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[E] Simple Problems 1, Find the force of attraction between neutrons which are at a di other. ns which are at a distance of d= 10" m from each sass of € neutron m = 1°675 x 107” kg and G = 667 x 10" SI. unit (Ane. 187 x ‘aa 2. Given that, mass of ted earth m, = 5:98 x 10™ kg; mass of the moon m,, = 0°0123 m, and the mean. distance between them d= 3°84 x 10° km Calculate (a) the gravitational force of attraction for each other (b) the instantaneous acceleration of each that is produced by this force. TAns. (a) 1:99 x 10 N, (b) 27 x 103 ms?, 333 x 105 mise] 3. A rocket flies to the moon. At what point of the straight line connecting the centres of the moon and the earth will the rocket be attracted by the earth and the moon with the same force? Given that, mass of the earth = 5:96 x 10™ kg, mass of the moon = 7°3 x 10” kg, mean distance between them = 384 x 108 m. (Ans. 3°46 x 10 m from the earth] 4, If the radius of the earth be 6400 km, g = 9°8 m/sec? and G = 667 x 10"! S.L, then determine the mass of the earth. [H.S. ’82] [Ans, 6 x 10% kg] $. The mass and the radius of the earth are respectively 80 times and 4 times the values for the moon, Compare the accelerations on their surfaces. [H.S. °79, °87) [Ans. 1s 5] 6. The ratio of the mass of the moon to that of the earth is 1 : 81. If the radius of the moon is assumed to be one-fourth of that of the earth, then what is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon in terms ‘of that on the earth’s surface? Hence find the escape velocity from the surface of the moon in terms of that from ’ 1692 neers us. *10) [Ans 16 2,3 06 ~~ mal force of arth = 6 x 196 : lans. 022 yy phere of iron of radius 6:37 x 10° m and of density 7°86 x 10° kg/m? ‘what would to gravity a its surface, takirg the gravitational constant to be 6:58 x 10 ¢ | nit aravity Fans. 13:80 v2] dive to gravity at the earth's surface equal to g = 98 mis* and G = 667 » te SI SF the planet Mars, given that its diameter = 6780 km and the acceleration due ans: 393 > 103 gym’ Wvity at the equator would ‘410 m and the angular yelocity acceleration due to gravity be 25 Percent of that at earth's surface? ans. At an altitude equal to carth’s radius] Surface the value of acceleration due to gravity be 25 % of its value at earth’ s WLS. "12} [Ans. 075 a} imerwury are 6371 x 1¢° m and 2-42 x 10° m respectively. The mass of the earth. If a body weighs 10 kg on the surface of th ‘the acceleration due to gravity on the mercury? Take ¢ o1 [Ans. 3°74 kg: 3-667 mi/s*] equator had no weight? Take Ans. 1-41 hr] (of length 0°9845 m has time period of 1-99 s. Find the value of g. [ans. 9°802 m/s fa seconds pendulum (1 3 significant digits) at place where ¢ = 9'8 m/s?. What will if the length is increased 2-25 times? [H.S. '64] [Ans. 0993 m; 3 3] Jef a seconds pendulum be 1-00 m, find the length of a pendulum which makes 25 oscillations 4 Tans. 0103 3} ait of simple Pendulum is four times the length of another simple pendulum. If the time period of {longer length is 6 s, calculate the time period of the other pendulum. [HLS, ’86] [Ans. 3 s] ets seconds at the basement of a tall building. How much time will this pendulum lose in one SAl10 Ihe top flor of this building? The top flcor is 200 m above the basement. The radius of the keep {H.S. *72] (Ans. Shortened by 1-15 x 10 m] n in to swing simultaneously. The first onc executes 15 full oscillations in the time the 10, Find the ratio of their lengths, [Ans, 459] she Petween the height H of a mountain and the depth h of a mine if a simple pendulum swings Hom of the mine’? [Ams, 15 21 But when it is taken at the bottom of a mine, it loses earth is 6400 km, [Ans, 740°8 ml Suspended from the roof of a car moving with an acceleration of 10 m/sec? along a straight Sf the pendulum with the vertical? (Given : g = 10 m/s?) WLS, (X1) ’06] [Ans. 45°) find the linear velocity of its motion and the period 99 x 10” kg, mean distance (Ans, 29°78 kin/s; 365 days 9°6 hel The distances of the Earth and the Neptune from the sun are 1-49 S in years the orbital period of the Neptune, Rte y ero ee. of revolution of the planets Mercus at The peiods Fy and Saturn are respectively 0°24 and 29:46 yeus, so sans rom he sun in srononical units (1 axtonomicl unit = mean dnacts fs Wee phos (Ans, 039 and 9°54 astronomical 49, ‘The period of revolution ofa satellite of the Jupiter is 16°7 days Its onbital radius is 1°87 36 10", Clele jupiter. Given, G = 667 x 10°"! S te mass of the Jupiter Ans, 1857 x 102 “yo, How does the period of a satellite change if its mass be doubled keeping its orbit same? = [Ans. No change] {y, Find the linear velocity of an artificial satellite