, Now take the readings of all the meters and tabulate. Now bring back the ato transformer to minimum position and switch off the supply Now remove the capacitor across rectifier and follow again the step ~3, 48 5 Now.measure the AC ripple content in rectifier output wave form and corresponding theoretically 2" (100 Hz) order harmonic power, Compare theoretically and practical values, ° With capaéitor SNO. | Ammeter Reading [ Voltmeter Reading | Wattmeter Reading Coa «Without capacitor g SiNO.. "|" Ammeter Reading | Voltineter Reading | Watimeter Reading mr he Calculations: Precautions: Discussion and Conclusions: 1. Output Voltage (Vee Fy 2. DC Current (inc) = Vp¢/R * 3. DC Power (Ppc) = Voc * Ine Wes a 4, 2" harmonic AC voltage (Vacs) =" "Ya 5, 2" harmonic current (Iaca)) = Vaca/(R + J2W1) 6. 2® harmonic power (Pcs) = Vacy * Luc: * 05 01 7. Total power (P) = Pyg+ Pat, ; 1. Conneetidns should be tight, 2. Avoid parallax errors. 3. Initially keep auto transfoimer in minimum position. urw/ee0/e8305" B) 1:0 AC Cireuiis Amilvsist « Series RL— Cirauit + , Mi, (= 5)A = t S08 MI co 5 (o-60)V. Auto i. Transformer + i (0-270) GP) EST] tow “ Beene Cireuit=1 Series REC cirenit! 0-5)A . 300 Mb, Auto x Transforme: wt (0-270)v Secon, Series RL ciruit in parallel with C: MI (0 = 5)A i Auto ‘Transformer (= 270)V Cireult-3- + + = F 2 585 te m NITW/EEO/ee305 cirevtsteo fs Power factor corréetion TranetS mer 3 4B mn * Procedure: . : 1. Connect the circuits as per circuit — 1,2, 3 &4, | 2. Initially keep auto transformer in zero volt position, rheostat at 30 9 resistance. 3. Switch ON the supply and Apply RMS voltage of 100V, by varying AUTO Transidtmer. a 4, Measure current through the ‘each cirouit and voltage across R, L and C in each circuit using ammeter and vollmeter respectively, 5. Tabulate and compare theoretical and practical values. 6. Observe and draw voltage, current waveforms and phase angle between them for each circuit parameter (R, L & C) using CRO:or CLAMP Meter. “Observations: R=30, L=48mH, Ca16.5ultor 8.2 yi" Series RE circuit | Series RLC circuit |. Series RL elroult in Power factor i a ‘ | Paraltel with capacitor _ | correction T T T ama: Va Va, [Vit [he F Vi. .{Ye 7] Pee Vers : Ic Vail¥ Vo. Vay Vv" Woy [Vic : . : : I | Yruc/ ¥ : ~ o Calculations: : r Precautions 1 ° 1. Initially keep auto transformer in zero volts postiion, 2. Connections should be given properly,without any loose contact, Discussion and Conglusions: Simuldtion Exercise Getting started “ G | * Using Windows Explorer, create a folder user_name in the' directory eslaslabtbatch, index > For uniformity, let the barch_index be Al, A2, Bl, or B2, and user_name be the roll number . + Invoke MaTLan fi . ° i Running MATLAB opens the Matlab Desktop on yout monitor. Of these the Cortmand. window is the primary place where you interact with MATLAB. The prompt >> is displayed in the Command window and when the Command window is active, a blinking cursor should appear to the right of the prompt. ; + >> ed erleslablbatch_Indexlrall mimber % sets working ditéctory + cleslablhateh_index\roll number : The working directory ca also be selected using the Browse for folder icon on the desktop ” “ Interactive Computation, Script files’ <9 : Objective: Familiarise with MATLAB Command window, do some simple calculations using array and veetors. . : Exercises The basic variable type in MATLAB is @ matrix. To declare a variable, simply assign it a value at the MATLAB prompl..Let’s try the following examples: t J. Blementary médtrix/array operations To enter a row vector ppan(S3789214) . t >= (26438795); % ‘oulputisplay suppressed To enter a matrix with real elements * >> A=(537;892;14,260.2) © t To enter a matrix with complex elements >> X= (648"] 748); 942) 144); : Tranispose of a matrix . . . >> Atrans = A! Determinant of a matrix >> A_det = det(A) Inverse of a matrix . ; >> A_lnv = Inv(A) a Matrix