Total Amount $ 362,337.21: Payment Terms

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Sr File Discription Amount

1- Structural Work $ 155,396.35
2- External Works $ 13,056.43
3- Equipment uses $ 1,697.71
4- Finishing works $ 104,052.01
5- Electrical Works $ 63,458.00
6- Mechanical works $ 24,676.72

Total Amount $ 362,337.21



Rebars and Concrete summary
Sr Discrtion 20mm 16mm 12mm 10mm 8mm rebars
rebars rebars rebars rebars (kintal)
(kintal) (kintal) (kintal) (kintal)

1 Foundation 72 46
Short columns,
131 2 Retaining wall and 10 10 10 10
under ground slab.
3 Ground Floor Reinforcement 35 30 10

4 First Floor Reinforcement 35 30 10

5 Staircase Room Reinforcement 6 3 1

TOTAL 72 132 10 73 31.0

Concrete Quantites
Sr Discription C30 C25 C18
Lean Concrete 31.93
Foundation Concrete 135.4

1m hight of Retaining
wall and short columns 22
150mm thick of survice
slab 45

Ground Floor 12.15 64.05

First Floor 12.15 64.05
Staicase Room 1.50 3.721

183.20 176.81 31.93

TGL Structure Works - Material Measurement

Date: 5/7/2022
Sr Discription Type Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount

1- Boundry Wall

Excavation of the boundary wall and backfill after foundation

completion. M3 27.6 $ 5.73 $ 158.02

Foundation 80*40
12mm rebars-Horizantl - U shape G420 Kintal 3.159722 $ 122.14 $ 385.92
12mm rebars-longitudinal G421 Kinal 3 $ 122.14 $ 366.41
Concrete C25 M3 14.72 $ 106.87 $ 1,573.13

Ground Beam
30*40 section concrete ground beam
12mm reinforcdement Kintal 3.24 $ 122.14 $ 395.62
Staff 8mm Kintal 3.59 $ 122.14 $ 438.02
Concrete C25 M3 5.52 $ 106.87 $ 589.92

40*40 rcc columns rebars Kintal 4.666667 $ 122.14 $ 569.97
Staff 8mm Kintal 2.359259 $ 122.14 $ 288.15
Concrete C25 M3 6.72 $ 106.87 $ 718.17

Ring Beam
20*20 section concrete ring beam
12mm reinforcdement Kintal 2.33 $ 122.14 $ 284.04
Staff 8mm Kintal 2.11 $ 122.14 $ 257.51
Concrete C25 M3 1.84 $ 106.87 $ 196.64

Wall works
use stones to build ground wall 0.6m depth, 0.4m thickness with
cement morter 1:6. M3 11.04 $ 13.74 $ 151.69

use 20x40 concrete sold blocks to build 3m hight with cement morter
1:6 c/s. pcs 138 $ 1.15 $ 158.02

2- Interlock Work
Supply the interlock and murran materials/ or fine gravel to fix
external area around the building by creating rain water slope.

3- Manholes Nr 6 $ 267.18 $ 1,603.05

Boundary wall
Boundary wall plastering M2 276 $ 2.29 $ 632.06

4- External paint
Boundary wall: supply and apply external weather proof paint. M2 276 $ 3.82 $ 1,053.44

Car Parking/ Gardin Gates:

Supply and install 3300mm X 2000mm width of double lift steel
frame door covered with iron sheet with all accessories requirements
for car parking. Nr 1 $ 1,007.63 $ 1,007.63
Supply and install 2000mm X 2000mm width of double lift steel
frame door covered with iron sheet with all accessories requirements
for external entrance gate. Nr 1 $ 610.69 $ 610.69

Car Parking/ Gardin Gates:

Supply and install 3300mm X 2000mm width of double lift steel
frame door covered with iron sheet with all accessories requirements
for car parking. Nr 1 $ 1,007.63 $ 1,007.63
Supply and install 2000mm X 2000mm width of double lift steel
frame door covered with iron sheet with all accessories requirements
for external entrance gate. Nr 1 $ 610.69 $ 610.69
Total Amount $ 13,056.43
TGL Project - Equipment working Hrs
Date: 5/7/2022
Sr Discription Unit Unit Price Total Amount

Excavation: Equipment uses

Wheel Loader: Removing the soil of 1000mm

dedpth, will use for backfill the compaction soil
1- and filling the retaining walls as well. 4 Day $ 305.34 $ 1,221.37
2- Motor Grader
used motor grader to creater two layer
compaction material 2 Day $ 195.42 $ 390.84
3- Compacter
uses to compact two layer 2 Day $ 42.75 $ 85.50

Total Amount $ 1,697.71

TGL Structure Works - Material Measurement
Date: 5/7/2022
Sr Discription Type Unit QTY Unit Price Total Amount 131
Local Material Finishing
1- Cement plastering
Supply materials and plaster the wall surface
25mm thick internally and externally. (mix
desigbn 1:6) will include the scafolding
1.1- internal walls: cement plastering m2 1450 $ 2.29 $ 3,320.61

External walls and parpet: Cedment

1.2- Plastering m2 615.6 $ 2.29 $ 1,409.77

2- Screeding the floors

use cement and stone bowder to screed the
floor to receive tiles, not less than 40mm
thickness. M2 600 $ 3.44 $ 2,061.07

Roof slope screeding work, approximately not

3- less than 70mm thick with 1:4 c/s mix desigh. M2 300 $ 4.58 $ 1,374.05

4- Parpet copping work.

use reinforced concrete to create 350mm
width x 100mm hight of create copping on
parpet walls.
Concrete C25 M3 2.7405 $ 106.87 $ 292.88
12mm Rebars Kintal 3 $ 122.14 $ 366.41

