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Name Roll No + Signature tt "Negative marking @0.25 marks for each wrong answer" [isparena | INSTRUCTIONS}| v7 LY CANDIDATE IS ADVISED TO CHECK HISINER QUESTION BOUR (PAGE NO. & QUESTION NO.) BEFORE THE START OF TEST AND REPORT ANY MISPRINTING, PAGE MISSING°OR,QUESTION MISSING TO NTS INVIGILATOR SO THAT YOURSODKCAN BE CHANGED, NTS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SUCH COMPLAINT REPORTED AFTER THE START OF TEST. “ ¢ PLEASE DO REMEMBERYOUR ROLL NO. FOR FUTURE CORRESPONDENCE 23 * Duration of test is 120-MINUTES (200 Questions). © Fill only one cirglé far each question. All questions Carry equal marks. * Question Books argin five colours and Shufiles. * Da not write or mark any thing on Question Book except Name, Roll No and Signature on Title of the Question Book, Do not teat off OF remove any paper from Question book © Nomobile phones, calculator ‘the Examination Hall. Putall your belongings under your seats. Two plain papers are given inside the Question Book for rough work. No extra » sheet will be provided. You are natallowed to leave your seal during test. Allthe papers will be collected at the end of the test. You will notleave yourseatafler lest Untiladvisedby the Chief Supervisay See back of your Question Book for instructions Fegarding solvin filling the Answer sheet, 9 In the Case of any confusion get help from invigilation Staff Tr) rs and wrist watches with calculator are allowed in eeee Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most near’ opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters 1, FEND: hostility B. laxity , encourage.” native 2, BENEVOLENT: A. malevolent B. sympathetic c. liberal D. beneficial 3. EFFICACIOUS: A. usefut B. skilled Cc. useless D. 4. YIELDING: unskilled A. ordinance 4 fo? B. obdurate ~ y C. deliberate = KS D. understood L Four lettered pairs (Ato. .B) follow a related pair of words given in capitals. Select the lettered pair that best expresses ar lationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. 5. BRIEF: LEGAL ” A. spreadsheet : financial B. review ;: theatrical C. letter : administrative D. formula : mathematical-~ 6. COMPLAIN : CARP A. supply : donate B. argue: debate Cc. grumble : accuse D. drink : guzzle F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119° 7. DEPLETE: ENERVATE A. strengthen: weak B. invigorate: tired cc, exhaust: enfeeble Dp. tighten : loosen 8. NUMISMATIST + COINS A philatelist : stamps V B, jeweler: jewels & Cc cartographer ; maps D. geneticist: chromosomes ‘ - ettered word or phrase thhyis most nearly Choose the | similar in meaning to the word in canit \letters. 9, ATROPHY: , & A. capture. ky” B. waste away~ c. lose D. defeat 10. VOLUMINOUS: A. short *\ * B. huge c. shining Z D. loud - €. slim 11. CHRONICLE: & A. rearrang 8. vecardee c. climate D. split 12. TRACTABLE: | sR infused . «Wise fc, simplistic Pp convoluted —, amenablew F-20-1865- SS-CATEGORY A-GREEN-O21119 w Read the following passage and answer the questions 13- 46 accordingly. It is difficult to reconcile the ideas of different schools of thought on Some people maintaln that pupils at school the question of education. should concentrate on a narrow range of subjects which will benefit them directly in their subsequent careers. Other contend that they should study a wide range of subjects so that they will have not only the specialized knowledge necessary for their chosen careers but also sound general knowledge about the world they will have to live and- work in. Supporters of the first theory state that the greatest contributions to civilization are made by those who are most expert in their trade or profession. Those on the other side say that, unless they have had broad general education, the experts will be too narrow in their outlook to have sympathy with their fellows.ora proper sense of responsibility towards humanity asa whole. e 13. A suitable title for the passage would be: 4 Different schools of thought B. The contexts of education C. Two views on education D. Effective education § ¢ 14. The first school of thought believesthat students should: A... Study what they want wv BY Be given general knowledge C. Study only a few-subjects D. Study seriously 15. It is