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FINALS | S.Y 2022 – 2023

OUTLINE ○ Amino Acid Metabolism

I. Four Mechanisms ○ Photosynthesis
II. The Central Role of Citric Acid Cycle in ○ These four mechanisms are ultimately
Metabolism interlinked with each other through the
A. Pathway of the Citric Acid Cycle citric acid cycle inside the mitochondria
B. Conversion of Pyruvate to Acetyl-CoA ○ It is important for us to understand citric
III. Steps in the Citric Acid Cycle
acid cycle as well as electron transport
A. Step 1: Formation of Citrate
B. Step 2: Isomerization of Citrate to chain (ETC) and oxidative
Isocitrate phosphorylation because it allows us to
C. Step 3: Formation of α-Ketoglutarate understand many diseases. Any
and CO₂- First Oxidation disruptions in this cycle will lead to
D. Step 4: Formation of Succinyl-CoA and depletion of energy in certain diseases
CO₂- Second Oxidation
E. Step 5: Formation of Succinate
F. Step 6: Formation of
Fumarate-FAD-Linked Oxidation
● Citric Acid Cycle
G. Step 7: Formation of L-Malate
H. Step 8: Regeneration of Oxaloacetate- ○ One of the important aspects of aerobic
Final Oxidation Step metabolism
I. Summary ■ The evolution of aerobic
J. Notes on Citric Acid Cycle metabolism by which nutrients
IV. Energetics and Control of the Citric Acid Cycle are oxidized to carbon dioxide
V. Citric Acid Cycle: Catabolism and Anabolism
and water was an important
A. Catabolism
B. Anabolism step in the history of life on
VI. The Role of Electron Transport in Metabolism Earth
A. Aerobic Metabolism ■ All organisms can obtain far
B. The Importance of Mitochondrial more energy from nutrients by
Structure in ATP Production aerobic oxidation than
VII. Organization of Electron Transport Complexes anaerobic oxidation
A. Complex I: NADH-CoQ Oxidoreductase
○ First step is the use of oxygen
B. Complex II: Succinate-CoQ
Oxidoreductase ● Glycolysis
C. Complex III: CoQH2-Cytochrome C ○ Produces only two molecules of ATP
Oxidoreductase (Cytochrome reductase ○ Actually it’s four, but the net production
D. Complex IV: Cytochrome c Oxidase of glycolysis was only two because the
VIII. Electron Transport Chain and Phosphorylation two ATP is reused during the first part of
A. Oxidative Phosphorylation glycolysis which was the priming phase
B. Mechanism of Coupling in Oxidative
● In this lesson, we shall see how 30 to 32
IX. Shuttle Mechanisms molecules of ATP can be produced from each
X. Complete Oxidation of Glucose molecule of glucose in complete aerobic
oxidation to carbon dioxide and water
○ Free processes play roles in aerobic
CHAIN, AND ○ Plays a role in both catabolism and
○ Catabolism
■ Breakdown of nutrients
● Four Mechanisms
○ Anabolism
○ Carbohydrate Metabolism
■ Reductive synthesis of
○ Lipid Metabolism

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■ Building of nutrients ○ Cytosol
○ Citric acid cycle is a part of the pathway ● Mitochondrion is divided into four:
of aerobic oxidation of nutrients, ■ Outer Mitochondrial Membrane-
basically the catabolic part, some of the shields or protects the insides of
molecules that are included in this cycle the mitochondria from the
are actually the starting points of outside environment of the
biosynthetic pathways. You will see the organelle
byproducts of the citric acid cycle are ■ Inner Mitochondrial Membrane-
actually the products that utilized to dark pigments in the photo
begin other metabolic pathways ■ Intermembrane Space- located
○ Metabolic pathways operate between the outer and inner
simultaneously mitochondrial membrane which
● Citric Acid Cycle has two other common names: plays a role in the functioning of
○ Krebs Cycle the mitochondria; it participates
■ Named after sir Hans Adolf in oxidative phosphorylation
Krebs who first investigated the ■ Mitochondrial Matrix- located
pathway inside the inner mitochondrial
○ Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA) membrane where ribosomes
■ Involved in this cycle are and a lot of enzymes are
generally acids with three floating around
carboxylic groups


● Difference of glycolysis and citric acid cycle
○ Is the part of the cell in which these
pathways occur
○ Glycolysis
■ Occurs in the cytosol in most
○ Citric Acid Cycle
■ Has 8 steps
■ Occurs in the mitochondria,
specifically in the matrix of the
■ Most of the enzymes of the ● This the overall reaction of the citric acid cycle
citric acid cycle are present in ○ One pyruvate is utilized in this cycle
the mitochondrial matrix ○ There are two pyruvate molecules that
■ Note: One reaction takes place are yielded from one glucose molecule,
in the inner mitochondrial so there will be two citric acid cycle will
membrane (FAD-linked occur in one molecule of glucose
reaction) ○ Oxaloacetate has the highest
concentration in the mitochondrial matrix
■ Oxaloacetate is replenished as
citric acid cycle is finished in
releasing cofactors that are
used in the electron transport

