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Chapter 3


This chapter describes and discusses how the researchers will gather the necessary data and information
that will be used in the entire study. This also shows the procedure includes the research design, sampling
technique, research instrument, sources of data and data gathering.

Research Design

        The design that will be used in the study is the correlational method of research. The design will enable
the researchers to establish the relationship between the use of Reddit and its impact on ICT students of ACLC
Antipolo. To achieve that, researchers will need to collect data from the participants through a self-
administered survey questionnaire.

According to Cresswell (2012), a correlation is a statistical test to determine the tendency or pattern for
two (or more) variables or two sets of data to vary consistently. It will help readers to understand clearly how
the data obtained and therefore, assist them in properly analyzing the results. It will help the researchers to get
more effective and reliable information. Conclusively, Creswell, Ary (2010) also describes that correlational

research looks for the relationship or correlation between variables in positive correlation or negative
correlation, and the level of correlation is determined by the coefficient of correlation. It can be said that the
detection of correlation among variables is based on its correlation coefficient.

Through analyzing the data using a correlation test, researchers could determine if there is a consistent
relationship between Reddit impact to ICT students of ACLC Antipolo. The study will involve administering
questionnaires to a sample of ICT students of ACLC Antipolo to assess the extent to which they use the Reddit
application, the frequency of their use, and their perception of its impact on their lives. 1/3


        The researchers decided to use stratified sampling technique to select participants for their study because it
enables a more precise and targeted approach to the participant selection process. By stratifying the respondents
based on the experience with using the Reddit application, the researchers will be able to select participants
who were representative of the population of ACLC  ICT students who use Reddit. This will help the results of

the study to be more accurately generalized to this population, resulting in more precise conclusion

Research Instrument

The questionnaire used consists of two (2) parts. The initial part of the questionnaire consists of the
items which gather respondent’s profile such as their name(optional), age and grade level. Meanwhile, the
second part of the questionnaire consists of four (4) category types and four (4) questions each category with a

total of sixteen (16) questions that contains the impacts of reddit application to the ICT students of ACLC
Antipolo in terms of mental health, time management, social connection, and lifestyle. The researchers used a

Likert scale to provide a standardized method of collecting data that can be analyzed statistically, enabling
researchers to draw conclusions about the attitudes and opinions of the population being studied. The

questionnaire provided by the researchers offers response options that cover a range of opinions from "strongly
agree" to "strongly disagree." (Strongly Agree for one (1), Agree for two (2), Neutral for  three (3), Disagree for

four (4), Strongly Disagree for five (5) ).

The survey questionnaire-checklist was developed by the researchers with the help of an expert;

Research Instructor.

Sources of Data

The study was performed through the Antipolo division of the AMA Computer Learning Center. The
researchers decided ACLC Antipolo as the studied area in order to investigate more about status of students at

ACLC in regards to the impact of using the Reddit application on ICT students. The researchers seek for
Twenty-five (25) respondents from grade 11 and 12 of  ICT students of ACLC Antipolo with a total of Fifty 2/3

(50) students. The researchers made sure that both grade 11 and grade 12  participants of ICT students at ACLC
Antipolo are Reddit users. The information acquired will be utilized to identify their status in order to answer

the research study's main question.

Data Gathering

The researchers opted to use a survey as the mode of distribution for the questionnaire. To ensure the
study's success, the researchers carefully chose respondents whom they were acquainted with, resulting in a

sample size of Fifty (50) students. The survey questionnaires will be collected once the respondents have
finished answering them. After data collection, the researchers will then tally the scores and apply a suitable

sampling technique for the study. 3/3

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