difficult torecanelle the ideas of two schools of thoughh because: y ’ ? A. They lack clarity M They are narrow c. They ignore each other's concerns | D, They are contradictory t According to the second school of thought students with broad based knowledge would: * A/ Be more aware of their responsibility towards others B. Not become specialists €. Fail to develop proper skills D. Make few contributions to civilization ce: F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 3 tences by choosing the most appropriate Complete the sen in iven lettered choices (A to D/E) below option, from the g each. by long queues and bad weather, the voters their way to polling stations any way they could. ‘ A. Undaunted made B. Worried lost Cc. Encouraged prepared D. E, 17,___—— Going dropped — Satisfied turned 18. When the new artistes started work, it was discovered that they could not make what to do. . A. out 6B. up: c. in - D. off 19. The man who was driving the truck would hot admit that he had been at fault, and ~ LS é xn A. neither the other drivers” B. neither would the Sn C. neither had the other driver D. the other driver neither 20. Jamal his headin. shame, A B. c. dD. F 20-1865. S-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 4 Read the following passage and answer the questions 21- 26 accordingly. . FLOWER A, FLOWER B, FLOWER C and FLOWER D are four different categories of flowers distinguished according to their blooming seasons, such that: FLOWER A and FLOWER B bloom in winter and summer. FLOWER C and FLOWER D bloom in autumn and ‘Spring. FLOWER B and FLOWER C bloom in spring and winter. FLOWER A and FLOWER D bloom in summer and autumn. 21. Which flower/s bloom(s) in autumn, winter and summer? FLOWER A FLOWER B FLOWER C FLOWER D FLOWER A FLOWER B © FLOWERC rr. D. FLOWER D LOS’ 23. The flower which blooms in spring, winter and summer is: . A. FLOWER C SS B. FLOWERD ( Cc. FLOWERA ~ ‘ D. FLOWER.B: 24. The flower which ges not bloom in spring is: A, FLOWERA 5. FLOWERB Cc. FLOWERC . D. FLOWER D 25. The flower which does not bloom in summe: A. FLOWER A B. FLOWER B Cc FLOWERC D. FLOWER D F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 —$——.. $$ ——_ 26. Which Hower/s blaom(s) In spring and summer both? A. FLOWER B B. FLOWER C c. FLOWER D Q- Both Band D: Read the following passage and answer the questions 27- 29 accordingly. Ina weal qrapy, 4 painter Is selecting two combinations of colors Combination 1 and Cambinatlon 2, choosing fram seven colors T, U, V, W, %, Y and Z. Combination 1 will contain four of the calors and Combination 2 will contain the other three colars. The painter must select the colors for each combination according tothe following restrictions: may T cannot be in the same combination as U. | c* If X is in Combination 2, Z must also be in Combination 2. If Z is In Combination 1, W must also bein Combination 1. =< 27,31 T and Z are [In Combination 2, an: A thie following colors can also be in Combination 2 EXCERT ! A Xx B OY ' - & U Do Vv ‘ 28. If Z is in Combination. which of the following must be true? vy A. X is id Goiibination 2 &. Uls inthe same combination as V ¢. Tis in Combination 1 D, Vis In Combination 2 26, 14 X is In Combination 2, which of the following must be true? A Tisin Combination 2 B. Us in Combination 2 . Wisin Combination 1 Z Is in the same combination as U on This product stand sells fruits and vegetables. All frults are delicious, ee all veyetables are rich In vitamins. Every food that Is vitamin tich + dvlicious, so everything sold at this stand is delicious. £-20-1H65. GS-CATEGORY A-GREEN-O21119 6 30. Which one of the following assumptions is necessary to make the conclusion in the argument above logically correct? A. The stand sells many fruits and vegetables B. This product stand sells only fruits and vegetables Something cannot be both vitamin rich and delicious Some stands sell fruits that are not delicious D. Read the following passage and answer the questions 31- 33 accordingly, Six cupboards Cupboard U, Cupboard V, Cupboard W, Cupboard X, . Cupboard Y and Cupboard Z are being placed in hotel rooms, each of which can accommodate two cupboards and no-more than two. Each cupboard must be placed in exactly one rogmand must be placed in that room either alone or else together with-oné other six cupboards., Enough rooms are available to permit any possible assignment-of cupboards to rooms, but the following:restrictions must be observed: Cupboard V cannot be placed in a room with Cupboard W. Cupboard W cannot be placed ina@'toom with Cupboard X. Cupboard Y and Cupboard Z mist be’placed in a room together. 