The Reactions of the Citric Acid Cycle

Step Reaction Enzymes

1 Acetyl CoA + Citrate synthase

Oxaloacetate +H₂O →
Citrate + CoA-SH

2 Citrate → Isocitrate Aconitase

● Green background

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● Coenzyme A
3 Isocitrate + NAD⁺ → Isocitrate
α-Ketoglutarate + NADH dehydrogenase ○ Contains an SH group
+ CO₂ + H⁺

4 α-Ketoglutarate + NAD⁺ α-Ketoglutarate

+ CoA-SH → dehydrogenase
Succinyl-CoA + NADH +
CO₂ + H⁺

5 Succinyl-CoA +GDP + Pᵢ Succinyl-CoA

→ Succinate + GTP + synthetase

6 Succinate + FAD → Succinate

Fumarate + FADH₂ dehydrogenase
● Photo Interpretation:
7 Fumarate + H₂O → Fumarase ○ The S—CoA is part of the Coenzyme A
L-Malate ○ HS —- CoA
■ The SH or basically the H part
8 L-Malate + NAD⁺ → Malate
is released
Oxaloacetate + NADH + dehydrogenase
H⁺ ● The carbon dioxide at the left side of the photo
which is highlighted in gray color is also released
● C=O
○ This will attach to the S in HS —- CoA,
hereby resulting to acetyl CoA
● Thiol Group
○ Thiol is an analog of alcohol (OH)
○ Present at one end of the coenzyme
molecule which is at the point at which
acetyl group is attached
■ As a result, coenzyme is
frequently shown in equations
as CoA-SH
● Acetyl Coenzyme is a thioester
○ With the sulfur atom replacing the
● This is the first part before we enter the main oxygen at the usual carboxylic center
citric acid cycle which refers to as ester
● Pyruvate does not enter the cycle directly, it is ○ Thioesters are high-energy compounds
converted first to acetyl coenzyme by series of ■ Hydrolysis of ester releases
reactions enough energy to drive other
● Pyruvate can come from several sources reactions; An oxidation reaction
including glycolysis; it moves around the cytosol precedes the transfer of the
into the mitochondrion via a specific transporter acetyl group to the coenzyme A
which is present along the mitochondrial
● Transport protein is an enzyme complex
○ Inside the transport protein is an
enzyme system called the pyruvate
dehydrogenase complex
● Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex
○ Responsible for the conversion of
pyruvate to carbon dioxide
■ This is the oxidation reaction
○ Attaches the acetyl portion of acetyl
● The whole process involves several enzymes,
coenzyme A
all of which are found in the transport protein
● There’s a reduction process involved; There’s
● Enzymes that convert pyruvate to acetyl-CoA:
an involvement of NAD which is actually an
○ Pyruvate Dehydrogenase (PDH)
energy coupling pathway
○ Dihydrolipolyl Transacetylase

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○ Dihydrolipoyl Dehydrogenase III. STEPS IN THE CITRIC ACID CYCLE
■ These first three enzymes is
directly involved in the A. STEP 1: FORMATION OF CITRATE
conversion of pyruvate to
○ Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase
○ Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Phosphatase
■ These two enzymes controls
the pyruvate dehydrogenase
■ Without these two enzymes
there would be no PDH that is
functional to convert pyruvate to

● First step in the citric acid cycle is the formation

of citrate; The enzyme that catalyzes this is the
citrate synthase
● Oxaloacetate which has the highest
concentration inside the mitochondrial matrix
reacts with acetyl coenzyme A plus water; This is
a hydrolysis reaction to yield citrate and replenish
coenzyme A; The coenzyme A at the end of the
reaction is now ready to receive another two
carbon unit from pyruvate; It will now come back
to the transport protein
The mechanism of the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction ● By the action of citrate synthase will yield citrate
● Step 1: Pyruvate loses CO2 and HETPP is
○ Decarboxylation of pyruvate occurs with ISOCITRATE
formation of hydroxyethyl-TPP
■ TPP refers to thiamine
● It is a metabolite of
vitamin B1
○ The presence of vitamin B complexes is
important in this step
● Step 2: Hydroxyethyl group is transferred to
lipoic acid and oxidized to form acetyl
○ Transfer of the two-carbon unit to lipoic
● Isomerization
■ Lipoic acid is part of a complex
○ Simple rearrangement of molecules
which is inside the transport
● Citrate is dehydrated by an enzyme aconitase;
There’s a release of water to yield cis-Aconitate
● Step 3: Acetyl group is transferred to CoA
which is an unstable molecule
○ Formation of acetyl-CoA
● After accepting another water molecule,
● Step 4: Dihydrolipoamide is reoxidized
cis-Aconitate will immediately reconstituted to
○ Lipoic acid is reoxidized in this reaction
○ Involves the simultaneous replenishment
of the lipoic acid
● This process happens all throughout this
shuttling mechanism of pyruvate into the matrix
of the mitochondrion; Once inside the matrix of
the mitochondrion, acetyl CoA is released and
will now participate in the citric acid cycle

