Assignment of Web 3 (Blockchain in Ethereum)

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Assignment of Web 3 (BlockChain in Ethereum)

Made By: Zafar Hussain

Roll No: 19-CS-428

1. Ethereum Virtual Machine

As know that decentralized application run all over the networks means P2P networks instead of single
Second thing is that application contains any program it may be a virus in the form of software. Made by
Virus should harms the whole network as it is P2P network. So every node of this network run this
application unfortunately. And this the big disadvantage of this network.

For the solution of this problem EVM was introduced.

EVM is a system run on another system. For example virtual box.
Decenterlized application runs on EVM instead of directly run on system.
2. Ethereum Gas

Let’s take an example of car.

As car need petrol or gas to move one point A to point B. Without gas or petrol car doesn’t move.

Same as above example when you run smart contract on EVM you need Ethereum gas for the execution.
Through Ethereum gas you can perform execution or any type of transection.
Let’s take another example of Ethereum gas...

Here we are performing some type calculation or we can say a simple operation…
Here we need Ethereum gas to perform operation.
If you focused on problem there are three operations are performing. And each operation contains its own
gas value. Like
Here we can see the gas value of each operation.
If you want see the gas value of different operations here is the link follow it to see
There are some important points of Ethereum gas…

The End

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