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Aap es UGANDA BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL EXAMINATIONS BOARD Business and Humanities Certificate Examinations APRIL-MAY 2022 SERIES PROGRAMME NATIONAL CERTIFICATE IN JOURNALISM AND MEDIA STUDIES PAPER NAME ETHICS IN JOURNALISM. PAPER CODE NOM114 YEAR I, SEMESTER I 2% HOURS FRIDAY, 29™ APRIL, 2022 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES. 1. This paper consists of seven questions. 2. Answer only five questions. 3. All questions camy equal marks. 4, All answers to each question should begin on a fresh page. 5 6. 7. Do not write on the question paper. ._ All answers and rough work should be done in the official answer booklet provided. . Read other instructions on the answer booklet. © 2022 Uganda Business and Technical examinations Turn Over ——==— »Y Question One i (04 in journalism (2) Difereniote Edstrom Law as apped 1 (06 ns (b) Explain three branches of ethics. cone of their news reporter, Recently, management of Aries media house jist, give five ways through ii, allegations of payola and bribery. As 2 practicing (10 mag ‘such unethical behaviour can be avoided. " Question Two therefore, expected to be accountable y (2) The media are the watchdogs of society and the audience. Explain five ways through which journalists wil achieve Chis.(10 mar) (b) One of the provisions in the code of ethics for Uganda Journalists, Provides for non disclosure of sources of information with exemptions. Discuss five situations under Which journalists may neglect this provision. (10 marks) Question Three (2) Your news editor has tasked you to brief newty recrutted reporters on the elements o accurate news stories. Explain flve elements which you will highlight. (10 marks) (©) Give five reasons why journalists should observe professional code of conduct when executing their duties (10 mars) Question Four (a) Define the following international canons of journalism; ()__ Minimising harm. (o2marts) a si (02 marks) i) Sincerity. % (02 marks) (™) Fair play. aint (¥) Independence. toon (02 marts) (©) Explain five ways through which journal ities. IStS act responsibly while executing ther Question Five (10 maris) (2) Distinguish between freedom of spee and (0) Explain three causes of bias as unethical (©) Jay, 2 trainee at a local media house ig a Question Six (a) (b) Internet has become a source of information and photographs. However, society has criticised its use. In relation to this statement, discuss five ethical challenges posed by se of this media to the practice of journalism. (10 marks) AS @ reporter covering a story about a starved child. You are facing a dilemma as to whether to publish the identity and details of the child or not. Explain five ethical Principles which will guide you in making a decision, (10 marks) Question Seven (a) Distinguish between pomography and obscenity. (04 marks) (b) Identify five circumstances under which 8 journalist may withhold information worth Publishing as news. (10 marks) © The international covenant on civil and political rights condemns any act which limits freedom of speech and expression. Discuss three provisions in the Ugandan constitution which limit this freedom. (06 marks)

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