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isocitrate dehydrogenase; Then,
oxalosuccinate is decarboxylated and
the carbon dioxide and α-ketoglutarate is
● This is the first of the reactions along the citric
acid cycle in which NADH is produced; One
molecule of NADH is produced from NAD at this
stage by the loss of two electrons in the
oxidation process
● As we saw in the pyruvate dehydrogenase
complex earlier, each NADH produced leads to
the production of 2.5 ATP in later stages of
● Aconitase requires iron aerobic metabolism
○ Fe²⁺ or ferrous iron ● All of the NADH throughout the citric acid cycle
● One of the interesting features of the reaction is will meet during the electron transport chain
that citrate is symmetrical or an achiral
compound; This symmetrical compound is D. STEP 4: FORMATION OF SUCCINYL-CoA and CO₂-
converted to isocitrate which is a chiral SECOND OXIDATION
compound; From achiral it becomes chiral that
cannot be superimposed on its mirror image. It is
often possible for a chiral compound of several
different isomers and isocitrate has four possible
isomers, but only one of the four is produced by
this reaction
● Aconitase, the enzyme that catalyzes the
conversion of citrate to isocitrate can select one
end of the citrate molecule in preference to the
other. This is what we call high affinity to a
certain molecule

C. STEP 3: FORMATION OF α-KETOGLUTARATE and ● The second oxidative decarboxylation takes

place in step four of the citric acid cycle in which
the carbon dioxide and succinyl coenzyme A are
formed from α-ketoglutarate and coenzyme A
● Remember, coenzyme A is released during the
first step; So that coenzyme A will either shuttle
back towards the formation of acetyl coenzyme A
or it could be utilized in this fourth step along the
citric acid cycle; This reaction is similar to the
one which acetyl coenzyme is formed from
pyruvate with NADH produced from NAD; Each
NADH eventually gives rise to 2.5 ATP; 2.5
multiplied to two because there are two pyruvate
molecules from one glucose
● The third step the oxidative decarboxylation of
● The reaction occurs in several stages and is
catalyzed by the enzyme system called the
● Decarboxylation
alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex
○ The removal of carbon through the form
which is similar to the pyruvate dehydrogenase
of a carbon dioxide
complex; Each of these multi-enzyme consists of
● Decarboxylation of isocitrate to α-ketoglutarate
three enzymes that catalyze the overall reaction;
and carbon dioxide is the first of two oxidative
The reaction takes place in several steps; There
decarboxylation of the citric acid cycle
is a requirement of thiamine pyrophosphate,
● The enzyme that catalyzes this is the isocitrate
FAD or flavin adenine nucleotide, lipoic acid, and
● The reaction takes place in two steps:
○ Magnesium ions are not exactly involved
○ First, the isocitrate is oxidized; There’s a
in the chemical reaction of most
removal of hydrogen to oxalosuccinate
energy-rich compounds; Mg²⁺ is there to
which remains bound to the enzyme,
stabilize the structure

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■ For example ATP is a very
electronegative ion and very
rich in electrons, to stabilize
those electrons, it needs an
inert molecule such as
magnesium to stabilize its
structure; Otherwise, the
phosphate at the terminal end
of the ATP will be released
● This is reaction is highly exergonic and as is the
one catalyzed by pyruvate dehydrogenase which
means it is spontaneous ● Succinate is now used to form fumarate
● The two molecules of carbon dioxide have been ● Remember, I mentioned earlier that one of the
produced by the oxidative decarboxylations of reactions in volume citric acid cycle does not
the acetic acid; The removal of the carbon occur in the mitochondrial matrix, but inside the
dioxide makes the citric acid irreversible in vivo inner mitochondrial membrane, from there, we
although invitro which separates reaction is will see the final stages of citric acid cycle
reversible ● Succinate is attached to succinate
● The NADH will go to electron transport dehydrogenase
● This step is the second time the carbon dioxide is ○ The succinate dehydrogenase is the
formed FAD linked reaction; It is attached to one
of the complexes for electron transport
○ Succinate dehydrogenase is an enzyme;
Instead of floating around the
mitochondrial matrix, it is bound to the
inner mitochondrial membrane, one of
the complexes involved in the electron
transport chain
● Fumarase will be used to form L-malate then
malate dehydrogenase will reform oxaloacetate