31. Which of the following-pairs: oF cupboards placed in one room together? - ‘ A. CupboardU-and Cupboard Z B. Cupboard-W and Cupboard X C. Cupbéard ¥ and Cupboard V D, Cupboard U and Cupboard X 32. If Cupboard W is placed in a room alone, which of the following must be true? f A. Cupboard V is placed in a raom alone B. The cupboards occupy either 4 or 5 rooms . The cupboards occupy either 3 or 6 rooms D. None other than Cupboard W Is placed in a room alone 33. If Cupboard ¥ and Cupboard Z are the only cupboards placed ina room, how many rooms are the minimum that can accommodate the cupboards? A 2 B 3 a 4 D. 5 F+-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 ions 34- ie and answer the quest Read the following passag v 36 accordingly. met A teacher asked the class to draw diagrams of (OU and haa Hi rectangle, square, circle and triangle ina sing! following restrictions. Rectangle has priority one ene i ity over tria 5 . ne Eee priority over another, the shape with priori be drawn earlier than the other one. ity must h of the following isa uid be drawn 34. Given only the determinations above, eae possible sequence in which the four shapes CO! EXCEPT: A. Circle, rectangle, triangle, square 0 B. Circle, square, rectangle, triangle : C.- Rectangle, square, circle, triangle 4 D, Rectangle, circle, square, triangle J 35. If each of the shapes takes equally long to-draw, it must be true that: o. A. rectangle is drawn before trian leis drawn B. square is drawn before circle Js drawn ¢. circle is drawn before’square is drawn circle is drawn beta ttiangle is drawn 36. There would be exactly one order in which the four shapes would \ have to be drawn if it were determined that: < : A, rectanglé haS priority over circle B. trianglechas priority over square C, circle has priority over square trianigle has priority over rectangle * YY ‘ Read the following passage and answer the questions 37- 40 accordingly. In a game, six various small balloons colored Violet, Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow and Orange are to be placed on six different small, tables. There are six tables numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and one bal is to be placed on one table. : Violet cannot be placed immediately before or after the Pink. Blue must be placed after the Green. c Orange cannot be on table number 6. F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 37. Which of the following balloons cannot be placed on table no. 1?_ A, Violet B. Pink c. Blue D. Green 38. If Green is placed on table no. 3, Blue must be placed on which table? A 1 B. 2 & 4 D 5 39. If Violet is placed on table no. 5, which of the following balloons must be placed on table no. 6? A. Pink Sv B. Blue c. Green D. Yellow ; ately before Green, which 40. If Orange is placed on table no. 3 imfre balloon must be placed on table.n0..5 A. Violet LE B. Pink ‘ c, Blue 4 b. Yellow ee EP et itlaf of one of such 41, Arsh for organs found in pairs, if done, shall be: A. Double of the amount of diyat B. Equal to the amount of diyat ¢, One half of the amount of diyat D. One-fourth of the amount of diyat 42. Every warrant of arrest shall be signed by: A, The reader of the court B. Complainant C.__ Presiding officer of the court &. Police-officer 43, Revelation has been of kind(s)- A. one B. two T four D. three 44, The word Jurisprudence is derived, a A. Juris RQ” “Br Lex & Y Cc, Prudent na ») D. Both AandB ne” 2 45. According to Article16 of Qanoon-e-Shahadat, an accomplice is competent witness in.all cases EXCEPT: Ror A, Hadood cases B. Qatl and’Hurt cases cc. Qatl and Hurt cases D. Hurt cases 46. According to Punjab Family Courts (Amendment) Bill, 2015 in case ~ of dissolution of marriage through Khula, the wife may be directed ‘ to surrender her dower up to: F sy : 100% of deferred and 50% of prompt 50% of deferred and 25% of prompt 25% of deferred and 25% of prampt «°° 50% of deferred and 50% of prompt — A c D. 47. Legal Realism was analyzed In the United States by: A. Salmond B Austin c. Holmes D. Grotlous. 