Finishing Materials internationally:

Ground Floor
A- internal Wall finishes;
* 10mm thickness of machine/hand gypsum
plastering. M2 570 $ 2.67 $ 1,522.90

* 3mm thickness of saten gypsum plastering. M2 570 $ 2.67 $ 1,522.90

* High quality plastic painting. M2 570 $ 3.44 $ 1,958.02


60*60 ceramic wall tiles will fix with adhesive M2 46 $ 13.74 $ 632.06

B- Floor Finishes
use 60*60 cm2, 10mm thick granit ceramic
tiles with adhesive to fix the floors. M2 200 $ 76.34 $ 15,267.18
Skerting tile works ML 160 $ 12.21 $ 1,954.20

apply water proofing coat for toilet floors to
prevent water lekage. M2 20 $ 2.67 $ 53.44
use 60*60, 10mm thick granit ceramic tile to
fix the toilet floors with adesive. M2 20 $ 76.34 $ 1,526.72
Staircase finishes;
use 25mm thickness of granit marble and
finish the staircases.
Riser 130 legth x 17.5mm hight Nr 20 $ 16.03 $ 320.61
Tread 130 legth x 30mm hight Nr 20 $ 40.46 $ 809.16
Stair land M2 4 $ 155.34 $ 621.37
Marbel skerting ML 14.6 $ 24.85 $ 362.88

Entance Marble:
Riser 210 legth x 20mm hight Nr 4 $ 43.56 $ 174.26
Tread 210 legth x 30mm hight Nr 4 $ 65.35 $ 261.40
Riser 235 legth x 20mm hight Nr 4 $ 48.76 $ 195.02
Tread 235 legth x 30mm hight Nr 4 $ 73.14 $ 292.55
Entance land M2 4.935 $ 155.34 $ 766.62
Marbel skerting ML 10.45 $ 24.85 $ 259.73

Handriling work
Set of aluminium handriling for the ground
floor. set 1 $ 103.05 $ 103.05 not clear

C- Celling finishes
fix 60X60 aluminum celling finishes to the
ground celling rooms M2 200 $ 26.72 $ 5,343.51

Toilet Celling
use 30*30 aluminum celling to the fix the toilet
cellings. M2 20.4 $ 26.72 $ 545.04

First Floor
A- internal Wall finishes;
* 10mm thickness of machine/hand gypsum
plastering. M2 716 $ 2.29 $ 1,639.69

* 3mm thickness of saten gypsum plastering. M2 716 $ 2.29 $ 1,639.69

* High quality plastic painting. M2 716 $ 2.29 $ 1,639.69

60*60 ceramic tiles will fix with adhesive M2 80.5 $ 13.74 $ 1,106.11

B- Floor Finishes
use 60*60 cm2, 10mm thick granit ceramic
tiles with adhesive to fix the floors. M2 243 $ 76.34 $ 18,549.62
Skerting tile works ML 204.8 $ 11.45 $ 2,345.04

apply water proofing coat for toilet floors to
prevent water lekage. M2 35 $ 2.67 $ 93.51
use 60*60, 10mm thick granit ceramic tile to
fix the toilet floors with adesive. M2 35 $ 76.34 $ 2,671.76

Staircase finishes;
use 25mm thickness of granit marble to finish
the staircases.
Riser 130 legth x 17.5mm hight Nr 20 $ 16.03 $ 320.61
Tread 130 legth x 30mm hight Nr 20 $ 40.46 $ 809.16
Stair land M2 4 $ 155.34 $ 621.37
Marbel skerting ML 14.6 $ 24.85 $ 362.88

Window marble 23 width X 1.5m length Nr 30 $ 26.34 $ 790.08

Window marble 23 width X 0.7m length Nr 10 $ 12.29 $ 122.90
Handriling work

Set of aluminium handriling for the first floors. set 1 $ 103.05 $ 103.05
C- Celling finishes first floor

Supply and install gypsum board celling

including profile welding frames and finishing
works to the first floor cellings. M2 228 $ 22.90 $ 5,221.37

Toilet Celling
use 30*30 aluminum celling to the fix the toilet
cellings. M2 35.7 $ 26.72 $ 953.82

D- Roof Finishing
Apply water profing coat to the roof surface (2
to 3 layers), M2 300 $ 4.58 $ 1,374.05

E- External paint
supply and apply external weather proof paint
to the four faces of the building. M2 712.68 $ 3.82 $ 2,720.15

F- Grill Windows
Supply 1.2mm thick 20*40 steel profile boxes
and prepartion grill windows for below
60*60 toilet windows M2 1.44 $ 45.80 $ 65.95
180*150 window M2 48.6 $ 45.80 $ 2,225.95
270*150 window M2 24.3 $ 45.80 $ 1,112.98

G- Doors
supply and fixed wooden door incloding all
accessoreis requirement such as mortise lock
and door hinges.
80/220 doors - For kitchen Nr 11 $ 192.37 $ 2,116.03
90/220 door - for rooms Nr 16 $ 216.41 $ 3,462.60
Double lift door 180/220 Nr 1 $ 216.41 $ 216.41
Supply and install from steel frame polit proof
door with below dimention including nessury
100/220 door - entrance Nr 1 $ 152.29 $ 152.29

H- Kitchen:
Ground Floor:
supply granit marble and wooden furniture to
create 0.6m width x 9.4m length kitchen. set 1 $ 422.90 $ 422.90
First Floor:

supply granit marble and wooden furniture to

create 0.6m width x 4.85m length kitchen. set 1 $ 103.05 $ 103.05
I- Glass Balcony Railing: m 6 $ 103.05 $ 618.32