of the earth which moves in a circular orbit: ; (a) near the earth’s surface, (b) at an altitude of 7000 km. Find also the petiods of revolution of the satellite in these orbits, Assume g = 9°807 m/s? and radius of the cath = 637 x 10° m. Ans. Velocity : (a) 7-903 kmls, (b) 5°454 kms Period : (a) 1 hr 24 min, (b) 4 hr 17 min} ith in a circular orbit at a height of 700 km from the surface. Find the en, the radius of the earth = 6300 km and g on earth's surface = 9°8 m/s? UE.E, 92) (Ans, 7°45 kanls} 433, An artificial satelite is revolving round the earth in a circular path at a height of 3400 km above the earth's: sorface, Calculate the velocity of the satellite, Radius of the earth 6400 km, g = 9°8 mis? [HS. "97, °06, 09) [Ans. 6400 m/s} 44, A shell was projected horizontally from a rocket when itis at a height of 600 km above the earth's surface. Calculate the velocity of projection necessary for the shell to circle round the earth as satellite. Given, G = 666 x 1O!PS1. unit : mass of earth = 6 x 10 kg and radius of earth = 6400 km. [Ans. 7556 kms} 45, In balloon expedition, a seconds pendulum carried on the balloon, on teaching the topmost position is found to loose 400 seconds a day. Estimate the height of ascent, assuming the Earth’s radius to be 6450 km, ULE.B. °78] (Ans. 30 km) 46. The mass and diameter of a planet are twice those of the earth. What will be the period of oscillation of a Pendulum on this planet if it is a seconds pendulum on the earth? (LT. °73] (Ans. 2°83 5] 3M. An artifical satellite is revolving round the earth in a circular orbit with its centre at the centre of the earth and at aheight of 1600 km from the surface of the earth, What is its velocity in km/hr? Given, radius of the earth 432 A satellite is revolving round the horizontal velocity of the satelite. G = 6400 km, mass of the earth = 6 x 10 kg, G = 67 x 10" S.1. unit. (HLS. 783] (Ans. 2°55 x 10% ken/hr] 48, The ratio of the Earth's orbital angular momentum (about the Sun) to its mass is 4°4> 10! m?/s. Find the area enclosed by the Earth's orbit (LLT. °97) (Ans. 694 x 10% m2] 49. A particle is projected vertically upwards from the surface of the earth (radius R,) with a kinetic energy equal {o half of the minimum value needed for it to escape. Calculate the height to which it rises above the surface of the earth (LT. °97) [Ans. Red 40. A body is released at a distance r from the centre of the earth (radius R). Compute the velocity of the body Me este of te eat [ans n[25(-3)) apy Cala the minimum energy required to launch a 250 kg satelite from the earth's surface at an altitude of Hg a Fis the radius of the cath and is equal to 6400 km [ans. 13 x 10 3 Assuming that the moon describes a circular orbit of radius 3°8 x 10° km about the earth in 27 days and a ‘dius 1°5 x 10° km round the sun in 365 days, determine the ratio of the masses sy U.E.E. '97) [Ans. 337 x 10°] $6436 x Beh be the acceleration due to gravity in a balloon floating 3218 m above sea level? [Earth's diameter HA pensar’ St Setlevel = 9'8 mis") ULE.E. ’99) (Ans. 97902 m s*) time? lum clock goes slow by 20 second each day. What should be change in its length to give correct ULE.E. "03] [Ans. Decrease by 5 x 10-4 m) P29 the earth, the sun and the earth is 1:49 x 10"! m and G = 666 x 10-1! SL. unit. ___ UES. 94) Tans, 1-97 46. A particle is projected vertically upwards with a velocity k v., where k is a constant and 2s the sap from the earth. If k < 1, then determine the height of ascent of the particle. Neglect resistance of air, the ears, ni =R ans, PRioey 47. A body weighs 63N on the surface of the earth. What is the gravitational force on it due to the gang mt height equal to half the radius of the earth? INCERT (New) (Ans, 48. Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform mass density, how much would a body weigh half way to the centre of the earth if it weighed 250 N on the surface? INCERT (New)] (Ans, 199) 40. Ifthe earth were perfect sphere of radius 6°37 x 10° m, rotating about its axis with a period of 1 day gy * 10* s), how much would the acceleration due to gravity (g) differ from the poles to the equator? INCERT (New)] [Ans. 3°37 x 192 ms) 50. The Jupiter has a mass 318 times that at the earth, and its radius is 11*2 times the earth’s radius. Estimate the escape velocity of a body from the Jupiter's surface given that the escape velocity from the earth's surface 112 km s-'. Does your answer throw light on why the atmosphere of the Jupiter contains light gases, ‘mast 4S. Estimate the mass of the sun, assuming the orbit of the earth round the sun to be a circle. The inal 10% 4) hydrogen, whereas, the earth’s atmosphere has little of hydrogen gas? INCERT (Old)] (Ans. 