48. Universal declaration of Human rights was adopted by: A. By the National Assembly of KP 8, 8y the General Assembly of the United Nations . c. By the National Assembly of Balochistan D. By the National Assembly of Sindh 49, Under CPC Judges means the Presiding Officer of: A. ACriminal Court B.A Civil Court “G ASession Court i DB. AHigh Court CY 50. Pleading means: COQoy A. Plaint only B. Plaint and written statement — Written statement only LOY D. Plaint, written statementand record of evidence 51. The Unstable Earth a famous geography book is authored by: y , A. Arthur Holmes. B. Thornbury . Cc. Monkhouse .D. JA Steer 52. Sedimentary rocks @reformed by a natural process known as y A Lithification B. Rejuvenation c. Hydration D. Peroxidation 53. Atmospheric pressure decreases rapidly with altitude because the air becomes: A. Colder B. Less dense Cc. Rich in ozone D. Warmer F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 uh a 54, Gneiss, schists, anthrecte, diamond, mervie, sizte are common examples of 5 A. Sedimentary rocks B. Igneous rocks <& Metamorphic recks OD, Extrusive Ignesus rocks 55. The proportion of_____srocks decreases with depth. A. Aluminum B. Silicon ' “C. Iron D. Lead | 36. Which of the following is a cold current? A. Gulf Stream B. Brazil & Benguela D. Kuroshio 57. The term Geography was coined for the scholar in 2348C. A. Herodotus B. Thales of Miletus & Eratosthenes | D, Plato r 58. The Great Barrier Reef is focated In the e Pacific Oce: . Indian Océar C, Atlantic Ocean D. Arctic Ocean 59. There are themes in Geography. A. three B. four ¢ five » seven The Royal Geographical Society was founded in A. 1600 B. 1630 ©. 1730 3B. 1830 60. F-20-1865 -CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 @1, Which type of climates of the world has dry summer and wet winter? A. Western European type B, Mediterranean type €. Equatorial type D. Tundra type 2. Regarding food availability, which of the following things Inspired people to settle permanently in one location? A, Tools B. Agriculture . C. Fishing D. Industry 63. The Earth surface and crust are constantly evolving due to A. Rotary cycle B. Normal cycle 3 . Rock cycle er Od 5 ‘Change cycle 64. The source of light is placed on the opposite. si le for drawing the graticules for » A. Gnomonic Projection <<) B. Orthographic Projection "E Stereographic pea aN D. Equidistant Projection», v 65. Which of the following moyemiaterial in their parallel to the direction of movement?—~" = L wave; B. S wav . Cc. Pwaves\” D. N waves . 66. Amazon tropical rainforest is also known as 5‘ A. Boreal B. Selvas c. Tundra D. Conifers F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 67. According to the United Nations, at least population size Is compulsory to be termad as urban aclilemant, A. 20000 B. 15000 c. 10000 0. sooo 68. The famous Humboldt Ocean current Is also known on current. A. Canary B. Gulf stream C. Labrador ' BD. Peruvian 69. Possibilism is theory of a French historian named ap A. Lucien Febver we B. Grifith Taylor C. Marlen Barows D. Hungtington 70. Which of the following is the widened fiver Houth found at thes point where a river enters into sea? # yY A. Delta AG” B. Guif & Yy a Cc. Bay LX _D. Estuary \¥ 71, Suspending a football player for committing a foul Is an example of: : J A. Negative reinforcement B- Punishment” C. Positive reinforcement D. Primary reinforcement 72. Which of the following therapies has been 1 found effective in treating autism, drug addiction, and anxiety disorders? ‘A. Behavioral therapy r B. Psychoanalysis C. Social-cognitive therapy D. Biomedical feedback '-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 14 73. As children begin their elementary school years, they enter Eriksons stage of: Ae B. Trust versus mistrust Autonomy versus doubt Industry versus inferiority Identity versus role confusion E. Initiative versus guilt 74. One of the main criticism of Freudian psychoanalytic theory Is that it: A. Focuses too much attention on sexual conflicts and fixations B. Assumes all behaviors are learned during childhood: C. Is too pessimistic about the future of