J- Facade Wooden Clading

use facade wooden cladding to:

cladding the width of windows 1(.6 hight *
16.30m length), (1.6mhight * 12m length) and
(1.6m hight * 7.4m length). M2 83.2 $ 26.56 $ 2,210.20

Cladding the front views s

Vertical= 2.30 m width * 7.60m hight,
Horizantal= 2.3m width * 6.15m length M2 49.105 $ 26.56 $ 1,304.47

Vertical= 0.8 m width * 8.7m hight, Horizantal=

0.8m width and length= 6.15 M2 23.76 $ 26.56 $ 631.18
K- Roof finishes:
Floor finishes:
Apply water profing two coats minimum, XPS
heat insulation layer and concrete screeding
cover. M2 300 $ 4.58 $ 1,374.05

Supply tile and adhesive to fix the roof 40*40,

use aluminum joint to prevent craks. M2 300 $ 0.61 $ 183.21

L- wooden cladding:
use facade wooden cladding to the roof as
shown at the drawings details 0.7m width.
external higth is 2.4m M2 10.08 $ 26.56 $ 267.77
internal hights is 3 m M2 4.2 $ 26.56 $ 111.57
Long and short directions M2 40.32 $ 26.56 $ 1,071.10

Total Amount $ 104,052.01



All materials and accessories shall be used to be according to the

consultant approval and shall be new.
- All Electrical works shall be executed according to NEC, IEE, IEC

*-This Section shall be read in conjunction with general and

particular electrical technical specifications, the Electrical Drawings,
Addendums and invitation to bid conditions except where otherwise

*-The unit price for all items in this Section shall include installating,
connecting, testing, and commissioning of electrical systems works
and materials, unless otherwise specifically mentioned or instructed
by Engineer.

*-All Civil and Finishing Works related to the concerned item shall
be included in the unit price and manhholes, UPVC pipes for main

*-Preparing of (coordinated) shop drawings shall be submitted to

Engineer for approval, coordination with other activities, material
storage, removing away from site, the remnant of electrical works and
handling over the electrical works to local electrical distribution
authority is contractor responsibility.

*- The contractor shall verify and orient the actual location of

(existing power supply and the existing telephone cable) facilities for
connection by liaison with NEC, CANAR & SUDATEL Firms.

*- The type of power service will be supplied shall be 415v, 3ph, 50


*- The shop drawing shall be submitted minimum at A2 size paper.

*- All equipment components shall be rated to operate at 50˚C degree

ambient temperature.
PREAMBLE , (cont'd.)

*-Light points/Power point shall be considered to include single core

(S.C.) cables, conduits, (from related DB) to metal back boxes and
lighting point through variant types of lighting switches and socket

*- All conduits passing from room to room shall be provided with

sleeves and sealed to prevent passage of air/moisture.

*-All embedded PVC conduits shall be Plain type of minimum 20mm

dia x1.8mm size. The other sizes: 25mm dia x1.9mm, 32mm dia
x2.5mm,38mm dia x2.5mm, 50mm dia x2.5mm.

*-All indoor exposed conduits shall be E.M.T or Rigid Steel Type.

*-All outdoor exposed conduits to be Galvanized Rigid Steel type.

*-All parts of PVC conduits above false ceiling (conduit & boxes)
shall be fire retarded type.

*-Separate conduit colors shall be used to enable systems recognition

during execution and inspection of electrical works.

*- Electrical cables up to mechanical equipment, shall be

supplied,installed, connected to mains, tested and commissioned by
electrical contractor, cables termination to mechanical equipment
shall be carried on by mechanical contractor. Conduits shall be
GI/PVC/flexible conduits.

*- No switch socket outlet shall be installed inside bathroom & toilets.

*- No elbows shall be used with PVC pipes & Adaptor/Coupler shall

be used to connect between GI boxes & PVC pipes.

*-Low current and communication cables shall have separate

raceways & to be segregated from low voltage cables.



Supply, Install, Connect, Test & Commission the following low

voltage power copper cables (Multi-Core), 600/1000V,
CU/XLPE/SWA/PVC and the earth cable CU/PVC 450/750V
Green/Yellow color. The brand to be r approved BY Engineer).
Taking into account brass glands "CW type" for armoured cables,
cable ties, cable lugs, all the necessary accessories and ancillary

01 3C35 mm2 NYFGBY + 1C16 mm2. HO7Z. Main cable 2.0 LM $ 3.11 $ 6.21

02 Ditto but 4C16 mm2 N2XH + 1C16 mm2 HO7Z. Supply DB-
G.T 11.0 LM $ 12.43 $ 136.70

Ditto but 4C6 mm2 N2XH + 1C6 mm2 HO7Z Supply DB-
F.T 7.0 LM $ 12.43 $ 86.99

04 Ditto but 2C6 mm2 + 1C6 mm2. 48.0 LM $ 7.02 $ 337.10

05 Ditto but 2C4 mm2 + 1C4 mm2. 18.0 LM $ 3.44 $ 61.83

To Collection $ 628.84



Supply, Install, connect, test and commission 13 Way (19 LINE) /

3PH as per load schedule, 415V, 50Hz, 4 wires system
,160A/MCCB TPN for the main breaker with main busbar
160A/MCCB and labelled MDB M.T (SCHNIDER-France or
approved equal). The switch board shall be perfectly assembled and
completely manufactured electrostatic painted sheet metal. The price
includes all CBs, CTs (on each phase), in addition to the digital
01 metering .The board is complete with all necessary accessories and
label, including bus-bars, terminals, wiring, bolts, clamps,...etc as
described in single line diagram, and according to the approved
manufacturer list. Main distribution board will be fed from NEC Via
3X35-16mm2 NYFGBY

