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TRƯỜNG ĐH MỞ TP. HCM NGÀY THI ............................


ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ II- NĂM HỌC 2013 – 2014


Họ Và Tên Thí Sinh: ..........................................................................................MSSV..........................

Diểm số Điểm chữ Chữ ký giáo viên Chữ ký CBCT1 Chữ ký CBCT2


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


PART A: I. Choose the correct answer for the following statements. (40 ms)
1. The memory technique based on rhyming words such as “one is a bun, two is a shoe,” is called
A. First letter technique C. Loci method
B. peg-word method D. recitation method

2. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, .................. keeps children moving along the
developmental pathway, allowing them to make increasingly effective adaptations and decisions.
A. conservation B. operation C. schemes D. equilibrium

3. The process of understanding something new in terms of existing schemes is called_______.

The process of modifying an existing scheme in light of new information is called________.
A. accommodation; assimilation C. assimilation; accommodation
B. adaptation; equilibration D. equilibration; adaptation

4. At which stage do humans develop the capacity for logical reasoning and understanding of
conservation but only in dealing with familiar situations?
A. sensorimotor B. formal operation C. concrete operation D. pre-operation

5. Which of the following tasks could only be performed by a person who is in the formal operation stage?
A. simultaneously pay attention to two or more aspects of a situation or problem
B. think about relationships among subordinate classes of objects
C. deal abstractly with hypothetical situations and reason abstractly
D. infer relationships between two objects after considering their relationship to a third

6. Which of the following is NOT true about the cognitive learning theory?
A. The cognitive learning describes how information is processed in the brain.
B. The theory explains how and why we forget or remember something.
C. Information comes and stays in sequential process in our brains.
D. We perceive the stimuli not as what they are but as what we infer them.

7. Here are Vigotsky’s ideas, one of which does not go the same way as Piaget’s. WHICH ONE?
A. Human development goes through different stages.
B. Learning promotes cognitive development.
C. There are no skips throughout human development.
D. Kids’ Learning should take place within their zone of development.

8. . .............. hypothesized that people pass through eight psychological stages in their lifetimes.
A. Vigotsky B. Erikson C. Hoffman D. Kohlberg

9. The ................means that students begin with complex problems to solve and then work out or discover
the basic skills required.
A. bottom-up processing C. top-down processing
B. problem-solving skill D. discovery learning

10. Which of the following will the LEAST happen in the cognitive apprenticeship?
A. Learners work closely with experts.
B. Experts socialize learners into the norms of the job.
C. Expert should not teach bits of knowledge about the job with expectation to build up to complex tasks.
D. Learners gradually acquire norms from thorough guidance from experts and more capable colleagues.
11. Social learning, PZD, cognitive apprenticeship and mediated learning belong to which of the theories?
A. Constructivism C. Behavioralism
B. Cognition D. Modeling and observation

12. Which of the following information will be stored in procedural memory?

A. a graduation party B. how to play tennis C. Buddhism D. melody of a song

13. Attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation are four phases of ………………..learning
A. behaviourism B. social learning C. constructivism D. observational

14. Which of the following is not related to the idea of antecedent?

A. cues B. discrimination C. maintenance D. generalization

15. Which of the following teaching strategies would be least effective in reducing retroactive inhibition?
A. Teach similar concepts in separate class periods.
B. Teach one concept thoroughly before introducing the next one.
C. Use mnemonic devices to point out differences in concept.
D. Be consistent in the methods used when teaching similar concepts.

16. When parents use Premack principle to their children, they would say......................
A. “If you shower the dog, I’ll give you 5 bucks.”
B. "If you keep teasing the dog, you are not allowed to go out this evening.”
C. “If you behave yourself all week, you can have a bicycle ride to the countryside this weekend.”
D. “If you finish all your homework correctly, I’ll buy you a new Nintendo.”

17. ..........believes empathic distress combined with guilt motivates individuals to act on their moral
A. Piaget B. Kohlberg C. Hoffman D. Vigotsky

18. Which of these issues does not belong to verbal learning?

A. facilitation B. paired-associate C. free-call D. serial

19. Which of the following most clearly represents an example of learning?

A. Moving hands away from a hot object C. Being startled by a loud noise
B. Feeling thirsty after a long run D. Taking an aspirin to relieve a headache

20. A skilled reader uses only a small, well-defined portion of the brain relating to visual processing
rather than both audio and visual parts of the brain in case of a beginning reader is an example of how
someone develops ………………….
A. self-regulated learning C. critical thinking
B. automaticity D. problem-solving skill

II. Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases provided below. (24 ms)
21. Inductive method of teaching grammar, in which students are encouraged to figure out grammar rules
with the help of teacher’s leading questions, is based on …………...