597 km 5°} 51. The escape velocity of a particle on the earth (radius R and mass M) is 11-2 km s~!. What is the escape velocity on another planet with radius & and mass 7 (EAMCET 92) [Ans, 79 km $4] 52. The radius of a planet is double that of the earth but their av erage densities are the same. If the escape velocities at the planet and at the earth are 2, and v, respectively, then prove that 0 = 20. (UPB 85 53. A satellite orbits the earth at a height of $00 km from its surface, Caleulate (i) kinetic energy, (i) potent energy. (ii) total energy. Mass of the satellite is 300 kg, mass of the earth is 6 x 102 kg, radius of the ears 64 x 10° m and G is 667 x 10" Nm*kg. Will your answer alter if the earth were to shrink suddenly to fal its size. INCERT (Old)] [Ans. 8:70 10° J, =17°4 x 10? J, -8°70 x 10°) 54. A satelite orbits the earth at a height of 400 km above the surface. How much energy must be expendel {0 rocket the satellite out of the earth's gravitational influence? Mass of the satellite is 200 kg, mass of the eat = 60 x 10% kg, radius of the earth = 6'4 x 10° m, G = 6'67 x 10" N m? ke? INCERT (New)] (Ans. 5:9 x 10°) 55. A spaceship is stationed on the mars. How much energy must be expended on the spaceship to ek i Of the solar system? Mass of the spaceship = 1000 kg, mass of the sun = 2 x 10% kg, mass of the mars = 64 X 10% keg, radius of the mars = 3395 km, radius of the orbit of the mars = 2-28 x 19! m, G = 667 x 101! Nov kg °. INCERT (New)] [Ans. 5°98 x 1011 56. A rocket is fred veritcally with a speed of 5 km "from the earth's surface. How fac ram the eath de the rocket go before retuming to the earth? Mass ofthe earth = 6 x 10% kg, mean radion of the auth c 64108 G 67 x 10°}! Nm? kg. INCERT (New)] [Ans. 16 x 10°) S57. IER be the radius of the cart and °g’ the value of acceleration dur (0 gravity on the tor tea Ot then find the minimum speed with which a body must be thrown so that it reaches a height of R/4 above the suet of the earth? tans, {3eR75) 58. The escape velocity of a projectile on the earth's surface is 11-2 km s-1 A body is projected out with this velocity. What is the speed of the body far away from the earth ie. at ‘infinity’? Ignore the presence Oy sun and other planets etc. (NCERT (61d) [Ans 1941 expenditure of fuel? Neglect damping due to air resistance, especi “ earth 1g at 60 i, G67 10 hg NY hi age, Mas of Be ah 660. A satellite orbits the earth ata height of nearly 36,000 km from the surface of the earth. ‘What is the poe due to earth’s gravitation at the Ft cat ea he Potent energy at infinity tobe 0. Mas earth = 60 x 19 kg, radius of the earth = 6400 km, INCERT (New) (ane 94 x 10° — 1, Asutum year is 295 times the earth year. How far isthe saturn from the sun ifthe earth is 150 x 108 km eae INCERT (New)] (Ans. 1°43 x 10? m] "The planet Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos. () Phobos has a period 7 hour 39 minute and an orbital {94x 10° km. Calculate the mass of mars. i) Assume that eath and the mare nove in ciralar orbits foes, wit the Martian orbit being 1'52 times the orbital radius of the earth, What is the length of the Martian i aL INCERT (New)] [Ans, 6°48 x 10® kg, 684 days] 4g. Ifthe earth is {> of its present distance from the sun, then what is the duration of the year? [EAMCET °87] (Ans, 0°125 year] 4. Three particles P, Q and R, each having the mass 2 m, are placed along a straight line such that PQ = OR zx Another particle A having the same mass is placed on the perpendicular bisector of PR such that QA = x. es Siete avidicial fore on A [ans 8082 (14 along 40] 65, Two particles of masses 2 kg and 3 kg respectively are situated 6 m apart. They are allowed to move suit motual gravitational attraction. Determine the speed of the first particle when that of the second is 2 X ms" Also find the distance between the particles at that instant. (ans, 3x 10-6 m st, 4:9 m] 6, The gravitational field intensity in a region is 40 (} + &) Nikg. Calculate the work done by an external agency displace very slowly a body of mass 5 kg from the point (0,0,0) to a point (0, 1m, 3 m). [Ans, ~800 J] 61, A uniform solid sphere of mass m and radius a lies inside a co-centric uniform thin spherical shell of the ‘same mass but of radius 3a. Determine the gravitational field at a distance (i) 2a from the centre, (ii) 44 from the Gm Gn ame [an Ga. Se] 68, A mass hangs from a spring on the earth's surface and elongates it by 5 x 10 m. If the same mass is hanged fiom the same spring at a height of 700 km above the earth's surface, then determine its elongation. Radius of the ‘ath = 6300 km. [Ans. 4:05 x 103 mJ . The earth's mass is 6 x 10%! kg. It is compressed to a small sphere so that the