1.0 No $ 3,816.79 $ 3,816.79 12Way 160A

To Collection $ 3,816.79




Supply, Install, connect, test and commission following final

distribution boards as per final load schedule and engineer approval.
The board shall be perfectly assembled and completely manufactured
electrostatic painted sheet metal. The Final distribution boards is
complete with all necessary accessories with labeling for all circuit s
as per final load schedule (SCHNIDER-France or approved equal).
All circuit breakers feeding A/C units should be type C.
01 4X80A MCCB TPN distribution panel labeled FDB-G.T Via
4x16mm2 N2XH 1.0 No $ 488.55 $ 488.55

02 2X25A MCCB TPN distribution panel labeled FDB -

OF.T.1 Via 2x 6mm2 N2XH, 1X6mm2 HO7Z 1.0 No $ 290.08 $ 290.08

03 2X25A MCCB TPN distribution panel labeled FDB -

OF.T.2 Via 2x 6mm2 N2XH, 1X6mm 2 HO7Z 1.0 No $ 290.08 $ 290.08

04 2X25A MCCB TPN distribution panel labeled FDB -

R.T.1 Via 2x 4mm2 N2XH, 1X4mm 2 HO7Z 1.0 No $ 290.08 $ 290.08

05 2X25A MCCB TPN distribution panel labeled FDB -

R.T.2 Via 2x 6mm2 N2XH, 1X6mm 2 HO7Z 1.0 No $ 290.08 $ 290.08

06 2X25A MCCB TPN distribution panel labeled FDB -

R.T.3 Via 2x 4mm2 N2XH, 1X4mm 2 HO7Z 1.0 No $ 290.08 $ 290.08

07 4X40A MCCB TPN distribution panel labeled FDB - F.T

Via 4x 6mm2 N2XH, 1X6mm 2 HO7Z 1.0 No $ 488.55 $ 488.55

08 2X25A MCCB TPN distribution panel labeled FDB -

R.T.4 Via 2x 6mm2 N2XH, 1X6mm 2 HO7Z 1.0 No $ 290.08 $ 290.08

09 2X25A MCCB TPN distribution panel labeled FDB -

R.T.5 Via 2x 6mm2 N2XH, 1X6mm 2 HO7Z 1.0 No $ 290.08 $ 290.08

10 2X25A MCCB TPN distribution panel labeled FDB -

R.T.6 Via 2x 4mm2 N2XH, 1X4mm 2 HO7Z 1.0 No $ 290.08 $ 290.08

11 2X25A MCCB TPN distribution panel labeled FDB -

R.T.7 Via 2x 4mm2 N2XH, 1X4mm 2 HO7Z 1.0 No $ 290.08 $ 290.08

To Collection $ 3,587.79



Supply, Install, connect, test & commision Automatic change over-

switch accompanied by three phase 3PH, 415/240V, 50Hz, 200A
Breaker 4-pole from the supply sides (Generator and Transformer)
01 and connected to the main distribution panel. Includes manual spring
charge lever for manual operation and is equipped with electrical and
mechanical interlocks. Price includes ATS controller (SCHNIDER-
France or approved equal).
0.0 No $ - $ -

To Collection $ -




Supply, Install, Connect, Test & Commission Multi-Steps Capacitor

Bank of 3PH, 415/240V, 50Hz, 50 KVAR (SCHNIDER-France or
approved equal and Engineer Approval) with contactors, controllers,
01 3 indicator lamps (RYB), digital metering system reading, detunning
reactors and all required accessories and ancillary works as described
at drawing and specifications. The price includes 125A/MCCB.VIA
3X16mm2 N2XH
1.0 No $ 1,145.04 $ 1,145.04


Supply, Install, connect, test & commision complete 4 KVA

Uninterruptible Power Supply system, 3-ph input & 3-ph output
(AROS-ITALY or approved equal). The price includes all necessary
02 accessories and ancillary works as described in the technical
specifications and as shown in the drawings.UPS System back- up
time . All equipment of low current systems shall be fed from UPS
LineFrom UPS .T panel via 3x4mm2 N2XH
1.0 No $ 1,145.04 $ 1,145.04 different voltage

To Collection $ 2,290.08



Supply, Install, connect, test and commission the following light

fixtures: (The price include fixing of fixtures, tube/bulb and
electronic control ballast from well knwon brand) and with
specifications as shown in lighting fixtures drawing. The price shall
include all ancillary works according to the drawing & specifications
for the main circuit/sub circuit.The brand of Lighting Fixtures shall
approved equal). The control of this circuit is from any kind of
switch, dimmer or controller. Emergency battery must be included in
the price for all types. Comprising:

01 Type (A) 2x26 W Down Lights 55.0 No $ 38.17 $ 2,099.24

02 Type (A.1) Emergency Version 13.0 No $ 53.44 $ 694.66

03 Type (B) 60x60 40W Squire lights 6.0 No $ 41.98 $ 251.91

04 Type (B.1) Emergency Version 1.0 No $ 57.25 $ 57.25

05 Type (C) 1x13W Circuler Down Lights 12.0 No $ 22.90 $ 274.81

06 Type (C.1) Emergency Version 7.0 No $ 57.25 $ 400.76

07 Type (D) 12W Tolit Lights 10.0 No $ 11.45 $ 114.50

08 Type (M) Water Proof 20W bath room Light 9.0 No $ 22.90 $ 206.11

09 Type (F) Hand wash basin spot light 13.0 No $ 7.63 $ 99.24

10 Type (G) 20W Outdoor wall lights 6.0 No $ 41.07 $ 246.41

11 Type (J) U.2x36Wweather-proof floursent lights 3.0 No $ 22.90 $ 68.70

Type (J.1) U.2x36W weather-proof floursent lights Emergency

Version 2.0 No $ 22.90 $ 45.80

13 Type (H)12W Staircase lights 3.0 LM $ 11.45 $ 34.35

Type EXIT: 8W, Non-maintained illuminated emergency exit light

14 sign luminaire with white steel body. Emergency lighting of 3 hour
duration 3 No $ 38.17 $ 114.50
To Collection 143.0 $ 2,609.01