● Succinyl coenzyme A is converted to succinate

● Thioester
○ Refers to the sulfur
● The succinyl coenzyme A is hydrolyzed to
produce succinate
● There is a release of energy; GDP or guanosine
diphosphate to form guanosine triphosphate, so
there is an addition of energy; GTP is an analog
of ATP; It is basically the same but the
nitrogenous base is just different, instead of
adenine, it is guanine
● The enzyme that catalyzes this reaction is
succinyl coenzyme A or succinyl CoA synthetase ● Succinate is oxidized by FAD
to yield succinate ○ Two electrons are removed from
● FADH₂ contains electrons and will enter the
electron transport chain together with the NADH


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● After forming fumarate, it will be released into the ● All of these reactions are simultaneous as long
mitochondrial matrix; Then it is hydrated to as one of the products are formed they will enter
L-malate; There is a stereospecificity in the immediately the next reaction
reaction and malate has two enantiomers L and ● You must remember the reactions and the points
D, but only L-malate is produced where NADH and FADH₂ are
● The enzyme that catalyzes this reaction is ● The Q in QH₂ is accompanied by FADH₂. This is
fumarase part of the electron transport chain



● This is the summary of the products that are

● L-malate releases an electron, basically it is formed under citric acid cycle
received by NAD⁺ to reform oxaloacetate plus ● Note: 2 net ATP were produced per glucose unit
NADH plus a proton molecule or hydrogen ion during glycolysis, and two NADH, which will give
molecule rise to another five ATP: a total of 7 ATP
● The enzyme that catalyzes this reaction is ● 25 ATP (Krebs and ETC) + 7 ATP (glycolysis) =
malate dehydrogenase 32 ATP/glucose molecule
● Oxaloacetate being a precursor to the start of the
citric acid cycle is reused or it could be J. NOTES ON CITRIC ACID CYCLE
transformed ● Most important reactions are identified by those
● Remember, in gluconeogenesis, oxaloacetate that have important cofactors (NADH, FADH₂,
must be first converted to malate, so it will follow GTP)
a series of all of those reactions to be reformed ● Also important steps are those where CO₂ is
to become L-malate; L-malate is shuttled outside given off
the mitochondria to be oxidized once more to ● One purpose of the cycle is to produce energy
become oxaloacetate and then oxaloacetate to ○ Does so by producing GTP directly (an
pyruvate; Pyruvate now will be used for analog of ATP)
gluconeogenesis ○ Also produces energy indirectly by
producing reduced electron carriers
■ It directly yields energy and
indirectly yields products that
are used to generate ATP
● The decarboxylation mean that for every three
carbons entering a pyruvate, three carbons are

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effectively lost during the cycle, a fact which has ○ The pyruvate dehydrogenase is inhibited
many implications to our metabolism by ATP acetyl coenzyme A and NADH,
that is if there is a high concentration of
ACID CYCLE These three molecules becomes
● The reaction of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA is allosteric inhibitors of pyruvate
exergonic dehydrogenase via the pyruvate
○ Meaning it releases, it’s spontaneous; dehydrogenase kinase and pyruvate
It’s also exothermic because it releases dehydrogenase phosphatase; By
energy inhibiting those two enzymes, pyruvate
● Citric acid cycle itself is exergonic dehydrogenase is not activated and
○ One reaction however, is endergonic therefore, these shuttling mechanism is
■ Oxidation of malate to shut
oxaloacetate ● How is control exerted within the citric acid
■ The release of GPP, that cycle?
particular reaction is neutralized
by the overall energy release of
citric acid
■ The overall reaction is part of a
pathway that releases energy
and it is not surprising that the
enzyme that initiates it is
inhibited by ATP and NADH
because both compounds are
abundant when a cell has a
good deal of energy readily
○ Remember, the enzyme that catalyzes
available; So, if there is a high
the conversion of oxaloacetate
concentration of ATP and
coenzyme A and water to citrate
NADH, citric acid cycle can be
dehydrogenase, that enzyme is inhibited
by ATP, NADH, succinyl-CoA, and
■ The end products of a series of
reactions inhibit the first
■ If there is a high concentration
reaction of the series, and the
of these four molecules, citrate
intermediate reactions should
dehydrogenase is inhibited
not face when their products are
○ Isocitrate dehydrogenase is inhibited
not needed
by high levels of ATP and NADH
● Control of the citric acid cycle is exercised at
■ ATP and ADP are basically
three points
almost the same, they belong to
○ Three enzymes within the citric acid
one equation; If ATP levels are
cycle play a regulatory role
high, you are inhibiting
○ There is also control of access to the
isocitrate dehydrogenase;
cycle via pyruvate dehydrogenase
However, if ADP is high
compared to ATP, then it
stimulates the isocitrate
dehydrogenase as well as
○ α-ketoglutarate is inhibited by ATP,
NADH, and succinyl-CoA
■ If the cell has high levels of
these compounds then basically
citric acid cycle will be inhibited
because what’s the purpose of
releasing energy-rich molecules
● Control points in the conversion of pyruvate to
if there is a high concentration
acetyl-coA and in the citric acid cycle
of molecules that contains high
● How does pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction
energy, it’s counterproductive
control the citric acid cycle?