escape velocity from its surface ecomes equal to the velocity of light, what is the radius of the sphere? [Ans. 9 x 103 m] 70. The distance between two point masses each of mass M is 2a. A small mass mis placed at the midpoint Abe line joining them. Show that it will remain in stable equilibrium. If m is slightly displaced along the at it executes simple harmonic motion. Hence find its frequency, Mpendicular of the said line, show thé [Anse Pa] ary Hare + How would the greatest height you could throw Problems a ball on the moon compare with the greatest height you So eee ee he moon = amas of te earth and lamer ofthe the moon = (Ans. 526 times that on the earth] sain oF lose per day? (Ans. loses 7 min 12 5} Compare its period when the lifts (a) ascending with unifory 2b mis, (stationary, (8) descending with uniform velocity ee Mans 108951 Lis} the earth tothe sum is 1°5 10" km; the densi rn th ior a de distance OM the density of a Si or revolton of he cath sound th su is 365 days Using thene daa Sse vin oe cf aecion wes aan ogee Sf gn satelite revolves round a planet of met os of gravitation is 66 x 10" S.. units, cate spesliehy Gener cone tn ation of te gincet tee eee VEE 7) ces a iene + "imately the time of revolution ofthe satelite J W diameter of of the earth, - How much time will it 2 Te length of « seconds pendulum is increased by 19% 4 Yee Simple pendulum is placed inside a Tift ‘ag (¢), ascending with uniform acceleration 0! Sescending with uniform acceleration of 244 = Bes: ie feese nants oF rvs Jf these stars are M and 16 M and the a 6 Distance between the centres of two stars is 10 eee surface of the larger star towards the sma fe emepectinals,|Arbadyrof a ns surface of the smaller star? Obtain the expression in star. What shouldbe its minimum iit reach nar 90) [Ana of G Mand a. A ° the same sense. Thei 4, ‘wo sxeles Sy and revolve rounds planet in ae a oe a i of revolution are 1 h and 8 / respectively. The radius of the orbit o ce Wie Seay speed of Sy as actually observed by an et @) the speed of S> relative to S,, (ii) the angular speed of Sp Soe 6g, where g is the gravitational acceleration 8, Gravitational acceleration on the surface of a planet is 77> 8, where g is the Br on the Speed on surface of the earth. The average mass density of the planet is 3 times that of the earth. If the escay os 1¢ surface of the planet in km s1 e a earth is taken km s!, find the escape speed on the surface of the pl a the surface of the earth is taken to be 11 (LL. 10) Ame 9 {G] Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ] Gravitation and Gravity 1. The value of acceleration due to gravity of a planet having mass and radius twice those of the earth is (@) 19°6 mis? (©) 98 mis? (49 m/s? (@) zero. [Pb-PMT *00) 2. At what height in km over the earth's pole the free fall acceleration decreases by 19? (Radius of the earth = 6400 km) (a) 64 (b) 80 ©2 @ 125 (KCET °94] 3. A body of weight 72 N moves from the surface of the earth at a height half of the radius of the earth. Then gravitational force exerted on it will be (a) 36 N (b) 32.N (©) 144.N (@) 50 N [CBSE PMT 00) 4, If radius of earth is 6'4 x 10° m and gravitational constant is 6°67 x 10-!! N-m#/kg2, then its mass is (a) 6 x 10" kg (b) 6 x 10% kg (©) 6 x 10 kg (d) 6 x 10" kg [AFMC-Pune ’98] Acceleration due to gravity is ‘s' on the surface ofthe earth. The value of acceleration due fo gaitiatl height of 32 km above earth's surface is (Radius of the earth = 6400 km) @ 09g (b) 099 g © 08g @) 101g [CET Karnataka ’99| 6 ‘Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform density, the acceleration due to gravity at a point 100 km below the earth's surface is (Given R = 6380 x 10° m) (@) 9°66 m/s? (b) 7°64 m/s? (©) 5:06 mis? (@) 3:10 mis? 5 PMT 00) Ge ibe eating of fs earth in abou 6400 kan end that of tha mary i Sh i) aboot 10 fms mass of the mars. An object weighs 200N on the surface of the enna et te fhe Dre Sail be earth. Its weight on the surface of (@ 80N (b) 40N (©) 20N " 8 Where will it be profitable to purchase 1 kg of sugar? (@) 8N [CBSE PMT '941 (@) at poles (©) at equator (©) at 45° latitude (d) at 40° latitude a 9. If the mass ofthe earth is 80 times that ofa p i (Rajasthan PET " is 9°8 ms" then the value of gp on that planet ig M4 “ameter double that of the pla (a) 49 ms? (b) 0°98 mis? east be 2g) 1600 km (b) 2650 km (© 4800 km (@) 6400 km [AFMC Pune '97) sutively increasing balance is graduated on sea level. If i i a, Aspring balance |. If a body is weighed with this balance at consec from the earth's surface, the weight indicated by the ale xb (@) will go on decreasing (b) will go on increasing (©) will remain same (q) will increase first and then decrease (mp