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 i  is, 

hem, I know. And now hen you're tred, jus  res . If you feel down, don'
over hink. Don'  even hink of he word 'give up',cause if you do, you'll lose."A
blessed day o all you who are here  wi h us in his special day. Today, we are all
here owi ness he swee  ou come of all he s ruggles in  journey he of our
Senior High life. As his school yearcomes o an end, mixed emotons were fel  by
us, gradua es, ha ’s for sure. Everyone has heir own life, heir own challenges,
heir own obs acles, each of us has a s ory   o ell, and each of us has a way
oexpress our own self. For us, being here  and facing every problem we encoun er,
ei her jus  by ourselvesor wi h our loveones, our paren s, friends, eachers or
i can be o hers. I 's up o you.  And each of us has heir own way of overcoming
hose challenges.The memories ha  I’ll leave in his school’s premises will forever
remain in our minds, memories ha  makes each of us s ronger and uni e us in
dieren  ways. For hose who are wi h me in everymomen  ha  had passed, you
know who you are. All hose laughs, cries, shou s, crazy  hough s, andeven hose
hings ha  caused misfor une in our journey as a s uden . There may  tmes be
where Iwouldn’  unders and you or I  n d you weird bu  you know for yourself ha 
I reasure you andevery hing ha  we did, righ ? To my schoolma e and
classma e whom I share he same  s ruggles ands ressed, I wan  o say, “We  did
i ! We made i  tll he end!”.Our eachers who oblige as our guide, our second
paren s here  in school, our leader, we wouldlike o express our deepes  grat ude
o  all of you. Thank you for all he knowledge ha  you share o us,all he moral
ha  you hough  us, even only in fron  of he screen of our phone. We will surely
bring hem wi h us, we’ll keep hem in mind. There  may be tmes where you nd us
as nuisance, bu  here  youare, stll here and willing o each us more,   despi e all
he a u des ha  we show you. And ha  beingsaid, we know for ourselves ha 
you made a big sacrice  o make every hing possible as you can jus 
ocommunica e wi h us for us o gain new knowledge.And  n ally, o my paren s,
and o every paren  who were  here wi h us, we know ha  yous rrugles a lo  as
we do. You may be scolding us a lo , or always he one who dic a e wha 
we should door wha  we should be doing. Or simply he one who blocks he   road
o freedom. Bu  we can'  jus jus  ha e you, we can'  jus  alk back   you,
because ha 's you, our paren s. You may be no  ha  expressivewhen i  comes o
us, bu  we know  ha  you love us righ ? Because we're your child, your o  spring.
Thereare tmes where di namin kayo sinusunod and naiinis kapag di kami
pinapayagang lumabas or dinaibibigay yung gus o, bu  who cares? We know ha 
i ’s for our own good a er all. All he sacri ces ha you did, in no tme we’ll give
hem back  you,o we promise. Those yells, curse words and hurul wordsha you
hrow o us, we know ha  you didn'  mean i  all. a In every money you gave us,
we know  ha you've work hard for i . And hank you for ha , hank you
for  providing wha  we need. There are a lo ha  we wan  o say, bu  one hing
is  for sure, please hang on here a lile bi.   Jus a few years le, andwe'll be
he one who'll provide hose o you. We made  i up o here because of you,
because you mademe do i, you believe in me, and you've done wha's bes 
for  me. And all ha I could say is ' I  love you' ,'Mahal ko kayo ma, pa.', ' I'm
more  han greaul o be born wih you as my parens'. I   know hese are  jus
words, bu I hope hese means a lo o you.We've come far a lo huh? From
he simple “Inroduce yourselves”, where i all sared, we’renow here, almos 
a he end saying, “Graduaes na ayo!”. There’s  stll a lo ha we need
o face ahead,new challenges, new environmen, new people, and new memories
o make.  Bu he years ha I’vespen here wih you hrough ups and downs,
I won’ forge, here once again `


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