Supply,Install, connect, test and commission the following decorative

switch 10A/240V/50HZ (LEGRAND-FRANCE or approved equal)
as specified and as listed in the manufacturer's list according to the
approved submittal. The price including wiring, conduits, conduits
fittings, metal boxes and ancillary works according to the drawing &
specifications (Conduits/CONCEPT-UAE or approved equal). Wires
brand shall be (ALSHARQ Cables or approved equal). Comprising:

01 One way one gang switch. 8.0 No $ 4.58 $ 36.64

02 Ditto but one way two gang switch. 22.0 No $ 4.58 $ 100.76

03 Ditto but two way one gang switch. 4.0 No $ 4.58 $ 18.32

04 stair-case radial senser 3 No $ 15.27 $ 45.80

To Collection $ 201.53



Supply, Install, connect, test and commission the following

decorative switch socket outlet. Work shall include fixing of
Receptacles. The price shall include all ancillary works according to
the drawing & specifications for the main circuit/sub circuit. (MK-
UK or approved equal). Comprising:


15A/240V (2P+E) single power switched socket with wther proof .1

Group 15.0 No $ 15.27 $ 229.01

02 13A/240V (2P+E) single power switched socket with .1 Group

33.0 No $ 11.45 $ 377.86

13A/240V (2P+E) single power switched socket &UPS switched

socket. with indicator lamp.2Group 21.0 No $ 22.90 $ 480.92

13A/240V (2P+E) single power switched socket &UPS switched

04 socket.& RJ45 Data Socket with indicator lamp. 3 Group DESK
installation 3.0 No $ 22.90 $ 68.70

13A/240V (2P+E) Twin power switched socket &UPS switched

socket.& RJ45 Data Socket with wall Boxes. 4 Group
12.0 No $ 22.90 $ 274.81

06 15A/240V (2P+E) Twin power cooker unit Cooker Unit 2 No $ 34.35 $ 68.70

To Collection $ 1,500.00



Supply, install, connect, test and commission the following outlets of
variant MEP systems including wiring, flexible cable, conduits ,
conduits fittings, metal boxes and ancillary works according to the
drawing & specifications (Conduits/CONCEPT-UAE or approved
equal). Cables/Wires brand shall be (ALSHARQ Cables or approved
equal). Comprising:

Lighting fixtures outlets points via wires of cross section 1.5 mm2
copper wires and wiring accessories as stated in load shedules and
drawings via 18mm PVC Conduit, or as per drawing and
01 specifications, for the main circuit/sub circuit up to the distribution
panel. The control of this circuit is from any kind of switch, dimmer
or controller. Maximum No of wires with in each 20mm conduits is 6
143.0 No $ 8.40 $ 1,200.76

Switch Socket Outlets points via wires of cross section 3x2.5 mm2
copper wires and wiring accessories as stated in load shedules and
drawings via 20mm PVC Conduits, or as per drawing and
specifications, for the main circuit/sub circuit up to the distribution
panel. Switch Scoket Outlets shall include 1,2,3,4, group types as
per drawing and specifications
36.0 No $ 15.27 $ 549.62

To Collection $ 1,750.38


HVAC Units:

there-phase, supplyVRF out door units via cableVia 4x6mm2

(Gland to be provided and other accessories) from the breaker in the
G.T up to isolater ( ABB - CE or approved equal) for outdoor A/C
unit as shown in the drawings. Connect wires via PVC/GI conduits as
per engineer approval, with good support for isolator & if the support
is steel shall be painted with prime and two coats. Installation works
shall include all types of split units. Includes 1-phase, 415V, 50Hz,
Via 4x6mm2 cable, 4Pole, with earthing terminal, disconnector
switch, IP66 and with Bus-bar for outgoing cables termination (ABB-
CE or approved equal).
3.0 No $ 6,870.23 $ 20,610.69 Rating for VRF… 45KW

04 Ditto but 1-phase-20A Indoor unit 15.0 No $ 763.36 $ 11,450.38 12000btu

To Collection $ 32,061.07



Supply, Install, Connect, Test & Commission of an addressable fire

detection and alarm system (Shield-UK or equivelent ) including :
smoke detector, heat detector, fire alarm control Panel (FACP) ,
alarm sounders, manual call stations and twisted fire resistant
shielded cable (Brand : Prysmian-UK ,Shield-UK or approved
equivalent) 2X1.5 mm² in 25 mm. PVC conduit embedded in
concrete .All materials shall be UL, LPCB approved , Comprising:

Addressable smoke detector, including fire resistant cables, short

01 circuit Isolator base, boxes and all other accessories. 21.0 No $ 61.07 $ 1,282.44

Addressable heat detector, including fire resistant cables, short circuit

02 Isolator base, boxes and all other accessorie. 2.0 No $ 61.07 $ 122.14

Addressable alarm siren with light strobe loop- powered including

04 fire resistant cables, boxes and all other accessories. 5.0 No $ 72.52 $ 362.60

Addressable manual call station including fire resistant cables, boxes

05 and all other accessories. 4.0 No $ 57.25 $ 229.01

1-Loop addressable fire alarm control panel lead-acid back-up

06 batteries & with onboard printer and all necessary interfaces and
power supply charger.
1.0 No $ 496.18 $ 496.18