PET ’95) so particles of equal masses go around a circle of radius R under the action of their mutual gravitational » of each particle is [Gm [4Goe ) \ SR Cava @ = {CBSE PMT 95] ameter. If the at snnacion. The speed ied th For the moon its mass is 1/81 of the carth’s mass and its diameter is V/37 08 the earth’s di raion due to gravity at the earth's surface is 9°8 mvs, then atthe moon its viaue & (@) 516 mis? (a) 2°86 m/s (b) 1°65 m/s? (c) 8:65 mis* [CBSE PMT ’99) then the value of acceleration due to gravity accele 1M; Ifradius of the earth shrinks by 1°5 % (mass remaining same), changes by (@) 1% (b) 2% (©) 3% @ 4% [BHU ’97] 15. If the earth loses its gravity, then for a body (a) both mass and weight become zero (b) neither mass nor weight becomes zero (@) weight becomes zero but not the mass (©) mass becomes zero but not the weight [Pb PMT ’98) te Ihe mass of a body on the earth's surface is M, then its mast 0 the moon’s surface is @) 6M (b) 2M OM (@ Mie [aus '97) 11. As we go from equator to poles the value of & (@) remains the same (b) decreases (@) decreases upto a latitude of 45° [AFMC °95] (©) increases 18, Determine the speed at which the earth ‘will have to rotate on its axis so that a person on its equator weighs GV) as much as at el equatorial radius 6400 km. much as at present. Take equator e (a) 783 x 10~* rad/s (b) 24 x 10 rad/s (©) 5-74 x 10° rad/s. (@) 4:12 x 10? rad/s IR 798) 19. What will be the formula oa and G7 - org w Gs OG, (@) g4> (CBSE PMT ’96) g 2%. Ratio of mass to gravitational mass of a body is 0 of inertial mass to gravil ©2 (@) no fixed number (or (1 (AF, "MC" 5 ee of mass the earth in ter jon due to grav Bz TER is the radius of a planet, g is the accelerat mn due to gra) argh 4 © iG @ 2 wo © 36 @) Gagk (BHU °98) 3 9 remains the same, then acceleration due to gravity on ie GE Atte rasi of ine earth abinks by. 1S Anas Sut’ surface will wgzas be y © decrease by 2% (6) increases BY Se oad os @ increase by 1% radius, the acceleration due to gravity wifes *94) 2. ir the earth suddenly shrinks to half of HS present i @ gr ) 48 ot @ 25 (Pb CET 98) 66 aes 0 cs aT Ty 24. Which of the following statements is true? (@) g is the same at all places on the surface of the earth (b) g has its maximum value at the equator (©) ¢ is less at the earth’s surface than at height above it or a depth below it f (@) g is greater at the poles than at the equator a (Manipat ys 25. The earth (mass = 6 x 10 kg) revolves round the sun with angular velocity 2x 10 rad/s in a circular ony of radius 15 x 10* km. The force exerted by the sun on earth is % (@) zero (©) 18 x 108 N (©) 27x 10 N (@) 36 x 107. N (CBSE Pur ‘95 26. The mass of the moon is 7°34 x 10% kg and the radius is 1°74 x 10° m. The value of acceleration due jg gravity is (a) 145 mis? (b) 1:55 mis? (©) 175 mis (4) 1°62 mis? [MR 99) 27. Mass of the moon is 7°34 x 10 kg. If acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1-4 m/s, the radius of the moon is (G = 667 x 10"! Nmv/kg?) (056 x 104m ——(b) 192 x 10° m (©) 187 x 10% m (@ 101 x 108 m [AFMC-Pune 98} 28. What should be the angular speed of the earth so that an object on equator may appear weightless? (g = 10 m s*; radius of the earth = 6400 km) (a) 1°56 radis (6) 125 x 10" rads (©) 156. 10° rad/s. (d) 125. 10 rads [ANU 97) 29. If the radius of the earth contracted by 2% and its mass remains the same, then weight of the body at the earth's surface. (a) will decrease (b) will increase (©) will remain the same (@) none of above {cpa ’97) 30. Height at which the value of g becomes one fourth to that on the earth is (R= radius of the earth) @R (b) 28 © GRR (@)4R (BHU PMT "0 31. If the change in the value of ‘g” at a height “h' above the surface of the earth is the same as ta depth ' below it (x < R, h < R where ‘R’ is the earth’s radius), then @x=h (b) x= 2h ©x= :. Model Questions} 32. When a body is shifted into’ a mine, on the surface of the earth and on the top of the mountain, the weights are respectively W,. W» and W,; then @) WiW; b= W2= OW < We w, Pre 33. The dimension of gravitational constant is (@ ML? T? (MILT? @MiLsy2 weet 34. A simple pendulum has a time period 7; when on the earth's surface, and the earth’s surface, where R is the radius of the earth, The value of 73/7, is te mae i @ 2 (Lr. 0) 35. ‘The magnitude of acceleration due to gravity at height equal tothe radius of the earth above its surface (Take g = 10 ms) ~ (a) 25 ms? (&) 3 ms? Ora, si 36, The weight ofa body on the surface of he earth is 12° N. When itis eevaed toa eight al the ait of the earth its weight will be thet rete eran (@252N EB.) 437. Thehoeight vertically above the earths surface at which the acceleration due to gravity becones