humanity D. Focuses too much attention on the id and not enough on the ego er 75. Which of the following research methods DOES NOT allow drawing conclusions regarding causality in research? A. Experimental research 8. Correlational research c. Case studies ,- Z ° D. Surveys > LO” - 76. Which of the following is nor iratpered as an altered state of consciousness? . A. Sleep B. Hypnosis c. Meditationk~ D. Exe reise < a 77, Which of the folfowinig statements best illdstrates Maslows. esteem needs? Y A. Going to the gym three days a week to improve your health B. Donating a large sum of money to charity €. Getting married to your high school class fellow D. Going to university to earn a masters degree in counseling i F-40-is6s-caTEGoRY A-GREEN-021119 sider the best 78. Of the following, which wauld a psychologist com example of learning? A. Achild being able to ride 2 bike \ B, Awoman experiencing labor p: eiig season . All swimming upstream during the mating ot Ababy cochon ‘on her mothers breast for nourishment 79. The purpose of free association is to: A. Facilitate changing negativ' B. Help bring unconscious cont c. Help a patient relax- D. Rid an individual of his or her sexual desires 80. When we perform well on a task we typically attribute our success to our internal characteristics. This is known as: © A. Fundamental attribution error 8. Self-schema blas Cc. Self-serving bias D. Personal schema 81. China is concerned with Article 370 due to-its dlaim over: e behaviors flict to the surface wOy A. Laddakh. . 8. Tibet aG / Cc. Sinkiang ‘ ESS D. Baltistan Le yy 4 82. Are Conflict management and Conflict resolution the sald, uo concepts? - 4 ‘ A. Entirely different; but both relate to Peacé Ptudies B. Oneand the same thing . » C. Coincide-witheach other> Db. Slightly sUpportive to each other fidvan Constitution is related to thhdpecific® 83. Article 370 of I of: A. Kashmir only¥ B. Kashmir and Laddakh ¢. Kashmir and Tibet Kashmir and Sikkam F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 4. Treaty of Westphalia was signed In: A. 1648 B. 1789 c, 1815 D. 1919 a5. Which head of government of Pakistan utilized the too! of Cricket Diplomacy? A. General Zia-ul-Haqy B. General Ayub Khan Cc, President Musharaf D. Z.A. Bhutto 86. CPEC Is famously known as: A. Acallection of security agreements B. Acollection of Infrastructure projects ~~ Cc. An attempt to safeguard gwadar port } An attempt to provide china access to waren waters of Persian gulf 87. In 1973, the Arab States used the Ol weapart to pressurize the pro-Israel Western Powers. Who atlvised.the Arab States for It? A. Shah Faisal os B. Houari Boumédiéne ¢ Cc. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. D. Yasir Arfat, v 88. Are the non-state actors Allowed to participate In war as per rules of International Law? | ().” A. Absolutely allowed B. Absolutely not allowed : C4 Allowed with fulfillment of certain conditions D. Very rarely permissible _89. What is meant by Kinetic Milltary Actlon? A. Nuclear deterrence 8.“ Active warfare to use lethal force’ ’ Cc. Ammunition of the armed forces . D. Conventional warfare with soft force > F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 7 90. The rights, privileges, and Immunities for Prisoners of War are defined In: A. Vienna Congress 199 B. Geneva Convention 1949% ¢. Vienna Convention 1962 D. Geneva Convention 1968 od the Kashmir Isaue In SAARC 91, Why Pakistan never rails Conferences? A. Because of the governmental policy of the country B. SAARC Charter does not allow to raise the mutual disputes of the member countries at this forum C. Pakistan did not expect any positive output from It 1D. Due to dominating role of India as a whole 92. Is there any security agreement between Pakistan and China? A. Gwadar Port Agreement ay B. CPEC . ) ¢. MacMohan Line Agreement 1963— D. No Defence Alliance exists 93. The staunch realist of this century who Sa in 2013 was: A, Gorbachev AO B. E.H. Carr x r Cc. Kenneth Neal Waltz) yy D. Hans Morgentha QY ) 94. President Woodrow was. supporter of the theory of: re A. Idealism B. Realism’ C. Positivism), D. Constructivism 95. Who was the last Security Adviser of PML (19 povertmeng c2038- 2018)? i A. Sartaj Aziz B. Agha Shahi C. Lt Gen (R) Nasser Janjua~ D, Lt Gen (R) Akram Durranl F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 96. Whe Is the United States Security Adviser to President Donald Trump? A. Robert OBrien \~ » B, Susan Rice © Michel Flynn D. John Bolton 97. The writer of Globalization of World Politics Is and Steve Smith. A. Feona Butler 8B. Prof. White ¢C. Miche! Foley DB. John Baylis- 98. Who is the Principal Founder of the discipline of Peace and Conflict Studies? 