Addressable input/output module with all necessary accessories with

07 all interfaces works & Alarm manager graphics system.
1.0 No $ 114.50 $ 114.50

To Collection $ 2,606.87


Supply, Install, Connect, Test & Commission IP telephone and Data

systems, including 90 mm diameter UPVC ducts provided from
external boundary walls to the telecom incoming cable risers of the
building, termination, cabinet (TTC) IP telephone/Data outlets,
cabling, conduiting and interfacing works (CISCO or approved
equal), connecting to the FIB main server to be included in
price ,Comprising:

CAT 6 Patch panel 24 port complete with all accessories such as

01 organizer, Patch Cords, inserts blanks...,etc to complete the work.
(Cisco-USA or equivalent).
2.0 No $ 190.84 $ 381.68

Switch 24 port 10/100/1000 complete with all CAT6 modules , fiber

modules, CAT 6A cables and cords, all ports with Poe/Poe + etc. and
03 all other accessories to complete the work. (Cisco-USA or
2.0 No $ 763.36 $ 1,526.72


RJ 45 switch socket faceplates (incude data & telephone outlets ),

(LEGRAND-FRANCE or approved equivalent). 36.0 No $ 15.27 $ 549.62

RJ 45 twin socket outlets including CAT 6 cable (BELDEN or

approved equal) from patch panel to outlet boxes. 36.0 No $ 19.08 $ 687.02

To Collection $ 3,145.04



42U 19" Rack panel complete with fans, power strip and all
01 accessories (ESTAP or approved equal). 1.0 No $ 763.36 $ 763.36


Supply, install, connect, test and commission SMATV system
comprising of communication cabinet, outlets,

abling conduiting, Distribution Network consisting of the following:

TV socket outlet complete with cover plate (LEGRAND-FRANCE

or approved equal). 14 No $ 14.05 $ 196.64

5 Splitter- 2 way (Class A) as shown on the drawings 2 No $ 3.82 $ 7.63

20 Outbut channel terrestrial converter switch 1 No $ 7.63 $ 7.63

To Collection $ 975.27



Supply, Install, Connect, Test and Commission CCTV system as

follows as per drawings and specifications (Samsungor approved
equal). Comprising:

NVR with 4 TB Minim hard disk capacity and including data switch
01 with RJ45 ports . All cameras to record in MPEG-4,H.264,M-JPEG
& MXPEG for 21days. 1.0 Job $ 1,374.05 $ 1,374.05

2MP (Samsung or approved equal) CCTV Day/Night indoor IP dome

02 camera with IR motion detector, corrected 12mm lens , dome housing
,H .264 compression, PoE.
4.0 No $ 305.34 $ 1,221.37

4MP (Samsung or approved equal latest model ) CCTV Day/Night

03 indoor IP outdoor with IR motion detector, corrected 12mm lens ,
dome housing ,H .264 compression,
5.0 No $ 343.51 $ 1,717.56

CCTV Camera outlet complete with Cat 6/UTP cable and conduits
04 (EXCEL cable or equivalent). 9.0 No $ 267.18 $ 2,404.58

To Collection $ 6,717.56



CCTV SYSTEM, (cont'd)

01 32" CCTV LED Monitor. 1.0 No $ 523.28 $ 523.28

Video Management software with client software installation at

existing GM and Deputy workstations. 1.0 No $ 1,437.63 $ 1,437.63

03 All system Accessories. 1.0 Job $ 190.84 $ 190.84

To Collection $ 2,151.76



Supply, Install,connect, test & commission earthing system. The

brand shall be ( FURSE -UK). The type of system shall be (TN-S-
TT). The price includes earth pits , testlinks, joints, links between
earthing, Ground enhancement material & all materials that will
achieve the ohmic resistance to all the system not more than 1 ohm
with all necessary accessories & ancillary works as described in the
technical specifications & as shown in the drawings. The price also
shall include the Earthing of the building itself, ground enhancement
materials (GEM), & all the work needed for the safety of people and
building. Any details, drawings shall be decided in site via shop
drawing as recommended by supplier manufacturer. Comprising:

1.0 Job $ 229.01 $ 229.01

*Building grounding including cables, rods, pits, checking boxes,

main earthing box with equipotential bus bars, and connecting to the
existing foundation earthing ready for operation according to
specifications,drawings and engineers instruction. 1.0 Job $ 229.01 $ 229.01

The following equipment shall be earthed:

* Low voltage panel board earthing.
* Generator earthing. 1.0 Job $ 458.02 $ 458.02
* UPS/Clean earthing for communication systems.

Each unit in the above mentioned systems should have separate

earthing pit.

To Collection $ 916.03


Sheet 80 $ 628.84

Sheet 81 $ 3,816.79

Sheet 82 $ 3,587.79

Sheet 83 $ -

Sheet 84 $ 2,290.08

Sheet 85 $ 2,609.01

Sheet 86 $ 201.53

Sheet 87 $ 1,750.38

Sheet 88 $ 32,061.07

Sheet 89 $ 2,606.87

Sheet 90 $ 3,145.04

Sheet 91 $ 975.27

Sheet 92 $ 6,717.56

Sheet 93 $ 2,151.76

Sheet 94 $ 916.03

To Bill Summary
$ 63,458.00
line interactive

Downlight Luminaire With 2x26 W Compact Fluorescent lamps

battery kit

Mechanical - Material Measurement
Date: 5/12/2022
Sr Discription Type Unit QTY Unit Price