Ir othe aE at the surface is (R is the radius of the earth) @BR ()9R (10k se aed hen taken to a height R above radius of the earth) @ ‘om () |2@ © 4, The orbital speed of the Jupiter is (a) less than the orbital speed of the earth (b) equal to the orbital speed of the earth (c) greater than the orbital speed of the earth (¢) zero 43, The period of revolution of a « i : (ase Ege of radius 4R will be of a certain planet in an orbit of radius R is T. Ils period of revolution in an orbit (@) 2 (b) T ; ©@4r (@ 87 (CBSE PMT 02] 4. The escape velocity from the earth is 11°2 km/s. The escape velocity from a planet having twice the radius and the same mean density is (a) 112 kis (b) 56 kmis (©) 22-4 kmis (8) 158 km/s [AMS 707) 5. If Vo be the orbital velocity of a satellite in a circular orbit close to the earth's surface and V, is the escape velocity from the earth, then relation between the two is (a) Vo = V. (b) V,= V2 Vo © Ve= V3 Vo (@) Y= 2Vo [CET Karnataka ’99} 6. A satellite is launched into a circular orbit of radius R around the earth. second satellite is launched into | of the second satelite is larger than the first one by approximately an orbit of radius 1°01 R. The period (a) 15% (b) 05% (© 3% @ 1% ULE. 95) 7. The escape velocity from the earth is (a) 1°12 km/s (b) 112 kms (©) 112 kmis (@) 792 km/s ICBSE PMT '01] 8. The earth retains its atmosphere because (a) the earth has population (6) the escape velocity is less than the melt speed of molecules (© the escape velocity is more than the mean speed of molecules [CET Haryana ’00) (@) the earth is eee ere: ' ; 9. The distance of a geostationsty atellite from th ot Radi ae . 10. nn art ite in a circular orbit of radi oR bas sitime period of 4/b04s A eMteIIies +a SiS sa in a circula of ce a time period of iephinactvewcaines babe, wil have © Ge Pe wae er: (a) 8 hour 6 hour es (CET Karnataka ’96 ad insat-B at a height 3600 km from the surface of the earth The 11, Rohini satelite is at beight of 500 km relation between their velocities ‘ Vy Mh (Vee M% (@) no relation (a) Va > Va ) Fe [CBSE PMT '99) near the surface of the ‘earth is 7 km/s, If the radius of the orbit is wn earth satellite a Tosser, its orbit velocity would be 4 times the radius of the earth, i sag cohen Bana toast (a) 7 kenls ) ersipeooean 13, A satellite is moving around the earth with a speed v in a circular orbit of radius r. Ifthe orbit decreased by 1%, its speed will (a) i by ie (b) increase by 05% (c) decrease by 1% (@) dectease by O5q (MP PET '96, 14 Two satis of masses my adm, (> m,) ae going aromdl ie cath ja oh Gf > m2), which statement about velocities is correct? (@) 2, > % (b) % = D (©) 0 < d% (@) oy/r, = Dery (Pb Patt yn, 15, If the distance between the earth and the sun were half of its present value, the number of days ina yqr would have been @ 645 (b) 1825 © 730 @ 129 U17 56, 16. Escape velocity of a body when projected from the earth’s surface is 11°2 knvs. If it is projected at an angle of 50° from the horizontal, then escape velocity will be (@) 116 kmis (b) 128 km/s (©) 162 km/s (@) 112 kas [armas + 17. Mass of the moon is 1/81 times that of the earth and radius is 1/4 the earth’s radius. If escape velocity at the surface of the earth is 11°2 kmv/s, then its value at the surface of the moon is (a) 25 km/s (b) 014 km/s (©) 5 km/s (d) O'S km/s [AIMS 18, What will be the duration of day and night (in hours) ifthe diameter of the earth is suddenly reduced to half of its orginal value, the mass remaining constant? (@3 6 2 (@) 12 (CET Haryana '96, 19. For any rocket on the earth, the escape velocity is 11°2 knvsec. Its value at the planet where acceleration die to gravity is two times that on the earth and diameter is two times that of the earth will be (in km/s) @ 12 (b) 224 © 336 @ 56 IMNR *99] 20. The escape velocity of a body on the surface of the earth is 112 km/s. If the earth's mass increases to twice its present value and radius of earth becomes half, the escape velocity becomes (@) 5°6 km/s (b) 112 km/s (©) 22-4 kmis (@) 44°8 km/s [CBSE PMT '97) 21. An carth satellite § has an orbit radius which is 4 times that of a communication satellite C, The period of revolution of 5 is (a) 4 days (b) 8 days (c) 16 days (d) 32 days (MP PMT '94) 22, A satellite is placed in a circular orbit around the earth at such a height that it always remains stationary Witt. the earth surface. In such case its height from the earth's sruface is (a) 32000 km (b) 6400 km (©) 36000 km (d) 4800 km [AMU '99) 23. A small satellite is revolving near the earth's surface. Its orbital velocity will be nearly (a) 6 km/s (b) 4 kmis (©) 112 km/s (@) 8 kmls (CET Haryana '951 24. The period of revolution of a planet A around the sun