22. When relating the hierarchy of citizens within a kingdom to preface a lesson on termite societies, the
teacher is using this hierarchy as an ……………for such insect societies.
23. Sammy loves to run and will often go running just to clear his head or blow off steam; Sammy
is ................. to run.

24. A teacher who applies ................... theory into her teaching breaks an assignment into pieces for groups
of students to work on. Then she also breaks her class into mixed groups from which a new group is formed
to collate into final outcome.

25. You remember a face better if you also know a name and you remember a name better if you can connect
it to a face. This is known as ...............

26. It is an implementation of …… that teachers should organize their lessons to introduce the new concepts
early in the lesson and then consolidate them at the end.

27. When a teacher draws a chart to explain the cycle of water in nature, he/she is trying to make ..............

28. English-speaking students find that the study of Latin helps them understand their native language better.
This would be ...........................

29. It is easier for learners to remember a long list if teachers break it down into smaller lists. This strategy is
called .....................

30. It is ………… practice when a teacher has his/her students carry out some chemistry experiments instead
of just watching the teacher do them.

31. Some instructional techniques that teachers can help students develop ............... include modelling,
pointing out successful performance, giving feedback for improvement, providing instructions and cognitive
structures, and asking questions.

32. ......................paint a picture of the learners as actively seeking knowledge, working together for answers,
making study plans, and applying them to new situations, analysing information for meaning, selfmotivating
for advanced study.

(A) jigsaw learning (G) Learner-centered psychological principles

(B) self-regulation (H) abstract idea concrete
(C) retroactive facilitation (I) enactment
(D) dual core memory (J) intrinsically motivated
(E) discovery learning (K) primary and recency effect
(F) part learning (L) analogy


A teacher wants to teach his students a lesson on milk production. The teacher can choose from a variety
of theories to use for his teaching. Read the following lesson plans. Now read and match the lesson plan
with the learning theory in the box. (8 ms)

33. The teacher has the children sit in a circle on a large carpet for group time.  The children are arranged so
that every person is visible.  The teacher sits at the head of the circle and reads The Milk Makers, by Gail
Gibbons.  After the story, the teacher distributes four cards to each child displaying four stages of milk
34. The teacher organizes a field trip to the local dairy. The children make a list of items to find in the dairy
and draw pictures of farmers and their cows. He or she coordinates the field trip with the cafeteria milk
delivery so the children visit the cafeteria to meet the milk delivery man. 

35. A lesson about milk production begins with a group discussion about milk.  The teacher asks the children
if they drink milk, where they buy it, and where the milk comes from.  The children are encouraged to
hypothesize about the process of transferring milk from the cow to the grocery store.

36. The teacher begins a lesson on milk production by having the children gather during group time on a
large carpet. As the children sit on the carpet facing the teacher only, he or she presents the book, The Milk
Makers, by Gail Gibbons. The children face only the teacher to avoid undesirable reinforcement that could
distract from the goal of the lesson. The teacher uses the picture book to explain the topic because the
children are engaged with the visual material as the teacher narrates the pictures. As the children listen to
the story, they receive a summary of the information they are expected to learn.

A. Behaviorist B. Cognitive Learning C. Social Cognitive D. Constructivist

Learning Theories Theories Learning Theories Learning Theories

IV. Say whether the statements below are true or false. Write “T” or “F” in the answer box. (8ms)
37. Classical learning emphasizes the role of neutral stimuli when paired with unconditioned stimuli.
38. Extinction is rarely a smooth process.
39. In Jig-saw learning, all members of a group work on a complete topic for the final outcome.
40. Social learning theory does not accept most of the principles of behaviour theories. Instead it focuses on
much greater degree on the effects of cues on behaviour and internal mental processes, emphasizing the
effect of thought on action and action on thought.

Answer EITHER of the questions below. (20 ms)
1. What are “Learners-centered Psychological Principles”?
2. How to motivate students in the classroom?

Good Luck!

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