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ANABOLISM cross the mitochondrial membrane and
participate in the citric acid cycle
A. CATABOLISM ● Sugars, fatty acids, and amino acids are all
included in these overall catabolic scheme;
Basically, citric acid cycle is a general catabolic
● Citric acid cycle is amphibolic, so it participates
in both catabolism and anabolism


● These shows the various catabolic pathways that

feed into the citric acid cycle
● A summary of catabolism, showing the central
role of the citric acid cycle. Note that the end
products of the catabolism of carbohydrates,
lipids, and amino acids all appear. (PEP is
phosphoenolpyruvate; a-KG is α-ketoglutarate;
TA is transamination; is a multistep pathway)
● The nutrients taken in by an organism can
include large molecules and this observation is
especially true in the case of animals which
ingests polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids
● How mammals keep an adequate supply of
which are polymers
metabolic intermediates: An anabolic reaction
○ For example, humans; Nucleic acid
uses a citric acid cycle intermediate
constitutes a very small percentage of
(a-ketoglutarate is transaminated to glutamate in
the nutrients present in foods and we
our example), competing with the rest of the
shall not consider therefore catabolism
cycle. The concentration of acetyl-CoA rises and
● The first step in the breakdown of nutrients is
signals the allosteric activation of pyruvate
the degradation of large molecules to smaller
carboxylase to produce more oxaloacetate
ones (Mastication → mechanical digestion →
○ Anaplerotic reaction
chemical digestion) via enzymatic pathways
■ Replenishes a citric acid cycle
inside your digestive system; Once
polysaccharides are hydrolyzed by specific
○ Part of glyoxylate pathway
enzymes to produce sugar monomers; An
● The citric acid cycle is a source of starting
example is a breakdown of starch by amylases
materials for the biosynthesis of many important
and lipases hydrolyze triacylglycerols to give
fatty acids and glycerol; Proteins are digested by
● The supply of the starting materials that are
proteases with amino acids as the end product;
components of the cycle must be replenished if
Sugar, fatty acids, amino acids then enter the
the cycle is to continue operating
specific catabolic pathways
● Oxaloacetate
● Glycolytic pathway is the pathway by which
○ In an organism, must be maintained at a
sugars are converted to pyruvate which then
level sufficient to allow acetyl coenzyme
enters the citric acid cycle
to enter the cycle
● These different amino acids can also enter the
○ In some organisms some acetyl-CoA
citric acid cycle by any of these points
can be directly converted to
○ Amino acids can enter various pathways
oxaloacetate or other citric acid cycle
○ Some of them converted to acetyl-CoA,
some are converted to one of the
■ Mammals cannot do this;
products along the cycle
Humans cannot do this
● Citric acid cycle takes place in the mitochondria
and many of the end products of catabolism

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○ In mammals, it is produced from can be transferred from the mitochondrion to the
pyruvate by the enzyme pyruvate cytosol, as can malate. Oxaloacetate is not
carboxylase transported across the mitochondrial membrane.
■ Acetyl-CoA can be used (1 is PEP carboxykinase in mitochondria; 2 is
through our allosteric activation PEP carboxykinase in cytosol)
of pyruvate carboxylase. ○ Oxaloacetate should follow the cycle to
Oxaloacetate by pyruvate become malate and then malate can exit
● Reaction which produces oxaloacetate for the mitochondrion which malate is
pyruvate provides a connection between the oxidized to reform oxaloacetate then
amphibolic citric acid cycle and the anabolism converted to pyruvate via
sugars via gluconeogenesis phosphoenolpyruvate in a pathway of
● Pyruvate cannot be produced by acetyl-CoA in gluconeogenesis
mammals because acetyl-CoA is the end product
of catabolism of fatty acids VI. THE ROLE OF ELECTRON TRANSPORT IN
○ Mammals could not exist with fats or METABOLISM
acetate as the sole carbon source
■ You cannot eliminate A. AEROBIC METABOLISM
● Aerobic Metabolism
carbohydrate in your diet
○ Utilizes oxygen; highly efficient way for
because of this pathway
an organism to extract energy from
■ Without carbohydrates,
pyruvate cannot be yielded
○ Includes conversion of pyruvate to acetyl
● Carbohydrates are the principal energy and
CoA, citric acid cycle, and electron
carbon source in animals
transport occur in the mitochondria;
○ Glucose is especially critical in humans
glycolysis (anaerobic process) takes
because it is the preferred fuel of our
place in the cytosol
brain cells
○ Electron transport: involves a series of
○ In plants however, they can carry out the
transfer of electrons from coenzymes
conversion of acetyl-CoA to pyruvate
(NADH, FADH2) to the final acceptor,
and oxaloacetate
■ Plants can exist without
○ In eukaryotic cells, the aerobic
processes all occur in the mitochondria
○ Aerobic processes
■ Conversion of pyruvate to
■ Citric acid cycle
■ Electron transport
○ Glycolysis does not need an input of
■ Anaerobic process
■ Takes place is the cytosol
● Oxygen in metabolism is the final acceptor of
electrons in the electron transport chain