0, A. Johan Vincent Galtung — SS y B. Martin Luthar King Junior » Gey C, Mahatama Gandhi D. Woodrow Wilson VF “ 5 99. Pakistans nuclear stance is Sinien Is entirelyfetedyent in nature. A. the first use option. a SS B. as the second user'state ¢C. nothing specific D. never will useiln: war 100. Who developed realism | intoa comprehensive International relations theary?). 1 A. Woodrow Wilson 6. Rousseau Cc. Froebel D. Hans J. Morgenthau — 101. Prime Minister of Pakistan presented a report to the constituent assembly on October 7th 1951 which is known as: A. Bogras formula - 8. Pakistan formula C. Constitutional formula D. Objective resolution F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 1ath amendment of the 102. What is the fundamental characteristic of constitution of Pakistan? A. Centrelization B. Protection of borders of the country C. Givirig powers to the armed forces: D. Provincial autonomy 103. The ancient remains at Takht-I-Bal are of: A. Indus Valley civilization 5B, Greek civilization Cc. Muslim civilization D. Gandhera civilization — 104, What does Article 58(2b) of constitution of Pakistan means? A. Power of the president to dismiss governors B. Power of the president to dismiss Chief Justice of Supreme Court PQ ¢. Power of the president to dissolve national assembly D. Power of the president to remove army chief 105. The book Pakistan: a Hard Country iswritten by: A. George Maximilian B. IH Qureshi Cc. Akbar Zaidi Q/ Anatol Lieven L 106. 25th amendment of the constit tion of Pakistan is about: A. The economic policies of the country B/ Merging of Federally Administered Tribal Areas intg~ Khyber Pakhtunkhwa C, Empowering judges to hear cases against armed forcés Gi D. ‘special status to Gilgit-Baltistan 107. Which politica/leader in Pakistan is known for non-vigtent ' movement? A, Liagat Ali Khan B.. Fatimah Jinah Bacha Khan D. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 108. Gomal-Zam dam Is constructed In which district of Pakistan? A. DIKhan B. Bannu 3 South Waziristan D. North Waziristan 109. Ormur language is spoken by which Pashtun tribe of Pakistan? A. Afridi B. Wazir c., Swati ~ Burki 110. The largest district of Pakistan by area Is: A. District Dera Ghazi Khan B. District Dadu C., District Karachi 8 District Chagai . 111. When someone judges a person based on the-suiperficlal characteristics such as their apparent social class, sex, and* ethnicity is known as: S $f Labelling Z B. Self I tragmentaton Sy” C. Social fragmentation / D. Social identity 5 212. A system of verbal symbols through which humans communicate ideas, feelings, experienc Js called as: A. Values B. Norms (5, C Language - D. Culture \7 é 113. Cultural Diffusion means the spreadef_}) - _ from one 7 3 =e 7 group or Society to another. A. Cultural norms 8. Cultural valuesy c. Cultural shocks D, Cultural traits * F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 : 2 ee layers Is 114, The division of people soclo-economically Into different lay termed as: Social Stratification B. Race Cc. Ethnicity D. Inequality 115. Structural Functionalism holds Society 3s 4 organization. A, Simple 2 Complex Cc. Primitive D. Modern 116. The concept of "Alienation" was first coined by: A, Antonio Gramsci B. Emile Durkhelm n 6S c,, Max Weber RS Karl Marx 117. Robert Merton defines human function into two types. Among which latent functions are: A. Unintentional and pk epyious B. Easilyapparent ~ wv C. Intention or obvious D. Visible Y 118. What is the opposite of capitalism? A, Liberalisiis>” Ne Commu C, Fascis! D. Anarchism "119. When the skillful and well versed individuals of a country immigrate to another country, the phenomenon Is termed as: A. Brain drain B. Emigration Cc. Migration D. Loss of skilled workers F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 Ble, 23! 