is 8 times that of planet B. The distance of A is how ‘many times greater than that of B from the sun? @2 (b) 3 ze ©4 (@5 (cbse PMT 97) 25. The earth rotates about the sun (see fig) in an elliptical orbit. At which A CJis velocity maximum? (a) AtA (b) AtB > (Ate @AtD ne oie, 26. Two planets A and B have the same material density. If the radius of A that of B, then the ratio of their escape velocities Va/Vp is reser 9) (a) 2 &) V2 OV @ 12 jtal velocity of earth satellite ass of the earth does not depend on © ees ae (mss ofthe st south ena ot {Two satellites A and B of masses accelerion due to giaviiy © j Mepetively round the earth, If thet wna (= 2m) are moving i oe ee iteular rand rs (7 @3% &)6v, é 49, The orbital velocity of an artificial satelite ie ee ete in , A e bing at an altitude of half the earth's radius, crertea RCT beter Ez 4. : earth complet ¥ V2 f © Ro @ 40 [MNR *941 . The earth completes one revolution around the sun in one year. Ifthe te new period of revolution will be in in one year. If the distance between them becomes double, ever (©) 22 years (©) 4 years (a) 8 years. [MP PET '00) 32, A satellite orbiting the earth in a circular orbit of radius R completes one revolution in 3 hours. The orbital radius of geostationary satellite is 36000 km. The orbital radius R is (a) 6000 km (b) 9000 km (©) 12000 km (@) 15000 km [U.E.B. °06) 33, The rotation period of an earth satellite close to the surface of the earth is 83 minutes. The period of satellite inan orbit at a distance of three times the earth radius from its surface will be (a) 83 minutes (b) 83 x 8 minutes (c) 664 minutes (@) 249 minutes IMP PMT ’94) ‘44. The largest and shortest distance of the earth from the sun are 7) and r,, Its distance from the sun when it is perpendicular to the major axis of the orbit drawn from the sun is om oa ICET Haryana ’98) made 1/4th, then duration of year will become 38. If the radius of the earth's orbit is made 1 pe eT, x, eee we bi of the moon and radius of the earth is 3°5 times that of the moon. eo ta ct Ot be exh to tal one aR ee Ito of escape velocity on the Si ae ces eee @02 Os tain height above the earth's surface. It takes 5°26 x 10” sec jar orbit at @ cen . The height of the satellite orbit above 31. A satellite is moving in a circul equal to 9°32 m/s*. Seompen one revoltion with a cntsiptl acceleration erg the earth's surface is nearly (radius of the earth = () 160 km <@) 79.6 (@ 190 km "(220 km (CET Haryana "94 ass m on the suface of the earth of mass M and raidus of fm 38. What wilt be me escape velocity of # body 0 the earth R? © VaR @ ae ke mR 1. 36000 km. Then, the time period (@) (gM (o) /2gmk jcular orbit of radius i oe serene orbits around the eat in urface (Regn = 6400 km) will approximately A209 steve orbiting a few hundred (@ 4h ULE. "02) 2 5 out of the gravitational 5 In order that it goes gra fp ca) & (©) Ah orbit near the earth's suc (= radius ofthe earth) Pony A satellite is rotating in a circular be given ae) f the earth, the additional velority ~~ pp ek on?!) — that should 41. If the mass of the moon is gy of the earth’s mass, its radius is + of the earth's radius and if g jg hg due to gravity, then the acceleration due to gravity on the moon is . £ £ ws os of (of) le thea Gravitational energy @ 1. A body of mass m is taken from the carth’s surface to a height equal to radius of the earth. The change (increase) in potential energy will be (@) mek (b) 2 meR (©) 025 mg R (A) 05 mgR WEE. "M1; LET. °83; CBSE PMT 9p 2. The ratio of K.E, required to be given to the satellite to escape the earth’s gravitational field to the KE rete to be given so that the satellite moves in a circular orbit close to the earth’s surface is @t:1 (221 ©2405 4st [CET Haryana '97 3. If V denotes the maximum velocity of the bob and h the maximum height to which the bob rises in case of 4 simple pendulum, then @ V = 2¢h (b) V= gh (© V=4eh () V= J2gh [Pb CET 98) 4 Potential energy of a satellite of mass m rotating at a height of 6:4 x 108 m from the earth’s centre (a) ~ 05 meR, (b) — mer, (©) ~ 2 mgR, (@) 4 mek, [ALIMS 00) S “The change in potential energy when a body of mass mis raised to a height mR from the earths sithee(R ius of the earth) i (@) mgk > (b) nmeR (© mer 5h @ mek (Mp PMT %) §. How much energy will be necessary for making a body of mass 500 kg to escape from the earth? (g = 98 m/s?, radius of the earth = 6°4 x 10° m) (2) about 98 x 10°F (b) about 6:4 x 10° J, (c) about 3:1 x 10 J. (4) about 274 wI0ET (MP PET 99) 7. The mass of the earth is 6 x 10 kg and that of the moon is 7:4 x 1022 kg. The constant of gravitation @ = 667 x 10"! Nm/kg?. The potential energy of the ‘system is ~ 779 x 107 joules, the mean distance