● This is what makes Krebs cycle anabolic in

● Transfer of the starting materials of
gluconeogenesis from the mitochondrion to the
cytosol. Note that phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)

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chemical energy of Adenosine Triphosphate
● The production of ATP in the mitochondria is the
result of oxidative phosphorylation
○ Not because of Electron Transport Chain
■ Coupled
● Oxidative Phosphorylation involves the
phosphorylation of ADP to ATP
○ The production of ATP is separate from
electron transport to oxygen
○ But the reactions of the electron
transport chain are tightly coupled to the
synthesis of ATP by phosphorylation of
● The operation of Electron Transport Chain leads
to pumping of protons across the inner
mitochondrial membrane, creating a pH gradient
(Proton gradient)
● Electron transport occurs inside the inner ● Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
mitochondrial membrane ○ How NADH and FADH2 establishes the
○ Involves the production of ATP, water, protein gradient
and CO2 ● Proton Gradient
○ ETC is coupled with oxidative ○ Represent stored potential energy and
phosphorylation to produce ATP, water, provides basis of the coupling
and CO2 mechanism
● Reactions of electron transport chain takes place ○ Mechanism: Chemiosmotic coupling
in the inner mitochondrial membrane ○ Difference in concentration
○ Electron Transport Chain; Mitochondrial ○ High Concentration of Hydrogen
membrane ■ Low pH
○ Citric Acid Cycle; Mitochondrial matrix ○ Low Concentration of Hydrogen
■ High pH

● A proton gradient is established across the inner

mitochondrial membrane as a result of electron
transport. Transfer of electrons through the
electron transport chain leads to the pumping of
protons from the matrix to the intermembrane
space. The proton gradient (also called the pH
gradient), together with the membrane potential
(a voltage across the membrane), provides the
basis of the coupling mechanism that drives ATP ● Schematic representation of the electron
synthesis transport chain, showing sites of proton pumping
● In general, the energy released by the oxidation coupled to oxidative phosphorylation. FMN is the
of nutrients is used by organisms in the form of flavin coenzyme flavin mononucleotide, which
differs from FAD in not having an adenine

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nucleotide. CoQ is coenzyme Q. Cyt b, cyt c1, ● Catalyzes the first step of electron transport
cyt c, and cyt aa3 are the heme-containing namely the transfer of electrons from NADH
proteins cytochrome b, cytochrome c1, along the mitochondrial membrane
cytochrome c, and cytochrome aa3, respectively ● This complex is an integral part of the inner
● Cytochrome B and Cytochrome 1 are the sites of mitochondrial membrane
proton pumping coupled to ATP production ○ Integral; Bypasses the lipid bilayer
(Oxidative Phosphorylation) ○ Includes among other subunits several
proteins that contain an iron sulfur
VII. ORGANIZATION OF ELECTRON TRANSPORT cluster and flavoprotein that oxidizes