A- Toilet and bathrooms

1- Fixtures required for toilets and bathrooms:
Toilets seat:
Supply and install pedestal toilet seat with require accessories
Nr 11 22000
for ground and first floors. $ 167.94
60*120 countertop wash hand basin with capinet and crome
Nr 11 25000
mixer including mirror. $ 190.84
one side 3mm mirror partion of 1500mm width with require
Nr 4 3000
accessories. $ 22.90
two sides 3mm mirror partion of 900mm width with require
Nr 7 7700
accessories.. $ 58.78
Stainless steel showers with full accessories. Nr 11 25200 $ 192.37
tumbler holder Nr 11 5000 $ 38.17
Soap basket Nr 11 2500 $ 19.08
Toilet brush & holder Nr 11 2800 $ 21.37
Glass sheilf Nr 11 3800 $ 29.01
Toilet paper Nr 11 2700 $ 20.61
Towel sheilf Nr 11 1800 $ 13.74
floor trap 110x50x50mm Nr 15 700 $ 5.34
Set of Bathroom Cabinet Nr 11 35000 $ 267.18

2- plumbing provisions:
50mm dia pvc pipes and require fittings:
PVC- U-Trap (wash basin) Nr 10 500 $ 3.82
90 gegree elbows Nr 20 850 $ 6.49
91 gegree elbows with checking hole. Nr 10 910 $ 6.95
45 degree elbows Nr 20 140 $ 1.07
PVC COUPLING 50MM Nr 25 200 $ 1.53
Sanitray tee Nr 10 200 $ 1.53
45 degre wye Nr 15 200 $ 1.53
coupling with checking hole Nr 10 400 $ 3.05
hang clamp Nr 20 650 $ 4.96
screw clamp Nr 25 650 $ 4.96
water stop rubber ring Nr 50 200 $ 1.53
Reducer 50/100 Nr 15 480 $ 3.66
3 meter pipes Nr 15 600 $ 4.58
2 meter pipes Nr 15 400 $ 3.05
1 meter pipes Nr 20 200 $ 1.53
0.5 meter pipes Nr 15 100 $ 0.76
0.25m pipes Nr 15 50 $ 0.38

70mm dia pvc pipes and require fittings: Nr

S-Trap Nr 10 500 $ 3.82
90 gegree elbows Nr 10 850 $ 6.49
45 degree elbows Nr 10 140 $ 1.07
Sanitray tee Nr 10 200 $ 1.53
45 degre wye Nr 10 200 $ 1.53
hang clamp Nr 10 650 $ 4.96
PVC clamp Nr 10 650 $ 4.96
water stop ring Nr 10 200 $ 1.53
Reducer 70/100 Nr 10 480 $ 3.66
3 meter pipes Nr 7 600 $ 4.58
2 meter pipes Nr 7 400 $ 3.05
1 meter pipes Nr 7 100 $ 0.76
0.5 meter pipes Nr 7 100 $ 0.76
100mm dia pvc pipes and require fittings: Nr
S-Trap Nr 20 500 $ 3.82
90 gegree elbows Nr 20 850 $ 6.49
91 gegree elbows with checking hole. Nr 10 910 $ 6.95
45 degree elbows Nr 20 140 $ 1.07
Sanitray tee Nr 15 200 $ 1.53
45 degre wye Nr 12 200 $ 1.53
coupling with checking hole Nr 10 400 $ 1.53
hang clamp Nr 20 650 $ 3.05
screw clamp Nr 20 650 $ 4.96
water stop ring Nr 50 200 $ 4.96
3 meter pipes - 4 inches Nr 30 600 $ 1.53
2 meter pipes - 4inches Nr 20 400 $ 4.58
1 meter pipes - inches Nr 20 200 $ 3.05
0.5 meter pipes - 4 inches Nr 15 100 $ 1.53
0.25m pipes - 4 inches Nr 15 50 $ 1.53
3 meter pipes - 5 inches Nr 10 400 $ 0.76
Reducer 4inch/5inch Nr 10 480 $ 0.38
Pipe glue Kg 10 200 $ 1.53

B- Rain Water
supply pipes and the fittings to fix four vertical points to deliver
water from the roof to the ground.
PVC Pipe 100mm x 6mtr Nr 10 1800 $ 13.74
pvc coupling Nr 5 620 $ 4.73
clean out Nr 5 250 $ 1.91
pvc pipe holder.100mm Nr 30 120 $ 0.92

C- Ac units system:
Supply and install LG airconditioning system with all require
24 BTU Nr 1 130000 $ 992.37
18 BTU Nr 13 90000 $ 687.02
12 BTU Nr 1 80000 $ 610.69

Water Supply
water pump 1hp Nr 1 18500 $ 141.22
5000LTR pvc water tank Nr 1 50000 $ 381.68


Supply, deliver, install, test and commission the following equipment
to engineer's approval including all necessary accessories to
produce a complete and working unit.

Reference to particular manufacturer's goods is given as a guide to
the standard / quality expected and equal and approved alternatives
may be used. However, alternative systems must be accompanied
with manufacturer's brochures, schematic layouts, technical
specifications and product data for review and approval by the

Evacuated Solar Collector Tubes

'Linuo Ritter''model U1521 or equal and approved
1450x1640x110mm Solar evacuated tube collector complete with
21No. Evacuated tubes, CPC reflector, U-shaped copper pipes,
Aluminium heat transfer plate, Manifold with mineral wool insulation,
roof mounting supports, over temperature and overpressure relief
valve, connecting pipes and all necessary accessories. Solar tube
collector to be rated for 10bar working pressure and 220 0C Nr 4
maximum stagnation temperature all to DIN standards.