between eat! and moon is () 38X10? mete (b) 3-37.x 10% metre (©) 7°6 x 10 metre (4) 19 x 10? metre (mp PMT 95) 8, In a satellite if the time period is 7; then K.E, is proportional to watt ot or wo von 1 2. A body of mass m is placed on the surface of the earth. I 8 taken foi thé eart?s surface to het = 3R, The change in gravitational potential energy of the body is (@) 3 mek ) 3 mgr (© mee mek case put? 3 3 ©) (a) 78% [cp of 10. At what distance from the centre of the earth, the intensiay of gravitational field will be zero? Take mass the moon and the earth as 7/35 x 10” kg and 5°98 x 102 kg respectively and the distance between the moo? a the earth is 3°85 x 10 km (@) 3:46 x 108 m (b) 3°85 x 105 m © 8x 10° m (@) zerolCET Haryan a 411. An antfical satellite revolves around the cart ina cricular orbit with a speed If i de acs ofthe te its total energy is (a) Em? (b) Emo? (©) -mw? @) 15 mo? 9) ye esvtational intensity at any pong due to earth inside earth, gp TH me as at surface @ same x te conse ot eer (jinueeedaiaeaee _ a satellite is in an orbit around the _. @) decreased cPMT ge AN il rotate With Beater speed cut its Kine energy i dob a Te (@ it will maintain ts path. ma it will of fall on the earth it will escape out of the earth's gravi itational field jp gravitational field, the work done in tran celia 7001 {q depends on end positions sporting mass from one point to another © depends ie a point ob meet a an ‘on distance between them 15. - a jaunched vin velocity less than escape Sas ae JRE. i fs nee - % fo. , the sum ofits K.E. and PE. is always i (c) negative (d) none of these 3 (crmr ‘971 eflite of mass m is revolvin ing around the ate he cath at height R (= tadius of the cath). IF g #8 the () meR (©) mgRI4 (a) 2mgR [Rajasthan PET 95) 1 Intensity of gravitational field ofthe car is maxim (a) at poles (b) at equator (c) at centre of the earth (d) same every where [PMT ’96] 48 A mass m is placed at a point B in the gravitational field of mass M, when mass 71 js brought from B to vitational potential energy will ‘ancar point A, its 21 (a) remain unchanged (b) increase (¢) decrease (4) become 2er0 [CET Haryana "941 vretil difference between ie surlaos of SAS) and a point 100 m above is 10, kg. If 19, The gravitational P te gravitational field over this range 1S er tien work done tai the body of 5K from the surface to a height (803 (MP PMT 971 of 0 mis @ 105 (205 403 a. The kinetic efiergy required 10 P aye a body to move (0 infinity fom the earth’s surface is (a) 2 mgR r+ (b) mgR (c) 05 mek (@) infinite IMP PET ’971 a. an atificial salle moving i” @ car obi aun he cat AE soul (kine + potential) enerey Bo I is . b) 15 Fi 2% (@ Ey ULE '971 Sie se in spherical stl Te » onl tens ait aside sphere, Consider a region inside 2 tin SP 2 Fer ecraece with the renee distance from the c= toy constant and pot eave! 1° 72° eee asian frm the C0 {Model Questions, HS. Council] ees with the j0eteas OF OE og ie cath Pl a ear bit eight ea 1 te a 23, A satellite of mass” which was at Fest OF e €a en vcessary for this 1S ot the earth (The minimum enere> yf eae arta L mgR () 4s (a) LngR suas of 160g wit a free gb the weight Petra ese) ree 1 spherical uracted DY oie ee jut, calculate the pass of the earth, given radius of are f 20 ke is ogy Shai gee Sx 10-7 kg; when the centres of mas 3 (48 x 10 ke . E ad 28% ke sx idem yy ga x 1088 (@ 48 x 1077 ke for the weight of a body at the equator 2 At what angular velocity would the earth ee is 6400 km and G = 667 X 10" sag Given, the density of the earth is 56 x 10° ke/m’s i (@) 125 x 10 rads (4) 025 x 10-4 rag a ee ma G2 T of an artificial satellite moving in a ciz bit 3 The relationship between the period of revolution 7 circular surface of a planet and the density p of the planet is T = , @) {2 bo) [2% © Gp © V2" © Vr ©) Veo 7 ‘ ie 4. If g is the acceleration due to gravity on the earth’s surface, the gain gp SMeTEY ofa objet oy ‘m raised form the surface of the earth to a height equal to ae R of the amen b) 2mgR (©) 4m ) a an Ah Yan ia (see figure) of mass M has outer radius 4R and inner radu jp ‘The work required to take a unit mass from point P on its axis to infinity is @ 72-5) - 2G (aV2-5) Gi 2GM (© 4 @ 78 2-1) ELT 1g Bae) 3G) 4b) 5) Gia) ad lens (>) 9. @) 10.6) Bese (6) 13.(0) 14. (c)aeew4S.4a) 16.66) . 17.0) TE (@) 19. @) 20.0) BING) 122) 23-0) 244)" 25.(€) 26.@) 27.) 28. (d) 29. (6) 30.@) 31. (b) 32.(@) 33.) 34.(4)35.(@) 36. by 37. (b) LO) .2().. 3@ 7-0) 80) 9%.@) 10.0), 1. @ 120) 13.0) 1.@): “16, 0 21. (by) 22.(¢) 23. (a) 27. (b) 28. @ 29. (4) 30.(0) 31,(b) 32.0) 33. (0) ; ©) 370) 38.) 39.) 40.0 41. (©) 7.@) 8) 9.) 10440) 17.) 18.() 19.0) 20.0)

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