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1. Are employees of Ha-Meem group happy with existence of HRIS system?

2. Has top level management less investment in HRIS sector of Ha-Meem Group?
3. Has Poor security system of data in Ha-Meem group?
4. Are employees of Ha-Meem group are not smart about modern technology?
5. Is there less training for learn about modern technology of Ha-Meem group?
6. Is it take huge time to implement any change in HRIS of Ha-Meem group.
7. Is Old technology of HRIS in Ha-meem group factor of less productivity?
8. Does modern technology can increase the productivity of HA-Meem group?
9. Should employee give more training of HA-Meem group?
10. Does Ha-Meem group need increase the security system of HRIS?
11. Is implementation of changes across Ha-Meem group need more faster?
12. Should top level management invest more in HRIS sector of HA-Meem group?

Primary method

I have followed primary method for my research, I did the survey among the employee about
their work condition about benefit about technology and about some problem off the

I have taken an interview off HR officer who working with HRIS of HA-meem group, I
asked question to 15 employees who works in HRIS of HA-meem group that’s how I collect
data for my research.

Secondary method
I have collected data of HA-meem group from its website and from internet I have also
collected data from some newspaper such as daily star, prothom alo daily sun. I have also
collected data from magazine .that’s how I collect data from my secondary source.

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