● Transfers the electrons from succinate (in the
form of FADH2) to CoQ
○ Succinate + E—FAD → Fumarate +
E—FADH2 E—FADH2 + Fe—Soxidized →
E—FAD + Fe—Sreduced Fe—Sreduced +
CoQ + 2H+ → Fe—Soxidized + CoQH2
● Takes place in the lining of the inner
○ Succinate + CoQ → Fumarate + CoQH2
mitochondrial membrane
● After this process, CoQH2 (Hydroquinone) will
● The electron transport chain, showing the
then pass electrons to complex 3
respiratory complexes. In the reduced
cytochromes, the iron is in the Fe(II) oxidation
state; in the oxidized cytochromes, the oxygen is
in the Fe(III) oxidation state ● Catalyzes the oxidation (receives the electron) of
● Complex 1 and Complex 2 are linked to Complex reduced coenzyme Q (CoQH2). Then passes the
3 through CoQ, electron to cytochrome c in a multistep process.
○ So Complex 1 and Complex 2 are not ○ CoQH2 + 2 Cyt c[Fe(III)] → CoQ + 2 Cyt
simultaneous c[Fe(II)] + 2H+
■ Independent from each other ● Flow of electrons from reduced CoQ is not a
■ Both donate electron to CoQ, simple, direct path. CoQ exists in three forms:
electron transported to complex oxidized (CoQ), reduced (CoQH2), and
3 , Complex 3 transfers electron intermediate (semiquinone, CoQH-). This cycling
to Cytochrome C and then of CoQ forms is known as Q cycle.
reduce Cytochrome C to ● CoQ is a lipid draft, a protein complex that is
Complex 4 floating around in the inner mitochondrial
○ Not just one but many
● Complex 1 and Complex 2 has an efficient way
of transferring electrons
● If one CoQ system if occupied then another CoQ
system will be entertained until it reaches
● The oxidized and reduced forms of coenzyme Q. Complex 3 which will now transfer electron to
Coenzyme Q is also called ubiquinone Complex 4
● CoQ (Oxidized quinone form) is reduced to ● After this process, H+ is transferred to Complex 4
CoQH2 (Reduced hydroquinone form) by adding
● Catalyzes the transfer of electrons from
● Transfers the electrons from NADH to coenzyme ○ 2 Cyt c[Fe(II)] + 2H+ + ½ O2 → 2 Cyt
Q (CoQ) c[Fe(III)] + H2O
○ NADH + H+ + E-FMN → NAD+ + ● Complex 3 is Cytochrome reductase while
E-FMNH2 E-FMNH2 + 2Fe-Soxidized → Complex 4 is Cytochrome oxidase
E-FMN + 2Fe-Sreduced + 2H+ 2Fe-Sreduced ● Basically your electron from NADH and FADH2 in
+ CoQ + 2H+ → 2Fe-Soxidized + CoQH2 the form of hydrogen transfers from one Complex
○ NADH + H+ + CoQ → NAD+ + CoQH2 then CoQ then another Complex 3 then to
Cytochrome C then to Cytochrome C Oxidase

FERNANDEZ, J. & DEAPERA | 2F | 12 of 16

● How it looks like
● The compositions and locations of respiratory
complexes in the inner mitochondrial membrane, ● A model of the F1 and F0 components of the
showing the flow of electrons from NADH to O2. ATP synthase, a rotating molecular motor. The a,
Complex II is not involved and not shown. NADH b, α, β, and δ subunits constitute the stator of the
has accepted electrons from substrates such as motor, and the c, γ, and ε subunits form the rotor.
pyruvate, isocitrate, α-ketoglutarate, and malate. Flow of protons through the structure turns the
Note that the binding site for NADH is on the rotor and drives the cycle of conformational
matrix side of the membrane. Coenzyme Q is changes in α and β that synthesize ATP
soluble in the lipid bilayer. Complex III contains
two b-type cytochromes, which are involved in B. MECHANISM OF COUPLING IN OXIDATIVE
the Q cycle. Cytochrome c is loosely bound to PHOSPHORYLATION
the membrane, facing the intermembrane space. ● Two mechanisms of coupling were proposed
In Complex IV, the binding site for oxygen lies on ○ Chemiosmotic coupling: involves the
the side toward the matrix. establishment of proton gradient. The
○ For electron transport chain to occur difference in the concentration of
NADH from the cytosol must enter the hydrogen drives the ATP synthase to
matrix before the transfer of electron turn, thus fueling the rotation of the
occurs enzyme.
● The sites of pumping electrons are Complex 1, 3, ■ Like a Dynamo or Hydroelectric
and 4 Dam. High hydrogen
concentration will flow along the
VIII. ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN AND gradient through ATP synthase
PHOSPHORYLATION ○ Conformational coupling: the proton
gradient is indirectly related to ATP
A. OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION production; proton gradient leads to
● Oxidative Phosphorylation conformational changes in the ATP
○ Addition of phosphate group to existing thereby releasing the tightly bound ATP
ADP molecules in the inner from the synthase
mitochondrial membrane. ■ ATP synthase can actually
■ Forms ATP through an enzyme couple ADP and inorganic
powered by the chemical phosphate but ATP cannot
gradient of the mitochondria. escape the grip of ATP
○ Coupling factor that links oxidation and synthase
phosphorylation, and enzyme known as
ATP synthase.
■ Consist of three different kinds
of polypeptide chains (a, b, and

● The creation of a proton gradient in

chemiosmotic coupling. The overall effect of the
electron transport reaction series is to move
protons (H+) out of the matrix into the
intermembrane space, creating a difference in pH
across the membrane