multiplication «||, ale aR CEATA tons + Array multiplication « 2. Few useful commande 3> who Ye lists variabios in workspa: >> whos * S%elists Variables and thei 3 23 hop inv As accessible ‘using the halp Thé online help system functions cg. help inv and into, which covers for Punctuation halp punct. >> lookfor inverse The function look for becomes uséful when one is riot name, : >> cle 3 |” %clear'commang window, * >>.save sessiont % workspace variables fal >> save myfile.dat’ a bt: saves a,b in myfile.c ‘% clear workspace’ >> clear ">> who. “>> load sessiont >> who >> pwd = “% prosent workin \plated MATLAB basics’ ->> disp’ | have successfully com, 3. Find the loop currents of the circuit given in Fig. 1.1, Network equations are: 170 --100 ~30'n] fo ~100 160 ~30]/2/=]0- ~30 730 7013} Lio (using command lin Sample Solution >>Z=170 -100 -36; >>V= (0; 0; 10); >> 1 =invZ)* v ; 100 160 -30; -30 -30 70; + . Atuseful com: in'ascii format 9 directory ca izes,” command, Help is available sure of the MATLAB function stored if sessiont mat ) Fly. Ne editor) as Creating seripe files Baiting a ile: Fite Menu > New > M File, invokes MATLAB Editor/Debugger. Save file with extension nt Sample Solution b: (using ex_hm ile) Fait the following eommnnds inthe Ealtor and save ts ex_tbm, A line beginning with % sign is a commentline. %ex_tbm 5 clear cle; ‘% Solution of Network equations Z= [170 +100 -30; -100 160 -20; -30 -30 70); (0;0; 40} isp("The mesh currents are : ) . iF inv(z)v. : Typing ex_1b at the command prompt will run the seript file, and all the 7 commands Wwill be, Sreeuted sequentially. The script file can also be executed from the Save-and -Rusrcommard'i=— Debug Menu of the MATLAB Bditor. ample Solutione; —} (interactive data input using ex_lem) % exten {% Interactive data input ‘and formatted butput «, elder cles see rns % Solution of Network eiguations. 2 input(Enter 2 input( Enter v: 4 zw. * Lett diviston- computes inv(zy'v oy i “disp Tha results ares") Iprintt(it = %g A, 12, 13 = %g AW, i(1}(2)i(8)) . Results: mt a 0.1073: 0.1114 . Pe 0.2366 -ns 4. Find the loop currents of the’cireuit given ii Fig. 1.2 (write script files for solution) : a Fig da 5. Find the transient response of the eireuit given in Fig. 1.3 Given: 7 i ‘ yt e#!. Sample Solution” “7 R & “¥@=Hi where T= RC texsam — . ( ). lear; cle; . i Gisp(’ RC transient analysis’) v= Input(' Enter source voltage :'); input(’ Enter value of resistance = input(' Enter value of capacitor: Tere . {print Theresults are: tnin’) ° disp(t(sec) 1(A) ve (V)') 46.40, Un)ln).v_etn)) Colon dperator: The colon operator is usclul for eréating index arrays, creating vectors of evealy spaced values, and accessing submatrices, A regularly spaced ‘ector of numbers is obtained by means of ‘ : ae 8 initial value ; incrément : final value, “+ 7 Without the increment parameter the default increment is,1. For a 9 x 8 matrix A, A (2,3) is the sealer clement located at the 2" row and 3 column of Aj und a 4x3 sub-matrix can be extracted with A (2: . The colon also.serves as a wild card i.e., A (2, :) is the 2° row. Sample Solution b: (generating vectors) « %exsbm clear; Clee Ft disp(' RE transient analysis’) nter souice voltage : "); : Entor Value of resistance :"); fpxinti‘\n The resutté are :\nin') disp('t (see) - (A) ve (VY) + % start value : increment: final value ‘% To output the results‘in,tabular form * - 2 ARIK lv} eS .% Concatenates.the vectors. {print 66.41%6:4Nt%66,40n, A); ye %,To write the résults toa fl . ne © fid = fopent'retrans.dat,'w); eo aan + fprintt(fid,'%6.41t%66:4N1%6.4fun, A); + Status = folosa({id); , Results: : i Pa : 1 tec) 2 ia) ve(V) , 0,000 1,0000 0.0000 2 0.0050 0.6065 ' 0.3935 + 0.0100 0.3679 + 0.6321 » 00150: 0.2231 » 0.7769 0.0200. 01353; 0.8647 5 0.0250- “0.0821. 0.9179, : £ 0.0300: 0.0498 0.9502'*- : “0.03507 0.0302. 0;9698 + 00400". >, 0.0/8, * 0.9817 *, +. , 0.0450. 0.0111 . 