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Enter Url to any browser (Google chrome Recommended):

Login to the system

On entering the url you will be redirected to the below shown login page

After successful login system will redirect to dashboard page. (see below)

Depending upon the permission provided via admin menu will be shown as above
Flow chart for Empty Outgoing Vehicle

Entry Reporting

Loading Advice

Security Check

Weighbridge for
Tare Weight

Loading Material

Weighbridge for
Material Weight






Loading Split


Gate Out/Exit
Entry Reporting

Entry->Reporting Empty Outgoing

Below image showing the entry form for empty outgoing

Loading Advice

Loading/Unloading Advice->New Advice Empty Outgoing

Below image showing loading advice form for empty outgoing

Select Vehicle first and click the search icon button

On selecting vehicle and clicking on search button vehicle information will show as shown below

If transporter is selected that must select here and proceed with selecting customers from list and
entry DO Number in respective fields.

After that select product category, product, UOM and write quantity and remarks. You can add more
products by clicking + button

If you want more customer, then click on add another button. Follow same steps for the new

Finally Submit and Loading advice will be done. Sample shown below

Print out of loading advice is also available at the point

Security Check

Entry->Security check empty outgoing

Select Vehicle and click on search button and filling the below shown form security check will be done

`* Toollist selection will be done here.

Tare weight and other weight will be done via weighbridge software.
Loading Split

Search vehicle and click search button all loading and weighbridge information will be shown and insert
split information.

Gate Pass

Search vehicle and click search button all vehicle processing data till now done will be shown. User
need to be provide the invoice information only. On successful submission vehicle is ready to go for
gate out. You can take print copy of weighbridge certificate as well as gate pass

Gate Out

Search vehicle and click search button check the tool list and make comment if any exit note and
Loaded Incoming Vehicle

Entry of loaded incoming vehicles starts from security check.

Flow chart for Empty Outgoing Vehicle

Security Check

Weighbridge for
Gross Weight

Unloading Advice


Weighbridge for
Tare Weight


Gate Out/Exit

As the process before unloading advice is same as Empty Outgoing vehicle.

Unloading Advice

Unloading advice has below fields as shown in the picture

Select vehicle from list, select supplier, select material category (eg. Coal, iron ore etc), select exact
material and unloading point and submit.

On successful submission the vehicle will be shown to the unloading point and when unloading will be
done then the unloader will just submit the below form only checking the unloading completed option
shown below

Rest process are same as Empty outgoing.


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