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What Makes A Person Beautiful?

Our society tends to define the word ‘beauty’ on how a person is portrayed based on their
appearances, depending on how each people is expecting of each people’s looks, so society
always focuses on beauty standards instead of what people do for them. We should always keep
in our mind that sometimes an angelic face does not always have a good heart so people will go
through rough seas to cope with these kinds of people. In fact, there are people have insecurities
because of society’s judgments. What actually makes someone beautiful is what they have in the
inside and who they are. Other than that, how they treat people, their poise and what they do for
the community also makes a person beautiful.

Let’s talk the beauty of personality. It could be any characteristics, as long as they are able to
help yourself and people around you to feel better. Beautiful people will always lend a shoulder
to people without downgrading them. People will feel at ease when they want to approach you
and will leave a good impression about you for your generosity. If you have a passion to reach,
do not be shy to show your spirit to people because people also find your passionate beautiful,
but do not forget to rest up and spend time with people.

Out of all aspects of beauty, maturity can be considered one of them. Maturity reflects our
actions and thoughts so if you are able to think and act in an age-appropriate manner people
might find you attractive and pleasant to spend time with you. Compare to the opposite of
‘beautiful’ people these days, they would bring harm to themselves and people surround them
just because of their lack of maturity. We could not bear to face in the same situation like them;
therefore it is important for us to train ourselves before it actually happens to us.

As it has been said earlier, beauty does not rely on perfect looks. Therefore, we should remind to
ourselves that being “natural” also considered as beautiful as there are people prefer being
natural over perfection. There are people these days, because of their insecurities; they rather
waste thousands and millions of money to do plastic surgeries just to look someone else who
they thought prettier than them. Little do we know, it only cause harm to ourselves and receive
disgraceful comments from people surround us. This is why being natural is beautiful because it
shows our true selves.
To conclude this essay, beauty is only skin deep. What actually make us beautiful is what makes
us who we are, how we make people feel for themselves and what we have done for the
community. People would not remember our beauty, but they will always remember our good
deeds for them.

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