120. Which of the following is the prim: Instituti socialization of children? ielranry inavieutionsel tne AL School wf Family C. Peer groups D. Media 121. Appeals to humor, appeals to sex, and effects of repetitions the three techniques of: . A‘ Persuasive Advertising B. Persuasive propaganda C. Persuasive Radio and TV shows D. Effective communication 122. The more a person will make his/her needs met by media, the more that very media would play role in his/her real life. This idea depicts which theory? we S . A. Media dependency Theory ~ nd B. Uses and Gratification Theory 3 Cc. Transmission Belt Theory D. Cultivation Theory ; 123. The process in which the media attent some tssues and not others, therefore altering the benchmarks by which people evaluate election ~~ 7 A. Priming process“ YY B, Altering process\— €. Propagation’Process D. Cultivation Petspective 124. Which of the following was the first Hindu who publicly proposed for the separate state of the Muslims almost 16 years before the All India tail m_League adopted the idea of separate state for the Muslims? 7 A. Mahatma Gandhi” B. Jawaharlal Nehru ¢. Lala Lajpat Rai D. Vallabhai Patel . 125. A Short History of the Saracens is a book authored by Syed ‘Ameer Ali. This book Is written on the history of . A. Arab Muslims “ B. _ Sindhi Muslims C. Central Provinces Muslims D. Muslims of Serbia F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 23 A B. Ga D. A 8. c o. A B. Cc. dD. A. 8. Cc D. A 8. c DB. F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 126. Shelkh Ahmad Sirhindi refused to prostrate when he entered the court of Mughal Emperor is Akbar ~ Jahangir Shahjahan Aurangzeb 127. Which of the fallowing was the first military war fought by the East India Company against the local Indians? Anglo-Maratha War Anglo-Mysor war Battle of Buxar Battle of Plessey~ 128. During 1930s and 1940s, most of the researchers.employed in their ideas regarding media) effects. Hypodermic Needle Model of Com junication— Authoritarian model of Communication Libertarian model of Communication Cultivation Theory of Mass Communication Meaa 129. Viewing Mass Communication as in ly 3 process of disseminating messages to sonteat, people is an idea cgiiet Transmissional Peteeyitive e Ritual Perspective Power perspective) ’ Pragmatic Perspective 130. When Pakistan was fighting the War of 197 Faybifst India ‘was the prime minister of Pakista Ow {Khan ud) Amin . Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Fazal ahi Chaudhry ¥: 134: When Peoples Republic of China becanie the member of the United Nations? i972 ‘ 1973 2 1974 1975 132, Total number of members of Pakistan Senate has been changed ‘after the merger of FATA Inta KPK, Now it Is: A, 84 B. 96 c. 102 pD. 104: 433. Who is the new Chairman of Kashmir Committee In Pakistans Parliament? A, Shafqat Mahmood B, Fazal-ur-Rahman Cc, Syed Fakhar Imam — D. Asad Omar | 434, Total members of the electoral college for the United states~ presidential election are: - ~ A. 535 B. 538-— c. 530 n 6 D. 435 EN 135. When did All India Muslim League initiatethe actual movement | “ for a separate homeland? iy . A. 1930~ Oe” B. 1935 > c, 1927 D. 1940 2 136, Recently who replaced Dr-Maliha Lodhi as the Permartéhi Representative of Pakistan’ {0 the United Nation? y A. Syed Ibn-e-Abba: B, Ali Jahangir Siddiqn Cc. Munir Akram \- D. Zulfi Buktarl 137. When the United States pro! pulgated its prasent constitution and becamea federation? A. 1776 B. 1778 Cc. 1789-— D. 1794 F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 138, What Is the total number of members In the European Union at present? 27" 28 29 30 139. Which country will host the Summit of G20 in November 20207 A. Qatar B. India €. Saudi Arabia L- D. Britain 140. Vietnam War was ended In: A, A971 B. 19731—- c. 1974 D. 1975 141. Who Is the present Captain of Pak A. Sarfraz Ahmad 8, Misbah-ul-Haq Cc. Babar Azamv D. Shoaib Malik .) 142. When was the first time All India Congress accepted the demand of Indian Muslims for a.separate electorate? 