0.9889, * 0.0500 °°: 007 - 0.9933 * : 7 Filevyo . : ; The MATLAB file input/otitput furietions allow ‘oné to read data collected in any format direetly into MATLAB or ywrite“out daia generated in MATLAB: in the format requiced by another program or'device, i ee File opening fopen( ‘filename’ pormissién’) File closing * “ss status = felose((id) : Writing formatted text files - fprintf(tid, Hormat',A)_ . Reading formatted text files = [A,couht) = fscanf(fid,'format’size) More Matrix manipulations‘ . she A=(135;244;003) : . . B= [101;222;333) : { Accessing.a sub-matrix " , A(1:2,2:3); A(1,: ); BG,2)° Concatensting two matrices. D=[A BJ; B=[A:B]; . Adding a roiv AG!) = [1 10) Deleting a column BED=O" 7. Matrix generation fictions o T . zeros(3,3) _ - 3x3 matrix of zeroes z . ones(2,2)° _ - 2x2 matrix of ones . eye(3) = identity'matrix of size 3, , rand(5) + ~.5x5 matrix of random numbers Function File : zB wo. . A function file is also an m-file, just like a script file, except it.has 4 function definition Hine at the top that defines the input and'Sutput explicitly. . ' function = fname > [ruth] = r2pty) i pt files. Odjectives: Transient Analysis of simple circuits using MATLAB s 1. Plot the de transient response of a series RL eireuit vith fe 1.9, La 1Hyand V=10V. Switch is closed at t = 0! Sample Solution % Ex8_1.m : 2% Tranelont analysis RU sores circuit Solution using Ordinary Differential Equation (008), SolvorToaoaar This program uses the function *rl_sys” . global V RL; { dofine cifcuit parameters .% éetne initial conditions ILO *,% Numerical integration using MATLAB function “ode23* Ye User defiried function "rl_sys" describes the system . [tx]=ode23('|_sys'tspan,x0); % olp results : plot, % % rLsys.m % function "r|_sys" describes the system function xdot = ri_sys(t,x); global V RL; xdot=(V-R'x)/L % Note: Improve thé output plot by defining the axis, title, grid ete, Also find the current in the circuit at t = 2 seconds, 2. Plot the bidupibr current ‘and the cupiteitor voltage for time, 0< t $ 10s, of an RLC seriés-circuit with R = 19, L'= 1H,-& C = 10mP connected to a de source of 10V throughi 4 switch. The switch is closed’ at t = 0 & the circuit elements are initially relaxed, Discussion: The RLC circuit can be described by.the following KVL eqhations in terms of the state variables ve and i, bad veis the yoltage a 08s ie ema and i is the current through the indugtor. RitLitueeV y=Cy, In order to use the MATLAB function ode23, the, frit order. differential equations must be placed in a ,m file that returns the derivatives of the state variables,"The two equations are: 4 =x,/C Sample Solution =(V- =Ry)/L where x % x8_3.m 3 Trantiont analysis RLC sorios circuit: under-campod tase, % Solution differential equations using “odo23° % This program uses the function “la, sys” global VLC; V=10; Re1; L=1; C=100-3; 58 define initial conditions as VCO: x0=[VCO;IL0); ! 7 % define solution parameters 10=0; t= 10; tspan=[t0,t9; &% Numerical integration using MATLAB function "ode23" £8 User defined function "tle sys" describes the system [xl=ode23(1le_sys'tspan,x0); % olp results ia e % function "rle_sys" describes the system function xdot = rle_sys(t.x); : 3 global VRLC; Sot 7 a xd t response of a series RC circuit with R=1 O,C=1F, and V= )=-5 V. Measure V, at t=2 seconds, Plot the de transient 10'V. Switch is closed at t= 0 and V0) | Stimulation Exercise -II Objeétives: Transient Analysis of simple circuits using SIMULINK, + SIMULINK - Graphical modelling, dynamic system simulation “+ To invoke SIMULINK from MATLAB Command Window. i >> simulink or Click on’ . . In File menu, Select New’ Model ‘ Draw the block schematic in the worksheet Set simulation parameters and then start simulation: 1., An RUC series circuit with R = 19) L= 1H, & C = 10mF fs connectéd to a de source of 10V. through a switch, Plot the inductor current and the capacitor Voltage for time, 0 $ t $ 10s, if the switch is closed att ="ls & the circuit eléments are initially relaxed. Draw the block schémiatic ds,shown. . Assign the Values for the Variables in MATLAB command window.’ | + + Step function applied at t=1 + *Set simulation parameters (Start timé=0, Stop time =10,-.» . . Solver Options: Type — Fixed stop sizo,.ode5, Fixed step size = 0.01) * +, Start simulation. cr . Plot results in MATLAB. fi Repeat for R=202 and R=502.- . re . >[ om GP : i TeWarapae 2. Using SIMULINK, obtain the capacitor voltage vo(t) and the current i(t) for 0 < t <2 second. Circuit is initially relaxed, At t=0, the switch is closed to position 1 and at t=0.5s the-switch. is moved to position 2, . meee Ore ; 2, ¢ po) FE leo me Fig32. fa series ‘RL circuit with R=1 Q, L= 100mH and 1 sec and 50% duty cycle, 3. Plot the transient response (0 < ts 10s) « square wave excitation with Y= 10V; peri 4, Obtain ac transjent response (0 S$ t's) of the series RL circuit with R=10Q & L=1H with (t) = 10 sin (31.4 t+ @) for @ = 0 and 8 = tan"(@L/R). Circuit is initially source voltage. relaxed and switch is closed at t=0. a Simulation Study of Balanced and Unbalanced Loads Connected to a Source. August 2, 2018 Aim ‘To Study the various parameters (active, reactive and apparent powers) for losds connected to three: phase four wire system using SIMULINK in MATLAB. Apparatus Matlab Theory ‘The schematic diagram of the three-phase four wire system is shown in the Fig. 1. The three-phase load is connected to three-phase supply, The load currents (ita, ius, ite) are equal to source currents (f4asisbs tec) ‘The balanced and unbalanced reactive loads causes poor power factor, large neutral current, more losses in electrical machines and transformers and de-rating of transformers and machines. Va ji iy sa ia €0- N Ye ig in n © >—{Zlt-+ Vs : +. meg gee hte O— Ze Figure 1: Figure caption. In general, the sourte voltage are expressed as, Usa = V2 Van sin wt; Usp = V2 Vin sin(wt — 120); vse = V2 Ven sin(wt + 120). qQ) Similarly load currents expressed as, ig = V2 Ian sin(wt — ); is» = V2 Ion Sin(wt — 120 - 8); ine ine V2 Teqsin(wt+120— 6), (2) For supply voltages and load currents in Equation (1) and (2), vatious terms are defined based on instantaneous reactive power theory (p-q theory) . Instantaneous Active Power Instanteneous active power (P(t)) is defined as , P(t) = vsa(t)ita(t) + veslt)ias(t) + veelt)iae(t) ) Average Active Power nar paPad [Pine au Oscillating Active Power . P(t) = P(t) -P Gs Instantaneous Reactive Power (ven(t) — vselt))ita + (veelt) — rva(t)) t) = =. @ aw 7 Average Reactive Power oy pmer a Q=Ga Rf Aba Oscillating Reactive Power ‘ot _ QA) = Q() -9 @® Volt-Ampere Rating S=S.45 45. ® where, Sa=Valo; Se=Vilo, Sce=Vele Power Factor The Overall power factor is defined as, P i 0) PF=3 (29) ‘The power factors in the phases a, b and c are given os, Pa BR BR = 2 PR 2, a a PRe SPR PRS a) Simulation study: Case: 1 Balanced voltages (230 V RMS) and the load currents are balanced (Za=Z»=Ze) Case: 2 Voltages are balanced (230 V RMS) and the load currents are unbalanced (2, # Zy # Zz ) Case: 3 Voltages are unbalanced (V=230 V, Vj=0.8*230 V, Va=1.1*230 V) with equal load impedance values (Za=Zs=2Ze)- Case: 4 Voltages are unbalanced (V,=230 V, Vi=0.8"230 V, Va=1.1*230 V) and the load impedance values are not equal (Za # 2) # Zc ). Case p(t) Avearage real power VA Rati Power Factor oe Be PO) a) 7) og “SS a PF ple he Pie Viva-Voce 1. Why the voltages and currents become unbalanced and what are their effects on power system. 2. How neutral current depends upon unbalanced load currents. 3. Why three-phase system is mostly used instead of single phase system. 4. Why it is desired to have balanced and sinusoidal voltages and currents in power system. 5. What is the typical power factors of single and three-phase induction motors.

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