FERNANDEZ, J. & DEAPERA | 2F | 13 of 16

● Complex 1 can pump out 4 hydrogen molecules.
Complex 3 can pump out 4 hydrogen molecules.
While Complex 4 can pump out 2 hydrogen

● This is the Chemiosmotic Coupling

● Formation of ATP in the chemiosmotic coupling
accompanies the flow of protons back into the
mitochondrial matrix.
● In this coupling, the amount of hydrogen in the
intermembrane space is increased by the
pumping of the motors of the complexes
● Hydrogen will flow through the ATP synthase
which causes the rotation of the ATP synthase
and drives the attachment of ADP to phosphate ● This is the Conformational Coupling
thereby yielding ATP ● The role of conformational change in releasing
the ATP from ATP synthase. According to the
binding change mechanism, the effect of the
proton flux is to cause a conformational change
that leads to the release of already formed ATP
from ATP synthase
● ATP synthase is able to connect inorganic
phosphate to adenosine diphosphate
○ However ATP once formed cannot
esca[e the grip of ATP synthase


● Shuttling of Important Metabolites through the
○ NADH from glycolysis cannot cross the
inner mitochondrial membrane to enter
■ Therefore carriers that can
cross the membrane are used
■ These carriers get NADH and
accompanies it like a shuttle
bus then it’s free to go
○ The number of ATP molecules
generated depend on the nature of
these carriers
■ Varies in the type of cell in
which it occurs

FERNANDEZ, J. & DEAPERA | 2F | 14 of 16

● This shuttle uses the fact that malate can cross
the mitochondrial membrane while oxaloacetate
● The transfer of electrons from NADH in the
cytosol produces NADH in the mitochondrion.
The cytosol oxaloacetate is reduced to malate by
the cytosolic malate dehydrogenase
accompanied by the oxidation of cytosolic NADH
to NAD and the malate then after it crosses the
mitochondrial membrane, it is converted back to
oxaloacetate and is catalyzed by mitochondrial
dehydrogenase and then it follows a series of
reaction to become l-Aspartate which can also
cross the mitochondrial membrane and aspartate
is converted to oxaloacetate in the cytosol
completing the cycle of reactions. Then NADH is
produced in the mitochondrion that passes
electrons so the electron transport chain.
● With the malate-aspartate shuttle, 2.5 moles of
ATP are produced for each mole of cytosolic
● The glycerol–phosphate shuttle NADH
● Uses the presence of the outer face of the inner
mitochondrial membrane but by an FAD X. COMPLETE OXIDATION OF GLUCOSE
dependent enzyme that oxidizes glycerol
● Then the glycerol phosphate is produced by the ATP Yield per
reduction of the dihydroxyacetone phosphate in
the course of the reaction NADH is oxidized to Pathway Glycerol Malate- NADH FADH2
NAD -Phosph Aspart
○ In this reaction the oxidizing agent which ate ate
is itself reduced is FAD and the product Shuttle Shuttle
is FADH2
○ The FADH2 then passes electrons Glycolysis glucose to pyruvate (Cytosol)
through the electron transport chain
Phosphorylation -1 -1
leading to the production of 1.5 moles of of glucose
ATP for each mole of cytosolic NADH
● This mechanism has also been observed in Phosphorylation -1 -1
mammalian muscle and brain of
● Utilizes the outer face fructose-6-phosp
● Yield 1.5 ATP hate

Dephosphorylatio +2 +2
n of 2 molecules
of 1,3-BPG

Dephosphorylatio +2 +2
n of 2 molecules
of PEP

Oxidation of 2 +2
molecules of
phosphate yields

Pyruvate conversion to acetyl-CoA (Mitochondria)

● The malate–aspartate shuttle
2 NADH +2
● More complex and more efficient mechanism produces
which has been found in mammalian kidney,
liver, and heart Citric acid cycle (Mitochondria)

FERNANDEZ, J. & DEAPERA | 2F | 15 of 16

2 molecules of +2 +2
GTP from 2
molecules of

Oxidation of 2 +6
molecules each
and malate yields

Oxidation of 2 +2
molecules of
succinate yields 2

Oxidative phosphorylation (Mitochondria)

2 NADH from +3 +5 -2
glycolysis yields
1.5 ATP each if
NADH is oxidized
e shuttle; 2.5 ATp

Oxidative +5 +5 -2
of 2 pyruvate to 2
acetyl-CoA: 2
NADH produce
2.5 ATP each

2 FADH2 from +3 +3 -2
each citric acid
cycle produce 1.5
ATP each

6 NADH from +15 +15 -6

citric acid cycle
produce 2.5 ATP

Net Yield +32 +32 0 0

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