143, In the present Constitution of Pakistan, haw many lists of powers are given for the division of powers petween the Provinces and ‘ the Federation? A 1 B 2 a 3 DB 4 F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 144, Who said, We will fight for a thousand years for Kashmir in a United Nation session? A. Zulfiqar Ali Bhuttol, B. Zia-ul-Haq C. General Pervaiz Musharraf D. General Ayub Khan 145. Pakistan and India signed the Indus Basin Treaty in: A. 1960-—- B. 1961 c. 1963 D. 1964 146. When are the next presidential e! ~ lections due in the Unite es of America? . ? MSY A. November 2019 B. November 2020'~- C. February 2020 D. December 2020 147. In the last session of the United Nation General Assembly, three Heads of States expressed theif setiouis concerns about the situation in Kashmir. They WSre 3 A. Saudi, Iranian, andTurkish .B. Turkish, Chinese, and Malaysian Cc, Turkish, Chinese)and Indonesian D. . Malaysian, Iranian, and Qatars 148, In the impeachmentof the United: States President, the final; authority is:/s O)y> A. Senate B. House of Representatives C. Congress (both of the houses) “D, US Supreme Court— 149. FATAs merger into the KPK was realized in: A. August 2017 B. December 2017 C. May 2018_- Z December 2018 F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 ddressed which United i Imran Khan a! 150. Prime Minister of Pakistan Nation General Assemblys Session? A 72" bs 7a pb, 75" with a» vertices, then how many h 151. If a graph is a complete grap Witan have? Where nis the spanning trees a complete grapl number of nodes in the graph. A nied B, ont). c. nt Rf nl?) 2 152, Regular expression for all strings starts with ab.and’ends with aab is given as: \ SOs A. aba*b*aab B. ab(ab)*aab Cc. aab*ba*ba D. ab(a+b)*aab * ag 4 £ \ _ @ 453. Which of the following bina Geeiyy tree has Npperty in which the sub-trees of every node fferin height byt st ong A. Heap Tree - - B. Neary Tree 7 wo AVL Tree o. D. Red-Black Tree 154, Which of the udariying layers providest#Ai interface for Xe enga user operating a dévice connected t! twork? A. TransportLayer = + ' B. Session Layer C, Network Layer 2 Application Layer \ 155. Following are the basic operatidh Supportedty an array ie i > = A. Blaze = N 5 B. Update Cc, Search \@. Deleti F-20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-021119 * 28 456. Which of the following regular expression does NOT represent strings that end In a double letter? A. (a1 b)*(bb | ba) 8. (a[b)*aa] (al b)*bb C. (a]b)*(aa | bb) D. (a | b)* (bb | aa) 157, What is the fifth layer of Networking OSI (seven-layer) model? A. Transport Layer By, Session Layer C. Network Layer D. Application Layer 158. Following algorithms are based on divide-and-conquer Programming approach EXCEPT: ra” A. Heap Sort “ . 8B. Merge Sort ( €. Quick Sort D. Binary Search 159. Which of the following Is a technique bidinten differant analog and digital streams of transmission canbe simultaneously processed over a shared oe the high capacity ae into the low capacity logical méaful hich Is then shared by different streams. . 4 A. Analogical - B® Multiplexing Digitalize © D. niece ae 4 160. In which of th: following windows thread states, a dead entersky this state after waiting if it is ready to run but the resources are not available? For example, the threads stack may be paged out of memory. When the resources are available, phe thread goes te the Ready state, " - A. Standby B. Running J & Transition D. Terminated (~ nN F+20-1865-CATEGORY A-GREEN-O22._ 29 161, Today, it is very rare to see a LAN, a MAN, ora WAN in eens) they are connected to one another. ‘When two or more networks are connected, the network is called: A” InterNetwork B. OuterNetwork C. PAN (Personal Area Network) D. IntraNetwork 162. Followings are the advantages of Data Replication EXCEPT: ‘Oe Reliability 8. Quicker Response ¢, Reduction in Storage Requirements D. Reduction in Network Load Mm \ 1 163. Which of the following JavaScript method rounds a number upwards to the nearest integer? 5 ©) % AL exp() ceil() Cc. asin() OD. abs() Al 4 164, Which of the following is Unary incremental ppbrdto in JavaScript? Las A+ . ++ GQ .* 7 DRY Y x 165. Which of the following Regular Expressivinedpresedystinagtt a1 i : do not have the’substring ab? A. (bed)* B. (atb)* btat D. atb* 166. In which of the following mode of data delivery, the transfer of data from servers to clients is initiated by a client pull? A. Pull-only B. Hybrid

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