$ -
Solar Hot Water Cylinder
Solaraide'' or equal and approved insulated hot water cylinder of
capacity 450litres manufactured from Stainless Steel grade 316. Hot
water cylinder to be complete with:-
i) 40mm diameter cold water inlet
ii) 32mm diameter cold water outlet
iii) Solar Collector feed and return pipe connections
iv) Sensor Probe Port (2No.) Unit 1
v) 3kW in-built thermostatically controlled electric heater element
vi) Anode rod
vii) Temperature and pressure relief valve viii)
Drain valve Hot
water cylinder to be rated for 10bar working pressure and to be
complete with connection to piping, electrical wiring and all
necessary accessories

Closed Circuit Thermosiphon Solar Water Heating Unit

200 litres low carbon steel, polyurethane foam insulated solar hot
C- water cylinder with cold and hot water connections set 1
$ -
4No. titanium coated collector with an aperture area of 2 square
metres. Collector is to be manufactured from treated pressed steel
with multiflow risers, phosphated and powder-coated. Collector tray
shall be 0.7mm marine grade aluminium alloy with tempered glass
(low iron content) and 3mm minimum thickness with construction
sealed from water ingress.

2.0kW thermostatically controlled auxiliary electric heating boosting

element with a recovery rate of 50l/hr at 40°C temperature
The system shall be as 'MEGASUN 200' complete with over-
temperature and over-pressure relief valve as well as a monitoring
device to constantly monitor closed circuit fluid level.

Isolation Valves
q) 40 mm diameter brass high pressure screw-down fullway non-rising
stem, solid wedge disc gate valve (PN 16) as "Pegler" and to be
complete with matching diameter GMS union. Nr 5
$ -

t) 40 mm diameter manual bronze globe valve to BS 5154 series B,

PN32 pressure rating. Globe valve to be as "Pegler" or equal and Nr 3
approved $ -
y) "Watts" or equal and approved combined over temperature and
pressure relief valve to protect water heater / solar collectors from
excessive temperature and pressure. T&P valve to be in Bronze
body, stainless steel spring and to be complete with thermostat and
test lever. Pressure range: 75-150psi. Maximum temperature: 100 0C Nr 2
Device to be ANSI certified and to be installed on 40mm diameter
outlet pipe from water heater.

$ -
z) Ditto but to be installed on 25mm diameter outlet pipe from
evacuated tubes solar heater and thermosyphonic solar water Nr 6
heater $ -
Grundfos UPS 32-80 or equal and approved circulator pump for
cold/hot water circulation of capacity 0.5m 3/hr against 0.6bar
complete with:
- Connection to temperature differential unit and temperature
sensors for automatic operation,
* High pressure switch cut-out *
Nr 1
Connection to pipework complete with gate valve and non-return
valve * Weather proofing
ventilated enclosure
$ -
- Electrical & control wiring (PVC insulated copper cables) drawn in
PVC heavy gauge conduit including connections to a local isolator

c1) ''Megasun'' or equal and approved programmable temperature

differential unit (TDU) for automatic ON/OFF control of primary hot
water circulation pump. TDU to be complete with control cabling and Nr 1
connection to temperature sensors at the hot water cylinder and the
$ -
d1) ''Megasun'' or equal and approved programmable temperature
differential unit (TDU) for automatic ON/OFF control of secondary
hot water circulation pump. TDU to be complete with control cabling
and connection to temperature sensors at the hot water cylinder and Nr 1
the hot water return water piping
$ -
Expansion Vessel
e1) AMTROL or equal and approved 150 litre expansion steel tank, 150
psig max working pressure, 250°F max operating temp. To be
complete with air purger and automatic air vent and all necessary Nr 1
$ -
Thermostatic Mixing Valve
f1) 25mm diameter ''Enware'' or approved equivalent thermostatic
mixing valve complete with isolation valve and non-return valve Nr 20
$ -
Hot Water Pipework Insulation
h1) Allow for insulation of 40mm diameter hot water pipework and
fittings with 30mm thick Thermotec 4-Zero fire retardant closed cell
polyethylene foam with factory applied weather resistant aluminium Nr 10
foil. Allow for 0.6mm thick aluminium sheet cladding to cover entire
$ -
g1) Ditto but for 32mm dia pipework Nr 12 $ -
h1) Ditto but for 25mm dia pipework Nr 20 $ -
Electrical installations
j1) Allow for switch, electrical & control wiring for the various water hot
water system equipment (pumps, controllers and heater elements) item 1
from respective isolator provided by others. $ -

Date: 5/12/2022
Total Amount 131

$ 1,847.33

$ 2,099.24

$ 91.60

$ 411.45
$ 2,116.03
$ 419.85
$ 209.92
$ 235.11
$ 319.08
$ 226.72
$ 151.15
$ 80.15
$ 2,938.93

$ 38.17
$ 129.77
$ 69.47
$ 21.37
$ 38.17
$ 15.27 100mm
$ 22.90
$ 30.53
$ 99.24
$ 124.05
$ 76.34
$ 54.96
$ 68.70
$ 45.80
$ 30.53
$ 11.45
$ 5.73

$ 38.17
$ 64.89
$ 10.69
$ 15.27
$ 15.27
$ 49.62
$ 49.62
$ 15.27
$ 36.64
$ 32.06
$ 21.37
$ 5.34
$ 5.34
$ 76.34
$ 129.77
$ 69.47
$ 21.37
$ 22.90
$ 18.32
$ 15.27
$ 61.07
$ 99.24
$ 248.09
$ 45.80
$ 91.60
$ 61.07
$ 22.90
$ 22.90
$ 7.63
$ 3.82
$ 15.27

$ 137.40
$ 23.66
$ 9.54
$ 27.48

$ 992.37
$ 8,931.30
$ 610.69

$ 141.22
$ 381.68

$ -
$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -
$ -

$ -
$ -

$ -
$ -

$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

$ -
$ -
$ -

$ 24,676.72

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