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Prelude Cheat Sheet

Order Lookup From Order Processing screen: 1. Enter slash command /OLI and press ENTER 2. Enter order number and press ENTER To view customer information from OLI screen: 1. Enter slash command /CI and press ENTER To search/view customer information w/o an order number: 1. Press F3 key twice to display Customer Keyword Selection 2. Enter First or Last name, Phone Number, ZIP code, Street, City, etc 3. Press ENTER to display list to choose from 4. Use Arrow keys to choose customer record 5. Press F5 to view Sales History Inquiry screen 6. Press F5 again to view Sales Order Header screen Print Invoices/Credit Memos From Order Processing screen, enter slash command /IR and invoice number and press ENTER. Use Arrow keys to move cursor down to Print Form Queue field. Enter Printer Number (ex. CS01 *must be all CAPS*) and press ENTER key twice. Select method to print document and press ENTER key to choose default (Batch Print). At the Load Invoice Forms in Printer prompt, select Print Invoices and press ENTER. View Sales Order History From the Order Processing screen: 1. Enter slash command /.SOHI and press ENTER. 2. Enter customer number and press ENTER 3 times. 3. Display Sales Order History screen 4. Use Arrow keys to move cursor to specific invoice line item Press F5 to display product details Press F6 to display payment method Press F7 to view payment code Press F5 again to display Credit Card/Check detail 5. Press ESC key to clear View Order Fulfillment Status From Order Processing screen: 1. Enter slash command /OLI

2. Enter Order number and press ENTER 3. Press Page Down key to access most recent Invoice entry 4. Use Arrow keys to move cursor to appropriate Sales Code (INV or B/O) and press F5 to display Order/Product details Enter slash command /II and press ENTER 1. This defaults to Order History Inquiry display 2. Use Arrow keys to move cursor to Warehouse field 3. Enter 3 digit warehouse number and press ENTER 4. Use Arrow keys to move cursor to Transfers field 5. Press F5 to display Stock Transfer details 6. Press Page Up or Down keys to locate/view transfer status 7. Press F5 to display Stock Transfer details To view status at different warehouse/store press ESC twice to return to Warehouse field 1. Enter 3 digit store number and press ENTER key to display Inventory Inquiry screen for store 2. Use Arrow key to move cursor to Transfer field under the Sources section 3. Press F5 to view Transfer Stock detail at store 4. Press ESC to clear

View Product Transfer History by Product Code From Inventory Inquiry screen, enter slash command /TAI to view Transaction Audit Inquiry. Press ENTER 2 times Enter warehouse/store number Press ENTER 2 times Press Page Down to locate specific transfer number Use Arrow key to move cursor to transfer line item Press F5 key to display Ship and Receipt details To view Transfer History on specific Transfer number: From Inventory Inquiry screen enter slash command /TLI and press ENTER Enter Transfer number and press ENTER Use Arrow keys to move cursor to specific transactions Press F5 to view date shipped and received at store Press ESC key to clear

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